Climate Cult Conference Attendees Eating Lots Of Meat

Remember, the same people are telling you that you cannot eat mean, and need to eat bugs

UN climate summit serving gourmet burgers, BBQ as it calls for Americans to stop eating meat

climate cow‘The hypocrisy of the global elites never ceases to amaze,’ GOP Rep Mike Flood tells Fox News Digital

The ongoing United Nations COP28 climate summit in Dubai is offering a wide variety of gourmet food options from vendors who serve beef, even as it prepares a report that is expected to call for the West to reduce consumption of beef.

According to the summit’s online portal, its food offerings include “juicy beef,” “slabs of succulent meat,” smoked wagyu burgers, Philly cheesesteaks and “melt-in-your-mouth BBQ” in addition to African street BBQ, fast casual Mexican fare and an Asian option that has a “touch of French flair.” The revelation comes as the U.N. faces criticism for preparing a first-of-its-kind report that is expected to be published at the summit and call for lower meat consumption.

The U.N.’s Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) will publish its first-ever global food systems’ road map during an upcoming COP28 session, which is expected to recommend nations that “over-consume meat” to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The U.N. has, for years, called for individuals to ditch animal-based diets, which it says “have a high impact on our planet.”

Who’s surprised? But, they’ll tell us that this climahypocrisy is OK because they’re Saving The World. Just like their long fossil fueled trips to Dubai. Good luck if the Biden Regime attempts to tell Americans to reduce their own meat intake. Even Leftists will revolt and tell him to piss off.

There’s just so much Stateism, authoritarianism, coming from this COP. In all my years watching this I’ve never seen this. Stuff like

(Climate Depot) COP 28: UN fashion police – Watch Marc Morano’s exclusive interview with fashionista Dame Ellen MacArthur.  Marc asked Dame Ellen at COP 28 about the “C40” Mayors group plan to limit you to three clothing purchases per year.

“It’s how they have access to the product,” MacArthur explained, “as much as the product itself. And there are different ways to have access to clothing products.”

There is actually a plan: it’s not a conspiracy theory. What about the huge number of self-styled climate influencers who brought tons of fast fashion? At the end of last month CNN was yammering on about implementing “carbon passports”, which would limit the middle and working classes, limiting their ability to take flights and cruises, but, hey, they can sell their unused carbon budgets to rich folks!

Read: Climate Cult Conference Attendees Eating Lots Of Meat »

Insane: 20% Of Young Americans Think The Holocaust Is A Myth

Our public education system is a disaster

One in five young Americans believes the Holocaust is a myth, poll finds

One in five young Americans thinks that the Holocaust is a myth and only half are convinced that it definitely happened, according to a new poll.

Older Americans were far more likely to believe the historical fact of the Holocaust, the attempt by Hitler’s Germany to exterminate Jewish people.

The findings are particularly sensitive amid growing accusations of anti-Semitism on US university campuses since the start of the Israel-Hamas war.

Fake news on social media has been suggested as an explanation for the findings in the YouGov/The Economist poll, which found the proportion of Americans who believe the Holocaust is a myth was similar across all levels of education.

About 20 per cent of people aged 18 to 29 believe the murder of six million Jews is made up, the survey found. An additional 30 per cent said they did not know whether the Holocaust was a myth or not.

Social media doesn’t help, but, it’s failing schools, including colleges

Young people were also nearly five times more likely to think that Jews have too much power in the USA than those aged 65 or over. Some 28 per cent of young respondents agreed with the well-worn anti-Semitic trope, compared to just 6 per cent of older Americans.

These are the same ones wearing nose rings, telling everyone their preferred pronouns, and constantly yammering about LBGT while espousing interest in Islam and saying it would be tolerant to them. They learn this in schools. Speaking of schools, the NY Times is more concerned with Republicans seizing on the Democratic Party voters at colleges being Jew haters than the Democratic Party voters at colleges actually being Jew haters

As Fury Erupts Over Campus Antisemitism, Conservatives Seize the Moment

For years, conservatives have struggled to persuade American voters that the left-wing tilt of higher education is not only wrong but dangerous. Universities and their students, they’ve argued, have been increasingly clenched by suffocating ideologies — political correctness in one decade, overweening “social justice” in another, “woke-ism” most recently — that shouldn’t be dismissed as academic fads or harmless zeal.

The validation they have sought seemed to finally arrive this fall, as campuses convulsed with protests against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza and hostile, sometimes violent, rhetoric toward Jews. It came to a head last week on Capitol Hill, as the presidents of three elite universities struggled to answer a question about whether “calling for the genocide of Jews” would violate school rules, and Republicans asserted that outbreaks of campus antisemitism were a symptom of the radical ideas they had long warned about. On Saturday, amid the fallout, one of those presidents, M. Elizabeth Magill of the University of Pennsylvania, resigned.

For Republicans, the rise of antisemitic speech and the timid responses of some academic leaders presented a long-sought opportunity to flip the political script and cast liberals or their institutions as hateful and intolerant. “What I’m describing is a grave danger inherent in assenting to the race-based ideology of the radical left,” said Representative Virginia Foxx, Republican of North Carolina, at the hearing, adding, “Institutional antisemitism and hate are among the poison fruits of your institution’s cultures.”

This was a very high on the webpage article on Sunday. Colleges are mostly run and staffed by Democrats, most of the teachers are Democrats, and so many kiddies are taught to be Democrats, but, hey, let’s yammer about Republicans seizing.

Read: Insane: 20% Of Young Americans Think The Holocaust Is A Myth »

If All You See…

…is pristine nature which will soon be destroyed by carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post wondering where the Secret Service records are from J6.

It’s redheads week.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup Ren Wicks

Happy Sunday! Another lovely day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Some much needed rain on the way, the Devils are winning again, and the inflammation in my shoulder blade is mostly better (it’s like having carpal tunnel syndrome). This pinup is by Ren Wicks, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15.

  1. Irons In The Fire says the Babylon Bee is supposed to be satire
  2. LMAO wonders if spellcheck is raaaaacist
  3. Geller Report discusses how much money Brandon wants to spend on infrastructure
  4. Common Cents Blog notes that the NYU student who tore down missing Israeli children posters is playing the Victim
  5. Average Bubba has Biden’s AmeriKa: Detroit edition
  6. American Greatness wonders if Hunter will throw Joe under the bus
  7. 357 Magnum wonders about calls for genocide being “context dependent”
  8. No Tricks Zone covers Warmists proclaiming more snow
  9. Not A Lot Of People Know That discusses Britain’s green transition being powered by Chinese coal
  10. Green Jihad notes Illinois legislation requiring COVID vax status when donating blood
  11. Todd Starnes features a school apologizing for a Christmas tree
  12. The Right Scoop covers Deadspin reversing course on KC Chiefs fan
  13. The Other McCain discusses the HotWifeExperience Democrat not going away
  14. The Lid notes CAIR’s leader celebrating 10/7
  15. And last, but, not least, The Gateway Pundit features the new CDC director fearmongering on COVID, recommending (useless) masks

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Youts Call On Other People To “Do Better” At Climate (scam) Conference

These are the same people who use immense amounts of power to take their photos and videos and to stream other videos, plus movies and TV shows. Who seem to spend more time inside making TikToks than being outside in nature. Who always need a new phone, disposing of the old ones. Who are probably the largest group using vapes and disposing of the cartridges. Who are the biggest buyers of fast fashion. And energy drinks. Oh, and take long, fossil fueled trips to a climate conference to complain about That Guy having a big carbon footprint

Young people at COP28 call on world to “do better” to address climate change

Young people at COP28 in Dubai are calling on the world to “do better” to ensure their countries — and the planet — are habitable for generations to come.

The big picture: COP28 kicked off its second week with youth day, injecting energy in what will undoubtedly be the toughest days so far as negotiators work to hammer out some of the thorniest issues for the final text of the key Global Stocktake document. (snip)

“We don’t have enough time for discussions. We have to act now,” said Grace Malie, a 24-year-old youth delegate from the Pacific island nation of Tuvalu.

That’s a seriously long flight. Why does Tuvalu even have airports, considering how much they’ve been whining about climate doom?

It was a sentiment echoed by 26-year-old Tamala Pita from Tuvalu. But Pita, who is attending COP for the second time, said she also believes the climate summit gives young people the chance to keep the issues affecting their peers back home part of the conversations.

It’s almost 8,500 miles from Tuvalu to Dubai, which is more than most people fly in a decade or more, and that’s direct miles, not the number it would take for the multiple connections necessary. The typical American drives 12,000 miles a year. These two youts have well exceeded that with their round-trip flights.

Ahmed Abdi Osman, a 25-year-old representative of Somalia’s Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, agreed.

“As a youth leader, we are here to share our knowledge, to share our experience to share our insights from other youth leaders,” Osman told Axios after engaging with other youth leaders on a panel about the role of young people in climate action.

Who made you a leader? Is that like being a self-titled influence or Instagram model? Did you sail to Dubai or bike?

But they say it’s not enough. “There needs to be better efforts being put in by countries who are emitting the most while we’re at home feeling the most of the effects of climate change. People need to do better,” Pita said.

You and the other 90k in attendance? Why must other people pay for your beliefs?

Limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees preindustrial levels is “not a goal for us, it’s a limit. Because once we exceed that, our lands become uninhabitable … And then, when we’re forced to move, where can we go, where we can practice the same traditions and culture?”

Uninhabitable! What happens when that threshold is crossed and everything’s fine, just like during previous Holocene warm periods? Who will get flogged at the masthead for scaremongering?

Read: Youts Call On Other People To “Do Better” At Climate (scam) Conference »

Surprise: Warmists Want Global Authority To Fight Climate Crisis (scam) By Taking Your Money

Remember, this is all about science, not government controlling people’s lives and taking their money

Cop28: how to fight climate change when we don’t even have a commander?

Whether we care about the battle against climate change, we are all going to have to help pay for it – either directly through higher taxes or indirectly through having part of our savings and investment diverted to the fight.

As things are, we pay taxes and then assume we’ve done our bit in battling global warming but much of the money we invest (or which is invested on our behalf) in stock markets will also need to be diverted to the fight.

At least Warmist Anthony Rowley admits it’s about taking your money

How can a universal challenge such as global warming possibly be met by anything other than a coordinated global response? The logical answer is that it can’t, but logic stands little chance against politics and nationalism.

Unfortunately, such critical factors were largely ignored or obscured in the torrent of words and reports flowing from the Cop28 United Nations climate change meeting in Dubai, which has had more of a commercial than conference-like atmosphere.

It would be comical, were it not potentially tragic, that we are entering an existential battle – that’s not too strong a term – against climate change with no clear idea of how much it’s going to cost, who’s going to pay and who’s in charge.

Let them pay for it themselves if they believe so much

ESG (environmental, social and corporate governance) investing and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals will not cut it, nor will the hollow promise of the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ) to put up big money. We are talking multitrillion, not multibillion, sums.

Such sums can only come from our savings, which are entrusted to pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds and the like, and invested in stock markets. But that will require new listed investment vehicles dedicated to financing the climate change fight.

Either that or having multilateral development banks, such as the World Bank and regional development banks, issue securities into which savings can be directed. Whichever way, the world needs to get real and serious about the climate issue.

Surprise? Remember this from 2019

Another emerging theme from the survey is that people do not want to spend their own money to combat climate change. Thirty-seven percent do not want to pay any additional taxes, and only 14 percent are willing to pay even $1 more a month.

And this

For example, while nearly half of adults say they would be willing to pay a $2 monthly tax on their electricity bills to help combat climate change, just over a quarter say they are willing to pay $10 extra each month. And while two-thirds support stricter fuel-efficiency standards for the nation’s cars and trucks, increases in the gas tax remain deeply unpopular.

They should do more polls today, see if Warmists are willing to pony up their own money.

Read: Surprise: Warmists Want Global Authority To Fight Climate Crisis (scam) By Taking Your Money »

If All You See…

…is a road meant for Evil fossil fueled vehicles, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Legal Insurrection, with a post on a boy winning a female Irish dancing competition.

Read: If All You See… »

Mayor Of Sanctuary City Chicago Files Suits Against Bus Companies

It’s just so strange that a self-described sanctuary city is rebelling against all those illegal aliens being shipped to the city

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration begins filing lawsuits against operators of ‘rogue buses’ of migrants

Mayor Brandon Johnson’s administration has quietly begun filing lawsuits over what it has described as “rogue buses” transporting migrants, an escalation the mayor has coupled with an attempt to further crack down on the transportation companies.

The stepped-up enforcement is the Johnson administration’s latest effort to address the influx of new arrivals, which has become one of the mayor’s most vexing challenges. The care of more than 24,400 migrants who have arrived in Chicago since August 2022 has taken on heightened urgency as winter sets in, and tested the limits of how welcoming the city can be.

The city has filed 55 lawsuits since it implemented new rules about when and where buses can arrive in mid-November, the Law Department said. The lawsuits address 77 total buses accused of violating the rules, and public records show at least some cases are seeking fines against the bus companies.

Mayor’s office spokesman Cassio Mendoza in a statement characterized “rogue, uncoordinated” buses as endangering the lives of newly arriving migrants, and said bus companies should be held accountable.

Obviously, the idea here is to scare bus companies into refusing all charters of illegals from areas, mostly Texas, which are shipping the illegals to Chicago. Instead of being warm and welcoming to illegals, Chicago is denying their basic human rights (to use leftist language)

Chicago “continues to welcome asylum-seekers but the city cannot safely and efficiently shelter migrants when bus companies, contracted by the State of Texas, flagrantly violate all safety measures that the city has put in place,” he said.

They literally put the rules in place as illegals were being shipped. Like, Friday, with the final rules still waiting to be passed in full by the city council. So, exactly how do you sue over rules not even passed?

The city announced it would crack down on buses in mid-November, laying out rules for when and where buses could drop off migrants. Buses were capped at two per hour, and limited to drop-offs between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The rules also require intercity buses to apply for approval from the city to drop off passengers. The Chicago Department of Transportation said it has not received any applications.

Under these recently passed “rules” buses can be impounded and owners fined $3,000, for which the SCC will dispatch the police to intercept them. Because there’s no raging crime in Chicago and the police have nothing better to do. What the city wants to do is force buses to drop the illegals off in certain spots, away from the middle and upper class folks, when they can’t stop the buses overall.

This means that any bus crossing from a different city in Illinois into SCC for, say, a Bears, Blackhawks, or Cubs game would need to apply to the city for permission. The rules also violate interstate commerce. The state could possibly pass a law, but, the city has not constitutional authority. Seriously, it’s all fun and games being a sanctuary city in theory, but much different and a lot more expensive when it becomes the reality.

Read: Mayor Of Sanctuary City Chicago Files Suits Against Bus Companies »

Climate Cult Fascists Demands End To Natural Gas

After taking long fossil fueled trips to Dubai, the little dictators have demands

Green groups at COP28 demand U.S. halt support for LNG

More than 250 environmental and community groups on Thursday called on the administration of U.S. President Joe Biden to halt its support for liquefied natural gas (LNG) due to the super-cooled fuel’s contribution to climate change.

The groups, led by Friends of the Earth, released a letter to Biden at the COP28 United Nations climate summit in Dubai, where dozens of nations are pushing for a global agreement to phase out use of CO2-emitting fossil fuels like LNG.

LNG is natural gas used for heating and electricity that has been cooled to a liquid state for shipping and storage. Climate activists advocate for phasing out fossil fuels like LNG and replacing them with renewable sources like wind and solar.

The letter demands that the administration stop permitting new LNG facilities and cease financial and diplomatic support for the industry.

I suspect most of them do not live in cold areas that get lots of snow, and do not take well to solar and wind, or remote areas where they can’t run long electric lines. Or areas where it is cloudy a lot. These wackos are always demanding that Everyone comply with their cult beliefs. It’s not like “About 60% of U.S. homes use natural gas for space and water heating, cooking, and drying clothes.”

Read: Climate Cult Fascists Demands End To Natural Gas »

US Vetoes UN Resolution Demanding Cease Fire

Well, this is sure to infuriated Biden’s Hamas loving and Jew hating base

US vetoes Security Council resolution for humanitarian cease-fire in Gaza

The United States on Friday used its veto power in the United Nations Security Council to block the passage of a resolution calling for an immediate humanitarian cease-fire that would require Israel to halt its war against Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The U.S. opposed the draft resolution because the text was “divorced from reality,” said Robert Wood, Alternate Representative for Special Political Affairs, in remarks to the Security Council.

“We still cannot comprehend why the resolution’s authors declined to include language condemning Hamas’ horrific terrorist attack on Israel on October 7,” Wood said, explaining that other recommended provisions raised by the U.S. were ignored.

Thirteen members of the Security Council voted in favor of the resolution, which was put forward by the United Arab Emirates, which holds the presidency of the council for December.

The United Kingdom abstained. The U.S., as one of five permanent members, holds veto power.

The UN has always been full of Israel and Jew haters, and it is very sad to see the UK abstaining, and, apparently, France and Canada voting for the resolution, despite it being almost one side against Israel.

But Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations, Gilad Erdan, accused the council of holding double standards against Israel for failing to invoking Article 99 for other global crises, including Russia’s war in Ukraine, Syrian President Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons in Syria and Yemen’s civil war.

“Despite the immense global impact of other conflicts and far more pressing threats to international peace and security, Israel’s defensive war against Hamas, a designated terrorist organization, was the catalyst for activating Article 99,” Erdan said.

Domestically, this has led to the Hamas supporting/Jew hating Democratic Party based to go full apoplexy, pledging they will not vote for Biden in 2024.


(Jerusalem Post) Families of Israelis being held hostage by Hamas were reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross in a meeting earlier this week, with the Red Cross telling one family they need to “think about the Palestinian side,” KAN reported on Thursday night.

Roni and Simona, the parents of Doron Steinbrecher who was kidnapped by Hamas terrorists from Kfar Azza on October 7, were invited to a meeting with the Red Cross earlier this week.

Doron needs a medication she takes daily and her parents thought that the Red Cross was finally willing to transfer the medication to her, but instead they were sat down and reprimanded by representatives of the Red Cross.

“Think about the Palestinian side,” the representatives of the Red Cross told Simona, according to KAN. “It’s hard for the Palestinians, they’re being bombed.”

The Red Cross has long been an organization that has protected groups like Hamas, so, this is not surprising.

Read: US Vetoes UN Resolution Demanding Cease Fire »

Pirate's Cove