USA Today Is Thrilled To Let You Know That Winter Is Due To Global Boiling

All that snow, cold, and ice is your fault for refusing to sell your fossil fueled vehicle and buy an EV, plus give a ton of your money to government

From the link

stop global warmingOn the coldest days, Francis Tarasiewicz dons long johns, sweat pants, snow pants, hooded jackets, outerwear jackets, a scarf, gloves, mittens and goggles to make the trek a few hundred feet outdoors to the Mount Washington Observatory’s precipitation station.

When winds blow hardest at the 6,288-foot summit, New Hampshire’s tallest peak, the trip takes up to 20 minutes and makes the flapping of his hood sound like a chainsaw.

Braving such harsh conditions, Tarasiewicz – a weather observer and education specialist at the observatory, a nonprofit research institution – and his colleagues have documented a year of crazy extremes on the mountain in 2023, with wild swings in rain, snow and temperatures.

See? Your fault. It’s not like Mount Washington doesn’t always have wild swings in weather because it has always had wild swings. BTW, cool webcam at the top, and from the train that takes you there.

Like thousands of researchers around the globe, they’re compiling increasing evidence that climate change is bringing weirder weather, even in frigid locations like this northeastern landmark.

Notoriously fickle, the world’s weather is lurching from one extreme to another more often and to a greater degree as the warming atmosphere pushes natural variability to new extremes, breaking records time and again, the researchers say.

Blah blah blah. It’s just more people living in areas that witness weather and whining about it because they’ve been indoctrinated.

“People are experiencing climate change right now, right outside their windows, especially through the impacts of extreme weather events,” said Allison Crimmins, director of this fifth national assessment.

No, people are experiencing weather. Weather happens. What we really need is an alien invasion or zombie apocalypse, so people have real things to worry about.

Read: USA Today Is Thrilled To Let You Know That Winter Is Due To Global Boiling »

DHS Warns Of Threats To Public Safety Over Christmas

Darned Amish at it again

FBI, DHS warn of ‘threats to public safety’ during holiday season, amplified by Israel-Hamas conflict

The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are warning the public of heightened threats to public safety this holiday season and through winter associated with the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

The FBI says it is “closely monitoring threats to public safety during the holiday season which may be amplified” by the war.

“We take all potential threats seriously and will work closely with our law enforcement partners to determine their credibility, share information, and take appropriate investigative action,” the bureau says in a PSA.

If they did they’d be shutting down the border and rejected all of those Quakers coming in, legally and illegally

Per an assessment from the FBI and DHS, ongoing tensions related to the conflict between Israel and Hamas “likely heighten the threat of lone actor violence targeting large public gatherings throughout the winter, including holiday-related, faith-based, New Year’s Eve, and First Amendment protected events related to the conflict.”

The bureau says these targets are likely to remain “attractive to lone actors inspired by a range of ideologies due to their accessibility and symbolic nature.”

It’s weird that DHS and the FBI are just couching this in just generic terms. Who would be considering lone actor violence around Christmas time? They’re simply too chickenshit and involved with multiculturalism, diversity, and other leftist idiocy to do their jobs.

Read: DHS Warns Of Threats To Public Safety Over Christmas »

Climate Cult Super Worried About Artificial Intelligence

Over in Dubai, where 90K took fossil fueled trips, they’re super concerned…in between eating all that meat and posing in their fast fashion

AI emissions are fueling a new doomerism. This time it’s climate change

There is a new doomer narrative over artificial intelligence emerging in the background at this year’s COP meeting. This one isn’t focused on a malignant superintelligence. Instead, it is over sustainability and concerns over AI’s burgeoning energy demands.

A recent study projects that by 2027, NVIDIA’s new AI servers will be consuming over 85.4 terawatt-hours annually, exceeding the energy usage of countries such as Sweden and Argentina.

Research from the University of Massachusetts Amherst suggesting that training a single AI model can emit over 284 tonnes of CO2, equivalent to the lifetime emissions of five average American cars, paints a concerning picture of AI’s environmental impact. Annually, AI’s carbon footprint is approaching 1% of global emissions.

AI’s energy demands have indeed increased dramatically. A Stanford study flags a 300,000-fold rise in AI systems’ power requirements since the early 2010s. And some of this energy is derived from fossil fuels, with data centers globally consuming over 1% of global electricity, a third of which comes from coal and natural gas.

Yeah, it’s pretty much typical for the climate cult to look at something happening and say “hey, we need to drag this into our cult”

However, what the doomers miss is the ingenuity of human research and industry. Analyzing IT’s electricity consumption back to the 2000s, Jonathan Koomey and colleagues found that the energy intensity of the global data center industry dropped by around 20% per year between 2010 and 2018. Efficiency gains in data centers, chips, and programming have outstripped the increase in energy use.

This human factor is what the doomers’ narrative misses, suggesting that while AI’s energy demands are growing, so too are the efficiencies in the systems that support it.

The Warmists do not care. Once they’ve latched onto an issue they will never let it go.

This is the kind of insanity we get from Warmists: they take long fossil fueled trips to say we need to ditch fossil fuels.

Read: Climate Cult Super Worried About Artificial Intelligence »

If All You See…

…are hills eroding from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Dissecting Leftism, with a post on the Supreme Court’s view of Wuhan Flu vaccine mandates.

Read: If All You See… »

New Mexico Governor Pushes Pushes Different “Assault Rifle” Reform

As usual, this would only effect law abiding citizens, not the criminals. The big point here is that more Democratic Party run states could give this a whirl

Governor wants New Mexico legislators to debate new approach to regulating assault-style weapons

New Mexico could become an early political testing ground for a proposal to make assault-style weapons less deadly.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham on Monday said she’ll encourage the state’s Democratic-led Legislature to consider statewide restrictions that mirror an unconventional proposal from U.S. senators aimed at reducing a shooter’s ability to fire off dozens of rounds a second and attach new magazines to keep firing.

The proposed federal Go Safe Act was named after the internal cycling of high-pressure gas in the firearms in question and comes from such senators as New Mexico’s Martin Heinrich, a Democrat. If approved, it would mean assault-style weapons would have permanently fixed magazines, limited to 10 rounds for rifles and 15 rounds for some heavy-format pistols.

“I’ve got a set of lawmakers that are more likely than not to have a fair debate about guns, gun violence, weapons of war and keeping New Mexicans safe than members of Congress are,” said Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, at a news conference in the state Capitol. “We will have to see how those votes all shake out.”

The Democrats have comfortable majorities in both the house and senate in the New Mexico general assembly, so, they can easily pass it if they so choose. But, what would all this accomplish? Will criminals comply, or will it just turn law abiding citizens into criminals while the real criminals do what they want? This is all an end run around the 2nd Amendment and Supreme Court rulings, which the Court will surely figure out.

Further, this is beyond disingenuous: no semi-automatic rifle or handgun can fire off dozens of rounds a second. You didn’t expect the Associated Press and “journalist” Morgan Lee to be honest and/or know how guns work.

If the GOP had any brains, even at the state level, they’d introduce legislation to allow those who protect the governor and others in the New Mexico governor to only carry the Go Safe approved weapons.

Read: New Mexico Governor Pushes Pushes Different “Assault Rifle” Reform »

18 California Youts Sue EPA Over Global Boiling

I’ll write it again: the first thing the EPA lawyers should ask is if the kiddies have give up their own use of fossil fuels and made their own lives carbon neutral. Being the uber-Leftist EPA, they’ll probably give in quickly and barely defend

18 California children are suing the EPA over climate change

Eighteen California children are suing the Environmental Protection Agency, claiming it violated their constitutional rights by failing to protect them from the effects of climate change. This is the latest in a series of climate-related cases filed on behalf of children.

The federal lawsuit is called Genesis B. v. United States Environmental Protection Agency. According to the lawsuit, the lead plaintiff “Genesis B.” is a 17-year-old Long Beach, California resident whose parents can’t afford air conditioning.

As the number of extreme heat days increases, the lawsuit says Genesis isn’t able to stay cool in her home during the day. “On many days, Genesis must wait until the evening to do schoolwork when temperatures cool down enough for her to be able to focus,” according to the lawsuit.

The family should move out of the People’s Repulik Of California, and they’d be able to afford AC.

The other plaintiffs range in age from eight to 17 and also are identified by their first names and last initials because they are minors. For each plaintiff, the lawsuit mentions ways that climate change is affecting their lives now, such as wildfires and flooding that have damaged landscapes near them and forced them to evacuate their homes or cancel activities.

They should be suing California for their environmental weenie policies which stop things like firebreaks, back burns, and cleaning dead brush, along with antiquated and absurd infrastructure that cannot take typical high winds. Don’t forget, most of the wildfires are caused by idiots being idiots or intentional arson.

The lawsuit does not specifically seek financial compensation, other than plaintiff costs and attorneys’ fees. It asks instead for various declarations about the environmental rights of children and the EPA’s responsibility to protect them.

Our Children’s Trust filed a different federal lawsuit in 2015, Juliana v. United States, against the entire government. It was dismissed in 2020 and revived by an Oregon judge this summer. The group also has legal actions pending in Florida, Hawaii, Utah and Virginia.

Basically, this is all an astroturfed suit to enrich the lawyers and the Trust. Weird that the article, nor the others I can find, do not mention how a slight temperature increase of 1.5F since 1850 violates their constitutional rights. Because the actual text of the suit is insane. They claim that this violates equal protection under the law. That it denies due process. There’s about 60 legal pages on this. It’s cute, but, it’ll most likely die in court, like the others. There’s no constitutional right to a certain temperature. The lawyers should ask the kiddies what they think the correct temperature should be.

Read: 18 California Youts Sue EPA Over Global Boiling »

Good News: First Computer Chip Plant Funded From CHIPS Law

Wow, the Biden regime really hit the ground running with this!

Biden administration says New Hampshire computer chip plant the first to get funding from CHIPS law

The Biden administration announced the first of many coming federal investments in computer chip production, saying Monday that it would provide $35 million for BAE Systems to increase production at a New Hampshire factory making chips for military aircraft, including F-15 and F-35 jets.

This would be the initial allocation of incentives from last year’s bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, which provides more than $52 billion to boost the development and manufacturing of semiconductors in the United States.

Oh, good. Only 16 months after the bipartisan law passed the first outlay is hitting the books. Seriously, I actually expected better. Back in September 2022 the idiots at the Commerce dept were talking about taking applications in February 2023, and I figured the money would start flowing by April. Nope. And, depending on the source, most say that the chip shortage has, as JP Morgan noted back in April

The chip shortage is all but over, according to J.P. Morgan Research. In fact, there may even be oversupply in the short term, though looking further ahead, some shortages could linger as certain types of chips remain more in demand than others.

There’s certainly a judicious use of chips in certain products. Auto makers have removed certain things that need chips, and slimmed down functions for others, such as the stereo systems. But, production of vehicles is way, way up, pretty much back to normal. There’s no problems getting computers, TVs, streaming devices, tablets, phones, etc and so on. It would be nice for the US to not have to rely on chips made in China or any hostile nation.

The Commerce Department’s choice of a military contractor instead of a conventional chip manufacturer reveals the national security focus of the law, as more and more weapons systems depend on advanced chips that could be decisive in both preventing and fighting wars.

“We can’t gamble with our national security by depending solely on one part of the world or even one country for crucial advanced technologies,” said Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo, who called the investments a “once-in-a-generation opportunity to advance our national and economic security and create a thriving, long-lasting domestic semiconductor manufacturing industry.”

There is that. But, I do have to wonder who in government is making some money off of putting the cash into a military contractor.

Biden also said the incentives his administration is providing have already led to more than $230 billion in planned investments in semiconductors and electronics.

The Democratic president has gone to a planned Intel factory in Ohio and a new Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. plant in Arizona, as well as touted investments by IBM while in New York. Biden has made these financial commitments part of his pitch to voters ahead of the 2024 elections, saying his policies have energized the U.S. economy.

But, they haven’t received the money from the CHIPS act, and, where’s this $230 billion coming from? It only authorized $52 billion.

BTW, BAE Systems is a British company. It’s good they’re making the chips in the US, but, could we not find an American company to do this?

Read: Good News: First Computer Chip Plant Funded From CHIPS Law »

Bummer: Climate (scam) Draft Agreement Dumps Notion Of Phasing Out Fossil Fuels

Well, maybe they all thought “if we phase out fossil fuels how are we all going to travel to all the nice vacation spots for climate conferences?”

Climate summit draft agreement removes mention of fossil fuel phase-out

A new draft of the core agreement at the COP28 climate talks published Monday removed a call to phase out fossil fuels, the main driver of the climate crisis, in a watering down of earlier versions and an apparent concession to oil-producing nations which had opposed the measure.

The latest draft instead calls on countries to take actions to reduce planet-warming pollution, which could include reducing the consumption and production of oil, coals and gas. Many climate experts and observers have blasted the draft for its vague language and a lack of concrete timelines.

More than 100 countries came to the Dubai talks supporting language to phase out fossil fuels, and many are likely to voice their opposition to the latest draft in an upcoming plenary session. Others, such as Saudi Arabia, which have pushed against the inclusion of any reference to fossil fuels, may attempt to water the text down further still.

If the current draft does not get widespread support, negotiators may need to return to debate.

I suggest that any agreement start with blocking all climate conference attendees from using fossil fuels to travel to climate working vacations. Let’s leave that in place for 5 years. If they can survive with that, maybe then we can talk about phasing out fossil fuels.

Most likely, the cultists will manage to stick something along the longs of phase outs into a final agreement, and, this kind of garbage is why the GOP needs to get their sh*t together and make sure they take the Senate, House, and White House in 2024, so they can vote on these types of things, since it will surely be written in a way to avoid the necessity of the Senate having to vote on it. The Republicans in the Senate need to find a way to force a vote in January if the agreement does include a phaseout, put Democrats on the record, and then slam them when they take fossil fueled flights and vehicles.

Read: Bummer: Climate (scam) Draft Agreement Dumps Notion Of Phasing Out Fossil Fuels »

If All You See…

…is an evil Rich person pool made with Evil concrete, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is hogewash, with a post on facts vs. myth on gun homicides in Dem vs GOP states.

Read: If All You See… »

Trump Leads Biden In Georgia And Michigan

This is where it all hits the road: can Trump beat Biden in the states he needs to win? National polls are meaningless. Trump won’t win California or Massachusetts, among others, so, there is zero point in asking their opinion

CNN Polls: Trump leads Biden in Michigan and Georgia as broad majorities hold negative views of the current president

Biden Brain SuckerFormer President Donald Trump has the upper hand over President Joe Biden in two critical battleground states – Michigan and Georgia – with broad majorities in both states holding negative views of the sitting president’s job performance, policy positions and sharpness, according to new CNN polls conducted by SSRS.

In Georgia, a state Biden carried by a very narrow margin in 2020, registered voters say they prefer Trump (49%) over Biden (44%) for the presidency in a two-way hypothetical matchup. In Michigan, which Biden won by a wider margin, Trump has 50% support to Biden’s 40%, with 10% saying they wouldn’t support either candidate even after being asked which way they lean. In both Michigan and Georgia, the share of voters who say they wouldn’t support either candidate is at least as large as the margin between Biden and Trump.

Trump’s margin over Biden in the hypothetical matchup is significantly boosted by support from voters who say they did not cast a ballot in 2020, with these voters breaking in Trump’s favor by 26 points in Georgia and 40 points in Michigan. Those who report having voted in 2020 say they broke for Biden over Trump in that election, but as of now, they tilt in Trump’s favor for 2024 in both states, with Biden holding on to fewer of his 2020 backers than does Trump.

Those numbers hint at possible challenges for both candidates in the long campaign ahead. Trump’s advantage rests on the assumption that he can both maintain support among a fickle, politically disengaged group and convince them to actually vote, while Biden will need to win back the support of disaffected former backers who show little excitement about his reelection bid.

The question here is “can those numbers hold, and more importantly, will those people get out and vote for Trump in numbers to beat the Biden voters?” Will all Trump’s misadventures make a difference? Will he shoot his foot off with his mouth? Can the GOP limit the Democrat cheating? Will the GOP take advantage of cheat by mail, er, mail in ballots this time in the states where judges have ignored state law?

Overall, just 35% in Michigan and 39% in Georgia approve of Biden’s job performance, the surveys find, and majorities in both states say his policies have worsened economic conditions in the country (54% in Georgia, 56% in Michigan).

Those grim numbers partially reflect softness among his base: About one-quarter of Democratic and Democratic-leaning registered voters in each state disapprove of Biden, and a little more than 4 in 10 say his policies have not helped the country’s economy. Biden’s campaign is working to sell voters on the success of his economic agenda, with a recently launched ad in Michigan focused on small businesses and the middle class.

Will Trump do the Smart Thing and focus on the economy, giving economic plans, or, will he just come up with pithy nicknames while also spending time blasting the people who should be supporting him? He should be out there saying “I know you do not like me, but, we support the same policies. You don’t have to like me, but, vote for me and I’ll prove our shared policy beliefs”, which he should have been doing during his first term. Has he learned anything? Time will tell.

Read: Trump Leads Biden In Georgia And Michigan »

Pirate's Cove