Cleveland Is A Sustainability Success Story Or Something

When they start yammering about sustainability they mean ‘climate change’, not real environmentalism

Mission Possible: Greater Cleveland’s sustainability story gets worldwide attention

The COP28 UN Climate Change Conference was held in Dubai last month. it is an international response to our planet’s global warming crisis. A place to set goals, assess progress, and refocus efforts. During the conference, Cleveland shared the spotlight.

“We’re not alone in this urgency to solve climate change,” said Sarah O’Keeffe, the City of Cleveland Director of Sustainability and Climate Justice.

Cool, O’Keeffe took a taxpayer funded fossil fueled trip all the way to Dubai? Huh

The City of Cleveland sets goals through the Climate Action Plan. It will be updated this year to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. That’s in line with COP28 goals.

“What that means is, over the next seven years or so, we really need to work to decrease our pollution and air pollutants, carbon pollutants by about 10% each year,” said O’Keeffe.

So, all they’ve done is set goals, not really taken action?

Increasing use of public transit and a stronger recycling program are just two of the policies in the works. But success requires support from the public and private sectors.

Will the people in the greater Cleveland area be willing to ditch their private vehicles for EVs and public transportation? Will the be good with the sure-to-come mandatory recycling policies?

Cleveland regrettably captured the world’s spotlight when the Cuyahoga River caught fire decades ago. Bot from it came environmental change. Leaders are confident attention will turn toward our region again, due to positive change.

That was actually an environmental issue. Good on them for fixing it. But, instead of focusing on Hotcoldwetdry, perhaps they should focus on their crime rate, which Neighborhood Scout ranks as a 1 (100 is best. BTW, we were looking at cities the other day, and, I forget which it was, but, it was the first 0 I’ve seen). Their violent crime rate is 16.27, over 5 times the Ohio rate. You have a 1 in 61 chance of being a victim. Murder, rape, robbery, and especially assault are well above the U.S. averages.

For property crime, the rate is 44.64, while the state rate is 17.83, which is just below the US rate of 20. You have a 1 in 23 chance of being a victim.

But, hey, at least if they’re banning private vehicles (except for the politicians and bureaucrats, of course) the stolen auto rate will drop, right?

Read: Cleveland Is A Sustainability Success Story Or Something »

Israel Tells Hamas To Pound Sand On Their Demands To Release Hostages

Why does Hamas feel entitled to make crazy demands? Because so many global leftists are taking their side, because they are Israel and Jew haters. It’s like how so many Leftists seemingly took the side of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups simply because they hated George W. Bush

Netanyahu rejects Hamas conditions for hostage deal which include ‘outright surrender’

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday rejected conditions presented by Hamas to end the war and release hostages that would include Israel’s complete withdrawal and leaving Hamas in power in Gaza.

As Israeli planes resumed bombing Khan Younis in the southern Gaza Strip, senior Hamas official Sami Abu Zuhri told Reuters the Israeli leader’s refusal to end the military offensive in Gaza “means there is no chance for the return of the (Israeli) captives.”

“In exchange for the release of our hostages, Hamas demands the end of the war, the withdrawal of our forces from Gaza, the release of all the murderers and rapists,” Netanyahu said in a statement. “And leaving Hamas intact.”

“I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas,” Netanyahu said.

Did Hamas think Israel would accept those terms? Or, were they thrown out simply so Hamas could Blame Israel for refusing to come to ceasefire terms, which global Israel and Jew haters will be more than happy to oblige with blaming? If Israel leaves Hamas in charge of Gaza, if they still have all their terrorist soldiers, well, the attacks on Israel will continue. There’s no telling who would replace them and how that would go, because Palestinians are so extremist that no other Arab nation wants them and Egypt build a wall where Gaza hits Egypt.

It’s simple: if the news and leftists want the killing to stop they need to tell Hamas to immediately release the hostages and surrender.

Read: Israel Tells Hamas To Pound Sand On Their Demands To Release Hostages »

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles which will make coffee a thing of the past, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on the models being wrong yet again.

It’s Asian ladies week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it is Biden’s last year in office. This pinup is by George Petty, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Geller Report covers the trans wackjob arrested before committing mass murder
  2. IOTW Report features a crazy standoff with the police
  3. Irons In The Fire discusses teachers and administrators being trained experts
  4. Legal Insurrection has Sports Illustrated basically shutting down
  5. Moonbattery covers Democrats blocking rat control
  6. neo-neocon features Eric Holder being upset that Trump could do the same thing as Democrats
  7. Outside The Beltway discusses the enshittification of couches
  8. Pacific Pundit notes The Squad demanding $14 trillion in reparations
  9. Powerline covers importing drunks and murderers
  10. Sultan Knish discusses Biden’s Taiwan betrayal
  11. The First Street Journal wonders why you peons hate Mother Gaia
  12. The Gateway Journal covers the discovery of a massive lost city in the Ecuador
  13. The Last Refuge notes things getting much worse for Atlanta DA Fani Willis
  14. The Lid discusses Biden potentially being replace by Michelle Obama
  15. And last, but, not least, The Other McCain covers Dems thinking voters are too stupid to understand how awesome Biden is

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

SCC Having Fun With Retail Thefts By Illegals, SCNY Neighborhood Turned Into Toilet

Don’t these illegals/migrants know that retail theft is the job for Americans in the Democratic Party run Sanctuary City Chicago/Sanctuary State Illinois?

