Your Bathroom Can Solve Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

It just goes to show, no matter what it is the climate cult will involve themselves. Eventually, they’ll get government to make you be involved

How Your Bathroom Can Help You Tackle The Climate Crisis

When it comes to tackling climate change, you don’t tend to think of your toilet as being in the front line of the battle. But one company is looking to transform the way your bathroom furniture, or sanitaryware, is made, and save hundreds of thousands of tons of CO2 emissions in the process.

You probably don’t give much thought to your toilet and sink or how they are made, let alone the environmental impact of that process. But they are ceramics, fired in a kiln at 1,250C, and in virtually every factory around the world, the heat for the kiln is produced by fossil fuels, mostly gas.

Roca Group, one of the world’s biggest producers of bathroom furnishings, has taken the first step to electrifying the production of sanitaryware – and potentially all types of ceramics – with the launch of the industry’s first electric tunnel kiln in its factory in the picturesque lakeside town of Gmunden, Austria. The facility makes products under Roca’s Laufen brand but also acts as the company’s innovation center. “It’s like a laboratory, but on an industrial scale,” says CEO Albert Magrans.

The Gmunden kiln, which is powered by renewable electricity from solar panels on and around the factory, is avoiding the emission of 5,000 tons of CO2 a year. In time, Roca plans to replace the gas kilns at all its 79 factories around the world with electric alternatives, which could cut its emissions by hundreds of thousands of tons – it is hard to give an exact figure because every kiln, and conditions at every factory, are different.

And how much extra will these cost? Will they be reliable and long lasting? If they want to make these, feel free. Don’t try and force consumers to get them. And please stop involving your cult in every decision.

Read: Your Bathroom Can Solve Hotcoldwetdry Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on Iran claiming the South Pole.

Read: If All You See… »

Huh: Only 32% Have Confidence In Biden’s Mental And Physical Stamina

Trump has his legal troubles (which are looking less problematic in Georgia after Fanni Willis’ crazy testimony) and Biden has his brain problems

Nearly half of voters think it’s likely Biden will be replaced as nominee, a new poll shows

Biden Brain SuckerNearly half of American voters think it’s at least somewhat likely that President Joe Biden will be replaced as the Democratic nominee because of his health, and a third believe Donald Trump could ultimately lose the Republican nomination as a result of his extensive legal troubles, according to a new poll conducted by Monmouth University.

Questions about Biden’s age and mental stamina have intensified since last week’s release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report that described Biden’s memory as “poor.”

Fifty-one percent of voters were confident in the mental capacity and physical stamina of Trump to lead the country — but only 32 percent were able to say the same for Biden, the poll found.

That has to leave a mark. 72% of Democrats have confidence in Brandon, and just 2% of Republicans (probably Mitt Romney and Joe Walsh). Bigger is the only 20% of Independents who think Joe hasn’t lost his marbles. And for those under 70 years old, just 30% have confidence in Biden having a few beers left in his six pack.

Read: Huh: Only 32% Have Confidence In Biden’s Mental And Physical Stamina »

Vermont Moves Closer To “Miles Traveled” Fee For EVs

Did EV buyers actually think they were going to get away with avoiding taxes like the gas tax? Fortunately, Government is stepping in, and will soon figure a way to track where the EVs drive. You know it won’t be something simple like comparing the odometer from year to year when a state inspection is done

‘Miles traveled’ fee for electric vehicles gets support from Vermont Agency of Transportation

Gov. Phil Scott’s administration is backing a plan to impose a so-called “miles traveled” fee on all electric vehicles in 2026 as a way to make up for millions of dollars in lost gas tax revenue.

There are roughly 13,000 EVs registered in Vermont — a number that’s expected to double in the next few years.

The state Agency of Transportation is supporting a plan to record the number of miles driven by an electric vehicle at its annual inspection, Patrick Murphy, the sustainability and innovation project manager at the Agency of Transportation, told members of the Senate Transportation Committee this week.

Huh, I guess it will. For the moment. I’m actually shocked that they are offering a reasonable plan that doesn’t track owners. Owners will still have to pay fees.

Meanwhile in Connecticut

(News8) Milford has passed a first-of-its-kind ordinance that bans certain electric vehicle charging stations.

Officials said the ban is because there are concerns about fires at underground charging stations.

“If you’re able to have [the charging station] above [ground], we have a better chance of extinguishing the fire and saving the structure,” Milford Deputy Fire Marshal Timothy Suden said.

I’m not saying it’s always something with EVs, but, it’s always something with EVs.

(LA Times) After years of rapid expansion, California’s booming EV market may be showing signs of fatigue as high vehicle prices, unreliable charging networks and other consumer headaches appear to dampen enthusiasm for zero-emission vehicles.

For the first time in more than a decade, electric vehicle sales dropped significantly in the last half of 2023. There are even signs that Californians may be growing tired of Tesla — or at least weary of its outspoken chief executive, Elon Musk — as state Tesla sales fell 10% in the final quarter of last year.

It’s unclear whether the declines are a mere blip or the beginning of a downward trend, but the news is already raising questions about California’s ability to meet its ambitious climate goals, including a pledge to ban the sale of new gasoline- and diesel-powered cars and light trucks by 2035.

Or, it could be that the people who want one and can afford one have mostly gotten one, and the rest cannot afford them and/or find them inconvenient.

Read: Vermont Moves Closer To “Miles Traveled” Fee For EVs »

Biden Regime Failed To Properly Vet People Housing Illegal Alien Children

Well, seriously, why should anyone work hard when the president created the problem and he works 30 hours a week and tends to take most weekends off?

Biden administration failed to vet adults housing migrant children, federal watchdog says

The Biden administration struggled to properly vet and monitor the homes where they placed a surge of migrant children who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021, according to a federal watchdog report released Thursday.

The Department of Health and Human Services is required to screen adults who volunteer to take in children arriving in the country without parents. But the analysis concluded that the department failed to prove it ran basic safety checks — like address or criminal background checks — on some adults who took in children. In about a third of the cases reviewed by the federal watchdog, the agency did not have legible documentation for the adults on file.

Well, we don’t really have proper checks and documentation on a goodly chunk of the illegals, either

The federal health agency responded to the report by saying it has improved the process and the report only shows a limited window into how the agency handled cases “during an unprecedented influx.” HHS said it has also added new training for its employees handling migrant children.

What caused that influx? And will anyone actually say “my bad”? Across multople articles no one is really admitting that they messed up, just that things were tough and we’re going to better, team! Jazz Hands!

The report comes as President Joe Biden is facing intense pressure around his immigration policies. Since he took office, the administration has grappled with millions of migrants traveling to the border and faced scrutiny over how it handles children who arrive in the U.S. without parents. HHS, in particular, has been criticized for releasing those kids too quickly from government shelters, discharging them to adults who have allowed them to be exploited by major companies for cheap, dangerous, and illegal labor.

Companies, huh? How about to individuals who exploit them. By the way, where are their parents? Why are they making long, dangerous treks alone? What would have enticed them to do this?

“Protecting children must remain paramount,” said Jennie Murray, President and CEO of the National Immigration Forum in a statement. “HHS and the Biden administration more broadly must take these findings seriously and do everything in their power to ensure that children are safe.”

Murray said Congress, in addition to providing oversight, should provide resources to make sure agencies can properly screen sponsors and protect the children in their care.

How about this: we disincentivize people coming to the U.S. illegally, and sending their children on long, dangerous journeys? Perhaps it’s time to stop the trafficking of children for whatever political gain Biden is trying to get by leaving the border mostly open. Seriously, it’s supposedly about 85,000 unaccompanied minors since Biden took office. Where are they all?

Read: Biden Regime Failed To Properly Vet People Housing Illegal Alien Children »

Democrats Introduce Hip-Hop Task Force

This isn’t real. It can’t be real, right? It’s AI generated?

The rest reads “Led by Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), the task force aims to use hip hop’s messaging to drive actions on economic equality, affordable housing, and racial justice ‘Hip hop is not just music. It’s not just an art form, it’s a culture with a multi-billion dollar economy…'”

And, how is this going to solve anything? Or, are these wackos just trying to pitch a ton more of taxpayer money at minorities to buy their votes. It won’t stop the massive crime in their neighborhoods, or all the shootings.

Read: Democrats Introduce Hip-Hop Task Force »

Locust Swarms Could Be Worse Due To Global Boiling Or Something

Today’s scary cult propaganda, which has been reproduced across quite a bit of the Credentialed Media

Locust Swarms Could Be Turbocharged By Climate Change, New Study Says

More frequent extreme weather events could power swarms of desert locusts and expand their habitat, according to new research.

T?he study, published in the journal Science Advances, analyzed 15 years of desert locust outbreaks.

W?hat the study says:

-Locusts are more prone to infest arid areas soaked by episodes of extreme rainfall, which are being made worse by climate change fueled by greenhouse gas emissions.

-Rainfall in dry areas replenishes soil moisture, which is critical for locust eggs to develop. It also spurs the growth of vegetation that feeds locust larvae, called hoppers.

– A warming climate could expand current locust habitat area by 13% to 25% and drive the destructive pests into areas previously uninhabitable, such as west central Asia.

Could might maybe possibly. Why do they so rarely say “you know, this is going to happen for sure, we guarantee it”? Why is it always a squishy prognostication left rather open? What is mostly likely going on is that they expect a bigger locust year and this allows them to Blame mankind, but, if it doesn’t happen, this gets memoryholed. And, seriously, just 15 years of data? That doesn’t seem like a long time to establish a baseline. What about comparing it to locust outbreaks during the previous Holocene warm and cool periods.

(AP) The study found that especially vulnerable locations like Morocco and Kenya remain high-risk but locust habitats had expanded since 1985 and projects that they will continue growing by at least 5% by the end of the 21st century, predictably to west India and west central Asia.

ZOMG, 5%! Who pays the price if this doesn’t happen? Oh, right, no one will remember this by 2100.

Read: Locust Swarms Could Be Worse Due To Global Boiling Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area drying out with Permanent Drought from climate change, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Palestinians getting to stay and get jobs (funny how no Arab nations want them).

Read: If All You See… »

Time Magazine Tries To Paint Larry Hogan As A Hardcore Conservative

Former Maryland governor Larry Hogan is not a Reagan Conservative. He’s more of a squishy George W. Bush Republican. He’s full of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and he was more than happy to lock down Maryland during Wuhan Flu. He fits in with people like Mitch McConnell, but, is he as wacky as ones like Susan Collins and Mitt Romney? Now he’s running for Senate, so, the media will portray him as a hardcore conservative

Larry Hogan Is Running for Senate as a Moderate. His Vetoes Tell a Different Story.

A governor uses his executive power to block efforts to expand abortion access, strengthen background checks on gun purchases, and require companies to offer paid family leave. That may sound like someone vying to be Donald Trump’s running mate, but it’s actually Larry Hogan, the former Maryland governor seen by many as the avatar of anti-Trump Republican moderation.

Hogan’s governorship is about to come under a microscope after he announced he was running for Senate, a surprise decision that came after months of speculation that he might make a third-party presidential bid. While Republicans had previously written off their chances of winning an open Senate seat in liberal Maryland, Hogan’s entry has changed the equation, given his reputation as the rare Republican even some Democrats like.

But during his eight years as governor, Hogan amassed a record of vetoing legislation that shows him to be more conservative than his national profile suggests. In April 2022, shortly before the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Hogan vetoed a bill to increase the number of abortion providers throughout the state and allocate $3.5 million for a training program to perform the procedure safely. That same month, he rejected a measure that would require companies to offer 12 weeks of partially paid medical leave for their employees. In 2020, he blocked legislation to mandate background checks on private rifle and shotgun sales. And throughout his tenure, he vetoed bills to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, allow voters to fix mistakes on their mail-in ballots, and ban employers from asking job applicants about their criminal history.

Why should the taxpayers pay for abortions and abortion providers? That background checks bill did a lot more then appeared, and would essentially require registration of all guns in the state. Employers should ask applicants about criminal history. Really, Hogan seems more like a Michael Bloomberg type Republican: happy to use government for certain things, but, strong on economic matters. Or like a John McCain. He’s rather squishy on many things, and, really, just a Republican. Not quite a RINO, just a guy who let Trump Derangement Syndrome affect his Republican cognitive abilities.

But, what now? Is he a good choice? He’s said he won’t vote for a national abortion ban. This has incensed many Conservatives. But, it is the correct position. SCOTUS said in their opinion that abortion is left to the states, not the federal government. Los Federales shouldn’t be involved in voting to support or ban abortion.

He has stated he will support Trump if Trump is the GOP nominee. Is this a case of going where the wind’s blowing because he is running for senate? Was his TDS a case of needing the support of Democrats while governor of left leaning Maryland?

Will he be an ultra-squish Republican if he wins, throwing Republicans under the bus? Will he work towards strong border enforcement and be against amnesty? Is he willing to stop the government insanity on ‘climate change’?

“Everything he did that a Democrat wouldn’t have done is going to be pointed out and amplified,” says Michael Hanmer, a University of Maryland politics professor. “Maryland voters are pretty savvy. They’re not too far from Washington, D.C.” In a state where Democrats outnumber Republicans two-to-one, Hanmer adds, a right-wing veto history could be costly when the balance of power in Washington is at stake. “Those are vulnerabilities for him.”

However, he polled and still polls pretty darned well in Maryland. He’d probably be better off taking a slightly adversarial tone with Trump, letting Trump know he’s going to do this to get elected. And, at the end of the day, would you rather have a Republican in the Senate who might be a bit squishy, or a Democrat? What’s going to happen now is that the media will now turn on Hogan and pain him as an extremist, much like they did with John McCain, who was a media darling before he ran for president in 2008.

Read: Time Magazine Tries To Paint Larry Hogan As A Hardcore Conservative »

Climate Wackos Pour Red Dust On Case Holding Constitution

I’m sure the DOJ will treat these vandals just like the J6 people who wandered around the Capital, right?

Yeah, it is a federal criminal violation, and they should be treated like criminals. Sure, that’s what they want, to get the media coverage, but, maybe if these wackos had to pay some serious fines and do some jail time things would be different

(NY Post) Climate activists targeted one of America’s founding documents Wednesday, dumping pink powder on the bulletproof case that protects the US Constitution.

The shocking incident took place at around 2:30 p.m. at the National Archives Rotunda in Washington, DC, which was forced to close to the public as a result of the mess.

“We are determined to foment a rebellion,” one of the activists, covered in the pinkish red dust, said shortly after the substance was poured on the 237-year old document, video taken of the aftermath shows.

“Joe Biden needs to declare a climate emergency,” he later said.

So the jerkoffs messed the day up for a whole bunch of people who had surely waited patiently to see our founding documents. There’s usually a line, as they only let in so many people at a time. And it will be closed Thursday for cleaning.

DC’s Metropolitan Police Department arrested both individuals and the US Attorney’s Office for the District of Columbia will handle the case, a spokesperson for the National Archives and Record Administration told The Post.

“It will be treated as a federal crime,” they added, noting that the perpetrators indicated that the pink substance was powdered paint.

But, will they be charged and tried? That remains to be seen.

Read: Climate Wackos Pour Red Dust On Case Holding Constitution »

Pirate's Cove