Annoying Climate Cult Group Wants Everyone To Go Vegan

Why are this people so irksome?

This group has an idea to help save the planet: Everyone should go vegan

One group says there’s a straightforward way to make big progress in the fight against climate change: Everyone, everywhere should just stop eating meat. And all animal products.

The “Plant-Based Treaty,” first proposed in 2021, is a self-described “global movement that seeks to restructure the entire planet’s food production systems away from animal agriculture.”

The group released its “Safe and Just” report at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai earlier this month. The report featured some of the best practices being rolled out by climate leaders such as New York City, where Mayor Eric Adams has made vegan the default in hospital menus and introduced “Meat Free Mondays” and “Plant-Powered Fridays” in schools.

So far, the Plant-Based Treaty has been signed by several cities — including Los Angeles — and tens of thousands of people. The movement says the world could combat human-caused climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that food production currently creates.

Well, if climate cultists want to do so, go for it. Otherwise, just leave the rest of us the F alone. Stop trying to force your Beliefs on everyone. Bunch of little Fascists.

Oh, and notice that the wacktards took long, fossil fueled trips to Dubai.

Read: Annoying Climate Cult Group Wants Everyone To Go Vegan »

Good News: Biden Let In 300K Illegals In December, A New Record

And the mayors of Denver, Chicago, NYC, and others wonder why Texas is shipping lots of illegals to their cities? They should feel lucky that Arizona has a Democrat governor, otherwise that state would be shipping them, like under the last governor. If the GOP wants to impeach Biden for something, how about dereliction of duty for failing to protect the United States from foreign invasion

U.S. border officials on track to process over 300,000 migrants in December, the highest monthly tally on record

U.S. immigration officials along the southern border are on track to process more than 300,000 migrants in December, an all-time monthly high that will likely include record numbers of families traveling with children, according to internal government data obtained by CBS News.

The extraordinary number of migrant arrivals this month is the most dire juncture yet of a three-year-long crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border that has strained resources in small and large U.S. communities, left countless of migrants in limbo, prompted lawmakers to consider drastically limiting asylum and created a major political vulnerability for President Biden as he seeks reelection.

U.S. Border Patrol agents at the Mexican border are on course to take into custody this month a quarter of a million migrants who entered the country illegally, while their colleagues at official ports of entry are expected to process roughly 50,000 new arrivals under a Biden administration appointment system.

Never before has U.S. Customs and Border Protection processed that many migrants along the southern border in one month, according to monthly tallies going back to fiscal year 2000. The previous monthly high in overall crossings at the southern border was recorded in September, when the agency processed nearly 270,000 migrants at and in between ports of entry.

CBS News acts like this is just something that’s happening that no one can do anything about, and I love the part about creating a “major political vulnerability for POTATUS,” as if he’s just a bystander, not the architect of this crisis.

Biden fast-tracks work authorization for migrants who cross legally

As Senate Republicans push for hardline border measures in negotiations with the White House, the Biden administration is quietly working to improve its signature “legal pathway” to solve a problem that has confounded Democrat-led cities receiving tens of thousands of migrants: getting fast work permits for those who cross lawfully.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services recently set up a pre-registration program – pioneered in Brownsville, Texas, and replicated in El Paso and San Ysidro, California – to more quickly process work permits for migrants who present at the border using the CBP One app appointment system, operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Instead of doing everything to discourage illegal aliens from showing up at the border, Team Let’s Go Brandon is incentivizing them to show up en mass.

Read: Good News: Biden Let In 300K Illegals In December, A New Record »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on David Axelrod panicking over Dems throwing Trump off ballots.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another great day in the Once and Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the squirrels are foraging, and it’s the last Sunday of the year. This pinup is by Harry Ekman, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Geller Report notes the NY Times finally reporting on the sexual torture from Hamas
  2. Legal Insurrection wonders why so many illegals are streaming to the US if the US is a raaaaacist country
  3. Moonbattery covers GenZ approving of Osama Bin Laden
  4. The First Street Journal discusses property rights in Philly
  5. The Gateway Pundit notes Detroit shelters overrun with illegals
  6. The Last Refugee covers civil servants concerned Trump might fire them
  7. This ain’t Hell… highlights the Chinese spy balloon using an American server to communicate
  8. Green Jihad notes the Biden regime cracking down on more appliances
  9. Watts Up With That? highlights polar bears doing fine. Still
  10. Ace Of Spades wonders if women can decolonize the U of Minnesota
  11. Chicks On The Right features Biden’s foreign policy blunders of 2023
  12. Dissecting Leftism discusses consent of the governed
  13. Don Surber notes that conservatives were right about DEI
  14. Doug Ross @ Journal features the top 20 tweets
  15. And last, but, not least, Flopping Aces discusses the causes of the Civil War

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

SCC To Use $95 Million In COVID Money For Illegals

So, instead of spending that federally allocated funding to American citizens as it was intended, it’ll be used for illegal aliens. Also, why is Sanctuary City Chicago still sitting on that money?