String of retail thefts, burglaries by migrants plaguing Chicago suburb: authorities

A Chicago suburb has been battered by a string of recent crimes committed by migrants who live in or near the Windy City.

From Oct. 23 to Jan. 17, a total of 47 migrants were arrested in Oak Brook, Illinois, mostly for alleged property crimes, according to Brian Strockis, the chief of police for the Oak Brook Police Department.

Most of the migrants who were arrested were charged with retail theft and burglary, Strockis told Fox News Digital.

The latest incident involved an Ecuadorian migrant who resides in Chicago and is accused of stealing more than $3,000 worth of merchandise from retail stores and evading Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) supervision by cutting off his electronic monitoring device.

Why is someone wearing a monitoring device simply not just held by ICE and deported ASAP? Anyhow, Oak Brook wasn’t really a place seeing the rampant retail theft like Chicago proper, so, now they get a taste of what illegals bring. Enjoy!

NYC neighborhood turned into giant toilet as migrants litter park with poop, leave cups of urine on ‘doorsteps’

Migrants outside an East Village intake center have been crappy neighbors.

Since November, thousands of adult migrants have waited outside the former St. Brigid’s School on East 7th Street, and overflow into Tompkins Square Park, to score a bed in the city’s shelter system after their 30-day and 60-day stay limits expired.

But s–t hit the fan – and the sidewalks and streets – last week when the city Parks Department yanked a trio of Port-a-potties from the park.

The loos had become so filthy that workers gave up on maintaining them, according to locals.

“On warmer days, it can smell like a toilet over here — and not a well kept-toilet.”

In the past week, locals and volunteers said they’ve spotted cups filled with urine around the park’s entrance near the former school, along with human-sized poop in tree beds and between parked cars.

Well, this is what the majority of New Yorkers voted for, so, enjoy!

Read: SCC Having Fun With Retail Thefts By Illegals, SCNY Neighborhood Turned Into Toilet »

Unhinged Leftist Intentionally Runs Over NYPD Officer, Only Charged With Assault

How do any officers continue working for the City of New York? I can see a rash of retirements and officers moving elsewhere soon, to go with the existing shortage

From the New York Post

The driver who struck a policeman at a Manhattan crime scene told authorities it was intentional, adding, “F–k these cops, it’s a lesson to him,’’ sources said Friday — with the mow-down caught on shocking video.

Sahara Dula — a 24-year-old Brooklynite whose lawyer said mentors kids to stay off drugs — was driving her black Lexus the wrong way on the Upper East Side while high on marijuana Wednesday when she barreled into the NYPD officer, officials and sources said.

“I told the cop I wanted to go straight, and he wouldn’t move, so I hit him. I did it on purpose,’’ Dula later told investigators, according to court papers.

“F–k these cops! He wouldn’t move!’’ she screamed a few minutes after the incident, the documents claim —with a source saying Dula added, “F–k these cops, it’s a lesson to him, and hopefully he doesn’t want to be a cop anymore.”

Footage posted on X late Thursday shows Dula, a college criminal justice graduate and former doorman, driving her vehicle the wrong way on Park Avenue near East 71st Street around 4:30 p.m.

She broke the officer’s leg, and, of course, bruises and contugions

Dula was charged with first-degree attempted assault, attempted aggravated assault upon a police officer, second-degree assault, second-degree reckless endangerment and operating a vehicle while ability impaired by drugs and reckless driving, according to the criminal complaint.

The suspect “admitted to smoking marijuana,” Manhattan Assistant District Attorney Lucy Shephard said during Dula’s Friday arraignment in Manhattan Criminal Court.

Marijuana and rolling papers were found in her vehicle, according to Shephard.

Shephard —  who called Dula’s alleged actions “egregious” — asked that she be held on $100,000 bail, but Judge John Zhuo Wang set bail at $25,000. The suspect did not immediately make bail.

A slap in the face to all police officers. And Democrats wonder why we call them soft on criminals. And Democrats have created a society where people feel Entitled to do whatever they want, including running cops over.

Read: Unhinged Leftist Intentionally Runs Over NYPD Officer, Only Charged With Assault »

If All You See…

…is a rough see from carbon pollution driven Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gates Of Vienna, with a post on paying through the nose for cultural enrichment in the Netherlands.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden’s Intentional Incompetence On Border Threatens His Biggest “Foreign Policy Win” Or Something

So, what does the NY Times consider to be Biden’s biggest foreign policy win? It’s a doozy

How Biden’s Immigration Fight Threatens His Biggest Foreign Policy Win

Joe Biden Ice Cream AfghanistanThe soaring number of people crossing into the United States from Mexico has been a political vulnerability for President Biden for the past three years, chipping away at his approval rating and opening him up to political attacks.

But now, the crisis is threatening to upend America’s support for the war in Ukraine, throwing the centerpiece of Mr. Biden’s foreign policy into jeopardy.

