CNN: High Egg Prices Are Not Trump Nor Biden’s Fault

And there you go, one of the uber-liberal news outlets have made their proclamation

High egg prices weren’t Biden’s fault. They’re not Trump’s either, but they’re his problem now

The soaring price of eggs has alarmed consumers and the agriculture industry, and practically everyone in Washington is pointing fingers in various directions to direct blame.

It’s hard to lay America’s egg crisis at the feet of any one politician. But agricultural experts say politicians in Washington and around the country can do more to help curtail the highly pathogenic avian influenza, or avian flu, responsible for the deaths of more than 40 million egg-laying birds last year.

Because of short supply, egg prices rose 14% from November to December alone, and they are projected to rise another 20% this year, according to the US Department of Agriculture.

Grocery stores across the country are limiting egg purchases, Waffle House announced a 50-cent surcharge per egg, and New York Governor Kathy Hochul announced the shutdown of all live poultry markets in the state through February 14 to try to contain the spread.

The initial spike in egg prices after COVID could partially be blamed on over-spending by Biden and Congress, as well as lockdowns by mostly Democrat governors, not to mention runs on eggs. And the spike in gas prices did not help. Unlike a lot of products, the inflationary pricing on eggs was an illusion. Killing all those chickens, though, was huge in the cost of the eggs. Was that all necessary? Some will say, yes, some will say it was Biden trying to harm Trump’s time in office. Avian flu is real. I lean towards the “yes, it was necessary in order to attempt to save the rest of the flock.”

Instead, many politicians have used rising egg prices to turn the opposing party into a punching bag. For example, some Democrats in Congress were quick to criticize President Donald Trump’s chaotic agenda by noting that his actions to dismantle various aspects of the federal government will do nothing to lower the price of eggs. Trump also campaigned on the promise to lower grocery prices for Americans. “When I win, I will immediately bring down prices, starting day one,” he said on the campaign trail.

Last week, pushing back, White House press secretary Karoline Leavitt said egg prices have continued to surge because “the Biden administration and the Department of Agriculture directed the mass killing of more than 100 million chickens, which has led to a lack of chicken supply in this country, therefore lack of egg supply, which is leading to the shortage.”

I mean, they did. She wasn’t necessarily saying that Biden needs to be Blamed, just that it happened. Things happen. Biden had no control over that. It does go to show that politics are way too national, and that the Credentialed Media are happy to attempt to protect Democrats and Blame Republicans.

That’s not exactly correct. Yes, the highly contagious virus is to blame for the deaths of 130 million birds during the Biden administration since 2022, according to the American Farm Bureau Federation. But that is because the USDA requires the culling of entire flocks to stop the spread if the virus is detected. It happened during the Biden administration and is happening right now under the Trump administration. One hundred thousand ducks were culled between January 20 and January 23 at Crescent Duck Farm in Aquebogue, New York, after the virus was detected there.

“There is nothing Biden could have done to stop the bird flu. There is nothing President Trump could have done to stop the bird flu – it’s neither of their faults,” said egg producer Frank Hilliker, who owns Hilliker Farms in Lakeside, California.

Ducks? Hadn’t heard that. Anyhow, CNN is correct, there are times you have to back off of the blamestorming. Maybe they should tell their Comrades in the media.

Read: CNN: High Egg Prices Are Not Trump Nor Biden’s Fault »

Bummer: Most Countries To Miss Their Climate (scam) Targets

Of course, this is nothing new, since most countries have been missing their targets for decades, all while patting themselves on their backs for Doing Something while taking money and freedom from their peasants

‘Backsliding’: most countries to miss vital climate deadline as Cop30 nears

The vast majority of governments are likely to miss a looming deadline to file vital plans that will determine whether or not the world has a chance of avoiding the worst ravages of climate breakdown.

Despite the urgency of the crisis, the UN is relatively relaxed at the prospect of the missed date. Officials are urging countries instead to take time to work harder on their targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions and divest from fossil fuels.

Simon Stiell, the UN’s top climate official, said in a speech in Brazil on Thursday: “Because these national plans are among the most important policy documents governments will produce this century, their quality should be the paramount consideration … Taking a bit more time to ensure these plans are first-rate makes sense, properly outlining how they will contribute to this effort [to tackle the climate crisis] and therefore what rewards they will reap.”

We’re supposed to listen to a small group of Elites in government and business, who are part of a doomsday cult, but, all they see are methods to control people and take money from them.

This has thrown important trading relationships, including that with China, into disarray. The disruption to geopolitics, already in turmoil after the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the conflict in Gaza, has alarmed climate diplomats. Many privately believe putting off the publication of national plans, at least until Trump’s initial flurry of activity has died down, is preferable.

In other words, they’re worried that the scam money will be problematic.

Under the 2015 Paris climate agreement, every five years countries must submit detailed plans – called nationally determined contributions (NDCs) – with clear targets on cutting emissions, or curbing them in the case of poorer countries. These are then discussed at a “conference of the parties” (Cop).

Last time, the deadline was in effect extended by a year: the Cop26 conference in Glasgow was postponed from November 2020 to 2021 because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This time, the deadline is technically 10 February – nine months before the Cop30 summit in Brazil this November – but with only a handful of countries so far having submitted plans, it looks likely that most will miss it.

It’s easy to make them up, but, not so easy when those stupid voters keep telling you to stop.

Read: Bummer: Most Countries To Miss Their Climate (scam) Targets »

Cool: Leaked ICE Memo Shows Los Angeles Is Next Crackdown City

I still say that the Trump admin should round them up from non-sanctuary cities first, especially if they are Trump voting areas. Get them out of those areas. But, it’s splashier when ICE rounds them up in sanctuary cities with all the unhinged protesters around

Bombshell leaked ICE memo reveals huge sweeping migrant crackdown in major city as immigration raids continue

A bombshell leaked US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) memo has revealed the next major migrant crackdown will sweep Los Angeles.

Federal law enforcement agents are poised to carry out a ‘large scale’ action in the California city before the end of this month, according to an internal government document seen by the Los Angeles Times.

A federal law enforcement source said agents from the FBI and the Drug Enforcement Administration’s Los Angeles field offices are being called in to assist.

‘They needed more bodies,’ the official, who spoke anonymously for fear of retaliation, told the LA Times.

The official added that the timeframe for the raids could change due to the ‘chaotic’ approach the new Trump administration has shown during its first few weeks.

They also anticipated pushback from some of the agencies involved in the Democrat-led city, which could also slow the plans.

If those people working at the state, county, and city agencies, as well as politicians, get in the way arrest them for violating federal law.

‘Just because certain information is being given doesn’t mean it’s the administration’s plan, because they know some agents are going to be resistant,’ the official said.

If the federal agents are resistant then they should resign, because they do not make policy.

A White House intelligence source said: ‘There is a mile long line of DHS trucks and CBP in front of Camp Pendleton right now, ready to do the biggest illegal immigrant grab in recent history.

‘The West Coast is this week and the East Coast is next week. It is about to get crazy in California. They need to fill 100,000 spots’, meaning arrests is the directive.

Oh, boy, this is going to be fun!

Read: Cool: Leaked ICE Memo Shows Los Angeles Is Next Crackdown City »

If All You See…

…is a Bad Weather from carbon pollution looking sky, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on today’s Larwyn’s Linx.

It’s country ladies week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in Returned America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and it’s a good day to not watch the Super Bowl. I have zero interest. I hate the Eagles, and the Chiefs are helped out by the refs and are floppers. This pinup is Bill Randall, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Green Jihad: Report: Green Sabotage Spree In Germany Backed By Russia
  2. Jo Nova: USAID gave $68 million to the WEF billionaires ski club at Davos
  3. Not A Lot Of People Know That: New Study Points To Hunga Tonga As Cause Of Global Temperature Spike
  4. American Greatness: Trump, Musk, and the Deep State: The Battle Over Transparency Begins
  5. Climate Depot: Say Goodbye to ‘Environmental Justice’ Warriors & Other Radicals at the EPA
  6. Gates Of Vienna: Bombs, Shootings, and Murders in Modern Multicultural Sweden
  7. Geller Report: BILLIONS FOR JIHAD: USAID Sent Over $18,000,000,000 to Islamic Terror States
  8. IOTW Report: President Donald Trump Issues Executive Order To Assess ‘Infringements’ of Second Amendment
  9. Jihad Watch: Trump: No Security Clearances for the People Who Framed Him for Crimes
  10. Legal Insurrection: Trump: No Need To Deport Prince Harry, Being Married to Meghan is Punishment Enough
  11. Moonbattery: Public Violence by Anti-ICE Mob in Los Angeles
  12. neo-neocon: The three hostages released today were obviously starving
  13. The American Conservative: Trump Halts Aid to South Africa
  14. The Gateway Pundit: “I’m Entitled to Know” — President Trump Orders Secret Service to Provide “Every Bit” of Information on His Two Would-Be Assassins
  15. And last, but, not least, The Lid has Report: Illegal Border Crossings Collapse By 93 Percent Since Trump’s Election

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014, so, most are hosted internally). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Tears: Trump To Send More US Troops To Help At The Border

And the more Democrats and their pet media gnash their teeth the more that Americans realize that Democrats are not for the working and middle class

More active duty troops will head to US-Mexico border, bringing the total to 3,600

The Pentagon will deploy roughly 1,500 more active duty soldiers to the southern border to support President Donald Trump’s expanding crackdown on immigration, a U.S. official said Friday.

That would eventually bring the total to about 3,600 active duty troops at the border.

The order has been approved, the official said, to send a logistics brigade from the 18th Airborne Corps at Fort Liberty in North Carolina. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because the deployment has not yet been publicly announced. (snip)

Troops going to the border are expected to help put in place concertina wire barriers and provide needed transportation, intelligence and other support to the Border Patrol. The logistics brigade will help support and sustain the troops.

Regardless of what they do, the bigger picture is that it deincentivizes people to cross the border, or even just show up and demand asylum. They’ll see the military as a blocking force, much like they’ll see shipping all those illegals to Guantanamo Bay as a deterrent. And you can bet there will be more sent over the months.

Good thing all the people who lost their homes in the fires have been taken care of, right?

Read: Tears: Trump To Send More US Troops To Help At The Border »

If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fuels pump, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The First Street Journal, with a post on checking the wackos at Bluesky.

BTW, watch out for that flu/cold going around. Not sure which I have, no fever, but, the folks at work who go it had fever. Came on super quick. Feel like garbage, did not work today. Just laying here in sweatpants, though, did take a shower. Stay away from people with it.

Read: If All You See… »

Idiot Woman Arrested After Replacing US Flag With Mexican Flag, Threatens To Kill Deputies

Now, just imagine this all occurred in Mexico, with a Mexican flag being replaced with a U.S. one, and all the rest. How would that go?

Woman takes down US flag, replaces it with Mexican flag at California park: ‘This is Mexican land’

A woman was arrested on Thursday after she took down an American flag and placed it on the muddy ground at a California park, replacing it with a Mexican flag.

Kern County deputies responded to the entrance of Hart Memorial Park in Bakersfield on Thursday morning after receiving reports of someone trying to steal the U.S. flag, the sheriff’s office said in a social media post.

When park rangers arrived, they found a vehicle on the grass near a flag pole, authorities said.

The woman, identified as Crystal Aguilar, 24, allegedly cut the chain that secured the flagpole and threw the American flag on the ground. She then raised the Mexican flag in its place, saying they were on “Mexican land.”

Body-worn camera video from sheriff’s deputies shows Aguilar saying, “You’re not going to tell me what to do, this is Mexican land, motherf—–.”

She then allegedly resisted the deputies and threatened to have them and their families, including their children, killed.

Let’s see

She was book for trespassing, vandalism, resisting arrest, and threatening a law enforcement officer. I wonder if ICE will notice, and look to ascertain whether she is a legal U.S. citizen or here illegally or a fake asylum seeker. She’ll find herself booted quickly, and could lead ICE to other illegals in her area. What did she think was going to happen when she did this? Lollipops and unicorns? Applause?

Read: Idiot Woman Arrested After Replacing US Flag With Mexican Flag, Threatens To Kill Deputies »

Twenty Two States Sue NY Over Their Climate Scam Law

Well, that’s a real shame. I truly hope the plaintiff lawyers ask the NY big wigs if they are still using fossil fuels for travel

Twenty-two states sue New York over climate change fund law

According to the AP, Twenty-two states have filed a lawsuit against New York, challenging a new law that mandates major energy producers to contribute $75 billion to a fund aimed at addressing climate change damage.

The lawsuit, submitted in Albany, names state Attorney General Letitia James and other officials as defendants.

West Virginia Attorney General JB McCuskey spearheaded the coalition opposing New York’s Climate Change Superfund Act, which demands payments for damage allegedly caused from 2000 to 2018.

The law requires significant fossil fuel companies to pay into the fund over the next 25 years based on their historical gas emissions.

“This lawsuit is to ensure that these misguided policies, being forced from one state onto the entire nation, will not lead America into the doldrums of an energy crisis, allowing China, India and Russia to overtake our energy independence.

This law is unconstitutional, and I am proud to lead this coalition of attorneys general and brave private energy companies and industry groups in our fight to protect against this overreach,” “If we allow New York to get away with this, it will only be a matter of time before other states follow suit – wrecking our nation’s power grid.”

I wonder how this one will go, since a NJ superior court judge just threw out a law because “Plaintiffs seek damages for alleged harms caused by interstate and international emissions and global warming, their claims cannot be governed by state law.”

Read: Twenty Two States Sue NY Over Their Climate Scam Law »

Next On The DOGE Hit Parade: The Consumer Protection Financial Bureau

Oh, this one is sending the Democrats into even more apoplexy on top of all the other crazy. It’s full on Category 5 Moonbat

DOGE targets Consumer Financial Protection Bureau as Musk tweets ‘RIP’

Tech billionaire Elon Musk signaled on Friday that he could seek to dismantle the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, as he and his advisers — deputized by President Donald Trump to cut costs — burrowed into the federal watchdog formed to protect Americans from scams and corporate abuse.

On X, his social media site, Musk posted: “CFPB RIP,” along with an emoji of a tombstone.

Hours earlier, Musk’s aides — under the banner of the U.S. DOGE Service — arrived at the CFPB’s Washington office and began to access its sensitive personnel and financial records, according to emails viewed by The Washington Post and four people familiar with the matter, who spoke on the condition of anonymity out of fear of reprisal.

Initially, the DOGE officials appeared to study the CFPB’s compliance with Trump’s recent executive orders, including its directive to freeze federal hiring, the people said. The bureau this week broadly halted its work of investigating and penalizing corporate wrongdoing, after Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent — tapped by Trump to oversee CFPB on an acting basis — ordered an agency-wide freeze on Monday.

The CFPB is not as bad as many. There was serious concern initially, and, some of it has born fruit, like their intrusive over-regulation. But, now, we’ll see if they are also funneling money in, let’s just say, improper manners.

The agency’s investigative work can be highly sensitive, affording the bureau extraordinary access to a bank’s communications, customer records and other nonpublic data. But it is unclear whether DOGE officials have been able to access any of those records at the agency, according to the four people familiar with the matter. An email reviewed by The Post suggested that Musk’s team may only be able to view, and not change, some databases.

In other words, the Washington Post and the liberals do not want transparency.

Meanwhile, Democrats tried to gain access to the ED (Education Department), and this security guard was not having it. I love how he didn’t even bother to move his glasses from the top of his head. And facial expressions. Probably listening to Pink Floyd’s Brain Damage in his head

Read: Next On The DOGE Hit Parade: The Consumer Protection Financial Bureau »

Pirate's Cove