Rep. Turner Wants Biden To Declassify Information On “Serious National Security Threat”

Is this something?

House Intel Chair: Declassify ‘Serious National Security Threat’ Info

The chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives intelligence committee issued an unusual cryptic statement on Wednesday saying the committee had made available to all members of Congress information about an unspecified “serious national security threat” that sources said was related to Russia.

“I am requesting that President Biden declassify all information relating to this threat so that Congress, the Administration, and our allies can openly discuss the actions necessary to respond to this threat,” Representative Mike Turner said in the statement.

He provided no further information, and his office did not immediately respond to requests for further comment.

Two sources familiar with the issue said Turner’s statement was related to Russia and operations in space, without providing further details on what was described as a highly-classified matter.

But, how serious is this? Some are downplaying it

Senators Mark Warner and Marco Rubio, the Democratic chairperson and Republican vice chairperson of the Senate Intelligence Committee, issued a joint statement saying their panel has the intelligence in question and has been “rigorously” tracking the issue.

“We continue to take this matter seriously and are discussing an appropriate response with the administration. In the meantime, we must be cautious about potentially disclosing sources and methods that may be key to preserving a range of options for U.S. action,” the statement said.

Should we be concerned that some are very concerned, and some are blase’? Some are saying this is a false flag, and others

The problem is, you never really know with Government, because they are rarely upfront and forthwith to the American People, trying to keep us all as mushrooms (kept in the dark and fed sh*t).

Read: Rep. Turner Wants Biden To Declassify Information On “Serious National Security Threat” »

If All You See…

…is an island that will soon sink into the sea from ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on the COVID cure potentially being worse than the disease.

Read: If All You See… »

Having Solved All Their Problems, NYC Looks To Ban Detergent Pods

New York City is tackling the important issues

From the link

New York City could soon ban Tide PODS and other laundry-detergent packs under the latest “green” push from lawmakers.

The “Pods are Plastic Bill,” introduced by City Councilman James Gennaro last week, would make it illegal to sell any pods and laundry sheets if they’re made with polyvinyl alcohol.

Fines for selling the pods would start at $400, double for a second violation and top off at $1,200 for flouting the rules more than twice, if the bill becomes law. The bill would also require education and outreach to businesses on the ban for the first year.

The law wouldn’t take effect until Jan. 1, 2026, if passed.

Polyvinyl alcohol, or PVA, is used as a film in pods that dissolves in water during a wash cycle. But scientists counter that it breaks down into tiny microplastic pieces that still pollute waterways and slip through filtration systems.

On one hand, Democrats are always worrying about Other Things, rather than the big issues. It’s not like NYC isn’t being overrun with illegals, having crime issues, watching law enforcement officers quit and retire with few replacements, seeing their tax base leave, and others. So they look to pass something that is their typical Nanny State push. Nagging and overboard. Did Gennaro consider that people could simply order off the Internet and have them delivered easily?

On the other, microplastics are bad for the environment, bad for life, bad for humans. They are a serious issue. Of course, how much would this NYC law actually reduce?

Read: Having Solved All Their Problems, NYC Looks To Ban Detergent Pods »

French Foreign Minister Says Private Sector Should Pay For Hotcoldwetdry

Where does he think all the government money comes from?

Private sector should foot climate bill, French finance minister says

Funding to combat climate change needs to come from the private sector as there is no more public financing available from France or other European Union countries, French Finance Minister Bruno le Maire said on Tuesday.

“We cannot afford to have such a level of public debt. So don’t count on more public effort or public funding,” he told a conference of the International Energy Agency.

Le Maire said France was already investing some 40 billion euros ($42.85 billion) per year to fight climate change by deploying renewable energies and investing in new technologies and new nuclear plants.

“I can tell you that there is no possibility for us to put much more money on the table. And all the 27 (EU) member states are in exactly the same situation because we had to spend so much public money to limit the consequences of the COVID crisis,” he said.

In other words, they pissed away the money the government forcibly takes from citizens. Do they have anything to really show for it?

Private institutions and banks will need incentives to accelerate the green energy transition and funding needs to also come at the EU level, he said, calling for a Capital Market Union (CMU) to be set up.

The CMU will really be a way for government extract more money from private companies, who will simply pass the costs on the consumers. What’s that saying from Margaret Thatcher “the great thing about socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money”? Doing Something about ‘climate change is great till you realize you need more and more money to make it look like you’re doing something, while, really, you’re just hooking up donors and friends, as well as other politicians. All at the expense of the voters. Who were stupid to vote these grifter cultists into office.

Read: French Foreign Minister Says Private Sector Should Pay For Hotcoldwetdry »

Biden’s FBI Worried MS-13 May Join Venezuelan’s To Commit Crime In SCNY

But, hey, isn’t this what Biden wanted when he left the border wide open? Isn’t this what the citizens who vote Democrat in Sanctuary City NY wanted?

Report: FBI Fears MS-13 Gang May Join Violent Venezuelan Gang to Terrorize New Yorkers Thanks to Open Borders

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) agents fear there may be an alliance brewing between El Salvador’s MS-13 gang and Venezuela’s Tren de Aragua that would see New Yorkers terrorized by crime sprees, fueled by the porous southern border.

According to an FBI agent who spoke to the New York Post‘s Isabel Vincent, members of Tren de Aragua have exploited President Joe Biden’s policies at the United States-Mexico border that help release thousands of illegal aliens into American cities every day.

As a result, the Venezuelan street gang has massively grown its ranks across the sanctuary city of New York City, particularly in the Bronx. Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro, Breitbart News reported last year, allowed top leaders of Tren de Aragua to live in a VIP-style prison and even escape in many cases.

Among those prison escape instances is Hector Guerrero, the leader of Tren de Aragua, whom law enforcement officials have warned may be now living in the U.S. after illegally crossing the southern border.

The FBI is worried that with Tren de Aragua’s growing membership in New York City’s five boroughs, the gang may ally with the MS-13 Gang of El Salvador to carry out violent attacks, robbery sprees, and other illegal activities.

What, exactly, did Biden and his illegal alien loving voters think was going to happen? That all the illegals coming would be the best of the best, educated, honest, hard working, good people? That’s not really how it works. Especially when it seems that a vast majority are neither women nor children, but, young men. Any of the crime is on Biden, who enabled all this.

Read: Biden’s FBI Worried MS-13 May Join Venezuelan’s To Commit Crime In SCNY »

Here We Go Again: Polar Bears Might Maybe Possibly Starve

Well, I guess the cultists haven’t done this in a few years, so, they had to come back to this bit of scaremongering

Climate change: Polar bears face starvation threat as ice melts

Some polar bears face starvation as the Arctic sea ice melts because they are unable to adapt their diets to living on land, scientists have found.

The iconic Arctic species normally feed on ringed seals that they catch on ice floes offshore.

But as the ice disappears in a warming world, many bears are spending greater amounts of time on shore, eating bird’s eggs, berries and grass.

However the animals rapidly lose weight on land, increasing the risk of death.

I wonder how polar bears survived multiple Holocene warm periods, some of which were warmer than the current one?

The polar bear has become the poster child for the growing threat of climate change in the Arctic, but the reality of the impact on this species is complicated.

While the number of bears plummeted up to the 1980s this was mainly due to unsustainable hunting.

With greater legal protection, polar bear numbers have risen. But increasing global temperatures are now seen as their biggest threat.

Excusemaking. I wonder how long they’ve been working to come up with that? But, hey, the talking points went out

This continues on and on, because the climate cult likes their propaganda and the Credentialed Media is a part of spreading it. And what will happen is that real scientists, not those corrupted by cult politics, will show that polar bears are fine. Because they adapt.

Read: Here We Go Again: Polar Bears Might Maybe Possibly Starve »

If All You See…

…are mountains losing their glaciers, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on saving the world with hair.

Read: If All You See… »

Sanctuary City Boston Mayor Says The Immigration System Is Broken Or Something

As mayor of a sanctuary city and someone who had supported unfettered illegal immigration isn’t a “broken system” exactly what she wanted?

Wu on migrant crisis: ‘We’re experiencing the symptoms of a federal immigration system that’s been broken’

Boston Mayor Michelle Wu visited NBC 10 Boston’s @Issue and explained the migrant situation that the city of Boston and the state of Massachusetts is going through as they’re trying to find shelter for the influx of people coming into the state.

“We’re experiencing the symptoms of a federal immigration system that’s been broken” said Wu. “At the federal level, there have been over a decade of conversations about how to fix, but as those conversations are ongoing about how to insure there are legal pathways to citizenship and then to have enforcement and security at the border around legal pathways, and then to have resources directed down to municipalities, it’s a lot before anything might be ever felt at the local level.”

“We are seeing families arrive with little kids, sometimes with no shoes just trying to get by and we are working with the governor and trying to support the state addressing this crisis.”

Wu added that 25% of the beds in the city’s shelter system is also being used for recently arrived migrants.

Offering a pathway to citizenship entices even more illegals to come to the U.S. The system isn’t broken, Los Federales just refuse to secure the border, meaning Obama and Biden. Bush43 wasn’t the greatest, either. There are certainly laws that need to be tweaked, such as the asylum, ending work permits, immediate deportation, oh, and, how about prosecuting Americans who entice people to come illegally? That’s a federal code violation. In the meantime, SCB and Mayor Wu got what they asked for.

When’s she going to host illegals herself?

(NBC Boston) A Suffolk University poll of 1,000 Massachusetts voters who said they were at least somewhat likely to vote this November found that “immigration and border security” was the second-most important issue on voters’ minds (25.2% said it was the top issue), slightly trailing “the future of American democracy” (27.1%). Similarly, “illegal immigration” ranked by respondents as the second-biggest threat to U.S. interests (27.7%), behind only “China’s expanding power across the globe” (28.2%).

And 46.8% of people polled by Suffolk said that the U.S. border and the number of immigrants entering the country (legally or illegally is not specified) is “an emergency situation, and among the most serious issues facing the U.S.” Another 31.5% of respondents said it is “a major problem, but not an emergency.”

A separate poll of 788 likely Massachusetts primary voters released Thursday by the Fiscal Alliance Foundation revealed strong feelings around the migrant situation, with a majority of respondents saying they do not think Massachusetts can accommodate additional migrants (65.2%) and that tax dollars should not be used to provide shelter to migrants (53.3%).

I’d like to see these types of polls ask “what should we do about this?” and include answers like “lock down the border” and “make those applying for asylum do it in other nations”, see how that goes.

Read: Sanctuary City Boston Mayor Says The Immigration System Is Broken Or Something »

Good News: PRC’s Plastic Bag Ban Failed, So, They’ll Try Again

As an environmentally conscience person (which is different from ‘climate change’) I do think humanity needs to be careful with plastic. I have a whole bunch of reusable bags for when I go to Lidl and Aldi. The plastic bags I get from WalMart, Food Lion, and sometimes others I reuse for a wide variety of things. Typically, I am getting a lot more when I go to them, and not that much at Lidl. There’s always Unintended Consequences when government gets involved, and even what’s left of the LA Times newsroom has noticed

California’s war on plastic bag use seems to have backfired. Lawmakers are trying again

unintended consequencesIt was a decade ago when California became the first state in the nation to ban single-use plastic bags, ushering in a wave of anti-plastic legislation from coast to coast.

But in the years after California seemingly kicked its plastic grocery sack habit, material recovery facilities and environmental activists noticed a peculiar trend: Plastic bag waste by weight was increasing to unprecedented levels.

