Even The Washington Post Notices Demand For EVs is Cooling

And if the WP notices, it must be worse than they’re actually saying

EV transition cools as demand slows and automakers trim production

Electric vehicleThe Biden administration’s push to entice more Americans to buy electric vehicles is falling short of expectations as consumers fret over prices, battery range and a lack of charging stations.

U.S. sales of fully electric cars are still growing at a fast clip — they are up by more than 50 percent this year over 2022 — but automakers say growth has slowed in recent months, prompting them to trim their production plans and pause some investments.

“Automakers have moved from rosy to reality because consumer acceptance has grown more slowly. So they are looking at kind of slowing their rollout,” said Michelle Krebs, an industry analyst with Cox Automotive. The transition to EVs is “not going to be linear and there are going to be a lot of bumps in the road,” she added.

There were 869,000 fully electric vehicles sold in the United States in the first 10 months of this year, a 56 percent increase over the same period in 2022, according to data provider J.D. Power. That growth rate marked a slowdown from two years earlier, and was lower than what some automakers had forecast.

The problem is, they think this is some sort of transition, but, it is not a consumer based one, it is a Governmental demand one. Most consumers are not asking for them and aren’t interested. Perhaps the WP reporters should be asking those who are attempting to force this “transition” on Americans if they are driving EVs themselves

“The narrative has taken over that EVs aren’t growing. They’re growing,” Ford Chief Financial Officer John Lawler said in October. “It’s just growing at a slower pace than the industry and quite frankly, we, expected.”

They didn’t ask consumers, they asked government, and now you’re seeing things like 50% of Buick dealers taking buyouts, VW in a massive hole, Lincoln dealers doing the vast majority of their business in used vehicles. Just because the government is telling everyone that Castor oil is great and everyone should get it doesn’t mean we want it.

EV experts say it’s still possible to reach the White House’s target if consumers see progress soon on charging availability — something that should happen as federally subsidized chargers start to appear in the coming months. Mark Z. Jacobson, a renewable-energy expert and engineering professor at Stanford University, said buyers also need more information about the cost savings of going electric.

“Given that driving an electric vehicle saves the average driver about $20,000-$30,000 over 15 years in fuel cost savings alone, I think the only thing holding back consumer demand is a lack of information about this,” he said.

Even the vast majority who keep their vehicles a long time do not keep them 15 years. The average ownership period is 4 years. So, you’ll lose a ton, no too mention your insurance is at least 25% higher. Also, that’s the White House’s target. Last time I checked this is still a free country. If you want one, get one. Forced acceptance is dictatorial.

Meanwhile, the First Street Journal is noticing that investors are fleeing from charging stations.

Read: Even The Washington Post Notices Demand For EVs is Cooling »

If All You See…

…is fencing meant to stop climate refugees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post wondering how expensive EV charging is.

Read: If All You See… »

Netanyahu Offers His Three Conditions For Peace With Palestinians

It’s been very easy since the beginning: return the hostages, Hamas dismantles. Too bad he can’t add “replace the Iranian government with a non-terrorist government”

Netanyahu Offers 3 Prerequisites for Peace

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu this week outlined three prerequisites for peace in the region following months of war with Hamas.

Netanyahu, in an opinion piece published by The Wall Street Journal on Monday, outlined the three: the destruction of Hamas, the demilitarization of Gaza, and the deradicalization of Palestinian society.

“First, Hamas, a key Iranian proxy, must be destroyed. The U.S., U.K., France, Germany, and many other countries support Israel’s intention to demolish the terror group,” Netanyahu wrote.

For all the support of Hamas by Democrat voters here in the US and by Leftists in Europe and other areas, Hamas is a designated terrorist group by the US State Dept, the European Union, and the United Nations (with quite a few voting members forgetting that).

“Second, Gaza must be demilitarized. Israel must ensure that the territory is never again used as a base to attack it,” he added.

According to Netanyahu, this will involve creating “a temporary security zone” on Gaza’s perimeter and a border inspection system to prevent weapons smuggling. He also claimed that expecting the Palestinian Authority to demilitarize Gaza “is a pipe dream.”

In other words, Iran will no longer allowed to send weapons there or the supplies to make weapons, like how Hamas took water pipes and turned them into rockets.

“Third, Gaza will have to be deradicalized,” the prime minster continued. “Schools must teach children to cherish life rather than death, and imams must cease to preach for the murder of Jews. Palestinian civil society needs to be transformed so that its people support fighting terrorism rather than funding it.”

That is the toughest one: how do you turn a people around, a people who are so radicalized that no other Middle East nation wants them? So problematic that none want them? Egypt doesn’t. Nor Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, or others. You don’t see Iran taking them in, do you? Even if you end the UN run schools which radicalize children, how do you keep the adults from radicalizing the kids? How do you stop it in mosques? Where do you even start? I can think of a few ideas, but, then I go, “what about doing X?” and then “well, yes, but, you also need Y and Z.”

Read: Netanyahu Offers His Three Conditions For Peace With Palestinians »

Good News: We Now Have A New Group Of Climate Loons

I wonder how many have made their own lives carbon neutral? And how many of them are taking fossil fueled trips to “protest”

A New Breed of Climate Protesters Vows to Take the Fight to US Political “Cowards”

A climate protest group backed by a cadre of Hollywood filmmakers is preparing to take action against “cowards” and “criminals” of all political stripes as the 2024 election approaches.

Climate Defiance, which disrupted events featuring a string of Biden administration officials this year, and targeted Darren Woods, CEO of ExxonMobil, in December, will consider protesting at events staged by both Democrats and Republicans on the campaign trail after concluding that its “very disruptive” action was bearing fruit.

Ah, so, it’s an astroturfed group funded by a bunch of deep-pocketed Hollywood wackos who have huge carbon footprints as they make their movies. Go figure

In an interview, Michael Greenberg, the group’s co-founder, told the Guardian it will also focus “more and more” on state-level demonstrations designed to deter policymakers from approving fossil fuel projects.

Since demonstrating outside the White House correspondents’ dinner in the spring, its activists have staged protests at events featuring a string of senior federal officials, including the transportation secretary, Pete Buttigieg, and the energy secretary, Jennifer Granholm.

I like how they’re all wearing lots of clothes made with petroleum, along with signs, shoes, phones, etc

Instead, the group claims its demonstrations at high-profile events have got it a seat at the table. Ali Zaidi, the national climate adviser, has been on the phone. It also targeted David Turk, the deputy energy secretary, who invited Greenberg to a meeting days later.

“The reason they’re willing to meet with us is they know we are really intense and really strident,” said Greenberg. He said the fundamental goal of his group was to build the climate crisis into a top US political issue, “along with racial justice and kitchen table economic issues.”

The administration is taking note—and Climate Defiance is increasingly confident this interest can be traced all the way to the Oval Office. “Congressman Ro Khanna said that the president is talking about us,” Greenberg added.

Just another group of eco-wackos attempting to force their beliefs on Everyone Else. Yet, they call Republicans the Fascists.

Read: Good News: We Now Have A New Group Of Climate Loons »

Newsomconomy: Pizza Hut To Lay Off Drivers Due To Government Requirements

This is what happens when the Virtue Signalers and SJWs in the People’s Republik Of California pass laws/rules without considering the actual economic consequences

California Pizza Hut franchises announce layoffs of delivery drivers before new $20 minimum wage: report

Multiple Pizza Hut franchises in California are planning to lay off delivery drivers as the restaurant chain braces for an increase in the minimum wage for fast food workers next year.

Several Pizza Hut operators filed notices to comply with the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification Act saying they were discontinuing their delivery services.

“PacPizza, LLC, operating as Pizza Hut, has made a business decision to eliminate first-party delivery services and, as a result, the elimination of all delivery driver positions,” a federal WARN Act notice filed by the fast-food operator with the state’s Employment Development Department said, Business Insider reported.

Another operator, Southern California Pizza Co. also announced layoffs of around 841 drivers across the state. The moves impact Pizza Hut locations in Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and Ventura counties.

By “lay off” they mean “end the positions”, and, they will rely on 3rd party delivery services, which will mean, you guessed it, increased costs to the consumers. But, not as much as if they were paying drivers at least $20 an hour

The layoffs announcements came months before most fast food workers in California will begin earning a minimum wage of $20 per hour, beginning in April. The increase was proposed as a way to offset the increasing cost of living for Californians.

So, because the government of the PRC has done all they can to increase the cost of living in the PRC via bad economic policies (there are obviously other factors, let’s be fair, but, a huge one is Government) they compound that by raising the minimum wage for unskilled labor, which will increase the cost of living further. Great job!

One Pizza Hut delivery driver told Business Insider that he was offered a $400 severance if he stuck around through his February 5 layoff date.

“The money they are giving us as severance pay is a slap on the face,” he told Insider. “It comes to $3 a month for nine-plus years of service.”

Hey, they didn’t have to give you anything. Not a dime. And I truly hope it was a side gig, not your actual job. But, if he wants to complain, he should look towards Gavin Newsom and the California general assembly. The question now is, do others like Papa Johns, Dominos, etc follow and ditch the delivery drivers?

Read: Newsomconomy: Pizza Hut To Lay Off Drivers Due To Government Requirements »

Washington Post Is Concerned Global Warming Is Speeding Up

Warmists have been fearmongering that warming will be speeding up SOON for decades, even during warming pauses

Is climate change speeding up? Here’s what the science says.

For the past several years, a small group of scientists has warned that sometime early this century, the rate of global warming — which has remained largely steady for decades — might accelerate. Temperatures could rise higher, faster. The drumbeat of weather disasters may become more insistent.

And now, after what is poised to be the hottest year in recorded history, the same experts believe that it is already happening.

In a paper published last month, climate scientist James E. Hansen and a group of colleagues argued that the pace of global warming is poised to increase by 50 percent in the coming decades, with an accompanying escalation of impacts.

According to the scientists, an increased amount of heat energy trapped within the planet’s system — known as the planet’s “energy imbalance” — will accelerate warming. “If there’s more energy coming in than going out, you get warmer, and if you double that imbalance, you’re going to get warmer faster,” Hansen said in a phone interview.

It’s always sometime in the future, but, they won’t say exactly when. Just in the future. And, what if it doesn’t happen? Who loses their job?

But not everyone agrees. University of Pennsylvania climate scientist Michael Mann has argued that no acceleration is visible yet: “The truth is bad enough,” he wrote in a blog post. Many other researchers also remain skeptical, saying that while such an increase may be predicted in some climate simulations, they don’t see it clearly in the data from the planet itself. At least not yet.

Well, good on the WP for mentioning that, because the data doesn’t support it, no matter what the climate cultists attempt to do with their computer models.

The Washington Post used a data set from NASA to to analyze global average surface temperatures from 1880 to 2023.

The record shows that the pace of warming clearly sped up around the year 1970. Scientists have long known that this acceleration stems from a steep increase in greenhouse gas emissions, combined with efforts in many countries to reduce the amount of sun-reflecting pollution in the air. But the data is much more uncertain on whether a second acceleration is underway.

The fallacy is using that data period, which ignores the cold temperatures during the Little Ice Age, and failing to mention that the late 40’s through mid-70’s was a period of slight cooling. And the fudged data they use erases that cooling period along with the long pause. Nor does it note that there have been multiple periods during the Modern Warm Period, starting in 1850, where there was warming, followed by plateaus/pauses. What caused this back when CO2 was under the “safe” level of 350ppm?

Read: Washington Post Is Concerned Global Warming Is Speeding Up »

If All You See…

…is horrible heatsnow from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on the media needing Trump.

Read: If All You See… »

Pro-Hamas Protesters Go Crazy In NYC On Christmas

Why are we letting these people in? Why did we bring in a whole bunch of Islamists post 9/11, and of all the cities to house them, they pick NYC? These people are siding with a State department designated terrorist group which hates Israel, hates Jews, and hates America, and doing everything they can to ruin Christmas

Pro-Palestinian protesters chant ‘Christmas is canceled’ while carrying blood-red mock Nativity scene through NYC — scuffles break out, arrests made

They’re out to “cancel” Christmas.

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters converged on Midtown Monday, lugging a blood-red mock Nativity scene and chanting “Christmas is canceled here.”

“Long live the intifada,” the crowd of about 500 demonstrators yelled, using the Arabic word for “rebellion” or “uprising,” as they mobbed the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree where revelers were enjoying the holiday.

“While Ur Shopping Bombs are Dropping,” read one of the signs carried by the protesters.

“No Joy In Genocide,” said another, written atop the faux Nativity scene, which was splattered in what appeared to be fake blood and which several of the demonstrators carried on their shoulders.

Now, just imagine what they would do if non-Muslims were carrying around a depiction of Allah or Mohammed covered in fake blood, or a Koran desecrated. There would be riots like the ones after George Floyd.

They were attacking police officers, calling for a worldwide Intifada, spouting anti-Jew sentiments

We should be immediately deporting any and all who are not US citizens. Let them go be Islamists elsewhere.

Read: Pro-Hamas Protesters Go Crazy In NYC On Christmas »

Your Fault: Beijing Sees Most Sub-Freezing Temps Since 1951

This could have been avoided had you simply given up your fossil fueled vehicle and taken mass transit, you know

Beijing sees most hours of sub-freezing temperatures in December since 1951

Beijing recorded the most hours of sub-freezing temperatures in December in more than seven decades as a cold wave has enveloped northern and central swathes of China, bringing snowstorms and record-breaking temperatures.

A weather observatory in the Chinese capital as of Sunday had recorded more than 300 hours of sub-freezing temperatures since December 11 the most since records began, in 1951, according to the official newspaper Beijing Daily.

The city saw nine consecutive days with temperatures below minus 10 degrees Celsius (14 degrees Fahrenheit), the paper added.

Parts of northern and central China have shivered under frigid cold snaps this month, with authorities closing schools and highways several times due to snowstorms.

Temperatures at 78 weather stations across the country hit record lows for the month of December, while average temperatures this month in northern and some central parts of China hit record lows set in 1961, according to the National Meteorological Centre.

Of course, what cultists will say is that things will happen. That there will still be cold snaps even as the world marches towards boiling and killing all life. Or that it was just a small section of the Earth. Or that this is actually what ‘climate change’ is all about

See? If we hold to the pledges made by Elites who are climahypocrites we can stop this type of cold.

Read: Your Fault: Beijing Sees Most Sub-Freezing Temps Since 1951 »

Trump Promises Some Sort Of Healthcare To Replace Obamacare (?)

Is he seriously offering to replace Ocare with a different government run healthcare plan?

Trump vows to replace ObamaCare with his own alternative

Former President Trump on Monday vowed to replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) with his own “much better” alternative program, reviving his push to slash the now-popular healthcare option used by millions of Americans.

“Obamacare is too expensive, and otherwise, not good healthcare,” Trump, the frontrunner for the GOP presidential nomination next year, wrote in a post on his social media platform, Truth Social.

“I will come up with a much better, and less expensive, alternative! People will be happy, not sad!”

While attacking President Obama’s signature health care law had once been a popular political message among GOP voters, the law now has significant support across the country, with 60 percent of Americans holding a favorable view of the health law.

And Republicans have basically given up on replacing it or repealing it. The time was 2012, and could have happened if Romney had won. Once it took effect it was fait accompli. And the GOP were complete idiots on replacing/repealing it. But, what in the heck is Trump yammering about? And apparently yammered last month

“Getting much better Healthcare than Obamacare for the American people will be a priority of the Trump Administration. It is not a matter of cost, it is a matter of HEALTH,” he wrote on Truth Social last month. “America will have one of the best Healthcare Plans anywhere in the world. Right now it has one of the WORST!”

So, what’s the plan? What’s the idea? And how would he accomplish that? He did some good stuff during his time in office, but, really, spent too much time fighting. Do we want more government health care?

Read: Trump Promises Some Sort Of Healthcare To Replace Obamacare (?) »

Pirate's Cove