Surprise: Democrats Suddenly Big Supporters Of Fossil Fuels

Will the NY Times notice that it is simply an election ploy? In other words, a complete lie?

A Shift Among Democrats: Embrace Record Levels of Oil and Gas

But Mr. Walz, the Democratic vice-presidential candidate who said “climate change is real” and spoke of the ravages of extreme weather, nevertheless shied away from any suggestion that the United States, the world’s biggest historic emitter of carbon dioxide, should stop burning oil, gas and coal.

And he boasted that oil and gas production has reached record levels under the Biden administration, in addition to gains in solar, wind and other nonpolluting energy sources. “We are producing more natural gas and oil than any time we ever had,” Mr. Walz said. “We’re also producing more clean energy.”

Mr. Walz’s comments echoed a similar line that Vice President Kamala Harris used during her debate with Mr. Trump last month. “We have invested a trillion dollars in a clean energy economy while we have also increased domestic gas production to historic levels,” Ms. Harris said.

What’s this “we” when it comes to fossil fuels? That’s almost all private. Without the trillions of taxpayer dollars poured into solar and wind few would actually build these projects.

It’s a subtle shift in messaging among Democrats. Just a few months ago, the White House was seeking to avoid the fact that President Biden, who has called for a transition away from fossil fuels, has in fact overseen the biggest oil and gas boom in United States history. (snip)

“Democrats have made the political judgment that they don’t get more votes by talking about reducing fossil fuel production,” said Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University. He said the decline of coal, oil and gas is implicit in the rhetoric from Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz, because the expansion in wind and solar power they seek would reduce demand for fossil fuels.

But, Mr. Gerrard said, Democrats feel no pressure from the environmental movement or young climate-minded voters to make that case explicitly.“Democrats have made the political judgment that they don’t get more votes by talking about reducing fossil fuel production,” said Michael Gerrard, director of the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at Columbia University. He said the decline of coal, oil and gas is implicit in the rhetoric from Ms. Harris and Mr. Walz, because the expansion in wind and solar power they seek would reduce demand for fossil fuels.

But, Mr. Gerrard said, Democrats feel no pressure from the environmental movement or young climate-minded voters to make that case explicitly.

“They believe they already have the environmental vote locked up and the people they’re worried about are the swing voters, many of whom are in Pennsylvania, which is a fracking state,” he said.

That’s as close as the Times will get to noting that Harris-Walz are lying for votes.

Read: Surprise: Democrats Suddenly Big Supporters Of Fossil Fuels »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on Iran opening the door to retaliation.

Read: If All You See… »

Another One Bites The Dust: Israel Gets Sinwar’s Right Hand Man

Hamas big wigs keep being sent off to see if they get their 72 virgins

Sinwar’s right-hand man: Hamas leader Rawhi Mushtaha announced killed

The IDF announced the death of Rawhi Mushtaha, head of the Hamas government in the Gaza Strip, on Thursday.

“Mushtaha, alongside Yahya Sinwar, established Hamas’s General Security Mechanism,” the military stated. They served a prison sentence together in an Israeli jail. Mushtaha was considered to be the most senior figure in the Hamas political bureau in the Gaza Strip and, during the war, maintained civil control of the Hamas regime while simultaneously engaging in terrorist activity against Israel. Mushtaha was Sinwar’s right-hand man and one of his closest associates.”

The IDF also noted that Mushtaha had been one of Hamas’s most senior operatives and was a key decision-maker in how the terror organization deployed its fighters and assets.

Sameh al-Siraj, who held the security portfolio on Hamas’s political bureau and Labor Committee, and Sami Oudeh, the commander of Hamas’s General Security Mechanism, were killed alongside Mushtaha, the military reported.

This will make the United Nations head Antonio Guterres and others upset, since they see Hamas as a government, rather than a terrorist group controlling Gaza. Remember, Hamas was elected, then never held elections again.


‘They were right’: France would defend itself like Israel does, former president says

Former French president Nicolas Sarkozy said that France would have acted like Israel in an interview with French media regarding Israel’s war on Hamas and Hezbollah.

“I can never rejoice at someone’s death,” Sarkozy said about Nasrallah’s assassination. “But Israel was attacked. It’s the tragedy of October 7 by Hamas, and it’s Hezbollah that led to a massive displacement of the population from northern Israel.”

He continued, saying “Israel has the right to defend itself. It has the duty to defend itself. If we, the French, were in the same situation, we would need to defend ourselves. A country must stand tall, and Israel has the right to live standing tall, to live, period, and to live standing tall. From this perspective, I say they were right.”

Exactly. He also said “I say they were right, and perhaps the worst risk of escalation would be inaction and cowardice.” No one has ever said Israel was cowardly, but, refusing to respond would simply lead to more terrorist attacks.

Read: Another One Bites The Dust: Israel Gets Sinwar’s Right Hand Man »

Vance Just Missed On His Hotcoldwetdry Answer At Debate

He really should have listened to Realists like me, Tom Nelson, Anthony Watts, and so many more

Vance on carbon emissions and climate change: ‘Let’s just say that’s true’

Republican vice presidential candidate Sen. JD Vance (Ohio) expressed skepticism about the scientific consensus behind climate change in response to a question during Tuesday’s debate.

“One of the things that I’ve noticed some of our Democratic friends talking a lot about is a concern about carbon emissions — this idea that carbon emissions drive all the climate change,” Vance said.

“Let’s just say that’s true, just for the sake of argument, so we’re not arguing about weird science. Let’s just say that’s true,” Vance continued.

There is a scientific consensus that climate change is occurring and is primarily being driven by human activity — largely carbon emissions stemming from the burning of fossil fuels.

Vance, in his answer, said the Trump administration’s climate policy would be to bring more energy production and manufacturing to the U.S. “because we’re the cleanest economy in the entire world.”

First, consensus is not science. Applying the Scientific Method is doing science.

Second, the proper answer is “let’s just say that’s true, for the sake of argument: why is almost every single policy from the Warmists about increasing taxes and fees, increasing the size of government, controlling people’s lives, and taking away their Free Speech and liberty? Oh, and why are you and Harris using so much darned fossil fuels?”

Walz touts EV jobs as he spars with Vance on clean energy in VP debate

(blah blah blah)

Walz specifically mentioned EV jobs growing under the current administration, touting more than 2,000 expected to arrive in Jeffersonville, Ohio. Construction is in progress there for a battery plant to be operated jointly by LG Energy Solution and Honda Motor Co. That facility might benefit from some IRA credits, but it was already in the planning stages before the IRA became law, according to Inside Climate News.

Yet, no one asked Walz if he was driving an EV himself, or if Harris was traveling around in one. JD did a great job coming back at Walz, but, really, Republicans overall need to learn to put Democrats on the spot as climahypocrites.

Read: Vance Just Missed On His Hotcoldwetdry Answer At Debate »

Biden-Harris Regime Finally Sending Troops To Help In NC Mountains

Better late then never, right?

President Biden orders Fort Liberty troops to Western NC as part of Helene response

A thousand soldiers from Fort Liberty will “immediately” be deployed to Western North Carolina as part of the response to Tropical Storm Helene, President Joe Biden announced Wednesday morning.

“These soldiers will speed up the delivery of life-saving supplies of food, water and medicine to isolated communities in North Carolina — they have the manpower and logistical capabilities to get this vital job done, and fast. They will join hundreds of North Carolina National Guard members deployed under State authorities in support of the response,” Biden said in a statement.

The soldiers headed to Western North Carolina are part of an infantry battalion task force, the White House said in a statement. Their unit includes a forward support company that can station key resources like fuel, water and mechanics in areas that are still without power or water nearly a week after the storm.

Soldiers will help with the delivery of key commodities like food and water, according to the White House. They will also help FEMA and other agencies participating in the response reach hard-hit areas that remain inaccessible due to catastrophic damage to the region’s roads and bridges from flooding and landslides.

Additionally, the Department of Defense will send 22 helicopters to help with search-and-rescue operations and “dozens” of high-water clearance vehicles.

It’s Wednesday. This all starting going to serious pot last Friday. I can understand wanting to get all the ducks in a row so that all resources are used best, but, it’s Wednesday. This really should have occurred Sunday, when it was apparent that this was a catastrophe. Those helicopters should could have been helpful Sunday, eh? Heck, the state of North Carolina has tasked 700 National Guard members to the mountains at this point.

Interestingly, no reporter in any story I’ve found on the subject (I’m using the local Raleigh source above) managed to ask “what in the hell took so long? What have y’all been doing? You could have had the Bragg, er, Liberty soldiers on the move Sunday.” Obama-Biden sent over 22,000 troops to Haiti in 2010 after the earthquake.

Meanwhile, Biden did a quick flyover of Western NC with Governor Cooper. From a political point of view, that’s terrible optics not putting boots on the ground, based on what’s been going on for almost 30 years. If it was Trump who was president and didn’t appear in person every news outlet would destroy him. Remember how they eviscerated Bush43 after Katrina? However, it was better he just flew over. Getting on the ground would create tons of problems and interfere with aid. Just flying over created problems.

Read: Biden-Harris Regime Finally Sending Troops To Help In NC Mountains »

Woah: Israel Bans United Nations Head Antonio Guterres From Entering Israel

And, really, Antonio shouldn’t be taking long, fossil fueled trips to start with. Anyhow, this is another case that shows Israel is no longer playing, they are going hardcore to defend the nation and her People since October 7th

‘Persona non grata’: Israel bars UN secretary general Guterres from entering country

Israel’s foreign minister declared UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres ‘persona non grata’ and was henceforth banning him from entering Israel, according to a post on X/Twitter on Wednesday.

The ban on entry, said FM Israel Katz, was due to Guterres’s failure to “unequivocally condemn” Iran’s massive missile attack on Israel.

“Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran’s heinous attack on Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, does not deserve to step foot on Israeli soil,” Katz wrote.

He added that Guterres is yet to denounce the October 7 massacre, which is approaching its one year anniversary, or condemn Hamas’s use of sexual violence.

Katz also criticized the Guterres for not leading “any efforts to declare [Hamas] a terrorist organization.”

I’ve actually been incorrect, Hamas is not considered a terrorist organization by the United Nations: that was shot down in 2018. I mean, hell

“The UN doesn’t just subsidize Hamas in Gaza; it collaborates with Hamas. How is that possible? Griffiths just told us — because to the UN, Hamas is a political party, not a terrorist group. And because UNRWA is a local agency instead of a true international organization, this problem grows into an agency that freely employs Hamas members, provides material support to Hamas, and delivers aid to Hamas affiliates.” — Richard Goldberg, FDD Senior Advisor

Double hell, Fateh Sherif, a Hamas leader in Lebanon killed on Monday from air strike, was suspended by UNRWA in March, but, still employed by them.

Back to the original article

“A Secretary-General who gives backing to terrorists, rapists, and murderers from Hamas, Hezbollah, the Houthis, and now Iran—the mothership of global terror—will be remembered as a stain on the history of the UN.”

“Israel will continue to defend its citizens and uphold its national dignity, with or without António Guterres,” he concluded.

As well it should. A president Trump will stand by Israel. A president Harris will not.

Read: Woah: Israel Bans United Nations Head Antonio Guterres From Entering Israel »

If All You See…

…is a fast rising sea which will swamp all the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on a floating wind farm losing almost $40 million last year.

Read: If All You See… »

Republicans Introduce The Be Gone Act To Hunt Down The Illegals/Migrants Convicted Of Sexual Assault

I wonder how many Democrats will vote against this, like they did with the bill to deport the illegals/migrants convicted of sexual assault, which still hasn’t gotten a vote in the Senate. This bill is slightly different from that one

15,000 illegal migrants convicted of sex assault are roaming US — and a new bill would force ICE to hunt them down and deport them

More than 15,000 illegal immigrants with sexual assault convictions are roaming the US — and a new Republican-backed bill would force ICE to track them down and deport them.

The bill — titled the “Be Gone Act” — comes after the acting chief of Immigration and Customs Enforcement revealed to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) last week that the US has more than 600,000 migrants with criminal convictions.

The figure includes both those who were allowed in despite committing crimes in their home countries and migrants who were convicted here.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) introduced the bill Tuesday to expedite the deportations of illegal migrants convicted of sexual assault and aggravated sexual violence, according to the text of the bill, which was first obtained by The Post.

“These violent criminals never would have entered America in the first place if we had real border security, but now that they’re in our communities, they need to BE GONE,” said Ernst in a statement shared with The Post.

“Since Border Czar Kamala Harris won’t protect this country, then I will. My legislation will combat sexual violence by ensuring predators are identified, stopped, and deported,” she added.

It is not clear how many of the 15,000 convicted migrants entered the US under the Biden-Harris administration, when illegal border crossings hit record levels and the feds were forced to release unprecedented numbers of them into the US with little or no vetting.

They’re here. They’re roaming around the U.S., possibly assaulting women and children still. They shouldn’t be here, and any caught at the border should have been vetted before being released, and convictions for crimes are immediate disqualifiers for entry, even after an asylum declaration. But, because the border was mostly open, we have 15K here. Don’t forget, sanctuary jurisdictions do not report to ICE when they catch an illegal, nor release to ICE without a warrant.

It’s time to control our borders and at least boot out those with criminal records.

Read: Republicans Introduce The Be Gone Act To Hunt Down The Illegals/Migrants Convicted Of Sexual Assault »

Zillow Will Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Listings

There’s nothing the doomsday cult won’t get their claws into

Zillow adds climate risk scores to property listings

When Leslie Watson and her husband were searching for their first house in the San Francisco Bay Area, they had a few priorities. They wanted an enclosed backyard for a dog and a spare room for playing video games. Also on the wish list: low climate risk.

“The main thing that I was the most concerned about was the flooding, because there are a lot of creeks that run through the area,” Watson said.

Yeah, and creeks never flooded before CO2 went above 350ppm, you know

Watson is especially aware of the risks. She’s a high school science teacher whose classes address the climate crisis.

“My opinion is, if you’re looking for a home now and you’re not considering climate risks, you’re not really very in touch with what is happening,” she said.

Home buyers now have more tools to assess those risks. This month, Zillow, the country’s largest real estate search platform, announced it’s adding information about climate hazards, and how they might grow over time, to all of its property listings. Users will be able to scroll down to see a risk score for flooding, wind, wildfire, extreme heat and air quality, along with insurance recommendations to protect against related losses.

In a recent customer survey, the company found that more than 80% of potential home buyers said they consider climate risk in their decisions. More than half of new listings on Zillow are at risk of extreme heat, Olsen said. Meanwhile, 17% face major wildfire risk and 13% major flooding risk — risks scientists say will continue to grow as average global temperatures rise.

In other words, they want to know what the weather is like in the area, which they can obtain with a quick search. Though, lots of people don’t. I can’t tell you the number of people who move to NC and are shocked by the heat. Seriously, it can be 50F outside but it feels much warmer with the sun out. That there are years were you might turn the AC on in February, because it’s high 50s low 60s and the sun is sending the thermostat up. There are many days where the heat never turns on during the day when the sun is shining in the winter. They’re shocked by pollen season. They’re shocked by thunderstorms. That’s the weather. It happens. It’s not climate doom

She and her husband ended up buying a place in San Leandro, California, and they did pretty well with the information they did have.

According to Zillow’s newly added climate information, their house faces minimal flood and fire risk — one out of ten, according to First Street’s scale. The biggest risk was air quality — seven out of ten — but that didn’t surprise Watson. They’re near an industrial area and the Oakland airport.

Air quality is environmental, not climate, and, not surprising being an urban area. But, the climate cult has placed all true environmental issues under their banner. Anyhow, I took a look at a Zillow listing near me, which would be very representative of my location. Hilariously, for all the big deal being made about it, you have to scroll almost all the way to the end of the listing

Not one of those is ‘climate change’. Even thought the river is right there, I’m not even in a 1,000 year flood zone. Fire? Not really. Nor is it climate. Wind? Well, yeah, it’s the South. Air quality? It’s actually pretty good here on the edge of Raleigh. Nor is that climate. Heat? Well, sheeit, y’all, it’s Raleigh. It gets hot. Duh.

Read: Zillow Will Include Climate Crisis (scam) In Their Listings »

Israel Warns Iran Of Consequences For Rocket Attack

And the Biden-Harris admin, but, they’re basically toothless. Harris had yammered about telling Iran “don’t”, and they did, just like Biden told Russia “don’t”

US, Israel Warn of Response to Iranian Missile Attack

The United States said Tuesday that it was discussing a joint response after Iran fired a barrage of missiles at Israel, warning Tehran of “severe consequences”.

Israel vowed it would make Iran “pay” for the attack, which it said saw 180 missiles fired at its territory, most of them intercepted by air defences.

Tehran meanwhile threatened to strike any forces that intervened on its soil on Israel’s behalf.

President Joe Biden said the United States was “fully supportive” of Israel after the missile attack, adding that he would discuss a response with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Asked by reporters what the response towards Iran would be, Biden replied: “That’s in active discussion right now. That remains to be seen.”

Yeah, yeah, of course, Biden has made no real statement. In fact, it was the Vice President, who is really nothing

Anyhow, Israel is a little stronger

(Jerusalem Post) Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu threatened that Iran would pay for attacking Israel with close to 200 missiles, as the region moved closer to an all-out war.

“Iran made a big mistake tonight – and it will pay for it. The regime in Tehran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and to exact a price from our enemies,” Netanyahu told his security cabinet. It met Tuesday in the shadow of Iran’s second attack against the Jewish state, following the one in April.

Obviously, the Israel haters cheered, and blamed Israel for this whole thing. Iran will surely not like the response from Israel.

Read: Israel Warns Iran Of Consequences For Rocket Attack »

Pirate's Cove