Secret DHS Document Says Border Wall Best Way To Stop Illegal Immigration

Personally, I’d say the best way is to immediately deport any illegal caught crossing the border or caught in the U.S., no hearings, just “goodbye”. No thought of getting legal status, no jobs, not healthcare, money, housing, schooling, etc. Just put on a bus or plane and sent packing. Prosecute the heck out of anyone who hires an illegal or helps an illegal

Internal DHS Memo: Border Walls Are Most Effective Way to Stop Illegal Immigration

Border walls are the most effective tool for stopping illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border, an internal Department of Homeland Security (DHS) memo concludes.

The memo, conducted in June 2017 for then-Acting Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Commissioner Kevin McAleenan, was obtained and reviewed by the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) following a public records request.

According to IRLI officials, the internal memo examined 25 areas at the border and ultimately recommended the construction of a border wall in every area. Further, a border wall was found to be the most cost-effective tool for DHS to deter illegal immigration.

IRLI’s report states:

For every area of the Southwest border examined, the audit determined that a physical barrier was not only the best option for disrupting irregular migration, but also the most cost-effective, as compared to alternatives such as electronic sensors. [Emphasis added]

The memo directly contradicts President Joe Biden’s claims that border walls are a “waste of money” and “not a serious policy solution.”

Well, barring the ability to immediately deport any illegal, walls work great. We know this. It’s why the White House has a fence around it. Why military installations, intelligence agencies, and lawmaker homes have walls/fences. It’s why the taxpayers are spending a lot of money for a wall around Biden’s beach house.

Meanwhile in Sanctuary City Chicago

(ABC Chicago) A referendum on the city’s sanctuary city status was roundly defeated in the Chicago City Council Thursday.

After public comment, a majority of the City Council voted not to suspend the rules to allow the motion on the sanctuary city referendum to move forward.

While asylum seekers continue to come to Chicago from Texas, in a move seen by some as an effort to embarrass or overburden sanctuary cities like Chicago, the fight to let voters weigh in on the sanctuary policy was shut down.

During a special city council meeting to put a non-binding referendum on the ballot, the mayor and his allies used a procedural move to prevent a vote on the referendum itself.

The mayor is complaining about all the illegals shipped to SCC, as are many alderman and tons of citizens, yet, the city council refuses to let the citizens who they work for vote on the referendum. Wouldn’t this be what Democrats call an assault on Democracy?

Read: Secret DHS Document Says Border Wall Best Way To Stop Illegal Immigration »

Good News: “Historic” Climate (scam) Agreement Does “Bare Minimum”

They always call these things historic even though they do virtually nothing, except provide a forum for tens of thousands of climate cultists to take fossil fueled trips and hobnob while taking selfies and eating well, often paid by governments, companies, and groups

Historic climate deal does the ‘bare minimum’ as the world warms, burns and floods

st greta carIf there was ever a year that called for bold global action on climate change, 2023 was it.

In what will likely go down as the warmest year on record — one rife with catastrophic floods, scorching heat waves, devastating wildfires and enduring drought — leaders from nearly 200 countries gathered to chart a path forward in the fight against climate change.

After more than two weeks of tense negotiations at the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP28, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, representatives from 198 countries agreed Wednesday to “transition away” from fossil fuels.

It was a historic deal but one that once again fell short for many climate activists, who saw it as further evidence that efforts to address climate change are moving too slowly and are being compromised by fossil fuel interests.

Former Vice President Al Gore called the agreement an “important milestone” but added that acknowledging the role that the burning of fossil fuels has played in the climate crisis is “the bare minimum we need and is long overdue.”

This is the guy who sold his failing TV network to Al Jazeera, which is essentially owned by a country who’s biggest economic sector is fossil fuels. It’s hard to take 90K climahypocrites seriously

Skepticism of what comes next is understandable. The COP agreement’s lack of a concrete plan to eliminate the use of fossil fuels adds to growing concern that the big-picture moves necessary to avoid drastic environmental consequences are coming up short. Sure, the rise of clean energy technology and broader social awareness of global warming has spurred some optimism, but many environmentalists stress that these developments could mean little without a drastic reduction in how much carbon dioxide is pumped into the atmosphere.

Do you know what happens next? First world nations will attempt to force their middle and working class citizens to give up fossil fuels, and those citizens will see their cost of living skyrocket. 3rd world nations will get lots of sweet, sweet, no-strings-attached climate cash. Oh, and lots of coal energy plants from China and Russia, while China and India build even more in their own nations. At what point do those in the 1st world rebel and say “no mas”?

Read: Good News: “Historic” Climate (scam) Agreement Does “Bare Minimum” »

Senior Hamas Terrorist Threatens Anthony Blinkin, USA, British

The terrorist keep showing their stripes

Senior Hamas official threatens Blinken, says America must ‘pay the price’ for Gaza blood: report

A top Hamas official has called for violence against the allies of Israel, specifically attacking American and British “interests” as a price for the deaths of Gaza citizens.

“When (Secretary of State Antony) Blinken is justifying the killing of women and children, the sons of our nation should say to him: You are the enemy, just like (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu, and you must pay the price, just like Netanyahu,” Sami Abu Zuhri, the head of the political department of Hamas abroad, said during a recent broadcast.

Zuhri made his comments, which the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) translated, on Al-Aqsa TV on Dec. 5, a few days after the end of the temporary pause that allowed Hamas and Israel to exchange hostages and prisoners, respectively. (snip)

“Now it is our nation’s turn to pressure the Americans to stop this war,” Zuhri argued. “We need violent acts against American and British interests everywhere, as well as the interests of all the countries that support the occupation.”

“They must pay a price for the blood of our women and children who are being killed in cold blood in the streets of Gaza,” he added. “They must pay a price so that they know that Gaza is not alone, and that when they gave the order to kill, they should have been prepared to pay the necessary price.”

They should be thankful Trump isn’t still president, he’d be sending all sorts of military in to kill these guys (but, then, with Trump in office the war would most likely have not started). Heck, even Obama might have enjoyed drone-striking the hell out of Hamas. Biden? Well, good on him to back Israel, but, there are still Americans being held hostage. But, hey, maybe Biden will grow a spine and throw some threats out towards the State Dept. designated terrorist group known as Hamas

Read: Senior Hamas Terrorist Threatens Anthony Blinkin, USA, British »

Here We Go: Climate Cult Scientists Say Breathing Is Bad For Global Boiling

These people are, in fact, nutjob doomsday cultists

From the link

Whether it’s eating less meat or cycling instead of driving, humans can do many things to help prevent climate change.

Unfortunately, breathing less isn’t one of them.

That might be a problem, as a new study claims the gases in air exhaled from human lungs is fueling global warming.

Methane and nitrous oxide in the air we exhale makes up to 0.1 per cent of the UK’s greenhouse gas emissions, scientists say.

And that’s not even accounting for the gas we release from burps and farts, or emissions that come from our skin without us noticing. (snip)

‘Exhaled human breath can contain small, elevated concentrations of methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), both of which contribute to global warming,’ Dr Cowan and colleagues say.

‘We would urge caution in the assumption that emissions from humans are negligible.’

Yeah, and? What do they want us to do about it? They sort of recommend a less meat heavy diet, but, that would make barely any change. We know what the climate cult really wants, which is why they have been pushing depopulation, especially by pushing contraception and abortion in 3rd world areas, particularly with black and brown people. (photo from Mark The Shark)

Read: Here We Go: Climate Cult Scientists Say Breathing Is Bad For Global Boiling »

If All You See…

…is a landmark that will Soon disappear from climate crisis induced sea rise, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on winter paralyzing the new electric bus fleet in Oslo.

Read: If All You See… »

Ohio General Assembly Passes Laws Protecting Women From Men In Their Sports

Along with keeping biological men out of women’s sports, it restricts children from having most medical treatments related to them joining the trans fad, what all the wackos call “medical care”

Ohio General Assembly passes bill limiting transgender athletes’ participation, medical care for minors

The Ohio Senate passed a bill restricting certain transgender rights for minors in the state on Wednesday.

House Bill 68 is comprised of two acts: the “Save Adolescents from Experimentation Act,” which bans transgender minors from receiving gender-affirming care and the “Save Women’s Sports Act,” which prevents transgender girls from taking part in girls’ and women’s sports.

The bill was passed by the Senate Oversight Committee earlier Wednesday before passing 24-8 in the Senate. The bill passed the House of Representatives in June, but it headed back to the chamber for a second vote Wednesday evening over approving the amendments made by the Senate. The House approved those in a vote of 61-27.

The bill will then head to Republican Gov. Mike DeWine‘s desk, but it is not clear if he will sign or veto the bill. DeWine has previously expressed opposition against anti-trans sports bans, according to The Cincinnati Enquirer.

