California Permanent Drought Update: Lake In Death Valley

They don’t mention it specifically, but, it is your fault. After being told California was in permanent drought

‘Extremely rare event:’ Satellite images show lake formed in famously dry Death Valley

Kayakers and nature lovers are flocking to Death Valley National Park in California to enjoy something exceedingly rare at one of the driest places in the United States: Water.

A temporary lake has bubbled up in the park’s Badwater Basin, which lies 282 feet below sea level. What is typically a dry salt flat at the bottom of Death Valley has for months been teeming with water after record rains and flooding have battered eastern California since August.

In the past six months, a deluge of storms bringing record amounts of rain led to the lake’s formation at the park ? one of the hottest, driest and lowest-elevation places in North America, according to the U.S. Geological Survey.

Satellite images from NASA show how the lake formed in August in the aftermath of Hurricane Hilary. Though it gradually shrank, it persisted throughout the fall and winter before it was filled back up by another strong Californian storm earlier this month, known as an atmospheric river.

And we all know that the atmospheric rivers are due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle and eating meat.

This is been forming since July

(ABC News) At its peak, Lake Manly once held up to 700 feet of water. Currently, at about 6 miles long, 3 miles wide and 1 foot deep, the temporary lake in Badwater Basin is deep enough to kayak in, a “rare opportunity,” Wines said in a statement on Friday.

Lake Manly was a lake back during the last glacial age.

The last time the lake filled up was in 2005. Back then, it took about a week after it formed to dry up and had not filled up, Wines said.

So, this does happen periodically.

So far, it’s only a few randos directly blaming this on you

Read: California Permanent Drought Update: Lake In Death Valley »

Cost For Massachusetts To Feed Illegals? $64 Each Per Day

Who else spends $64 a day on food? Maybe if you’re on vacation. Maybe. If you’re traveling for work, what’s your daily limit? Perhaps we should all declare ourselves illegals

Vendors charging Massachusetts taxpayers $64 a day to feed each illegal immigrant: report

New details have emerged about the staggering sums of cash Massachusetts taxpayers are forking out to pay for the state’s influx of illegal immigrants, with vendors charging an eye-popping $64 per day to feed each person, according to a new report.

The new report by CBS News reveals that vendors are charging $16 for breakfast, $17 for lunch and $31 for dinner per day for each migrant it feeds – as the total cost of the crisis is expected to cost hardworking taxpayers $1 billion.

One vendor, Spinelli Ravioli Manufacturing Company in East Boston, was awarded a $10 million six-month no-bid contract to provide and deliver meals, reports CBS, citing records.

Well, you wanted this, Democrats of Mass. Now you got it. And your taxes/fees are going to have to rise to pay for it. How much do you spend on breakfast and lunch? You could get a big breakfast with hotcakes and an orange juice for less. Do you enjoy paying all this for illegals so they can eat much better than you?

Hilariously, illegals who’ve been here for a while are upset about the new illegals

Chicago’s migrant crisis raises questions of equity

Gonzalo Garcia arrived in Chicago from Mexico 30 years ago and has worked, paid taxes and raised a family. He’s also undocumented. And he can’t help but be incensed when he sees a new wave of immigrants arrive with a path to obtain a work permit and, potentially, to citizenship.

“I think about how difficult my life was, especially in the beginning, without having that work permit,” Garcia says in Spanish through a translator. “It’s sad to see that we are not being awarded anything.”

The migrant crisis has brought to light inequality in the way immigrants are treated. Members of the city’s undocumented Latino community like Garcia are angry when they see newly arrived immigrants from Venezuela able to obtain work permits, which gives them access to better-paying jobs.

They should all be awarded trips via deportation. It’s all very silly.

They come to our country and get violent, not liking the living conditions and food. Gotta love the fat DEI cop who doesn’t seem to know how to swing the baton and doesn’t seem to have a clue what she should be doing.

Read: Cost For Massachusetts To Feed Illegals? $64 Each Per Day »

“Scientist” Was Paralyzed By Climate Doom Or Something

This is what the hysteria brainwashing from the climate cult has wrought

This scientist was paralyzed by the threat of climate change. How she found hope

It’s hard to be optimistic about the world when you see the devastating effects of climate change all around you.

It’s even harder when you study environmental science and see, first hand, just how far behind we are in implementing the changes necessary to protect the planet.

Hannah Ritchie, a University of Oxford data and environmental scientist, says that kind of pessimism gets in the way of progress.

