Hotcold Take: Let’s Build A Climate Wall Of Shame

I know how I would do it: I’d put all the climahypocrites on it. Biden, Obama, Kerry, the tens of thousands who fly to climate conferences each year, especially on their private jets. Bill Gates, Taylor Swift, Leonardo DeCaprio, Harrison Ford, most Democrats. For starters. I’d feature a visual representation of Biden heading out for the weekend, from helicopter to jumbo jet to large motorcade. That’s not what the NY Times is thinking, though

Let’s Build a Climate Wall of Shame

Here is a proposal for the environmental movement: Pool philanthropic funds for a day, buy a small plot of land in Washington, D.C., and put up a tall marble wall to serve as a climate memorial. Carve on this memorial the names of public figures actively denying the existence of climate change. Carve the names so deep and large, our grandchildren and great-grandchildren need not search the archives.

This is not a metaphor. The problem with climate change is the disconnect between action and impact. If politicians vote against construction standards and a school collapses, the next election will be their last. But with climate change, cause and effect are at a vast distance.

Two points: first, most aren’t denying that the climate has changed, their denying that the causation is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind. Second, why not tag all those who demand action but only for Other People? Who complain about doom from sea rise then buy luxury homes at the beach? Who take lots of private jet flights and then large fossil fueled SUVs?

We are already seeing the consequences of our past and present greenhouse gas emissions. In coming decades, those emissions will wreak their full havoc on the climate, and it will take hundreds, possibly thousands, of years for those pollutants to fully dissipate. But in the short term, the most immediate burdens are borne mostly by the poor in America and distant people in distant lands. Misaligned incentives are at the heart of why some political and business leaders deny and delay.

The author, Nate Loewentheil, is part of a venture capitalist group specializing in “green” stuff. Not sure if I’d trust my money to someone invested in doomsday.

For them, there can be immediate political and economic benefits to avowed ignorance, and by the time the waters rise, their deeds and words will be forgotten. A memorial would help adjust for this temporal gap. It would serve as a permanent testament of climate deniers whose actions might otherwise be lost to history and a reminder to those weighing their words today of what the future may bring.

I’d be thrilled if they put my name on it. Hell, I probably do more in my life to have a lower carbon footprint than them. Not because I intentionally do that, but, because I am frugal and try to be environmentally conscious.

The climate memorial would need to be in a highly visible place. Perhaps a commission could be established to select one climate antihero from academia or politics or business to be added to the memorial each quarter. Better yet, the names could be crowdsourced.

That might not go over so well, as Skeptics nominate climahypocrites. How about Al Gore, who bleated about climate doom for decades, then sold his TV station to Al Jazeera, which is backed by a nation which makes most of its money on fossil fuels? And all Al’s travel in fossil fueled private jets?

Anyhow, this seems like something climafascists would do.

Read: Hotcold Take: Let’s Build A Climate Wall Of Shame »

If All You See…


The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on a science magazine pushing cannibalism.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today Goes Full Islamist, Suggest Biden Dumps Support Of Israel To Get Muslim S=Election Support

Why, exactly, do Progressives support Islamic extremist groups of Israel? It’s nothing new

Wake up, Mr. President: Your support for Israel over Gaza may well cost you the election

President Joe Biden’s decision to unilaterally veto yet another United Nations cease-fire resolution on Gaza, just a week before Michigan’s Democratic presidential primary Tuesday, shows just how out of touch the president’s reelection campaign is with the progressive voters who put him in power.

Nearly 30,000 civilians have been killed in Gaza, mostly women and children, and yet the Biden administration continues to break with the majority of the Democratic base to align with – and fund – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s right-wing government. Is this worth risking Donald Trump’s return to the White House and the end of American democracy?

Biden now trails Trump in seven of the past eight polls in the pivotal swing state of Michigan – by as many as 10 points in the recent CNN poll. The Biden team desperately needs a wake-up call.

