New York Climahysterics Say Seas Could Maybe Possibly Rise Up To 13 Inches in The 2030s

Have they been listening to James Hansen, who, in 1988, said parts of NYC would be underwater in 20-40 years?

Sea levels around NYC could surge up to 13 inches in 2030s due to climate change: state study

Sea levels surrounding New York City are expected to rise at least 6 to 9 inches in the 2030s and potentially up to 13 inches in some areas due to climate change, according to state projections.

Sherman Potter Bull CookiesThe assessment done by the state Department of Environmental Conservations also claims that sea levels in the lower Hudson River could swell by 23 inches in the 2050s and up to 45 inches in the 2080s.

“Sea level rise is one of the most direct and observable effects of climate change in New York and DEC is required by law to develop science-based sea level rise projections to guide decision making and permitting in the areas most at risk,” the DEC said in a statement.

By the year 2100, downstate sea levels could surge by 25 inches to 65 inches. A worst-case scenario could see a staggering 114-inch rise by the end of the century under rapid ice melt projections.

Yes, that is the most direct and observable bit of observation. According to NOAA

The latest data has it at 2.92mm a year, and .96 feet (and the land subsiding can account for some of the rise). Which is still lower than would be expected during a Holocene warm period. Even at the lower end of their prognostication, 6 inches, that isn’t even close to happening be 2040. This is cult based science. When this doesn’t happen, who gets fired? Who gets punished for their scaremongering?

Read: New York Climahysterics Say Seas Could Maybe Possibly Rise Up To 13 Inches in The 2030s »

Bummer: NY Times Poll Says Biden’s Own Voters Say He’s Too Old

This had to be painful for the Times to publish

Of course, it’s really not primarily about Biden being too old: it’s that he’s mentally incompetent. The age thing is secondary

(NY Times) Widespread concerns about President Biden’s age pose a deepening threat to his re-election bid, with a majority of voters who supported him in 2020 now saying he is too old to lead the country effectively, according to a new poll by The New York Times and Siena College.

The survey pointed to a fundamental shift in how voters who backed Mr. Biden four years ago have come to see him. A striking 61 percent said they thought he was “just too old” to be an effective president.

And that’s just his voters. Overall, 73% say he’s too old.

A sizable share was even more worried: Nineteen percent of those who voted for Mr. Biden in 2020, and 13 percent of those who said they would back him in November, said the 81-year-old president’s age was such a problem that he was no longer capable of handling the job.

That’s Democrats. Overall?

45%. This is the kind of thing the Trump campaign should be bringing up, rather than getting in spats with, say, people like Bill Maher.

Still, Mr. Wells plans to cast his ballot to re-elect the president in November.

“He’s incompetent. He’s clearly struggling to fulfill his duties,” he said. “He’s clearly reached the point where he’s too old for the job. But he’s still a step ahead of Trump.”

So, he’s mentally and physically incompetent, but, the moonbats will still vote for Biden. Unfortunately, that’s part of politics: you have to vote for the person you see as least worst. Republicans with TDS should take note: you may hate Trump, but, he’ll do a hell of a lot better job on things like the economy and immigration than Biden. He wants to reduce the burden of government and taxes on you.

Read: Bummer: NY Times Poll Says Biden’s Own Voters Say He’s Too Old »

Sunday Books And Video

It’s been awhile since I did a post on books and video. Thought I would try and get back to that.

Books wise I finished

  • Echoes From the Moon (The Token Book One) by Nathan Hystad
  • Nurse Alissa vs. the Zombies X: Endgame by Scott M. Baker. Satisfactory ending to the series. Not particularly memorable, but, not disappointing
  • Irregular Scout Team One: Volume 2 by J.F. Holmes. Really digging this zombie series, will be reading the 3rd book soon.
  • And just started Obsidian Gate (Homeworld Lost Book 7) by J.N. Chaney (I’m also reading another series of his) and Scott Moon

For movies since last Sunday on Amazon

  • I started Final Summer, boring
  • Started Burning, did not make it through. It might have a good rating, but, it was just a bad 80’s slasher
  • Started the 1959 Hound Of The Baskervilles. It was OK, only made it about 20 minutes in, got a little bored
  • We Might Hurt Each Other. We also might turn that off early. Same with The Haunting Lodge
  • Watched Jeruzalem again. I really like that one.

On Netflix

  • I rewatched the Fear Street trilogy, good stuff
  • Started Choose Or Die. Lame
  • Finished Ready Player One. Second time I saw that, 1st was when it was released
  • Countdown was a cool movie. Nothing you have to think about, just watch and enjoy.

On Tubi

  • Tried Gods Of The Deep. It’s as bad as reviews say. Bad acting, bad script, bad cinematography. Did not finish
  • Was watching The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 today. Have about 20 minutes left, not sure if I’ll finish. The constant laughing, which I guess was supposed to evil, was bad and annoying. It is missing all the stuff that made the original great. Almost no slashing going on.

