Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Threatening Holocaust Sites

Climate cult members will do and say anything to push their cult and it’s governmental authoritarianism

Climate change is threatening Holocaust sites, group warns

An international advocacy group has sounded the alarm on the escalating threat climate change poses to Holocaust-related sites, including former concentration camps and mass graves, Axios reported.

The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) warns that extreme weather events, exacerbated by climate change, are causing irreversible damage to these historically significant locations.

Recent reports from the IHRA reveal that floods and severe storms have wreaked havoc on several key sites across Europe.

In the Czech Republic, the former ghetto of Terezin has been hit hard, with buildings sustaining significant damage. Similarly, the perimeter wall of the Sachsenhausen concentration camp in Germany has been extensively destroyed by severe weather.

In Austria, floodwaters breached the former subcamp of Gusen, reaching the crematorium and causing damage. Additionally, mass graves at the subcamp of Ustica in Croatia are under threat from rising floodwaters.

It’s sad, but, weather happens. It always has and always will, and, sometimes it is extreme.

The potential loss of Holocaust sites also raises concerns about the spread of misinformation and the distortion of historical facts. As antisemitism and White nationalism continue to rise in various countries, the preservation of these sites becomes even more crucial in countering false narratives.

So, in order to deal with all this, your freedom of speech and thought must be stopped.

Read: Your Fault: Hotcoldwetdry Threatening Holocaust Sites »

Biden Blamestorms Republicans, Trump For Killing Border Deal

And all the media are happy to run with his blamestorming rather than analyzing the reality

‘Show a little courage’: Biden attacks Republicans for ‘caving’ to Trump on US-Mexico border security bill

Joe Biden urged Congress to pass the bipartisan border bill in a pointed speech on Tuesday, accusing Republicans of “caving” in to Donald Trump’s demands to block the legislation from advancing.

“All indications are this bill won’t even move forward to the Senate floor. Why? A simple reason: Donald Trump. Because Donald Trump thinks it’s bad for him politically,” Biden said at the White House. “He’d rather weaponize this issue than actually solve it.”

With an eye toward the presidential race, Trump has attacked the bipartisan deal on Truth Social as “nothing more than a highly sophisticated trap for Republicans to assume the blame on what the Radical Left Democrats have done to our Border, just in time for our most important EVER Election”.

As of Tuesday afternoon, it appeared that more than 20 Republican senators were prepared to oppose the border bill, raising serious doubts about its passage.

In his speech, Biden pledged he would make sure that Republicans received the blame if the bill does not pass, indicating he would spotlight the issue on the campaign trail.

“The American people are going to know why it failed. I’ll be taking this issue to the country,” Biden said. “Every day between now and November, the American people are going to know that the only reason the border is not secure is Donald Trump and his Maga [‘Make America Great Again’] Republican friends. It’s time for Republicans in the Congress to show a little courage, to show a little spine, to make it clear to the American people that you work for them – not for anyone else.”

Trump is 100% right: this was a trap bill, and Republicans like James Lankford got rolled, just like with the old Gang Of 8 idiocy. The GOP had two choices: pass this turd of a bill, which would codify catch and release, give work permits immediately to those demanding asylum and even illegals, give taxpayer funded legal council to illegals, expand parole, and barely fund border security, most of which won’t kick in for several years, or, refuse to vote for this and be demonized for “not wanting to secure the border”, the same one Biden left wide open. And not fund Ukraine, Israel, and stopping fentanyl.

It’s better the GOP go with option two. But, will they, other than Trump, have the cajones to tell the truth and defend their decision without being wishy-washy? This was a trap bill. Democrats do this all the time, putting poison pills in then demonizing Republicans for refusing to pass them. If I offer you chocolate, shrimp, lobster, filet, and your favorite veggie, but, you also have to do a little meth, yeah, it’s that meth thing that shuts your support down, right?

The House should pass a Ukraine bill, an Israel bill, and the fentanyl bill separately, then take the border bill, remove all the bad parts, and vote on it. Make the border security, including the wall, a this year thing.

Read: Biden Blamestorms Republicans, Trump For Killing Border Deal »

Senator Mike Lee Explains Just How Bad The Border Bill Is

But, first, let’s go to National Review, which apparently did not get rid of all their squishes. Noah Rothman apparently thinks this is a case of a hawkish bill meeting a dovish GOP, meaning those who are against it

But then, perhaps the border provisions in this bill aren’t central to the GOP’s opposition — that’s certainly the impression one gets from the rump of malcontents in the Republican House conference who, given the meagerness of the GOP’s majority, can control the agenda. To hear them and influential outsiders loyal to Donald Trump talk about the bill, the biggest problem with it is the funding it provides to Ukraine for its defense against a Russian invasion. Indeed, the whole reason why funding for Ukraine was included in a comprehensive bill designed to address all of America’s mounting challenges abroad at once was to help GOP lawmakers swallow that pill. The ploy seems to have backfired. As Ron DeSantis’s press secretary, Jeremy Redfern, put it, given the $60 billion devoted to providing Ukrainians with ordnance, the bill provides “more cash to protect Ukraine’s border than our border.”

Noah wants the GOP to cave on a bill that contains a whole bunch of good stuff, but, has A LOT of really bad stuff that codifies lots of illegals and migrants, and still incentivizes them to come illegally. Andrew C McCarthy conversely writes at NRO that it should be killed off

On X/Twitter, Fox News’ superb reporter Bill Melugin has a good analysis of the long-awaited Senate border legislation. It is very fair in presenting what is enticing about the proposal. The problem is that what is enticing is disingenuous and, ultimately, counterproductive.

That is to say, the good in the bipartisan Senate negotiators’ proposal — and there definitely is some — (a) can already be accomplished under current law, and (b) would require faith that the Biden administration will for some reason enforce these provisions even though it has systematically refused to enforce existing border-security provisions. More important, to get the illusory good in the proposal, Congress would have to enact provisions in the deal that would both undermine existing statutory restrictions and etch into our law magnets for illegal immigration.

The most significant aspect of the deal (which can be read here) is the one the senators tout as, in effect, not merely forcing an immediate shutdown of the border but ending the main driver of illegal immigration — ending, as Melugin aptly puts it, “the whole idea of ‘I made it to U.S. soil, you have to process me.’”

Immediately, we detect the flaw in the senators’ calculations that I have repeatedly emphasized (see, e.g., herehere, and here): Both legally and practically speaking, the border can be shut down, right this instant. There is no legal requirement that any alien who sets foot on American soil be permitted to apply for asylum (which is a discretionary act of national clemency, not a right of the alien). There is similarly no mandate that such aliens be routed into a “process” that enables them to remain — even though their first contact with our nation is to flout its laws, and even though empowering illegal aliens this way is patently harmful to aliens who are attempting to enter by complying with our laws.

Let’s say this horrible bill passes: does anyone think Biden will actually do a damned thing to shut the border if he wins in November? He’s trying to look tough now with an election coming up and an electorate which is incensed by what’s going on. He wins, the border is right back to what he’s done the last three years.

Let’s go to Senator Lee. Putting it under the more tag, it’s long

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Read: Senator Mike Lee Explains Just How Bad The Border Bill Is »

Climate Cult Desperately Trying To Make Category 6 Hurricanes A Thing

This was pretty much in the realm of fiction previously. I remember reading a disaster book a long time ago about how technology caused the weather to get out of control and hurricanes were merging to become super-hurricanes. It’s still in the realm of fiction

‘Category 5’ was considered the worst hurricane. There’s something scarier, study says.

As fearsome as Category 5 hurricanes can be for people living in harm’s way, a new study reports global warming is supercharging some of the most intense cyclones with winds high enough to merit a hypothetical Category 6.

The world’s most intense hurricanes are growing even more intense, fueled by rising temperatures in the ocean and atmosphere, according to the study published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. And, the authors say, a Category 5 on the traditional wind scale underestimates their dangers.

“As a cautious scientist, you never want to cry wolf,” said Michael Wehner, co-author and climate scientist at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. But after searching for the signature of climate change in the world’s most intense cyclones, Wehner said he and co-author Jim Kossin found “the wolf is here.”

But, they’re crying wolf, because they’ve become cult scientists.

They used a hypothetical Category 6, with a minimum threshold of 192 mph, to study hurricanes that have occurred in the modern satellite era, since around 1980. They found five hurricanes and typhoons that would have met the criteria and all five occurred within the last decade.

To be clear, they aren’t proposing adding that category to the National Hurricane Center’s wind scale, which experts say would require a lengthy process and many partners. But they are hoping to “inform broader discussions about how to better communicate risk in a warming world,” Kossin told USA TODAY.

Except, from what I’ve been able to determine, they’re discussing wind gusts, not continuous wind speed. Tropical systems are categorized by the wind speed over one minute at 10 meters above ground/sea level. Not gusts. And we’ve seen the Warmists equate gusts with storm size, not measuring at the right height or using the 1 minute threshold. It gets better

They found the chances of that potential intensity occurring in such storms have more than doubled since 1979. They say the areas where the growing risks of these storms are of greatest concern are the Gulf of Mexico, the Philippines, parts of Southeast Asia and Australia.

1979. The satellite era. We don’t know about anything previously. Nor do we have specific measurements from during the Little Ice Age. What if they were worse during Holocene cool periods? We don’t know. We have no reference. There is no control sources. Do we know the specifics on, say, the Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900? This is all just cult scaremongering.

Read: Climate Cult Desperately Trying To Make Category 6 Hurricanes A Thing »

If All You See…

…is raging snow from too much carbon pollution driven atmospheric water, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on Kaiser Pemanente telling employees to not eat outside in Oakland.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Several Of The MIgrants Who Assaulted NYC Cops Caught Out West

Yeah, these would be the same ones who were released by Soros style DA Alvin Bragg

Yeah, he has Priorities

Several migrants accused in beating of New York City police officers arrested in Phoenix

Several of the illegal immigrants suspected of beating New York City police officers were arrested in Phoenix, Arizona, Fox News confirmed Monday night.

Immigration and Customs Enforcement sources told Fox News that the migrants allegedly involved in the mob beating of NYPD officers were arrested Monday evening by ICE and Homeland Security Investigations at a Greyhound bus station in Phoenix.

The identities of the suspects arrested have not been released. There are also no further details on which migrants seen beating the officers were arrested on Monday.

But, now what? If they are shipped back to NYC Bragg will probably just let them go again. Would the State of NY take over and hold them? They fled across state borders, could Los Federales hold and prosecute them? NY governor Kathy Hochul was displeased with how Bragg released them, even noting that the crime was one that is deportable. Would she hold them and force prosecution?

Meanwhile in the Sanctuary City Of New York

Migrants allegedly snatched phones from 62 women in NYC crime spree: Police

A group of migrants were arrested in the Bronx overnight Monday for a citywide crime spree that included stealing women’s phones off the street, police said.

The New York Police Department executed a search warrant at the suspected safe house and made the arrests.

The seven suspects are expected to be charged with multiple robberies and grand larcenies, and more individuals are being currently sought.

The suspects are all believed to be from Venezuela, authorities said.

The men were linked to a pattern of at least 62 incidents of women having their pocketbooks and phones snatched, police said.

Will Bragg hold them, since they are certainly a flight risk?

Read: Good News: Several Of The MIgrants Who Assaulted NYC Cops Caught Out West »

Citizens Of PRC Shocked By Energy Bills

I’m unsure why they’re shocked: they keep voting for the conditions that mean skyrocketing energy bills

Californians shocked by electric bills after rate hike: ‘Like you’re getting punished’

Some California residents are “stunned” by the high cost of their latest electric and gas bill, after a major utility company raised prices for millions of customers last month.

“It’s almost like you’re getting punished,” 90-year-old Dorothy Lovell told The San Francisco Chronicle. The Santa Rosa resident’s utility bill was $696.64 in January.

“I really was not prepared,” longtime San Francisco resident Rebecca Gallegos told the paper after her bill increased by $162 from the month prior. “I’m blown away.”

Utility company Pacific Gas and Electric Co. “PG&E” announced in November that their customers would be paying about $35 more a month on their utility bills in 2024 after the California Public Utilities Commission approved the new rates. That adds up to over $400 extra a year.

Some Leftists might not think that’s a big deal, but, put this on top of everything else they’re paying more for, like food. Don’t forget, all those businesses paying more for energy will pass the costs on to consumers. A dollar more here, a couple dollars more there, and that adds up to a lot more money.

PG&E customers could see their bills skyrocket even more this year, as the utility commission considers approving additional proposals from PG&E to recover costs from last year’s storms. If approved, customers could see their bills go up an additional $14-15 a month, the report said.

Hooray, right, citizens of the People’s Republik Of California? Part of this is all the climate doom stuff you elect politicians to pass laws on. They make natural gas and other energy sources more expensive. I wonder how many voted for this thinking there would be no negative consequences in their own lives?

Read: Citizens Of PRC Shocked By Energy Bills »

Bummer: LGB Losing His Young Climate Crazies Over Gaza

So, the young climate cultists that back Biden, who rarely practice what they preach, are also supporters of a US State Department designated terrorist organization, hate Jews, and want to see Israel wiped off the map? And these are voters Biden needs? Huh

Biden needs his young climate activists. But they’re angry about the war in Gaza.

President Joe Biden’s attempt to lock down many of the young, climate-minded voters who supported him in the last election is running aground over the war between Israel and Hamas.

Biden promised to be the “climate president” when he won the White House four years ago — and he’s making fresh attempts to woo green activists again, including by taking the dramatic step of halting new permits for natural gas exports. But that message is in danger of being drowned out as many of those youthful environmentalists voice their frustration with Biden’s refusal to demand an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.

The climate president who jumps in a fossil fueled helicopter to go across the river to the airport, jump in a jumbo jet to fly to Delaware, followed by a backup jumbo jet and fighter jets, then a big fossil fueled convoy.

The tension over Biden’s climate outreach is just one example of the growing divide between the president and his progressive base over his staunch support for Israel — a dynamic that is also ripping across issues such as race and abortion rights. Polls show that younger voters are disproportionately likely to support both aggressive climate action and the rights of the Palestinians, complicating Biden’s efforts to get them to flock to the polls for him in November.

Pro-cease-fire outbursts have interrupted a series of public appearances by Biden and his aides in recent weeks, including a climate speech Tuesday by USAID Administrator Samantha Power where someone in the audience urged her to “resign and speak up.” (snip)

Biden’s foreign policy challenge will grow tougher in the coming days as his administration contemplates a military response to last week’s drone strike in Jordan that killed three U.S. service members. Any reprisal for that attack — which the U.S. has blamed on the Iranian-backed Islamic Resistance in Iraq — could add to the turmoil of a region roiled by Hamas’ deadly Oct. 7 attack on Israel and the ensuing Israeli war in Gaza.

Wait, so his support from his unhinged base will be worse because Biden responds to Iranian backed terrorist groups attacking, harming, and killing Americans? Great base there, Joe!

Now Biden’s team is attempting something of a reset with his climate base. Last week, when the administration announced its pause on gas export permits, the White House described the move as an answer to pleas from “younger people” who want the U.S. to more aggressively shift off the fossil fuels that are heating the planet.

Yeah, well, we’ll see just how well they take it when their already high cost of living goes up more and mom and dad demand rent to cover the higher cost of energy.

Read: Bummer: LGB Losing His Young Climate Crazies Over Gaza »

If All You See…

…is heatsnow from people keeping their heat above 58F, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on the West’s humiliating EV climbdown beginning.

Read: If All You See… »

Senate Releases Their “Immigration Overhaul” Bill, DOA In House

While it might have a few good things in it, there are too many bad things

‘This bill is even worse than we expected’: House Speaker reacts to Senate immigration proposal

illegal alien DemocratIn a scathing new statement Sunday night, House Speaker Mike Johnson said the Senate bipartisan bill to overhaul the immigration system along with providing aid to Israel and Ukraine was dead on arrival if it makes it to the House.

“I’ve seen enough. This bill is even worse than we expected, and won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the President has created. As the lead Democrat negotiator proclaimed: Under this legislation, “the border never closes.” If this bill reaches the House, it will be dead on arrival,” Johnson said in a statement on X, echoing comments he made before the bill’s release.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise said the legislation, which includes millions of dollars in new foreign aid and is the first major overhaul of the country’s immigration system in years, will not even receive a vote in the House.

“Let me be clear: The Senate Border Bill will NOT receive a vote in the House. Here’s what the people pushing this “deal” aren’t telling you: It accepts 5,000 illegal immigrants a day and gives automatic work permits to asylum recipients—a magnet for more illegal immigration,” Scalise said in a statement on X.

That’s a pretty big bad thing. Any border bill should disincentivize people from coming illegally/demanding asylum.

(Washington Examiner) The package includes more than $60 billion to Ukraine to fight off Russia’s invasion, $20 billion to address the border crisis, $14.1 billion in security assistance to Israel, $10 billion in humanitarian aid to civilians in Gaza, the West Bank, and Ukraine, $4.8 billion to help Taiwan and Indo-Pacific allies, and an additional $2.4 billion to support U.S. Central Command operations in the Red Sea, according to details from the Senate Appropriations Committee.

Three times more for Ukraine than the border crisis.

The legislation would shorten the time it takes to determine migrants’ asylum claims to no longer than six months and create a higher standard for the initial screening, to take place within 90 days. The bill also includes the Afghan Adjustment Act, which would provide a process for permanent legal status for Afghans who fled during the 2021 withdrawal, as well as the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, which empowers the administration to target entities that produce or smuggle fentanyl.

The shortening of time is great. Can it be done? Will it be done? If it’s Biden doing it, well, he has already pretty much blown off any restrictions on immigration now. Will the process for the Afghans require the same measures as the naturalization process, or, will the U.S. be left with another community, like the Somalis, which hate America and want to practice Islamic extremism? The FEND act is great. Why can’t it be passed separately?

The border shutdown rule is actually optional. Biden loves this bill: do we think he will shut it down at any point if he wins re-election? The bill also spends on $650 million on maintaining and securing the border wall. $60 million to Ukraine.

The House is reportedly going to vote on an Israel funding bill this week. They should do the same for Ukraine. And then take the Senate bill and strip out the bad things

(Daily Caller) “The border security bill will put a huge number of new enforcement tools in the hands of a future administration and push the current Administration to finally stop the illegal flow. The bill provides funding to build the wall, increase technology at the border, and add more detention beds, more agents, and more deportation flights,” wrote Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma, the chief GOP negotiator of the bill, in an email to the Daily Caller News Foundation. “The border security bill ends the abuse of parole on our southwest border that has waived in over a million people. It dramatically changes our ambiguous asylum laws by conducting fast screenings at a higher standard of evidence, limited appeals, and fast deportation.”

See, it sounds good. And they jammed lots of good things in, so that people won’t notice the bad things. And the bad things are bad. Rip the bill apart and dump them.

Read: Senate Releases Their “Immigration Overhaul” Bill, DOA In House »

Pirate's Cove