Chicago’s mayor taps $95M in federal COVID-19 relief funds for migrant housing costs: report

Americans before illegalsChicago’s mayor has decided to use the city’s budget surplus of $95 million to accommodate the mounting costs of the thousands of illegal migrants pouring into the city.

According to the Chicago Sun Times, citing Mayor Brandon Johnson’s top aid, the move came to share with residents how the city is providing care and shelter for the over 15,000 migrants flooding the city.

Johnson’s senior adviser, Jason Lee, said that while the resources will help, it will not “change the outlook” for the windy city’s continued “unstable” migrant crisis.

“This doesn’t change that outlook,” Lee told the Sun-Times. “We’re going to continue to lobby the federal government for more support as the situation becomes, frankly, more unstable.”

Consider what they could have done to help all the businesses decimated by Wuhan Flu. Or homeless in Chicago. Putting more cops on the beat to deal with the crime. Or just returning it to Los Federales, since they did not use it for the intended purpose.

Meanwhile, I got a chuckle out of this whiny CNN article which has the mayors of Chicago, NY, and Denver whining about Texas governor Greg Abbott continuing to send illegals to their cities

In Chicago and New York City, meanwhile, one problem with accommodating this surge of asylum seekers is that they are being dropped off at random locations, at random times, city leaders say.

In New York City, these unplanned drop-offs are “interfering with the city’s ability to manage this humanitarian crisis and provide emergency services,” New York City Corporation Counsel Sylvia O. Hinds-Radix said in an online statement.

You mean like the Biden admin has been flying illegals all around the country and dropping them off in small towns, declaring “they’re now your problem. Deal with it”?

Read: SCC To Use $95 Million In COVID Money For Illegals »

Climate Cult AI Predicts The End Of Champagne By 2050

This is the same as their computer models: cult in cult out

New Year’s Eve beverage could go extinct due to climate change, AI company predicts

Bye-bye, bubbly?

Champagne may be in short supply rather soon, according to ClimateAI, a climate resilience platform based in San Francisco.

The company said the changing global climate could threaten the popular celebratory beverage.

ClimateAI’s artificial intelligence-driven data has suggested that hundreds of grape varieties could be on the brink of extinction, including champagne-making grapes like pinot noir, chardonnay and merlot.

Will Kletter, ClimateAI’s vice president of operations and strategy, told Fox News Digital in an interview that champagne and wine drinkers may be at a loss by the year 2050.

“If you are a consumer who has a very particular preference for a bottle of wine from a certain region, then I would encourage you to enjoy that now,” he said.

What happens when everything is fine in 2050? Who gets fired? Do we set fire to the computers?

Trees are in big trouble, and scientists are sounding the alarm

This winter season, disturbing news emerges about our trees that could reshape our understanding of forest resilience in the face of climate change. Recent scientific findings reveal a counterintuitive trend: trees from wetter climate regions are more vulnerable to drought compared to their arid counterparts.

This discovery challenges long-held beliefs about tree resilience and has significant implications for forest management and conservation.

It’s always something. Trees have done fine through warm and cool periods. It’s just insane, brainwashed cult group humans that are the issue.

Read: Climate Cult AI Predicts The End Of Champagne By 2050 »

If All You See…

…is horrible Bad Weather driven heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on how to win friends and influence people.

Read: If All You See… »

Security For New Year’s Celebrations Raised Over FBI Warning

What could the FBI possibly be warning about? And whom?

Authorities beef up security for New Years Eve celebrations across US after FBI warnings

Americans and travelers who are planning to see the Times Square ball drop in person on New Year’s Eve will be surrounded by heightened security measures in the hours ahead of and after ringing in 2024, according to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. New York State Police will ramp up staffing and state troopers, and the New York National Guard and other agencies will join in to patrol some areas.

The move comes after the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal agencies warned police departments across the country about potential threats to large crowds celebrating the holiday, including from lone actors motivated by the Israel-Hamas war.

Public safety agencies are increasing security across the nation ahead of New Year’s Eve celebrations following the FBI alert. In Las Vegas, where hundreds of thousands of people are expected to gather to celebrate the holiday, for example, police said they are heightening security by mobilizing a bomb squad and hazmat teams and using low-level helicopter flights. (snip)

The FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center cautioned police agencies and the American public in their alert earlier this month about potential safety threats during New Year’s Eve gatherings. They cited “ongoing tension between Israel and Hamas” and an increase in hate crimes across the nation as grounds for the warning.

“Lone actors may seek to disrupt or escalate violence at large gatherings, high profile events, or symbolic or religious locations throughout the winter. Such gatherings could become a convenient target for those inspired to commit violence against Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Arab communities,” the FBI said in its advisory.

In other words, despite the “It’s about everyone!” language, this is about pro-Hamas people committing acts of violence against Jews, as has mostly been the case since Hamas attacked Jews on October 7th. And about the pro-Hamas demonstrators causing issues during the New Year’s celebration, just like they did before Christmas and on Christmas day. Why do we keep letting in, and bringing in, people who side with terrorists? Who hate Jews? Who are terrorist sympathizers, who back radical, extremist Islam?

None of the warnings are specific, at least for the open advisory, but, cities across the country are increasing security, primarily because of the pro-Hamas demonstrators. This is where we are at in 2023.

Read: Security For New Year’s Celebrations Raised Over FBI Warning »

Surprise: EV Chargers Will Cause Issues On Northern Power Grids

What could possibly go wrong with lots of outside chargers in cold weather areas and power generation that is insufficient?

Study forecasts challenges of electric vehicle chargers on northern power grids

electric vehicleA study is revealing some of the challenges that electric vehicles will pose to northern power grids — and it’ll likely be revised now that Canada has a plan for phasing out the sale of gas-powered cars and trucks.

“At no point in our studies did we consider 100 per cent electric vehicle adoption,” said Michael Ross, a researcher at Yukon University who is leading the study.

Ross, an industrial chair in northern energy innovation, said his research is looking at slow to high adoption rates of electric vehicles in Dawson City and parts of Whitehorse and Yellowknife. So far, it’s showing some of the ways residential power grids will be strained if people in those neighbourhoods add Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations to their homes, he said. (snip)

Ross said the study, funded by power utilities in all three territories, won’t just outline all the challenges that may arise as interest in electric vehicles — and the means to charge them — grows. It’ll also contain solutions or ways to mitigate those issues.

Of course, since Government is heavily involved (though most in government who are forcing this on the peasants aren’t actually driving EVs themselves), any solutions will be barely operational

Jay Massie, the vice president of northern development and Indigenous relations for ATCO Electric, said ATCO already has a “good understanding” of what electrification will do to northern power grids.

“The fast chargers … are significant electrical loads on the grid, so it’s just an increased demand and strain,” he explained. “The faster they charge, the more electricity they need.” (snip)

The challenge with electrification will be balancing the demand for power while keeping the supply on the rest of the system stable and reliable.

Transformers, the big green boxes you see in a neighbourhood, increase or decrease the voltage of electricity flowing through an energy grid. Ross said some transformers are “underrated,” meaning they weren’t designed to have a lot of electric vehicles integrated into them.

They’ll be adding a ton of electricity into the grid. Where’s it going to come from? How will the grid handle it? How will it handle it in cold climates? This is going to get ugly. And that’s not even accounting for that gas and diesel vehicles already have a hard time in that kind of cold.

Read: Surprise: EV Chargers Will Cause Issues On Northern Power Grids »

PRC To Offer Health Insurance To Illegal Aliens

What could possibly go wrong with this plan?

California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants

California will welcome the new year by becoming the first state to offer health insurance for all undocumented immigrants.

Starting Jan. 1, all undocumented immigrants, regardless of age, will qualify for Medi-Cal, California’s version of the federal Medicaid program for people with low incomes.

Previously, undocumented immigrants were not qualified to receive comprehensive health insurance but were allowed to receive emergency and pregnancy-related services under Medi-Cal as long as they met eligibility requirements, including income limits and California residency in 2014.

In 2015, undocumented children were able to join Medi-Cal under a bill signed by then-Gov. Jerry Brown. In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law an expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal access for young adults ages 19 through 25, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Access was then further expanded to allow older adults aged 50 and older to receive full benefits, also regardless of immigration status.

The final expansion going into effect Jan. 1 will make approximately 700,000 undocumented residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full coverage, according to California State Sen. María Elena Durazo.

The wackos are calling this a “human right.” Are you happy to be paying for this, citizens of the People’s Republik Of California? Are you good with adding all those people to rolls, meaning it will be harder to get medial help, there will be longer waiting times? And the money has to come from somewhere, so, either taxes go up or other state services have to be cut. And you can expect premiums and deductibles to go up, because a lot of Medi-Cal is serviced at a loss, meaning that those who actually pay will pay more, perhaps 10%-20%.

And what happens when illegals get the word, and start streaming even more into California? Maybe Texas governor Greg Abbott starts shipping a ton into the PRC. But, you know what? The majority in the PRC voted for this, so, they should happily pony up, right? And not leave the state with all the insanity they voted for, right?

Read: PRC To Offer Health Insurance To Illegal Aliens »

Pirate's Cove