NY Times: Say, Biden Is Kept Pretty Cocooned, Eh?

Should we be surprised that the NY Times is exposing just how much Biden is protected from those pesky reporters and citizens? Of course, it was a piece published on Saturday

Inside Biden’s Protective White House

Where's Joe BidenAides have President Joe Biden take the shorter stairs to board Air Force One. When it comes to news conferences, they yell loudly — and quickly — to end the questions, sometimes stealing a classic awards show tactic and playing loud music to signal the conclusion of the event. And forget about regular interviews with major news publications, including a traditional presidential sit-down on Super Bowl Sunday.

Over the years, some of Biden’s key aides have gone from letting “Joe be Joe” to wrapping a presidential cocoon around him that is intended to shield him from verbal slips and physical stumbles.

All presidents are shielded by the strictures of the office, yet for Biden, who at 81 is the oldest person in history to hold the job, the decision is not only situational but strategic, according to several people who are familiar with the dynamic. The cloistered nature of his White House reflects a concern among some of his top aides that Biden, who has always been prone to gaffes, risks making a mistake.

Most of the rest of this piece is not complementary nor an attempt to defend Biden, though, if it was a Republican president who was being cocooned this much they’d be ripping that person to shreds, demanding that they answer questions, that they do press conferences, and, if not capable, retire.

Thing is, it’s really not about Biden’s age even though they’re trying to run polls to that effect, which is a precursor to discussing ageism

Overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is too old for another term: POLL

An overwhelming majority of Americans think President Joe Biden is too old to serve another term, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll.

According to the poll, conducted using Ipsos’ Knowledge Panel, 86% of Americans think Biden, 81, is too old to serve another term as president. That figure includes 59% of Americans who think both he and former President Donald Trump, the Republican front-runner, are too old and 27% who think only Biden is too old.

I know many who are older than Biden, and, while they might have some of the infirmities you get with age, they are mentally sound. They don’t say wacky stuff, do weird stuff, and just look lost all the time. They do not have to disappear from the public the vast majority of weekends. What will the Credentialed Media do if Biden essentially disappears from public events during the campaign? The danger is allowing him to appear in public and get the Bidencrazy on a constant basis.

Read: NY Times: Say, Biden Is Kept Pretty Cocooned, Eh? »

If All You See…

…are mountains losing their glaciers due to global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Common Cents Blog, with a post on Dems losing ground with blacks and Hispanics.

It’s nature week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Supposed to get some needed rain, the squirrels are barking, and the Super Bowl is today. This pinup us by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The fine 15

  1. Flag And Cross discusses Larry Hogan running for the Senate
  2. Geller Report covers news outlets losing millions
  3. IOTW Report notes Fanni Willis having lied to the court
  4. Irons In The Fire highlights what happens when criminals get caught
  5. Legal Insurrection covers Team Biden turning against Israel to win the Islamists in Michigan
  6. Outside The Beltway plays “pick the Biden alternative”
  7. Sultan Knish notes how many of Biden’s new jobs are government ones
  8. The First Street Journal discusses teachers behaving badly
  9. The Gateway Pundit shows Hollywood freaking over low box office receipts
  10. The Other McCain features Biden’s punchline presidency
  11. The Right Scoop covers a 15 year old illegal arrested and crying
  12. This ain’t Hell… has stupid people of the week
  13. Victory Girls Blog notes Trump saying Bud Light is now OK
  14. Jo Nova discusses the results of the Michael Mann-Mark Steyn trial
  15. And last, but, not least, Not A Lot Of People Know That highlights the green jobs bonanza

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Quiet News: Sanctuary State New York Giving Illegals Welfare

Well, most Democrat voters should have no problem with spending their tax money on illegals rather than downtrodden Americans, right? All those who are downtrodden, well, they voted for this…well, they actually voted for it to happen Somewhere Else…so, they should have no complaints

Thousands of migrants in NY quietly collecting ‘welfare’ through Hochul rule change

surprise surprise surpriseThe Hochul administration is quietly using taxpayer dollars to gift cash payments to thousands of migrants who don’t qualify for typical welfare assistance, The Post has learned.

The cash windfall was made possible by the state Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance modifying its “Safety Net Assistance” program’s eligibility rules in May to include non-citizens with pending applications for legal asylum status.

The announcement was made through an under-the-radar message the agency sent out to social services agencies across the state.

The OTDA declined to reveal how many migrants have received SNA checks, but estimates that 90% of New York’s current migrant population won’t see additional benefits under the rule change.

With more than 173,000 migrants coming to the Big Apple since spring 2022, if only 10% of migrants here are eligible for SNA payments, the number of recipients could exceed 17,000 in NYC alone.

They’re saying it’s just a small number of illegals, but, they’re already getting a huge amount of assistance, and you know that it will all grow and grow. Right now, illegal aliens and their illegal kids are costing SSNY almost $10 billion. They’re costing Texas over $13 billion, so, no wonder Texas wants them out.

And with wages already not keeping up with inflation

(Daily Caller) The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projects that the ongoing surge in immigration, both legal and illegal, will put “downward pressure” on inflation-adjusted wages through 2034, according to a recently released report.

The downward effect on real wages will continue until 2027, at which point it will “partially reverse,” with immigration still expected to cause average real wages to be lower in 2034 than they otherwise would be, according to CBO. CBO did predict some positive impacts of immigration, as well, such as increased GDP growth and an expanded labor force.

The surge in new workers is expected to reduce the amount of available capital, resources like factories or machinery, per worker, as well as work in low paying areas of the economy, both of which will exert a downward pressure on wages, according to CBO. The impact of these variables will decline over time as CBO expects additional capital to be built and workers to gain more skills.

But, we’ve been reliably told that illegals generate revenue and are a positive on the economy.

Read: Quiet News: Sanctuary State New York Giving Illegals Welfare »

We’re Saved: Hundreds Jump Into Darned Cold Water

Nothing says “we’re doomed from a small increase in the world’s average temperature since 1850” like jumping in cold water

Hundreds jump into the Potomac River to raise awareness about climate change

Jumping into a cold 42 degree Potomac River at the National Harbor takes a certain type of mindset. A mindset that thinks about the changing climate.

“It is not as bad as you think, you do that quick dump into the water, and you get over that cold water in a few seconds,” said Quentin Scott of Chesapeake Climate action network.

More than 300 hardy activists and volunteers from across the D.C. region took the “keep winter cold” plunge at the 19th Annual Polar Bear Plunge— dedicated to raising awareness and funds to fight climate change.

“You know, I think about in Ellicott City in Maryland, where there was significant increased flooding in the past couple of years when businesses were lost because they were destroyed, and that’s because the scientific data says that there is a relationship between climate change, and CO2 emissions, and the increase in the rate of extreme weather events,” said Mustafa Abdullah of Chesapeake Climate Action Network.

Did anyone at Fox 5 DC ask just how sea rise is causing flooding in Ellicott City, which is about 30 miles west of Baltimore? Baltimore has a sea rise of 1.06 feet per 100 years, which is still a little bit below average for a Holocene warm period. And the land is subsiding. Granted, Ellicott City is off the Patapsco River, still, it’s mostly at least 30 meters above sea level. This is all very silly and cultish.

Read: We’re Saved: Hundreds Jump Into Darned Cold Water »

If All You See…

…are pine trees dying from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on a radio station on pause because something was stolen.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times: Hey, It Was Just A Verbal Slip When He Misidentified “President Of Mexico”

The politics section of the NY Times looks a lot like the opinion section (free at Yahoo)

Eight Words and a Verbal Slip Put Biden’s Age Back at the Center of 2024

When President Joe Biden appeared at a last-minute news conference Thursday night, he hoped to assure the country of his mental acuity hours after a special counsel’s report had devastatingly referred to him as a “well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”

Instead, a visibly angry Biden made the exact type of verbal flub that has kept Democrats so nervous for months, mistakenly referring to the president of Egypt, Abdel Fattah el-Sissi, as the “president of Mexico” as he tried to address the latest developments in the war in the Gaza Strip.

The special counsel’s report and the president’s evening performance placed Biden’s advanced age, the singularly uncomfortable subject looming over his reelection bid, back at the center of America’s political conversation.

Why would Democrats be nervous for months if they are just verbal slips? Everyone does that, right? It’s not like he just said he met with Francois Mitterand, who’s been dead for 25 years, instead of Emanuel Macron just a few days beforehand. Or forgot the name of Hamas. Has to use smaller stairs for Air Force One. Or that President Putin was “clearly losing the war in Iraq”. Or when he ended a speech on gun grabbing with “God save the Queen, man.” Calling the UK Prime Minister “Mr. President.” Referring to Trump as still president, calling Kamala president multiple times. You can add tons and tons of gaffs, along with incidents that make him look frail, just from his time as president.

Yet, the Times calls this a verbal slip

The 81-year-old president — already the oldest in the nation’s history — has for years fought the perception that he is a diminished figure. “My memory is fine,” he insisted Thursday from the White House.

Yet in a single cutting phrase, the report from Robert K. Hur, the special counsel who had investigated Biden’s handling of classified documents, captured the fears of Democrats who hold their breath when Biden appears in public and the hopes of Republicans, especially former President Donald Trump and his allies. The Trump operation has made plain its intent to use Biden’s stiffer gait and sometimes garbled speech to cast him as weak.

Well, yeah, it’s politics.

The Biden campaign has built its strategy around telling voters that the November election is a choice between the president, whatever doubts the public has about his age, and an opponent in Trump, 77, whom they paint as a threat to democracy and personal freedoms.

What freedom is that? Taking away our guns? Forcing us to drive certain vehicles, while actually trying to force the peasants onto public transportation? Expanding the IRS? Dictating what we can and cannot say? Telling social media companies to censor Wrongthink?

Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., who is close to Biden, predicted that he would receive more calls from “people expressing concern.” But he said he would respond by recounting his direct experiences with Biden, which he said demonstrated that the president was “sharp, engaged and purposeful.”

Is that why he has to head for a restful weekend in Delaware or Camp David most weekends after working around 30 hours a week?

Still, Biden’s mix-up of Egypt and Mexico came soon after a couple of slips in the past week regarding deceased European leaders. First, during a campaign swing in Nevada, he confused François Mitterrand, a former French president who died in 1996, with the country’s current president, Emmanuel Macron. Then, on Wednesday, he referred twice to having met in 2021 with Helmut Kohl, a former German chancellor who died in 2017, instead of with Angela Merkel, who led the country three years ago.

Trump has made his own series of verbal stumbles — he recently confused Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi and previously mixed up the leaders of Hungary and Turkey — but polls show that voters do not question his sharpness the same way they do Biden’s. An NBC News poll released this week found that voters gave Trump an advantage of 16 percentage points on the question of who was more competent and effective — a 25-point swing since 2020, when Biden held a 9-point edge on that question.

Trump doesn’t have a pattern of doing so while also looking frail and old. He isn’t squinting at the podium, eyes barely open. He doesn’t have that flat footed old person walk. He doesn’t fade out during short speeches. He doesn’t bizarrely bring up his dead son Beau constantly while also lying about how he died. He doesn’t just wander off during events leaving people hanging. Melania or a handler doesn’t constantly have to come over and steer him away from talking to people. Trump doesn’t have an issue speaking or forgetfulness.

It’s actually rather disgusting that Democrat bigwigs trotted Biden out in 2020 to start with, because it was quite clear he wasn’t all there, and continue to do so. He’s not well, and you know he’s really not the one making policy. It’s the people in the background, doing Obama’s bidding. Joe’s just there.

Read: NY Times: Hey, It Was Just A Verbal Slip When He Misidentified “President Of Mexico” »

Atlantic Ocean Totally Nearing Tipping Point Or Something

We can fix this with a tax. And your freedom and life choices

Atlantic Ocean circulation nearing ‘devastating’ tipping point, study finds

The circulation of the Atlantic Ocean is heading towards a tipping point that is “bad news for the climate system and humanity”, a study has found.

The scientists behind the research said they were shocked at the forecast speed of collapse once the point is reached, although they said it was not yet possible to predict how soon that would happen.

Using computer models and past data, the researchers developed an early warning indicator for the breakdown of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation (Amoc), a vast system of ocean currents that is a key component in global climate regulation.

They found Amoc is already on track towards an abrupt shift, which has not happened for more than 10,000 years and would have dire implications for large parts of the world.

This is due to you driving a fossil fueled vehicle and buying things you want, because you cannot afford carbon offsets like the Elites

“What surprised us was the rate at which tipping occurs,” said the paper’s lead author, René van Westen, of Utrecht University. “It will be devastating.”

He said there was not yet enough data to say whether this would occur in the next year or in the coming century, but when it happens, the changes are irreversible on human timescales.

Of course they can’t say. Nor will they. Because that would put them on the hook if their prognostication fails. Who pays the price if this doesn’t happen in the next 100 years? Seriously, it’s going to happen at some point, because it has happened in the past, many times. It has happened on a small scale many times since the end of the last glacial age.

Read: Atlantic Ocean Totally Nearing Tipping Point Or Something »

Denver To Cut Hours On Parks And Recreation, DMV To Pay For Illegals

Hey, you know how supporters of unfettered illegal immigration say that it costs nothing, that, in fact, the U.S. gains money from illegals?

Denver recreation centers, DMV offices are first to cut back hours to help pay for migrant crisis

Denver Motor Vehicle offices will close for a week at a time on a rotating basis, recreation centers will reduce their hours and the parks department will slash programming by 25% to help offset the fast-rising costs of sheltering migrants in the city.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston announced the first round of budget cuts at a news conference Friday morning — changes that, including those reductions and other small ones, will add up to $5 million in budget savings this year, he said.

But more painful cuts may be coming. The city, which was sheltering more than 3,500 migrants in hotels and other places as of Friday morning, is projecting a potential $180 million budget shortfall in 2024 without more state or federal support.

Friday’s announcement signaled a turning point for city leaders. They had been planning for potential budget cuts in recent weeks but were holding out hope that a tentative border deal in Congress would spare any major reductions in city services by providing federal funding to cities like Denver.

Well, they are a self designated sanctuary city, shouldn’t the people who voted to be one pay for this? They’re good with higher taxes in all forms, right? Start with raising the sales tax from 4.81% (weird rate, eh?) to 8%. Raise property taxes for homes and vehicles. Then raise fees on city services, like water, sewer, and trash collection. Higher fees for using things like parks and recreation. Certainly the citizens of Denver will be fine with this, right? Because right now the citizens are being punished for having to practice their belief in illegals streaming across the border. Why should citizens from other areas have to pay for it?

And in SCB

Trendy Boston waterfront district could get new migrant shelter as Roxbury maxes out: reports

An office building in an upmarket waterfront Boston neighborhood is being earmarked as a new migrant shelter more than a week after Democratic Gov. Maura Healey shuttered a community recreation center in the city to shelter migrants.

The office building, a 92,000 square-foot premises, is located at 24 Farnsworth Street in the bustling Seaport district in Fort Point and is owned by the Unitarian Universalist Association, according to The Boston Globe. The association is a liberal religious movement.

The Boston Globe reports that city officials contacted the local Fort Point Neighborhood Association on Wednesday, informing them the site is being considered as a shelter but that a final decision has not yet been made.

It’s great how the citizens of Sanctuary City Boston get to pay for all this, when actual Americans are living on the streets. Have fun with the rise of crime and other issues in the trendy waterfront area.

Read: Denver To Cut Hours On Parks And Recreation, DMV To Pay For Illegals »

Democrats Upset Biden Was Allowed To Speak “Late At Night”

This is delicious

From the link

For years now, President Biden‘s advisers have carefully choreographed his every move to avoid what exploded into view over six hours Thursday: a vivid display of an elderly, irritable man struggling on a public stage.

Why it matters: Days after repeatedly referencing talks with dead world leaders, Biden, 81, went before cameras to bash a just-released special counsel’s report that portrayed him as feeble and forgetful — and then confused Egypt’s president with Mexico’s. (snip)

One House Democrat called Biden’s verbal slip-ups “awful,” and wondered why the president’s staff allowed him to hold a press conference — then field reporters’ shouted questions — “that late at night after a full day,” instead of Friday morning, when he’d be “fresh.”

I wasn’t aware that 7:45pm was “that late at night”. I guess if you get up to do the 6-9/10 radio show it might be late. But, considering his “full day” started at 245pm Thursday in Leesburg, Va, which is not that far up the road from D.C., then back to the White House, and Joe didn’t have to drive at all, doesn’t seem like he did much. And, since he’s going back to Delaware this afternoon, he gets to relax all weekend. Again.

I suspect his handlers are going to start hiding him again, like in 2020. Can they trot him out there for even scripted events, because he messes them up.

Read: Democrats Upset Biden Was Allowed To Speak “Late At Night” »

Pirate's Cove