On Hulu

  • Tried Offseason. Stupid. Didn’t make it far
  • Made it most of the way through Europa Report. I’ve seen it before, it’s pretty good.
  • Watched all of Ghostbuster last night. As good as always
  • Watched Dune between last night and this morning. It’s OK. Filming is gorgeous, but, the acting is rather dull. Hoping part 2 does gangbusters so they make more of the Dune books into movies

TV wise

  • Finished Futurama early in week. Hoping they do more (Hulu)
  • Started Tiny House Hunting (Hulu). I love these shows. The best is when the buyers are like “the fridge is so tiny!” “No stove, only a burner?” “Wow, the loft bedroom is tiny”. Um, yeah, you wanted a tiny home.
  • Watching some of Monty Pythons Flying Circus (Netflix), always good
  • A little bit of Manifest (Netflix). It’s hard, because it is overly-drama. There’s no fun involved. No laughter.
  • And, Survivor returned Wednesday. Digging that. I’m rooting for Soda, because she said she practiced making fire. It always kills me that people don’t usually do that. Or know what they can eat in Fiji. How to catch fish. Make a shack. Do puzzles. Swim. Same with The Amazing Race, which starts the 13th. You know there will be challenges involved heights, sometimes extreme ones. Dancing. Puzzles. Water. Driving a stick shift. Navigating. You should know this.

Anything y’all are reading or watching?

Read: Sunday Books And Video »

If All You See…

…is an area flooding from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jihad Watch, with a post on the teachings of Islam on display on October 7.

It’s sundress week

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Rolf Armstrong

Happy Sunday! A wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the ducks are quacking, and some annoying bird is mimicking car alarms. This pinup is by Rolf Armstrong, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Victory Girls Blog discusses “white rural voters”
  2. This ain’t Hell... has stupid people of the week
  3. The Right Scoop covers a devastating poll for Biden
  4. The Last Refuge notes The Club For Growth reversing course
  5. The Gateway Pundit shows the climate wackos who dumped red powder on Constitution charged with a felony
  6. The First Street Journal wonders why we don’t take sex crimes against children seriously
  7. Sultan Knish discusses the world looking to recognize a Hamas Palestinian state
  8. Powerline covers liberal fragility
  9. Pacific Pundit notes CNN may be looking to dump their big names
  10. Outside The Beltway discusses treating COVID like the flu
  11. neo-neocon highlights California and the Jew haters
  12. Moonbattery notes the Biden regime coming after water
  13. Legal Insurrection covers the U of Florida dumping all DEI employees
  14. IOTW Report notes a court ruling many J6 defendants were improperly sentenced
  15. And last, but, not least, Don Surber discusses common sense thought control

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Bummer: American Youts Think The Bidenconomy Stinks

But, how many of them will get out and vote for Biden, despite it being bad for their wallets?

Bidenomics in Crisis: Younger Americans Think The Biden Economy Stinks

President Biden spent a good portion of last year trying to sell the American public on the idea that his policies were a boon for the economy, repeatedly using the phrase “Bidenomics.”

Younger Americans likely to vote in this year’s presidential election are not buying it.

A new poll by The New York Times and Siena College found that likely voters between the ages of 18 and 29 overwhelmingly have a negative opinion of economic conditions today.

Even more strikingly, virtually none rate the economy as excellent.

Eighty-seven percent of likely voters between 18 and 29 rate economic conditions as poor or only fair, making this the worst demographic for Biden when it comes to the economy. That’s particularly troubling for Joe Biden because Democratic candidates for president typically need an outsized share of the young vote to win.

Young Democrats are getting a good look at what their votes do to their own lives. They can yammer and bleat about LGBTQblahblahblah, guns being Bad, ‘climate change’, and other idiocy, but, Biden’s policies directly affect their lives. Do they have money? Do they have savings? Can they afford a home or apartment? What’s the cost of getting a vehicle? Can they put good food on the table?

Just thirteen percent say they rate the economy as “good.”

The percent who say they rate the economy as “excellent?” Zero.

Will they vote in droves for Biden, or stay home? How many might switch to Trump, or go for someone like Kennedy? Time will tell.

Read: Bummer: American Youts Think The Bidenconomy Stinks »

Joe Manchin Almost Lights A Climate Wacko Into Next Week

These folks are acting all tough and happy to insult people, and learn about consequences

Held firm? Dude went flying out the door. It looked like Joe was going to lay the little beta-male out till the other guy, I assume Joe’s security, intervened, then threw him out.

Meanwhile, just about everything they’re wearing has a link to fossil fuels. Eyeglass, shirts, shoes, jackets, dumbass masks, and so forth. And their smartphones, which  are also shipped typically from China on fossil fueled ships and made with child and slave labor. These folks are going to get in the face of the wrong person one day.

Read: Joe Manchin Almost Lights A Climate Wacko Into Next Week »

If All You See…

…are horrible, Evil, not good fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on a Democrat calling pedophiles “minor attracted persons”

Read: If All You See… »

Europe Is Impatient For $60 Billion In Ukraine Aid From America Or Something

There is a solution for this. They can spend their own money!

Europe is ‘very impatient’: New ambassador raises alarm over stalled $60 billion in Ukraine aid

When Jovita Neliupšien? left her home in Lithuania for Washington, she brought along a closet’s worth of business wear – and left behind the emergency ”go” bag that many of her countrymen keep nearby in case of a Russian attack.

“You have to always have money, gasoline and so forth” on hand, said Neliupšien?, the European Union’s new ambassador to the U.S. “Because it’s literally on your doorstep.”

Now, as Europe’s top diplomat in America, Neliupšien? is working to instill in congressional leaders the sharp urgency that’s felt on Europe’s eastern border, as a $60 billion American aid package for Ukraine lies stalled in the Republican-controlled House.

Europe could pony up the money themselves, right? If they’re that concerned. Heck, they don’t even have to raise $60 billion. What is in the package?

  • $20 billion to replenish US weapons stocks after giving it all away to Ukraine for them to do….nothing
  • $14 billion for Ukraine to go out and buy their own weapons from US companies
  • $15 billion for “U.S. support including military training, intelligence sharing, increased presence in Eastern Europe, and other activities.” Isn’t training a little late since we’re 2 years into the war?
  • $8 billion for “direct budget support”, meaning we are paying for Ukraine lawmakers and government operations. That’s silly
  • $3.2 which really goes to keeping Ukrainian businesses afloat

Why can’t Europe allocate their own money?

With American aid caught in the fist of the House Freedom Caucus, the E.U. and its 27 members have pledged an additional $50 billion to Ukraine, bringing European support to $150 billion since Russia first invaded two years ago. European leaders have pledged to buy desperately-needed ammunition for Kyiv as U.S. shipments have dwindled. The U.S. has so far given Ukraine $75 billion in humanitarian, financial and military support.

Well, they can reach deep into their pockets. At the end of the day, Ukraine can. Not. Win. It’s a shame, but, that’s the reality. They cannot kick Russia out, unless they go scorched earth, run a guerrilla war like happened in Afghanistan, but, then Russia will go scorched earth as they leave, destroying everything.

“We need two feet on the ground, one on one side of the Atlantic, another on the other side, over there, if we want to have success and to see this war over,” Neliupšien? said.

While the aid money remains stalled on Capitol Hill, Washington and Brussels are both working to find ways to seize Russian government assets ? and use the funds to rebuild Ukraine.

The Senate is set to vote on the Repo Act, which would authorize the government to seize $5 billion in frozen Russian government assets held inside the U.S.

Have at it. Fortunately, the Ukrainian government is shady and happy to put the money in their own pockets. Before giving them anymore money from American taxpayers we need an accounting of where the previous money went.

Today, Neliupšien? is adamant that failure to support Ukraine will only lead to more invasions. On Wednesday, leaders in Transnistria, a Kremlin-backed breakaway region of Moldova bordering western Ukraine, requested Moscow’s protection – an apparent invitation for more Russian troops to deploy there.

“Other authoritarian or dictatorial leaders are looking at what is happening, and if Putin can outlast us, then the consequences can be quite global,” Neliupšien? said.

Good thing Biden didn’t show weakness and fecklessness starting with his Afghanistan withdrawal. Moldova is not a NATO member, either.

Read: Europe Is Impatient For $60 Billion In Ukraine Aid From America Or Something »

Biden Regime Now Coming After Washers And Drivers Over Hotcoldwetdry

Nothing like fixing a problem that doesn’t exist to solve a problem that is fake

Biden admin finalizes enviromental regulations targeting clothes washers, dryers

The Biden administration finalized energy efficiency regulations targeting residential clothes washers and dryers in an effort to curb carbon emissions, as part of its broad climate agenda.

The Department of Energy (DOE) announced the final rules, which it projected will collectively save American households $2.2 billion per year on utility bills while reducing nearly 71 million metric tons of “dangerous carbon dioxide emissions” over the next three decades. DOE’s regulations targeting the popular home appliances are slightly scaled down compared to the agency’s draft proposal issued a year ago.

“For decades, DOE’s appliance standards actions for clothes washers and dryers have provided loads of savings for American families while also decreasing harmful carbon emissions,” Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement.

Yes, and most of those standards had a basis in reality, but, also artificially increased the cost of those appliances while also making them less reliable and last less time. This is now just cult based insanity.

“With strong support from industry leaders and consumer advocates, DOE will continue to roll out innovative appliance solutions throughout 2024 to lower costs for the American people —continuing the cycle of household savings that are the backbone of President Biden’s Investing in America agenda,” she continued.

Let’s do math: if there are 131 million U.S. households and they’ll save a collective $2.2 billion, that comes to around $17 per year in savings. But, how much more will these washers and dryers cost? What is the lifetime? What is the maintenance? I also doubt they will save money in Reality Land. You’ll most likely not have the washing power and you’ll have to run the dryer longer, using more energy.

Read: Biden Regime Now Coming After Washers And Drivers Over Hotcoldwetdry »

Pirate's Cove