Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Causing Lots Of Issues For College Students

Well, I guess global boiling is as good an excuse for any as to why college students are bad with money and blowing off classes, right? Instead of not being taught a proper work ethic in K-12 and being indoctrinated into all sorts of things that harm their lives

Debt, missed classes and anxiety: How climate-driven disasters hurt college students

In August 2016, Maameefua Koomson had just moved into her dorm at Louisiana State University in Baton Rouge. Sophomore year was shaping up to be excellent. Koomson was a strong student, she was pursuing her dream of studying creative writing, and she had landed a plum job as a resident assistant, or RA, in an honors dorm.

“I was, like, I’m going to be the best RA to these freshmen,” she remembers. “I did a Sponge Bob-themed hall. I had events planned out.”

And then, just a few days before classes began, it started to rain. At first it seemed like just another rainstorm in a part of the country where heavy rain is normal. But then it turned into something else entirely. A record-shattering deluge that drowned much of the greater Baton Rouge area in multiple feet of floodwater. (snip)

And even though Koomson wasn’t living at home anymore, the disaster affected her college experience, and her broader life, in profound and lasting ways. Within a year, she had lost her RA job and changed her major. By the time she graduated, her ideas about what career opportunities were open to her had shifted dramatically, with long-term financial and personal consequences.

Well, you know, a lot of us have gone through heavy weather events in our lives. Most of us haven’t let it destroy our lives. But, this younger generation is entirely too emotional, are emotionally fragile and weak, and their elders are not only not helping them cope, they’re the ones who have been preaching doom and gloom and making them mental messes. Oh, and perhaps adults shouldn’t be having a Sponge Bob-themed hall. You know what my hall had freshman year? Nothing. We didn’t need anything. It’s where we slept and did homework. Nowhere else on campus had a child’s cartoon theme. If you brought it up you would have been laughed at.

New research suggests Koomson’s experience is common. As severe floods, wildfires and hurricanes become more frequent due to climate change, economists and sociologists are beginning to study the effects of those disasters on people who are in financially and socially formative college years. And the results are sobering.

Except, they aren’t getting worse.

Students whose families live in ZIP codes where there was a severe weather disaster get worse grades than their peers, are more likely to withdraw from difficult courses, and ultimately are more likely to default on their student loans after they graduate, according to a recent study that examined college students all over the country.

And students need not be directly affected by the disaster in order to suffer, the study found. For example, a student going to school in New York might struggle after a fire burned down their family home in California.

Or, it could be just an excuse for a slacker generation, one which is racking up massive debt while taking worthless college degrees and not having the fortitude to really do something unless it is given to them.

Anyway, it’s a long, long, long article that blames this all on you.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Crisis (scam) Causing Lots Of Issues For College Students »

If All You See…

…is horrible Bad Weather rain caused by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on calling 911 and the police deciding it wasn’t an emergency

Read: If All You See… »

Biden To Visit Border Thursday Or Something

Will he be bringing Kamala Harris, the person he mad the “border czar”, who has not visited the border during her time as VP? What changed to make him visit the border? Is this like when he finally showed up in East Palestine, a year after the train disaster? This is like engineers visiting a bridge that was designed poorly and collapsed

How Biden’s border trip came together

President Joe Biden had been considering a trip to the southern border for weeks as a way to amplify his efforts to remind Americans that Republicans derailed a bipartisan border deal he was prepared to sign into law, according to two senior administration officials.

The timing of Biden’s second visit to the border since taking office — one week before he is scheduled to deliver the State of the Union address — is an attempt by the White House to maximize the political impact of the trip, the officials said.

And now, the officials said, the trip Thursday is an opportunity to draw a more direct contrast between the immigration agendas of Biden and his likely 2024 opponent, former President Donald Trump, who will visit the border on the same day.

Biden’s agenda has been to let in as many illegals/migrants as possible, overloading the system. Why? That’s the question. No one really has a great answer as to why he wants this. My theory is he wants to turn them into citizens who will vote Democrat. Trump wants to lock down the border as much as possible and deport illegals quickly.

Biden’s handling of the border is a sizable political vulnerability as he faces a tough re-election race. An NBC News poll in January found that 57% of registered voters said Trump would handle securing the border better, while 22% said the same for Biden.

The Biden administration has been under increasing pressure to take action to address the migrant crisis, including from Democratic governors and mayors, who have been raising the issue with the White House for months and did so pointedly during meetings with the president last week.

Those would be the Democrats in areas where Texas governor Greg Abbott, along with Ron DeSantis and a few others, have been shipping lots and lots of illegals and now have to deal with the fallout with being sanctuary areas.

Administration officials have been actively discussing in recent weeks about what executive action Biden could take on the border, NBC News has reported.

No measures have been finalized, administration officials said, and it’s unclear whether any unilateral action will be announced on Thursday when Biden goes to the border. Another possibility is Biden announcing executive actions on the border during his State of the Union address on March 7, officials said.

I think Biden plans on slow-walking any “executive actions”, teasing that they’re coming, taking forever to announce what they would be, then finally announcing he is going to Do Something sometime around September. But, it will not kick in till after the election, hence, if Biden wins, it will never happen.

Anyway, Biden is going to Brownsville, while Trump goes to Eagle Pass. Will the Credentialed Media show the difference in signs and protesters greeting the two? Biden did visit back in January 2023, mostly staying away from the areas where illegals surge across. He did walk near a portion of the border fencing, an area which is secure due to the fencing.

The Border Patrol Union head stated

“Unfortunately, a visit by President Biden three years into his term and after repeatedly stating there is no crisis is too little, too late. Whether stating it himself or through WH Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre, Biden has said he’s done everything he can to secure the border. If that was the truth, and it wasn’t, there would be no point in visiting the border now. But even if he were to put the proper policies in place at this late hour, he’d be doing it only to try to save his Presidency. And self-serving actions when time is winding down should always give Americans pause. Common sense dictates that as a lame duck, he’d revert back to his open border policies if re-elected. Biden is going to the border now solely to try to save himself. Border security should never be about politics, it should always be about the safety and security of this great nation and the American people.” –

President Brandon Judd


Read: Biden To Visit Border Thursday Or Something »

UK Government Forcing Small Businesses To Answer 300 Questions On Net Zero

Unfortunately, where do these companies go? It’s not like a company moving from a leftist state like NY to a business friendly one like South Carolina

Small manufacturers forced to answer 300 questions on net zero

Small manufacturers are being forced to fill out 300-question spreadsheets on their eco-credentials as part of a net zero drive by big business.

Some companies have had to take on new staff to complete paperwork being sent to them because of this new burden, while others are being asked to sign up to strict audits that ensure they follow green guidelines.

The demands are being driven by regulatory changes expected to come in next year which require large businesses to measure and disclose their “scope 3” carbon emissions, a definition that includes indirect as well as direct pollution caused by an organisation.

In many cases, sustainability advisors are being hired by multinationals to collect information from suppliers and are sending each one a long questionnaire to fill out.

It comes on top of already-onerous paperwork related to western sanctions on Russia and post-Brexit checks.

Cambridge-based Goodfellow, which employs around 100 people, said it now had six full-time staff to handle compliance issues such as green regulations, sanctions and Brexit issues.

How much money and time are companies having to waste on this ESG/climate cult stuff? And having to deal with employees who are probably True Believers and all their climate cult rants?

He added: “We heard the other day from an accreditation company that effectively registers companies as being ESG-compliant, which was working with one of our customers.

“As a result, we got a spreadsheet to fill in with 342 lines of things that they wanted to know. Considering we have 6,000 customers, if every customer sends us that it will be unworkable.

“It is just crazy. And of course, particularly for small businesses, it is going to impact productivity.”

Sounds fun!

Read: UK Government Forcing Small Businesses To Answer 300 Questions On Net Zero »

Arrest Of Illegal Aliens Skyrockets In PRC: LA Times Wonders Why

It’s a mystery, y’all!

Migrant arrests are up along the border in California and dropping in Texas. Why?

A new pattern emerged along the nation’s southern border last month: Migrant arrests plummeted at the Texas border in January compared to the same month a year ago. At the same time, similar arrests soared year-over-year at entry points in California and Arizona.

Experts say a combination of factors is likely causing the shift, which has led to several thousand migrants entering California each week while they await court dates for immigration proceedings.

Stepped-up enforcement efforts by the governments of Mexico, Panama and Colombia, and heightened violence by cartels on the Mexican side of the Texas border have likely slowed expected migration into that state.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s restrictive new immigration policies, including installing razor wire along some parts of the border and a new state law that could take effect next month, could also be playing a role.

“Could be”, you know. And this is why the media is not trusted: those other reasons have validity, but, the minute Texas started really putting up their border barriers and especially the ones in the Rio Grande the number of illegals crossing dropped and shifted to the People’s Republik Of California.

“For something to change that much that quickly, it’s either word of mouth among migrants or some change among smuggling patterns, or both,” said Adam Isacson, director for defense oversight at the Washington Office on Latin America, a research and advocacy organization.

Yeah, the word of mouth got out to the illegals and they shifted their entry point state.

He said some migrants and smugglers may already be changing their routes in anticipation of the Texas law, which would authorize local police to charge migrants with illegal entry and reentry, punishable by six months in jail or up to 20 years in prison, respectively. The American Civil Liberties Union and other advocacy groups have issued warnings for immigrants to avoid travel in Texas.

Finally, they’re giving Texas their due credit. And what’s with the ACLU protecting potential illegal aliens over U.S. citizens? The cool thing is now the illegal alien supporters in the PRC are started to get a great taste above the normal levels

Read: Arrest Of Illegal Aliens Skyrockets In PRC: LA Times Wonders Why »

Hotcold Take: Let’s Build A Climate Wall Of Shame

I know how I would do it: I’d put all the climahypocrites on it. Biden, Obama, Kerry, the tens of thousands who fly to climate conferences each year, especially on their private jets. Bill Gates, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DeCaprio, Harrison Ford, most Democrats. For starters. I’d feature a visual representation of Biden heading out for the weekend, from helicopter to jumbo jet to large motorcade. That’s not what the NY Times is thinking, though

Let’s Build a Climate Wall of Shame

Here is a proposal for the environmental movement: Pool philanthropic funds for a day, buy a small plot of land in Washington, D.C., and put up a tall marble wall to serve as a climate memorial. Carve on this memorial the names of public figures actively denying the existence of climate change. Carve the names so deep and large, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren need not search the archives.

This is not a metaphor. The problem with climate change is the disconnect between action and impact. If politicians vote against construction standards and a school collapses, the next election will be their last. But with climate change, cause and effect are at a vast distance.

Two points: first, most aren’t denying that the climate has changed, their denying that the causation is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind. Second, why not tag all those who demand action but only for Other People? Who complain about doom from sea rise then buy luxury homes at the beach? Who take lots of private jet flights and then large fossil fueled SUVs?

We are already seeing the consequences of our past and present greenhouse gas emissions. In coming decades, those emissions will wreak their full havoc on the climate, and it will take hundreds, possibly thousands, of years for those pollutants to fully dissipate. But in the short term, the most immediate burdens are borne mostly by the poor in America and distant people in distant lands. Misaligned incentives are at the heart of why some political and business leaders deny and delay.

The author, Nate Loewentheil, is part of a venture capitalist group specializing in “green” stuff. Not sure if I’d trust my money to someone invested in doomsday.

For them, there can be immediate political and economic benefits to avowed ignorance, and by the time the waters rise, their deeds and words will be forgotten. A memorial would help adjust for this temporal gap. It would serve as a permanent testament of climate deniers whose actions might otherwise be lost to history and a reminder to those weighing their words today of what the future may bring.

