If All You See…

…is a horrible fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Pacific Pundit, with a post on the Capitol Police taking the sex in the Senate seriously.

Read: If All You See… »

Texas Governor Signs Law Allowing State To Arrest And Jail Illegal Border Crossers

This sets up an interesting showdown with Los Federales

Texas to arrest illegal migrants in challenge to federal govt

Texas has enacted a law that will make border crossings illegal and punishable with jail time, one of the toughest immigration laws passed by any US state in modern times.

Governor Greg Abbott, a Republican, said it would “stop the tidal wave of illegal entry into Texas”.

Immigration advocates have said the law will lead to racial profiling.

It comes amid rising illegal migration and public concern over US President Joe Biden’s handling of the border.

The new Texas measure is so controversial, in part, because US courts have previously ruled that only the federal government can enforce immigration laws.

Crossing the border illegally is already a federal crime, but violations are currently handled as civil cases by the immigration court system.

It’s an interesting dynamic: the federal government is tasked with securing the border from foreign invasion, however, it is not really performing that job. So, do border states which are the recipients of failed federal government policies and seeing thousands of illegals invade, damage property, hurt citizens, and have to spend lots of money have the right to enact measures to stop the flow?

Punishments range from misdemeanours to felonies that can lead to jail time or fines of up to $2,000 (£1,580).

A judge can also order that those arrested be sent back across the border into Mexico, although it is unclear how Texas authorities plan to enforce that provision.

Penalties for illegal re-entry could go up to 20 years in jail, depending on a migrant’s immigration and criminal history.

Just stick them back across the border. The Biden regime is sure to sue over this law, as well as the other Abbott signed, which creates mandatory jail terms for human smugglers, but, how will they argue Texas has no standing to secure their border when the Biden regime is failing to do the job?

Read: Texas Governor Signs Law Allowing State To Arrest And Jail Illegal Border Crossers »

Climate Cult Really Wants Developing Countries To Not Develop

The Rockefeller Foundation thinks it’s a good idea to stop focusing so much on the carbon footprints of 1st World nations and, instead, look towards holding down those 3rd world nations (mostly made up of black and brown people, you know)

The Only Way To Prevent the Worst of Climate Change

The fight against climate change will be won or lost in less wealthy countries that will produce the most emissions in the future.

As the United Nations Climate Change Conference, known as COP28, continues in Dubai, too many people are still looking in the wrong direction when it comes to fighting climate change. Just about everyone focuses on the United States and other advanced economies since they are most responsible for past and current greenhouse gas emissions causing the planet to warm. But fewer think about less wealthy countries that will produce the most emissions in the future.

A new report from The Rockefeller Foundation reveals that the fight against climate change will be won or lost in these latter countries. Wealthier countries have made major investments in greening their economies but emerging and developing economies have not had the same opportunity. If they continue to fuel their growth with fossil fuels, these countries will produce enough emissions by later this century to trigger catastrophic global results regardless of what the United States and others do. Though harrowing, this data makes clear it’s possible to not only prevent the worst but ensure a better future for some of the world’s poorest people by empowering these countries with renewable energy technologies.

In other words, those 3rd world nations should be stopped from benefiting from reliable, affordable, dependable fossil fuels like the 1st world did. So that the rich 1st world folks like those at the Rockefeller Foundation can continue living their big, fossil fueled lifestyles.

Read: Climate Cult Really Wants Developing Countries To Not Develop »

Whiny Democrats Send Letter To Biden Complaining About How Israel Is Conducting War Against Hamas

One would expect the letter to come from the Israel and Jew hating contingent, primarily made up of members of The Squad. Not this time

House Democrats send letter to Biden criticizing Netanyahu’s military strategy

A group of House Democrats with national security backgrounds on Monday sent a letter to President Biden arguing that the military strategy of the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is not in the best interests of the U.S. nor Israel’s own security.

“We are deeply concerned by PM Netanyahu’s current military strategy in Gaza. The mounting civilian death toll and humanitarian crisis are unacceptable and not in line with American interests; nor do they advance the cause of security for our ally Israel,” the letter says. “We also believe it jeopardizes efforts to destroy the terrorist organization Hamas and secure the release of all hostages.”

The letter is signed by six lawmakers, including Reps. Abigail Spanberger, a former CIA case officer, Jason Crow, a former Army Ranger who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and Mikie Sherrill, who served as a Navy helicopter pilot. The other signatories are Reps. Elissa Slotkin, a former CIA analyst, Seth Moulton, a former Marine, and Chrissy Houlahan, a former Air Force officer.

“From our positions on the Intelligence, Armed Services, and Foreign Affairs Committees, we have consistently pushed for Israel to shift its military strategy —there has been no significant change,” the letter says. “We have dedicated our lives to national security and believe our nation’s values are a source of credibility and power. Some of us also spent years fighting America’s war on terror. We know from personal and often painful experience that you can’t destroy a terror ideology with military force alone. And it can, in fact, make it worse.”

The letter concludes: “We urge you to continue to use all our leverage to achieve an immediate and significant shift of military strategy and tactics in Gaza.”

OK, so, they’re recommendations for that shift in strategy and tactics is what, exactly? You can see the whole thing on Crow’s webpage, and it doesn’t really offer any more than in the above CBS News article. A tweet from Crow is about as detailed as it gets

Crow’s commanding officer would have raked him over the coals for such a little plan. Your boss in your job would go ballistic of what amounts to writing a few ideas on a sticky note. Notice that was 11/20, and almost a month later there’s zero more detail from him and these supposed in the know folks.

Remember, these are the same folks who want to give tons of material and money, most of which is unaccounted for, to Ukraine.

Read: Whiny Democrats Send Letter To Biden Complaining About How Israel Is Conducting War Against Hamas »

Skynet, Er, Artificial Intelligence, Could Now Be The Savior For Climate Doom

We’ve gone from AI being Bad for ‘climate change’ to being a savior

AI could be humanity’s last chance to meet climate goals. Here’s why

The world must dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 to meet Paris Agreement goals. Yet based on current trajectories, emissions are set to rise by 10% over the next eight years. This will only accelerate widespread droughts, flooding, extreme heat, and other devastating impacts across the globe.

Against this challenging backdrop, it is clear that acceleration is needed across all fronts of climate action. One of those opportunities lies in artificial intelligence (AI). Research shows that by scaling currently proven applications and technology, AI could mitigate 5 to 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030–the equivalent of the total annual emissions of the European Union. For the first time, AI was highlighted at COP28 as one of the key potential solutions to tackle climate change, with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) announcing the AI Innovation Grand Challenge at the conference to identify and support the development of AI-powered solutions for climate action in developing countries.

Reversing the emissions trajectory will take everyone involved–government officials, business leaders, and technologists–all rowing the boat in the same direction. Policymakers have a central role to play, with three critical priority areas that will allow AI to contribute to its full potential.

Here’s a suggestion: all the Believers should make their own lives carbon neutral and leave the rest out of their cult games.

First, policies must enable AI innovation and adoption for climate-positive applications. Data sharing frameworks, investment in research, affordable technology access, and education initiatives are needed to drive development and deployment. Government has a key role to play as an end-user. In the absence of clear community, national, or sector-specific objectives for climate action, AI-driven innovation could go off in disjointed directions. Resource allocation would be inefficient. Establishing priority innovation domains where AI could most immediately and effectively advance climate action–such as leveraging AI for flood-resilient farming, climate change adaptation, and accelerating the energy transition–can unlock resources and focus minds.

Second, policymakers should accelerate AI’s climate impact by prioritizing high-potential use cases and embedding efficiency and optimization requirements into industrial regulation. Existing processes and legacy infrastructure in high-emission sectors like aviation, manufacturing, electricity production, and construction, could be more immediately optimized with AI, not just with wholesale reconstruction, which could be costly and take too much time. Long-term transformative investments still need to be made, but more immediate impact should be encouraged.

Is anyone else getting a creepy “put the computers in charge” vibe?

Read: Skynet, Er, Artificial Intelligence, Could Now Be The Savior For Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is a horrible high energy usage ferris wheel, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on the difference between Florida and DC on auto theft.

Read: If All You See… »

Even Though There’s No Migrant Crisis, Biden Regime Closes Two Bridges

It’s strange, because we’ve been told that there is no crisis

US closes two rail bridges to Mexico amid migrant surge

U.S. border officials on Sunday closed two rail bridges that move freight between Texas and Mexico after detecting a surge in the smuggling of migrants through Mexico by train.

The move by U.S. Customs and Border Protection was the latest in a series of similar closures along the border in order to redeploy enforcement resources elsewhere in response to large numbers of migrants.

The international railway crossing bridges in Eagle Pass and El Paso were closed “in order to redirect personnel to assist the U.S. Border Patrol with taking migrants into custody,” CBP said in a statement.