That’s why Our Revolution is mobilizing tens of thousands of progressives to vote “uncommitted” in Tuesday’s Democratic primary to make sure Michigan is a megaphone for peace.

The Progressive hatred of Jews and support of Islamists almost matches their support of abortion on demand.

The initiative, kicked off by Listen to Michigan, is a strategic effort to send a clear message to the Biden campaign: Change course now on Gaza or risk alienating key voter blocs needed to defeat Trump in November. (snip)

Not only does Michigan have the largest Arab American population in the country, it’s also a historic battleground state, where the margin of victory swung from fewer than 11,000 votes for Trump in 2016 to just over 154,000 votes for Biden in 2020.

They’re actually suggesting Biden turn on Israel and throw his support to Hamas and their dangerous Palestinian supporters in order to win an election. Biden’s mostly support of Israel is one of the few things he’s done right over the last 3 years. It won’t win him Republican voters, of course. But, he mostly did good. How many of those Muslim-Americans in Michigan are refugees who still hold 3rd world and Islamic extremist views, including hatred of Jews and Israel? Heck, how many of them hate America?

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and former Rep. Andy Levin, D-Mich., are both supporting this effort, indicating the collective push from within the party to correct course, save lives and not lose to Trump. There are voters who, having lost family members in Gaza, may never vote to reelect President Biden. But, as Levin wrote in an email to Our Revolution’s members, there are many, many others who would be willing to come back to Biden if we can get him to come around on Gaza.

If you have Tlaib as a supporter, well, she’s an Islamist and supporter of Hamas, so, your moral compass is broken.

Read: USA Today Goes Full Islamist, Suggest Biden Dumps Support Of Israel To Get Muslim S=Election Support »

Bummer: Green Military Equipment In Ukraine Is Getting Eaten By Rodents

Ukraine is having lots of issues. They’ve apparently lost 31,000 military members since the invasion over two years ago. Their manpower is down 25%, and they’re thinking of having more forcible drafts, as men look to escape the country. They aren’t having much success with all the equipment given to them by NATO nations. And, speaking of that equipment

Rodents incapacitate millions in eco-friendly military equipment in Ukraine: the unforeseen problem

Mice and rats have become a bane on the frontline for both Ukrainian and Russian forces, with these rodents capable of nesting almost anywhere, even in the exhaust systems of armored vehicles.

Advanced mid-range anti-aircraft systems such as the SAMP/T battery or short-range variants like the IRIS-T in SLM and SLS versions have also found their way to Ukraine. The former are designed to combat high-altitude aircrafts at around 74.5 miles or ballistic missiles at a 18.6-mile distance. Meanwhile, the IRIS-T SLM systems are intended to tackle aircrafts or drones and manoeuvering missiles within a range of up to 24.8 miles (SLM) or roughly 6.2 miles (SLS).

Several European countries have supplied a wide range of weapon systems. However, the dilemma of ensuring electrical insulation durability has become a sticking point for newer equipment. This issue affects a multitude of nations where ESG (Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance) guidelines are making their way into the arms industry.

The problem here is that they use corn fiber over synthetic material for the wire insulation, and the rodents are loving it, making the arms all sorts of useless. Perhaps we shouldn’t be focusing on silly ESG when developing weapons to defend the nation, eh?

Oh, and you can bet that Russia is watching this, and wondering what would happen to the European arms if they had to fight. I doubt Russia has any intentions of invading a NATO member. They have their hands full with Ukraine.

Read: Bummer: Green Military Equipment In Ukraine Is Getting Eaten By Rodents »

Retailers Test Out New Way Of Reducing Crime In San Francisco

In Baltimore they rolled out having everything behind locked plexiglass, including the money takers. They got bullet proof plexiglass. Of course, that’s mostly at small stores. It’s tougher doing this at bigger stores, even the size of a typical drugstore. Though, they do try. Many of the products typically stolen are locked up. Heck, many stores use chains and padlocks on the frozen goods. There’s a new experiment in SF

San Francisco store tests new shopping method to deter ‘rampant shoplifting’

A longtime San Francisco business is trying something new to curb what it says has been “rampant shoplifting.”

Fredericksen’s Hardware and Paint in Cow Hollow is now offering a one-on-one shopping experience. The idea is to separate actual customers from those looking to steal from the store.

During certain hours, Fredericksen’s blocks off part of the store’s entrance and has people wait for an employee to help them instead of allowing people to just roam the store. The store’s longtime manager says it’s a move that was worth trying for the sake of the business, their employees, and their customers.

“It’s pretty bad,” manager Sam Black told Nexstar’s KRON. “I mean, the dollar amounts are pretty significant, and with the tools, and now we’re getting snatch-and-grabs when they take whole displays, so it’s getting kind of dangerous for the employees and the customers.”

Got that? It’s a hardware store. And customers have to wait for help like this is a high end jewelry or suit store, getting waited on. But, they also cannot come in to the store. They’re literally blocking customers from coming in to get what they want. Would you wait? Or, would it be worthwhile to take a trip out to Home Depot or Lowe’s? Of course, being SF, there’s no knowing how long those will last.

Black said over his 24 years of working at Fredericksen’s, the theft is the worst it has ever been. The staff has had to drill down pots and pans to keep shoplifters from swiping them.

They’ve also had to put in locking systems to keep people from pocketing tools and other household hardware. One customer told KRON off-camera that the situation is “just sad.”

Might be time to move. The business isn’t quite in the section of SF that has seen massive closures, but, it’s not that far away.

San Francisco supervisor Catherine Stefani issued the following statement about the situation:

“This situation is tragic and embarrassing for our city, and it’s all the more reason to get serious about solving our police staffing crisis. We need more police on our streets, and we need them now. That’s why I’ll hold a series of hearings in March to push our city agencies to fill the hundreds of vacancies at the Police Department as soon as possible––to stop the bleeding, reverse the damage, and finally protect our residents and small businesses.”

Who wants to join the force when they are demonized by the politicians, who listen to the pro-crime folks? Who wants to work as a cop when they are restricted from doing their job? When the perps are being let go, either with no charges or no bail? And those who do get prosecuted are often given a slap on the wrist? The bleeding and damage was caused by the city leaders.

Read: Retailers Test Out New Way Of Reducing Crime In San Francisco »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful field perfect for a solar farm, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flag And Cross, with a post on Laken Riley’s killer being caught and let go in NYC.

It’s shorts week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are romping, and the Dodgers are looking good in training. This pinup is by Howard Connolly, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. LMAO features the latest Biden pronouncement
  2. Legal Insurrection covers Haley losing SC badly
  3. Moonbattery notes vegan leather not being sufficiently Woke
  4. Noisy Room has the latest US gun owner statistics
  5. Powerline features the price of illegal immigration
  6. The First Street Journal has your latest WWIII watch
  7. The Gateway Pundit discusses John Stewart’s failure
  8. The Lid notes that Seattle is teaching that proper grammar and English are raaaaacist
  9. The Right Scoop covers Libs Of TikTok schooling Taylor Lorenz on gender confusion
  10. This ain’t Hell... highlights the Navy’s new robotics warfare specialist job
  11. Victory Girls Blog wonders if NYC is finally wising up to AOC
  12. 357 Magnum is unimpressed with bringing a hammer to a gunfight
  13. American Greatness discusses Biden’s dog attacking people
  14. Watts Up With That? notes scientists duped on coral
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone highlights the green movement failing

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

SCNY Mayor Says City Is Safest Big City In U.S.

Also Sanctuary City New York

Nothing to see

Mayor Eric Adams once again insists NYC is ‘safest big city in America’ despite surge of migrant melees

Mayor Eric Adams on Saturday insisted the “the Crossroads of the World” is still safe despite the migrant crisis fueling a flurry of recent crimes there, including a recent stabbing of a 17-year-old.

“We had 62 million tourists last year; we will continue to surge this year; NYPD is ever present,” boasted Adams when asked about the Times Square crime wave during an unrelated event in Lower Manhattan.

“I was walking up there [in Times Square] the other day. You see the presence that’s there. It is safe.”

Adams is surrounded by his own personal armed security while he and other Democrats look to keep the law abiding citizens disarmed. Oh, you may be able to have it at home, but, carrying it anywhere? Good luck

“We’re going to continue to be the safest big city in America, and we’re going to set the right tone,” he added. “And those who are violent, who have no place in the city, doesn’t matter if they’re long-standing New Yorkers, or they’re new arrivals. Violence is not accepted in the city.”

Adams’ remarks came two days after a 17-year-old migrant was stabbed in a wild brawl on West 42nd Street near Seventh Avenue in Times Square Thursday night.

The question here is, how safe is SCNY? The data at Neighborhood Scout is a little dated, because SCNY is not reporting, like many big, Democrat run cities. Previous metrics deemed it a 6, meaning it is safer than 6% of US neighborhoods. A 100 is the best. Violent crime was double the New York rate, and you have a 1 in 33 chance of being a victim of a property crime. There are many big cities, all run by Democrats, which are worse. Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Baltimore (which has gone from a 1 to a 3), Detroit (which is backsliding, unfortunately), and Minneapolis, to name a few.

What happens, though, when the violent crime is updated? Because it has been getting bad, and not just from illegal aliens. Cops are leaving, either moving elsewhere or retiring, in droves, and not being replaced as needed. The ones on the job aren’t being proactive. Why bother, when they’ll just be called racists and Fascists and demonized by the government. Things won’t get better, especially not with a prosecutor who’s happy to let criminals go.

Read: SCNY Mayor Says City Is Safest Big City In U.S. »

Your Fault: Japanese Cherry Trees To Have Earliest Bloom Since 812AD

If only you Japanese folks hadn’t been driving fossil fueled vehicles back during Dark Ages they wouldn’t have seen the trees bloom so early

How climate change is thwarting travellers’ cherry blossom plans

In Japan, the rare and beautiful 10-day cherry blossom “front” is set to start 10 days earlier this year due to global warming. Here’s what travellers need to know.

Travellers who arrived in Tokyo in April 2023 to experience the city’s famous cherry tree petals were faced with quite a surprise: instead of blooming as forecast in late March, the pink sakura appeared 10 days earlier than predicted.

This was no freak occurrence: 2023 tied with 2020 and 2021 for a record-early bloom – the definitive earliest since scientific records began in 1953[1] , and earliest since 812, according to historical documents from Kyoto. According to experts, this trend points to a troublesome fact: we are overheating our planet at a frightening pace, and the early sakura are harbingers of more change to come.

Japan’s beloved four seasons are under threat altogether, says Yoshihiro Tachibana, professor of Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics from Japan’s Mie University. “If greenhouse gas reductions cannot be achieved, there is the possibility of cherry blossoms in February. All four seasons are warming. But spring warming is seeing the biggest rise, so the cherry blossom season tends to come earlier and earlier.”

This year, some forecast a start to the sakura season on par with the earliest recorded blooms, around 25 March. But when, exactly, the sacred blooms might appear is really anyone’s guess.

There’s some wiggle room in to when the Medieval Warm period started, but, 812 AD was still squarely in Dark Ages. Yet, they had massive early blooms? From what? What caused it? There were no fossil fueled vehicles. They weren’t burning tons of coal. No one was using electricity. They were not shipping goods on fossil fueled ships. Things change, except in Cult World. Having trees bloom earlier during a low level Holocene warm period is not a harbinger of Doom. Everything will be fine. We are not overheating our planet. Damned doomsday cult.

Read: Your Fault: Japanese Cherry Trees To Have Earliest Bloom Since 812AD »

If All You See…

…is an ice age caused by carbon pollution shutting down the Atlantic currents, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Trump vowing to get Hamas sympathizers of the of the U.S.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove