Climate Cult AI Predicts The End Of Champagne By 2050

This is the same as their computer models: cult in cult out

New Year’s Eve beverage could go extinct due to climate change, AI company predicts

Bye-bye, bubbly?

Champagne may be in short supply rather soon, according to ClimateAI, a climate resilience platform based in San Francisco.

The company said the changing global climate could threaten the popular celebratory beverage.

ClimateAI’s artificial intelligence-driven data has suggested that hundreds of grape varieties could be on the brink of extinction, including champagne-making grapes like pinot noir, chardonnay and merlot.

Will Kletter, ClimateAI’s vice president of operations and strategy, told Fox News Digital in an interview that champagne and wine drinkers may be at a loss by the year 2050.

“If you are a consumer who has a very particular preference for a bottle of wine from a certain region, then I would encourage you to enjoy that now,” he said.

What happens when everything is fine in 2050? Who gets fired? Do we set fire to the computers?

Trees are in big trouble, and scientists are sounding the alarm

This winter season, disturbing news emerges about our trees that could reshape our understanding of forest resilience in the face of climate change. Recent scientific findings reveal a counterintuitive trend: trees from wetter climate regions are more vulnerable to drought compared to their arid counterparts.

This discovery challenges long-held beliefs about tree resilience and has significant implications for forest management and conservation.

It’s always something. Trees have done fine through warm and cool periods. It’s just insane, brainwashed cult group humans that are the issue.

Read: Climate Cult AI Predicts The End Of Champagne By 2050 »

If All You See…

…is horrible Bad Weather driven heatsnow, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Flopping Aces, with a post on how to win friends and influence people.

Read: If All You See… »

Security For New Year’s Celebrations Raised Over FBI Warning

What could the FBI possibly be warning about? And whom?

Authorities beef up security for New Years Eve celebrations across US after FBI warnings

Americans and travelers who are planning to see the Times Square ball drop in person on New Year’s Eve will be surrounded by heightened security measures in the hours ahead of and after ringing in 2024, according to New York Gov. Kathy Hochul. New York State Police will ramp up staffing and state troopers, and the New York National Guard and other agencies will join in to patrol some areas.

The move comes after the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other federal agencies warned police departments across the country about potential threats to large crowds celebrating the holiday, including from lone actors motivated by the Israel-Hamas war.

Public safety agencies are increasing security across the nation ahead of New Year’s Eve celebrations following the FBI alert. In Las Vegas, where hundreds of thousands of people are expected to gather to celebrate the holiday, for example, police said they are heightening security by mobilizing a bomb squad and hazmat teams and using low-level helicopter flights. (snip)

The FBI, Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Center cautioned police agencies and the American public in their alert earlier this month about potential safety threats during New Year’s Eve gatherings. They cited “ongoing tension between Israel and Hamas” and an increase in hate crimes across the nation as grounds for the warning.

“Lone actors may seek to disrupt or escalate violence at large gatherings, high profile events, or symbolic or religious locations throughout the winter. Such gatherings could become a convenient target for those inspired to commit violence against Jewish, Christian, Muslim, and Arab communities,” the FBI said in its advisory.

In other words, despite the “It’s about everyone!” language, this is about pro-Hamas people committing acts of violence against Jews, as has mostly been the case since Hamas attacked Jews on October 7th. And about the pro-Hamas demonstrators causing issues during the New Year’s celebration, just like they did before Christmas and on Christmas day. Why do we keep letting in, and bringing in, people who side with terrorists? Who hate Jews? Who are terrorist sympathizers, who back radical, extremist Islam?

None of the warnings are specific, at least for the open advisory, but, cities across the country are increasing security, primarily because of the pro-Hamas demonstrators. This is where we are at in 2023.

Read: Security For New Year’s Celebrations Raised Over FBI Warning »

Surprise: EV Chargers Will Cause Issues On Northern Power Grids

What could possibly go wrong with lots of outside chargers in cold weather areas and power generation that is insufficient?

Study forecasts challenges of electric vehicle chargers on northern power grids

electric vehicleA study is revealing some of the challenges that electric vehicles will pose to northern power grids — and it’ll likely be revised now that Canada has a plan for phasing out the sale of gas-powered cars and trucks.

“At no point in our studies did we consider 100 per cent electric vehicle adoption,” said Michael Ross, a researcher at Yukon University who is leading the study.

Ross, an industrial chair in northern energy innovation, said his research is looking at slow to high adoption rates of electric vehicles in Dawson City and parts of Whitehorse and Yellowknife. So far, it’s showing some of the ways residential power grids will be strained if people in those neighbourhoods add Level 2 electric vehicle charging stations to their homes, he said. (snip)

Ross said the study, funded by power utilities in all three territories, won’t just outline all the challenges that may arise as interest in electric vehicles — and the means to charge them — grows. It’ll also contain solutions or ways to mitigate those issues.

Of course, since Government is heavily involved (though most in government who are forcing this on the peasants aren’t actually driving EVs themselves), any solutions will be barely operational

Jay Massie, the vice president of northern development and Indigenous relations for ATCO Electric, said ATCO already has a “good understanding” of what electrification will do to northern power grids.

“The fast chargers … are significant electrical loads on the grid, so it’s just an increased demand and strain,” he explained. “The faster they charge, the more electricity they need.” (snip)

The challenge with electrification will be balancing the demand for power while keeping the supply on the rest of the system stable and reliable.

Transformers, the big green boxes you see in a neighbourhood, increase or decrease the voltage of electricity flowing through an energy grid. Ross said some transformers are “underrated,” meaning they weren’t designed to have a lot of electric vehicles integrated into them.

They’ll be adding a ton of electricity into the grid. Where’s it going to come from? How will the grid handle it? How will it handle it in cold climates? This is going to get ugly. And that’s not even accounting for that gas and diesel vehicles already have a hard time in that kind of cold.

Read: Surprise: EV Chargers Will Cause Issues On Northern Power Grids »

PRC To Offer Health Insurance To Illegal Aliens

What could possibly go wrong with this plan?

California becomes first state to offer health insurance to all undocumented immigrants

California will welcome the new year by becoming the first state to offer health insurance for all undocumented immigrants.

Starting Jan. 1, all undocumented immigrants, regardless of age, will qualify for Medi-Cal, California’s version of the federal Medicaid program for people with low incomes.

Previously, undocumented immigrants were not qualified to receive comprehensive health insurance but were allowed to receive emergency and pregnancy-related services under Medi-Cal as long as they met eligibility requirements, including income limits and California residency in 2014.

In 2015, undocumented children were able to join Medi-Cal under a bill signed by then-Gov. Jerry Brown. In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed into law an expansion of full-scope Medi-Cal access for young adults ages 19 through 25, regardless of citizenship or immigration status. Access was then further expanded to allow older adults aged 50 and older to receive full benefits, also regardless of immigration status.

The final expansion going into effect Jan. 1 will make approximately 700,000 undocumented residents between ages 26 and 49 eligible for full coverage, according to California State Sen. María Elena Durazo.

The wackos are calling this a “human right.” Are you happy to be paying for this, citizens of the People’s Republik Of California? Are you good with adding all those people to rolls, meaning it will be harder to get medial help, there will be longer waiting times? And the money has to come from somewhere, so, either taxes go up or other state services have to be cut. And you can expect premiums and deductibles to go up, because a lot of Medi-Cal is serviced at a loss, meaning that those who actually pay will pay more, perhaps 10%-20%.

And what happens when illegals get the word, and start streaming even more into California? Maybe Texas governor Greg Abbott starts shipping a ton into the PRC. But, you know what? The majority in the PRC voted for this, so, they should happily pony up, right? And not leave the state with all the insanity they voted for, right?

Read: PRC To Offer Health Insurance To Illegal Aliens »

Doom Today: Global Boiling Will End A Bunch Of Foods

This will happens sometime in the sometime, and it is All Your Fault

The Foods the World Will Lose to Climate Change

There’s no denying it: Farming had a rough year. Extreme weather spun up storms and floods, unseasonal freezes and baking heat waves, and prolonged parching droughts. In parts of the world in 2023, tomato plants didn’t flower, the peach crop never came in, and the price of olive oil soared.

It’s called “weather”. What about when the wheat crops were decimated across Europe during the Little Ice Age?

To be a farmer right now—or an agronomist or an agricultural economist—is to recognize how closely those weird weather events are linked to climate change. In fact, when the United Nations Climate Change Summit, known as COP28, ran in Dubai earlier this month, it featured a 134-country pact to integrate planning for sustainable agriculture into countries’ climate road maps.

In other words, Government running the agriculture sector. The same people who F up things like the Postal Service and VA. If they control your food they control you

If those authors had been looking for examples, 2023 provided them. In the spring, the United Kingdom and Ireland experienced a shortage of tomatoes after extended cold weather in Spain and Morocco cut into harvests, and the price of the fruit rose 400 percent in India after crop failures. In June, potato farmers in Northern Ireland said dry weather had shorted their harvest by 4.4 million pounds. In India, torrential rains left farmers unable to harvest corn for livestock feed. In September, agricultural authorities in Spain said the country, which leads the world in olive oil production, would have a below-normal harvest for the second year in a row. In October, authorities in Peru, the world’s leading exporter of blueberries, said that the crop would be half its normal size. Meanwhile, in Europe, Australia, and South America, wine production fell to the lowest levels since 1961. The US Department of Agriculture revised its “plant hardiness zone” map for the first time in 11 years, indicating that growing areas in roughly half the country had warmed as much as 5 degrees Fahrenheit.

So, tomatoes, fruits, potatoes, cord, olive oil, blueberries are Doomed. Also mentioned are oats, oranges, barley, wheat, soybean, rice, and wine grapes. They just do not say when Doom is coming.

Millet isn’t the only crop that may be better suited to new climate conditions; researchers and farmers in the Midwest have also been trial-growing oil seeds such as canola and sunflowers, fiber plants such as hemp, other components of birdseed, and even another type of millet, known as pearl millet, which thrives in temperatures that kill corn pollen. They are all examples of ways in which growing areas are being transformed—not just by climate change but by human efforts to work with it and succeed against it. And that does sound like growth.

Basically, things like this have happened throughout human history of being farmers, because weather changes year on year, and warm and cool periods happen. But, this is a cult, so, everything is always The Worst.

Read: Doom Today: Global Boiling Will End A Bunch Of Foods »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bicycle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Bunkerville, with a post on Macron wanting to replace the Notre Dame stained glass windows with something more modern.

Read: If All You See… »

Obligatory Trump Removed From Maine Ballot Post

Nice to see how one unhinged Trump hater can unilaterally make a decision to keep a person who has never been convicted off the ballot

Maine Secretary of State Says Trump Ineligible to Appear on Ballot

Maine’s Democrat Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, on Thursday determined that former President Donald Trump is ineligible to appear on the state’s ballot, but the decision will not be carried out until the U.S. Supreme Court weighs in on the controversial state rulings, which continue to pile up.

Like the left-leaning justices in Colorado, Bellows said Trump is disqualified based on Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment, or the Insurrection Clause.

In the ruling, Bellows wrote that she held a hearing on December 15 on three challenges to Trump’s nomination. The first two, she said, “contest Mr. Trump’s qualification for office under Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.”

“The third challenge, filed by Paul Gordon (the ‘Gordon Challenge’), contests Mr. Trump’s qualification under the Twenty-Second Amendment,” the ruling reads.

“For the reasons set forth below, I conclude that Mr. Trump’s primary petition is invalid,” she wrote.

Again, it won’t take effect till the SCOTUS takes a look at the Colorado insanity, which they’ll probably kill off. It was a 4-3 decision made 100% by Democrats. Trump wasn’t going to win either state, but, there is nothing to stop citizens from writing Trump’s name in.

This is banana republic stuff. You can bet other Democrat states will give this a try. But, what is to stop Republican states from knocking Biden off the ballot? The 14th Amendment also states “…or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof…” Biden has given aid and comfort to tens of thousands of illegal aliens, many of whom are from nations and groups which hate the United States. Is that a stretch? So is blocking a person from a ballot who has been convicted of nothing. Stop trying to make me defend Trump.

Read: Obligatory Trump Removed From Maine Ballot Post »

Here We Go: Climate Cult Blames Death Of A Swiftie In Rio On You

I’m actually surprised this didn’t come sooner. There were some Warmists who linked the death of a Swiftie to climate doom, but, this is certainly the worst. And Clean Technica asks an interesting question

Climate Change Killed A Swiftie — How Will Taylor Swift Respond?

Yesterday, we learned that Ana Clara Benevides died as a result of extreme heat while attending a Taylor Swift concert in Rio De Janeiro last month. The incident happened November 18, and the investigation by the coroner concluded yesterday that the cause of death was the insane heat that blanketed much of Brazil that week. And when I say insane heat, I mean a heat index of ~60 degrees C, ~139°F. (Heat index is a blended measure of temperature and humidity — basically how it affects the human body.)

The concert venue did not help the situation, doing a poor job of heat management. They could/should have built more shade structures, provided water refill stations, and allowed people to bring their water bottles. But those are “normal” concert venue management practices these days. What’s not normal is a heat index of 60°C/139°F.

I’ve been to hot ones. The Grateful Dead down in DC back in the late 80’s at the old RFK stadium was a nightmare. DC is a swamp, it was summer, it was super humid, and there was no airflow. I actually got near enough to the stage to see Garcia’s eyes, and then backed away because it was sweltering. Things get warm in Brazil in the summer during a Holocene warm period. Now add in all those fans and all the lights. But, it’s a cult, and in their world everything is because Other People took fossil fueled vehicles. How many took them to the concert?

And now, I wonder how will Taylor Swift respond to this announcement? Swift has something special — a charisma that few others have. She has a legendary following. I honestly had to google it to find out why she is so popular. (Hey, I’m a middle aged man without kids … Swift might as well be some ancient Russian author without an English translation — I would know similar amounts about both of them. The only reason she’s even on my radar is that she’s dating Travis Kelce, one of pro football’s best players.) Among the things I found in my curiosity journey was an NPR podcast where one of the co-hosts explained, oftentimes through tears, Swift’s lyrics, the history, and Swift’s personal journey. The TLDR version is that Swift is an incredible songwriter who has managed to capture every essence of the experience of being female in the modern age.

My thought, though, is that Swift has a power that few others have. Will she use that power to help us solve climate change?

Well, let’s consider

(Breitbart) 1) She’s a climate change proponent but she’s also a jet-setting elite who flies her private aircraft to visit her NFL boyfriend.

Taylor Swift has promoted herself as a climate activist but her private jet habits are so infamous that there is an Instagram account devoted to tracking her plane’s comings and goings. The singer regularly uses her carbon-spewing aircraft to rendez-vous with her paramour, Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.

By one account, Swift’s flights to see Kelce created 138 tonnes of emissions in just three months. The average person creates four tonnes per year. Swift’s flack has claimed the singer has purchased carbon credits to offset her emissions.

What’s the carbon footprint for each concert, as she travels around the world? All those lights, all those people, all that electricity? She took lots and lots of private jets even before Kelce. How many unnecessary items do her Swifties purchase? How many bought the same album rebranded as “Taylor’s Version” that they already owned?

Read: Here We Go: Climate Cult Blames Death Of A Swiftie In Rio On You »

Bummer: Mayors Of Sanctuary Cities Say They’re Almost Full Of Illegals

Surely, as they are declared sanctuary cities, they can find room for the illegals, right? Kick people out of their apartments, put the illegals up in nice hotels, force citizens who vote Democrat to house illegals in their own homes, put them up in Air B&Bs and such

Chicago, New York, Denver mayors say cities are almost at capacity amid migrant crisis

The mayors of three of the biggest cities in the country – including Chicago – met Wednesday to discuss the migrant crisis each is facing.

As CBS 2’s Marybel González reported, Mayor Brandon Johnson on Wednesday said Chicago is almost at capacity with migrants, even as more asylum seekers were making their way to the suburbs and other towns and villages in the area.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams and Denver Mayor Mike Johnston both said they will take a page from Chicago’s book, as the leaders of those cities likewise said they are at a tipping point.

Not only are they running out of housing and resources, but they are still dealing with unannounced buses arriving every single day – and more expected to come.

“All of our cities have reached a point where we are either close to capacity, or nearly out of room,” said Mayor Johnson.

To beat a dead horse, this is what they wanted….well, really, they wanted this Somewhere Else. It’s super easy to make declarations, a whole lot harder to actually be forced to practice them, right?

All three cities’ mayors issued a call to action to the White House.

“Without significant intervention from the federal government, this mission will not be sustained,” Johnson said Wednesday.

What they mean is lots and lots of federal cash, along with the Biden regime stopping Texas from shipping all those illegals to declared sanctuary areas. Out here in the Real World, it means shutting down the border as much as possible, ending the ability of migrants from showing up at the border and declaring they want amnesty, then letting them in where they won’t have a hearing for 8 or more years, during which time they will have anchor babies so of course Democrats won’t allow them to be deported. It means putting any illegal caught right back across the border and banning them.

If the mayors want to complain, complain to Biden for his horrendous border policies.

Read: Bummer: Mayors Of Sanctuary Cities Say They’re Almost Full Of Illegals »

Pirate's Cove