Bummer: Climate Cult Turns On High-Flying Taylor Swift

But, probably not enough to refuse to buy her music and go to her concerts. When do they turn on Biden?

The climate lobby has turned on Taylor Swift – and they have a point

Cast your mind back to 1989. This was the year when the first ever carbon offsetting forestry scheme was set up in Guatemala by the US firm Applied Energy Service (AES). It was also the year that one Taylor Alison Swift was born in West Reading, Pennsylvania.

Thirty-five years later, one of these remains hotly debated at dinner parties, is a billion-dollar industry and is more or less universally celebrated as a force for good. The other is carbon offsetting.

Since that first project in Guatemala, designed to counteract AES’s plans to open a coal-fired power station in Connecticut, the practice of carbon offsetting is no longer held up as a cure-all for climate change. On the contrary, it has been described by Responsible Travel as “all that is wrong with our approach to tourism and the climate crisis” and providing a “licence to pollute” by campaign group Stay Grounded. Did Taylor Swift miss the memo?

Let’s be honest: the vast majority of rich Warmists missed the memo. How many of them, and, heck, base level Warmists, refuse to moderate their travel? Stop their fossil fueled travel? Instead, they just pay for offsets. Kinda like refusing to stop running red lights and just paying the tickets.

The subject arose this week after Swift flew 5,000 miles in her private jet from Tokyo to Las Vegas to watch her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, win the Super Bowl with the Kansas City Chiefs. Swift’s carbon footprint wasn’t the main focus after her Super Bowl appearance; her celebratory kiss with Kelce caught one or two more headlines. But people are certainly starting to take note of her air miles. (snip)

Carbon offsetting remains Team Swift’s defence to criticisms of her private jet usage. Speaking to the Independent on the matter, her publicist said: “Before the [Eras] tour kicked off, Taylor purchased more than double the carbon credits needed to offset all of her travel, which includes the tour.” When queried about Swift’s individual carbon footprint, her spokesman in 2022 told The Guardian: “Taylor’s jet is loaned out regularly to other individuals.”

Is the carbon offsetting defence good enough? Jo Dardenne, the director of aviation at Transport & Environment, thinks not. “Taylor Swift’s offsetting won’t be able to shake off her terrible carbon footprint,” she says. “Offsetting is a fake solution and in times of climate crisis, we can’t allow the super-rich to continue flying around the globe hoping that others will pick up the environmental bill. Buying double the amount of offsets will never, ever write off the pollution caused by her private jet flights.”

You get the idea, though the article keeps going and going. But, right now, Swift is just a visible face. How about the tens of thousands who fly to the UN climate conference every year? How about people like Al Gore, John Kerry, Joe Biden, Barack Obama, Hollywood celebs, music folks, politicians, and so many other who preach a lot but do nothing in their own lives? How about the ones who are forcing citizens to purchase EVs but fly around in private jets and then take a big fossil fueled SUV?

The truth is that Swift finds herself between a rock and a hard place. The rock is her rock-steady global fanbase and her rock-chested boyfriend. The hard place is the highly polluting impact of flying by private jet. Selling one of her jets and offsetting her flights twofold do suggest an awareness of her problematic carbon footprint. But for maximum impact, words may speak louder than actions.

It’s easy to demand Other People be forced to do something when you won’t make those changes in your own life, eh? I’ll tell people they need to get out and exercise, get to the gym, because I’m there 3-5 times a week. I won’t tell them to eat better, though, because that’s my downfall.

Read: Bummer: Climate Cult Turns On High-Flying Taylor Swift »

If All You See…

…is an area turning to drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Israel blowing up two Iranian gas pipelines.

PS: I gotta say, while I do enjoy the lovely ladies, I find what they do for the photos to be rather silly. Go out somewhere, put on a top that is too small, do the hair and makeup, it’s probably very early morning (angle of the Sun), all for a few selfies. Such is social media life these days.

Read: If All You See… »

Hamas Supporting Americans Feel Biden Betrayed Them

Yeah, the news media is still running with this. But, first

(Fox News) President Biden excoriated the House of Representatives on Friday for taking a two-week recess, which he referred to as a “vacation,” despite facing criticism himself for the number of vacations he has taken during his presidency.

“No, but it’s about time they step up, don’t you think?” Biden told a reporter on Friday when asked whether there is anything he can do to get more ammunition to Ukraine without Congress.

“Instead of going on a two-week vacation. Two weeks, walking away. Two weeks? What are they thinking? My God, this is bizarre, and its just reinforcing, and it’s just reinforcing all the concern and, and almost I won’t say panic, but real concern about the United States being a reliable ally. This is outrageous.”

Dude spent a couple hours in East Palestine Friday and then took off for his beach house in Delaware and he’s complaining?

Arab Americans feel ‘a bone-deep sense of betrayal.’ And they want Joe Biden defeated in 2024

The staggering death toll – 28,000 Palestinians killed so far – and devastation Israel is inflicting on Gaza in its war with the Palestinian militant group Hamas are a source of deep personal pain and grief for Enayah and thousands of other Arab Americans in southeastern Michigan – and the reason so many of them are vowing to see that President Joe Biden is defeated in November.

Well, perhaps they should have told their extended family members to not support a US State Department designated terrorist group. But, then, how many of the “Arab-Americans” also support Hamas, the destruction of Israel, and the killing of Jews? The USA Today line about “devastation Israel is inflicting on Gaza” seems like it came from a Hamas propaganda group.

Arab Americans have bristled at Biden’s unbridled support for Israel since the war began. From the moment that Hamas staged a surprise cross-border attack that killed 1,200 Israelis on Oct. 7 and touched off the latest conflict, Biden has overtly expressed solidarity with Israel and provided some of the weapons Israel has used in its offensive against Hamas.

Israel is an ally. Hamas is an Islamist terrorist group which not only wants to kill Jews and erase Israel but hates the U.S. I’ll give Biden credit for his support of Israel.

Many of Michigan’s Arab Americans, some of whom still have family and friends living in the Gaza Strip and West Bank, are vowing not only to vote against Biden in the state’s Democratic primary on Feb. 27 and the general election in November – they are actively campaigning against him.

Michigan’s “Abandon Biden” movement, part of a larger national campaign, is hosting meetings with third-party candidates such as Jill Stein and Cornel West. A separate initiative, which organizers are calling “Listen to Michigan,” is urging Michigan Democrats to vote “uncommitted” in the primary to send a message to Biden that his actions in Israel are unacceptable.

Well, if they don’t like it, why don’t they take their Islamic terrorism support and Jew hatred with them and leave? A goodly chunk were not born here, they were imported. Go back to the Middle East.

It’s a very, very long piece about how the terrorist supports are upset and want to abandon Biden, which includes lots of photos, such as

Nothing like wearing an Intifada Keffiyah, a symbol of attacking Israel and killing Jews. Then being worn by a woman, who would be treated as a 2nd class citizen under Hamas or other Islamic extremist rule.

Some are saying they will vote for Trump: hate to break the news to them, Trump will support Israel and Jews at least as strong as Biden. Seriously, can’t we kick all these Islamic extremism supporters out of the U.S.?

Read: Hamas Supporting Americans Feel Biden Betrayed Them »

Bummer: Price Of Charging EVs Goes Up In UK

Wasn’t the cost supposed to go down?

Price of public EV charging soars as filling up petrol cars becomes cheaper

Electric vehicleElectric vehicle owners who use public chargers saw the cost of running their cars soar by hundreds of pounds last year, even as petrol prices fell.

Zapmap, which monitors installations of charge points, found that the price of charging cars away from home climbed by 11pc in the last year.

Motorists who exclusively use public charging points now pay more per mile than those with petrol cars, the company said.

Zapmap said electric vehicle drivers who charged at home 80pc of the time paid 7p a mile, or around £680 a year, to run their cars.

Those who charged at home half of the time paid 11p a mile, or £1,140 a year.

However, motorists who only charge at public stations are now paying 18p a mile or £1,810 a year.

That is more than the average petrol car driver who pays 15p a mile, or £1,470 a year.

Why? The main culprit seems to be due to drivers opting mostly for fast chargers, because they do not want to sit around for hours waiting for their vehicle to be charged so they can go to work or the store or pick up the kids. Most people do not have access to a slow charger or fast charger at home, so, they have to do it away from home. Just wait till it skyrockets because reliable, dependable, affordable energy sources are replaced.

Read: Bummer: Price Of Charging EVs Goes Up In UK »

Sanctuary State Illinois To Spend Another $250 Million On Illegals

Gee, I wonder what the state could do with that money to help the actual citizens, but, hey, the majority voted for this kind of insanity

Illinois pumping $250M more in taxpayer funds to help illegal migrants in Chicago

The state of Illinois and Cook County have announced plans to allocate up to an additional $252 million to house, feed and provide other services to illegal immigrants arriving in Chicago this year – although Chicago’s progressive Mayor Brandon Johnson appears to be holding out on committing more funds to the ongoing crisis, at least for now.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker has pledged around $182 million while Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle has committed up to $70 million more for the joint funding plan to ensure migrants sent to Chicago from the Texas border shelter will have access to wraparound services and healthcare.

It comes on top of the state committing $160 million in November to illegal immigrants to “welcome, shelter, and independence.” That commitment was in addition to the $478 million the state has spent since the start of the response, according to a press release. (snip)

“With thousands of asylum seekers continuing to come to Chicago in desperate need of support and with Congress continuing to refuse to act—it is clear the state, county, and city will have to do more to keep people safe,” Pritzker said in a statement. “I’m thankful to President Preckwinkle for working with us to help close this budget gap and maintain critical services in the year ahead.”

I think it’s time to start raising taxes in SSIl. All those citizens who voted for Democrats will have no problem with this, right? All those business owners who’ll see their tax rate climb will stick around and not pass the higher costs on to customers, right?

Also, Texas gov Greg Abbott should start shipping illegals to the state capitol of Springfield. Like thousands.

Read: Sanctuary State Illinois To Spend Another $250 Million On Illegals »

Your Bathroom Can Solve Hotcoldwetdry Or Something

It just goes to show, no matter what it is the climate cult will involve themselves. Eventually, they’ll get government to make you be involved

How Your Bathroom Can Help You Tackle The Climate Crisis

When it comes to tackling climate change, you don’t tend to think of your toilet as being in the front line of the battle. But one company is looking to transform the way your bathroom furniture, or sanitaryware, is made, and save hundreds of thousands of tons of CO2 emissions in the process.

You probably don’t give much thought to your toilet and sink or how they are made, let alone the environmental impact of that process. But they are ceramics, fired in a kiln at 1,250C, and in virtually every factory around the world, the heat for the kiln is produced by fossil fuels, mostly gas.

Roca Group, one of the world’s biggest producers of bathroom furnishings, has taken the first step to electrifying the production of sanitaryware – and potentially all types of ceramics – with the launch of the industry’s first electric tunnel kiln in its factory in the picturesque lakeside town of Gmunden, Austria. The facility makes products under Roca’s Laufen brand but also acts as the company’s innovation center. “It’s like a laboratory, but on an industrial scale,” says CEO Albert Magrans.

The Gmunden kiln, which is powered by renewable electricity from solar panels on and around the factory, is avoiding the emission of 5,000 tons of CO2 a year. In time, Roca plans to replace the gas kilns at all its 79 factories around the world with electric alternatives, which could cut its emissions by hundreds of thousands of tons – it is hard to give an exact figure because every kiln, and conditions at every factory, are different.

And how much extra will these cost? Will they be reliable and long lasting? If they want to make these, feel free. Don’t try and force consumers to get them. And please stop involving your cult in every decision.

Read: Your Bathroom Can Solve Hotcoldwetdry Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bike which Everyone Else should be forced to ride, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on Iran claiming the South Pole.

Read: If All You See… »

Huh: Only 32% Have Confidence In Biden’s Mental And Physical Stamina

Trump has his legal troubles (which are looking less problematic in Georgia after Fanni Willis’ crazy testimony) and Biden has his brain problems

Nearly half of voters think it’s likely Biden will be replaced as nominee, a new poll shows

Biden Brain SuckerNearly half of American voters think it’s at least somewhat likely that President Joe Biden will be replaced as the Democratic nominee because of his health, and a third believe Donald Trump could ultimately lose the Republican nomination as a result of his extensive legal troubles, according to a new poll conducted by Monmouth University.

Questions about Biden’s age and mental stamina have intensified since last week’s release of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report that described Biden’s memory as “poor.”

Fifty-one percent of voters were confident in the mental capacity and physical stamina of Trump to lead the country — but only 32 percent were able to say the same for Biden, the poll found.

That has to leave a mark. 72% of Democrats have confidence in Brandon, and just 2% of Republicans (probably Mitt Romney and Joe Walsh). Bigger is the only 20% of Independents who think Joe hasn’t lost his marbles. And for those under 70 years old, just 30% have confidence in Biden having a few beers left in his six pack.

Read: Huh: Only 32% Have Confidence In Biden’s Mental And Physical Stamina »

Vermont Moves Closer To “Miles Traveled” Fee For EVs

Did EV buyers actually think they were going to get away with avoiding taxes like the gas tax? Fortunately, Government is stepping in, and will soon figure a way to track where the EVs drive. You know it won’t be something simple like comparing the odometer from year to year when a state inspection is done

‘Miles traveled’ fee for electric vehicles gets support from Vermont Agency of Transportation

Gov. Phil Scott’s administration is backing a plan to impose a so-called “miles traveled” fee on all electric vehicles in 2026 as a way to make up for millions of dollars in lost gas tax revenue.

There are roughly 13,000 EVs registered in Vermont — a number that’s expected to double in the next few years.

The state Agency of Transportation is supporting a plan to record the number of miles driven by an electric vehicle at its annual inspection, Patrick Murphy, the sustainability and innovation project manager at the Agency of Transportation, told members of the Senate Transportation Committee this week.

Huh, I guess it will. For the moment. I’m actually shocked that they are offering a reasonable plan that doesn’t track owners. Owners will still have to pay fees.

Meanwhile in Connecticut

(News8) Milford has passed a first-of-its-kind ordinance that bans certain electric vehicle charging stations.

Officials said the ban is because there are concerns about fires at underground charging stations.

“If you’re able to have [the charging station] above [ground], we have a better chance of extinguishing the fire and saving the structure,” Milford Deputy Fire Marshal Timothy Suden said.

I’m not saying it’s always something with EVs, but, it’s always something with EVs.

(LA Times) After years of rapid expansion, California’s booming EV market may be showing signs of fatigue as high vehicle prices, unreliable charging networks and other consumer headaches appear to dampen enthusiasm for zero-emission vehicles.

For the first time in more than a decade, electric vehicle sales dropped significantly in the last half of 2023. There are even signs that Californians may be growing tired of Tesla — or at least weary of its outspoken chief executive, Elon Musk — as state Tesla sales fell 10% in the final quarter of last year.

It’s unclear whether the declines are a mere blip or the beginning of a downward trend, but the news is already raising questions about California’s ability to meet its ambitious climate goals, including a pledge to ban the sale of new gasoline- and diesel-powered cars and light trucks by 2035.

Or, it could be that the people who want one and can afford one have mostly gotten one, and the rest cannot afford them and/or find them inconvenient.

Read: Vermont Moves Closer To “Miles Traveled” Fee For EVs »

Biden Regime Failed To Properly Vet People Housing Illegal Alien Children

Well, seriously, why should anyone work hard when the president created the problem and he works 30 hours a week and tends to take most weekends off?

Biden administration failed to vet adults housing migrant children, federal watchdog says

The Biden administration struggled to properly vet and monitor the homes where they placed a surge of migrant children who arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2021, according to a federal watchdog report released Thursday.

The Department of Health and Human Services is required to screen adults who volunteer to take in children arriving in the country without parents. But the analysis concluded that the department failed to prove it ran basic safety checks — like address or criminal background checks — on some adults who took in children. In about a third of the cases reviewed by the federal watchdog, the agency did not have legible documentation for the adults on file.

Well, we don’t really have proper checks and documentation on a goodly chunk of the illegals, either

The federal health agency responded to the report by saying it has improved the process and the report only shows a limited window into how the agency handled cases “during an unprecedented influx.” HHS said it has also added new training for its employees handling migrant children.

What caused that influx? And will anyone actually say “my bad”? Across multople articles no one is really admitting that they messed up, just that things were tough and we’re going to better, team! Jazz Hands!

The report comes as President Joe Biden is facing intense pressure around his immigration policies. Since he took office, the administration has grappled with millions of migrants traveling to the border and faced scrutiny over how it handles children who arrive in the U.S. without parents. HHS, in particular, has been criticized for releasing those kids too quickly from government shelters, discharging them to adults who have allowed them to be exploited by major companies for cheap, dangerous, and illegal labor.

Companies, huh? How about to individuals who exploit them. By the way, where are their parents? Why are they making long, dangerous treks alone? What would have enticed them to do this?

“Protecting children must remain paramount,” said Jennie Murray, President and CEO of the National Immigration Forum in a statement. “HHS and the Biden administration more broadly must take these findings seriously and do everything in their power to ensure that children are safe.”

Murray said Congress, in addition to providing oversight, should provide resources to make sure agencies can properly screen sponsors and protect the children in their care.

How about this: we disincentivize people coming to the U.S. illegally, and sending their children on long, dangerous journeys? Perhaps it’s time to stop the trafficking of children for whatever political gain Biden is trying to get by leaving the border mostly open. Seriously, it’s supposedly about 85,000 unaccompanied minors since Biden took office. Where are they all?

Read: Biden Regime Failed To Properly Vet People Housing Illegal Alien Children »

Pirate's Cove