Your Fault: Northeast Subsiding At “Alarming Rate”

This is your fault for eating food and drinking water

East Coast cities are sinking at an alarming rate, new research warns: ‘Impacts are real’

New York City is reaching an all-time low — literally.

New research reveals dramatic concern that the Big Apple, Long Island and many more Atlantic coastal regions face an inevitable risk of sinking under the weight of their buildings at an alarming rate.

“It affects you and I and everyone. It may be gradual, but the impacts are real,” Virginia Tech professor and researcher Manoochehr Shirzaei said.

Other metropolitan areas like Baltimore, Maryland, along with Norfolk and Virginia Beach in Virginia, were also flagged as worrisome coastal areas prone to dangerous flooding as a result of the sinking land.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, highlights that the rate of sinking — scientifically called subsidence — is occurring at a staggering 2 millimeters per year in many areas.

That’s the average. Some places are subsiding much more than others. What’s the cause? There are natural causes, but, one of the biggest ones is from pumping water out from underground, so, yes, it does have human causation. There is also a theory that the land rebound after the glaciers melted has since reversed to go back to where it should be.

The Virginia Tech study warns that more than 1,400 miles of East Coast terrain is sinking at a rate of more than 5 millimeters annually.

That’s four more than the rate of global sea rise.

So, obviously, the climate cult is using this to prognosticate even more doom, because, that’s what they do. In reality, the sinking land makes the sea rise look higher than it actually is. And sea rise is expected during a typical Holocene warm period. Though, one would expect much more than the Earth has been experiencing.

One question, though, is what do we do to get water to reduce subsistence?

Read: Your Fault: Northeast Subsiding At “Alarming Rate” »

Illinois Governor Pritzker Begs Greg Abbott To Stop Sending Illegals

Why doesn’t this sanctuary state governor want illegals? Abbott should send some to to the state capitol, Springfield

Illinois’ Democrat Governor Begs Texas Gov. Abbott to Stop Busing Migrants to Chicago amid Winter Weather

Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL) sent a letter to Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) on Friday begging him to stop sending migrant buses and planes to Chicago as frigid temperatures are on their way.

Pritzker accused Abbott of causing chaos in order to make gains politically, NBC Chicago reported Friday.

You are now sending asylum seekers from Texas to the Upper Midwest in the middle of winter — many without coats, without shoes to protect them from the snow — to a city whose shelters are already overfilled with migrants you sent here.

You seem to have no interest in working on bipartisan solutions to the border crisis because that would put an end to your cruel political game, but I am writing to you today hoping to appeal to your humanity.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. If it’s not the cold, it’s the heat. Or rain. Or wind. Or beautiful weather perfect for a picnic. Or the monumental amount of money the city of Chicago and the state of Illinois are having to spend, which is on top of all the crime. There will always be some excuse from illegal immigration supporters. But, they always miss the obvious solutions, which do not involve spending more money to support illegals and asylum seekers (who mostly won’t get it). Not giving them money, housing, healthcare, education, and so forth. Not inside the United States.

Thing is, they are not arriving from Texas: they’re arriving from Mexico, Venezuela, Honduras, India, Middle Eastern and African nations.

Read: Illinois Governor Pritzker Begs Greg Abbott To Stop Sending Illegals »

If All You See…

…is a rising sea damaging inland structures, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on global disasters shrinking.

It’s wet week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and a fox walked across the backyard. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The Lid discusses LA wanting to give illegal aliens badges and guns
  2. The Gateway Pundit notes how many guns Americans bought in 2023
  3. The Feral Irishman wonders how many Melrose, Mass residents are opening their doors to illegals
  4. Powerline covers Jewish students suing Harvard
  5. Outside The Beltway discusses porn, public employees, and the 1st Amendment
  6. neo-neocon wonders about the smiley-voice
  7. Moonbattery highlights stopping abuse of children being abuse
  8. Legal Insurrection covers Trump now going after Vivek
  9. IOTW Report features Democrats becoming Independents
  10. Geller Report notes yet another fake hate crime
  11. Dissecting Leftism covers the CDC ordered to report COVID surveillance
  12. Cold Fury discusses Texas seizing a border park and blocking the feds
  13. Climate Depot shows EV disasters coming in threes
  14. American Greatness covers Rice U offering and Afrochemistry class
  15. And last, but, not least, Watts Up With That? notes that embracing your inner communist can help with your climate grief

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Good News: Biden Gives China Green Light To Invade Taiwan

As if things haven’t gone off the rails enough since Biden assumed the presidency, what with his disastrous Afghanistan withdrawal, Russian invading Ukraine, Iran working towards having nuclear weapons, letting a Chinese spy balloon fly across the entire country, Hamas with their horrific attack on Israel/Jews, the Iranian back Houthis getting frisky, and so much more, now Let’s Go Brandon is giving China the green light to invade Taiwan

Biden: US does not support Taiwan independence

U.S. President Joe Biden said on Saturday the United States does not support the independence of Taiwan, after Taiwanese voters rebuffed China and gave the ruling party a third presidential term.

Earlier in the day, the Taiwanese ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) presidential candidate Lai Ching-te came to power, strongly rejecting Chinese pressure to spurn him, and pledged both to stand up to Beijing and seek talks.

“We do not support independence…” Biden said, when asked for reaction to Saturday’s elections.

Hours ahead of the polls opening, Washington had warned “it would be unacceptable” for “any” country to interfere in the election.

And that means what, Joe?

The United States is Taiwan’s most important international backer and arms supplier despite the lack of formal diplomatic ties with the island.

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken congratulated Lai Ching-te on his victory and said the United States “is committed to maintaining cross-strait peace and stability, and the peaceful resolution of differences, free from coercion and pressure.”He said the U.S.looks forward to working with Lai and leaders of all parties in Taiwan to advance their “longstanding unofficial relationship, consistent with the U.S. one China policy.”

But, Joe says the U.S. doesn’t support independence?

In a show of support for the government, Biden plans to dispatch an unofficial delegation to the self-governed island, according to a senior Biden administration official.

The delegation is likely to include some former high-ranking American officials, according to the official, who said the names have not been finalized. Similar delegations have been sent to Taiwan in the past.

So, do we support independence or not? Do we support Taiwan or not?

The Biden administration has feared that the election, transition and new administration would escalate conflict with Beijing.

Biden has worked to smooth relations with China, including agreeing to talk through differences on security matters at a California summit with President Xi Jinping in November.

Exactly what is the Biden regime standing for? When China hears “we do not support independence” what are they thinking? When they see Joe trying to smooth relations, what are they thinking? When Blinkin gives a conflicting statement, what is China thinking? Is it something along the lines of “the Biden admin is squishy, let’s invade Taiwan”?

Seriously, how contorted and absurd can Brandon foreign policy get? China intends to invade and take control of Taiwan. China has militarized and seized vast areas of the South China Sea. It will probably make no difference to Chinese intentions or actions if the US declares that it recognizes and will support Taiwanese independence. It just might however cause them to postpone and will certainly show other countries in the area that the US actually has a backbone. They would then be more inclined to collectively resist coercion by China.

We have a treaty to protect Taiwan, and Biden is making it difficult. And then he blew out of D.C. to head to Camp David.

Read: Good News: Biden Gives China Green Light To Invade Taiwan »

If All You See…

…are trees which look bad due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Other McCain, with a post on priorities in Seattle.

Read: If All You See… »

US Institute Of Peace Super Concerned Biden’s Striking Islamic Extremist Group

Funny how so many leftist groups get their panties in a wad when Islamic extremist groups are on the receiving end of military strikes which they earned, but, not so much when the Islamic extremist terrorist groups are attacking

Peace expert says U.S. strikes on Houthis in Yemen marks ‘very dangerous moment in the Middle East’

One day after the U.S. and the U.K. launched retaliatory strikes against Houthi militant locations in Yemen, President Biden said the U.S. is prepared to take action again if the Iran-backed rebels continue to attack ships in the Red Sea.

“We will make sure that we respond to the Houthis if they continue with this outrageous behavior along with our allies,” Biden told reporters traveling with him in Pennsylvania on Friday. (snip)

“I think the hope was there would be other ways to deter Houthi attacks on Red Sea targets,” Mona Yacoubian, vice president of the Middle East and North Africa Center at the U.S. Institute of Peace, told Yahoo News. “It was the significant barrage of missiles and drones on January 9 that finally gave the U.S. — from its perspective — no option but to respond directly by attacking Houthi targets in Yemen.” (snip)

Do you think the U.S. and U.K. strikes will lead to an escalation of a wider war in the Middle East?
Yacoubian: I believe we are in the throes of a much broader region-wide conflict that has directly drawn in the United States. The Houthis are now vowing revenge on Americans. Honestly, [the Houthis are] in a position where they can sort of control a bit of the pace of escalation. They simply need to say, ‘Hey, we’re here, still standing’ and undertake additional strikes.

This will once again put the United States in the difficult position of having to then escalate its own military intervention as a way of seeking to deter Houthi military action. And before you know it, I think we’re off on a whole new escalatory cycle that very much encumbers the United States.

The US Institute Of Peace was actually established by Congress, and is supposedly non-partisan. And they aren’t wrong about being dangerous, but, the US and UK can kick the crap out of the Houthis if we so choose. If Iran wants to get frisky, well, they’ll get smacked around as well.

What happens now?
Yacoubian: We’re at a very dangerous moment in the Middle East. Unfortunately, I think the kind of rising tensions at this flashpoint in the Red Sea have now tipped the region into the broader conflict that many fear could happen.

I think the big question at this point is going to be how to move from a situation of escalating tensions and violence, to one in which the United States can restore deterrence and deescalate very, very dangerous tensions before others end up joining the fight.

They seem very concerned that the terrorist group is on the receiving end of FAFO. They weren’t that concerned when Hamas attacked Israel, at least not about Israel and all the Jews killed. Just that Palestinians, who support Hamas and are so extremist that no Arab country will take them in, would be on the receiving end of FAFO. There were no articles about Hamas attacking Israel. No tweets. And these peace experts seem to want to blame the US and UK, not the Houthis and Iran. The Peace Institute folks seem to think that Israel and the US, along with all those attacked by the Iranian backed Houthis should simply just take it.

Read: US Institute Of Peace Super Concerned Biden’s Striking Islamic Extremist Group »

Netherlands Sued By Dutch Caribbean Citizens Of Bonaire Over Climate Doom

The lawyers for the Netherlands should ask in court if these Dutch folks have given up their own use of fossil fuels and will stop all shipping of goods to the island, and stop all tourism, since that is the primary part of their economy

Dutch Caribbean islanders sue Netherlands over climate change

Eight people from the Caribbean island of Bonaire are suing the Netherlands, accusing it of violating their human rights by not doing enough to protect them from the climate crisis.

The group, with Greenpeace Netherlands, filed a formal legal challenge against the Dutch government in The Hague on Thursday, asking the district court to order it to cut its greenhouse emissions much more quickly and to help its most vulnerable territories adapt to the impact of the climate crisis.

As a low-lying island, Bonaire is likely to experience serious consequences from climate change, including extreme weather and sea-level rise.

“Likely to.” So, it’s not happening now?

The KNMI report concludes that climate policy that focuses on reducing emissions can make a big difference to the future of Dutch Caribbean islands such as Bonaire.

OK, no more flights to their international airport, no more cruise ships, no more fossil fueled vehicles and boats.

Research by the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, commissioned by Greenpeace, shows sea-level rise is likely to permanently submerge parts of the island by 2050, a problem exacerbated by the loss of coral reefs as a natural buffer against the oceans warming and acidifying.

Interestingly, there are no measurements for the actual sea level rise in that area. The closest nation, Venezuela, has none. Columbia’s haven’t been updated for decades. Isn’t always interesting how these doomsayers never have actual data?

Read: Netherlands Sued By Dutch Caribbean Citizens Of Bonaire Over Climate Doom »

New Mexico Democrats Push Gun Control Laws That Won’t Stop Criminals

New Mexico has already passed lots and lots of gun laws. Not quite at the level of the People’s Republik Of California. Everytown rates them #16 for U.S. states. Giffords gives them a C+, and has recommendations for New Mexico. Which the Democrats seem to be following

NM Gov. Grisham pushes gun control, public safety as Legislature reconvenes

New Mexico’s governor presented a broad suite of legislative proposals on gun control and enhanced penalties for violent crime Friday, vowing to forge new pathways through the complex landscape of constitutional law in the wake of the U.S. Supreme Court’s 2022 decision to expand gun rights.

The announcements by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, a second-term Democrat, puts public safety at the forefront of a 30-day legislative session that starts Tuesday. The fast-paced session is limited to budget negotiations — and initiatives chosen by the governor.

“The constitutionality questions are beginning to be very complicated in the arena of gun violence,” Lujan Grisham said. “We are going to continue this effort, following what is going on around the country. … There will be others who will follow in our footsteps, creating their own public safety corridors, which in effect also make New Mexicans safer.”

So, they are going to make it harder for law abiding citizens to defend themselves from the criminality the Democrats create with their terrible, soft on crime laws and policies.

Germane proposals will include a ban on guns at public parks and playgrounds with felony penalties for violations — expanding a hallmark of the governor’s ongoing declaration of a public health emergency related to gun violence and drug abuse.

Democratic legislators are seeking a 14-day waiting period for background checks on gun purchases and a minimum age set to 21 on purchases of semiautomatic rifles and shotguns.

A proposal from Democratic state Rep. Andrea Romero of Santa Fe would place new limitations on assault-style weapons to reducing a shooter’s ability to fire off dozens of rounds a second and attach new magazines to keep firing.

A list of more than 20 public-safety bills, sponsored mostly by Democratic legislators, extend beyond gun safety to a panhandling ban and expanded criminal provisions related to retail theft as local stores have resorted to padlocking clothes. The proposals also include felony penalties for teachers and coaches who ignore hazing incidents in the wake of alleged locker-room assaults involving New Mexico State basketball players.

Yeah, they had to include some measures to deal with their previous idiocy on going easy on criminals. Because criminals will follow these laws and the gun laws. Have fun with the lawsuits if passed! Republicans should offer amendments, since they cannot necessary stop the anti-2nd Amendment bills, that strip those who protect the governor of “assault rifles”, large capacity magazines, and where they can carry weapons in public.

Interestingly, these same people freak about a 72 hour waiting period for abortions, which are not constitutional rights

Read: New Mexico Democrats Push Gun Control Laws That Won’t Stop Criminals »

‘Climate Change’ Drove Extinction Of Real King Kong Or Something

I’m pretty sure this is your fault

What killed the ‘real King Kong’? Scientists say they now know the answer to an ancient mystery

It did not fall off the Empire State Building.

Instead, a giant ape sometimes dubbed the “real King Kong” was driven to extinction by climate change that put its favorite fruits out of reach during the dry season, according to new research published Wednesday in the journal Nature.

Standing 10 feet tall and weighing up to 650 pounds, Gigantopithecus blacki roamed the forested plains of southern China’s Guangxi region hundreds of thousands of years ago, chowing down on fruits and flowers.

But the apes’ strict diet may have led to the species’ demise, researchers found.

The herbivore ape made a “fatal mistake of being reluctant in changing its food preference to find new, more nutritious food,” Yingqi Zhang, the study’s lead researcher, told NBC News on Thursday.

But researchers were able to use one of the latest techniques, called “luminescence dating,” which enabled them to date the soil around the fossils in 22 caves in southern China.

That helped them conclude that the giant apes died out sometime between 295,000 years ago and 215,000 years ago.

Must have been pretty hot with all those fossil fueled vehicles, right? What they, and all the other articles, fail to note is that period was mostly a cool period with many segments of ice age, but, then a massive high spike around 230K years ago, then falling temperatures. Depending on the reconstruction. Because some just show a very cold period between the numbers mentioned above. The object here is to do a bit of scaremongering, make people link this with anthropogenic climate change.

Westaway said the research could also open a possible window into the future for how humans can adapt to adverse climate events and ensure the survival of the species.

“It really puts a precedent on trying to understand how primates respond to environmental stresses and what makes certain primates vulnerable and what makes other ones resilient,” she said.

See? I’d be worried if the greenhouse gases were going to cause an ice age.

Read: ‘Climate Change’ Drove Extinction Of Real King Kong Or Something »

Pirate's Cove