I’d be thrilled if they put my name on it. Hell, I probably do more in my life to have a lower carbon footprint than them. Not because I intentionally do that, but, because I am frugal and try to be environmentally conscious.

The climate memorial would need to be in a highly visible place. Perhaps a commission could be established to select one climate antihero from academia or politics or business to be added to the memorial each quarter. Better yet, the names could be crowdsourced.

That might not go over so well, as Skeptics nominate climahypocrites. How about Al Gore, who bleated about climate doom for decades, then sold his TV station to Al Jazeera, which is backed by a nation which makes most of its money on fossil fuels? And all Al’s travel in fossil fueled private jets?

Anyhow, this seems like something climafascists would do.

Read: Hotcold Take: Let’s Build A Climate Wall Of Shame »

If All You See…


The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a science magazine pushing cannibalism.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today Goes Full Islamist, Suggest Biden Dumps Support Of Israel To Get Muslim S=Election Support

Why, exactly, do Progressives support Islamic extremist groups of Israel? It’s nothing new

Wake up, Mr. President: Your support for Israel over Gaza may well cost you the election

President Joe Biden’s decision to unilaterally veto yet another United Nations cease-fire resolution on Gaza, just a week before Michigan’s Democratic presidential primary Tuesday, shows just how out of touch the president’s reelection campaign is with the progressive voters who put him in power.

Nearly 30,000 civilians have been killed in Gaza, mostly women and children, and yet the Biden administration continues to break with the majority of the Democratic base to align with – and fund – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government. Is this worth risking Donald Trump’s return to the White House and the end of American democracy?

Biden now trails Trump in seven of the past eight polls in the pivotal swing state of Michigan – by as many as 10 points in the recent CNN poll. The Biden team desperately needs a wake-up call.

That’s why Our Revolution is mobilizing tens of thousands of progressives to vote “uncommitted” in Tuesday’s Democratic primary to make sure Michigan is a megaphone for peace.

The Progressive hatred of Jews and support of Islamists almost matches their support of abortion on demand.

The initiative, kicked off by Listen to Michigan, is a strategic effort to send a clear message to the Biden campaign: Change course now on Gaza or risk alienating key voter blocs needed to defeat Trump in November. (snip)

Not only does Michigan have the largest Arab American population in the country, it’s also a historic battleground state, where the margin of victory swung from fewer than 11,000 votes for Trump in 2016 to just over 154,000 votes for Biden in 2020.

They’re actually suggesting Biden turn on Israel and throw his support to Hamas and their dangerous Palestinian supporters in order to win an election. Biden’s mostly support of Israel is one of the few things he’s done right over the last 3 years. It won’t win him Republican voters, of course. But, he mostly did good. How many of those Muslim-Americans in Michigan are refugees who still hold 3rd world and Islamic extremist views, including hatred of Jews and Israel? Heck, how many of them hate America?

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and former Rep. Andy Levin, D-Mich., are both supporting this effort, indicating the collective push from within the party to correct course, save lives and not lose to Trump. There are voters who, having lost family members in Gaza, may never vote to reelect President Biden. But, as Levin wrote in an email to Our Revolution’s members, there are many, many others who would be willing to come back to Biden if we can get him to come around on Gaza.

If you have Tlaib as a supporter, well, she’s an Islamist and supporter of Hamas, so, your moral compass is broken.

Read: USA Today Goes Full Islamist, Suggest Biden Dumps Support Of Israel To Get Muslim S=Election Support »

Bummer: Green Military Equipment In Ukraine Is Getting Eaten By Rodents

Ukraine is having lots of issues. They’ve apparently lost 31,000 military members since the invasion over two years ago. Their manpower is down 25%, and they’re thinking of having more forcible drafts, as men look to escape the country. They aren’t having much success with all the equipment given to them by NATO nations. And, speaking of that equipment

Rodents incapacitate millions in eco-friendly military equipment in Ukraine: the unforeseen problem

Mice and rats have become a bane on the frontline for both Ukrainian and Russian forces, with these rodents capable of nesting almost anywhere, even in the exhaust systems of armored vehicles.

Advanced mid-range anti-aircraft systems such as the SAMP/T battery or short-range variants like the IRIS-T in SLM and SLS versions have also found their way to Ukraine. The former are designed to combat high-altitude aircrafts at around 74.5 miles or ballistic missiles at a 18.6-mile distance. Meanwhile, the IRIS-T SLM systems are intended to tackle aircrafts or drones and manoeuvering missiles within a range of up to 24.8 miles (SLM) or roughly 6.2 miles (SLS).

Several European countries have supplied a wide range of weapon systems. However, the dilemma of ensuring electrical insulation durability has become a sticking point for newer equipment. This issue affects a multitude of nations where ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) guidelines are making their way into the arms industry.

The problem here is that they use corn fiber over synthetic material for the wire insulation, and the rodents are loving it, making the arms all sorts of useless. Perhaps we shouldn’t be focusing on silly ESG when developing weapons to defend the nation, eh?

Oh, and you can bet that Russia is watching this, and wondering what would happen to the European arms if they had to fight. I doubt Russia has any intentions of invading a NATO member. They have their hands full with Ukraine.

Read: Bummer: Green Military Equipment In Ukraine Is Getting Eaten By Rodents »

Retailers Test Out New Way Of Reducing Crime In San Francisco

In Baltimore they rolled out having everything behind locked plexiglass, including the money takers. They got bullet proof plexiglass. Of course, that’s mostly at small stores. It’s tougher doing this at bigger stores, even the size of a typical drugstore. Though, they do try. Many of the products typically stolen are locked up. Heck, many stores use chains and padlocks on the frozen goods. There’s a new experiment in SF

San Francisco store tests new shopping method to deter ‘rampant shoplifting’

A longtime San Francisco business is trying something new to curb what it says has been “rampant shoplifting.”

Fredericksen’s Hardware and Paint in Cow Hollow is now offering a one-on-one shopping experience. The idea is to separate actual customers from those looking to steal from the store.

During certain hours, Fredericksen’s blocks off part of the store’s entrance and has people wait for an employee to help them instead of allowing people to just roam the store. The store’s longtime manager says it’s a move that was worth trying for the sake of the business, their employees, and their customers.

“It’s pretty bad,” manager Sam Black told Nexstar’s KRON. “I mean, the dollar amounts are pretty significant, and with the tools, and now we’re getting snatch-and-grabs when they take whole displays, so it’s getting kind of dangerous for the employees and the customers.”

Got that? It’s a hardware store. And customers have to wait for help like this is a high end jewelry or suit store, getting waited on. But, they also cannot come in to the store. They’re literally blocking customers from coming in to get what they want. Would you wait? Or, would it be worthwhile to take a trip out to Home Depot or Lowe’s? Of course, being SF, there’s no knowing how long those will last.

Black said over his 24 years of working at Fredericksen’s, the theft is the worst it has ever been. The staff has had to drill down pots and pans to keep shoplifters from swiping them.

They’ve also had to put in locking systems to keep people from pocketing tools and other household hardware. One customer told KRON off-camera that the situation is “just sad.”

Might be time to move. The business isn’t quite in the section of SF that has seen massive closures, but, it’s not that far away.

San Francisco supervisor Catherine Stefani issued the following statement about the situation:

“This situation is tragic and embarrassing for our city, and it’s all the more reason to get serious about solving our police staffing crisis. We need more police on our streets, and we need them now. That’s why I’ll hold a series of hearings in March to push our city agencies to fill the hundreds of vacancies at the Police Department as soon as possible––to stop the bleeding, reverse the damage, and finally protect our residents and small businesses.”

Who wants to join the force when they are demonized by the politicians, who listen to the pro-crime folks? Who wants to work as a cop when they are restricted from doing their job? When the perps are being let go, either with no charges or no bail? And those who do get prosecuted are often given a slap on the wrist? The bleeding and damage was caused by the city leaders.

Read: Retailers Test Out New Way Of Reducing Crime In San Francisco »

Pirate's Cove