Episcopals Super Excited To Force Other People To Be Part Of Climate Cult

Is it allowable for Protestant denominations to worship God and also be part of a cult?

Episcopal delegates share, seek solutions at UN conference to solve climate change crisis

St. GretaThe United Nations is six days into its annual climate change conference, and Episcopal delegates have been busy advocating for stronger public and private actions to help solve the global climate crisis.

Since Nov. 30, a record 90,000 registered world leaders, policymakers, climate scientists, activists, corporate executives and interfaith representatives have been participating in the 28th U.N. Conference of Parties of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, or simply, COP28. Of the 21 Episcopal delegates participating on behalf of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, nine of them are attending the conference in person. The remaining 12 delegates are participating virtually. COP28, underway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, will conclude on Dec. 12.

Wait, 90K? I remember the days just 15 years ago when it was only about 10K. And, how did these 9 delegates travel to Dubai?

Susie Faria, policy analyst for the church’s Washington, D.C.-based Office of Government Relations, is traveling to Dubai to attend the second half of COP28 in person. She said she’ll be paying particular attention to what U.S. State Department officials and members of Congress attending the conference will say.

“I’m going to be keeping an eye on what the United States is doing … and then seeing how we can then find out the middle ground between what they speak on, and then what the church believes in, and working towards helping shape policy to reflect those goals ultimately,” she told Episcopal News Service.

Shouldn’t the church be focusing on Bible stuff, not a cult?

COP28 is the first conference to include a faith pavilion, where participants can engage in faith-based sessions with stakeholders, political delegations and other leaders to promote climate action. The Episcopal Diocese of California is one of more than 50 faith organizations that collaborated to establish the faith pavilion.

Oh, good, more religions forgetting what they’re about, buying into what the cult is selling.

Episcopal delegate Logan Crews, a seminarian at Yale Divinity School who served this summer as an Episcopal Church Ecojustice Fellow, will virtually participate in the second half of COP28. Crews told ENS he’s particularly interested in joining any event that involves young people’s voices.

“I think that the other delegates and I have a sense of urgency that is severely lacking in a lot of places within environmental justice work and climate work,” Crews said. “Everyone who is paying any attention to COP28 hopefully has an understanding that the climate is unraveling at a speed that we’re struggling to catch up with — and hopefully they know that that’s a big concern for humanity — but I don’t think anyone knows it like the young people who are preparing for a long future ahead that is going to be marked by climate change like no other generation. I think that gives us a sense of urgency, a sense of responsibility that is slightly different.”

Essentially, they’re driving parishioners away by forgetting to worship God. It’s not even a case of “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” They are giving what belongs to God to Caesar, ie, the climate cult and it’s links to Government.

Read: Episcopals Super Excited To Force Other People To Be Part Of Climate Cult »

Israel Haters In UN Try And Force Ceasefire As Israel Finds Massive Hamas Weapons Stockpile

And you’ll never guess where they found it….well, you probably can guess, since you know what the terrorists do

IDF finds one of the largest Gaza weapons stockpiles ever near school, hospital

The IDF engaged hundreds of Hamas terrorists and terror targets and discovered one of the largest weapons stockpiles ever found in the Gaza Strip over the past twenty-four hours the military said on Wednesday.

The IDF said that it had found one of the largest weapons stockpiles in the history of its operations in Gaza, an arsenal containing hundreds of missiles, launchers, long-range rockets, anti-tank missiles, UAVs, and explosives.

The massive weapons cache was located near a hospital and a school, the IDF reported. (snip)

The IDF stated that all of the ordnance was found in the vicinity of densely populated civilian areas, citing the discovery as “further evidence of the cynical use that the Hamas terrorist organization makes of the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields.”

So, of course the UN chief does this

The head of the United Nations has invoked a “rarely used” rule in an attempt to avert a “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza.

In a Dec. 6 letter, Secretary-General António Guterres invoked Article 99 of the U.N. Charter, which allows him to refer urgent matters to the Security Council, made up of member states.

It is the first time Guterres, a Portuguese diplomat, has used the article since he took office in 2017.

“Since the start of Israel’s military operation, more than 15,000 people have reportedly been killed, over 40 percent of whom were children,” Guterres wrote in the letter addressed to the Security Council.

“Facing a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system in Gaza, I urge the Council to help avert a humanitarian catastrophe (and) appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared,” Guterres added.

So, who would vote for this? Would the US, Canada, UK, or France? China and Russia would most likely vote against Israel. Japan may well vote in Israel’s favor. Same with Switzerland. But, what about the rest, being Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Malta, Mozambique, and the United Arab Emirates? And, if there are enough votes to demand a ceasefire, and none of the permanent members squash it, will Israel say “piss off”?

Read: Israel Haters In UN Try And Force Ceasefire As Israel Finds Massive Hamas Weapons Stockpile »

Good News: $7.5 Billion Results In Exactly Zero EV Chargers Built

I didn’t expect much, but, I expected at least a few built. Mostly in low income areas where no one car afford an EV

Congress provided $7.5B for electric vehicle chargers. Built so far: Zero.

electric vehicleCongress at the urging of the Biden administration agreed in 2021 to spend $7.5 billion to build tens of thousands of electric vehicle chargers across the country, aiming to appease anxious drivers while tackling climate change.

Two years later, the program has yet to install a single charger.

States and the charger industry blame the delays mostly on the labyrinth of new contracting and performance requirements they have to navigate to receive federal funds. While federal officials have authorized more than $2 billion of the funds to be sent to states, fewer than half of states have even started to take bids from contractors to build the chargers — let alone begin construction.

Consumer demand for electric vehicles is rising in the United States, necessitating six times as many chargers on its roads by the end of the decade, according to federal estimates. But not a single charger funded by the bipartisan infrastructure law has come online and odds are they will not be able to start powering Americans’ vehicles until at least 2024.

Is anyone surprised in the least about all the bureaucratic BS that’s slowing this down? Meanwhile, Tesla started work on a bunch of chargers in Knightdale, NC out near the Lowe’s Foods, and it only took them less than a month. Perhaps there aren’t enough kickbacks being paid out?

Getting chargers up and running across the country is essential to reaching President Joe Biden’s goal of having half the vehicles sold in the United States be electric by the end of the decade — a key cog of his climate agenda. Americans consistently say the lack of charging infrastructure is one of the top reasons they won’t buy an electric car.

I suspect that even if there were enough chargers the sales would still lag, because most are not interested. Heck, even Joe doesn’t drive one. Nor do all those in his giant convoys. Kamala isn’t traveling in one, nor most of the high end, rich Warmists

In a June study, the National Renewable Energy Laboratory projected the U.S. will need 1.2 million public chargers by 2030 to meet charging demand, including 182,000 fast chargers.

Administration officials insist the pace at which they are rolling out the infrastructure law’s charging funds is to be expected, given the difficulty of creating a brand-new program in every state and marshaling the private sector to meet complex reliability and performance requirements for each federally-funded station.

Is that like how they were going to get the high speed train in California built quick, and now it is about a decade behind and costs over $100 billion more? Speaking of trains

Why would most go to Richmond from Raleigh? I cannot think of one time I said “hey, I think I’ll go to Richmond!” I might be willing to take it to D.C., lots of cool things to see and do there, besides being mugged. And, hey, you can’t be carjacked if you do not have a car, right? I always take the metro and walk around when I visit there, sometimes a bus. Usually stay in Arlington. But, Richmond? And you know it will end up costing tens of billions and never, ever, come anywhere close to breaking even.

Read: Good News: $7.5 Billion Results In Exactly Zero EV Chargers Built »

If All You See…

…is an area turned to desert from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is This ain’t Hell…, with a post on your feel good stories.

Read: If All You See… »

PRC Cancels Christmas Tree Lighting Over Pro-Hamas Protests

Funny how it’s necessary to cancel events because of threats from the religion of peace and their Useful Idiot supporters

California Gov. Gavin Newsom Cancels Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony over Pro-Palestinian Protests

Democrat California Gov. Gavin Newsom canceled a Christmas tree lighting ceremony at the state capitol on Tuesday due to pro-Palestinian protests.

Newsom made the move for fear of the safety of children and families that would be present at the ceremony. Last month, for instance, a cadre of pro-Palestinian protesters overwhelmed security at the California Democratic Convention. Pro-Palestinian groups had planned to descend on the tree lighting ceremony in the same way they did the Rockefeller Center ceremony in New York City last week.

A spokesperson for the governor said that Newsom will hold a virtual ceremony and distribute a pre-recorded version on Wednesday.

“As we continue to see protests across the country impacting the safety of events of all scales — and for the safety and security of all participating members and guests including children and families — the ceremony this year will be virtual,” the spokesperson said.

Wait, now he’s worried about children, as his party, and his state, supports showing kids trans porn and strippers? Anyhow, what does it say about Democratic Party supporters that he has to cancel the tree lighting because of “peaceful protesters”? Nothing good. Now, imagine the media response, and Gavin’s response, if it was a bunch of Jews, Christians, or Republicans that were going to protest.

Read: PRC Cancels Christmas Tree Lighting Over Pro-Hamas Protests »

Climactivists Demand Fossil Fuels And After Taking Long Fossil Fueled Trips To Fossil Fueled Nation

Not a one seems capable of processing their own hypocrisy

Activists demand end to fossil fuels at COP28 climate summit

Activists protested over the presence of the oil, gas and coal industry at the COP28 U.N. summit in Dubai on Tuesday, while demanding an end to the use of fossil fuels, which are the major source cause of climate change.

Several dozen activists called for “climate justice”, and carried banners that read “Just + Equitable, Fossil Fuel Phase Out, Stop Fueling the Fire” at the demonstrations, where participants were typically outnumbered by onlookers.

OK, let’s end the use of fossil fuels for the protesters. How will they get home?

While past U.N. climate talks have sparked huge protest rallies, including 2021’s COP26 in Glasgow and 2015’s COP21 in Paris, this year’s demonstrations have been muted in host United Arab Emirates, where freedom of expression is limited.

The U.N. and UAE are allowing pre-approved protests to take place at the COP28 venue and there have been none so far outside the site. Activists taking part in COP28 demonstrations have said they feel stifled and have commented on a lack of presence from any grassroots, local civil society.

“We want to demand an end to all fossil fuels, including abated and unabated,” Zimbabwean activist Lorraine Chiponda, 37, told Reuters after speaking at one of the demonstrations.

Will she be walking or riding a bike back to Zimbabwe?

Colombian activist Andres Gomez, 47, travelled from South America to take part in COP28. He said the transition had to be “equitable” which meant big polluters acting first.

Indigenous activist Thomas Joseph from California said he was worried that the fossil fuel industry was “leading the negotiations” towards a “business as usual” result.

Meanwhile, Filipino activist Jainno Congon, 24, said carbon capture technologies advocated by some were a “dangerous distraction” and a “fake solution” to tackle climate change.

How are they getting home? How’d they get there?

Read: Climactivists Demand Fossil Fuels And After Taking Long Fossil Fueled Trips To Fossil Fueled Nation »

Israel Raises Threat Level For Jews Traveling To Other Countries

It’s amazing how many 1st World nations have been added to the list because anti-Semitism is running rampant

Israel raises threat level against travel to 80 countries due to Gaza war

The threat level has been raised in 80 countries for Israelis as a result of the Gaza war, according to a new list published by the National Security Council.

“Since the beginning of the war, we have identified increased efforts by Iran and its proxies, including Hamas and Global Jihad factions, to harm Israeli and Jewish targets around the world,” the NSC said in a statement.

“At the same time, there is a constant and significant rise in incitement, attempted attacks, and manifestations of antisemitism in many countries,” it explained.

“We can’t say don’t go, what we can say is that Israelis should weigh where they go,” an NSC official said.

There is an unprecedented level of potential violence either due to terror attempts or rising antisemitism and those who travel must take that into account, the official stated.

It’s not really surprising. Those who hate Israel and Jews have done a great job over the past 30 years to paint them in a negative light, especially Progressives and Islamists who are following the Muslim Brotherhood playbook. They really do not paint the Palestinians in the wrong, and always take the side of the terrorists and terror supporting nations like Iran

It’s rather disturbing that a goodly chunk of European nations are on the map, along with Australia and Tasmania. And so many in South America. It’s wild that Columbia is considered safer than England. Good on so many SE Asia nations, like Vietnam and Cambodia. Of course, why are so many European nations dangerous? Well, they’ve let in gobs of fighting age males from Islamist nations, along with some women who have lots of babies and are taught to hate Israel, Jews, and, heck, Western nations, including their host nations.


Report: Hamas Tranquilized Freed Hostages to Make Them Seem Happy

Relatives of freed Israeli hostages, and an official from Israel’s health ministry, told a parliamentary committee in the Knesset on Tuesday that Hamas drugged the hostages with tranquilizer pills before their release to make them seem happy and relaxed.

The Times of Israel reported Tuesday:

A Health Ministry representative tells the Knesset Health Committee that the hostages freed from Hamas captivity were given tranquilizer pills before being handed over to the Red Cross for transfer to Israel. The drugging would have aimed to make the hostages appear calm, happy and upbeat after suffering physical abuse, deprivation and psychological terror for more than 50 days in Gaza.

Dr. Hagar Mizrahi, head of the Health Ministry’s medical division, specifically names the drug Clonazepam. Known as Clonex in Israel and sold under the brand names Klonopin and Rivotril elsewhere, the drug is used to prevent and treat anxiety disorders, seizures, bipolar mania, agitation associated with psychosis, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I’m sure the same people who are saying that the women weren’t raped, or just don’t care, won’t care about this, after saying it looked like Hamas took good care of the hostages.

Read: Israel Raises Threat Level For Jews Traveling To Other Countries »

GenZ Climate Cultists Say They’d Give Up Vaping To Stop Climate Doom

No, really

From the link

Generation Z might finally be ready to put down their vapes, but not for the reason you’d expect.

The war on vapes has been going on for some time, with young people constantly being warned about the health risks, and yet they’ve been rising in popularity, not sinking.

There’s a movement taking over on TikTok encouraging young people to stop vaping to show solidarity with the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Creator Kristina, 25, amassed millions of views when she said she was quitting vaping after learning about the child labour and slave like conditions taking place in the Congo mines.

Modern electronics like computers, smartphones, and disposal vapes are often powered by cobalt; a large amount of the world’s supply is mined in the Congo, and it has been reported that conditions are so bad they conflict with basic human rights for workers.

Yeah, all those EVs the Elites are pushing. The Democrats that GenZ votes for

When Kristina discovered this she announced that she was “f**king quitting” before explaining that consumerism was to blame for the issues happening in the Congo.

OK, so, quit. That’s it. No need to make a big deal and demand everyone else quit. And, notice, she and all the others agreeing with her are making it about themselves, not the children forced to mine.

Kristina said she felt “disgusted” to discover that and wanted to make an effort to consume less, so, she’d come to the conclusion she needed to quit vaping,

“Look up what is going on in the Congo right now, and you look at your vape, I swear you’ll never see it the same,” she reasoned.

But, she does have a point about all the child labor being used to get all the precious metals for all the batteries, and more will be needed for the EV push. You can bet she and the rest will still vote for those pushing the green scam.

Read: GenZ Climate Cultists Say They’d Give Up Vaping To Stop Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution driven Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post on an appeals court suspending a meme maker’s sentence.

Read: If All You See… »

Shady Gold Bars Found In Menendez’s Home: When Does GOP Boot Him From Congress?

It’s long been known that Robert Menendez was shady, beyond the norm for a member of Congress. He’s already in serious criminal trouble, and now

From the link

Four of the gold bars Sen. Bob Menendez stashed at his home were previously stolen from the businessman accused of bribing the New Jersey Democrat, according to a report.

The serial numbers on some of the gold found by the FBI during a June 2022 raid of Menendez’s Englewood Cliffs, NJ, home match identifiers that Fred Daibes reported to police after a 2013 armed robbery, according to NBC News. (snip)

Menendez, 69, was hit with federal corruption charges in September related to an alleged years-long bribery scheme.

The US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York charged Menendez and his wife, Nadine, 56, with three conspiracy counts in connection with what prosecutors call a “corrupt bribery agreement” that benefited the couple, three New Jersey businessmen – Daibes, Wael Hana and Jose Uribe – and the government of Egypt. (snip)

Menendez has vehemently denied any wrongdoing and has refused to resign from the Senate, despite numerous calls for him to do so, even from fellow Democrats.

OK, he won’t resign: when is the vote held to expel Menendez? The GOP was hot to trot to expel George Santos, who got caught doing shady things (most members of Congress are shady, they just weren’t caught), even though Santos hasn’t been convicted. Where are the calls for Menendez to be booted?

(Miami Herald) During an interview on ”The View” shortly after the House of Representatives’ vote, Sen. John Fetterman, a Pennsylvania Democrat, said he was “not surprised” by Santos’ removal.

“But to me, I think the more important picture is that we have a colleague in the Senate that actually (did) much more sinister and serious kinds of things,” Fetterman said, naming Sen. Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat.

“He needs to go,” Fetterman said. “If you are going to expel Santos, how can you allow somebody like Menendez to remain in the Senate?”

When? It takes two-thirds to boot him under Article 1 Section 5. When does the voted take place?

Read: Shady Gold Bars Found In Menendez’s Home: When Does GOP Boot Him From Congress? »

Pirate's Cove