Judge Rules Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Vote Is Not Discriminatory

The Biden administration will now provide identification that makes it appear as if illegals are citizens

Arizona’s new voting laws that require proof of citizenship are not discriminatory, a US judge rules

Americans before illegalsA federal judge is upholding provisions of new Arizona laws that would require counties to verify the status of registered voters who haven’t provided proof of U.S. citizenship and cross-check voter registration information with various government databases.

In a ruling Thursday, U.S. District Judge Susan Bolton concluded Arizona legislators did not discriminate when they adopted the laws and the state does have an interest in preventing voter fraud and limiting voting to those individuals eligible to vote.

“Considering the evidence as a whole, the court concludes that Arizona’s interests in preventing non-citizens from voting and promoting public confidence in Arizona’s elections outweighs the limited burden voters might encounter when required to provide (documentary proof of citizenship),” she wrote.

It should be required that you are a U.S. citizen with the right to vote, and that you are voting in the correct state and district. Why is this a problem for Democrats?

Arizona is required to accept the federal registration form, but anyone who does not provide proof of citizenship is only allowed to vote for president, the U.S. House or Senate. The federal form requires people to swear they are U.S. citizens, but there is no proof requirement.

Well, that’s what Democrats are really looking for, to get non-citizens to vote and install Democrats in Congress and the White House.

While supporters said the measures would affect only voters who have not shown proof of citizenship, voting advocates claimed hundreds of thousands of people who haven’t recently updated their voter registration or driver’s license could be affected.

Well, update your registration. It’s not that difficult. We do things all the time where we have to update. You moved? How many things must you update? Auto loan, insurance, credit cards, bank, and more. Most states require under penalty of law that you update your driver’s license, typically within 90 days. Seriously, The U.s. seems to be the only country in the world that finds it “controversial” to be a citizen before voting.

The fact that someone would even question this law as ‘discriminatory’ begs the questions Why? What’s your motive? As a citizen, you have the right to vote. Provided you are a citizen, you follow the format, and you show ID. What’s discriminatory there?? NOTHING.

Meanwhile, here in NC, the media is bleating about new voting laws

New limits on the time to return mail-in ballots. A ban on ballot drop-boxes. A law – once struck down as unconstitutional, then revived by a new conservative majority on the state supreme court – requiring voter ID at the polls.

On top of that, the latest redistricting maps were being challenged by lawsuits that argued they diluted Black electoral influence and were designed to keep the GOP in control of most legislative seats.

“These are attempts to suppress votes,” the pastor, Rev. Jay Augustine, said before the service.

Soon the crowd was lined up in cars or had boarded a bus with a paper sign pasted onto the driver-side door that read “Souls to the polls.” They rode in a caravan to a nearby polling site, arriving to music from a live DJ and signs for various candidates.

“We shouldn’t have things that stop people from voting,” said Carla Gilchrist, 52, an elementary school teacher who arrived at the polling place with the church caravan. New barriers, she said, only cemented her desire to vote.

Yet, for all that kerfuffle, no one from the church group had an issue voting. And, yes, we should stop people from voting who are not eligible. Virtually everyone has ID, and the state will provide ID for free for the tiny minority who do not.

Read: Judge Rules Requiring Proof Of Citizenship To Vote Is Not Discriminatory »

Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Could Maybe Possibly Exposed Buried Nuclear Waste

I blame you for driving to work in your fossil fueled vehicle instead of taking the bus and having a meat filled sandwich at lunch. It’s definitely not the fault of all those leaving their seaside McMansions and taking private jets to climate conferences

Climate change could unearth, disturb Cold War-era nuclear waste buried by the US, officials say

The rise in global temperatures that are causing Arctic ice to melt and sea levels to rise could disturb Cold War-era nuclear waste buried by the U.S. decades ago, according to a federal report.

Noxious waste buried beneath former nuclear weapons testing sites could be unearthed by 2100 should the greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change continue at the current rate, a report published by the U.S. Government Accountability Office last month found.

At multiple testing sites around the world, the U.S. military detonated atmospheric nuclear weapons — or hydrogen bombs — and later attempted to clean up the leftover radioactive waste by putting them in containers covered with a concrete cap, Robert Hayes, an associate professor of nuclear engineering at North Carolina State University, told ABC News.

Rising temperatures could cause the spread of the radioactive contamination from these test sites in the coming decades, according to the Government Accountability Office report, which analyzes what is left of the nuclear debris in the Pacific Ocean, Greenland and Spain.

Could maybe might.

In the Marshall Islands, the Runit Dome in the Enewetak Atoll was used as a radioactive waste disposal site that could be disturbed should sea levels continue to rise.

