Unshockingly, Climate (scam) Reporter Is Fine With All The Fossil Fueled Travel To COP28

There’s always an Excuse for high end climate cult members. Changed lives, mostly by government fiat, is only for Other People

Climate change reporter defends world leaders flying to Dubai: ‘Can’t do a Zoom call with 190 countries’

The senior climate reporter for Axios insisted on Sunday that world leaders must fly in rather than meet virtually in order to “move the needle” at the latest climate change summit.

The United Nations’ COP28 kicked off on Thursday with several prominent figures such as John Kerry, the president’s special climate envoy, flying to attend in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

While world leaders and climate advocates have frequently been called out for their hypocrisy in using carbon-emitting planes, often private, to attend these gatherings, climate reporter Andrew Freedman defended it as necessary.

“To all those complaining about world leaders flying to attend a mtg on climate change, you’re not saying anything original. Fact is, ya can’t do a zoom call with 190 countries, and face to face talks move the needle the most,” Freedman wrote on X.

Sure they could. But, then they couldn’t rub elbows with fellow leaders and all the unelected bureaucrats wouldn’t have a taxpayer funded working vacation as they attempt to control Other People’s lives.

I’ve pretty much been saying that since 2004. I love that more and more are recognizing that this is not about science. Heck, even if Mankind was mostly/solely at fault for a minor increase in global temperatures, why are almost all the solutions about government control and reducing liberty, freedom, and life choices while taking more and more money from citizens?

Read: Unshockingly, Climate (scam) Reporter Is Fine With All The Fossil Fueled Travel To COP28 »

Top Hamas Official Threatens Israel With Even Worse Than October 7 Soon

And people wonder why Israel has had enough and is going berserker on Hamas

Top Hamas Official Warns ‘War of Liberation’ Surpassing October 7 Massacre Is Imminent

A “war of liberation” surpassing the unprecedented October 7 terror attacks is coming soon, vowed a senior Hamas official who expressed no regrets over the U.S.-designated terrorist group’s brutal massacre in Israel — the deadliest against Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust — which saw the torture, rape, execution, immolation, and abduction of hundreds of Israelis of all ages, mostly civilians, and dozens of Americans.

Hamas political bureau member Osama Hamdan made the remarks during a broadcast Wednesday on the Lebanese media outlet Bel Moubashar Online.

During the interview, which was translated and published by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Hamdan was asked if he would repeat the October 7 massacre if given the opportunity to go back, to which he responded: “Why would some people assume that we would go back on our acts of resistance?”

He also expressed no regret for “shattering an entire division of the occupation army.”

Hamdan then said he could “promise that a war of liberation is coming, not just another October 7,” adding that he thinks such an event is not far off.

Easy for him to say, seeing as he’s hiding in Beirut. This same Islamist said “no to the existence of Israel” back in mid-October, because, really, that is the default and stated position of Hamas.

Perhaps the media should be asking all the Hamas/Palestinian supporters in the US and other 1st World countries what they mean by “liberation”, when they say things like “Palestine will be liberated.” Because Hamdan is saying exactly what the Palestinians mean.

Not shocking at all. They’ve been taught to hate Israel and to support hardcore Islam.

Read: Top Hamas Official Threatens Israel With Even Worse Than October 7 Soon »

Tackling The Climate Crisis (scam) Unless You Have Your Consumption Limited

It’s funny how it always comes down to forcing you peasants to comply, while 70,000 Warmists, including lots and lots of Elites flying via private jet, take long fossil fueled trips to a climate conference in a country who’s GDP is mostly petroleum

Why Tackling Climate Change Through Consumption May Be Harder Than It Seems

There are many ways to frame the root causes of the climate crisis. Fossil fuels, big emitters like the U.S. and China, and high-carbon industries like air travel and shipping often tend to get blamed.

But there remains a significant elephant in the room in the climate blame game: runaway consumption. Household consumption is responsible for more than 60% of global emissions. And, yet, framing the climate challenge around consumption can upset a range of stakeholders. Businesses worry that talking about a crisis of consumption could harm the prospects of growth. Activists and civil society worry that talking about consumption in the wrong ways risks putting the onus of addressing climate change on consumers.

To help break through this communication log jam and address the elephant in the room, I moderated a Dec. 3 TIME100 Talks discussion on the sidelines of the U.N. climate talks taking place in Dubai. “Humans need food, shelter, clothing, but we have to consume to survive, but it is about consuming differently,” said Ellen Jackowski, chief sustainability officer at Mastercard. Consuming differently requires a mindset shift—for both consumers and businesses.