Seriously, everything beyond that is just stuffing, primarily about the fight between Biden and Republicans over the border and how the GOP won’t give Biden money for Ukraine without border security. Nowhere is it described how Ukraine is a foreign policy win, much less his biggest. How can it possibly be a win? Despite Biden telling Putin not to invade Ukraine, Russia did. Putin saw the weakness and fecklessness of Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. He saw weakness. His saw a doddering old fool. And he remember what happened when Russia invaded Crimea while Biden was vice president, supposedly chosen by Obama because of Biden’s vast foreign policy experience.

One country invading another after being warned of is a foreign policy win? Giving oodles of money, supplies, and weapons of war to the invaded country with no plan is a FPW? Watching the invaded country make no progress, despite Biden getting many other European nations to also give weapons to Ukraine is a FPW? Having no idea where most of the money and weapons are going is a FPW? Continuing to push for tens of billions every few months, even though Ukraine is actually selling goods, such as titanium and grain, to the nation which invaded them is a FPW? Weapons and goods given to Ukraine ending up being sold and even ending up in the Middle East is a FPW? In what world is being so weak as President that Russia invaded Ukraine?

Which led to the instability in the Middle East and China threatening to invade Taiwan.

Read: Biden’s Intentional Incompetence On Border Threatens His Biggest “Foreign Policy Win” Or Something »

You Know What’s Worse Than War? War Causing ‘Climate Change’ Issues

See, it’s really bad when Islamists attack, but, way worse when it increases the carbon footprint of shipping. Yes, this is what the Cult of Climastrology is really worried about

The Climate Impact of Avoiding the Panama and Suez Canals

For a preview of what a hotter, more geopolitically unstable future might look like, you don’t have to go much further than the world’s shipping lanes—the daily commute for most of our consumer goods, from solar panels to electric car batteries, refrigerators and sneakers. Drought exacerbated by climate change in Central America has reduced traffic through the Panama Canal by 40%. Shipping through the Suez Canal, linking Europe to Asia, has also come to a near standstill as Iranian-backed Houthi militants in Yemen escalate attacks on Red Sea cargo ships in what they say is a protest against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza.

And, of course, the problems are caused because you won’t switch to an EV, or, better, just take public transportation

There are alternatives of course. Shippers with New York-bound goods from the Chinese port of Shanghai can dock in Los Angeles and truck their wares across the U.S. instead. And cargo ships plying the Europe-Asia route through the Suez Canal can take the long way around Africa. Those alternatives are often slower—adding up to 15 days on some Europe-Asia routes—and more expensive. But the bigger long-term cost comes in the form of increased planet-warming carbon emissions.

This really just excuses the actions of the Islamic extremists operating in the Middle East, the role of bad actor Iran, in favor of it’s all the Fault of a small increase in the global temperature since 1850.

Read: You Know What’s Worse Than War? War Causing ‘Climate Change’ Issues »

Harvard To Create Task Force On “Islamophobia”. And Jew Hatred

Remember, Harvard is being sued for “allowing its campus to become a bastion of rampant antisemitism.” We’ve seen the Jew hatred since the U.S. State Department designated terrorist group Hamas broke the cease fire and attacked Jews in Israel. We’ve seen and heard the messages calling to kill Jews and destroy Israel. We’ve seen Jews harassed on campus. So, what does Harvard do?

Harvard creates task forces on antisemitism and Islamophobia

Harvard University, struggling to manage its campus response to the Israel-Hamas war, announced task forces on Friday to combat antisemitism and Islamophobia.

“Reports of antisemitic and Islamophobic acts on our campus have grown, and the sense of belonging among these groups has been undermined,” Alan Garber, Harvard’s interim president, said in a letter to the school community. “We need to understand why and how that is happening — and what more we might do to prevent it.” (big snip)

Garber said the goals of the task forces are to explore why Harvard is seeing a rise in antisemitism and anti-Arab bias and propose recommendations to counteract it.

“Strengthening our ties to one another will take considerable effort and engagement across the University,” Garber wrote. “I have asked each task force to undertake broad outreach, and I encourage you to share your perspectives and your experiences with equal measures of care and candor. We have before us an opportunity to meet challenges with far-reaching implications.”

Please. They’re trying to equate that Muslims are being abused the same as the Jews, to connect the two, to imply that the issues go both ways. Why? Because the school is scared of the Islamists, knowing that all those groups, and the students who back them, will attack the school and create problems. They see the problem with Jews being abused on campus, but, despite the lawsuit, you know they’ll spend way more time with this task force trying to say that the Islamists are really the ones being harmed.

Can Harvard point to an “Islamophobic” incident since the war was started by terrorist group Hamas? Because there are lots and lots of Jew hating incidents. This is all cosmetic, because they are hemorrhaging donors and being sued. If Harvard was serious they’d simply tell students that the code of conduct is real, and bullying and harassment are grounds for expulsion.


They have a code of conduct, as well, about bullying, intimidation, and harassment.

Read: Harvard To Create Task Force On “Islamophobia”. And Jew Hatred »

Pirate's Cove