Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinp

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Getting some much needed rain again, the NJ Devils are doing well, and Christmas is fast approaching. Not quite sure who did this pinup, someone named Dillon, maybe?

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Irons In the Fire discusses what feminism has become
  2. IOTW Report covers fatties flying free on Southwest
  3. Geller Report notes a student arrested for stoning a Jewish student
  4. Flag And Cross features a gingerbread man wandering around town
  5. Da Techguy’s Blog says we no longer have common decency
  6. Cold Fury notes they are desperately trying to get Trump locked up
  7. Chicks On The Right covers DeSantis accusing Trump of flip-flopping on abortion
  8. Bustednuckles discusses Trump being an extinction level event
  9. Watts Up With That? goes down memory lane with all the COPs since 2007
  10. Not A Lot Of People Know That covers how much will be wasted on hydrogen factories
  11. Greenie Watch notes Himalayan glaciers cooling down
  12. Victory Girls Blog covers the gay sex in the Senate incident
  13. This ain’t Hell... discusses a Navy vet toppling and beheading a statue
  14. The Right Scoop notes NBC News’ horrible piece on the Dem staffer caught having sex in the Senate
  15. And last, but, not least, The Other McCain notes the death of John Hoge, who I always feature in the below part of the pinup posts

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinp »

Trump: Illegals Are “poisoning the blood of our country”

I mean, he’s not entirely wrong, but, this is the kind of incendiary language that turns middle ground voters off and even drives them into the arms of Let’s Go Brandon

Trump reiterates anti-immigrant rhetoric at New Hampshire rally

Former President Donald Trump doubled down on language condemned for its ties to White supremacist rhetoric, saying at a campaign event in New Hampshire on Saturday that immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.”

Obviously, CNN won’t say that Trump was specifically talking about illegal aliens, not legal aliens. Though, some of them are issues, such as all the Islamists up in Minnesota

The comments mark another instance of Trump using increasingly violent rhetoric in his campaign messaging. At his most recent campaign event in New Hampshire prior to his appearance Saturday, Trump used the word “vermin” to describe his political rivals, drawing broad condemnation, including from President Joe Biden, who likened his comments to “language you heard in Nazi Germany.”

What’s violent about calling them “vermin”? These are journalists, people who know words. Nothing violent

Trump told a crowd gathered in Durham, New Hampshire, on Saturday that immigrants “from all over the world” are “pouring into the country,” reiterating a phrase he used previously that sparked outcry from the Anti-Defamation League.

“They’re poisoning the blood of our country. That’s what they’ve done,” Trump said. “They poison mental institutions and prisons all over the world, not just in South America … but all over the world. They’re coming into our country, from Africa, from Asia, all over the world.”

Again, he’s not wrong. There are people coming illegally from all over the world, crossing the border, people who demand everything from America but give nothing and refuse to assimilate.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, one of the former president’s GOP rivals, said later Saturday that he hadn’t heard Trump’s comments in New Hampshire about immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country,” instead reiterating the “huge risk” that people who cross the border illegally pose to Americans, especially “military-aged males.”

“We have to be smart about what we’re doing in this country,” DeSantis said at a news conference in Corydon, Iowa, when asked whether he believes this type of rhetoric should be used by someone who wants to lead the United States.

That’s a much better way of putting it, but, unfortunately, Ron’s going nowhere. Trump learned nothing from the 2020 loss nor anything since that loss. All it takes is losing a couple states that he should win and Biden is president again. Which would most likely mean losing the House and having no shot at the Senate.

Read: Trump: Illegals Are “poisoning the blood of our country” »

Brandon Regime Takes Action To Force Federal Workers To Take Trains And EVs

Of course, this only applies to the rank and file workers, not people like Joe, Kamala, his chief of staff, KJP, heads of federal agencies

White House takes action to force government workers to travel via electric vehicle, rail

The White House issued new guidance requiring federal government employees to prioritize using electric vehicles (EV), trains and public transportation options when conducting official business.

The actions, which the White House said fulfilled President Biden’s promise to “lead by example” on tackling climate change, seek to take advantage of the federal government’s annual business travel purchasing power of $2.8 billion and status as the nation’s largest employer. Overall, government employees on official business took more than 2.8 million flights, made 2.3 million vehicle rentals and took 33,000 rail trips last year.

Well, Amtrak is certainly available when Joe goes to Delaware, right? Or take an EV? No need for jumbo jets, fighter protection, helicopters. Well any freaking reporter ask him (no point in asking KJP, she answers zero questions) why he doesn’t travel by rail or EV?

Under the guidance, government employees must rent an EV on official travel when the cost of the EV is less than or equal to the most affordable comparable gas-powered vehicle available. Additionally, employees must opt for EVs when using taxis and ride-share platforms when they are cost-competitive.

Sure seems like federal employees are taking a whole lot of unnecessary travel on the taxpayer dime, eh?

In addition, employees must only use rail on trips that require less than 250 miles of travel instead of driving or flying. For local travel, employees will be required to use public transportation, a rule that includes travel upon arriving at an offsite location.

It’s 123 miles to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Will Joe be taking an EV? Or is practicing what you demand only for the Little People?

Read: Brandon Regime Takes Action To Force Federal Workers To Take Trains And EVs »

If All You See…

…is a right supremacist symbol, used by people who deny ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on Sir Isaac Newton now being an Indian.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrats Upset Over Securing Border To Give Ukraine Money

Democrats are super excited about securing the borders in Ukraine and driving out the invaders, but, not so much when it comes to doing the same in the U.S.

Tensions rise among Democrats over looming border deal

Senate Democrats are deeply divided over an emerging border deal that some Democratic lawmakers fear will include harsh asylum policy reforms plucked from the House-passed Secure the Border Act in order to win GOP backing of long-delayed funding for Ukraine.

A growing number of Senate Democrats, including Latino caucus members, are sounding the alarm over leaks that say the administration is prepared to support new authority to expel migrants without asylum screenings and expand their detention and deportation.

They worry they’ll get blindsided next week if Senate negotiators reach a deal on border security and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) rushes it to the floor.

Schumer told colleagues Thursday that he plans to schedule a vote on an emergency foreign aid package that will include border security reforms next week. He said White House and Senate negotiators will work through the weekend to reach a framework agreement.

Democratic senators are concerned that Schumer plans to advance the legislative vehicle for the package before they even know the substance of the deal.

I’m not sure why they’re so concerned: Chuck will keep the details secret and none of the border measures will really amount to anything in practice

“I’m very concerned about the details,” Sen. Cory Booker (D-N.J.) said. “I’ve got no details about where the negotiations are, but obviously I have concerns.”

Booker said “there’s a lot of things I’m concerned about,” noting “we don’t know who’s going to be president” and thus who will be enforcing new asylum and border security laws beyond the 2024 election.

Yeah, but, if Trump wins Democrats will sue to kill off that part of the law, and, really, do you really think it will do much? Come on. Most Democrats have zero interest in securing the border. They do love giving lots of taxpayer money to Ukraine.

Read: Democrats Upset Over Securing Border To Give Ukraine Money »

Climate Cult Starts To Crack Doing Something About Food Emissions

These are the same people who took long fossil fueled trips to Dubai to eat all sorts of really nice food, including up-scale burgers, seafood, lamb, and so forth (you can read the whole thing here)

The Climate Summit Starts to Crack a Tough Nut: Emissions From Food

climate cowIt’s hard enough for world leaders to figure out the future of coal, oil and gas in a warming world. What about the future of bread and milk?

The food system accounts for around 30 percent of global greenhouse emissions from farm to fork to garbage dump, and it is a major culprit in biodiversity loss. Small farmers in poor countries, already on the edge of subsistence, are among the most vulnerable to climate hazards. And hunger has risen in the last three years, as the coronavirus pandemic and the Russian invasion of Ukraine have upended the global food and energy supply chain. About 735 million people today are hungry, according to the World Health Organization.
So how do we feed ourselves without further damaging the planet or worsening rising levels of hunger? This year’s United Nations climate summit has confronted this question like never before.

“For the first time there is a broad acknowledgment that the food agenda is aligned with the climate fight across the board,” said Ed Davey of the World Resources Institute, who worked with organizers of the summit, known as COP28, on its food agenda.

Just come out and say you want the Government to control all food production and distribution, limiting what you are allowed to eat.

That sets up potential (food) fights. Changing the way the world eats is fraught with difficulties, arguably as difficult as changing how the world produces energy. Rising food prices can bring down governments. Farmers can be a powerful political lobby in countries as diverse as the United States and India. Changing food habits can be tricky, and the global agricultural commodity trade is huge and influential.

At this year’s climate summit, though, came small but significant steps.

More than two-thirds of the world’s countries endorsed an agreement to retool the global food system, though it’s vague, lacks concrete targets, and is nonbinding. The United Nations food agency issued a landmark report laying out what it would take to align the global food system with the goal to limit average global temperature rise to manageable levels. The United States and the United Arab Emirates together committed about $17 billion toward agricultural innovations to address climate change.

Just comply, Comrades.

Read: Climate Cult Starts To Crack Doing Something About Food Emissions »

SCNY Illegals Complain About Quality Of Free Food

A bunch of liberals with no skin in the game are also complaining

NYC Mayor Adams defends city’s handling of migrant meals: ‘Is it going to be filet mignon? No’

As New York City nonprofits face an overwhelming demand for food, New York City Mayor Eric Adams defended his administration amid reports of food being wasted at local shelters.

During a joint interview with Deputy Mayor Maria Torres-Springer on Good Day New York, Adams said the city’s obligation is to provide food those who need it.

“Is it going to be filet mignon? No, it is not. It is going to be a basic meal,” he said.

A New York City Council hearing held Tuesday examined the quality of meals being served at local shelters, and according to reports, the food at some has been spoiled and rotten.

“There are those that are stating that we should spend more money on meals, and we’re not going to do that,” Adams said.

Well, I’ll give him props for saying that, but, realistically, the Sanctuary City New York should not be sending anything on illegal aliens, because they shouldn’t, you know, be present in the U.S.A. How many police officers and teachers are you laying off to pay for the care and feeding of these illegals?

(NY Post) Several migrants confessed to The Post Friday the meals served up at New York City asylum seeker shelters are so “bad” they often just trash them — with some opting to sneakily cook in their rooms instead.

Their claims of terrible food came a day after it was revealed thousands of uneaten, taxpayer-funded meals prepared for asylum seekers are tossed each day.

“No one likes the food,” Jesus Alberto, 31, from Venezuela, told The Post outside the Roosevelt Hotel — the Big Apple’s main migrant intake center.

“Without lying, it’s bad, bad.”

If they do not like the quality of the food, they have options, like, leaving the US.

Read: SCNY Illegals Complain About Quality Of Free Food »

Trains Could Totally Help With Solving Climate Doom…If They Could Get Built

I’ve actually been watching this choo choo issue lately because

I’ve blasted (not that lawmakers or their groups care) Democrats and Republicans over this. In all my years in Raleigh I’ve never heard someone say “hey, let’s go to Richmond!” And they’re talking about extending it up to DC then the NE corridor. They have heard of Amtrak, right? They’re also talking about lines that go east and west from Raleigh. To be honest, if you run one that ends in or very near Wrightsville Beach with a way to get to the beach, I’d take it. Even if it took a bit longer than driving. Nothing like a 2 hour 15 minute drive back after a day on the beach, tired, hot, can’t quite get all the salt and sand off.

Passenger trains could help combat climate change — if rail can actually get built

The Biden administration is investing billions in passenger rail, giving a boost to a potentially important tool for mitigating climate change.

However, significant hurdles could slow efforts to get more rail online.

Last week, President Biden announced $8.2 billion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for 10 passenger rail projects, including what the White House described as the “first world-class high-speed rail projects in our country’s history.”

The funded projects include a line connecting California to Las Vegas — which alone is expected to carry 11 million passengers each year and prevent 400,000 tons of carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere — as well as lines serving California’s Central Valley, North Carolina and a line connecting Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Va.

Experts, the rail industry and environmentalists say that passenger trains could be an important tool for getting people out of cars and planes, thereby helping the planet.

And there it is, though, they put it quietly: the Climate Cult elites want to force the middle and working classes out of their privately owned vehicles and onto mass transit. While the Elites will fly in fossil fueled airplanes, you’ll be allowed to take the train.

Read: Trains Could Totally Help With Solving Climate Doom…If They Could Get Built »

If All You See…

…are Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is 357 Magnum, with a post wondering what you were doing when you were 12.

Read: If All You See… »

Secret DHS Document Says Border Wall Best Way To Stop Illegal Immigration

Personally, I’d say the best way is to immediately deport any illegal caught crossing the border or caught in the U.S., no hearings, just “goodbye”. No thought of getting legal status, no jobs, not healthcare, money, housing, schooling, etc. Just put on a bus or plane and sent packing. Prosecute the heck out of anyone who hires an illegal or helps an illegal

Internal DHS Memo: Border Walls Are Most Effective Way to Stop Illegal Immigration

Border walls are the most effective tool for stopping illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border, an internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo concludes.

The memo, conducted in June 2017 for then-Acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, was obtained and reviewed by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) following a public records request.

According to IRLI officials, the internal memo examined 25 areas at the border and ultimately recommended the construction of a border wall in every area. Further, a border wall was found to be the most cost-effective tool for DHS to deter illegal immigration.

IRLI’s report states:

For every area of the Southwest border examined, the audit determined that a physical barrier was not only the best option for disrupting irregular migration, but also the most cost-effective, as compared to alternatives such as electronic sensors. [Emphasis added]

The memo directly contradicts President Joe Biden’s claims that border walls are a “waste of money” and “not a serious policy solution.”

Well, barring the ability to immediately deport any illegal, walls work great. We know this. It’s why the White House has a fence around it. Why military installations, intelligence agencies, and lawmaker homes have walls/fences. It’s why the taxpayers are spending a lot of money for a wall around Biden’s beach house.

Meanwhile in Sanctuary City Chicago

(ABC Chicago) A referendum on the city’s sanctuary city status was roundly defeated in the Chicago City Council Thursday.

After public comment, a majority of the City Council voted not to suspend the rules to allow the motion on the sanctuary city referendum to move forward.

While asylum seekers continue to come to Chicago from Texas, in a move seen by some as an effort to embarrass or overburden sanctuary cities like Chicago, the fight to let voters weigh in on the sanctuary policy was shut down.

During a special city council meeting to put a non-binding referendum on the ballot, the mayor and his allies used a procedural move to prevent a vote on the referendum itself.

The mayor is complaining about all the illegals shipped to SCC, as are many alderman and tons of citizens, yet, the city council refuses to let the citizens who they work for vote on the referendum. Wouldn’t this be what Democrats call an assault on Democracy?

Read: Secret DHS Document Says Border Wall Best Way To Stop Illegal Immigration »

Pirate's Cove