Yeah, so, they all took fossil fueled trips to Dubai, and one of the people they talked with is rich and certainly gets paid a boatload by Mastercard for this silliness. To tell you that your life must be limited to stop global boiling.

On the consumer side, research has shown that a significant share of consumers—the exact percentage depends on who you ask—are interested in buying sustainable products. But, today, there is limited information publicly available to help inform them. That’s changing rapidly as companies explore ways to make sustainability data easily accessible—think of QR codes next to the product in a store, or next to various options on online shopping sites. Research has shown that incorporating this information into the market place and creating a so-called “green nudge” shapes consumer behavior. Still, most people won’t make the sustainability of a purchase their top priority. To make sustainable products better, a growing group of businesses say they emphasize that sustainable products can have better value for the purchaser—think of a longer lifespan for a piece of clothing.

The Elites certainly do not take it into account, as they buy McMansions, travel in private planes and mega-yachts, and stay in cushy hotels, while buying lots of clothes and shoes and such

But mass consumption is not an issue that can be solved solely—or even primarily by consumers. Most consumer facing companies have built their entire business model on selling more things, and to truly address mass consumption would require them to search for profits elsewhere. Eva Kruse, chief global engagement officer at sustainable fashion company Pangaia, described it to me as a “difficult” but critical question: “How do you make new services or models where you can grow in value, not volume?”

How do you do it? Government force, of course. Which will only hurt you peasants. Interestingly, as the Warmists and eco-loons have pushed their agenda things do not last like they used to. You could buy a washer and dryer 20 years ago and it would be fine. Nowadays they do not last long. And the people make the rules usually fail to follow them.

Read: Tackling The Climate Crisis (scam) Unless You Have Your Consumption Limited »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on car dealers saying “no” on Biden’s forced EV push.

Read: If All You See… »

Illegal Aliens Dying At Record Rates Thanks To Biden/Democrat Policies

Democrats keep supporting illegal immigration, so, illegals keep attempting to come to the United States. Biden makes it as easy as possible for illegals to cross the border. And the results?

Migrant Deaths at Texas Border Crossing Jump 2,383% Over Last Six Years

More migrants are dying at the United States-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, than at any other time in the past 25 years, with more women losing their lives and agencies lacking capacity to identify all those lost, according to a report out Friday.

One hundred and forty nine migrants died in the El Paso sector in the year to the end of September, according to the El Paso Times, marking a 2,383% increase over the six deaths recorded six years ago. Some Border Patrol officers are finding two or three bodies per day, according to the report.

The headline is a little misleading, as it attempts quietly to say things were bad under Trump. But, this is all on Biden

The United States Customs and Border Protection sector includes all of New Mexico, but the number of fatalities recorded does not include those who died across the border in neighboring Juárez before they could make it into the U.S.

Residents of New Mexico have stumbled on bodies in the desert, the outlet reported, while workers have had to get used to the smell of decaying bodies found in the Rio Grande.

Children have discovered bodies in backyards, while horse riders have also spotted bodies propped up on the side of the road.

The report said the number of women dying more than doubled from 2022 and tripled on 2021’s numbers.

Biden has a weekend off for that. He’s happy that tens of thousands more are making it the US just fine. Of course, the blame for the illegals dying is the United States

“I don’t remember a time when things were like this and not feeling any hope as I look toward the future,” Ruben Garcia, the executive director of El Paso’s Annunciation House, which provides assistance to migrants, told the Times.

“Where is the humanity? Where are the ethics? The morality? The justice in all of these human beings who are dying in the desert?,” he continued. “In order to respond, your soul has to be moved. Then you discover there aren’t a lot of people in government who operate in response to that.” (snip)

“The number of deaths is horrific,” U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, told the Times. “And the way that people are dying is equally horrific. From my perspective, it is proof that deterrence at the border does not work. It does not stop migration. It only makes migration deadlier.(snip)

“Make no mistake, the rise in migrant deaths is neither circumstantial nor purely accidental, but due to the ill-conceived border enforcement strategies and operations happening at our southern border,” Fernando Garcia, executive director of the Border Network for Human Rights, told The Messenger.

In other words, they blame the US for actually having policies, like pretty much every other nation, which limits immigration and attempts to stop people at the border. Yet, these same Democrats freak out when people like Texas Governor Greg Abbott ships busload after busload to Democrat run areas.

Read: Illegal Aliens Dying At Record Rates Thanks To Biden/Democrat Policies »

Hillary Clinton Super Excited To Pitch A New Paradigm For Insurance Because Of Hotcoldwetdry

She couldn’t have an ulterior motive, could she? Oh, and she also took a long, fossil fueled flight to the fossil fuels nation of Dubai

Hillary Clinton at COP28 climate talks calls for insurance reform

Former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called on Sunday for reform of the insurance sector, where companies are increasingly withdrawing assistance against climate shocks.

Lower-income countries and workers in nations most affected by climate change are struggling to access insurance to help protect them from economic shocks.

“We need to rethink the insurance industry,” Clinton said during a panel on women and climate resiliency. “Insurance companies are pulling out of so many places. They’re not insuring homes. They’re not insuring businesses.” (snip)

During Sunday’s discussion, Clinton recalled meeting Indian women who described working outdoors in construction, farming or desert salt flats, forced to work in “almost unbearable conditions” because they had no economic alternatives.

But “as the climate changes, as storms increase and drought and heat increase,” she said, “it’s not just … poor, hard-working women in India. It’s people everywhere who are going to be left out with no backup, no insurance for their business or their home.”

So, what’s the solution, Hillary? Insurance, be it home, auto, health, boat, etc, is already heavily regulated by government in most 1st World nations. Many of them offer government health care, and do not allow private insurance. So, what now? Will the government start offering government insurance for homes and autos? Auto insurance is already up 25% since COVID started, and, since Biden and other Democrats are trying to force everyone (else) into EVs, well, they add another 25%. At this point. A big problem in a state like Florida is that it has always been a high risk state for storm damage, and the price of homes and building supplies has skyrocketed. Combine that with aging buildings that are constantly exposed to salty air and a high saltwater water table throughout much of the state, and the fear mongering over climate doom, and it all ads up.

So, how well will it work when Government is running your home, auto, boat, etc insurance? Will they allow any private insurance, like those which protect your appliances?

Read: Hillary Clinton Super Excited To Pitch A New Paradigm For Insurance Because Of Hotcoldwetdry »

Pro-Hamas Protesters Cause NYC Natural History Museum To Bar Doors

It really is long past time to round up and deport every single one of these people who are not U.S. citizens. If they want to support terrorists they can damned well do it in the terrorist nation of their choice

Pro-Palestinian protesters force American Museum of Natural History to barricade its doors

A group of about 200 pro-Palestinian protesters flooded Times Square and other parts of New York City on Saturday after police blocked the crowd from entering the American Museum of Natural History, citing several recent disturbances involving the same group.

The rally began around 2 p.m. EST on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, according to local news reports.

Before Saturday, the protest organizer, Within Our Lifetime, told its 143,000 Instagram followers to arrive at the museum in “small groups” and to come draped in Palestinian flags and apparel.

Museum officials, however, locked the doors and barricaded the points of entry for a second time after the crowd attempted to get inside a week ago, forcing the facility to batten down out of fear for its valued artifacts.

On the previous occasion, they were praying and yelling Allahu Akbar, which should get them arrested and deported. And still, not one news outlet is asking any of them what they specifically mean by things like “free Palestine.”

Too bad there aren’t any politicians in NYC to stand up against these Islamic extremists. These are terrorist supporters shutting down one of the nations premiere museums where kids go.

Read: Pro-Hamas Protesters Cause NYC Natural History Museum To Bar Doors »

Fossil Fueled Flights Heading To COP28 Hit With Big Snow

This is what is known as the Gore Effect

Read: Fossil Fueled Flights Heading To COP28 Hit With Big Snow »

If All You See…

…are wonderful plants offsetting carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Not A Lot Of People Know That, with a post on children just not knowing what snow is.

It’s cleaning out the folder week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Getting a little needed rain, some deer were in the backyard this morning, and the NY Giants will not lose today. This pinup is by Earl Moran, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Flag And Cross features a moron coming into a house with an armed homeowner
  2. Gates Of Vienna notes another Allahu Akbar moment in France
  3. Geller Report covers the German police stopping an Allahu Akbar moment
  4. IOTW Report discusses liberal parents being at blame for mental illness
  5. Legal Insurrection features Senators asking Biden to put a travel ban on China
  6. Moonbattery covers moonbats transexualizing a dinosaur
  7. neo-necon wonders about John Fetterman being a loose cannon
  8. Pacific Pundit laughs at the Washington Post fact checking the SF poop map
  9. The First Street Journal covers a woke newspaper only telling half the story
  10. The Gateway Pundit discusses Dems rigging it for Biden in Florida
  11. The Last Refuge notes the Biden regime fining a trucking company for checking citizenship
  12. The OK Corral shows where Biden’s support is down to
  13. The Right Scoop discusses store owners arming themselves in NYC
  14. Victory Girls Blog covers Tufts U honoring dead Hamas terrorists
  15. And last, but, not least, Green Jihad says the ESG scam is dying

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Pirate's Cove