“After observing a recent resurgence of smuggling organizations moving migrants through Mexico via freight trains, CBP is taking additional actions to surge personnel and address this concerning development, including in partnership with Mexican authorities,” the statement said.

CBP has imposed similar temporary closures in recent weeks, shutting the Lukeville port of entry in Arizona, a pedestrian entrance in San Diego, and a vehicle crossing in Eagle Pass.

One big problem here is “what did they do with the illegals? Did they put them back across the border, or put them in detainment, which will result in them being released into the U.S. while awaiting their hearing?”

Read: Even Though There’s No Migrant Crisis, Biden Regime Closes Two Bridges »

Climate Cultists Hold Nativity Themed Protest In London

These supposed Christians really should check out the 1st Commandment

Nativity-themed climate protest in National Gallery

Five Christian women held a Nativity-themed climate change protest inside the National Gallery in London on Friday. The members of Christian Climate Action stood in front of a 15th-century Filippino Lippi painting of the Virgin and Child which depicts Mary seated in a landscape feeding Jesus. They held a poster of the painting altered to show a climate-ravaged landscape and handed out postcards with this image and some facts about the impact of the climate crisis on the world’s children.

The women, all members of Christian Climate Action, began their protest by singing Silent Night with altered words. They then spoke for the world’s children as victims of war and climate injustice and held a silent, prayerful presence. They didn’t touch the actual painting.

Sue Hampton, 67, a Quaker, writer, mother and grandmother, said: “As Christians we celebrate the birth of Jesus, born in poverty as a refugee, to show us the way of love and peace, and justice which is love in action. Christmas is still for the children. But today, world leaders are failing them. Babies born in the Global South still waiting for climate reparations and most at risk of unliveable heat, hunger, drought, flooding and displacement. The altered image we held beside Lippi’s painting shows the terrifying reality children face. Sentiment, tradition and festivity won’t save us. The science is clear that new gas, oil or coal will accelerate climate breakdown. We can’t serve God unless we serve that truth, unless we work for life, justice and peace – with love.”

Funny how they always call for Government to force citizens to live a certain way, but, never call for all their fellow cultists to practice what they preach

Petroleum based clothes, phones, eyeglasses, shoes, the banner itself.

Read: Climate Cultists Hold Nativity Themed Protest In London »

Majority Of American Youts Think Israel Should Be Handed To Hamas

You know how the Credentialed Media tells us that “from the river to the sea” doesn’t mean ending Israel and replacing it with a Palestinian Islamist caliphate? Yeah, about that

Majority of Americans 18-24 think Israel should ‘be ended and given to Hamas’

A majority of young Americans said they believe Israel should “be ended and given to Hamas,” according to a shocking poll.

The survey, conducted THIS WEEK by Harvard-Harris polling, found 51% of Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 said they believed the long-term answer to the Israel-Palestinian conflict was for “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians.”

Only 32% said they believed in a two-state solution, and just 17% said other Arab states should be asked to absorb Palestinian populations.

The figure was in stark contrast to other age groups, which all dramatically preferred a two-state solution. Just 4% of Americans 65 and over said they felt Israel should be ended.

“These individuals siding with evil over democracy should be a wake-up call,” Sen. Roger Marshall (R-Kansas) told The Post. “Ideological rot among young Americans, driven by woke values and victim culture, has gotten so bad they’ve convinced themselves to sympathize with actual terrorists who hate America,”

And where did they learn this? Primarily the Democratic Party run schools, followed by leftist parents and social media.

A full 60% of the same demographic said Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attack could be “justified by the grievance of Palestinians” — a position held by just 27% of Americans overall.

A full 67% of 18-24 year olds said they believed Jews “should be treated as oppressors” — a position which 73% of Americans disagreed with and called a “false ideology.”

And older Democrats wonder just how all those young folks came to be marching in support of Hamas and assaulting Jews on campus. The media wonders why there is so much Jew hatred. They try and tell us that condemnation of Israel doesn’t equate to Jew hatred. The plan of the Muslim Brotherhood to turn the West against Israel and Jews (as well as submitting to the needs of the Islamists) is working just fine.

Read: Majority Of American Youts Think Israel Should Be Handed To Hamas »

If All You See…

…is a river which will soon flood its banks due to ‘climate change’, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The OK Corral, with a post on a dummy shooting her friend jokingly.

It’s short shorts week!

Read: If All You See… »

Pirate's Cove