Doom Today: Global Boiling Will End A Bunch Of Foods

This will happens sometime in the sometime, and it is All Your Fault

The Foods the World Will Lose to Climate Change

There’s no denying it: Farming had a rough year. Extreme weather spun up storms and floods, unseasonal freezes and baking heat waves, and prolonged parching droughts. In parts of the world in 2023, tomato plants didn’t flower, the peach crop never came in, and the price of olive oil soared.

It’s called “weather”. What about when the wheat crops were decimated across Europe during the Little Ice Age?

To be a farmer right now—or an agronomist or an agricultural economist—is to recognize how closely those weird weather events are linked to climate change. In fact, when the United Nations Climate Change Summit, known as COP28, ran in Dubai earlier this month, it featured a 134-country pact to integrate planning for sustainable agriculture into countries’ climate road maps.

In other words, Government running the agriculture sector. The same people who F up things like the Postal Service and VA. If they control your food they control you

If those authors had been looking for examples, 2023 provided them. In the spring, the United Kingdom and Ireland experienced a shortage of tomatoes after extended cold weather in Spain and Morocco cut into harvests, and the price of the fruit rose 400 percent in India after crop failures. In June, potato farmers in Northern Ireland said dry weather had shorted their harvest by 4.4 million pounds. In India, torrential rains left farmers unable to harvest corn for livestock feed. In September, agricultural authorities in Spain said the country, which leads the world in olive oil production, would have a below-normal harvest for the second year in a row. In October, authorities in Peru, the world’s leading exporter of blueberries, said that the crop would be half its normal size. Meanwhile, in Europe, Australia, and South America, wine production fell to the lowest levels since 1961. The US Department of Agriculture revised its “plant hardiness zone” map for the first time in 11 years, indicating that growing areas in roughly half the country had warmed as much as 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, tomatoes, fruits, potatoes, cord, olive oil, blueberries are Doomed. Also mentioned are oats, oranges, barley, wheat, soybean, rice, and wine grapes. They just do not say when Doom is coming.

Millet isn’t the only crop that may be better suited to new climate conditions; researchers and farmers in the Midwest have also been trial-growing oil seeds such as canola and sunflowers, fiber plants such as hemp, other components of birdseed, and even another type of millet, known as pearl millet, which thrives in temperatures that kill corn pollen. They are all examples of ways in which growing areas are being transformed—not just by climate change but by human efforts to work with it and succeed against it. And that does sound like growth.

Basically, things like this have happened throughout human history of being farmers, because weather changes year on year, and warm and cool periods happen. But, this is a cult, so, everything is always The Worst.

Read: Doom Today: Global Boiling Will End A Bunch Of Foods »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bicycle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Macron wanting to replace the Notre Dame stained glass windows with something more modern.

Read: If All You See… »

Obligatory Trump Removed From Maine Ballot Post

Nice to see how one unhinged Trump hater can unilaterally make a decision to keep a person who has never been convicted off the ballot

Maine Secretary of State Says Trump Ineligible to Appear on Ballot

Maine’s Democrat Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, on Thursday determined that former President Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on the state’s ballot, but the decision will not be carried out until the U.S. Supreme Court weighs in on the controversial state rulings, which continue to pile up.

Like the left-leaning justices in Colorado, Bellows said Trump is disqualified based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment, or the Insurrection Clause.

In the ruling, Bellows wrote that she held a hearing on December 15 on three challenges to Trump’s nomination. The first two, she said, “contest Mr. Trump’s qualification for office under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”

“The third challenge, filed by Paul Gordon (the ‘Gordon Challenge’), contests Mr. Trump’s qualification under the Twenty-Second Amendment,” the ruling reads.

“For the reasons set forth below, I conclude that Mr. Trump’s primary petition is invalid,” she wrote.

Again, it won’t take effect till the SCOTUS takes a look at the Colorado insanity, which they’ll probably kill off. It was a 4-3 decision made 100% by Democrats. Trump wasn’t going to win either state, but, there is nothing to stop citizens from writing Trump’s name in.

This is banana republic stuff. You can bet other Democrat states will give this a try. But, what is to stop Republican states from knocking Biden off the ballot? The 14th Amendment also states “…or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof…” Biden has given aid and comfort to tens of thousands of illegal aliens, many of whom are from nations and groups which hate the United States. Is that a stretch? So is blocking a person from a ballot who has been convicted of nothing. Stop trying to make me defend Trump.