DeWine has stated that the issue of gender confused men playing women’s sports is best resolved outside of government by the competing bodies, and, normally that would be the case, except this is exactly the situation where a government should step in under Classical Liberalism principles, namely, protecting women from abuse and harm. No one cares if a female pretending to be a male (the number of instances is way less than male to female) wants to play on the men’s lacrosse or rugby teams: the men are not in danger. The reverse cannot be said when a fake women is playing on a women’s team. A FTM is not going to be taking swimming or biking wins from men.

So, what will DeWine do? Will he veto it? Will he just not do anything and let it become law? Will he fail to protect women? Because they are the ones who are paying the big price for the trans craze

Tristan Vaughn, co-founder of Cincinnati transgender support group Transform Cincy, told local ABC News affiliate WCPO she fears the legislation banning gender-affirming care will lead to increased complications for young people diagnosed with gender dysphoria.

“It’s a sad space,” Vaughn said. “And this is why we continue to do the work, because that side, it doesn’t look great.”

Meanwhile, supporters of the bill say it protects children from unnecessary medical treatment.

“This bill protects children. Children who deserve to have a natural childhood,” Matt Sharp with Alliance Defending Freedom, a conservative Christian legal advocacy group, testified before the oversight committee on Wednesday, according to WCPO.

Children should not be fed a cocktail of drugs nor have surgeries. Especially since a good chunk of them are gender confused because their wacko parents and/or teachers are pushing this at very young ages. In the teen years it is more of peer pressure and insanity coming from schools. Some may truly feel this way, so, let them be 18 before they make these significantly life altering decisions. The same wackos who support the trans craze also want to restrict anyone under 21 from using their actual constitutional right to possess a firearm.

Read: Ohio General Assembly Passes Laws Protecting Women From Men In Their Sports »

JD Vance Introduces Bill To Federally Criminalize Damaging Art By Climate Cultists

It has zero chance of passing the Senate, but, it’s a good idea. Maybe?

GOP lawmaker wants to crack down on climate change activists who deface historical artwork

Sen. JD Vance, R-Ohio, wants to raise the stakes for climate change activists who vandalize historical artworks or damage museum property by creating harsher penalties for the crime.

The Consequences for Climate Vandals Act, introduced in the Senate on Wednesday, would also apply to the grounds or property of the National Gallery of Art, the Smithsonian museums and the Kennedy Center, among others, and raise the maximum prison time from five years to 10.

The consequences would mirror the current maximum prison time in England, where climate activists have frequently glued themselves to artworks or thrown soup or other liquids on protective casings of museum pieces.

“There should be no tolerance for the vandalization of our historic works of art,” Vance said in a statement to Fox News Digital. “Apparently, a maximum penalty of five years in prison isn’t enough to keep these far-left protestors from tarnishing displays of cultural significance.”

He added, “Let’s make it 10 years and see if they’re still so bold.”

I’m rather torn on this: it really should be something at the local and state level, not the federal, unless the acts occur on federal property, like the Smithsonian. But, consider that these acts occur via a national group which co-ordinates across state borders even when they do it at a non-federal building. Regardless, these people are very annoying.

And here’s in Germany

The climatards hit Christmas trees in seven German cities, because that’s sure to get people on their side, right? Should have been strung up by their Buster Browns and covered with paint themselves.

Read: JD Vance Introduces Bill To Federally Criminalize Damaging Art By Climate Cultists »

Surprise: GOP Led House Votes To Start Formal Impeachment Inquiry Of Brandon

I am actually surprised: I figured there would be 10-20 GOP squishes who would vote against

House Votes to Formalize Impeachment Inquiry into Joe Biden

Biden Brain SuckerThe House of Representatives on Wednesday voted to formalize an impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden by a vote of 221 to 212.

The formally adopted status will enable House investigators to enforce subpoenas and gather evidence about whether the president is compromised and “traded official acts for foreign dollars,” according to House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Republicans unanimously voted to adopt the resolution. In a surprise, Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO), who had been critical of the Republicans’ impeachment focus and earlier indicated he would oppose the resolution, voted with his Republican colleagues to formalize the inquiry.

Obviously, all Democrats voted against this.

The White House failed to provide investigators:

  • Information about two loan agreements Joe Biden allegedly executed with James Biden for a total of $240,000.
  • 99.98 percent of requested records from President Joe Biden, including alias emails.
  • Documents about an alleged $5 million bribe Joe Biden accepted.
  • Materials related to Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents.

The formal process means that these documents must be provided and they can hit agencies with suboeanas and hold people in contempt of Congress if they fail to provide them. It should end the stonewalling.

Any articles of impeachment should include Biden’s policies on the border and Afghanistan debacle, those might be easier to show rather than the deep dives into Biden’s shady dealings. The GOP really needs to make this easy to understand for the 30 second soundbite folks, so much so that even friendly media outlets cannot blow it off.

(Daily Caller) “We have seen witness testimony and bank records showing millions of dollars flowing to the Biden family from foreign adversaries. Witnesses have testified about the President’s numerous interactions with his family’s foreign clients. The President and White House have repeatedly misled the public, shifted the goalposts, and stonewalled our investigation. As Chairmen Comer, Jordan and Smith have done all along, we will continue to follow the facts where they lead. The American people deserve answers. This impeachment inquiry will help us find them,” the statement concluded.

(Fox News) “The White House sent a letter… saying that the subpoenas [Republicans] had served will not be honored and won’t even be recognized without a full vote of the House. So our speaker has done exactly what I would expect he would do as a lawyer. We’re going to honor that. We’re going to go ahead and do a full floor vote,” Emmer said. “He knows we’re probably going to have to go to court to enforce these anyway, so might as well eliminate any of the objections that they have.”

It’ll be a pretty bad look when the White House continues to stonewall. And, if Biden had not said that the subpoenas weren’t legitimate without a formal vote there might have been enough squishes who would have voted against the process. Obviously, if this goes all the way there are not enough votes in the Senate to boot Joe, unless the Dems see a way out of Biden being their candidate in 2024.

Read: Surprise: GOP Led House Votes To Start Formal Impeachment Inquiry Of Brandon »

Climahypocrites Make “Historic” Progress On Ending Fossil Fuels At COP28

So, roughly 90,000 people who took fossil fueled trips to Dubai, many of them on private jets, came to some sort of agreement to ending fossil fuels for Other People

Climate summit makes ‘historic progress’ — but the world still can’t quit oil

Climate talks in Dubai ended with a deal to curb the use of fossil fuels that was both historic and 30 years too late.

Good grief. Nothing like people who use massive amounts of fossil fuels telling you peasants you cannot use them.

The two-week conference, held in the oil-rich desert kingdom of the United Arab Emirates and presided over by an oil CEO, brought two competing realities into a painful collision. The planet is overheating, yet humanity remains inextricably reliant on coal, oil and natural gas.

The talks ended on Wednesday with a deal among almost 200 countries that committed to “transitioning away from fossil fuels,” notably by speeding up that shift before 2030. But the agreement also appeased oil-rich Gulf states by explicitly sanctioning those fuels’ use during the transition. And organizers gaveled it through so hastily that representatives for vulnerable island nations, who had a series of misgivings about the text, had yet to enter the room.

You mean those island nations with lots of airports and docks for fossil fueled cruise ships and goods ships, islands which would die without the tourism and goods and foods shipped in?

Still, leaders of the U.N. summit and representatives of major governments were quick to endorse the nonbinding pact as a historic acknowledgment that the world needs to move quickly to cleaner energy sources.

“This document sends very strong messages to the world,” said U.S. climate envoy John Kerry, who had placed his personal credibility on the line by backing the controversial choice of oil CEO Sultan al-Jaber to oversee the conference.

And then Kerry jumped in his private jet.

“This is historic progress,” said Danish Climate Minister Dan Jørgensen. “I can totally understand if our populations think that it’s a disgrace that it had to take 28 years. But now we’re here. We’re in an oil country surrounded by oil countries that are now signing a piece of paper saying we need to move away from oil. It is historic.”

And then he flew back on a private jet. The only people who this will hurt will be the middle and working class, because the Elites will still use lots of fossil fuels.

The final deal also included a pact to triple global renewable energy capacity and double the rate of energy savings through efficiency measures by 2030. And for the first time, it included a clear benchmark for reducing greenhouse gas emissions during this decade, which supporters view as a crucial guidepost for staying on track for hitting global climate goals.

Yeah, spending your money via higher taxes, and as your power bills skyrocket.

Many developing nations, in Africa and elsewhere, pointed to what they called the hypocrisy of Western countries that are continuing to expand their extraction of oil and gas while calling on others to consign those fuels to history.

Guess which nations are getting destroyed and will get worse to mine the metals necessary for “clean energy”?

Read: Climahypocrites Make “Historic” Progress On Ending Fossil Fuels At COP28 »

If All You See…

…is a wonderful low carbon bicycle which should be required for Everyone Else, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on the ugly face of DEI in the Poison Ivy League.

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove