Bummer: Being A Sanctuary State Increases New York’s Budget By $500 Million

The question not being asked is “what services and support for actual citizens are being reduced?”

Migrant Costs Help Push New York State’s Budget to $233 Billion

Gov. Kathy Hochul on Tuesday unveiled a $233 billion budget for New York State that includes $2.4 billion to help New York City manage its migrant crisis — a $500 million increase reflecting the mounting costs as immigrants continue to arrive.

The budget proposal sought to thread the needle between the necessity to exert financial discipline as projected multibillion-dollar deficits loom, and the pressing needs posed by the migrant situation as well as substantial increases in Medicaid costs.

The presentation built on the State of the State address that Ms. Hochul gave last week, in which she outlined a broad vision for bolstering mental health care and public safety across the state, but spoke only briefly about the migrant crisis.

The issue took center stage on Tuesday, with the governor offering a package that will help cover the costs of sheltering migrants and asylum seekers, as well as provide funds for case management, National Guard staffing, medical and legal bills, and employment-related services.

Under Ms. Hochul’s proposal, New York State will take over funding for roughly 3,000 beds, fully covering the cost of existing shelters at Creedmoor, the state psychiatric hospital in Queens, and at Randall’s Island. This will come on top of the state’s pledge to fund a 2,000-bed shelter at Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn.

Who’s paying for this? Too bad it’s not really possible to raise the taxes of all those who voted Democrat in the Sanctuary State Of New York

The $2.4 billion in state spending for the migrant crisis still falls short of the $10 billion that Mayor Adams has said it will cost the city through the summer of 2025. (The Adams administration had projected the crisis would cost the city $12 billion before lowering that estimate last week.)

I would have thought all those supporters of unfettered illegal immigration would be happy to donate their money to help the illegals in SCNY. As for the state, well, Hochul refuses to allow tax increases, so, yes, the money for the illegals has to come from somewhere.

Read: Bummer: Being A Sanctuary State Increases New York’s Budget By $500 Million »

Teslas Freeze In The Typically Cold In Winter City Of Chicago

Who would have thought that batteries and outdoor charging stations would have such a tough time in an area that typically gets pretty cold in the winter (via Dana Pico)

From the link

Electric vehicles may be the way of the future, but many EV owners are having trouble dealing with Chicago’s bitterly cold temperatures.

Public charging stations have turned into car graveyards over the past couple of days.

“Nothing. No juice. Still on zero percent,” said Tyler Beard, who has been trying to recharge his Tesla at an Oak Brook Tesla supercharging station since Sunday afternoon. “And this is like three hours being out here after being out here three hours yesterday.”

Beard was among the dozens of Tesla owners trying desperately to power up their cars at the Tesla supercharging station in Oak Brook. It was a scene mirrored with long lines and abandoned cars at scores of other charging stations around the Chicago area.

“This is crazy. It’s a disaster. Seriously,” said Tesla owner Chalis Mizelle.

I suspect this occurred with many other EVs, not just Teslas. But, hey there is a solution

“Like any new technology, there’s a learning curve for people,” said Mark Bilek of the Chicago Auto Trade Association.

Bilek said all EVs can have problems dealing with extreme cold, and drivers need to hit their preconditioning button before they charge their battery.

“It’s not plug and go. You have to precondition the battery, meaning that you have to get the battery up to the optimal temperature to accept a fast charge,” said Bilek.

Well, OK. When it’s cold, especially when there’s ice on my windshield (the river is very close behind mi casa, so, get it bad), I will remote start my Civic, let it run for 5 minutes or so

(Tesla) Tesla recommends activating climate settings at least 30-45 minutes before departure (see Operating Climate Controls). Preconditioning times depend on outside temperature and other factors. The mobile app will notify you once your vehicle has reached the desired preconditioning temperature.

That time is for moderate weather. Not when the high is predicted to be 4F. I can jump in my fossil fueled vehicle and be on my way quickly. After scraping the windshield, of course.

Read: Teslas Freeze In The Typically Cold In Winter City Of Chicago »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to mud from too much carbon pollution driven rain, you migh tjust be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, with a post on news and stupid commentary and music.

Read: If All You See… »

Obligatory Trump Crushes Field In Iowa

It’s just Iowa, there are lots of primaries still to come, but, it’s looking inevitable

Trump Wins Iowa in Historic 30-Point Landslide at 51 Percent; DeSantis 2nd

Former President Donald Trump secured a resounding win in the first 2024 Republican presidential contest in Iowa on Monday, asserting his command over the party despite facing scores of criminal charges as he seeks an election rematch with President Joe Biden.

Trump took over half the votes, propelling him toward what looks set to be a close and deeply acrimonious election campaign against Biden, a Democrat, in November.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, 45, finished well behind Trump in second place in Iowa, edging out former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley, 51, as they both failed to emerge as the chief opponent.

Trump garnered 51%, DeSantis 21% and Haley 19%, with 99% of the expected vote tallied, according to DecisionDeskHQ. That victory margin far surpassed the previous record of 12.8 percentage points for Bob Dole in 1988.

Vivek Ramaswamy dropped out immediately after, with just 8% of the vote

The candidates immediately move on to New Hampshire on Tuesday. The state’s more moderate Republicans will choose their nominee next Tuesday and polls show Trump with a smaller lead over Haley there, and DeSantis far behind.

We’re all looking forward to Trump vs Biden, right?

Read: Obligatory Trump Crushes Field In Iowa »

Elites Meeting In Davos Very Concerned About Global Boiling

Yeah, this Davos

They want to tell you how to live your life, and, if you won’t comply, use government force to make you

Climate change is in the spotlight as leaders meet in Davos: What can we expect?

The climate crisis is in the spotlight as the World Economic Forum (WEF) holds its annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland this week.

Following COP28 – and with the climate crisis topping the forum’s list of the biggest risks over the next decade – governments and business leaders are facing some monumental challenges. Just last week, the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service revealed that 2023 had been the hottest year on record with major implications for keeping global warming below 1.5C. (snip)

Climate change is among the biggest risks the world faces over the next decade, according to the WEF’s Global Risks report published last week ahead of Davos.

The report also argues that cooperation on pressing global issues like climate change is in short supply. It calls on leaders to rethink action to address these risks and foster greater research into areas that could help like climate modelling or technologies for the green transition.

Who made lost of these people leaders? Did we vote them in to act as dictators? How about the non-governmental folks? Where’d they get the power? And why in the hell should we listen to people who are complete and utter climahypocrites? I sure as heck wouldn’t listen to someone with lots of tickets and dents on their car tell me how to drive.

Read: Elites Meeting In Davos Very Concerned About Global Boiling »

LOL: SCNY To Mandate Curfews For Illegal Aliens

I had caught this on Twitter the other day, someone claiming that they heard this was going to happen, but, there was no confirmation.

It ended up being true

NYC mandates curfew for migrants amid panhandling complaints

New York City is invoking a curfew for migrants after residents complained about panhandling.

The curfew is from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m., a spokesperson for city hall confirmed. Migrants staying at respite centers will have to check in, and curfews are similar to those in place at homeless shelters in the city.

“This policy will allow for more efficient capacity management for migrants in the city’s care,” a statement from a city hall spokesperson reads.

People living near migrant housing centers have complained asylum seekers are begging door-to-door for food and clothes, according to the New York Post.

Migrant housing residents are being told of the new rules on Monday, with Tuesday being the first night the City Hall directive is in effect.

They’re either crossing the border illegally and demanding asylum, or showing up and demanding asylum, and less than 10% will get it. They’re already breaking laws on panhandling, noise abatement, theft, and so many others. So, what makes the Sanctuary City New York think they will comply? What happens when they violate the order? Arrest? Charges? Prosecution? Or, a plea from the city to not do it again? Or, the big shots ordering police to ignore violations?

“My constituents are terrified,” City Council member Joann Ariola told FOX 5 New York. “They have people that they don’t know at their doorbell. They usually have a child with them. They have their telephone, their iPhone and on it, it says, in English, ‘I’m a migrant from Floyd Bennett Field, please give me money.’ It’s very, very concerning because at times, they find them on their property.”

How many of those constituents voted for Democrats? In fairness, it is one of the only SCNY districts (#32) represented by a Republican, though 56% are registered as Democrats.

Mayor Eric Adams’ office said the move was for safety reasons due to incoming storms and potential high winds. According to the New York Daily News, Adams told reporters that it was being done out of an “overabundance of caution.”

They don’t want to admit that all the illegals are a big problem.

Question: is 11pm-6am the peak time for panhandling?

Read: LOL: SCNY To Mandate Curfews For Illegal Aliens »

With Very Cold Temps Hitting The U.S. Warmists Want You To Know It’s Your Fault

It’s like clockwork: anytime there’s lots of snow and/or extreme cold temps the climate cult trots out their talking points

Why we still have brutal cold snaps even as the planet warms to record levels

Sherman Potter Bull CookiesAfter a summer of record-breaking heat, vast swaths of the United States are now grappling with extreme cold as a brutal Arctic blast brings snow squalls, deadly ice and life-threatening wind chills.

As unprecedented heat makes way for cold, it can provide fuel for climate-change deniers who point to freezing temperatures as evidence that global warming is overstated.

But scientists are clear: cold extremes will still occur even as winters warm overall.

Some scientists say that climate change may even be playing a role in these icy blasts, as warming in the Arctic increases the likelihood that frigid, polar air can sweep southwards. (snip)

This is where the link to climate change comes in. Some scientists believe polar vortex disruptions and changes to the jet stream are being driven by warming in the Arctic, which is heating up around four times faster than the rest of the planet.

What caused the Little Ice Age? How about the last ice age? Too much heat?

What’s Behind the ‘Arctic Blast’ Plunging into the U.S.?


Scientists are still trying to pin down precisely what causes these disruptions [of the jet stream]. “It’s a very active area of research and something that scientists are passionately debating and trying to figure out at the moment,” Dahl says. “It’s definitely not settled science.”

