Who’s Watching The Environmental Media Associate Awards Tonight?

You know how deep I am into this stuff, and, I’ve never heard of this. Same as most people

Hollywood has been giving out climate change-focused awards for 33 years. Who knew?

electric vehicleThe Oscars, Grammys, Emmys and Golden Globes attract most of the public’s attention during awards season each year. But the Environmental Media Association‘s (EMA) annual awards event — the EMA Awards — might be the most celebrity-studded accolades you’ve never heard of.

The event, which takes place on Saturday, Jan. 27 in Los Angeles — having been postponed from it usual October slot owing to the 2023 writers’ and actors’ strikes — is in its 33rd year.

Over the decades, the likes of Natalie Portman, Billie Eilish, George Clooney, Meryl Streep and Jeff Goldblum have shown up in electric vehicles and up-cycled couture to help honor figures in the entertainment industry leading the charge for sustainability. The awards also recognize productions that employ environmentally friendly practices throughout their processes, as well as feature films, TV shows and documentaries focusing on environmental justice, climate action and sustainability.

Yeah, they might show up in EVs, but, most of them have massive carbon footprints, living the Celebrity Lifestyle

The gala on Saturday will include an Ongoing Commitment Award for actress Laura Dern, a live performance from singer-songwriter Sheryl Crow, and DJing by Samantha Ronson. Netflix leads the contenders, with seven nominations across nearly all of the eight EMA award categories for projects ranging from the movie comedy Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery to reality TV’s Queer Eye “Sowing the Seeds” episode.

But the A-listy gala isn’t live-streamed or broadcast. It’s just for the attendees — though the organizers told NPR an edited version will be posted on the EMA website and social media channels a few weeks following the event.

“We have a completely different message. This is not an awards show. This is an educational event,” said EMA CEO Debbie Levin, on having to compete with the more public-facing awards ceremonies this season. “We’re talking about climate and sustainability, and hopefully educating, inspiring and motivating people when they come to this event.”

Sounds depressing. What’s the carbon footprint of the show, the attendees, and the movies and shows? What’s environmental about the Glass Onion and Queer Eye?

“They founded the organization because there was no place in the environmental community where stories were being told,” Levin said. “A lot of organizations were doing climate advocacy work, but the public didn’t know anything. Alan and Norman believed that highlighting storytelling about climate issues is a way to share them with the public.”

The public still doesn’t know anything about the awards. And, really, do many actually watch the preachy shows and movies? Ever Warmists surely ignore them because they are not fun.

Despite its star power and longevity, the EMA has largely remained unknown to the broader public. Veteran Hollywood art director and climate activist Karen Steward said the organization’s reputation is likely to grow — at least more broadly within the industry, if not also beyond it — in tandem with emerging other groups working at the intersection of climate change and entertainment, such as the Hollywood Climate Summit, and consultancy firms like Greenspark Group and Earth Angel.

Most of the celebs are simply showing up, looking good, preaching, then going back to their big carbon footprint lifestyles.

Read: Who’s Watching The Environmental Media Associate Awards Tonight? »

If All You See…

…is a cloudless sky causing permanent drought from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on the LA Times layoffs.

Doubleshot below the fold, check out the Dry Bones Blog, with a post on Hamas and the Palestinian Authority sharing the same goals.

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Read: If All You See… »

“Disturbing” Report Says Border Barriers Are Death Traps Or Something

In most cases, if a person climbs a fence on private or public property that is meant to keep people out and is hurt, the owner faces no civil or criminal liability. They are trespassing intentionally. The fence, which is often accompanied by a sign, is meant to keep people out. If people hurt themselves on the barriers at the U.S. border that’s on them. But, this isn’t about the idiot and criminal illegals hurting themselves: it’s dumber

Disturbing report reveals ‘horrifying’ effect of Texas border wall: ‘Proof that border barriers are deathtraps’

Over 100 frogs, snakes, spiders, and more burned alive last summer after raging wildfires swept through southern Texas, according to the Guardian.

These creatures likely could have escaped if not obstructed by a long stretch of concrete border wall. (snip)

While the concrete border wall is believed to have stopped the fire from spreading into the city of Granjeno, as Hidalgo County Fire Marshal Homero Garza told myRGV.com, it is also believed to have kept over 100 animals from escaping, according to the Guardian.

The animals killed included frogs (most likely native Rio Grande leopard frogs), cane toads, shrews, tarantula spiders, a yellow-billed cuckoo, a groove-billed ani cuckoo, and several snakes, including Mexican racers, checkered garters, and Texas patch-nosed serpents, the Guardian reported.

Have you seen the barriers? Most are not one solid wall like at, say, Nancy Pelosi’s house. They are really fencing. Very tall fencing. There’s plenty of space between. And, wildfires tend to outrace a lot of wildlife, especially small ones. This happens every time there is a wildfire. Perhaps humans should not set them? But, the internal report of Fish And Wildlife, obtained by an enviro group, says they were found against a concrete barrier. In spots the vertical bars sit on concrete pads, which might be raised a foot or two. On the bright side, it did stop the fire from going into the city of Grenjeno.

Of course, they wouldn’t be necessary if people weren’t attempting to enter the United States illegally in large numbers. If government agents were allowed to stop any they caught and put them right back over the border. If Democrats weren’t enticing people from around the world to enter the U.S. illegally. Freeways stop animals from escaping fires. And these same enviro groups do not seem to be concerned with loss of habitat from solar farms and birds getting chopped up by wind turbines.

How many U.S. citizens do illegals kill and commit crimes against each year? I bet it’s way more than the wildlife killed in border fires.

Read: “Disturbing” Report Says Border Barriers Are Death Traps Or Something »

Stupid Romans Driving Stupid Fossil Fueled Chariots Caused Plagues

One would have thought that an empire that could conquer so much of the known world, invent formalized sanitation, arches, pioneered early medical tools, concrete, the first bound book, and so much more, would have known not to use fossil fuels, hair dryers, ice makers, and plastics

Plagues in Roman Italy Linked to Climate Change, Scientists Say

A plague that ravaged through Roman Italy has been linked to extreme temperature drops in the region, scientists say.

The Justinian Plague—the first recorded wave of bubonic plague to spread through Europe—is thought to have begun in the year 541 CE in Lower Egypt. Within months, it had spread across the Mediterranean in ships to the center of the empire in Constantinople, or modern-day Istanbul. From there, the plague raged on until 590 CE, killing as many as 10,000 people a day at its peak.

By the time the plague had run its course, nearly half of the population of Constantinople had died, as well as about a third of the population of Europe.

Now, this was not the first plague during the Roman period. Indeed, the Antonine Plague of 165 to 180 CE and the Plague of Cyprian from 251 to 266 CE also devastated the Roman population. And, according to new research from the universities of Bremen and Oklahoma, these plagues all had one thing in common: they were linked to a changing climate.

The horror!

During the Roman period, temperatures in Europe were different to how they are today. “We could reconstruct that the climate (at least the late summer autumn temperature in middle/south Italy) was relatively to today somewhat warmer,” Karin Zonneveld, a professor of micropaleontology at the University of Bremen and the study’s first author, told Newsweek. “We see in our record that a cooling trend started at about 100 CE but it was not before about 130 CE that the climate changed such that it moved out of the range that was occurring in the previous centuries.

Yeah, because the world was moving from the Roman Warm Period into the Dark Ages. And, while disease outbreaks can happen during warm periods, and do, some of the worst occurred when moving from a warm period to a cool period. Regardless, it doesn’t matter, because this information should scare everyone because our current warm period makes us doomed

While modern medicine has advanced considerably since the time of the Romans, this data offers insights into how diseases might change in our own changing climate. “Within the scope of the current climate change it is of major importance to understand the links between climate and human health and we unfortunately do not understand these links as well as we would like,” Zonneveld said. “Investigating the resilience of ancient societies to past climate change and relationships between past climate change and the occurrence of infectious disease might give us better insight into these relationships and the climate change induced challenges we are facing today.

Yeah, just stop.

Read: Stupid Romans Driving Stupid Fossil Fueled Chariots Caused Plagues »

Chicago Now Adds Migrant Crime To Their Issues

But, hey, isn’t that what declaring yourself a sanctuary city is all about?

Migrant crime a ‘real problem’ in Chicago suburb after six more charged in Macy’s retail thefts: police chief

Six migrants from Venezuela and Chile stole over $10,000 from a Macy’s in a suburb of Chicago in two separate retail theft incidents on Tuesday, authorities said.

The retail thefts occurred at the Macy’s department store located at 1 Oakbrook Center in Oak Brook, a store that has been plagued with a string of thefts and burglaries by migrants in recent months.

“I believe that six felony arrests in one day illustrates that migrant criminal activity is a real problem,” Oak Brook Chief of Police Brian Strockis said in a written statement on Wednesday.

In one case that occurred just before 6:30 p.m., 20-year-old Nicolas Paillacan-Bravo and 34-year-old David Saez-Vega allegedly removed anti-theft devices from merchandise with a magnet they had taken into the store, the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office said.

The men, who are from Chile and staying in Chicago, allegedly stuffed 54 items into two suitcases they had taken from the luggage department. Officials said the cost of the items totaled approximately $10,155.

And there were a bunch more arrested. But, being that this is a hardcore leftist city

During their first court appearance Wednesday, prosecutors said a judge denied the state’s motion to detain the defendants.

Y’all have fun, ya hear! And you know there is a lot more crime, with shop owners not bothering to report it because police rarely do anything because prosecutors rarely do anything.


Illegal migrants are sleeping in terminals of Boston airport on ‘daily basis’ as crisis overwhelms shelters

Dozens of illegal migrants are lining the floors of Terminal E at Boston Logan Airport with no light at the end of the tunnel as the crisis overwhelms the state’s shelter system.

“We continue to see migrants at the airport on a daily basis,” Massport spokesperson Jennifer Mehigan told the Boston Herald. “They come to Logan a number of ways — some fly in, but the majority do not. They also arrive at Logan at all hours.”

People have been sleeping on the floors lining the lower level of international Terminal E, as shown in images captured by CBS News. Mehigan told the Boston Globe that Massport could not provide an estimate of how many people were sheltering in the terminal per day.

Again, have fun, declared sanctuary city. This is what you wanted, right?

Read: Chicago Now Adds Migrant Crime To Their Issues »

NBC News Seems Upset That Not Everyone Buys Into Giving Up Their Freedom To Do Something About Global Boiling

I love the photo at the article which is in their tweet

The caption in the article reads “A couple watch the sunset in Kansas City, Mo., as triple-digit heat indexes continued in the Midwest on Aug. 20.”, but, come on, this is meant to portray boiling doom coming soon. back in 1936

In the midst of a sweltering summer heat wave, the temperature reached a record-high 113 degrees Fahrenheit in Kansas City on August 14, 1936. These high temperatures in the summer of 1936 remain the most extreme in modern North American history. Compounding the problem, virtually no one had air conditioning in their own homes in the 1930s. The consequence was a nationwide death toll of between 4,500 and 5,000 lives lost, making it among the worst natural disasters in U.S. history. Kansas City merely coped as best as it could.

That was back when CO2 was well below the “safe” line of 350ppm, and cars were not that prevalent yet.

More Americans, even Republicans, are accepting the reality that the Earth is getting warmer — but they’re still very much split on why and what to do about it.

Public opinions on global warming, including perceived risk and support for climate policies, have shifted considerably over more than a decade, with some of the most pronounced upward trends coming in deeply conservative states, according to new national surveys released by Yale University.

Researchers at the Yale Program on Climate Change Communication found that Americans are more worried about climate change now than they were in 2010, and support for renewable energy has also grown over time. But the findings showed that there are still discrepancies in how people talk about climate change and strong divisions over what should be done to address it.

I’ve never disputed that the world is warming. My argument, and that of most Skeptics, is on causation. And, even if the current warm period is mostly/solely caused by the actions of mankind, or, heck, even just 51%, why is it that the climate cultists want massive government action? Control of everything, including people’s lives? It’s easy to note that more people want clean energy: now ask about higher energy prices, more taxes/fees, and government dictating your life. Let’s see where that goes.

Read: NBC News Seems Upset That Not Everyone Buys Into Giving Up Their Freedom To Do Something About Global Boiling »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Gateway Pundit, with a post on trucker convoys being organized for February 3rd to “take back out border.”

Read: If All You See… »

Britain Tells GOP To Not Go Wobbly On Ukraine Or Something

Yeah, well, that’s all well and good, but, what’s the strategy? Where’s the money going? Ukraine really hasn’t done all that much with the gobs of military materials NATO members, particularly the U.S., has given it. The government has been acting rather authoritarian, has cracked down on Christians, it’s well known that graft is huge in their government, and they’ve even tried to sell some of the military goods we’ve sent them

‘No Time to Go Wobbly’: Why Britain Is Lobbying U.S. Republicans on Ukraine

When David Cameron, Britain’s foreign secretary and onetime prime minister, visited Washington last month, he took time out to press the case for backing Ukraine with Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, the far-right Georgia Republican who stridently opposes further American military aid to the country.

Last week, Boris Johnson, another former prime minister, argued that the reelection of Donald Trump to the White House would not be such a bad thing, so long as Trump comes around on helping Ukraine. “I simply cannot believe that Trump will ditch the Ukrainians,” Johnson wrote in a Daily Mail column that read like a personal appeal to the candidate.

If the “special relationship” between Britain and the United States has taken on an air of special pleading in recent weeks, it is because Britain, rock solid in its support for Ukraine, now views its role as bucking up an ally for whom aid to the embattled country has become a political obstacle course.

British diplomats said Cameron and other senior officials had made it a priority to reach out to Republicans who were hostile to further aid. For reasons of history and geography, Britain recognized that support is not as “instinctive” for Americans as it for the British, according to a senior diplomat, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the diplomatic sensitivity of the matter.

Why does Britain care?

Many Britons view the war in Ukraine — just over three hours away by plane — as almost on their doorstep, and their support reflects a fear that a Russian victory would pose an existential threat to the security of Europe and Britain. Addressing the Ukrainian Parliament this month, Sunak described military aid as “an investment in our collective security” and said, “if Putin wins in Ukraine, he will not stop here.”

Yet, Britain has only spend the dollar equivalent of $16.384 billion. The US has spent at least $113 billion. But, no one is quite sure how much exactly, because our government accounting stinks. If Britain is so concerned about an “existential threat” why are they not doing more?

Britain’s army chief, Gen. Patrick Sanders, warned in a speech Wednesday that Britons were now a “prewar generation,” who could be pressed into service to confront a military threat to Europe from an emboldened Russia. Downing Street later clarified that Sanders was not opening the door to peacetime conscription.

Emboldened, eh? Like when Biden was vice president and Putin took Crimea? Or how, under Biden’s presidency, his Afghanistan withdrawal plan was horrific, which emboldened Putin? If Britain wants more U.S. support, why not pony up their own money? Say, 40 billion pounds instead of 3.2 billion? Perhaps Britain is getting more out of supporting Ukraine, what does the U.S. get? What, exactly, is the difference in a Ukraine controlled Ukraine and a Russia controlled Ukraine? None of these “you big meanie Republicans need to support Ukraine” articles give actual reasons as to why we should. As to what we get out of it. “Protect Democracy”? Zelensky has cancelled elections this spring. We don’t get grain from Ukraine. Britain does. But, while exports are down, they’re are still growing and shipping. Ukrainians are still going on holiday. What’s the strategy here? What’s the endgame?

Heck, if Russia is a threat to Europe, why has the U.S. spent way more on Ukraine than all of the EU NATO nations?

Read: Britain Tells GOP To Not Go Wobbly On Ukraine Or Something »

“Attachment Theory” Could Help Solve ‘Climate Change’ Or Something

Let’s delve into another round of climate cult blabbering about something as a deflection from why Warmists mostly fail to practice what they preach

Can attachment theory save us from climate change?

What does a theory that helps explain romantic relationship styles in adults have to do with caring about climate change and the environment?

A lot, says one Kansas researcher. It’s called attachment theory, and you may have encountered it in your own therapy or through the many social media channels and podcasts dedicated to helping people be better partners.

The latest research shows that attachment theory, which is about how our early childhood bonds affect individual behavior and how we form adult romantic relationships throughout life, could be far more existential than we first thought. It might help preserve the health of our planet.

“For the sake of simplicity, people who are secure, low anxiety or avoidant, are the ones who are more likely to engage in pro-social behavior and be more altruistic – like caring about climate change,” Prof. Omri Gillath, professor of psychology at the University of Kansas, told Reckon. “Whereas people who are insecure in relationships, high anxiety or avoidant, are less likely to engage in that process or will do it for the wrong reasons — to deal with their anxieties, get close to other people and feel appreciated.”

Sherman Potter Bull Cookies

Interestingly, it’s the Warmists who are constantly freaking out about ‘climate change’. It’s not Skeptics suffering from eco-anxiety, is it? We aren’t the ones forming/going to support groups, right? The idea here, though, is to attempt to tell people that they are big meanies and anti-social if they refuse to give up their money and freedom to government to Do Something.

Read: “Attachment Theory” Could Help Solve ‘Climate Change’ Or Something »

Large Number Of States Back Texas In Their Fight Against Biden Open Border

Is this how Civil War 2.0 starts?

Map Shows States Joining Forces With Greg Abbott in Border Standoff

Republican governors across the U.S. have backed Texas in its escalating conflict with the Biden administration over immigration enforcement. (snip)

“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” Abbott said. “President Biden has refused to enforce those laws and has even violated them.”

The Biden administration’s failure to “fulfill the duties imposed by” Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution “has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, “which reserves to this State the right of self-defense,” Abbott said.

“For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary,” he said.

And it looks like this (I’m using a newer map than at the article)

And another like

Now, this was written Thursday evening, so, perhaps some things will change. I can see how Kentucky might be a bit squishy with a Democrat governor. Same with North Carolina. Arizona would usually be following Republicans, but, Dem governor. Perhaps illegals can start crossing into Arizona and New Mexico?

The article I cited features quite a few Republican governors pledging their support with Texas.

Read: Large Number Of States Back Texas In Their Fight Against Biden Open Border »

Pirate's Cove