Read: Obligatory Trump Removed From Maine Ballot Post »

Here We Go: Climate Cult Blames Death Of A Swiftie In Rio On You

I’m actually surprised this didn’t come sooner. There were some Warmists who linked the death of a Swiftie to climate doom, but, this is certainly the worst. And Clean Technica asks an interesting question

Climate Change Killed A Swiftie — How Will Taylor Swift Respond?

Yesterday, we learned that Ana Clara Benevides died as a result of extreme heat while attending a Taylor Swift concert in Rio De Janeiro last month. The incident happened November 18, and the investigation by the coroner concluded yesterday that the cause of death was the insane heat that blanketed much of Brazil that week. And when I say insane heat, I mean a heat index of ~60 degrees C, ~139°F. (Heat index is a blended measure of temperature and humidity — basically how it affects the human body.)

The concert venue did not help the situation, doing a poor job of heat management. They could/should have built more shade structures, provided water refill stations, and allowed people to bring their water bottles. But those are “normal” concert venue management practices these days. What’s not normal is a heat index of 60°C/139°F.

I’ve been to hot ones. The Grateful Dead down in DC back in the late 80’s at the old RFK stadium was a nightmare. DC is a swamp, it was summer, it was super humid, and there was no airflow. I actually got near enough to the stage to see Garcia’s eyes, and then backed away because it was sweltering. Things get warm in Brazil in the summer during a Holocene warm period. Now add in all those fans and all the lights. But, it’s a cult, and in their world everything is because Other People took fossil fueled vehicles. How many took them to the concert?

And now, I wonder how will Taylor Swift respond to this announcement? Swift has something special — a charisma that few others have. She has a legendary following. I honestly had to google it to find out why she is so popular. (Hey, I’m a middle aged man without kids … Swift might as well be some ancient Russian author without an English translation — I would know similar amounts about both of them. The only reason she’s even on my radar is that she’s dating Travis Kelce, one of pro football’s best players.) Among the things I found in my curiosity journey was an NPR podcast where one of the co-hosts explained, oftentimes through tears, Swift’s lyrics, the history, and Swift’s personal journey. The TLDR version is that Swift is an incredible songwriter who has managed to capture every essence of the experience of being female in the modern age.

My thought, though, is that Swift has a power that few others have. Will she use that power to help us solve climate change?

Well, let’s consider

(Breitbart) 1) She’s a climate change proponent but she’s also a jet-setting elite who flies her private aircraft to visit her NFL boyfriend.

Taylor Swift has promoted herself as a climate activist but her private jet habits are so infamous that there is an Instagram account devoted to tracking her plane’s comings and goings. The singer regularly uses her carbon-spewing aircraft to rendez-vous with her paramour, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.

By one account, Swift’s flights to see Kelce created 138 tonnes of emissions in just three months. The average person creates four tonnes per year. Swift’s flack has claimed the singer has purchased carbon credits to offset her emissions.

What’s the carbon footprint for each concert, as she travels around the world? All those lights, all those people, all that electricity? She took lots and lots of private jets even before Kelce. How many unnecessary items do her Swifties purchase? How many bought the same album rebranded as “Taylor’s Version” that they already owned?

Read: Here We Go: Climate Cult Blames Death Of A Swiftie In Rio On You »

Bummer: Mayors Of Sanctuary Cities Say They’re Almost Full Of Illegals

Surely, as they are declared sanctuary cities, they can find room for the illegals, right? Kick people out of their apartments, put the illegals up in nice hotels, force citizens who vote Democrat to house illegals in their own homes, put them up in Air B&Bs and such

Chicago, New York, Denver mayors say cities are almost at capacity amid migrant crisis

The mayors of three of the biggest cities in the country – including Chicago – met Wednesday to discuss the migrant crisis each is facing.

As CBS 2’s Marybel González reported, Mayor Brandon Johnson on Wednesday said Chicago is almost at capacity with migrants, even as more asylum seekers were making their way to the suburbs and other towns and villages in the area.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston both said they will take a page from Chicago’s book, as the leaders of those cities likewise said they are at a tipping point.

Not only are they running out of housing and resources, but they are still dealing with unannounced buses arriving every single day – and more expected to come.

“All of our cities have reached a point where we are either close to capacity, or nearly out of room,” said Mayor Johnson.

To beat a dead horse, this is what they wanted….well, really, they wanted this Somewhere Else. It’s super easy to make declarations, a whole lot harder to actually be forced to practice them, right?

All three cities’ mayors issued a call to action to the White House.

“Without significant intervention from the federal government, this mission will not be sustained,” Johnson said Wednesday.

What they mean is lots and lots of federal cash, along with the Biden regime stopping Texas from shipping all those illegals to declared sanctuary areas. Out here in the Real World, it means shutting down the border as much as possible, ending the ability of migrants from showing up at the border and declaring they want amnesty, then letting them in where they won’t have a hearing for 8 or more years, during which time they will have anchor babies so of course Democrats won’t allow them to be deported. It means putting any illegal caught right back across the border and banning them.

If the mayors want to complain, complain to Biden for his horrendous border policies.

Read: Bummer: Mayors Of Sanctuary Cities Say They’re Almost Full Of Illegals »

Michigan Looks To Use Cow Poop And Urine For Energy

Or, we could build natural gas and nuclear power plants. Just a thought

Michigan has a new way to fight climate change: Energy from cow poop and urine

climate cowGov. Gretchen Whitmer’s plan to generate all of Michigan’s energy from renewable sources by 2040 is meant to limit climate change gases. It also has consequences for improving or damaging the state’s waters.

Replacing polluting fossil fuel plants with cleaner energy sources would limit oil pipeline spills, curtail mercury contamination, and halt discharges from coal-fired power plants. But those benefits could be easily overwhelmed by the development of a new renewable energy sector to produce methane from one of the state’s largest causes of water contamination –liquid manure produced by large livestock feeding operations.

The conversion from animal wastes to methane occurs in industrial-scale manure biodigesters. The Red Arrow Dairy in Van Buren County, where two biodigesters rise like giant white mushrooms from fallow fields, displays an apt example of the new energy-generating equipment. Liquid manure, 200,000 gallons daily from nearly 6,000 cows, pours into the digesters, which slowly cook the urine and feces in a warm oxygen-deprived (anaerobic) broth. The result is a stream of methane that is collected and processed for vehicle fuel.

Prompted by changes in state regulations, and federal and state taxpayer incentives worth hundreds of millions of dollars, Michigan in the last two years has been the largest center of manure biodigester development outside California, according to state and federal figures. At a cost of $15 million to $20 million apiece, according to industry data, the new energy sector is attracting big players in Michigan.

It’s not actually a bad idea to take all the cow waste, though it is used for many other things, including fertilizer. But, government shouldn’t be dumping taxpayer money into this.

Read: Michigan Looks To Use Cow Poop And Urine For Energy »

If All You See…

…is ‘climate change’ turning Canadian beaches into vacation paradises just like the Bahamas, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on Thursday tanlines.

Read: If All You See… »

Biden Regime Finds $250 Million To Spend On Ukraine

Gotta keep paying those Ukrainian lawmakers and bureaucrats who’ve enriched Biden and his family, you know

Biden administration announces $250 million Ukraine military assistance package as US exhausts available funding

The US State Department announced a $250 million Ukraine military aid package on Wednesday, the last such package the US will provide to Ukraine until Congress approves the Biden administration’s funding requests.

“This package provides up to $250 million of arms and equipment under previously directed drawdowns for Ukraine,” Secretary of State Antony Blinken said in a statement. “Capabilities provided in today’s package include air defense munitions, other air defense system components, additional ammunition for high mobility artillery rocket systems, 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition, anti-armor munitions, and over 15 million rounds of ammunition.”

Last week, the Biden administration said it had one more Ukraine security package to announce this year, but it would be the final one the US could provide without lawmakers’ approval. Defense Department comptroller Mike McCord said in a letter to Congress that “once these funds are obligated, the Department will have exhausted the funding available to us for security assistance to Ukraine.”

Excellent, more arms to keep the stalemate going between two authoritarian governments. What could the US do with all that money to help out our own citizens? How about putting that money into helping US veterans, who often have long waits to get care? Who might find themselves out on the streets and homeless? We could have built a bunch of tiny homes for them. How much of the money is material and how much is cash?

Read: Biden Regime Finds $250 Million To Spend On Ukraine »

Wisconsin Looks To Expand Climate Cult Indoctrination In Schools

Hey, the kids have trouble reading, writing, doing math and science, but, they’ll sure know how to protest, demand Other People pay, and suffer from all sorts of mental issues due to scaremongering

A further pair of climate change education bills in Wisconsin

Counterparts to two climate change bills previously introduced in the Wisconsin Senate have been introduced in the Assembly as well.

Assembly Bill 833, identical to Senate Bill 794, would, if enacted, “authorize the state superintendent of public instruction to adopt model academic standards related to climate change.” Such standards would be required to “incorporate a) an understanding of climate, b) the interconnected nature of climate change, c) the potential local and global impacts of climate change, and d) the individual and societal actions that may mitigate the harmful effects of climate change.” Assembly Bill 833 was introduced on December 22, 2023, by Sue Conley (D-District 44) along with nineteen of her colleagues in the Assembly and seven in the House, and referred to the Assembly Committee on Education.

Assembly Bill 829, identical to Senate Bill 786, would, if enacted, create a program to award “scholarships to resident students who are enrolled in an institution of higher education [in Wisconsin] and who are engaged in studies directly related to programs preparing the students for careers in occupational areas addressing or responding to climate change.” The bill would provide $5 million biennially to fund the scholarships. Assembly Bill 829 was introduced on December 22, 2023, by Jill Billings (D-District 95) along with nineteen of her colleagues in the Assembly and seven in the House, and referred to the Assembly Committee on Colleges and Universities.

That first one is the dangerous one, essentially teaching the kids how to dictate to Everyone Else what actions must be taken, and brainwashing them into believing it’s the actions as pushed by Government (and people in government who do not hold themselves to the same standards), giving up their liberty, freedom, and money cheerfully and compliantly.

Read: Wisconsin Looks To Expand Climate Cult Indoctrination In Schools »

Mayor Of SCNY Puts Restrictions On Inbound Buses

Adams does understand that NYC is a declared sanctuary city full of residents who support unfettered illegal immigration, right?

Adams slaps restrictions on migrant buses coming to NYC from Texas as numbers rise

New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Wednesday announced new restrictions on charter buses from Texas bringing migrants to the “sanctuary” city in an effort to curb the numbers of migrants that have hit the city since last year.

Adams announced an executive order requiring charter buses transporting migrants to provide 32 hours’ notice in advance of their arrival in New York City. The order also requires buses to arrive between 8:30 a.m. and 12 p.m. between Monday and Friday. Such buses are also required to drop off at one particular spot.

If buses do not comply, it would result in a class B misdemeanor, with penalties including three months’ imprisonment and up to a $500 fine for individuals and $2,000 for corporations. Buses could also be impounded by the NYPD.

Wouldn’t that violate interstate commerce and restraint of travel? I’m also unaware as to how an executive order could be made law, especially criminal law. But, why doesn’t Adams want all those illegals? Again, it’s a hell of a thing making Democrat run sanctuary cities actually practice what they preach, turning theory into practice.

“To be clear, this is not stopping people from coming, but about ensuring the safety of migrants and making sure they can arrive in a coordinated and orderly way,” he said.

Bullshit. Is this a requirement for when non-illegals come to SCNY?

There are also whines coming from SCD

Denver’s mayor slams Texas governor over migrant buses after city sees new peak in shelters

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston joined the leaders of New York City and Chicago Wednesday in lambasting Texas Gov. Greg Abbott for continuing to send busloads of migrants from the southern border to their cities.

The mayors said the chartered busing strategy was inhumane, reckless and inefficient, and in a joint media call they detailed new time- and location-based restrictions they will place on the buses’ arrivals in their cities.

Yeah, well, why shouldn’t sanctuary cities enjoy they same fruits as the border cities and states, who’ve been paying the price for Democrat support of illegal immigration? You can bet if this massive caravan of illegals hits the border Abbott will be shipping them out even faster. And especially to the cities where the leaders are whining the most.

Read: Mayor Of SCNY Puts Restrictions On Inbound Buses »

Pirate's Cove