Yeah, the climate cult tried this schtick back in 2019. Back then the sea rise just .62 feet per 100 years. Now they’ve adjusted it so it is .68 feet per 100 years. This is still at least half of what should be expected during a Holocene warm period. But, you know, doomsday cultists gotta doomsday. Quite frankly, I’m more worried about Biden starting a nuclear war.

Wasn’t this supposed to be about the border? This from the guy who took a massive fossil fueled trip to and from Texas, including helicopters, jumbo jets, fighter jets, and dozens of SUVs.

Read: Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Could Maybe Possibly Exposed Buried Nuclear Waste »

Trump And Biden Have Different Messages As They Visited The Border

Here’s Biden

Who the hell did he salute? The male Border Patrol agent sure looks like he’s trying to get away

On the Rio Grande, 300 miles apart, Biden and Trump try to use immigration to election advantage

On the banks of the same Rio Grande but 300 miles apart, President Joe Biden and GOP challenger Donald Trump on Thursday surveyed the U.S.-Mexico border and tussled from a distance over who is to blame for the nation’s broken immigration system and how to fix it. (snip)

Biden sought to spotlight the necessity of a bipartisan border security bill that was tanked by Republicans on Trump’s orders, and flat-out asked the Republican front-runner to join him in supporting a congressional push for more funding and tighter restrictions.

“Here’s what I would say to Mr. Trump,” Biden said. “Instead of playing politics with the issue, join me, or I’ll join you in telling the Congress to pass this bill. You know and I know it’s the toughest, most efficient, most effective border security bill this country’s ever seen.”

It takes some serious huzzpah to blame Trump and Republicans for tanking a bad bill that codified illegal immigration after Biden destroyed the U.S. border security. The Border Patrol union knows who the bad guy is. LGB.

“I want the American people to know what we’re trying to get done,” Biden said. “We can’t afford not to do this.”

This is his fault!

Trump simply blamed Biden.

He traveled to Eagle Pass, roughly 325 miles northwest of Brownsville, in the corridor that’s currently seeing the largest number of migrant crossings. He met with Republican Gov. Greg Abbott and Texas National Guard soldiers who have commandeered a local park and put up razor wire fencing at the river’s edge to keep migrants from crossing illegally. The park has become a Republican symbol of defiance against the federal government.

“This is like a war,” Trump said.

Gazing out over the river through the razor wire, Trump raised his fist and waved and shouted to people on the Mexico side, who waved back. Then, he declared that migrants arriving to the border were criminals and some were terrorists, a dialed-up version of the accusations he often used during the 2016 campaign. This time, he’s started to harness rhetoric once used by Adolf Hitler to argue migrants are poisoning the blood of America.

“They’re being let into our country and it’s horrible,” Trump said. “It’s horrible.”

Don’t anyone say the Associated Press has a bias. Once the Everyone I Hate Is Hitler yammering comes out, you’ve lost the argument. Trump is right, and most Americans are agreeing with him: they want the border shut down and illegals deported ASAP.

And now that Biden has sorta visited the border, it will be put on the back burner.

Read: Trump And Biden Have Different Messages As They Visited The Border »

Climate Cult Cities Are Totally Not Banning Meat, Just Highly Recommending You Stop Eating It

Certainly, we haven’t seen cities ban meat on certain days at schools and shelters and stuff, right? As being pushed by climate cult elites who fail to stop their own eating of meat. This is all for you, the peasants (paywalled NY Times version here)

These Cities Aren’t Banning Meat. They Just Want You to Eat More Plants.

Amsterdam won’t be giving up its Gouda. Los Angeles eateries will keep serving up combinations of bacon, chicken, egg and blue cheese that are essential to its signature Cobb salads. And Scots can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Edinburgh has no plans to outlaw haggis.

Yet officials from each of these cities want people to consume less dairy and meat. They are signatories to the Plant Based Treaty, which was launched in 2021 with the aim of calling attention to the role played by greenhouse gases that are generated by food production.

The treaty is not binding and its effect varies wildly, ranging from just messaging to concrete plans to reduce dairy and meat served in institutions and schools and cut down on food waste.

Or, these doomsday cultist wackjobs could mind their own f’ing business and just do their jobs, like keep the infrastructure intact and control crime.

But local leaders who championed the treaty said it helped solidify their efforts to encourage plant consumption for both climate and health reasons, while also sending a pressing message.

“In Edinburgh, we’ve got quite ambitious climate plans, whether it’s energy or retrofitting public transport, but we were missing a key part of this, which was food,” said Ben Parker, a member of the Scottish Green Party on the Edinburgh City Council, which endorsed the treaty in early 2023. “Plant-based foods have a massive role to play in terms of bringing down carbon emissions.”

People may make fun of cults like Scientology, but, at least they mind their own business. They aren’t trying to force you to join their cult, nor force you to comply with their cult beliefs regardless of you not joining.

Edinburgh’s City Council pressed on, adopting a Plant Based Treaty action plan in January that clarified that the city did “not seek to eliminate meat and dairy” but focus on high quality, sustainable, locally sourced food. “The action plan is about trying to make plant-based foods as accessible as possible, and understanding that that’s going to be a journey,” Parker said.

Quite a lot of these plant based foods substitutes are often over processed, chemically infused mush that still lacks essential nutrients and taste. If they want to eat it, go for it. Leave the rest of us alone.

Read: Climate Cult Cities Are Totally Not Banning Meat, Just Highly Recommending You Stop Eating It »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon pair of rollerblades, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on Mitch McConnell stepping down.

Read: If All You See… »

Here We Go Again: Illinois Judge Declares Trump Can’t Be On Ballot

Democrats love Democracy so much that they’re going to make sure that Trump can’t be on the ballot

Illinois judge rules Trump ineligible for Republican primary ballot over Jan. 6 riot

An Illinois judge ruled Wednesday that former President Donald Trump should be taken off the ballot for the state’s primary election, citing the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Cook County Circuit Court Judge Tracie R. Porter put her order on pause in anticipation of an appeal. The primary is March 19.

Porter’s ruling said that “based on engaging in insurrection on January 6, 2021, … his name should be removed from the ballot.”

Trump campaign spokesperson Steven Cheung bashed the ruling in a statement, arguing it was “unconstitutional” and saying it would be appealed. He also lashed out at Porter, calling her an “activist Democrat judge.” The Trump campaign also began trying to raise money off of the decision shortly after it was filed.

A group of five petitioners asked the state to remove Trump from the primary ballot on Jan. 4, the day he submitted filings to appear on the ballot, Porter wrote in her ruling. The petitioners also asked the Cook County Circuit Court for judicial review of the matter.

In reality, it doesn’t matter, because Trump won’t win Illinois in the general election. And this won’t stop Trump supporters from writing his name in. This is just another case of an unhinged Democrat losing their minds and trying to block someone who hasn’t been convicted of the crime in question, which looks more like something that the federal government would have to rule on, not states. We’re still waiting for the Supreme Court to give their opinion on Colorado banning Trump. The trump campaign is going to appeal the Illinois decision by one judge

Porter, the Illinois judge, referred Wednesday to the Colorado Supreme Court’s decision multiple times in her ruling, adding that she shares “the Colorado Supreme Court’s sentiments that did not reach its conclusions lightly.”

The Illinois Supreme Court appointed Porter, a Democrat, to the circuit court in 2021 to fill a vacancy. She won election the following year.

Yet, these same Democrats are happy ignore actual real crime. Meh, you get what you vote for.

Read: Here We Go Again: Illinois Judge Declares Trump Can’t Be On Ballot »

Automakers Tell California That The 2035 EV Mandate Is Unworkable

It just goes to that whole demand thing

Automakers question feasibility of California 2035 EV sales mandate plan

Major automakers said on Wednesday that a California plan to end the sale of gasoline-only vehicles by 2035 might be unworkable in 11 other states that adopted it, citing insufficient consumer demand.

The Alliance for Automotive Innovation, which represents most major automakers except Tesla, raised concerns in comments filed with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on California’s proposal.

The California Air Resources Board (CARB) asked the EPA for a waiver under the Clean Air Act to implement its plan to end sales of gasoline-only vehicles by 2035.

California’s EV requirements might be feasible “at least in the early years for California” but said the feasibility for other states with significantly lower current EV sales “is far less certain,” the auto industry group said.

I don’t think it will be feasible in California, because of that whole “insufficient consumer demand.” Hey, maybe there will be some massive breakthrough in battery technology. But, I’d trust the people who build vehicles and know everything about them over some unelected bureaucrats with delusions of grandeur when it comes to understanding what consumers want.

California’s rules require by 2035 that 80% of all new vehicles sold in the state be electric and no more than 20% plug-in hybrid electric.

The People’s Republik Of California doesn’t even want regular hybrids. But, hey, every experiment needs an experimental group, so, I’m looking forward to the caterwauling from the exact people who voted for the politicians that installed the bureaucrats who are mandating this.

Read: Automakers Tell California That The 2035 EV Mandate Is Unworkable »

SCD To Close Illegal Alien Shelters In Attempt To Save $60 Million

Weren’t we told that illegals are a net economic benefit, not a drain? Anyhow, shouldn’t the Democrat voters in Denver (the county, which is small, went 79.6% for Biden in 2020) be donating lots of their own money, and, heck, homes, to support the illegals?

Denver to close migrant shelters in effort to save $60 million amid budget deficit

On the heels of cuts to city services to address a multi-million-dollar budget deficit in part due to the city’s ongoing response to the migrant crisis, Denver Mayor Mike Johnston on Wednesday announced the upcoming closure of four migrant shelters he says will save Denver around $60 million in costs in the 2024 budget.

With the change in the city’s strategy to address the crisis, Johnston said more work will be done to find additional cuts.

“That means the $180 million deficit that we were facing is now closer to $120 million. That still leaves us $120 million of cuts to make,” said Johnston during a press conference. “So that means we still have work to do.”

Johnston said the city will close one migrant shelter a week over the next four weeks.

In addition to the shelter closings, Johnston said the city’s reinstatement of the length of stay program at shelters several weeks ago resulted in around 2,500 people leaving those shelters, which he said, cut the nightly shelter population by around 90 percent.

So, just 4 shelters cost $60 million? That’s absurd. What kind of idiocy are they doing to cost that money? Further, now that Sanctuary City Denver is booting them, where are they going? Supposedly, around 50% have found other shelter. Who’s paying for it? Even if illegals have work authorization, no way they can afford shelter. And, what kind? A lot of places require deposits and credit checks.

Wednesday’s press conference comes after Aurora’s City Council this week approved by a 7-3 vote a resolution effectively halting city support of migrants and people experiencing homelessness.

“We are bringing forward a resolution to let cities know that they’re not allowed to bus migrants into our community without us knowing,” said Councilman Steve Sundberg during Monday’s vote. “We want to simply let our residents know that although we are empathetic towards the plight of such folks, we cannot host them out of pure reality and our financial situation.”

Aurora didn’t ask for the problem, do not want the problem, and refuse to support the problem

During Wednesday’s press conference, Mayor Johnston addressed Aurora’s actions.

“First of all, it’s false that we’re sending them to Aurora. Second of all, I’d say history is pretty clear on this. There’s a long history of cities in this country over centuries who bet on being anti-immigrant in their economic strategies, and look and see how those cities have done,” said Johnston. “Those cities have been on the losing side of history and every single moment and there have been other cities that have been welcoming,”

Wrapping up the press conference, Mayor Johnston added: “Denver has been and will be the most vibrant city in the state for decades to come. And it will be that way because it will be a place that’s welcoming to folks who want to come and help build into something better. We will bet our future on that,” said Johnston. “But if folks want to bet their future on closing their doors, we’ll see who wins.”

Hey, Johnson, you’re the ones who invited the illegals by being a sanctuary city, and the ones kicking them out of shelters. Oh, and spending oodles of taxpayer money on them. And you should be happy, because you are a sanctuary city.

Read: SCD To Close Illegal Alien Shelters In Attempt To Save $60 Million »

Who’s Up For Drying Out The Sky For ‘Climate Change’?

What could possibly go wrong?

Some scientists have a new idea that could help fix climate change: Dry out the sky

It may sound like the plot of an old James Bond movie, but an idea to “dehydrate the stratosphere” to slow climate change is real.

In a new study released Wednesday in Science Advances, researchers propose a controversial geoengineering strategy to reduce global warming, one that involves dehydrating the stratosphere by removing water vapor – the most abundant greenhouse gas.

Indeed, although greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane are the most important drivers of human-caused climate change, water vapor remains the most common greenhouse gas. Thus, removing it from the atmosphere would help mitigate climate change, study authors say.

Except, the number one greenhouse gas is water vapor. It drives the climate more than any other greenhouse gas, and is the most abundant. To say otherwise is just doomsday cult based sciencey yapping.

In the study, which was conducted by researchers from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), scientists suggest trying what they call “intentional stratospheric dehydration.”

According to study lead author Joshua Schwarz, a research physicist at NOAA’s Chemical Sciences Laboratory in Boulder, Colorado, this concept would involve seeding small particles (known as ice nuclei) into the stratosphere using high-altitude planes.

If such seeds can be introduced into the stratosphere, he said, then some of the water vapor will condense into ice and fall, thereby removing excess water vapor and dehydrating (at least partially) the stratosphere.

This is such a bad idea, and I seriously doubt anything will happen beyond the taxpayer funded study, meant to be published so that they get more taxpayer money for more studies that do not actually help or accomplish anything. But, the scientists can yammer to each other at cocktail parties about how awesome they are.

The fallout could be monumental. That water vapor can both reflect sunlight, the ultimate driver of climate, as well as retain it. It’s a balance in our dynamic system.

Read: Who’s Up For Drying Out The Sky For ‘Climate Change’? »

If All You See…

…is horrible ice cream made from horrible cows which kill the climate, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the 90Miles mystery video.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove