Sanctuary City Chicago To Spend $79 Million On Staffing For Migrant Centers

I wonder what SCC could do with that $79 million to help actual citizens? And why didn’t they use the $79 million in COVID relief funds for Chicago citizens? And why didn’t Congress write a better bill to make sure that money was used for what it was designated for?

Mayor Johnson signs $79 million spending increase for Favorite Healthcare Staffing for migrant shelters

unintended consequencesMayor Brandon Johnson’s administration will use $79 million in federal COVID relief money to help pay for costs associated with Favorite Healthcare Staffing – the Kansas-based company the city hired to staff the city’s migrant shelters, NBC 5 Investigates has learned.

The latest spending increase – signed last week – does not extend the contract terms but now brings the total value of Favorite’s contract to more than $149 million.

Favorite Staffing has faced public criticism over shelter conditions and the company’s high-priced invoices, which have cost the city more than $96 million so far, according to the city’s migrant spending portal.

An NBC 5 Investigation last fall found the company routinely billed the city for 84 hours per week for its employees – including overtime. The Johnson administration has said it has since worked to reduce the hourly rates and encouraged the company to hire locally to avoid inflated rates used to cover housing and transportation costs for employees.

That was 2023 allocated COVID money. Why? Why was it necessary for Los Federales to allocate that money? But, since they did, why didn’t SCC attempt to save companies that were still in the dumps from COVID tyranny, and help re-open ones that closed, especially small businesses? Why must it be spent on illegals? But, hey, I don’t want to hear any SCC residents complain, as they voted for this.

Meanwhile in SCB

(WBUR) Boston Mayor Michelle Wu is headed to the nation’s capital today to press President Biden’s administration for more help handling the growing number of migrants arriving in Massachusetts. During her appearance yesterday on Radio Boston, Wu said she’ll be “spending some time” with U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to “echo” Gov. Maura Healey’s recent call for more federal funding and get updates on the “bigger picture.”

Bigger picture? The bigger picture is easy: their president has directed Mayorkas to leave the southern border as open as possible, and, since Boston is a sanctuary city, they get to be the recipients of lots and lots of illegals. SCB should raise taxes and fees to cover the costs. They just need to suck it up and live their beliefs.

Meanwhile, Wu is not happy with the Healey administration’s plan to convert the Melnea A. Cass Recreational Complex, an active recreational complex in Roxbury, to an overflow family shelter. While “there are no good options,” Wu said the proposal would put out local community programs. She added the move is “painfully familiar” for a neighborhood that, over the decades, has faced “disinvestment, redlining [and] disproportionate outcomes.”

Should have thought of that before declaring yourselves a sanctuary city.

What happens now is that NYPD officers will ignore all but the worst crime from illegals. Have fun, SCNY residents!

Read: Sanctuary City Chicago To Spend $79 Million On Staffing For Migrant Centers »

Bummer: Canadian Indigenous And Activists Sabotage EV Battery Plants

You know these same groups are hating on fossil fuels and are super enviros and Warmists

Indigenous Canadians and activists protest against Quebec battery factory

When the Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt announced plans to build a multibillion-dollar “gigafactory” in Quebec, the proposal was heralded as a win for Canada’s ambitions to become a global green energy powerhouse – and lauded as an environmentally sensitive project which would minimize harmful emissions.

Four months later, however, protesters are describing the sprawling plant an “ecocidal disgrace”, and driving steel bars and nails into trees, to prevent the company from clearcutting forests and destroying wetlands ahead of construction.

With nearly half of global emissions from automobiles, the European battery giant says plants like its future Northvolt Six facility, which it claims has a low carbon footprint and on-site materials recycling, are critical in the multinational effort to electrify vehicles.

But a dispute around the plant, in a forested enclave near Montreal, has pitted environmentalists and First Nations against the company over fears construction will destroy 170 hectares of wetlands and woodlands, killing or displacing at-risk species.

One group, the Quebec Environmental Law Center, which is super for ‘climate change’ and has been suing for related measures, sued over the plant. But, lost in court. So

For some activists, however, the courts are too slow a venue:last week, an anonymous group claimed responsibility for driving steel bars and nails into the trunks of at least 100 trees in an attempt to damage logging equipment and sabotage construction. The group said they had identified the trees with spray paint.

“To stop Northvolt, we need to multiply our tactics and hit where it hurts: causing economic risk and uncertainty … We gave the forest weapons to defend itself!” the group wrote on the Montreal Counter Information website, a self-described anarchist forum.

Yeah, they’re all for these “green” things right up till they end up in their neighborhoods or harm a bug or tree.

Read: Bummer: Canadian Indigenous And Activists Sabotage EV Battery Plants »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled helicopter causing defoliation, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 90Ninety Miles From Tyranny, with a post on the CDC labeling accurate articles as “misinformation”.

Read: If All You See… »

Politico Wonders Just How Biden Will Respond To Iran Attack Which Killed U.S. Soldiers

Considering it has been several days, I’m think the answer is “ignore it and walk away”

Biden’s team is blaming Iran for American deaths. How will the US respond?

Biden Brain SuckerPresident Joe Biden is blaming Iran more explicitly than ever for the deaths of three American soldiers and is weighing what the consequences should be, as the domestic and foreign political dynamics surrounding his Middle East policy grow more complex by the moment.

Some Democrats are increasingly worried that Biden’s presidency is at risk of getting overtaken by foreign events. Congressional Republican leaders and allied hawks are pushing for a swift reaction to the attack. Biden’s likely general election rival, Donald Trump, put the blame on the president, while conservatives wary of military action counseled caution.

Within the administration, top aides are trying to thread a needle: Biden is ordering his advisers to present a range of U.S. response options that would forcefully deter other attacks while also not further inflaming a smoldering region, according to two officials granted anonymity because they are not authorized to speak publicly about private deliberations.

On Monday, the White House repeated Biden’s promise a day earlier it would “respond” to the attacks but also cautioned the U.S. would not act in haste.

In other words, they’re going to let the murder of U.S. troops by Iranian backed terrorists fade away

“We do not seek another war. We do not seek to escalate. But we will absolutely do what is required,” National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby told reporters during the White House briefing, adding that the eventual response will take into account “that these groups, backed by Tehran, have just taken the lives of American troops.”

They’d rather negotiate with Iran for another worthless nuclear deal

Among the options on the table for the Pentagon: striking Iranian personnel in Syria or Iraq or Iranian naval assets in the Persian Gulf, according to the officials. The Iranian government, for its part, has suggested that a strike on Iran itself would be a red line. The officials suggested that, once the president gave the go-ahead, the retaliation would likely begin in the next couple of days and come in waves against a range of targets.

Biden has carefully calibrated his response to the more than 160 attacks carried out by Iran-backed proxies hoping to take advantage of the chaos in the region in the wake of the Oct. 7 terrorist attacks. He has responded to only about 10 percent of those attacks, authorizing limited air strikes, mostly on the Houthis targeting shipping in the Red Sea, while fervently trying to wind down the conflict in Gaza and prevent further escalation.

Iran is making war on the United States. Do we really want a full war? Not really. But, they’ll keep doing it unless there is a huge response.

Some Democrats close to the president believe he has become unavoidably bogged down on foreign affairs — including trying to manage Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has frustrated the White House with his conduct of the war. Though Sunday’s attack will place further strain on Biden, his senior advisers believe that foreign policy presents an opportunity to show his decades of experience, which they believe they can contrast with Trump.

Well, yeah, when he proved that his foreign policy was feckless and foolish, that America under his presidency would be weak, nations took advantage.

Read: Politico Wonders Just How Biden Will Respond To Iran Attack Which Killed U.S. Soldiers »

Good News: German Climate Nuts To Stop Gluing Themselves To Streets

That’s a good thing, right?

Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics

A group of climate activists who infuriated many in Germany by gluing themselves to streets to block traffic said Monday that it will abandon the tactic and move on to holding what it calls “disobedient assemblies.”

The Last Generation group frequently blocked roads in Berlin and other cities over the past two years, its best-known but far from its only tactic in a campaign of protests that also included spraying the capital’s Brandenburg Gate with orange paint, among other things.

The group’s tactics were widely criticized, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz described them as “completely nutty.”

Last Generation asserted that the number of demonstrators has increased enormously in the past two years and said that “from now on we will protest in a different form — but it will remain unignorable.”

Oh, this should be good. Unignorable

From March onward, “instead of dividing into small groups and blocking roads, we will hold disobedient gatherings with many people. And where we cannot be ignored,” the group said in a statement.

As well as that, the group said it will increasingly “directly confront” those it considers responsible for climate destruction, for instance by confronting politicians and other decision-makers in public and on camera.

So, easier to score points running them over Carmageddon style? They already create issues with blocking emergency services, this seems to make it worse. How many altercations will occur with German motorists getting out of their cars and dragging the wackos out of the road? How many fights? How quickly will it escalate to something worse? Funny thing is, idling vehicles are even worse, especially in terms of localized non-CO2 emissions.

Read: Good News: German Climate Nuts To Stop Gluing Themselves To Streets »

James Lankford Said Opposition To Senate Border Bill Is “Misinformation”

Lanford has been all over the TV, local and national, Sunday and Monday, trying to pimp the bipartisan immigration bill. He’s here blaming Trump, but, really, this is aimed at everyone who opposes the bill

Lankford: Trump opposition to border deal due to ‘misinformation’

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) minimized the influence of former President Trump’s opposition to a Senate border deal, arguing that detractors will back the effort after they read the bill, though any text of the legislation has yet to be released.

Trump has urged Senators not to support a bipartisan border security agreement, calling it a “catastrophe waiting to happen” and falling short of what is needed.

Lankford, a leading Republican in negotiations, said Sunday he still believes the effort will pass.

“They’re all functioning off of internet rumors of what’s in the bill, and many of them are false,” he said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “So people want to be able to just see it, read it, go through it, and to be able to see the dramatic change that this really makes and how we handle our immigration system and how we work to be able to secure our border completely.”

Yes. Yes we do. If it’s so darned great, if we’re all wrong on what it will do, then give us the details. Tell us what you’re negotiating. Tell us what it will do

“That’s been a simple request of Americans, whether you’re Republican, Democrat or independent,” he continued. “People just want a secure border where we have legal immigration, but we’re not promoting illegal immigration, and that’s what we’ve seen in the last three years.”

He said lead negotiators don’t have a solid vote count of who is backing the effort just yet because the entire text has not been distributed to members, adding that “misinformation” about the bill will be corrected when the text is released.

Yeah, well, the Citizens haven’t seen it either. How about showing it to us before you vote?

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), another lead negotiator, made similar comments Sunday, optimistic about the border deal’s future.

If Murphy and other Democrats are thrilled by the bill you can bet it gives lots of amnesty, incentivizes people from around the world to come illegally, and does nothing to secure the border. If the information we’ve heard so far, like that amnesty denial authority kicks in at 5,000 a day (that’s 1.8 million more a year) is anywhere close to true, then Senate Republicans are getting rolled.

Yeah, but, none of them are actually denying that this is in the bill. This all reminds me of the horrible amnesty push from Bush43 and his GOP squishes.

Read: James Lankford Said Opposition To Senate Border Bill Is “Misinformation” »

Climate Cultists Throw Soup On Mona Lisa

Originally, the news was talking about these being pro-food people supporting the farmers, hence why I ignored it Sunday. But, now we have more information

Protesters hurl soup at the ‘Mona Lisa’ in Paris

Protesters hurled soup at the “Mona Lisa” painting in Paris on Sunday, but it was protected from damage by its glass casing.

The environmental group Riposte Alimentaire — which roughly translates to “Food Response” — said two protesters involved with its campaign were behind the vandalism.

A video of the incident shows the demonstrators throwing orange-colored soup from bottles before ducking beneath a protective barrier to address onlookers. “What is more important: art or the right to a healthy and sustainable diet?” one is heard asking.

There really wasn’t much about ‘climate change’ involved, except for the whole sustainability thing. But, guess what? They’re Modern Socialists

In a series of social media posts about the incident, Riposte Alimentaire said it wanted to draw attention to unsustainable food production and hunger in France, calling for “the integration of food into the general social security system.”

According to its website, Riposte Alimentaire is part of the A22 Network, a collection of activist groups — including Just Stop Oil, which orchestrated a similar attack on Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” in London in 2022 — known for disruptive climate protests.

They want The Government to be in charge of all food. Surprise! Can someone point them to how well that worked in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and other Socialist countries?

Read: Climate Cultists Throw Soup On Mona Lisa »

If All You See…

…is a horrible petroleum based road meant for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on French Farmers rejecting concessions, will continue protesting.

Read: If All You See… »

Denver Public Schools Ask For Donations Thanks To Illegal Alien Influx

Those who support unfettered illegal immigration often say that it has negative implications, that it doesn’t negatively effect U.S. citizens. Well, how many Denver residents will be donating lots of cash and goods?

Denver Public Schools needs classroom donations due to influx of migrant students

Denver Public Schools is feeling the pressure from a spike in migrant students.

About 2,900 new students have enrolled in DPS since October. The school system has been getting about 100 migrant students each week since the window closed in October.

Lyly Zaragoza has been a dual-language teacher at McMeen Elementary for the last five years. It’s what she calls her true calling.

“Right after high school, I got a job working with kids and I just really enjoyed it and that’s what I saw myself doing,” she said.

Zaragoza has seen a lot of changes since she first got into the profession.

“Definitely the class sizes,” said Zaragoza. “My first classroom, I had 14 kids. It was a really easy first year, I was really lucky.”

And now her class is double that. And what of all the other classes? How many are being disrupted because of all the kids who cannot speak a lick of English?

With a significant increase in students, schools in Denver need more supplies.

“Whiteboards, Expo markers, regular markers have been a huge thing this year because they’ll leave the cap off and we’ll just replace them, but now we’re running low. Some toys to help them master those skills that they have not practiced before,” Hinman said.

Zaragoza acknowledges the situation is stretching the district’s resources.

Well, welcome to what Texas and its border towns have had to deal with. And to the small towns Biden has been flying illegals to since he took office.

She also sees it as an opportunity to come together as a community to help bring up the next generation.

“We’re happy they are coming to our school, and we welcome as much as we can,” said Zaragoza. “Any resources that can help the community would be good. Basic supplies for not just me, but other teachers are facing the same thing.”

If you want to help, the school is collecting winter items and food for families. Call the main officer at 720-424-5520 to find out how you can help.

Well, jump on it, Democratic Party voters who support Denver being a sanctuary city. That money you had reserved for your kids needs to be sent to the schools to support people who came to the U.S. illegally. The school system is $17.5 million short in funds thanks to the influx if 2,800 illegals. You wanted this, Denver, you got it. Huh, what’s that? Oh, you wanted it for Somewhere Else. Your beliefs aren’t as fun when they hit your own city, eh?

Read: Denver Public Schools Ask For Donations Thanks To Illegal Alien Influx »

To Solve Global Boiling, You Have To Be Forced To Change How You Travel

Cosmos Magazine says “we”, but, what they really mean is “you”

To avoid the worst of climate change we have to change how we travel

In September last year I embarked on a 5 week trip throughout Italy and France.

We swam in the waters of Cinque Terre, ate the best pizza we’d ever had in Naples, and walked blisters into our feet through the streets of Paris.

The marvels of modern aviation meant I completed my 32,000 km round trip in roughly 24 hours each way.

But while I budgeted for the monetary costs associated with the trip, I neglected to consider another crucial one – the carbon cost. (snip through some cult propaganda)

So, what will global tourism look like as it begins to decarbonise? Will it necessitate changing the way I approach travel in the coming decades?

So, because she took a massive fossil fueled trip and felt bad afterward…funny that this Warmist didn’t think about it before hand, though, maybe she did and just didn’t care, like most…you need a lecture on reducing your carbon footprint. What’s the over/under she takes more big fossil fueled trips soon?

More cult propaganda, then

“If you look at the division of the [emissions from] different parts of travel, then in general… transport takes about 75-80%, 20% goes to the accommodation sector,” says Peeters.

That 20% also includes activities, like visiting museums or amusement parks.

“And then within transport, you see that about more than half of the emissions come from aviation, while at the same time aviation serves about a quarter of all trips,” he says.

Each country party to the Paris Agreement – a legally binding international treaty on climate change – is required to establish a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). An NDC is an action plan to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts, updated every 5 years.

Uh, ok, so……?

Most of tourism – like accommodation and on-ground transportation – falls within the Paris Agreement and these NDCs and will decarbonise through changes already happening in the legislation of each country. For instance, the transition to electrified forms of travel and accommodation powered by renewable energy. So, as a tourist, I won’t need to change my behaviour there.

And how are they doing that? By forcing you out of your fossil fueled vehicle, supposedly into EVs, but, the climate cultists are already trying to end people even owning EVs. They want them on public transportation.

“We need an international body that governs the growth of aviation that actually stops it for the next couple of decades, to create a timeframe for the technology we need.”

So until sustainable aviation technology can be fully implemented, the key is to slow the rate of growth of aviation.

Which really means you peasants won’t be allowed to fly. That’s what they want. You can sell your allotments to the Elites.

So, what will this mean for my travel habits in the coming years, if further isn’t better?

It will likely involve a switch in mindset to consider whether an alternative, less carbon intensive mode of transport exists to reach the destination I have in mind.

Interestingly, almost no Warmists has changed their mindset, so, this requires government force. But, hey, you can take the train!

Read: To Solve Global Boiling, You Have To Be Forced To Change How You Travel »

Pirate's Cove