According to a report by the consumer advocacy group CALPIRG, 157,385 tons of plastic bag waste was discarded in California the year the law was passed. By 2022, however, the tonnage of discarded plastic bags had skyrocketed to 231,072 — a 47% jump. Even accounting for an increase in population, the number rose from 4.08 tons per 1,000 people in 2014 to 5.89 tons per 1,000 people in 2022.

The problem, it turns out, was a section of the law that allowed grocery stores and large retailers to provide thicker, heavier-weight plastic bags to customers for the price of a dime.


He said the bags were made of 20% recyclable material and the manufacturers said they could be recycled at the end of their “useful life. … So we said, all right, fine. We’re gonna put that specific criteria into the law.”

“That experiment failed,” Murray said.

They were most likely made to be reusable. Lidl used to have that type, and I still have a bunch. But, they only last so long, so, they offer better ones, which I also have.

“Basically what happened is that plastic bag companies invented these thicker plastic bags that technically meet that definition of reusable but are clearly not being reused and don’t look like reusable bags and which just circumvent the law’s intent,” said Jenn Engstrom, CALPIRG’S state director.

Wait, the environmentally conscience citizens of the People’s Repulik of California aren’t reusing? Huh.

Now, California legislators are hoping to correct that error by passing a law that closes that loophole and bans those thick plastic bags offered at the checkout line.

I wonder how that will work out? Perhaps stores will start offering more paper bags again? Anyhow, it’s a pretty long piece, worth the read, but, as one of the people in the comments writes

I go to a grocery store in California. I buy meat wrapped in plastic, condiments in plastic containers, cottage cheese in a plastic bucket, toothpaste in a plastic tube, chips in a plastic bag, water or sodas in plastic bottles. Then, I pay for all this plastic with my plastic debit card while the clerk packs my items into the cloth bag I brought with me to save the planet from plastic.

Oops? And, yeah, there is way too much plastic being used. But, what’s the answer? What can be used?

Read: Good News: PRC’s Plastic Bag Ban Failed, So, They’ll Try Again »

Unsurprisingly, Biden Will Not Take A Cognitive Test With Annual Physical

Now, let’s play the “if Trump was president and having seriously cognitive issues, how would the Credentialed Media treat this?”

Biden’s upcoming physical exam will not include a cognitive test, White House says

President Biden will not take a cognitive test as part of his upcoming physical exam, the White House confirmed Monday.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre stated that Biden’s physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor, does not believe a cognitive test is necessary. She said O’Connor believes Biden proves his cognitive ability “every day [in] how he operates and how he thinks.”

Reporters pressed Jean-Pierre on the issue due to last week’s report from Special Counsel Robert Hur that found Biden has significant memory issues.

“I’m just gonna say what Dr. O’Connor said to me about a year ago when [Biden’s physical] was released,” Jean-Pierre responded. “The president proves every day [in] how he operates and how he thinks, by dealing with world leaders, by making difficult decisions on behalf of the American people – whether it’s domestic or it’s national security.”

“That is how Dr. O’Connor sees it, and that is how I’m going to leave it,” she added.

Is that why he has mostly been hidden during his three years, along with the 2020 campaign? Is that why he has very few things on his schedule, and tends to take the weekend off most weeks? Why even the NY Times noted that he is being hidden?

Some Democrats are already turning on Biden

(NY Post) Ex-New York Rep. and current candidate Tom Suozzi raised doubts Monday about whether elderly fellow Democrat President Biden will last long enough to continue running in November.

“The bottom line is, he’s old. He’s  81 years old. … Let’s see what happens between now and the Democratic convention,” Suozzi, who is running against Long Island Republican Mazi Pilip in Tuesday’s special election to replace expelled ex-Rep. George Santos, told Fox 5’s “Good Day New York.”

He gave a ringing endorsement, saying that if Biden is the Dem nominee he guesses he’ll vote for him.

Read: Unsurprisingly, Biden Will Not Take A Cognitive Test With Annual Physical »

Pirate's Cove