Brandon Admin To Give NC $26.7 Million For 114 Electric Buses

I’ve very much looking forward to see how well they handle the NC heat

Let’s find out more

(WRAL) More North Carolina school buses are going electric.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Clean School Bus Grant Program is giving $26.7 million in federal funds to buy 114 electric school buses, Gov. Roy Cooper’s office announced Tuesday.

Durham Public Schools will get 38 of those buses, and Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools will get 27 of those buses. The buses will be distributed to lower-income, rural and/or tribal communities, according to Cooper’s office.

The EPA touts electric school buses for their reduction in asthma-linked exhaust, lower emissions, reduced maintenance and fuel costs, and their ability to provide power during outages.

Will they remember to build chargers for the buses, especially those out in the middle of nowhere? Oh, and it comes to $230K per bus, when a normal bus costs $80K-$100K. Buses that can easily be fixed. The range is poor due to the weight (the average is around 100 miles), and heat can reduce that. And, it’s not just temperature: it’s the Sun shining on them. I always tell people that 50 in NC is different from 50 in NJ, because the Sun warms you up a lot more. How will they do on fast roads (many of the roads from rural areas to cities are 45mph and up)? We already know that electric buses have significant issues and lots of downtime. The infrastructure needs to be built out. Mechanics need to be trained. And what happens with the existing buses which still have lots of lifetime? What’s their lifespan? A typical fossil fueled bus lasts 12+ years.

All for a scam.

Read: Brandon Admin To Give NC $26.7 Million For 114 Electric Buses »

Hot Take: Texas Shipping Illegals To SCC Is Attacking Leaders Of Color

I’m surprised it took this long for someone to truly play the Race Card. Here’s Sanctuary City Chicago Mayor Let’s Go Brandon Jr.

Mayor Johnson argues Gov. Abbott is intentionally ‘attacking’ ‘leaders of color’ by bussing migrants

Democrat Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson condemned Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, in a recent MSNBC appearance, arguing he has been “attacking” cities run by Black leaders with waves of migrants.

In an effort to show the seriousness of the border crisis, Republican governors like Abbott have sent buses of asylum seekers to Democrat-controlled states and sanctuary cities. Republicans have argued the action is necessary to show the rest of the country what border states are dealing with due to the surge of migrants. (snip)

MSNBC host Al Sharpton spoke to Johnson about the migrant crisis Sunday, noting that as it goes on it “puts a tremendous burden on [Johnson] and other Democratic mayors, I might add, many Black mayors have been the focal of this. In fact, on Thursday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams filed a $700 million lawsuit against 17 charter bus companies who transported migrants from Texas.”

“What are your thoughts about the case, and is this an action you would consider taking as well?” Sharpton asked.

“You’re absolutely right about the intentions of Gov. Abbott,” Johnson replied. “He is attacking democratically-run cities, and particularly cities that are being led by Black leaders or leaders-of-color. This is unconscionable. I mean, it’s a very raggedy approach. And quite frankly, not only is it reckless and raggedy, but it is evil-spirited.”

Attacking black leaders, folks, attacking! Shouldn’t Johnson be thanking Greg Abbott for giving SCC the opportunity to be beneficial to all those illegals/migrants (who are mostly young, military age males) just looking for a better life?

Read: Hot Take: Texas Shipping Illegals To SCC Is Attacking Leaders Of Color »

Surprise: Climate (scam) Czar John Kerry Hides All Names Of Employees

It’s not a heck of a lot of money in government terms, but, these are government employees, not secret police

John Kerry’s Climate office costs taxpayers $4.3M a year, yet he refuses to divulge names

John Kerry climateJet-setting climate czar John Kerry doles out six-figure salaries to all but one lone “policy analyst” in his office who just misses the lofty mark in the first public records release to the Herald from the notoriously secretive presidential envoy.

It’s a rare glimpse into Kerry’s fiefdom that hits up taxpayers for $4.3 million in pay per year, according to records obtained using the Freedom of Information Act.

Kerry, however, does not reveal the names of anyone on his staff and redacts the titles of eight top aides paid up to $186,680 a year.

The 27 entries include brief titles — from “policy analyst” to “senior advisor” — and bi-weekly pay. It’s unclear if Kerry is on the list. Kerry’s Climate website does list Rick Duke and Sue Biniaz as as deputy special envoys, yet the FOIA release does not.

An equally reticent State Department told the Herald they “considered the foreseeable harm standard” in exempting names of government employees and some titles.

That standard did not stop former Labor Secretary Marty Walsh from sharing his staff names, titles, and pay this summer. Walsh, the former mayor of Boston now NHL Players’ Union executive director, earned $203,100 as Labor Secretary.

Pretty much every other federal employee is named, excepting certain intelligence agency employees, like those for the CIA, DIA, and NSA. Are we equating these employees the same as intelligence employees?

James Rosenbaum, branch chief of Statutory Compliance for the State Department, cites the exemption that argues adding names of Kerry’s employees “would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of an individual’s personal privacy.”

Federal government watchdog Michael Chamberlain, director of Protect the Public’s Trust, said it all is in lockstep with Kerry’s disdain for transparency.

“Once again, the lack of transparency from John Kerry’s secretive State Department Office of the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate is not only stunning but, sadly, par for the course,” said Chamberlain.

“What little information this document does reveal is that the median salary of folks who work for him hovers around $170,000 per year. And what does the American public get for that?” he added, saying that Kerry’s “disturbing level of influence on foreign policy to powerful left-leaning special interests” should not go unchecked.

This also makes it a lot harder to track where all the other money for this group is going to. What are they spending, and spending it on? Not just salaries. What deals and such are they negotiating with other countries that we know nothing about? What are they doing overall? We do not know. It’s all secret. Why?

Read: Surprise: Climate (scam) Czar John Kerry Hides All Names Of Employees »

If All You See…

…is a ski resort that will soon have no snow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on COVID for the 2024 election.

Read: If All You See… »

Voters Are Totally Worried About “Losing Our Democracy” In New Hampshire Or Something

USA Today is super excited about this being a bad thing for Donald Trump, coming from third least diverse state in the U.S., one which is not being over-run by illegal aliens and crime like other Democrat run states

Exclusive: It’s not the economy, stupid. In NH, democracy is the top issue for Dems, independents

For Democratic and independent voters in New Hampshire this year, the most important issue facing the United States isn’t the economy, the sort of kitchen-table quandaries that more often than not determine presidential elections.

It’s the future of democracy.

A new USA TODAY/Boston Globe/Suffolk University Poll two weeks before the Granite State’s pivotal primary finds half of Democrats (49%) and nearly three in 10 independents (29%) rank that solemn and even philosophical issue well above such concrete concerns as health care or crime ? defying the conventional political wisdom of decades, “It’s the economy, stupid.”

The survey was taken amid a series of stress tests for the nation’s democratic institutions, including a federal appeals court hearing slated for Tuesday to consider whether Donald Trump should be immune from criminal prosecution for actions he took while president. A few weeks later, the Supreme Court has scheduled oral arguments in a case that considers whether Trump can be bumped off state ballots because of a constitutional ban on insurrectionists.

On Monday, President Joe Biden delivered his second speech in four days on concerns about democracy and freedom, speaking from the pulpit of the historic Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, S.C., site of mass shooting by a white nationalist.

Democracy is doomed is Biden’s theme for the election, provided he doesn’t get replaced, because he looked lost before, during, and after the speech. And then he left in his 28 fossil fueled vehicle motorcade.

“It’s really just all morphed into saving democracy,” Christine Hayes, 50, a nurse from Rochester, N.H., said in a follow-up interview after being called in the survey. An independent, she plans to vote for former UN ambassador Nikki Haley in the Republican primary and then President Joe Biden in the general election. “We need democracy to be protected in this world, and so that then we can fight for reproductive freedom, so that we can work on climate change, so that we can have conversations.

Well, it just shows that there are a bunch of morons who vote Democrat, not know we are a federal republic, and advocating for ever increasing governmental power, especially at the federal level

Overall, from a list of nine issues, democracy was chosen by 30% as the most important, followed by immigration by 24% and the economy by 17%. No other issue broke into double digits.

Realistically, Trump will not win New Hampshire for the general election. Not even close. Democrats have won the last 5, and 7 of the last 8. Though, Trump did make it close in 2016. New Hampshire’s motto is “Live Free Or Die”, yet, they are advocating more governmental control over their lives. What Trump needs to stop doing is his revenge tour schtick, drop the smears and insults, and focus on the issues. Focus on solutions. And turn the “democracy is doomed” meme from Biden and his Democrat Comrades around. Tell people how Biden’s version of Democracy means more and more governmental control of their lives.

Take EVs, for instance. Trump could talk about how they are the future, but, that it should be the choice of individual citizens to get one, not the federal and state governments forcing citizens to get one.

But, Trump won’t. Which is the danger. He hasn’t changed his campaign style since 2016. He hasn’t learned.

Read: Voters Are Totally Worried About “Losing Our Democracy” In New Hampshire Or Something »

NYC Youts Demand City Speed Up Retrofitting Schools For Global Boiling

I’m just wondering if those students are paying property and income taxes, along with lots of sales tax, which primarily funds the schools?

Students say NYC school buildings need a climate change

A group of New York City teens are launching a campaign urging Mayor Eric Adams to speed up plans to retrofit school buildings to make them safer, healthier and more climate-friendly.

The teens – part of a student-led environmental coalition called TREEage – are asking peers across the city to post videos to social media about why their schools urgently need green energy upgrades. The group is also asking students to grade how green their school is from A to F.

Zuzu Qadeer, a student at Beacon High School, has already submitted a video highlighting problems at their school.

They said polluted air from a taxi garage next to the school has caused the building’s basement to have such poor air quality that it had to be evacuated 18 times last year. Students have complained of headaches and nausea due to the fumes.

Well, that’s understandable. And has zero to do with ‘climate change’. What do the students recommend be done? They aren’t. Complaining without ideas is called whining.

In October 2022 the Adams administration announced a $4 billion plan to begin retrofitting 100 schools to all-electric heating and build only electricity-powered new school buildings by 2030. The mayor also pledged to end the use of polluting No. 4 heating oil in schools and upgrade hundreds of lights to LED bulbs.

Where’s that money coming from?

Kathryn Gioiosa is a sophomore at CUNY and co-executive director of TREE-age, said those initiatives are “a good starting point … but it’s definitely not enough.”

Before CUNY, Gioiosa attended Forest Hills High School. She said during her time there the school had issues with lead in the water. In the winter, the heat was too high, and in the summer there wasn’t enough air conditioning. She ran track right next to traffic on Grand Central Parkway.

Again, that has nothing to do with climate doom. Perhaps if the city wasn’t spending so much money on illegal aliens and driving away businesses and all their tax revenue?

She noted that students her age and younger have been feeling the climate crisis even more intensely after smoke from Canadian wildfires blanketed the city last spring and torrential rains flooded commutes this fall. She hopes the social media campaign will help students elevate the issues at their individual schools and connect with each other.

It’s always easy to spend Someone Else’s money, eh?

Read: NYC Youts Demand City Speed Up Retrofitting Schools For Global Boiling »

Sanctuary City New Jersey Looks To Restrict Buses Bringing Illegals From Texas

First it was the mayor of Sanctuary City Chicago, then the mayor of Sanctuary City New York, now we have a governor failing to understand what interstate commerce means, who is allowed to regulate it, and the Constitutional right to travel

New Jersey Gov Seeks To Restrict Bus Companies Used By Greg Abbott For Migrant Transports

Democratic New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy sent a letter to bus companies used by Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to transport migrants, seeking to restrict their arrivals to his state.

The charter buses have been arriving in New Jersey after Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams signed an executive order to require they provide 32-hour notice of their arrivals and subsequently sued bus companies over the transports. Murphy asked that the bus companies provide the same amount of notice, number of passengers, location and other details regarding the transports and their arrivals and departures.

“As we continue to see more migrants arrive to our state at the hands of the Governor of Texas, who is reportedly funding the passengers’ transportation with taxpayer funds, notice to New Jersey officials in advance of these individuals’ anticipated arrival is critical to ensuring the health and safety of passengers once they arrive in New Jersey,” Murphy said in a statement Monday.

“Additionally, because we know the vast majority of these individuals are intending to travel to New York City, this information will be shared with our colleagues across the Hudson to ensure the passengers’ health and safety there,” Murphy added.

Well, it’s softer than the others, without all the threats, but, I’m wondering, by what right does SSNJ think they can dictate these terms for a private charter? And why should anyone notify SSNJ, when border states are not notified? Or all the small towns around the country who are the recipients of illegals/migrants dropped off by the Biden Regime?

Read: Sanctuary City New Jersey Looks To Restrict Buses Bringing Illegals From Texas »

Huge Winter Storms Are Your Fault, You Know

How dare you!

Huge storms highlight ‘very weird’ winters in climate change era. ‘From a selfish side it’s like kind of nice to not have snow’

stop global warmingmajor winter storm bringing heavy snow and freezing rain to some communities spread across New England on Sunday, sending residents scurrying for their shovels and snowblowers to clear sidewalks and driveways.

Winter storm warnings and watches were in effect throughout the Northeast, and icy roads made for hazardous travel as far south as North Carolina.

The Northeast snow came as a Sierra Nevada storm packing heavy snow shut down a stretch of interstate Saturday and briefly knocked out power to tens of thousands in Reno, Nevada.

More than 11,000 electric customers in California were without power Sunday afternoon.

Some communities in Massachusetts had recorded more than a foot (30 centimeters) of snow by Sunday afternoon, according to the National Weather Service. Nearly 13,000 electric customers in the state were without power Sunday afternoon.

The entire article by the Associate Press, all 26 paragraphs, is primarily just reiterating what happened with the storm, except for

“I think it’s funny because everyone’s been freaking out about it,” said Alison Conley, 26, a consultant. “We’ve been betting as to how much snow we’re actually going to have and it’s looking like not that much is going to stick.”

Conley, who was out walking her dog Sunny, said the possibility that climate change is contributing to relatively warmer winter days in the region — the temperature in Boston is expected to be in the 50s on Wednesday, melting much of the snow — is a concern.

That’s it. This is the AP’s proof of “”very weird” winters”. Because science.

Read: Huge Winter Storms Are Your Fault, You Know »

If All You See…

…are horrible fossil fueled vehicles causing heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is American Greatness, with a post on a culture in collapse.

Read: If All You See… »

Small Wisconsin Town Complains About Inflow Of Illegals

For a chance, Whitewater, Wisconsin, is not a sanctuary city (or is it?). This town of 14K Americans is now over-run. Greg Abbott wasn’t shipping the illegals there, so, who did?

Wisconsin city asks Biden for help with 1,000 migrants that put ‘great strain’ on resources

Americans before illegalsA small city in Wisconsin is appealing to the White House for help with the influx of approximately 1,000 migrants who have come in since 2022, with issues ranging from housing to crime affecting the small community.

City leaders of Whitewater, Wisconsin, have prepared a letter to President Biden, saying they have seen a “rapid increase in the population of immigrants arriving from Nicaragua and Venezuela.”

“Each individual has a different reason for coming here; some are fleeing from a corrupt government, others are simply looking for a better opportunity to prosper. Regardless of the individual situations, these people need resources like anyone else, and their arrival has put great strain on our existing resources,” the letter, led by Police Chief Dan Meyer, states, according to Wisconsin Radio Network.

Well, that sounds like the city approves of all the illegals, they just want lots of money, because, surprise, services for actual taxpaying citizens is strained.

They note that some of the migrants are in the country illegally, while others are not.

“As a municipal government, our focus is not on legal status, but rather ensuring we are providing the resources expected of a municipality to all residents of the City. Unfortunately, we are increasingly finding it difficult to do that,” the letter adds.

So, if the city is not going to do anything about those there illegally, then they are a de-facto sanctuary city

“Finally, our law enforcement staff have responded to a number of serious crimes linked to immigrants in some manner, including the death of an infant child, multiple sexual assaults and a kidnapping.”

This is what you get with unfettered immigration, regardless of whether they came illegally or showed up at the border demanding asylum at which point the Biden regime let them in and shipped them off. The proper response is to arrest the illegals and deport them, and require all asylum seekers to apply outside the U.S.

Meanwhile, the mayor of Sanctuary City Chicago says Texas shipping illegals/migrants to Sanctuary City Chicago is “evil-spirited”

Read: Small Wisconsin Town Complains About Inflow Of Illegals »

Pirate's Cove