If All You See…

…is a pine tree being killed by ‘climate change’ bark beetles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Right Scoop, with a post on Biden turning out military into a laughingstock.

Read: If All You See… »

Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Cause Massive Problems At JFK Airport

Do they think they are winning friends and influencing people with this?

Anti-Israel rally at JFK Airport causes New Year’s Day nightmare on one of the busiest travel days of the year

Hateful anti-Israel protesters yelling inflammatory chants snarled traffic and caused chaos as they descended upon John F. Kennedy International Airport Monday – creating a nightmare on one of the busiest travel days of the year.

The Belt Parkway — a major thoroughfare used by vehicles to travel to the airport — was temporarily blocked off by police near Exit 20 as they tried to stem the flow of the “Flood JFK For Gaza” protest, which was planned by Within Our Lifetime, a Palestinian-led activist group.

“NYPD, KKK, IDF you’re all the same,” protesters inside an SUV screeched through a megaphone, according to video posted to X.

Other footage posted to social media showed more than a dozen cars waving Palestinian flags and honking car horns on the gridlocked parkway shortly before the planned rally at 2 p.m.

Terrorist supporters yelling horrendous things about Israel and Jews, disrupting the operations of an airport

Seven protesters were issued summons, sources said, and 60 flights were delayed at JFK on Monday, according to FlightAware, a flight tracking service.

It’s typically a misdemeanor to interfere with airport operations, both at the state and federal levels. Now, just imagine it was a bunch of Trump supporters: they’d probably be charged with terrorism.

The FBI is investigating, but, most likely will arrest no one, as they weren’t wandering around the Congressional building. Letting go of balloons which disrupted planes, and could have taken one down, is no big deal for the FBI.

Then the terrorist group supporter, wearing their Intifada keffiyehs, attempt to go to La Guardia and disrupt that airport. How did the US end up with so many Islamic terrorism supporters?

Read: Pro-Hamas Demonstrators Cause Massive Problems At JFK Airport »

Christian Warmists Hold Vigil Or Something

Can they call themselves Christians when they’ve replaced God with a cult?

Climate Vigil aims to channel prayer into action

Autumn leaves settled on the Umatilla River in downtown Pendleton, Oregon, as it rippled gently over rocks one October day. Up an embankment and across a quiet street rose the stone tower of the First Christian Church. “I see churches as being a positive thing for change,” said Bill Aney, a retired U.S. Forest Service employee and church member.

The river was placid that autumn day as Aney walked over the Main Street bridge. But in spring 2020, heavy rains and rapid snowmelt in the Blue Mountains caused a massive flood. A levee in downtown Pendleton broke, inundating nearby streets. Part of Interstate 84 and many local roads closed, homes were evacuated, and one woman died. Climate change is projected to cause more frequent flooding in Umatilla County, according to a 2020 Oregon report. “God told us to take care of the Earth,” Aney said. He interprets that as a moral imperative to aid recovery efforts after floods and other disasters — and to push for broader climate action.

Aney belongs to Climate Vigil, an eastern Oregon organization founded about two years ago. It grew out of a prayer book written by founder Peter Fargo. So far, it’s mainly offered avenues for climate advocacy and reflection modeled on Christian practices, including a worship album and community vigils.

Yes, God did say to take care of our creation. God did not say to replace him with a doomsday cult belief in doom from a tiny increase in global temperatures which has happened multiple times during the Holocene. I’m pretty sure God would be against forcing Other People to practice the climate cult beliefs. Fargo’s book (I replaced the link from the article as it went to “page not found”) isn’t exactly a barn burner, and, I’m not paying $7 for 89 pages to read it. Fargo is a big believer in pushing climate rights amendments, which force citizens to comply with the cultish beliefs of the Warmists.

Since then, Fargo has left his communication job with the Forest Service to work full-time on Climate Vigil. He also began writing an Oregon constitutional amendment guaranteeing the right to a safe climate, which he hopes to get on the statewide ballot in 2026. 

These people can’t just live their own lives, and leave the rest of us alone. And these “Christians” are supplanting their belief in God with one in Gaia.

Read: Christian Warmists Hold Vigil Or Something »

Bummer: Illegals Take Train From NJ To SCNY After Being Dropped Off By Bus

I’ve actually done this many a time when I was living in NJ, and, even now, if I’m visiting and wanting to go in the city, I’ll drive up to North Jersey, park, and hop the train (sometimes the water taxi). Though I usually park in Hoboken

Migrants taking trains from New Jersey to NYC after bus arrivals restricted: officials

After New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) restricted bus arrivals last week in an effort to curb a surge of migrants, bus operators appear to have found a loophole by dropping migrants off at a New Jersey train station from which they can continue on into the city.

Under an executive order announced last week, Adams is requiring bus operators who are aware they are transporting migrants with fares paid for “by a third party” to provide the city with notice at least 32 hours ahead of their anticipated arrival. However, New Jersey officials say bus drivers have found a way around the new restrictions by dropping off the migrants at Secaucus Junction Train Station — about a 15-minute ride from New York City.

Tyler Jones, a spokesperson from New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy’s (D) office, said bus operators are also dropping off migrants at train stations throughout the state.

“Our Administration has tracked the recent arrival of a handful buses of migrant families at various NJ TRANSIT train stations,” Jones said in a statement to The Hill. “New Jersey is primarily being used as a transit point for these families — all or nearly all of them continued with their travels en route to their final destination of New York City.”

Did the mayor of Sanctuary City New York think he was going to beat Greg Abbott? Did Adams think the folks coordinating this for Texas wouldn’t find a way around? Why is SCNY not being welcoming of any and all illegals?

And in Illinois

(CNN) A plane with more than 350 asylum-seekers onboard arrived early Sunday morning at an airport near Chicago from Texas, according to officials, part of the state’s monthslong effort to send thousands of migrants to major cities around the country with little notice.

The City of Rockford said in a Facebook post Winnebago County Sheriff Gary Caruana, Winnebago County Board Chairman Joe Chiarelli, and Rockford Mayor Tom McNamara received word a plane carrying migrants would land at Rockford International Airport Saturday night.

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson said Sunday on X, formerly known as Twitter, “there was no communication from Texas” and City of Chicago officials first learned about the flight from San Antonio from Rockford authorities.

Yeah, well, Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico aren’t exactly getting a lot of notification, nor are the smaller town around the country who have illegals dumped on them by the Biden regime. Illinois is a declared sanctuary state, so, Rockford can’t exactly protest. Though I hope they shipped them all to Chicago. Or, maybe they can ship them off to Springfield, which is the capitol. It’s around 200 miles, but, shouldn’t the governor and general assembly share the burden?

Read: Bummer: Illegals Take Train From NJ To SCNY After Being Dropped Off By Bus »

Good News: Climate Cult Training Judges To Rule In Their Favor

That’s really the only way to read this, and that is exactly why the Cult Of Climastrology is doing this

Left-wing climate group is quietly training judges how to handle global warming cases

A little-known judicial advocacy organization funded by left-wing nonprofits is quietly training judges nationwide on how to handle cases related to climate change, according to a Fox News Digital review.

The Washington, D.C.-based Environmental Law Institute (ELI) created the Climate Judiciary Project (CJP) in 2018, establishing a first-of-its-kind resource to provide “reliable, up-to-date information” about climate change litigation, according to the group. The project’s reach has extended to various state and federal courts, including powerful appellate courts, and comes as various cities and states pursue high-profile litigation against the oil industry.

“As the body of climate litigation grows, judges must consider complex scientific and legal questions, many of which are developing rapidly,” CJP states on its website. “To address these issues, the Climate Judiciary Project of the Environmental Law Institute is collaborating with leading national judicial education institutions to meet judges’ need for basic familiarity with climate science methods and concepts.”

“We are developing and disseminating a climate science and law curriculum and are conducting seminars and educational programs, in collaboration with leading climate scientists and legal experts,” it adds. “The goal of our project is to provide neutral, objective information to the judiciary about the science of climate change as it is understood by the expert scientific community and relevant to current and future litigation.”

The goal is to indoctrinate judges on how to rule in the favor of the climate cult in order to force Other People to comply with the Beliefs of the doomsday cult, regardless of whether the rulings have a basis in law and the Constitution. What they want is for the judges to believe that ruling in favor of the cult is legal and Constitutional via massive twisting. Of course, most of the judges are already left leaning, so, it’s not too hard to get them to comply.

Another module is dedicated to discussing “climate justice,” which states that low-income communities have historically been exposed to more environmental harms like “elevated exposure to heat, flooding, vehicular traffic, hazardous materials and pollutants, decaying civic infrastructure, poverty, and crime.”

And, of course, the idea behind here is that the cult, like most Democrats, thinks that blacks and other minorities cannot survive without the government being their benefactor, which is actually a rather racist belief.

Read: Good News: Climate Cult Training Judges To Rule In Their Favor »

If All You See…

…is an evil fossil fueled motorcycle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The O.K. Corral, with a post on a feel good story to start 2024.

Read: If All You See… »

Names On Epstein Documents To Be Released This Week

It should be very interesting as to the names on it, and how quickly the Credentialed Media will circle the wagons around some of those people

Court documents naming Jeffrey Epstein’s associates to be unsealed: What to know

Hundreds of sealed court filings pertaining to the late sex-offender Jeffrey Epstein are set to be made public this week, and several prominent names — including Britain’s Prince Andrew and former President Bill Clinton — are expected to appear in the documents.

U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska ruled earlier this month there was no legal justification for continuing to conceal the ex-president’s name and more than 150 names other “John and Jane Does” mentioned in the records. Preska ordered the unsealing to begin after Jan. 1.

The documents stem from a 2015 civil lawsuit centered on allegations that Epstein’s one-time paramour, Ghislaine Maxwell, facilitated the sexual abuse of Virginia Giuffre, an alleged trafficking victim. Giuffre also accused Epstein and Maxwell of directing her to have sex with Prince Andrew and several other prominent men. Prince Andrew denied the allegations and claimed he could not recall ever meeting Giuffre. He later settled a lawsuit she filed against him.

Most of the prominent names that appear in the documents are already associated in some way with Epstein; for allegations of wrongdoing, for having worked for Epstein, flown on his planes, or visited his homes. Some were mentioned during Maxwell’s criminal trial in 2021. In some instances, the only appearances of the names are in potential witness lists or in proposed terms for searches of electronic records. (snip)

Giuffre made no allegations of wrongdoing by Clinton, and there is no indication the sealed records contain evidence of illegal conduct by Clinton. But Giuffre’s claim that she met the ex-president on Epstein’s private Caribbean island emerged as a contentious issue in the litigation, which was settled in 2017. Maxwell contended Clinton had never been to Little St. James — as Epstein’s island was known — and assailed Giuffre’s claim as a fabrication that shattered her credibility.

And that’s how they will protect Bill, but, what was he doing at Epstein’s island, on his jet (known as “Lolita Express”), and at other places around 50 times? How about the others? They can talk about Epstein’s “charitable work”, but, that really doesn’t fly.

Who else will be exposed?

Read: Names On Epstein Documents To Be Released This Week »

Annoying Climate Cult Group Wants Everyone To Go Vegan

Why are this people so irksome?

This group has an idea to help save the planet: Everyone should go vegan

One group says there’s a straightforward way to make big progress in the fight against climate change: Everyone, everywhere should just stop eating meat. And all animal products.

The “Plant-Based Treaty,” first proposed in 2021, is a self-described “global movement that seeks to restructure the entire planet’s food production systems away from animal agriculture.”

The group released its “Safe and Just” report at the COP28 climate summit in Dubai earlier this month. The report featured some of the best practices being rolled out by climate leaders such as New York City, where Mayor Eric Adams has made vegan the default in hospital menus and introduced “Meat Free Mondays” and “Plant-Powered Fridays” in schools.

So far, the Plant-Based Treaty has been signed by several cities — including Los Angeles — and tens of thousands of people. The movement says the world could combat human-caused climate change by reducing the amount of greenhouse gas emissions that food production currently creates.

Well, if climate cultists want to do so, go for it. Otherwise, just leave the rest of us the F alone. Stop trying to force your Beliefs on everyone. Bunch of little Fascists.

Oh, and notice that the wacktards took long, fossil fueled trips to Dubai.

Read: Annoying Climate Cult Group Wants Everyone To Go Vegan »

Good News: Biden Let In 300K Illegals In December, A New Record

And the mayors of Denver, Chicago, NYC, and others wonder why Texas is shipping lots of illegals to their cities? They should feel lucky that Arizona has a Democrat governor, otherwise that state would be shipping them, like under the last governor. If the GOP wants to impeach Biden for something, how about dereliction of duty for failing to protect the United States from foreign invasion

U.S. border officials on track to process over 300,000 migrants in December, the highest monthly tally on record

U.S. immigration officials along the southern border are on track to process more than 300,000 migrants in December, an all-time monthly high that will likely include record numbers of families traveling with children, according to internal government data obtained by CBS News.

The extraordinary number of migrant arrivals this month is the most dire juncture yet of a three-year-long crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border that has strained resources in small and large U.S. communities, left countless of migrants in limbo, prompted lawmakers to consider drastically limiting asylum and created a major political vulnerability for President Biden as he seeks reelection.

U.S. Border Patrol agents at the Mexican border are on course to take into custody this month a quarter of a million migrants who entered the country illegally, while their colleagues at official ports of entry are expected to process roughly 50,000 new arrivals under a Biden administration appointment system.

Never before has U.S. Customs and Border Protection processed that many migrants along the southern border in one month, according to monthly tallies going back to fiscal year 2000. The previous monthly high in overall crossings at the southern border was recorded in September, when the agency processed nearly 270,000 migrants at and in between ports of entry.

CBS News acts like this is just something that’s happening that no one can do anything about, and I love the part about creating a “major political vulnerability for POTATUS,” as if he’s just a bystander, not the architect of this crisis.

Biden fast-tracks work authorization for migrants who cross legally

As Senate Republicans push for hardline border measures in negotiations with the White House, the Biden administration is quietly working to improve its signature “legal pathway” to solve a problem that has confounded Democrat-led cities receiving tens of thousands of migrants: getting fast work permits for those who cross lawfully.

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services recently set up a pre-registration program – pioneered in Brownsville, Texas, and replicated in El Paso and San Ysidro, California – to more quickly process work permits for migrants who present at the border using the CBP One app appointment system, operated by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

Instead of doing everything to discourage illegal aliens from showing up at the border, Team Let’s Go Brandon is incentivizing them to show up en mass.

Read: Good News: Biden Let In 300K Illegals In December, A New Record »

If All You See…

…is horrible carbon pollution infused beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on David Axelrod panicking over Dems throwing Trump off ballots.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove