Republicans In 3 States Look To Remove Biden From Ballot

It is completely a stunt, but, that’s what you have to do in politics at times. Like I’ve said, the GOP should offer legislation requiring those who protect the White House to only carry firearms that hold less than 11 bullets and no “assault rifles”. Just standard hunting rifles with fixed clips. And that Joe can only travel by train and EV

Exclusive: Republicans Drafting Bills to Remove Joe Biden from Ballots in Georgia, Arizona, Pennsylvania

Biden Brain SuckerThree Republican state lawmakers are drafting legislation to remove President Joe Biden from ballots in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania, Breitbart News exclusively learned Friday.

If Biden is removed from the ballots, the president will have difficulty winning the Democrat primary and presidential election. Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania are vital swing states.

The three state representatives who are drafting the three bills are:

  • Pennsylvania Rep. Aaron Bernstine (R)
  • Georgia Rep. Charlice Byrd (R)
  • Arizona Rep. Cory Mcgarr (R)

The state representatives’ aim is to fight back against the Democrats’ so-called “lawfare” used to attack former President Donald Trump. The Colorado Supreme Court ruled Tuesday in a 4-3 opinion that the United States Constitution’s “Insurrection Clause” blocks Trump from appearing on the state’s presidential ballot.

“We are joining forces to introduce legislation to REMOVE Joe Biden from the ballot in Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania,” the lawmakers told Breitbart News. “The absurdity of radical Democrat judges removing Donald Trump from the ballot in Colorado will be a stain on the American political system for decades. By their very own interpretation of the law, Joe Biden is 100% not eligible to run for political office.”

“Democrats’ insane justification to remove Trump can just as easily be applied to Joe Biden for his ‘insurrection’ at the southern border and his alleged corrupt family business dealings with China,” they continued.

None of them expect this to go anywhere, it’s simply out there for discussion and to show the insanity. Is it really insurrection at the border? Well, in the same way, actually worse than what Trump did, because Biden is essentially inviting an invasion. What should really be done is that a whole bunch of Republican groups should file suits in battleground states to have Biden removed from the general election ballot. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Though, I reckon that the Supreme Court will nullify the Colorado ruling.

Read: Republicans In 3 States Look To Remove Biden From Ballot »

Excitable Justin Trudeau Worried A Trump Win Will Scuttle Climate Crisis (scam) Agenda

Perhaps if Justin really cared he wouldn’t have lots and lots of people fly into Canada for a ‘climate change’ summit. What he’s really concerned with is that Trump could put the kibosh on so many Biden authoritarian initiates

Trump win in 2024 could harm fight against climate change -Canada PM

If Republican frontrunner Donald Trump wins the 2024 U.S. election it could harm the global effort to fight climate change, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said in an interview aired on Friday.

Trump, who denies the science of climate change, said last week that if elected he would renege on a $3 billion U.S. pledge to a global fund meant to help developing countries cut emissions. Trump has made attacking the Biden administration’s investments in renewable energy a core part of his campaign message.

“Yes, there’s a concern particularly around the environment at a time where it’s so important to move forward on protecting and building an economy of the future,” Trudeau told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp.

“A Trump presidency that goes back on the fight against climate change would slow down the world’s progress in ways that are concerning to me,” he said, describing Trump’s approach to the climate during his presidency as “a menace not just to Canada but to the world”.

I’m sure lots of authoritarian politicians around the world feel the same way. All of them are happy to tell the peasants what to do and force them by government decree, but, rarely make any changes in their own lives. Do you see them driving EVs? Ending their use of fossil fueled private jets?

Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act, which outlined massive investments to accelerate the green transition, prompted Canada to spend billions to attract major automakers seeking sites to manufacture electric vehicles and battery components.

Well, we see how well things are going with EVs. Barely any rollout of charging stations, and dealers are bowing out of selling them. Sales are low. Regardless, I actually do not have high confidence that Trump will reverse Biden’s course: it took him almost his whole presidency to take the US out of the Paris agreement. If he wins he’ll probably spend most of his time on his revenge tour, which, while fun to watch, will ignore getting the things done that need to be done. Will ignore reversing the Stateism as pushed by the Biden regime.

Read: Excitable Justin Trudeau Worried A Trump Win Will Scuttle Climate Crisis (scam) Agenda »

If All You See…

…is a limited amount of snow due to global boiling, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on the bats trying to normalize BDSM.

Read: If All You See… »

Good News: Illegals At Border Simply Being Released Due To Overcrowded Facilities

Yes, this is an invasion, but, it seems that roughly half the government wants this to happen

Migrants are being released on U.S. streets at the border as shelters see record numbers

U.S. border facilities have a record number of migrants in custody as border agents try to release migrants as fast as possible to avoid overcrowding and local nonprofit groups scramble to keep up with the need, according to three Department of Homeland Security officials.

Many migrants in Arizona’s Tucson sector, one of the busiest, are being released directly onto the streets, according to two DHS officials.

The officials said the migrants are dropped off in coordination with the city officials and local nonprofits who help them get transportation to their final destinations.

On Wednesday, U.S. Customs and Border Protection encountered more than 12,000 undocumented migrants crossing the border for the third straight day, a new record. And approximately 27,000 migrants were in CBP custody as of Wednesday night, another record, with more arriving and more being released into the United States by the hour.

In the region surrounding Tucson, CBP processing centers are often at double their capacity. The two Homeland Security officials told NBC News that Border Patrol agents are dropping off busloads of migrants every half-hour in downtown Nogales, Arizona, to alleviate crowding in processing centers.

I wonder if the Democratic Party governor of Arizona will soon start busing them to other Dem areas? How do the Arizona cities and the state protect and defend the actual citizens? How many Democrat voters will realize that this is their fault?

Read: Good News: Illegals At Border Simply Being Released Due To Overcrowded Facilities »

Gore Effect: Maine Forced To Postpone Vote On Forced EVs Due To Power Outage

How will all those EVs work when the power goes out due to storms? Where’s the power going to come from for all those EVs? There can only be so many dams (and don’t forget that the eco-loons want to get rid of dams)

Maine forced to delay vote on EV mandate amid widespread power outages

A top Maine state environmental agency delayed a highly-anticipated vote to approve a sweeping electric vehicle (EV) mandate amid a storm that caused widespread power outages.

The Maine Board of Environmental Protection (BEP) announced that it had indefinitely postponed the meeting, which was slated for Thursday afternoon, until further notice following the storm. Democratic Maine Gov. Janet Mills, who has pursued an aggressive green energy agenda, declared a state of emergency this week, an action that closed state government offices. (snip)

BEP, which is required to prevent, abate and control pollution in the state, voted in late October to approve the Advanced Clear Car Program, which would mimic regulations in California mandating that more than 40% of new car purchases in the state be electric by 2027 and 82% be electric by 2032. The agency was expected to finalize that mandate during the meeting on Thursday.

The state proposal, though, has faced considerable bipartisan opposition from state lawmakers led by Republicans, but also from Rep. Jared Golden, a House Democrat. Golden noted this week that a strong storm would render electric vehicles useless, given their need for reliable electricity generation and supplies.

Surprisingly, it gets pretty cold and snowy in Maine. There are lots of areas where homes and cabins are off the grid. How does an EV get there? Also, no one is asking the most important question: are the voting members of BEP owners of EVs themselves? How about Janet Mills?


GM buys out nearly half of its Buick dealers across the country, who opt to not sell EVs

General Motors said nearly half its Buick dealers took buyouts this year rather than invest in selling and servicing electric vehicles as the automaker’s brands transition to all electric by 2030.

That means GM will end 2023 with about 1,000 Buick stores nationwide, down 47% from where it started the year.

Late last year, Buick said it would be asking dealers to commit a minimum investment of $300,000 to $400,000 to prepare their stores to sell and service EVs.

“Buick is transforming, launching the best vehicles the brand has ever had and is the fastest growing mainstream brand in 2023,” said GM spokesman Sean Poppitt in an email this week to the Detroit Free Press. “This all needs to be supported by the best customer experience in the transition to EVs. As stated before, this year we’ve given dealers who are not aligned with Buick’s future to exit voluntarily in a respectful and structured way; with the full support of our National Dealer Council.”

Are Buick customers clamoring for EVs?

Read: Gore Effect: Maine Forced To Postpone Vote On Forced EVs Due To Power Outage »

IDF Makes Hamas Tunnels Go Boom!

Strange how you never hear those in the Leftist media say “perhaps if Hamas didn’t spend so much money on tunnels they could make the lives of Palestinians in Gaza pretty nice

Of course, those same Leftist news outlets will complain about the IDF destroying people’s homes, infrastructure, medical facilities, schools, etc

Israel-Hamas war: IDF destroys Hamas’s Palestine Square tunnels, takes over Gaza’s Shejaia

Soldiers for the Yahalom special operations unit of the IDF’s Combat Engineering Corps, along with troops from the 401st Brigade combat team, destroyed the secret underground web of tunnels seized on Wednesday by Israeli forces, the IDF said on Thursday.

The demolition of the subterranean structure followed the revelation that the IDF had taken control of Hamas’s Gaza City “senior quarter,” the IDF added. The network of tunnel branches reportedly contained apartments, offices, and living quarters of senior Hamas officials.

The tunnels led to above-ground sites in the Shejaia neighborhood’s Palestine Square.

The Jerusalem Post reported on Wednesday that Hamas leaders Ismail Haniyeh, Yahya Sinwar, and Muhammad Deif had used this network to manage the organization’s operation and movement through the center of Gaza City, which has nicknamed the area “Commander’s Square.”

Colonel Beni Aharon noted that the tunnels were used to store equipment taken from civilians that could enable Hamas leadership to shelter there for an extended period of time.

Not anymore.

More than 400 Jewish facilities received false bomb threats this weekend, non-profit says

More than 400 Jewish facilities across the US have received false bomb threats over email since Saturday, according to the Anti-Defamation League, an international Jewish non-profit organization.

Oren Segal, Vice President of the Center on Extremism at the Anti-Defamation League, told CNN they believe one person or a small number of individuals were behind the series of threats.

While the threats were all deemed to be hoaxes, Segal added, “the Jewish community doesn’t take any threat lightly. We don’t have the luxury to ignore them.”

If this was being done against Palestinian organizations the FBI would be jumping in with both feet, instead of just assisting.

Read: IDF Makes Hamas Tunnels Go Boom! »

Children Just Won’t Know What A White Christmas Is Or Something

I’m actually shocked this year, because there are so few doomsday cult propaganda pieces linking Christmas and ‘climate change’

Dreamin’ of a White Christmas

To the modern ear, it sounds like a song about climate change:

I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know

Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow

The song actually isn’t about climate change — the lead-in, which is much less familiar, tells us that the singer is now living in Beverly Hills , where Christmas means palm trees rather than snow. But the song could turn out to be prophetic.

As it turns out, about two-thirds of the U.S.  has a lower chance of a white Christmas compared to the 1981-2010 average, but a third of the country has an increased chance of Christmas snow cover because earlier snows are more likely to be heavy and last longer on the ground.

I mean, he’s correct about the song, everyone ignores the actual beginning, but, come on, it’s a Holocene warm period: things get warmer. Just like has happened many times since the end of the last glacial age 20,000 years ago. But, Warmists always have to find some way to fearmonger. And, only to members of a doomsday cult do the words sounds like a song about global boiling.

Of course, each winter is different. But the long term trends seem clear. For much of the country, white Christmases will become more and more rare, like the “sleigh bells” in the song.

Welcome to the future.

They probably thought the same thing back during the Medieval Warm Period, right before the Little Ice Age smacked them with the cold mackerel of truth. Or, back when the Warmists were predicting that “Children just aren’t going to know what snow is.”

Read: Children Just Won’t Know What A White Christmas Is Or Something »

If All You See…

…is a world killing dog causing sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on pro-Hamas activists vandalizing the Lincoln Memorial.

Read: If All You See… »

Republicans Are Negotiating With DHS Chief Over Border Deal For Some Reason

I don’t get this. Congress makes the laws. The Executive Branch enforces the laws. Why would they negotiate with Mayorkas, a department head? Negotiating with POTATUS is bad enough

Republicans’ headache: Cutting a border deal with a DHS chief they loathe

Senate Republicans are working closely with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as they try to craft a bipartisan border security deal.

Which creates a new problem for the GOP negotiators: If they succeed, they’ll need to sell that deal to colleagues who loathe Mayorkas and, later, House Republicans who are trying to impeach him.

Mayorkas’ role in the high-stakes border talks is confined to policy proposals, not politics. He’s participating to assess border changes without deciding what the White House might ultimately back, according to a person familiar with the talks who was granted anonymity to address them.

Which makes it worse: whatever he’s recommending the White House might well say “nope, not happening.”

At the moment, Mayorkas’ talks with Sen. James Lankford (R-Okla.), Sens. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) and Kyrsten Sinema (I-Ariz.) are advancing despite facing huge hurdles. They’ve made progress on changes to asylum standards but remain at odds over dialing back the president’s parole authority and new expulsion authority, according to a second person briefed on the talks.

It sounds like they really aren’t fully focusing on true solutions. Realistically, it all needs to be shut down, boot out every single illegal who wasn’t eligible for asylum, and no longer allow in and bring in asylum seekers or refugees. We have enough, and most are not assimilating. The US has paused mass immigration for decades to allow assimilation several times in the past. Lock down the border as much as possible.

Politically, that’s not going to happen. So, yeah, narrow the asylum standards and require all asylum claims to be processed outside the U.S. If they cross the border illegally they will be required to leave and apply outside the U.S. The GOP should be talking about keeping people out and so many measures to reduce people coming illegally.

In the House, Mayorkas’ impeachment is taking a back seat to the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden — but even GOP lawmakers who don’t favor going that far are not fans of the DHS chief. And one of Republican senators’ biggest challenges is ensuring they cut a deal that the GOP-controlled House can support.

Mayorkas’ presence is particularly tricky on that front, given that support for impeaching him is growing among House Republicans. Even former skeptics like Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) are now ready to boot the DHS chief from office, and Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-Texas) is working to court moderates. Gonzales and his centrist allies are some of the same Republicans whom senators hope might vote for any deal on new border restrictions.

Getting rid of Mayorkas won’t stop the issues, because Biden will replace him with someone who will do exactly the same. Any border measures should be written in plain, simple language that allows no latitude, no extra creativity for Mayorkas and others in the Biden regime to blow off.

And until Biden gives more forceful direction to Democrats, Republicans don’t see the border talks concluding with them cutting a deal with Mayorkas, anyway.

“I’m told that he’s trying to help. He’s very knowledgeable. But he doesn’t have any authority,” said Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.). “We’re not going to reach any kind of agreement until the president tells us what, if anything, he’s willing to do to secure the border.”

He’s doing as directed by the Biden regime. Why Trump didn’t boot him I have no idea. He may be knowledgeable, but, he was always incompetent. Now we just wait to see how badly the GOP messes this all up.

Read: Republicans Are Negotiating With DHS Chief Over Border Deal For Some Reason »

Cool: Now College Democrats Are Blasting Biden For Climate Doom Indifference

So, let’s see, Biden’s already losing all the unhinged Palestinian/Hamas supporters, and probably a lot of Jews. Not so much because Joe hasn’t been pretty decent at supporting Israel, but, because so many elected Democrats, Democrat talking heads, and Democrat supporters are being pure Jew haters. He’s losing supporters because his economy is harming so many middle and working class folks. And now

College Democrats blast Biden for climate ‘indifference’ after COP28

College Democrats demanded the Biden administration end the Willow Project, cut oil drilling on federal lands and zero in more on tackling climate change, blasting the president’s “indifference” toward climate change in the wake of the COP28 conference.

The college outreach arm of the Democratic National Committee urged the administration to deliver on its climate promises and demanded Congress pass pro-environmental legislation in a letter to President Biden shared with The Hill Wednesday.

“With every waking moment of indifference in regards to the issue of climate change, we sink progressively deeper into a global environmental crisis,” the group wrote. “Its impacts, ranging from rising sea levels, unprecedented climate shifts, increased frequency of natural disasters, and worsening of air and water quality, have placed the planet that young people are destined to inherent in jeopardy.”

President Biden, who previously attended previous two climate summits, did not travel to the U.N. climate conference in Dubai.

I wonder how many of those students traveled all the way to Dubai for COP28? How many of them take fossil fueled travel to their schools, to spring break, to places to take their selfies and videos? Who have big carbon footprints?

“Failure to avert climate disaster is a failure of the state,” the student organization wrote in the letter. “Hence, we call on our elected leaders of all levels to leave the world to their children, grandchildren, and young people throughout the nation in the same pristine condition they inherited.”

Funny how it always comes down to government authoritarianism, eh?

Read: Cool: Now College Democrats Are Blasting Biden For Climate Doom Indifference »

Pirate's Cove