Bummer: EVs Account For 79% More Issues Than Fossil Fueled Vehicles

I’m just thankful that government isn’t trying to force citizens into them

‘Not surprising’: Recent EV models run into 79% more problems than gas cars, Consumer Reports survey reveals. But global sales continue to accelerate — could they be headed for a crash?

Interest in electric vehicles continues to rev up across the driving world.

Globally, the International Energy Agency reports, EVs accounted for 14% of new vehicle sales in 2023 and predicts that share to grow to 16% this year. And 2024 continues to be a good year for EVs, as global sales jumped 69% in the month of January compared to the year before, according to a report from market research firm Rho Motion.

If they say so. Kinda hard to believe when dealers are having trouble selling them, are telling the manufacturers to not send them anymore, and offering utterly silly deals to get them off their hands

st greta carBut while U.S. drivers continue to be eager to get behind the wheel of an EV, the latest Consumer Reports annual car reliability survey revealed that, on average, electric vehicles are less reliable than gas-powered or hybrid vehicles. The survey looked at responses from owners of more than 330,000 vehicles and found EVs (from the past three model years in particular) saw 79% more issues than traditional cars.

That number came as no real shock to Jake Fisher, senior director of auto testing at Consumer Reports — but that’s not to say these challenges can’t be overcome.

“Most electric cars today are being manufactured by either legacy automakers that are new to EV technology, or by companies like Rivian that are new to making cars,” Fisher says.

That’s a lot of problems. But, in fairness, the issue reports can include people whining about minor things, not actual serious concerns. It could be someone who refuses to read the manual to understand how to charge it. That happens with gas brands, too.

According to the report, EVs were 2.3 times more expensive to service than gas cars during the first three months of ownership and 1.6 times more expensive at the one-year mark.

But, according to Kelley Blue Book, the primary driver of this extra expense is labor. There’s currently a shortage of mechanics who are certified to service EVs, so those with certification remain in high demand — and more expensive. It also takes them 1.5 times longer to work on EVs than gas-powered cars, since problems take longer to diagnose and repair.

Yeah yeah yeah. Nice try.

Read: Bummer: EVs Account For 79% More Issues Than Fossil Fueled Vehicles »

WWIII Watch: Russia Threatens To Nuke NATO Cities If They Give Up Ukraine Territory

If only we had appropriated even more money to fund Ukraine’s social security system, pay their bureaucrats, and keep their businesses open, while other Ukrainians take nice vacations

Kremlin threatens to unleash Armageddon on the West if it loses in Ukraine: Moscow warns it will fire nuclear missiles on London, Washington, Berlin and Kyiv if Russia is forced to give up territory

The Kremlin today threatened to fire nuclear missiles on London, Washington, Berlin and Kyiv if Russia is forced to give up the Ukrainian territory it has invaded.

Dmitry Medvedev – a close Putin ally who served as president from 2008 to 2012 – said if a military defeat led to a return to the 1991 frontiers, when the Soviet Union collapsed, Moscow would unleash Armageddon.

‘Attempts to return Russia to the borders of 1991 will lead to only one thing,’ he said. ‘Towards a global war with Western countries using the entire strategic arsenal of our state. In Kyiv, Berlin, London, Washington.’

Hypersonic nuclear missiles would also strike ‘all other beautiful historical places that have long been included in the flight targets of our nuclear triad’.

He added: ‘Will we have the courage to do this if the disappearance of a thousand-year-old country, our great Motherland, is at stake, and the sacrifices made by the people of Russia over the centuries will be in vain? The answer is obvious.’

Well, let’s be honest, there’s little chance of Ukraine booting Russia out, no matter how many arms and weapons NATO ships to Ukraine. They haven’t helped them win yet. At best, it’s a stalemate. And really none of our business. What do we get if Ukraine wins? What do lose if Russia wins? Remember those F-16s Biden was sending them? The pilots should be ready by May. All four of them. All those tanks we sent? Well, they finally arrived last Fall. And should be on the battlefield anytime soon. Ukraine is forcing men 18-60 into service and not allowing them to leave the country. Zelensky has pretty much cancelled the presidential elections for 2024. The graft is still strong, and the government is attacking Christians. Neo-Nazis are all over the place.

So, what’s the U.S. getting out of this? Other than a chance for WWIII?

Read: WWIII Watch: Russia Threatens To Nuke NATO Cities If They Give Up Ukraine Territory »

If All You See…

…is a horrible dog using up Earth’s resources and causing boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Christian gospel as hate crime in the UK.

It’s a cleaning out the folder kind of week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Devils beat the Flyers in a great game at the Meadowlands. This pinup is by Lorenzo Sperlonga, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Lid says Trump should avoid his personal attacks
  2. The Hayride discusses the sudden proliferation of Russia stories
  3. The Gateway Pundit wonders how a “non-police response” to emergencies will work in Chicago
  4. The American Conservative discusses the Ukraine war running on lies
  5. Powerline covers life lessons from Fani Willis
  6. Pacific Pundit notes truckers refusing to deliver to NYC starting Monday
  7. Outside The Beltway wonders if the Dems have a better option than Biden
  8. neo-neocon says Tucker basically made himself a Useful Idiot
  9. Moonbattery covers multiculturalism in Germany
  10. Geller Report notes the number of people on terror watchlist caught at the border
  11. Da Techguy’s Blog discusses the smell of pot in Fitchburg
  12. Cold Fury shows how to build a border wall
  13. Watts Up With That? highlights Californina’s megadrought
  14. And last, but, not least, Not A Lot Of People Know That shows the UK’s crashing secondhand EV market

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Surprise: 80% Say Biden Is Doing Bad Job On The Border

The question here is “does Biden actually care?”

Most Americans believe Biden admin doing a bad job handling influx of migrants: Pew

Most Americans believe that the Biden administration is doing a bad job handling the current influx of migrants into the U.S., according to data released Friday by Pew Research Center.

Eighty percent of Americans said that the U.S. government is doing a “very bad” or “somewhat bad” job when it comes to “dealing with the large number of migrants seeking to enter the U.S. at the border with Mexico” in the released data. Only 18 percent said it is doing a “very good” or “somewhat good” job in dealing with the migrants. (snip)

Other findings in the Pew data included 57 percent of Americans saying that the current situation at the southern border with the sizable amount of migrants wanting to come into the country is leading to “[m]ore crime in the U.S.” Thirty-nine percent said that the situation at the border “[d]oesn’t have much impact on crime in the U.S., while three percent said it is leading to “[l]ess crime in the U.S.”

The poll doesn’t seem to be considering opinions from Independents, just Democrats and Republicans. Overall, 45% say Biden is doing a very bad job, and, directly from Pew

  • Republicans’ views are overwhelmingly negative (89% say it’s doing a bad job), as they have been since Joe Biden became president.
  • 73% of Democrats also give the government negative ratings, the highest share recorded during Biden’s presidency.

That’s actually pretty bad. How bad would it be if adding in Independents. Also, who are the 11% of Republicans who do not think Biden is utterly failing at the border? 65% of blacks, 74% of Hispanics, and 79% of Asians think he’s doing a crappy job. The question here is, does this make a difference in the way people vote? Can Republicans and Trump take advantage of this and message it correctly?

Meanwhile, the residents in SCNY do not want illegals in their neighborhood

Facing community pushback, NYC mayor reverses plan to house migrants in luxury building

New York City Mayor Eric Adams has done a U-turn on plans to convert an abandoned luxury apartment complex into a shelter for illegal migrants after the community in Harlem opposed the proposal.

Adams turned up unannounced at a community meeting in the Upper Manhattan neighborhood Thursday where locals were gathering to discuss rumors the building on the corner of 130th Street and Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd. was quietly being prepared for immigrants, according to CBS News.

The building was first advertised as luxury housing with a swimming pool, but it has been empty for around a decade after its developers defaulted on loans, the outlet reports. It was built in 2007 and has 35 units, city records show.

The locals did not like this one bit. It was supposed to be a luxury building, but, it is in Central Harlem, with a higher than average poverty rate. They complained, and Adams capitulated.


Read: Surprise: 80% Say Biden Is Doing Bad Job On The Border »

Bummer: Climate Cult Turns On High-Flying Taylor Swift

But, probably not enough to refuse to buy her music and go to her concerts. When do they turn on Biden?

The climate lobby has turned on Taylor Swift – and they have a point

Cast your mind back to 1989. This was the year when the first ever carbon offsetting forestry scheme was set up in Guatemala by the US firm Applied Energy Service (AES). It was also the year that one Taylor Alison Swift was born in West Reading, Pennsylvania.

Thirty-five years later, one of these remains hotly debated at dinner parties, is a billion-dollar industry and is more or less universally celebrated as a force for good. The other is carbon offsetting.

Since that first project in Guatemala, designed to counteract AES’s plans to open a coal-fired power station in Connecticut, the practice of carbon offsetting is no longer held up as a cure-all for climate change. On the contrary, it has been described by Responsible Travel as “all that is wrong with our approach to tourism and the climate crisis” and providing a “licence to pollute” by campaign group Stay Grounded. Did Taylor Swift miss the memo?

Let’s be honest: the vast majority of rich Warmists missed the memo. How many of them, and, heck, base level Warmists, refuse to moderate their travel? Stop their fossil fueled travel? Instead, they just pay for offsets. Kinda like refusing to stop running red lights and just paying the tickets.

The subject arose this week after Swift flew 5,000 miles in her private jet from Tokyo to Las Vegas to watch her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, win the Super Bowl with the Kansas City Chiefs. Swift’s carbon footprint wasn’t the main focus after her Super Bowl appearance; her celebratory kiss with Kelce caught one or two more headlines. But people are certainly starting to take note of her air miles. (snip)

Carbon offsetting remains Team Swift’s defence to criticisms of her private jet usage. Speaking to the Independent on the matter, her publicist said: “Before the [Eras] tour kicked off, Taylor purchased more than double the carbon credits needed to offset all of her travel, which includes the tour.” When queried about Swift’s individual carbon footprint, her spokesman in 2022 told The Guardian: “Taylor’s jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals.”

Is the carbon offsetting defence good enough? Jo Dardenne, the director of aviation at Transport & Environment, thinks not. “Taylor Swift’s offsetting won’t be able to shake off her terrible carbon footprint,” she says. “Offsetting is a fake solution and in times of climate crisis, we can’t allow the super-rich to continue flying around the globe hoping that others will pick up the environmental bill. Buying double the amount of offsets will never, ever write off the pollution caused by her private jet flights.”

You get the idea, though the article keeps going and going. But, right now, Swift is just a visible face. How about the tens of thousands who fly to the UN climate conference every year? How about people like Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hollywood celebs, music folks, politicians, and so many other who preach a lot but do nothing in their own lives? How about the ones who are forcing citizens to purchase EVs but fly around in private jets and then take a big fossil fueled SUV?

The truth is that Swift finds herself between a rock and a hard place. The rock is her rock-steady global fanbase and her rock-chested boyfriend. The hard place is the highly polluting impact of flying by private jet. Selling one of her jets and offsetting her flights twofold do suggest an awareness of her problematic carbon footprint. But for maximum impact, words may speak louder than actions.

It’s easy to demand Other People be forced to do something when you won’t make those changes in your own life, eh? I’ll tell people they need to get out and exercise, get to the gym, because I’m there 3-5 times a week. I won’t tell them to eat better, though, because that’s my downfall.

Read: Bummer: Climate Cult Turns On High-Flying Taylor Swift »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Israel blowing up two Iranian gas pipelines.

PS: I gotta say, while I do enjoy the lovely ladies, I find what they do for the photos to be rather silly. Go out somewhere, put on a top that is too small, do the hair and makeup, it’s probably very early morning (angle of the Sun), all for a few selfies. Such is social media life these days.

Read: If All You See… »

Hamas Supporting Americans Feel Biden Betrayed Them

Yeah, the news media is still running with this. But, first

(Fox News) President Biden excoriated the House of Representatives on Friday for taking a two-week recess, which he referred to as a “vacation,” despite facing criticism himself for the number of vacations he has taken during his presidency.

“No, but it’s about time they step up, don’t you think?” Biden told a reporter on Friday when asked whether there is anything he can do to get more ammunition to Ukraine without Congress.

“Instead of going on a two-week vacation. Two weeks, walking away. Two weeks? What are they thinking? My God, this is bizarre, and its just reinforcing, and it’s just reinforcing all the concern and, and almost I won’t say panic, but real concern about the United States being a reliable ally. This is outrageous.”

Dude spent a couple hours in East Palestine Friday and then took off for his beach house in Delaware and he’s complaining?

Arab Americans feel ‘a bone-deep sense of betrayal.’ And they want Joe Biden defeated in 2024

The staggering death toll – 28,000 Palestinians killed so far – and devastation Israel is inflicting on Gaza in its war with the Palestinian militant group Hamas are a source of deep personal pain and grief for Enayah and thousands of other Arab Americans in southeastern Michigan – and the reason so many of them are vowing to see that President Joe Biden is defeated in November.

Well, perhaps they should have told their extended family members to not support a US State Department designated terrorist group. But, then, how many of the “Arab-Americans” also support Hamas, the destruction of Israel, and the killing of Jews? The USA Today line about “devastation Israel is inflicting on Gaza” seems like it came from a Hamas propaganda group.

Arab Americans have bristled at Biden’s unbridled support for Israel since the war began. From the moment that Hamas staged a surprise cross-border attack that killed 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7 and touched off the latest conflict, Biden has overtly expressed solidarity with Israel and provided some of the weapons Israel has used in its offensive against Hamas.

Israel is an ally. Hamas is an Islamist terrorist group which not only wants to kill Jews and erase Israel but hates the U.S. I’ll give Biden credit for his support of Israel.

Many of Michigan’s Arab Americans, some of whom still have family and friends living in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, are vowing not only to vote against Biden in the state’s Democratic primary on Feb. 27 and the general election in November – they are actively campaigning against him.

Michigan’s “Abandon Biden” movement, part of a larger national campaign, is hosting meetings with third-party candidates such as Jill Stein and Cornel West. A separate initiative, which organizers are calling “Listen to Michigan,” is urging Michigan Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in the primary to send a message to Biden that his actions in Israel are unacceptable.

Well, if they don’t like it, why don’t they take their Islamic terrorism support and Jew hatred with them and leave? A goodly chunk were not born here, they were imported. Go back to the Middle East.

It’s a very, very long piece about how the terrorist supports are upset and want to abandon Biden, which includes lots of photos, such as

Nothing like wearing an Intifada Keffiyah, a symbol of attacking Israel and killing Jews. Then being worn by a woman, who would be treated as a 2nd class citizen under Hamas or other Islamic extremist rule.

Some are saying they will vote for Trump: hate to break the news to them, Trump will support Israel and Jews at least as strong as Biden. Seriously, can’t we kick all these Islamic extremism supporters out of the U.S.?

Read: Hamas Supporting Americans Feel Biden Betrayed Them »

Bummer: Price Of Charging EVs Goes Up In UK

Wasn’t the cost supposed to go down?

Price of public EV charging soars as filling up petrol cars becomes cheaper

Electric vehicleElectric vehicle owners who use public chargers saw the cost of running their cars soar by hundreds of pounds last year, even as petrol prices fell.

Zapmap, which monitors installations of charge points, found that the price of charging cars away from home climbed by 11pc in the last year.

Motorists who exclusively use public charging points now pay more per mile than those with petrol cars, the company said.

Zapmap said electric vehicle drivers who charged at home 80pc of the time paid 7p a mile, or around £680 a year, to run their cars.

Those who charged at home half of the time paid 11p a mile, or £1,140 a year.

However, motorists who only charge at public stations are now paying 18p a mile or £1,810 a year.

That is more than the average petrol car driver who pays 15p a mile, or £1,470 a year.

Why? The main culprit seems to be due to drivers opting mostly for fast chargers, because they do not want to sit around for hours waiting for their vehicle to be charged so they can go to work or the store or pick up the kids. Most people do not have access to a slow charger or fast charger at home, so, they have to do it away from home. Just wait till it skyrockets because reliable, dependable, affordable energy sources are replaced.

Read: Bummer: Price Of Charging EVs Goes Up In UK »

Sanctuary State Illinois To Spend Another $250 Million On Illegals

Gee, I wonder what the state could do with that money to help the actual citizens, but, hey, the majority voted for this kind of insanity

Illinois pumping $250M more in taxpayer funds to help illegal migrants in Chicago

The state of Illinois and Cook County have announced plans to allocate up to an additional $252 million to house, feed and provide other services to illegal immigrants arriving in Chicago this year – although Chicago’s progressive Mayor Brandon Johnson appears to be holding out on committing more funds to the ongoing crisis, at least for now.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker has pledged around $182 million while Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has committed up to $70 million more for the joint funding plan to ensure migrants sent to Chicago from the Texas border shelter will have access to wraparound services and healthcare.

It comes on top of the state committing $160 million in November to illegal immigrants to “welcome, shelter, and independence.” That commitment was in addition to the $478 million the state has spent since the start of the response, according to a press release. (snip)

“With thousands of asylum seekers continuing to come to Chicago in desperate need of support and with Congress continuing to refuse to act—it is clear the state, county, and city will have to do more to keep people safe,” Pritzker said in a statement. “I’m thankful to President Preckwinkle for working with us to help close this budget gap and maintain critical services in the year ahead.”

I think it’s time to start raising taxes in SSIl. All those citizens who voted for Democrats will have no problem with this, right? All those business owners who’ll see their tax rate climb will stick around and not pass the higher costs on to customers, right?

Also, Texas gov Greg Abbott should start shipping illegals to the state capitol of Springfield. Like thousands.

Read: Sanctuary State Illinois To Spend Another $250 Million On Illegals »

Pirate's Cove