Sanctuary City New Jersey Looks To Restrict Buses Bringing Illegals From Texas

First it was the mayor of Sanctuary City Chicago, then the mayor of Sanctuary City New York, now we have a governor failing to understand what interstate commerce means, who is allowed to regulate it, and the Constitutional right to travel

New Jersey Gov Seeks To Restrict Bus Companies Used By Greg Abbott For Migrant Transports

Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy sent a letter to bus companies used by Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to transport migrants, seeking to restrict their arrivals to his state.

The charter buses have been arriving in New Jersey after Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams signed an executive order to require they provide 32-hour notice of their arrivals and subsequently sued bus companies over the transports. Murphy asked that the bus companies provide the same amount of notice, number of passengers, location and other details regarding the transports and their arrivals and departures.

“As we continue to see more migrants arrive to our state at the hands of the Governor of Texas, who is reportedly funding the passengers’ transportation with taxpayer funds, notice to New Jersey officials in advance of these individuals’ anticipated arrival is critical to ensuring the health and safety of passengers once they arrive in New Jersey,” Murphy said in a statement Monday.

“Additionally, because we know the vast majority of these individuals are intending to travel to New York City, this information will be shared with our colleagues across the Hudson to ensure the passengers’ health and safety there,” Murphy added.

Well, it’s softer than the others, without all the threats, but, I’m wondering, by what right does SSNJ think they can dictate these terms for a private charter? And why should anyone notify SSNJ, when border states are not notified? Or all the small towns around the country who are the recipients of illegals/migrants dropped off by the Biden Regime?

Read: Sanctuary City New Jersey Looks To Restrict Buses Bringing Illegals From Texas »

Huge Winter Storms Are Your Fault, You Know

How dare you!

Huge storms highlight ‘very weird’ winters in climate change era. ‘From a selfish side it’s like kind of nice to not have snow’

stop global warmingmajor winter storm bringing heavy snow and freezing rain to some communities spread across New England on Sunday, sending residents scurrying for their shovels and snowblowers to clear sidewalks and driveways.

Winter storm warnings and watches were in effect throughout the Northeast, and icy roads made for hazardous travel as far south as North Carolina.

The Northeast snow came as a Sierra Nevada storm packing heavy snow shut down a stretch of interstate Saturday and briefly knocked out power to tens of thousands in Reno, Nevada.

More than 11,000 electric customers in California were without power Sunday afternoon.

Some communities in Massachusetts had recorded more than a foot (30 centimeters) of snow by Sunday afternoon, according to the National Weather Service. Nearly 13,000 electric customers in the state were without power Sunday afternoon.

The entire article by the Associate Press, all 26 paragraphs, is primarily just reiterating what happened with the storm, except for

“I think it’s funny because everyone’s been freaking out about it,” said Alison Conley, 26, a consultant. “We’ve been betting as to how much snow we’re actually going to have and it’s looking like not that much is going to stick.”

Conley, who was out walking her dog Sunny, said the possibility that climate change is contributing to relatively warmer winter days in the region — the temperature in Boston is expected to be in the 50s on Wednesday, melting much of the snow — is a concern.

That’s it. This is the AP’s proof of “”very weird” winters”. Because science.

Read: Huge Winter Storms Are Your Fault, You Know »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles causing heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on a culture in collapse.

Read: If All You See… »

Small Wisconsin Town Complains About Inflow Of Illegals

For a chance, Whitewater, Wisconsin, is not a sanctuary city (or is it?). This town of 14K Americans is now over-run. Greg Abbott wasn’t shipping the illegals there, so, who did?

Wisconsin city asks Biden for help with 1,000 migrants that put ‘great strain’ on resources

Americans before illegalsA small city in Wisconsin is appealing to the White House for help with the influx of approximately 1,000 migrants who have come in since 2022, with issues ranging from housing to crime affecting the small community.

City leaders of Whitewater, Wisconsin, have prepared a letter to President Biden, saying they have seen a “rapid increase in the population of immigrants arriving from Nicaragua and Venezuela.”

“Each individual has a different reason for coming here; some are fleeing from a corrupt government, others are simply looking for a better opportunity to prosper. Regardless of the individual situations, these people need resources like anyone else, and their arrival has put great strain on our existing resources,” the letter, led by Police Chief Dan Meyer, states, according to Wisconsin Radio Network.

Well, that sounds like the city approves of all the illegals, they just want lots of money, because, surprise, services for actual taxpaying citizens is strained.

They note that some of the migrants are in the country illegally, while others are not.

“As a municipal government, our focus is not on legal status, but rather ensuring we are providing the resources expected of a municipality to all residents of the City. Unfortunately, we are increasingly finding it difficult to do that,” the letter adds.

So, if the city is not going to do anything about those there illegally, then they are a de-facto sanctuary city

“Finally, our law enforcement staff have responded to a number of serious crimes linked to immigrants in some manner, including the death of an infant child, multiple sexual assaults and a kidnapping.”

This is what you get with unfettered immigration, regardless of whether they came illegally or showed up at the border demanding asylum at which point the Biden regime let them in and shipped them off. The proper response is to arrest the illegals and deport them, and require all asylum seekers to apply outside the U.S.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Sanctuary City Chicago says Texas shipping illegals/migrants to Sanctuary City Chicago is “evil-spirited”

Read: Small Wisconsin Town Complains About Inflow Of Illegals »

Youts May Abandon Biden Over The ‘Climate Change’ Issue Of The Gaza War

No, no, this is definitely not a cult, how dare you suggest that!

Young voters helped Biden to victory. They may abandon him this year

Elise Joshi stumped for Joe Biden as a college freshman, motivated in no small part by her sense of urgency about climate change. The environmental policy student campaigned before the 2020 election as part of TikTok for Biden, in hopes of persuading other young people to show up to the polls. (snip)

But as the Israeli bombing of Gaza has killed more than 22,000 Palestinians to date, Joshi is feeling disillusioned with the president she once “happily” voted for. She’s not alone. With US military support for Israel holding steady, Joshi says that the White House’s current handling of the situation in Palestine is alienating young people – the very demographic Biden will need to win re-election in 2024.

“My generation is appalled. There’s a lot of people who are not willing to put their votes towards this administration as a result of their actions in Gaza,” she said. (big snip and here we go)

While many big green groups and climate-focused news organizations in the US have been slow to address Israeli attacks on Gaza, the youth climate movement globally has overwhelmingly expressed solidarity with Palestinians, and staunchly rejected the idea that criticizing the actions of the Israeli government is inherently antisemitic. From Greta Thunberg posting a picture of herself holding a “Stand with Gaza” sign to activists at COP28 staging pro-Palestine rallies, climate-focused youth have made clear that they see the war as an environmental justice issue.

For climate activists used to raising the alarm about the ways that climate change is causing displacement and forced migration, increasing food and water insecurity and ravaging beloved landscapes and ecosystems, it’s not hard to draw a parallel to the way that Israel’s bombing is having the same impacts on Gaza and its inhabitants. That’s not to mention the emissions associated with military operations, nor the symbolic connection many environmentalists, whom some call “tree huggers”, might feel to Palestinians who have been photographed hugging olive trees after their orchards were attacked by Israeli settlers.

Yes, yes the climate cultists are expressly linking the war that the designated terrorist group Hamas started with the climate crisis (scam).

“We are a nonviolent movement that is fighting for the safety and well-being of all people in their communities,” said Michele Weindling, the political director of the Sunrise Movement. “We feel a direct link and a stake in what’s happening in Gaza in that we believe that no people should lose access to life-sustaining resources like water.”

And their wacko cultish beliefs have made them side with a terrorist group, which would do terrible things to the cult members with their beliefs in LBGTQ, feminism, abortion, and many other things. None of them dare go there. Have you noticed that none are showing up to be human shields, like happened 20 years ago?

If Biden wants to lure more young people back to the voting booth come November, he may still have time to course-correct, the young activists said, but he needs to act decisively, and soon.

“The first step toward preventing a Trump administration is calling for a ceasefire right now,” said Joshi. “Climate voters and voters that care about Palestinians – they’re one and the same.”


Read: Youts May Abandon Biden Over The ‘Climate Change’ Issue Of The Gaza War »

Fears Of Tripledemic Are Surging Or Something

The Credentialed Media and their authoritarian lockdown Comrades are still trying to make this happen

Why fears over a ‘tripledemic’ are surging

Cases of three major respiratory viruses — the flu, COVID-19 and RSV — are surging in the U.S., pushing the country toward a feared “tripledemic” during its first post-pandemic respiratory viral season.

Optimism was high this autumn as the U.S. headed into the viral season. The national arsenal against these viruses had vaccines against RSV for the first time, newly updated COVID-19 vaccines, and the flu “immunity debt” that plagued children in 2022 was history.

But now, confidence is waning. Accessing the vaccine for RSV, or respiratory syncytial virus, has been a struggle for many, and enthusiasm for the new COVID-19 vaccines turned out to be abysmal. COVID-19 hospital admissions have been rising since November and wastewater detection indicates most sites — 69 percent — are seeing large increases in virus levels.

Flu activity across the country is currently “elevated and continues to increase in most parts of the country,” according to the latest update from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And vaccine uptake for the flu seems to be lagging, with the CDC saying nearly 8 million fewer people got the shot by mid-December compared to the same period in 2022.

Most do not care. COVID was just the flu for most people. The flu happens. RSV is a concern, but, because of they way The Powers That Be pushed COVID vaccines there is low trust in them. Most are not getting the COVID vaccine, because it doesn’t work. It does not stop people from getting COVID, which is the point of a vaccine. I get the flu vaccine every year (I got the RSV one at same time, giving it a shot, no pun intended) because it stops me from getting what they think will be the prevalent flu versions. COVID is no big deal for most people, just like the flu is no big deal. You feel bad for a time, then move on. You are more likely to spread the flu or a cold from touching stuff than COVID.

Only about a fifth of U.S. adults say they’ve received the newest COVID-19 shot, according to polling from KFF. Uptake for the previous bivalent shots was similarly low and many Americans likely haven’t been immunized since receiving their first doses in 2020 or 2021.

I suspect the actual numbers are lower. They should ask those some people around 6 months later if they contracted Wuhan Flu.

And RSV vaccine uptake among seniors appears rather lackluster, with CDC data suggesting only about 10 percent of nursing home residents had gotten immunized against the virus by mid-December.

“The numbers are not looking good,” said Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, of the three circulating viruses.

People do not trust it, because the Bat Soup Virus “vaccine” destroyed trust. I only got mine because I was getting the flu shot because I was at the doctors for what turned out to be a ear and chest infection, they had RSV, I said “why not?”

Masking has also become rare once again, though Plescia noted many hospital systems are bringing back mask requirements amid the rise in respiratory viruses. These hospital-enacted requirements may be more easily accepted by communities than those issued by the government, and Plescia expects to see more like them in the future.

Even though they know that the masks make little to no difference. How do we trust them? But, folks will still try and scaremonger, because scared people are easily controlled by government.

Read: Fears Of Tripledemic Are Surging Or Something »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow because Other People will not give up their fossil fuels, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on how much power is lost when charging an EV.

It’s snow week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation of America. The Sun is shining, the ducks are quacking, and I’ll no longer have to watch the Giants play for a long time after today. This pinup is by George Petty, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Chicks On The Right features Israel drone striking Hamas’ #2
  2. Cold Fury covers Shameless Biden
  3. Common Cents Blog notes Hillary’s name in the Epstein documents
  4. Da Techguy’s Blog discusses a Navy desperate to keep everyone
  5. Geller Report highlights the Supreme Court taking up the case of removing Trump from the ballot
  6. Legal Insurrection covers the pro-Hamas road shutdown in Seattle
  7. Moonbattery discusses the media burying the Dylan Butler school shooting
  8. neo-neocon notes something else Claudine Gay liked to do
  9. NoisyRoom covers a terror plot in South America
  10. Pacific Pundit shows the loon at Bass Pro taking a swim with the fishies
  11. Powerline notes that it’s always January 6th somewhere
  12. Shot In The Dark covers the horrible, unconstitutional Minnesota red flag law
  13. Sultan Knish notes commie lawyers trying to get Hawaii to secede
  14. The First Street Journal shows someone who will not do well in prison
  15. And last, but, not least, Climatism covers heatsnow and heatcold stranding thousands of vehicles in Sweden

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Colorado Mayors Having A Lot Of Problems With Illegal Alien Inflow

But, we have two different situations in a state that is a de-facto sanctuary state, since Governor Polis signed a bill stating that the state would not cooperate with federal immigration officials in certain circumstances, such as detaining someone with an immigration detainer, nor can any state or local officials provide information to federal immigration authorities

Denver mayor pleads for nationally coordinated effort on migrant crisis as city nears ‘breaking point’

Democratic leaders in sanctuary states and cities are pleading for help as record-breaking numbers of migrants are entering the country.

Denver Mayor Mike Johnston is the latest sanctuary city Democrat to speak out. Though he proposed a number of solutions on “America’s Newsroom” Friday, Johnston ultimately echoed calls from other Democrats, insisting “more federal aid” is urgently needed.

Johnston previously warned that the border crisis will “crush city budgets around the country,” as he expects 10% of Denver’s entire budget to go toward aiding migrants.

“I have called the White House,” Johnston told hosts Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino. “We’ve told them we need more federal aid. That’s why there’s dollars in that supplemental budget to do that.”

No, what’s needed is for the border to be secured as much as possible and every illegal and asylum seeker without a rock solid case be sent packing. And that asylum seekers apply outside the U.S. and wait. And, really, immigration needs to be shut down for a few decades to allow assimilation, and this includes bringing in refugees.

‘We can’t handle more’ | Carbondale mayor shares update on migrant response

Carbondale’s mayor stressed they have reached their limit to help unhoused migrants. Over the last few months about 125 people have arrived into town, many with no place to stay. The migrants increased the unhoused population by 500% when they began arriving looking for work.

A nonprofit initially created a shelter within a community center but since then plans have changed. Mayor Ben Bohmfalk said they do not have any more room for any additional migrants. He spoke to 9NEWS about their latest humanitarian efforts to keep people out of the cold.

Carbondale is a small community of about 6,400 way west of Denver, out in the mountains just to the north of Aspen. The county it’s in, Garfield, just barely went for Biden over Trump in 2020. There’s only about 30K residents in the county. Who sent those illegals there? It wasn’t Greg Abbott. Was it the mayor of Denver? Or did Biden send them? Think about it, just 125 pushes them over the edge. What do border towns have to deal with? If they have complaints, they should address them to the Biden regime, which is leaving the border open as much as possible.

Migrants’ pricey cars towed outside controversial NYC shelter in same area where they begged door to door

These migrants appear to have better rides than some Brooklyn families they’ve been hitting up for cash, food and clothes.

Authorities on Friday night towed at least five unregistered vehicles apparently being used by migrants that were illegally parked outside the city’s controversial tent shelter at Floyd Bennett Field, according to Assemblywoman Jaime Williams (D-Brooklyn)

The wild scene – which Williams caught on video and shared on Facebook — included a white pickup truck with no plates being towed from a grassy lot that is federal parkland to the dismay of at least one migrant seen pleading to gain access to the vehicle.

Where did they get the cars? Where did the money come from? Almost no lenders will lend to an illegal/migrant. Do they have a driver’s license? They surely have no credit. Do they have earnings? Can they provide stips (documents like proof of income, residence, insurance)? Who’s going to give them proper insurance? Where’s the money coming from?

Over the past few weeks, residents in Marine Park – a predominantly working class, blue-collar neighborhood  — have openly complained about asylum seeker families showing up on their doorsteps asking for spare change and other aid. Some previously told The Post they fear for their safety.

How many people in that neighborhood voted for Biden and other Democrats?

Read: Colorado Mayors Having A Lot Of Problems With Illegal Alien Inflow »

Giant California Waves Finally Blamed On ‘Climate Change’

Did you read about those huge waves that have been hitting California since the last few days of 2023?

Seriously, there are some wild videos out there, and I watched some of this on the webcams (Swellmagnet and Webcamtaxi are great sources). Did you know that this is your fault?

Huge waves are crashing on the California coast, in part due to climate change

JUANA SUMMERS, HOST: Giant waves are crashing along the California coast for the second time in two weeks thanks to stormy weather and high sea levels due in part to human-caused climate change. Tides are lower this week, so the waves are smaller, but they’re still forecast to get as high as 20 feet through the weekend. That is thrilling for surfers, but, as member station KQED climate reporter Ezra David Romero explains, all these waves are also eroding the state’s beaches.

EZRA DAVID ROMERO, BYLINE: When big waves happen, pro surfers drop everything and flock to them. On December 28, pro surfer Bianca Valenti caught the biggest wave of her life at Mavericks Beach, about an hour south of San Francisco. Forecasters had projected waves over 40 feet tall, but Valenti says this was bigger. (big snip)

ROMERO: Last week’s giant waves resulted from a few things – high tides, a storm giving them extra speed from the Gulf of Alaska and higher seas due to climate change and the climate pattern El Nino.

GARY GRIGGS: Waves are getting bigger.

ROMERO: UC Santa Cruz oceanographer Gary Griggs has studied the California coastline for decades. He says that human-caused climate change will force seas to rise in the future, making waves even bigger. A Scripps Institution of Oceanography study from last summer found that California waves have grown, on average, a foot taller in the last 50 years as climate change has heated up the planet.

GRIGGS: All the indications are that the water is going to continue to warm. It’s going to drive stronger winds, probably higher-intensity storms, greater wave power, bigger waves hitting more often.

Things are always happening with the weather and Earth systems, no need to assign witchcraft. But, let’s say that this is happening because it is a Holocene warm period: that doesn’t mean it is mostly/solely Mankind’s fault, just that the climate on Earth changes. In the doomsday cult word, this is all your fault.

Read: Giant California Waves Finally Blamed On ‘Climate Change’ »

Pirate's Cove