Still, many experts believe climate change likely plays a role—and Cohen goes even further: he contends that climate change in the Arctic is directly disrupting the polar vortex. According to Cohen, this winter’s melting sea ice near Scandinavia coupled with high snowfall near Siberia to set up a thermal contrast, which he says drove the polar jet stream into waves. The polar vortex typically “wakes up” around January, he adds, so it makes sense that we’re now feeling the sharp chill from an Arctic blast whose stage was set by these distant trends.

So, they really have no idea scientifically, but, some are more than happy to simply prognosticate that it’s due to global boiling. Yes, this is a cult.

Read: With Very Cold Temps Hitting The U.S. Warmists Want You To Know It’s Your Fault »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded due to Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post on DEI vs good storytelling.

Read: If All You See… »

FAA’s Diversity Push Includes Hiring People With Mental Issues Who Should Be Nowhere Near Airplanes

DEI can often be annoying and stupid. This version is downright dangerous

FAA’s diversity push includes focus on hiring people with ‘severe intellectual’ and ‘psychiatric’ disabilities

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is actively recruiting workers who suffer “severe intellectual” disabilities, psychiatric problems and other mental and physical conditions under a diversity and inclusion hiring initiative spelled out on the agency’s website.

“Targeted disabilities are those disabilities that the Federal government, as a matter of policy, has identified for special emphasis in recruitment and hiring,” the FAA’s website states. “They include hearing, vision, missing extremities, partial paralysis, complete paralysis, epilepsy, severe intellectual disability, psychiatric disability and dwarfism.”

The initiative is part of the FAA’s “Diversity and Inclusion” hiring plan, which says “diversity is integral to achieving FAA’s mission of ensuring safe and efficient travel across our nation and beyond.” The FAA’s website shows the agency’s guidelines on diversity hiring were last updated on March 23, 2022.

The FAA, which is overseen by Secretary Pete Buttigieg’s Department of Transportation, is a government agency charged with regulating civil aviation and employs roughly 45,000 people.

Obviously, not all will be directly involved with important things like inspecting airplanes, dealing with airplane crashes, and, oh, yeah, working in control towers. Their website states

The FAA carries a huge responsibility – from directing air traffic in and around the nation and helping ensure protection of the public during space launches, to airport safety and inspections, and standards for airport design, construction, and operation; regulating flight inspection standards and advancing satellite and navigation technology, to developing and maintaining the Next Generation Air Transportation System (NextGen).

Such a huge responsibility that they’ll hire people with mental issues

When asked for comment on the initiative, including what roles people with disabilities would fulfill, the FAA told Fox News Digital that the agency thoroughly seeks and vets qualified candidates “from as many sources as possible” for a range of positions.

“The FAA employs tens of thousands of people for a wide range of positions, from administrative roles to oversight and execution of critical safety functions. Like many large employers, the agency proactively seeks qualified candidates from as many sources as possible, all of whom must meet rigorous qualifications that of course will vary by position,” the FAA said.

That they gave a government speak answer rather than truly answering the question should tell you that these unqualified people will be in important issues. Heck, can you imagine being denied a job for not being impaired enough to meet diversity standards?

Read: FAA’s Diversity Push Includes Hiring People With Mental Issues Who Should Be Nowhere Near Airplanes »

Your Fault: Northeast Subsiding At “Alarming Rate”

This is your fault for eating food and drinking water

East Coast cities are sinking at an alarming rate, new research warns: ‘Impacts are real’

New York City is reaching an all-time low — literally.

New research reveals dramatic concern that the Big Apple, Long Island and many more Atlantic coastal regions face an inevitable risk of sinking under the weight of their buildings at an alarming rate.

“It affects you and I and everyone. It may be gradual, but the impacts are real,” Virginia Tech professor and researcher Manoochehr Shirzaei said.

Other metropolitan areas like Baltimore, Maryland, along with Norfolk and Virginia Beach in Virginia, were also flagged as worrisome coastal areas prone to dangerous flooding as a result of the sinking land.

The new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academies of Sciences, highlights that the rate of sinking — scientifically called subsidence — is occurring at a staggering 2 millimeters per year in many areas.

That’s the average. Some places are subsiding much more than others. What’s the cause? There are natural causes, but, one of the biggest ones is from pumping water out from underground, so, yes, it does have human causation. There is also a theory that the land rebound after the glaciers melted has since reversed to go back to where it should be.

The Virginia Tech study warns that more than 1,400 miles of East Coast terrain is sinking at a rate of more than 5 millimeters annually.

That’s four more than the rate of global sea rise.

So, obviously, the climate cult is using this to prognosticate even more doom, because, that’s what they do. In reality, the sinking land makes the sea rise look higher than it actually is. And sea rise is expected during a typical Holocene warm period. Though, one would expect much more than the Earth has been experiencing.

One question, though, is what do we do to get water to reduce subsistence?

Read: Your Fault: Northeast Subsiding At “Alarming Rate” »

Pirate's Cove