What’s more, she says, a doom-and-bloom mindset ignores the fact people have made the world a better place to live in, and continue to do so every day. The data, she says, bears this out.

When all you hear is doom and gloom, that a tiny increase in CO2 and the average global temperature since 1850 will end life as we know it, you tend to have a negative outlook on life. So, what to do?

Ritchie is the deputy editor and lead researcher of the online publication Our World In Data. In her new book, Not The End of the World, she calls for people to adopt an “urgent optimism” about climate change. The following is an excerpt from her conversation with As It Happens host Nil Köksal.

That’s right, make some money off of fellow doomsday cult members!

I am from a generation that has always grown up with climate change. I remember as … a young kid, already being quite anxious about climate change and the kind of future world I would inherit.

Then I went on to study environmental sciences at university, and I think from there it just got worse and worse. You know, you’re just bombarded with negative trend after negative trend.

Yup, doom. You know, my generation and the Boomers had to worry about nuclear war. Something real.

So I kind of make the case for what I call urgent optimism in the book. Or some people would call it impatient optimism. And that’s different from this kind of blind optimism, which is kind of sitting back and saying, “Oh, I’m sure the future will be fine.”

No, the future won’t be fine if we don’t get our act together and start working on solutions. But urgent optimism is slightly different. It’s acknowledging that there’s a massive problem there, but also having this level of optimism that there’s something that we can do to tackle it. So it’s more of an active response.

So, basically being optimistic about forcing everyone to comply with the tenants of the Cult of Climastrology. Funny how it’s always this way, eh?

Read: “Scientist” Was Paralyzed By Climate Doom Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible sugary drinks causing Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on Tuesday tanlines.

Read: If All You See… »

Arab Nations To Push Gaza Ceasefire At UN

They know the U.S. will veto it. Also, none of the nations pushing the resolution are offering to take the extremist and dangerous Palestinians in

The UN Security Council is voting on a Gaza cease-fire on Tuesday, with the US certain to veto

Arab nations are putting to a vote a U.N. resolution demanding an immediate humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza, knowing it will be vetoed by the United States but hoping to show broad global support for ending the Israel-Hamas war.

The Security Council scheduled the vote on the resolution at 10 a.m. EST (1500 GMT) Tuesday. U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield says the Biden administration will veto the Arab-backed resolution because it may interfere with ongoing U.S. efforts to arrange a deal between the warring parties that would bring at least a six-week halt to hostilities and release all hostages taken during Hamas’ surprise Oct. 7 attack in southern Israel.

What does it do?

In addition to an immediate ceasefire, the Arab-backed draft resolution demands the immediate release of all hostages, rejects the forced displacement of Palestinian civilians, calls for unhindered humanitarian access throughout Gaza, and reiterates council demands that Israel and Hamas “scrupulously comply” with international law, especially the protection of civilians. Without naming either party, it condemns “all acts of terrorism”

This would all be unnecessary if Hamas hadn’t broken the previous ceasefire. The only acceptable ceasefire terms are Hamas releasing all hostages and surrendering, particularly their leadership, then changing the entire governmental structure to end their threat to Israel, along with blockades which do not allow material for war into Gaza.

In a surprise move ahead of the vote, the United States circulated a rival U.N. Security Council resolution that would support a temporary cease-fire in Gaza linked to the release of all hostages, and call for the lifting of all restrictions on the delivery of humanitarian aid. Both of these actions “would help to create the conditions for a sustainable cessation of hostilities,” the draft resolution obtained by The Associated Press says.

U.S. deputy ambassador Robert Wood told several reporters Monday that the Arab-backed resolution is not “an effective mechanism for trying to do the three things that we want to see happen — which is get hostages out, more aid in, and a lengthy pause to this conflict.”

Will it dismantle Hamas? Will it end their threat to Israel and Jews? Will it make Palestinians less murderous? When will Arab nations take Palestinians in?

Read: Arab Nations To Push Gaza Ceasefire At UN »

Bummer: Wall Street Firms Pulling Out Of Climate Crisis (scam) Pledges

Yeah, they made a lot of pledges initially, but, were they really serious, or simply placating the cultists?

Wall Street giants like JPMorgan and Pimco are walking back their environmental pledges after years of outspoken support for fighting climate change

Some Wall Street giants, many of which have spent the last few years pledging to fight climate change through corporate responsibility, are now retreating from some of their environmental initiatives.

Large financial institutions including investment bank JPMorgan, asset manager State Street, and investment management firm Pimco have in the last few days pulled out of Climate Action 100+, a group of hundreds of institutional investors that collectively push large companies to address climate issues.

The departures are a stark change for finance firms that have previously spent years working to improve their public images by loudly championing the fight against climate crisis, The New York Times reported.

Indeed, big banks and asset managers previously built up teams in a bet that environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investing was a good bet — both morally and economically.

Yeah, that was fun for a while for them, but, then they came back to reality and realized their purpose was to make money

In recent months, however, many financial intuitions have come under more fire from Republicans criticizing their climate work, framing it and other ESG initiatives as “woke capitalism,” Politico reported. Regulators, meanwhile, have begun looking more closely at firms offering ESG products.

Other concerns included that clients may disapprove of the work and sue, or that this many large companies working together to pressure change in other companies could fly in the face of antitrust regulations, the New York Times said.

Doing the ESG thing sounds great, but, most of the high mucky-mucks in the companies rarely practice what they preach, and it is mostly BS greenwashing.

Other finance giants have similarly stepped back from previous environmentally friendly initiatives, The New York Times reported. They include BlackRock, which scaled back its participation with Climate Action 100+ in recent weeks, as well as Bank of America, which walked back a pledge to stop financing coal.

If it doesn’t help the companies make money it’s kinda worthless.

Read: Bummer: Wall Street Firms Pulling Out Of Climate Crisis (scam) Pledges »

Kansas Democrats Have Ideas For Stopping Gun Violence Or Something

Too bad the “reporter” at the Kansas City Star failed to ask any of the Democrats if any of their ideas would actually stop shootings. I would have that questions along those lines would have been Journalism 101

Should Kansas City have more say over guns? Democrats will push plan after mass shooting

Missouri House Democrats on Monday outlined a proposed state constitutional amendment that would allow Kansas City and other local governments to set stricter limits on guns following the mass shooting last week at the Chiefs Super Bowl victory rally.

House Minority Leader Crystal Quade, a Springfield Democrat running for governor, said Democrats plan to introduce measures on Tuesday that would restore the power of counties and cities such as Kansas City and St. Louis to set rules limiting guns.

Missouri, which has some of the loosest firearm regulations in the country, also severely restrains local municipalities from setting their own gun regulations. Lawmakers for decades have given themselves the power to set rules on firearms, leaving local officials relatively little leeway. (snip)

It would give “local control back to where it belongs: local elected officials who best know the needs of their community,” Quade told reporters during a news conference on the steps of the Missouri Capitol. The legislation will mirror a citizen-led campaign called Sensible Missouri that has stalled.

OK, so, let’s say municipalities are given more power: what would that power be and would it make a damned bit of difference when it is primarily criminals who are doing the shooting and do not follow the law to start with. Will they crack down on the demographic that is responsible for the majority of shootings in KC? What it can do is make things very difficult to understand for the law abiding, making it harder and more perilous to carry for protection from the criminal element. Anyway, there’s pretty much zero chance this will pass the GOP controlled general assembly

Debates over gun control, including potential legislation barring minors from possessing firearms, are all but certain to roil the Missouri Capitol in the coming weeks. But the efforts face an uphill battle in the Republican-controlled General Assembly, which has for years relaxed regulations surrounding guns.

While it’s not against the law to sell, loan, or otherwise give someone under 18 a firearm in Missouri with parental consent, it’s still against federal law to sell a handgun to anyone under 21 and under 18 for rifles. And people still have to pass a federal background check. Which won’t happen with a minor. And criminals under 18 do not care. The very fact that all those arrested for the parade shooting are having their identities concealed because they are minors should tell you they do not care.

Nothing the Democrats are offering will stop criminals from shooting people. If Republicans were smart, they’d introduce legislation that heavily increases penalties on those who use them illegally. How about some hard labor while in jail? Enable police to make stops based who they think illegally possesses a firearm. Watch Democrats caterwaul and vote against it.

Read: Kansas Democrats Have Ideas For Stopping Gun Violence Or Something »

Climate Cult Super Upset That NY Lobbyists “Aiding And Abetting” Climate Doom

It’s almost like the cultists are upset that people have free speech and free will, that they will not comply

New York lobbyists ‘aiding and abetting’ climate crisis, research reveals

New research reveals that dozens of New York universities, hospitals, museums and non-profits are employing lobbyists that also work for fossil fuel companies, which some say is blatantly “aiding and abetting” climate crisis.

New York’s wealthiest lobbying firms work double-duty in the state capital, representing the political interests of both the victims and perpetrators of the climate crisis, according to a new report from F Minus, a database of state-level lobbying disclosures released last year, and LittleSis, a project created by the non-profit corporate and government accountability watchdog Public Accountability Initiative.

The report analyzed the client rosters of six of the top lobbying firms in New York, revealing how the state’s cultural, business and educational leaders – many of whom tout their commitment to slowing climate crisis – are quietly linked to the fossil fuel industry.

Zoinks, the companies are doing their jobs? How weird. And what makes the climate cultists think they can dictate how those companies operate? It’s almost like they’re Fascists

Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund, a non-profit that offers education on the deadly health effects of cigarette smoke inhalation, works with the same New York-based lobbying firm as Koch Industries, known for its prolific history of climate denial and pollution of American air and water.

And? So what? Mind your own damned business.

The New Museum, which currently exhibits a series of paintings featuring endangered plants and animals, employs the same lobbying firm as BP America and the Williams Companies, the largest operator of gas pipelines in the country.

“You have schools like NYU scrutinizing the energy efficiency of every single lightbulb on campus, but then they turn around and hire the same firms that represent the people who are causing the climate crisis,” said James Browning, executive director of F Minus.

Still not your business. Why don’t they go after the Elites, like John Kerry, Biden, Obama, Hollywood celebs, etc, who are massive climahypocrites?

Read: Climate Cult Super Upset That NY Lobbyists “Aiding And Abetting” Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon sailboat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on big solar farms unable to withstand nature.

Read: If All You See… »

Kathy Hochul Apologizes After Saying Israel Has Right To Defend Itself

She’s not quite saying that Israel doesn’t have a right to defend itself, but, twist herself into a pretzel in an attempt to appease her unhinged Israel and Jew hating supporters, who also take the side of US State Department designated terrorist organization Hamas

Hochul apologizes after saying Israel ‘has right to defend itself’ with ‘inappropriate’ Canada analogy

New York Gov. Kathy Hochul apologized for recent remarks in which she said Israel “has a right to defend itself,” while making what she later called an “inappropriate analogy” about Canada invading Buffalo, New York.

“Call out Hamas for what it is, and it is a terrorist organization that must be stopped. No one, no country should live with that threat, that specter over them,” Hochul said Thursday during a speech at the United Jewish Appeal-Federation of New York, according to video shared on X.

“And for those that don’t understand this dynamic here in our own state, in our own country, I’ll give you an example,” she said. “I’m from Buffalo, anybody realize that? If Canada someday ever attacked Buffalo, I’m sorry my friends, there would be no Canada the next day. Right? I love Canada, but we did have the War of 1812, and they did burn Buffalo… so there might be a little conflict here. But think about that. That is a natural reaction. You have a right to defend yourself and to make sure it never happens again. And that is Israel’s right.”

Well, yeah, especially when Canadian terrorists rape, torture, and behead women, children, and babies. When they intentionally attack civilians.

Hochul later walked back her comments amid online backlash, apologizing in a statement to the New York Times on Friday. The governor claimed that she made an “inappropriate analogy” at the Jewish philanthropic event in New York City and apologized for her “poor choice of words.”

“While I have been clear in my support of Israel’s right to self-defense, I have also repeatedly said and continue to believe that Palestinian civilian casualties should be avoided and that more humanitarian aid must go to the people of Gaza,” she told the Times.

I wonder how many donations were rescinded or never made because she’s equivocating to the side of the people who support a terrorist organization which has a stated purpose to destroy Israel and kill Jews? But, she has to pander to her unhinged Democratic base

The apology comes after New York State Assemblyman Zohran Kwame Mamdani criticized the governor in a post on X.

“Governor Hochul justifying genocide, while laughing. Disgusting,” Mamdani wrote, reacting to the clip of her speech at the annual United Jewish Appeal-Federation Lawyers Division event at the Pierre Hotel

Would you be surprised that Mamdani is the son of a Marxist academic and a Muslim? And a member of the hardcore Democratic Socialists? Someone should ask him point straight whether Israel has a right to exist. Scrolling back through his Twitter feed everyone is about support of the terrorist Palestinians and critical of Israel. Hochul made a good analogy.

Read: Kathy Hochul Apologizes After Saying Israel Has Right To Defend Itself »

Pirate's Cove