Good News: German Climate Nuts To Stop Gluing Themselves To Streets

That’s a good thing, right?

Climate activists in Germany to abandon gluing themselves to streets, employ new tactics

A group of climate activists who infuriated many in Germany by gluing themselves to streets to block traffic said Monday that it will abandon the tactic and move on to holding what it calls “disobedient assemblies.”

The Last Generation group frequently blocked roads in Berlin and other cities over the past two years, its best-known but far from its only tactic in a campaign of protests that also included spraying the capital’s Brandenburg Gate with orange paint, among other things.

The group’s tactics were widely criticized, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz described them as “completely nutty.”

Last Generation asserted that the number of demonstrators has increased enormously in the past two years and said that “from now on we will protest in a different form — but it will remain unignorable.”

Oh, this should be good. Unignorable

From March onward, “instead of dividing into small groups and blocking roads, we will hold disobedient gatherings with many people. And where we cannot be ignored,” the group said in a statement.

As well as that, the group said it will increasingly “directly confront” those it considers responsible for climate destruction, for instance by confronting politicians and other decision-makers in public and on camera.

So, easier to score points running them over Carmageddon style? They already create issues with blocking emergency services, this seems to make it worse. How many altercations will occur with German motorists getting out of their cars and dragging the wackos out of the road? How many fights? How quickly will it escalate to something worse? Funny thing is, idling vehicles are even worse, especially in terms of localized non-CO2 emissions.

Read: Good News: German Climate Nuts To Stop Gluing Themselves To Streets »

James Lankford Said Opposition To Senate Border Bill Is “Misinformation”

Lanford has been all over the TV, local and national, Sunday and Monday, trying to pimp the bipartisan immigration bill. He’s here blaming Trump, but, really, this is aimed at everyone who opposes the bill

Lankford: Trump opposition to border deal due to ‘misinformation’

Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.) minimized the influence of former President Trump’s opposition to a Senate border deal, arguing that detractors will back the effort after they read the bill, though any text of the legislation has yet to be released.

Trump has urged Senators not to support a bipartisan border security agreement, calling it a “catastrophe waiting to happen” and falling short of what is needed.

Lankford, a leading Republican in negotiations, said Sunday he still believes the effort will pass.

“They’re all functioning off of internet rumors of what’s in the bill, and many of them are false,” he said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” “So people want to be able to just see it, read it, go through it, and to be able to see the dramatic change that this really makes and how we handle our immigration system and how we work to be able to secure our border completely.”

Yes. Yes we do. If it’s so darned great, if we’re all wrong on what it will do, then give us the details. Tell us what you’re negotiating. Tell us what it will do

“That’s been a simple request of Americans, whether you’re Republican, Democrat or independent,” he continued. “People just want a secure border where we have legal immigration, but we’re not promoting illegal immigration, and that’s what we’ve seen in the last three years.”

He said lead negotiators don’t have a solid vote count of who is backing the effort just yet because the entire text has not been distributed to members, adding that “misinformation” about the bill will be corrected when the text is released.

Yeah, well, the Citizens haven’t seen it either. How about showing it to us before you vote?

Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), another lead negotiator, made similar comments Sunday, optimistic about the border deal’s future.

If Murphy and other Democrats are thrilled by the bill you can bet it gives lots of amnesty, incentivizes people from around the world to come illegally, and does nothing to secure the border. If the information we’ve heard so far, like that amnesty denial authority kicks in at 5,000 a day (that’s 1.8 million more a year) is anywhere close to true, then Senate Republicans are getting rolled.

Yeah, but, none of them are actually denying that this is in the bill. This all reminds me of the horrible amnesty push from Bush43 and his GOP squishes.

Read: James Lankford Said Opposition To Senate Border Bill Is “Misinformation” »

Climate Cultists Throw Soup On Mona Lisa

Originally, the news was talking about these being pro-food people supporting the farmers, hence why I ignored it Sunday. But, now we have more information

Protesters hurl soup at the ‘Mona Lisa’ in Paris

Protesters hurled soup at the “Mona Lisa” painting in Paris on Sunday, but it was protected from damage by its glass casing.

The environmental group Riposte Alimentaire — which roughly translates to “Food Response” — said two protesters involved with its campaign were behind the vandalism.

A video of the incident shows the demonstrators throwing orange-colored soup from bottles before ducking beneath a protective barrier to address onlookers. “What is more important: art or the right to a healthy and sustainable diet?” one is heard asking.

There really wasn’t much about ‘climate change’ involved, except for the whole sustainability thing. But, guess what? They’re Modern Socialists

In a series of social media posts about the incident, Riposte Alimentaire said it wanted to draw attention to unsustainable food production and hunger in France, calling for “the integration of food into the general social security system.”

According to its website, Riposte Alimentaire is part of the A22 Network, a collection of activist groups — including Just Stop Oil, which orchestrated a similar attack on Vincent van Gogh’s “Sunflowers” in London in 2022 — known for disruptive climate protests.

They want The Government to be in charge of all food. Surprise! Can someone point them to how well that worked in the Soviet Union, Venezuela, and other Socialist countries?

Read: Climate Cultists Throw Soup On Mona Lisa »

If All You See…

…is a horrible petroleum based road meant for fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Green Jihad, with a post on French Farmers rejecting concessions, will continue protesting.

Read: If All You See… »

Denver Public Schools Ask For Donations Thanks To Illegal Alien Influx

Those who support unfettered illegal immigration often say that it has negative implications, that it doesn’t negatively effect U.S. citizens. Well, how many Denver residents will be donating lots of cash and goods?

Denver Public Schools needs classroom donations due to influx of migrant students

Denver Public Schools is feeling the pressure from a spike in migrant students.

About 2,900 new students have enrolled in DPS since October. The school system has been getting about 100 migrant students each week since the window closed in October.

Lyly Zaragoza has been a dual-language teacher at McMeen Elementary for the last five years. It’s what she calls her true calling.

“Right after high school, I got a job working with kids and I just really enjoyed it and that’s what I saw myself doing,” she said.

Zaragoza has seen a lot of changes since she first got into the profession.

“Definitely the class sizes,” said Zaragoza. “My first classroom, I had 14 kids. It was a really easy first year, I was really lucky.”

And now her class is double that. And what of all the other classes? How many are being disrupted because of all the kids who cannot speak a lick of English?

With a significant increase in students, schools in Denver need more supplies.

“Whiteboards, Expo markers, regular markers have been a huge thing this year because they’ll leave the cap off and we’ll just replace them, but now we’re running low. Some toys to help them master those skills that they have not practiced before,” Hinman said.

Zaragoza acknowledges the situation is stretching the district’s resources.

Well, welcome to what Texas and its border towns have had to deal with. And to the small towns Biden has been flying illegals to since he took office.

She also sees it as an opportunity to come together as a community to help bring up the next generation.

“We’re happy they are coming to our school, and we welcome as much as we can,” said Zaragoza. “Any resources that can help the community would be good. Basic supplies for not just me, but other teachers are facing the same thing.”

If you want to help, the school is collecting winter items and food for families. Call the main officer at 720-424-5520 to find out how you can help.

Well, jump on it, Democratic Party voters who support Denver being a sanctuary city. That money you had reserved for your kids needs to be sent to the schools to support people who came to the U.S. illegally. The school system is $17.5 million short in funds thanks to the influx if 2,800 illegals. You wanted this, Denver, you got it. Huh, what’s that? Oh, you wanted it for Somewhere Else. Your beliefs aren’t as fun when they hit your own city, eh?

Read: Denver Public Schools Ask For Donations Thanks To Illegal Alien Influx »

To Solve Global Boiling, You Have To Be Forced To Change How You Travel

Cosmos Magazine says “we”, but, what they really mean is “you”

To avoid the worst of climate change we have to change how we travel

In September last year I embarked on a 5 week trip throughout Italy and France.

We swam in the waters of Cinque Terre, ate the best pizza we’d ever had in Naples, and walked blisters into our feet through the streets of Paris.

The marvels of modern aviation meant I completed my 32,000 km round trip in roughly 24 hours each way.

But while I budgeted for the monetary costs associated with the trip, I neglected to consider another crucial one – the carbon cost. (snip through some cult propaganda)

So, what will global tourism look like as it begins to decarbonise? Will it necessitate changing the way I approach travel in the coming decades?

So, because she took a massive fossil fueled trip and felt bad afterward…funny that this Warmist didn’t think about it before hand, though, maybe she did and just didn’t care, like most…you need a lecture on reducing your carbon footprint. What’s the over/under she takes more big fossil fueled trips soon?

More cult propaganda, then

“If you look at the division of the [emissions from] different parts of travel, then in general… transport takes about 75-80%, 20% goes to the accommodation sector,” says Peeters.

That 20% also includes activities, like visiting museums or amusement parks.

“And then within transport, you see that about more than half of the emissions come from aviation, while at the same time aviation serves about a quarter of all trips,” he says.

Each country party to the Paris Agreement – a legally binding international treaty on climate change – is required to establish a Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). An NDC is an action plan to cut emissions and adapt to climate impacts, updated every 5 years.

Uh, ok, so……?

Most of tourism – like accommodation and on-ground transportation – falls within the Paris Agreement and these NDCs and will decarbonise through changes already happening in the legislation of each country. For instance, the transition to electrified forms of travel and accommodation powered by renewable energy. So, as a tourist, I won’t need to change my behaviour there.

And how are they doing that? By forcing you out of your fossil fueled vehicle, supposedly into EVs, but, the climate cultists are already trying to end people even owning EVs. They want them on public transportation.

“We need an international body that governs the growth of aviation that actually stops it for the next couple of decades, to create a timeframe for the technology we need.”

So until sustainable aviation technology can be fully implemented, the key is to slow the rate of growth of aviation.

Which really means you peasants won’t be allowed to fly. That’s what they want. You can sell your allotments to the Elites.

So, what will this mean for my travel habits in the coming years, if further isn’t better?

It will likely involve a switch in mindset to consider whether an alternative, less carbon intensive mode of transport exists to reach the destination I have in mind.

Interestingly, almost no Warmists has changed their mindset, so, this requires government force. But, hey, you can take the train!

Read: To Solve Global Boiling, You Have To Be Forced To Change How You Travel »

Hot Take: Pelosi Blames Russia For Inciting Anti-Israel/Jew Sentiment In U.S.

Hey, look, I don’t want to defend Putin in the least, but, you have to wonder if the guy’s like “really? No, really? I’m a bad guy, but, good grief, I do not need to do a damned thing to see Democratic Party voters, especially all the Islamists the U.S. brought in, protest and hate on Israel and Jews. Leave me out of your little fantasy”

Pelosi Calls for FBI Probe into Russia Funding Anti-Israel Protests in U.S.

Representative Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the FBI should investigate if Russia is funding some anti-Israel protestors in the United States.

Anchor Dana Bash said, “One of the challenges that Democrats might have in organizing is some anger in some corners of the progressive movement over Biden’s support for Israel in its war against Hamas terrorists. How concerned are you, especially since we have seen protesters over and over and over? How concerned are you that young Americans, progressives? I’m not suggesting they might vote for Donald Trump, but how concerned are you they might stay home?”

Pelosi said, “I’ve been the recipient of their exuberance as recently as in Seattle on Thursday, unfortunately, wanting to disrupt our very exciting Democratic meeting there. They are in front of my house all the time. I have a feeling for what feelings they have. We have to think about what we’re doing. What we have to do is try to stop the suffering in Gaza. This is women and children and people who don’t have a place to go, so let’s address that. For them to call for a cease-fire is Mr. Putin’s message, Mr. Putin’s message. Make no mistake, this is directly connected to what he would like to see. Same thing with Ukraine. It’s about Putin’s message. I think some of these protesters are spontaneous and, organic and sincere. Some are connected to Russia. I say that having looked at this for a long time.”

Bash said, “You think some are Russian plants?”

Pelosi said, “I think some financing should be investigated. I want to ask the FBI to investigate that.”

Can news outlets give her a breathalyzer prior to going on air in the future? Putin really doesn’t have to do anything: Democrats long ago embraced Israel hatred at colleges, with those people graduating and carrying it with them then teaching the younger folks to hate on Israel, which led to hating Jews and supporting Islamic extremists like Hamas. The guidance of Muslim Brotherhood based groups helped, as they took advantage of Leftist things like multiculturalism and diversity to push Democrats to support Islamic extremist values. Witness wacko Democrats wearing Intifada keffiyehs, a sign of wanting to kill Jews.’

Does Pelosi think Putin is, to some degree, behind Democrat voters chanting “from the river to the sea…” and “Free Palestine”, calls for the elimination of the nation of Israel? I doubt Pelosi would be happy with the results of any FBI investigation, which would surely find that these groups are funded and driven by Democrat groups, big money Democrat donors, and Islamic extremist groups. Who vote Democrat, like all those Somalis up in Minnesota.

Perhaps she should walk the aisles of the Congressional office buildings

Read: Hot Take: Pelosi Blames Russia For Inciting Anti-Israel/Jew Sentiment In U.S. »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on eco-anxiety.

It’s a clearing out the folder type of week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the geese are honking, and the NHL break is finally here, so, maybe the Devils can get healthy. This pinup is by Arthur Sarnoff, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Old Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Sultan Knish shows that open borders is a disease
  2. Powerline wants a real consumer guide to colleges
  3. Pacific Pundit discusses Biden chickening out on Shelby Park
  4. neo-neocon mentions one thing Trump needs to stop doing
  5. Moonbattery notes Seattle giving BLM rioters $10 million
  6. Legal Insurrection covers NYPD stopping Hamas supporters at JFK
  7. IOTW Report shows UN members participating on the October 7th Hamas attack
  8. Geller Report covers a Jihadi opening fire in Canada…no wonder this is barely news
  9. Jihad Watch notes Biden’s campaign manager getting blown of by Hamas supporters in Michigan
  10. Dissecting Leftism discusses a CDC email hiding COVID vaccines and myocarditis
  11. Common Cents Blog notes John Fetterman trolling anti-Israel protesters
  12. Cold Fury wonders what happens if you stand up to Los Federales
  13. Climate Depot notes EU may delay gas car ban over protests
  14. American Greatness discusses China buying up U.S. farmland
  15. And last, but, not least, No Tricks Zone covers Pacific typhoon activity has calmed the last 7 decades

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Weird: Russian Who Flew In With No Passport Or Ticket Sentenced To Jail

He should have just declared he was here for asylum

Russian man who flew on Los Angeles flight without passport or ticket found guilty of being stowaway

Americans before illegalsA Russian man who flew on a plane from Denmark to Los Angeles in November without a passport or ticket is guilty of being a stowaway on an aircraft, a federal jury found Friday.

Sergey Vladimirovich Ochigava arrived at Los Angeles International Airport on Nov. 4 via Scandinavian Airlines flight 931 from Copenhagen. A U.S. Customs and Border Protection officer could not find Ochigava on the flight’s manifest or any other incoming international flights, according to a complaint filed Nov. 6 in Los Angeles federal court.

After a three-day trial, the court’s jury found Ochigava, 46, guilty of one count of being a stowaway on an aircraft. He faces a maximum sentence of five years in federal prison when he is sentenced Feb. 5, the U.S. Department of Justice said in a statement.

Prosecutors presented evidence at the trial that showed Ochigava entered a terminal at Copenhagen Airport in Denmark without a boarding pass by tailgating an unsuspecting passenger through a security turnstile. The next day, he boarded the plane undetected, prosecutors said.

Hmm, so, he illegally entered the U.S. and is sentenced to prison. Yet, a record-shattering 250K illegals/migrants entered the U.S. in December 2023, and they get healthcare, housing, food, and education, among others. They declare asylum, even if they entered illegally and were caught, and won’t see a judge for around 8 years. If they bother. They should be sent packing, just like Ochigava should have, instead of the American taxpayers paying to house and feed him in jail. Then what happens? Will he be deported?

Meanwhile in the sanctuary city of Denver

(NBC News) Nearly 40,000 migrants have arrived in Denver over the past year, making a city with a population of just over 710,000 the top destination per capita for newly arrived migrants crossing the U.S. southern border and traveling north in buses from Texas.

The influx is taking a toll on the city’s public safety net. Starting Feb. 5, Denver will limit the number of days migrants can stay in shelters and send those who exceed their stay out onto the streets.

One Venezuelan family, a mother, father and their three daughters, told NBC News they’ve been staying at a hotel paid for by the city, but they’ve just received notice that they’ll be evicted.

That gets expensive, and it means that visitors cannot book and pay for those rooms.

Denver Health, the city’s “safety net” hospital, is asking for more money from both the state and federal government to help cover $10 million in unpaid medical bills from migrants.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston estimates the city will need $100 million over 2024 to pay for housing, schooling, health care and other services as a result of the unexpected influx of migrants.

Well, they are mostly Democratic Party voting city which declared itself a sanctuary city, so, raise taxes. Require citizens to house migrants. They should all be fine with that, right? A goodly chunk of the 3,000 kids, mostly Venezuelans, do not speak English, so, I guess the schools have to fire teachers who do not speak Spanish and replace them. And the U.S. citizen kids just have to suck it up that their education suffers.

Read: Weird: Russian Who Flew In With No Passport Or Ticket Sentenced To Jail »

Pirate's Cove