They Tried To Assassinate Trump Again

So, who was it, a moonbat Kamala supporter who’s heard her talk about him being a dictator and a threat to democracy, or an unhinged Never Trumper who says the same? Or other wacko Democrat?

Trump Is Safe After Secret Service Fires at Potential Shooter

The FBI said Sunday it was investigating “what appears to be an attempted assassination” of Donald Trump at his golf club in West Palm Beach, Florida, just nine weeks after the Republican presidential nominee survived another attempt on his life. Trump said he was safe and well.

Fox News reported the suspect’s name is Ryan Wesley Routh.

The U.S. Secret Service opened fire at a man pointing an AK-style rifle into the club as Trump was on the course, three law enforcement officials said. The person dropped the weapon and fled in an SUV, and was later taken into custody in a neighboring county. The officials were not authorized to discuss the ongoing investigation and spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity.

An AK-style firearm was recovered at the scene near Trump International Golf Club West Palm Beach, two of the officials said. And no injuries were reported.

So, we do know the name of the wacko, we just do not know the motivation or political beliefs? What’s the over/under he uses pronouns, supports Kamala, and is trans or binary or something?

CNN reported: “Officials believe the shots fired at Trump International Golf Club were intended for former President Donald Trump, according to sources familiar on the matter.”

Will the Credentialed Media look to sweep this under the rug like the 1st attempt? Will the usual moonbats trot out conspiracy theories?

Is this him?

Read: They Tried To Assassinate Trump Again »

Evening Metal – Lacuna Coil: In The Meantime

Read: Evening Metal – Lacuna Coil: In The Meantime »

If All You See…

…is a horrible, evil, no good fossil fueled truck at a fossil fuels station, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on JD Vance fact checking Dana Bash on air.

It’s truck week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the new car drove like a dream on a quick trip. This pinup is by Fritz Willis, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Greenie Watch: Frustrated wannabe authoritarians
  2. Green Jihad: Hollywood Bowl Canceled Due To California Power Grid Strain
  3. No Tricks Zone: Studies That ‘Confirm’ Humans Cause Climate Rely On Imaginary-World Conditions In Their Calculations
  4. Watts Up With That?: Steel Giant May Have to Bail On $500 Million Biden-Harris Admin Green Grant, CEO Says
  5. American Greatness: The Unbalanced Foreign Policy of the Biden-Harris Regime
  6. Chicks On The Right: Taylor Swift’s Endorsement Is Backfiring On Democrats
  7. Climate Depot: UK Independent promotes Halloween scare! ‘Halloween pumpkins contribute to the climate crisis’ as ‘methane emitters’
  8. Geller Report: Pennsylvania Supreme Court OVERRULES Lower Court: Undated, Mis-Dated Mail-in Ballots Cannot Be Counted, Flawed Ballots are “UNCONSTITUTIONAL”
  9. LMAO: One Ounce of Secret Service. Pound of LGBTQ etc. Pinch of Disney Characters. Put in Blender; Mix Well
  10. IOTW Report: ‘This Error Is Regrettable’: Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered To Vote By Oregon’s Department Of Motor Vehicles
  11. Jihad Watch: Brooklyn: Muslims honor ‘our honorable and beloved martyrs and freedom fighters Ismail Haniyeh and Fuad Shukr’
  12. Legal Insurrection: New DOJ Report Confirms Trump’s Debate Comments on Rising Crime Were Right
  13. Moonbattery: John Legend Personifies Liberal Ruling Class
  14. neo-neocon: Kamala Harris in 2020 on gun control by executive order
  15. And last, but, not least, Pacific Pundit: Tampon Tim wants you to go to strangers at grocery stores and ask if they voted yet

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Stage Setting: NY Times Says To Expect It To Take A While For The 2024 Election Results

And they know this 2 months out how?

New York Times Says to Expect Election Results to Take a While

Expect election results in November to take a while, the New York Times told its readers Friday, a warning that appears to preempt an expectation that Americans should know who wins the presidential election on Election Night.

Before modern technology, close presidential elections often were decided in the early morning of the next day, such as the 1960 presidential election between Robert F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, which some political experts believe was stolen from Nixon.

Now, in the 21st century, close election results still take a similar amount of time or even longer, depending on the state in question. In 2020, election results were not determined until four days after Election Day.

Americans should not expect to know who won the 2024 presidential election on the night of the election because of “intense security measures required for counting mail-in ballots,” the Times reported:

Counting mail ballots takes more time because there are more steps involved. A variety of security measures, including signature verification and ensuring that voters did not also try to vote in person, are required. Election officials must open the ballots and flatten them out before they can be put in a tabulator to be counted.

Weird. Prior to 2016, and especially 2020, it was easy to count mail in ballots. But, are you really believing the Times’ rationale? It sounds more like they are looking for ways to stretch it out to make sure all the cheat by mail ballots get counted.

But, yeah, more are using it, and Republicans are trying to get those who wouldn’t usually go vote to do vote by mail. Perhaps it’s time to go back to the way voting was meant to be?

The problem is not that it could take a little time: it’s that the time stretches on beyond reasonable, and that Democrats attempt to hide what they’re doing as they’re counting.

Read: Stage Setting: NY Times Says To Expect It To Take A While For The 2024 Election Results »

Democrats Introduce Bill To Tax You For ‘Climate Change’

Well, it’s really on the fossil fuels companies, but, it will be you paying it through higher prices on everything

Democrats seek to tax fossil fuel companies over climate change

A large group of Democrats is looking to force the fossil fuel industry to pay for climate change.

Lawmakers unveiled a bill Thursday that would allow the Treasury Department to impose fees on major fossil fuel companies that are owned or operated in the U.S.

The legislation seeks to establish a $1 trillion fund that companies would have to pay into based on their share of planet-warming emissions. The money would go toward infrastructure upgrades, cleaning up pollution and providing assistance after climate-related disasters.

Oh, cool, a slush fund for Democrats to line their pockets and hook up their big campaign supporters

“After fueling the climate crisis for decades, big polluters can no longer run from their responsibility to address the harm they have done,” said Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.), the bill’s Senate sponsor, in a written statement. The bill’s House sponsors are Reps. Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) and Judy Chu (D-Calif.).

None of whom have given up their own fossil fueled travel. Yes, it matters.

The bill would also likely face an uphill battle under almost any Senate composition given the upper chamber’s 60-vote threshold for avoiding a filibuster.

Even if Democrats regain the House, it won’t pass the Senate. However, this tells you exactly what they want to do. You think food is expensive now? How about your energy bill? Just wait.

Read: Democrats Introduce Bill To Tax You For ‘Climate Change’ »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing abnormal snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on this week in radical leftism.

Read: If All You See… »

Politico: The Next President Has Limited Ability To Lower The Food Costs Covid And Biden-Harris Spiked

This article is an attempt to protect Kamala from the food increases that occurred under her watch

What presidents can and can’t do to lower grocery prices

A majority of U.S. consumers believe elected officials, of one party or the other, can help lower their grocery bills — an expectation that could help swing the election, given how important inflation is to likely voters in 2024.

The truth is likely to disappoint them. Despite what both Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump are promising on the campaign trail, the next leader of the free world has limited options to lower food costs in the speedy or widespread way many voters might hope. (Just ask President Joe Biden, who struggled for much of his presidency to show Americans he was reining in grocery prices). That said, POLITICO spoke to a number of economists who argued there are good reasons to go after some of the drivers of high food costs, even if the impacts won’t be felt for some time.

Joe did? How? Most of his policies made things worse. Who was sitting right there with him? Did Politico miss that they called it the Biden-Harris administration since day one?

POLITICO took a look at some of the policies Biden, Harris and Trump have used, or said they plan to use, to address high food prices and the limitations of each. Neither the Harris nor Trump campaigns responded to a request for comment.

First they discuss Kamala’s price gouging idiocy, and it comes to the conclusion everyone knows: it has zero chance of passing Congress, and it would actually make food prices worse.

Then they touch on Trump wanting to increase the energy supply, and their “reality check” states

The U.S. government has limited influence over those global prices, which are shaped by market and geopolitical factors. Gas prices dropped during the early months of the pandemic, for example, because millions of people stayed home and dramatically reduced their gas consumption. But as the Bureau of Labor Statistics documented, prices surged as society reopened and the economy started to rebound.

While energy prices have consistently been higher under Biden than they were during Trump’s first term, they have dropped from their heights in 2022, when Russia’s invasion of Ukraine sent global prices soaring. As the Agriculture Department noted in February, fuel and oil costs saw significant declines in 2023 and are expected to decline again in 2024, thanks to drops in global energy prices. U.S. oil prices in the past few days have dropped to their lowest level in two years as OPEC+ says it will increase its own oil production later this year and fuel demand in China looks weaker.

Except, energy prices are still higher than they were during the Trump years. If you bring them down by even just 50 cents a gallon, especially for diesel, you significantly decrease the supply chain costs. Couple that with decreasing the cost of energy to run businesses and farms and such, and food prices come down without disinflation (which is often bad). You’re just lowering the cost of doing business. The Ukraine war has a very, very, very limited impact on US food prices and energy.

Read: Politico: The Next President Has Limited Ability To Lower The Food Costs Covid And Biden-Harris Spiked »

UK To Fund Small Scale Geoengineering Projects

What could possibly go wrong?

U.K. to Fund ‘Small-Scale’ Outdoor Geoengineering Tests

A British science agency will provide 57 million pounds, or about $75 million, for researchers to examine ideas for artificially cooling the planet — including outdoor experiments to determine whether any of those ideas could actually work.

The announcement, by the Advanced Research and Invention Agency, or ARIA, is among the largest single infusions of money to date toward research into “solar geoengineering”: the notion of injecting particles into the air to deflect some of the sun’s radiation back into space with the goal of reducing the Earth’s temperature.

The government initiative is focused on testing several types of solar geoengineering. Those approaches could include injecting aerosols, such as sulfur dioxide, into the stratosphere or shooting sea-salt aerosols into low-lying marine clouds to reflect more sunlight away from the Earth.

Frank Keutsch, a geoengineering researcher at Harvard, said that as far as he knew, it was the first time that a government has called for proposals for outdoor experiments.

So, what happens if they test these, and actually mess up the climate? Because it is primarily driven by water vapor and the big nuclear furnace at the center of the solar system. But, hey, it’s a wonderful way to burn taxpayer money for usually no results.

Read: UK To Fund Small Scale Geoengineering Projects »

Pro-Hamas Groups Sued Over Traffic Blockades

In a sane world, the people blocking roads would be arrested, charged, prosecuted, and given some sort of punishment, even if it is a bunch of community service, with penalties escalating if they are caught doing it again. What we’ve mostly seen is the Jew haters mostly just let go. So

Anti-Israel Groups Hit With Class Action Lawsuit Over Coordinated Traffic Blockade

Several anti-Israel organizations that formed an illegal blockade across the highway leading to Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport are facing a class action lawsuit from travelers who were trapped in the traffic jam.

Left-wing groups, including the Tides Center—a George Soros-funded dark money network—Community Justice Exchange, and National Students for Justice in Palestine, among others, coordinated a “multi-city economic blockade” on April 15 targeting major airports, highways, and bridges. In one instance, activists shut down access to O’Hare, backing up traffic and forcing some travelers to walk with their luggage to the airport.

Keffiyeh-clad activists handcuffed themselves, linked arms with drain pipes, and later sat side-by-side on Interstate 190 leading to the Chicago airport. The Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute filed a lawsuit on Monday against the organizers for “imprisoning” thousands of travelers in vehicles on their way to O’Hare, according to the complaint.

But, were these protests protected by the 1st as peaceable? Also Article 1 Section 5 of the Illinois Constitution.

Hamilton Lincoln Law Institute cofounder and litigation director Ted Frank told the Washington Free Beacon the First Amendment does not protect criminal activity.

“These sorts of abusive roadblocking tactics have been used with impunity over the last few years, and the organizations seem to think that they can do that too,” Frank said.

“But when you injure people, when you commit torts against individual people, there’s not just criminal enforcement, but also civil enforcement,” he added. “We hope that this lawsuit vindicates that principle, vindicates the rights of the people who were adversely affected, encourages other such lawsuits, and discourages such tactics in the future.”

Too bad the suits can’t force the government to deport all those who are not natural born back to their Islamist nations. Or, just, out of the U.S.

Read: Pro-Hamas Groups Sued Over Traffic Blockades »

Pirate's Cove