SCNY Mayor Says City Is Safest Big City In U.S.

Also Sanctuary City New York

Nothing to see

Mayor Eric Adams once again insists NYC is ‘safest big city in America’ despite surge of migrant melees

Mayor Eric Adams on Saturday insisted the “the Crossroads of the World” is still safe despite the migrant crisis fueling a flurry of recent crimes there, including a recent stabbing of a 17-year-old.

“We had 62 million tourists last year; we will continue to surge this year; NYPD is ever present,” boasted Adams when asked about the Times Square crime wave during an unrelated event in Lower Manhattan.

“I was walking up there [in Times Square] the other day. You see the presence that’s there. It is safe.”

Adams is surrounded by his own personal armed security while he and other Democrats look to keep the law abiding citizens disarmed. Oh, you may be able to have it at home, but, carrying it anywhere? Good luck

“We’re going to continue to be the safest big city in America, and we’re going to set the right tone,” he added. “And those who are violent, who have no place in the city, doesn’t matter if they’re long-standing New Yorkers, or they’re new arrivals. Violence is not accepted in the city.”

Adams’ remarks came two days after a 17-year-old migrant was stabbed in a wild brawl on West 42nd Street near Seventh Avenue in Times Square Thursday night.

The question here is, how safe is SCNY? The data at Neighborhood Scout is a little dated, because SCNY is not reporting, like many big, Democrat run cities. Previous metrics deemed it a 6, meaning it is safer than 6% of US neighborhoods. A 100 is the best. Violent crime was double the New York rate, and you have a 1 in 33 chance of being a victim of a property crime. There are many big cities, all run by Democrats, which are worse. Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Baltimore (which has gone from a 1 to a 3), Detroit (which is backsliding, unfortunately), and Minneapolis, to name a few.

What happens, though, when the violent crime is updated? Because it has been getting bad, and not just from illegal aliens. Cops are leaving, either moving elsewhere or retiring, in droves, and not being replaced as needed. The ones on the job aren’t being proactive. Why bother, when they’ll just be called racists and Fascists and demonized by the government. Things won’t get better, especially not with a prosecutor who’s happy to let criminals go.

Read: SCNY Mayor Says City Is Safest Big City In U.S. »

Your Fault: Japanese Cherry Trees To Have Earliest Bloom Since 812AD

If only you Japanese folks hadn’t been driving fossil fueled vehicles back during Dark Ages they wouldn’t have seen the trees bloom so early

How climate change is thwarting travellers’ cherry blossom plans

In Japan, the rare and beautiful 10-day cherry blossom “front” is set to start 10 days earlier this year due to global warming. Here’s what travellers need to know.

Travellers who arrived in Tokyo in April 2023 to experience the city’s famous cherry tree petals were faced with quite a surprise: instead of blooming as forecast in late March, the pink sakura appeared 10 days earlier than predicted.

This was no freak occurrence: 2023 tied with 2020 and 2021 for a record-early bloom – the definitive earliest since scientific records began in 1953[1] , and earliest since 812, according to historical documents from Kyoto. According to experts, this trend points to a troublesome fact: we are overheating our planet at a frightening pace, and the early sakura are harbingers of more change to come.

Japan’s beloved four seasons are under threat altogether, says Yoshihiro Tachibana, professor of Climate and Ecosystem Dynamics from Japan’s Mie University. “If greenhouse gas reductions cannot be achieved, there is the possibility of cherry blossoms in February. All four seasons are warming. But spring warming is seeing the biggest rise, so the cherry blossom season tends to come earlier and earlier.”

This year, some forecast a start to the sakura season on par with the earliest recorded blooms, around 25 March. But when, exactly, the sacred blooms might appear is really anyone’s guess.

There’s some wiggle room in to when the Medieval Warm period started, but, 812 AD was still squarely in Dark Ages. Yet, they had massive early blooms? From what? What caused it? There were no fossil fueled vehicles. They weren’t burning tons of coal. No one was using electricity. They were not shipping goods on fossil fueled ships. Things change, except in Cult World. Having trees bloom earlier during a low level Holocene warm period is not a harbinger of Doom. Everything will be fine. We are not overheating our planet. Damned doomsday cult.

Read: Your Fault: Japanese Cherry Trees To Have Earliest Bloom Since 812AD »

If All You See…

…is an ice age caused by carbon pollution shutting down the Atlantic currents, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Geller Report, with a post on Trump vowing to get Hamas sympathizers of the of the U.S.

Read: If All You See… »

It Starts: The Atlantic Suggests Not Certifying Results If Trump Wins

Remember how Democrats freaked about the whole not certifying an election thing? That people should go to jail over it? That’s so 2021

Election deniers are a threat to democracy. The midterms could be the last chance to stop them.

And now

How Democrats Could Disqualify Trump If the Supreme Court Doesn’t

Near the end of the Supreme Court’s oral arguments about whether Colorado could exclude former President Donald Trump from its ballot as an insurrectionist, the attorney representing voters from the state offered a warning to the justices—one evoking the January 6 riot that had set the case in motion.

By this point in the hearing, the justices had made clear that they didn’t like the idea of allowing a single state to kick Trump out of the presidential race, and they didn’t appear comfortable with the Court doing so either. Sensing that Trump would likely stay on the ballot, the attorney, Jason Murray, said that if the Supreme Court didn’t resolve the question of Trump’s eligibility, “it could come back with a vengeance”—after the election, when Congress meets once again to count and certify the votes of the Electoral College.

Murray and other legal scholars say that, absent clear guidance from the Supreme Court, a Trump win could lead to a constitutional crisis in Congress. Democrats would have to choose between confirming a winner many of them believe is ineligible and defying the will of voters who elected him. Their choice could be decisive: As their victory in a House special election in New York last week demonstrated, Democrats have a serious chance of winning a majority in Congress in November, even if Trump recaptures the presidency on the same day. If that happens, they could have the votes to prevent him from taking office.

The Atlantic is writing this as a “what if this and what if that” article, but, the idea here really is that Democrats should vote to not certify Trump’s win. This idea will soon catch fire amongst the moonbats.

Of course, we can also look forward to the Russia Russia Russia stuff. These are back to back links at Real Clear Politics for Friday morning

A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Putin—and a World in Danger

The ‘Russia Collusion’ Reboot Is Going To Be Terrible

Good grief. And from Time Magazine

How Putin Co-Opted the Republican Party

These people.

Read: It Starts: The Atlantic Suggests Not Certifying Results If Trump Wins »

Youts Want A Green New Deal For Their Schools

Heck, I say we give it too them, starting with ending the use of fossil fueled buses immediately. And no fossil fueled vehicles may drop them off. Let them walk or bike. Turn the heat down to 62 and the AC up to 78. Let them deal with it. Turn the WiFi off at school because it uses lots of electricity. No meat served at lunch. For a start

Young people push for a Green New Deal for schools across the U.S.

Many young people want their schools to help prepare them to face the climate crisis.

So students in the Sunrise Movement have been lobbying their local school boards across the country to pass a Green New Deal for Schools. In the Boulder Valley School District in Colorado, they recently celebrated a win.

Student activist Tilly Testa says the new resolution requires the district to implement clean energy initiatives, include climate change in the curriculum, and create disaster plans.

Testa: “We want students to have climate disaster plans, so when a climate disaster strikes, like the Marshall or NCAR fire that recently evacuated our community, students feel prepared and safe and know what to do.”

Huh? This is cult talk. Schools should have disaster plans. Most do, based on the potential dangers. Of course, how do they plan for idiots who intentionally/unintentionally start fires? It’s interesting what the youts are demanding, per they GND link


And demanding to be included in making the plans, because high school and elementary school children have vast knowledge of how things work, right? Did you notice what’s missing? The notion that the kids would make any changes in their own lives. They’re all for demanding they be given things, but, what are they offering? You rarely run across any of these Sunrise Movement kids discussing the changes they made in their own lives. Weird, eh?

Read: Youts Want A Green New Deal For Their Schools »

Gallup Poll Shows Biden’s “My Economy Is Great” Talking Points Failing

The other day Quinnipiac had Biden at 42% approve 55% disapprove on the economy. Those were nice numbers

Who are the 38% who approve of him overall, and 36% who approve on the economy? Must be those who are profiting off of other people’s misery. From the link

Americans’ approval of President Joe Biden’s job performance has edged down three percentage points to 38%, just one point shy of his all-time low and well below the 50% threshold that has typically led to reelection for incumbents.

In addition, Biden registers subpar approval ratings for his handling of five key issues facing the U.S., including a new low of 28% for immigration and readings ranging from 30% to 40% for the situation in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas, foreign affairs, the economy and the situation in Ukraine.

Obviously, Democrats are going to give Brandon high marks and Republicans are going to trash him. What about Independents

Meanwhile, Biden has gained some ground among independents on the economy (+6 points to 30%). Still, their ratings on this and other issues are weak — ranging from 23% for the Middle East situation to 34% for the Ukraine situation.

They also have Brandon at 32% for overall approval. The question here is, can Trump avoid snatching defeat from victory? He has an obvious chance to hammer Brandon on the economy, immigration, foreign affairs, and the Middle East. Can he do it properly, without going Category 5 Trump? Can he do it in a way that brings Independents over? Even some squishy Dems? Where he can entice those with Trump Derangement Syndrome to hold their noses and vote for him? He could go out and say “look, you don’t like me personally, but, policy wise, we agree. You don’t have to like me, you just have to give the chance to do the things in government you want me to do.”

Read: Gallup Poll Shows Biden’s “My Economy Is Great” Talking Points Failing »

Good News: Another Balloon Is Flying Over The U.S.

Thankfully, the military, despite apparently knowing nothing about it, has deemed it to be no threat

(NY Post) A high-altitude balloon of unknown origin is being tracked by the US government, according to a report.

The balloon is currently flying over the Western regions of the country, US officials told CBS News.

Military aircraft have determined that it is not a threat, according to the outlet, but the purpose of the balloon is unclear.

Regardless of whether a threat or not, it should have been blown up the minute it crossed into U.S. territory.

Read: Good News: Another Balloon Is Flying Over The U.S. »

Citizens Of The PRC Are Willing To Pay $1 More A Gallon To Save The Planet From A Fever, Right?

Right now, per AAA, Hawaii is the most expensive at $4.701, with the People’s Republik Of California coming in second at $4.637. The comrades who voted for all this climate doom legislation and action will be perfectly fine paying more, wouldn’t you say?

California says this climate program could hike gas prices 50 cents a gallon. Here’s how

A nearly two decades-old program to slash climate-warming emissions from transportation could cause California gasoline prices to spike as much as 50 cents a gallon in the next two years.

That’s according to staff of the state’s leading air quality regulator, who provided the estimate ahead of that agency’s decision to strengthen the program created to discourage gasoline and diesel production in favor of cleaner alternatives.

Their drastic projection comes amid growing concerns about fuel and energy costs related to California efforts to phase out fossil fuels. Already burdened drivers can expect to see gas prices hit $5 a gallon this spring, and electricity bills also are expected to rise.

“I was shocked to see it,” said Danny Cullenward, a climate economist and advisor to the state. “A 50-cent increase in the price of fuel is not a small thing.”

I’m confused as to why he’s shocked: the is the exact result that everyone said would happen thanks the climate cult policies. The Elite level Warmists were trying to make this happen, to force comrades out of their cars and into urbanized warrens.

California Air Resources Board staff projected the price jump in a key report last fall, saying proposed reforms to the Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) would raise costs for the gasoline and diesel production companies that could get passed on to drivers.

Passed on to drivers. And then the companies who are paying more for fuel for their business operations will pass it onto consumers. Have fun! You wanted this!

In what they called an upper bound estimate, air board staff estimated that gasoline prices may jump by an average of $0.47 next year and $0.52 by 2026. They said diesel prices could increase by $0.59 this year and $0.66 in two years.

Remember, a goodly amount of the big vehicles that deliver goods use diesel, so, PRC comrades will pay more for food and goods. No complaining, you voted for the idiots who implement this stuff.

Read: Citizens Of The PRC Are Willing To Pay $1 More A Gallon To Save The Planet From A Fever, Right? »

If All You See…

…is a landmark that will soon! disappear due to sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on the Left’s 20 new rules.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden To Impose “Crushing” Sanctions On Russia Again

I mean, well, OK, but, I thought the previous round of sanctions was meant to crush Russia and drive them out of Ukraine?

US imposes ‘crushing’ sanctions on Russia 2 years after Ukraine invasion

The U.S. has announced more than 500 sanctions on Russia, its enablers, and its war machine on Friday as the world marks two years since Russia attacked Ukraine.

This is the largest single tranche since the start of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s invasion, administration officials said.

“Today, I am announcing more than 500 new sanctions against Russia for its ongoing war of conquest on Ukraine and for the death of Aleksey Navalny, who was a courageous anti-corruption activist and Putin’s fiercest opposition leader,” President Joe Biden said in the statement released by the White House. “These sanctions will target individuals connected to Navalny’s imprisonment as well as Russia’s financial sector, defense industrial base, procurement networks and sanctions evaders across multiple continents. They will ensure Putin pays an even steeper price for his aggression abroad and repression at home.”

“We are also imposing new export restrictions on nearly 100 entities for providing backdoor support for Russia’s war machine,” Biden continued. “We are taking action to further reduce Russia’s energy revenues. And I’ve directed my team to strengthen support for civil society, independent media, and those who fight for democracy around the world.”

I have to wonder, as no article mentions it, does “strengthen support” mean giving taxpayer money to them? And, will new sanctions actually work?

Throughout Russia’s war on Ukraine, the U.S. has sought to weaken Moscow’s military by targeting its economy — limiting its ability to import key technology to fuel its defense-industrial complex, reduce the value of its exports, and cut Russia off from the international banking system.

Despite the historic effort, Russia’s economy has grown over the last two years due in part to the country’s steady trade with partners like China and India. The Kremlin has also managed to keep its arsenals stocked, resorting to sourcing some weapons from Iran and North Korea — two countries that are also heavily sanctioned by the West.

Will these sanction hurt China and India? Because unless they restrict trade with them, and other nations in the Middle East and Africa, especially on oil, it won’t make a difference. And, if these are so important, why didn’t they do this before?

“History is watching. The failure to support Ukraine at this critical moment will not be forgotten,” said Joe Biden on Friday. “Now is the time for us to stand strong with Ukraine and stand united with our Allies and partners. Now is the time to prove that the United States stands up for freedom and bows down to no one.”

Huh what? The above ABC News article was published at 7:51pm on Thursday. How did he say that Friday? Unless it was some press release ABC is portraying as Biden speaking coherently, particularly since he was flying back from fundraising in California after the article was published…that doesn’t make sense.

If Biden really wants to hurt Russia, open up our oil and natural gas and start shipping it around the world, reducing the value of Russia fossil fuels. But, none of this will get Russia out of Ukraine. Which never would have happened if Biden hadn’t been so weak to start with.

Read: Biden To Impose “Crushing” Sanctions On Russia Again »

Pirate's Cove