Bummer: Biden Highway Climate Scam Rule Shot Down By Federal Judge

It still annoys me that no news outlet notes that Biden uses vast amounts of fossil fuels in a constant manner to travel, especially his very low MPG limo, despite him putting restrictions on We The People

Biden highway climate rule struck down by Texas judge: ‘Unauthorized’

A U.S. judge ruled against the Biden administration in a decision about a highway climate rule on Wednesday.

The rule was issued by the Department of Transportation (DOT)’s Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) in December 2023. It requires states to measure and report the greenhouse gas emissions from any vehicles using the U.S. highway system.

The rule also asked states to establish declining carbon dioxide targets, and to report back about progress on those goals. Texas sued the DOT in response.

U.S. District Judge James Wesley Hendrix, a Trump appointee, ruled in favor of Texas and wrote on Wednesday that “the rule was unauthorized.”

While issuing the rule three months ago, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg said that it “will provide states with a clear and consistent framework to track carbon pollution and the flexibility to set their own climate targets.”

In a December statement, the office of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton argued that the DOT “does not have the statutory authority to institute such a rule, and the mandate violates the Administrative Procedure Act.”

“Further, the rule is arbitrary and capricious and violates the Spending Clause by impermissibly restricting the use of federal funds by requiring TxDOT to implement the greenhouse gas measure.”

And for all those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome who typically vote Republican, and those Independents who are Never Trump, just remember, despite the ruling the Biden regime will attempt this again, especially if he wins in 2024. They won’t give up. You may despise Trump personally, but, he won’t try and muck with your life.

Read: Bummer: Biden Highway Climate Scam Rule Shot Down By Federal Judge »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Feral Irishman, with a post on when your cat spends too much time around blue collar tradesman.

Read: If All You See… »

People Who Shouldn’t Even Be In U.S. Upset Philly Is Not Ready For Them

One would think that the sanctuary city of Philadelphia would be uber-excited about illegal aliens

Migrant students in Philadelphia aren’t getting the support they need, advocacy group says

Zulma Guzman came to Philadelphia from El Salvador in 2019 and is a part of South Philadelphia’s Hispanic community. But she’s had a difficult time getting comfortable as the parent of three students in the city’s public schools.

She said through an interpreter that there’s been a lack of translation services in official school meetings that makes her feel unwelcome. When she and other Spanish-speaking parents have asked for interpreter services, Guzman said, they’ve often been told to “bring our students or children or another community member to interpret for us.”

In addition, she said she struggled to find people at her childrens’ schools to help make her aware of the resources available to her as a member of a newcomer family.

Guzman’s experience isn’t uncommon. In fact, it reflects complaints about significant shortcomings with how the district supports newly arrived migrants, refugees, and those seeking asylum, according to survey results collected by Juntos, an immigrant rights advocacy group, and shared with Chalkbeat.

Shows up illegally, brings three kids, and they make no attempt to learn English, but, it’s on SCP to provide the help and resources for someone who cares not a whit to assimilate? Anyone attempting to apply to go through the legal naturalization process must show competence in reading and writing English, otherwise they will not be accepted.

In the 152 responses from teachers, administrators, and counselors at 56 schools, just 17% said there were sufficient Bilingual Counseling Assistants or bilingual staff members to meet students’ needs in every language they speak. Only 19% said they had received newcomer-specific training that covered more than just interactions with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. And only 33% said they believe their schools are equipped to communicate with newcomers and their families.

“Newcomers.” The use of that idiotic word which replaced the also idiotic “undocumented immigrant” is gaining quite a bit of traction. Anyway, this means that schools, which are already having issues, must spend more time patronizing illegal alien kids rather than teaching kids who are citizens.

Philadelphia does have two “newcomer” academies at Franklin Learning Center and Frankford High School that are supposed to help these students. Students in grades 9-12 who have arrived to the U.S. within the past year can enroll in these academies. They are supposed to receive “an accelerated course of study” and unique support “so that they are able and expected” to get up to speed with their peers.

Ashley Tellez is a senior at Franklin Learning Center and a junior organizer at Juntos. Her family is from Mexico, but she was born and raised in South Philadelphia and has had a front seat to her school’s newcomer academy. She said in practice, students in these programs are not getting the support they need.

Why would someone born in SCP need to go to a newcomer school? Should she not have already learned English and assimilated? This is a big problem with illegals: they expect the U.S. to accommodate them, and teach their children the same.

Read: People Who Shouldn’t Even Be In U.S. Upset Philly Is Not Ready For Them »

Warmists Surprised That Landfills Are Bad For Global Heating

Well, gee wiz, sparky, way to come up with new information. The NY Times seems about 30 years behind

‘Garbage Lasagna’: Dumps Are a Big Driver of Warming, Study Says

climate cowThey’re vast expanses that can be as big as towns: open landfills where household waste ends up, whether it’s vegetable scraps or old appliances.

These landfills also belch methane, a powerful, planet-warming gas, on average at almost three times the rate reported to federal regulators, according to a study published Thursday in the journal Science.

The study measured methane emissions at about 20 percent of about 1,200 large, operating landfills in the United States. It adds to a growing body of evidence that landfills are a significant driver of climate change, said Riley Duren, founder of the public-private partnership Carbon Mapper, who took part in the study.

“We’ve largely been in the dark, as a society, about actual emissions from landfills,” said Mr. Duren, a former NASA engineer and scientist. “This study pinpoints the gaps.”

Huh what? The first few UN IPCC reports noted that landfills were a driver due to their release of methane, which doesn’t last as long in the atmosphere but are considerably more potent that CO2, and do not suffer from the doubling effect of CO2. How many times have I mentioned landfills over the years? I knew this before I switched from being a believer in manmade global warming to being a Skeptic, and it’s part of why I say that man does play a part in elevating the temperature of the Earth from a global perspective, along with a few other things, but, not more than 25%.

For the new study, scientists gathered data from airplane flyovers using a technology called imaging spectrometers designed to measure concentrations of methane in the air. Between 2018 and 2022, they flew planes over 250 sites across 18 states, about 20 percent of the nation’s open landfills.

And this is something Man can do something about, and landfills have been working over the last 30 years to reduce methane emissions as well as capturing them.

“The waste sector clearly is going to be a critical part of society’s ambition to slash methane emissions,” said Mr. Duren of Carbon Mapper. “We’re not going to meet the global methane pledge targets just by slashing oil and gas emissions.”

And their solutions will be government tyranny.

Read: Warmists Surprised That Landfills Are Bad For Global Heating »

Poll Shows Biden’s Top Accomplishment: Nothing

They really should have included his ability to take the weekend off

Yeah, well, things are a little worse than that

(Fox News) Are you better off than you were four years ago? That question was asked by Ronald Reagan during a decisive 1980 debate with then-President Jimmy Carter.

Only about 1 in 5 voters today answers yes, according to the latest Fox News national survey.

Just 22% say they are better off than four years ago, while more than twice that many — 52% — say they are worse off. One quarter say their situation is the same.

Republicans (72%) and independents (59%) say they are worse off than four years ago, while Democrats say they are better off (37%) or the same (35%).

It’s that Independents thing that will make the big difference, but, all those Never Trump Republicans wackadoodles need to consider that, sure, they may despise Trump, but, things were better under Trump right up till COVID came along, and he really is on their side politically on most things. If only Trump would say something along these lines, rather than bashing the ones who are against him

When asked to name the administration’s accomplishments (without the aid of a list), 38% can’t think of anything or offer a negative response. Thinking back to the Trump administration, 27% are either unable to name anything positive or mention a negative.

Voters say the Biden administration’s top accomplishments are the economy/jobs (19%), not being Trump (6%), student loan forgiveness (6%), and infrastructure (6%). The top success for Trump is also the economy (35%), followed by immigration (10%), foreign policy (9%), and “everything” (5%).

“More voters fondly remember Trump’s economic successes than can recall any of Biden’s. That underscores the challenge Biden faces. He must connect the dots between his major policy initiatives and the economic benefits to not just the overall economy, but all household finances,” says Anderson.

But, will Trump take advantage of this and stop his normal schtick, or run the same old playbook?

Read: Poll Shows Biden’s Top Accomplishment: Nothing »

Biden Regime To Spend Lots Of Taxpayer Money On “Green Macaroni”

First, why can’t these companies spend their own money if they’re so hot to trot to Do Something? Second, get a load of who one of the recipients is (via Green Jihad)

From the screed

The Biden administration plans to spend up to $6 billion on new technologies to cut carbon dioxide emissions from heavy industries like steel, cement, chemicals and aluminum, which are all enormous contributors to global warming but which have so far been incredibly difficult to clean up.

Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said Monday that her agency would partially fund 33 different projects in 20 states to test methods for curbing emissions from a wide variety of factories and industrial plants, calling it “the single largest industrial decarbonization investment in American history.” (snip)

Kraft Heinz, a food manufacturer, would get up to $170.9 million to install electric boilers and heat pumps at 10 facilities across the country, where they would be used to generate the large amounts of heat needed for things like drying macaroni without directly burning fossil fuels.

Hmm, this couldn’t have anything to do with John Kerry, could it? The guy who was Brandon’s climate czar? Or that Kerry is now working for Biden’s re-election? Seems rather shady, does it not?Kraft Heinz had gross revenue of $26.64 billion in 2023, so, why is it necessary to give them $171 million in taxpayer money?

Read: Biden Regime To Spend Lots Of Taxpayer Money On “Green Macaroni” »

If All You See…

…is a horrible wall blocking climate refugees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on “misinformation” experts.

Read: If All You See… »

Politico: Oregon’s Decriminalization Of Drugs Law Failed Because They Didn’t Give It Enough Time

This is one of those stories from the Credentialed Media which makes you go “why? Why was it necessary to write this? To what point? This was weeks ago? What prompted you to bother giving this article a whirl? Don’t you have better subjects to write on?”

Why Portland failed where Portugal succeeded in decriminalizing drugs

America’s first experiment in treating hard drugs as a public health problem, rather than one for the police, looks like it’s about to end.

The Oregon Legislature has voted to repeal the state’s three-year-old law decriminalizing drug possession for personal use this month, joining cities from San Francisco to Washington, D.C., that are adopting new tough-on-drugs policies. Democratic Gov. Tina Kotek is expected to sign the bill, passed after a surge in fatal overdoses and public drug use, in the coming days.

But public health advocates behind the law say the repeal is coming before decriminalization had a chance to work. They point to Portugal, which saw a 75 percent drop in drug deaths since it adopted the same strategy in 2001 through 2022, as evidence that Oregon is giving up too quickly. Portugal’s success, they point out, wasn’t achieved overnight or even in three years.

Oregon’s experiment “was not given the time that it needed,” said Tera Hurst, the executive director of Oregon’s Health Justice Recovery Alliance. “This is a political response to a serious problem,” she said of the measure’s likely repeal. “This is life and death.”

Yeah, well, Portugal doesn’t have a fentanyl issue and massive homelessness like Oregon, particularly Portland and other Democrats run cities. They did have a big heroin issue, and worked hard to get those people into programs to help. It also didn’t have a problem with meth, though the use of meth is spreading across Europe. Portugal also did not go soft on crime simply because people were on drugs. Portugal didn’t simply say “hey, all drugs are legal, have at it”, they worked to make the drug use safe and then worked to get people off of them with treatment, which didn’t seem to be happening in Oregon.

It should be noted that Portugal was having a big problem with opioids in the 1990s, which led to their decriminalization law. They didn’t end up having a massive homeless problem after passing it nor a spike in crime.

Oregon’s lawmakers voted to once again impose criminal sentences for drug possession because of a surge in fatal overdoses and public drug use.

But Hurst and other decriminalization advocates said the law didn’t succeed because of problems with implementationa failure to fund new treatment services for 18 months after the law passed, a failure to train police on their new role in addressing addiction, and a failure to direct drug users to treatment.

Well, who runs Oregon? That would be Democrats. And what works well in one place doesn’t necessarily work well somewhere else. Just because you and I buy the same guitar doesn’t mean we get the same results. Oh, and since Democrats were hamstringing cops and hating on them, why did they think the cops would go out of their way to handle drug users? But, hey, it’s easy for “advocates” to say to give it time and Credentialed Media writers to write in support when they are probably do not have to deal with the fallout themselves.

Read: Politico: Oregon’s Decriminalization Of Drugs Law Failed Because They Didn’t Give It Enough Time »

Your Fault: Earth Is Maybe Spinning Faster Or Slower From Climate Crisis (scam)

I warned you. I did. Many times. You didn’t listen

Human-driven climate change has ‘slowed the Earth’s rotation’ and could affect how we measure time, study suggests

The melting of polar ice due to human-driven climate change has slightly slowed the Earth’s rotation – and it could affect how we measure time, according to a study.

Although the disappearance of the ice has reduced the speed of the planet’s rotation, the Earth is still spinning a bit faster than it used to.

The overall increase in speed means that for the first time in history, world timekeepers may have to consider subtracting a second from our clocks.

This means clocks may have to skip a second – called a “negative leap second” – around 2029 to keep universal time in sync with the Earth’s rotation, according to the study published in the Nature journal.

Suggests isn’t exactly a scientific measurement. It either has or hasn’t. May have to consider. May have to skip a second. Does it or does it not? Perhaps it would have been better to wait for all the facts before rushing to publish this cult propaganda.

As far as the speed, what made the Earth speed up in the first place? And why is it simply your fault that it might slow a bit? Do we have any scientific comparisons with previous Holocene warm periods, as well as what happened during Holocene cool periods? That’s science.

Read: Your Fault: Earth Is Maybe Spinning Faster Or Slower From Climate Crisis (scam) »

LGB Promises Los Federales Will Pay Everything To Replace Baltimore Bridge

Will it have a choo choo train on it?

Joe Biden: Government Will Pay ‘Entire Cost’ of Rebuilding Baltimore Bridge

Biden Brain SlugPresident Joe Biden said the government would pay the “entire cost” of rebuilding the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, after a cargo ship hit the bridge and caused it to collapse early Tuesday morning.

“It’s my intention that we will pay for the entire cost of reconstructing that bridge. I expect the Congress to support my effort,” Biden said in a White House press conference. “It’s gonna take some time. And the people of Baltimore can count on us, though, to stick with that every step of the way until the port is reopened and the bridge is rebuilt. We’re not leaving until this job is done.”

Asked if the company behind the ship should be held responsible and pay for the repairs, Biden responded, “We’re going to pay to get the bridge rebuilt and open.”

He did not say how much it would cost.

He said he spoke with Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg and “told him, ‘We’re going to spend all the federal resources they need as we respond to this emergency. I mean all the federal resources, and we’re going to rebuild that port together.’”

Um, it’s laudable, but, why should the taxpayers foot the bill, when it should be the responsibility of the shipping company, which doesn’t exactly have a stellar safety record, and their insurance company? It should be something like “hey, we’ll front the money now so we can get the destroyed bridge out of the way then get construction going to replace it, but, they will ultimately pay.”

As far as rebuilding the port, well, nothing’s wrong with the port. It’s the bridge that’s the issue. Is this just Brandon in lala land, not really understanding what’s actually going on? But, in fairness, the port is going to wither away unless they can get the destroyed portion of the bridge out of the water and out of the way ASAP.

“It’s also the top port in America for both imports and exports of automobiles and light trucks. Around 850,000 vehicles go through that port every single year, and we’re going to get it up and running again as soon as possible,” Biden said. “Fifteen thousand jobs depend on that port, and we’re going to do everything we can to protect those jobs and help those workers.”

Yeah, they do. It’s mostly highline vehicles coming through, but, there are some regular lines that are built in Mexico and shipped to many east coast ports, including Baltimore. And most ports are not set up to move them through.


Cargo ship had engine maintenance in port before it collided with Baltimore bridge, officials say

The cargo ship that lost power and crashed into a bridge in Baltimore underwent “routine engine maintenance” in port beforehand, the U.S. Coast Guard said Wednesday, as divers recovered the bodies of two of six workers who plunged into the water when it collapsed. The others were presumed dead, and officials said search efforts had been exhausted. (big snip)

U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Shannon Gilreath said authorities had been informed that the ship was going to undergo the maintenance.

“As far as the engine goes, we were not informed of any problems with the vessel,” he said. “We were informed that they were going to conduct routine engine maintenance on it while it was in port. And that’s the only thing we were informed about the vessel in that regard.”

The National Transportation Safety Board now has the “black box” of the ship, we’ll have to wait to find out what it says.

Read: LGB Promises Los Federales Will Pay Everything To Replace Baltimore Bridge »

Pirate's Cove