All Sorts Of Elected Officials Take Long Fossil Fueled Trips To Dubai

Are there any who sailed over?

U.S. mayors and governors are in Dubai to discuss climate change

NPR’s Michel Martin talks to Barbara Buffaloe, mayor of Columbia, Mo., who’s part of the U.S. Conference of Mayors delegation at the summit, to talk about her city’s effort to tackle climate change. (and at no point did Michel ask why Barbara took that fossil fueled trip)

Leaders from around the world are gathered in Dubai for COP 28, the U.N.’s annual summit on climate action. They’re trying to hammer out a plan for how to transition the world away from fossil fuels. But the tough work of actually implementing that plan, if one emerges, won’t be done in most places by prime ministers and presidents. It will fall to leaders who are closer to the ground, like mayors. More than 250 governors and mayors are at COP 28 now. Six are from the U.S., and one of them is Barbara Buffaloe, who is the mayor of Columbia, Mo., and Mayor Buffaloe is with us now from Dubai. Mayor, hello. Thank you so much for joining us.

MARTIN: People are always mad when mayors travel. They’re, you know, and, I mean, somebody’s always mad.


MARTIN: They’re like, why aren’t you here to do this thing – this one thing.


MARTIN: But one of the reasons that people do travel is so that they can get ideas and inspiration from their colleagues around the country or around the world who are dealing with similar things.

BUFFALOE: Exactly.

Yeah, they can hold Zoom calls for that. No need to blow out of your city, unless you’re looking for a nice taxpayer funded working vacation.

Read: All Sorts Of Elected Officials Take Long Fossil Fueled Trips To Dubai »

If All You See…

…is orange juice from oranges that will soon grow in Siberia, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Moonbattery, with a post on illegals leaving a national monument covered in feces.

Read: If All You See… »

SCNY Mayor Adams Says SCNYers Mad About All The Illegals In SCNY

It’s a real shame when people are forced to practice their beliefs, eh?

NYC Mayor Adams says New Yorkers ‘angry’ over migrant crisis as he heads to DC

New York City Mayor Eric Adams says that New Yorkers “need help” with the sanctuary city’s migrant crisis and are “angry” at the federal government as he traveled to Washington D.C. to meet with congressional leaders and appeal for more federal aid.

“We need help,” Adams said on the plane to D.C., adding that “New Yorkers are angry.”

“The asylum seeker crisis is a national problem and it needs a national solution,” he said.

Why would they be angry? They proclaimed their love for illegals by voting Democrat and making NYC a sanctuary city. Shouldn’t they be dancing in the streets and celebrating? I’m sure this national solution to the national problem includes shutting the borders as much as possible, deporting all those who are here who do not qualify for asylum, ending the asylum system, and ending the practice of bringing in large groups of refugees from countries that hate America and refuse to assimilate, right?

Adams has claimed it is a problem that the federal government should be dealing with. On Thursday, outside of Capitol Hill, Adams said that the city needs “a real decompression strategy” involving more migrants being given the right to work. He also said that he and other mayors who have called for more aid from the federal government are expanding their coalition.

Sounds like SCNY needs a whole lot more illegals shipped in. Meanwhile

(The Hill) An overwhelming majority of New York City voters are concerned about accommodating migrants, according to a new poll.

The latest Quinnipiac University poll found that 85 percent of New York City voters are either very concerned or somewhat concerned that the city will not be able to accommodate the surge in migrants who have sought sanctuary in the city. City officials have been sounding the alarm on the migrant crisis for months, warning that they do not have the resources to meet the demand.

In addition, 62 percent of voters said they agreed with New York City Mayor Eric Adams’s statement from September, where he said that an influx of migrants will “destroy” the city. Another 33 percent said they disagreed.

Bummer. Perhaps they should have thought about the consequences beforehand?

Read: SCNY Mayor Adams Says SCNYers Mad About All The Illegals In SCNY »

Bummer: Only Half Of Youts Can Pick The RightThink Definition Of ‘Climate Change’

What is climate? It’s the long term averages of the weather. Those change over time. Sometimes it is a cooling period, sometimes a warming period. The debate is on causation. In Climate Cult world, though

Only half of young people have clear idea of climate change: poll

While most children and young people have heard of climate change, only half of them understand what it is, a new poll shows.

On average, 85 percent of young people aged 15-24 surveyed in 55 countries said they have heard of climate change, yet only 50 percent chose the correct definition, according to a poll by the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and Gallup, whose results were released on Thursday.

The young people were asked to select between “seasonal changes in weather that occur every year” and “more extreme weather events and a rise in average world temperatures resulting from human activity” to gauge their knowledge of climate change.

The “more extreme changes” response was the correct answer as defined in the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. The poll was released as world leaders are gathering in Dubai for this year’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP28).

Man, it’s a real shame when the indoctrination can only hit 50% on what is a non-scientific definition meant to scare people.

“Young people have been some of the biggest heroes in driving action to address the impact of climate change,” said UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell in a press release. “They have been calling for climate action on the streets or in meeting rooms, and we need to do even more to ensure that all children and young people understand the crisis that hangs over their future.”

No, some have been calling for changes (and then take long fossil fueled trips to climate conferences while wearing tons of fast fashion). The rest seem to only pay lip-service as they’re too busy doing challenges and dances on TikTok and taking fossil fueled trips to take selfies.

Read: Bummer: Only Half Of Youts Can Pick The RightThink Definition Of ‘Climate Change’ »

IDF Forces A Whole Bunch Of Hamas Members To Surrender

At least 150 of them felt pretty good when they were attacking civilians, but, when it’s an actual fighting force?

Footage shows numerous Gaza terror suspects who apparently surrendered to IDF troops

Several clips and photos circulating on social media Thursday showed dozens of Palestinians rounded up by the Israel Defense Forces in Gaza after apparently surrendering to troops, as the military pressed its campaign in the territory.

The men, suspected of involvement with Hamas and other terror groups, were seen stripped down to their underwear, blindfolded, and with their hands tied behind their backs, being held by Israeli troops in Palestine Square in Gaza City, in Jabaliya, and in other areas in the northern Strip.

In one clip, a group was seen being transported in the back of Israeli military vehicles.

IDF Spokesperson Daniel Hagari appeared to confirm in his evening briefing that the men had surrendered to the army, in response to a question on the matter.

Raping, torturing, and killing unarmed women and babies is easy, makes them feel tough. Then they face armed soldiers

Of course, all the Hamas supporters and Jew haters are claiming these men are actually civilians, some dragged out of schools (you know, the schools hiding Hamas weapons and control centers). If they’d all surrender and release the hostages unharmed this could all end.

Read: IDF Forces A Whole Bunch Of Hamas Members To Surrender »

Surprise: UN Climate Scientists Demand Power To Implement Whatever The Hell They Want

I remember back in 2004 and for quite a bit after that people said I was nuts to focus on the authoritarian politics of anthropogenic global warming, which was redubbed ‘climate change’. They said “this is about science, and the Warmists say it is mostly/solely caused by Mankind, and we say it’s not.” I said “it doesn’t matter causation, the global left is using the issue to attempt to force their Stateism on everyone. It’s about power, just like most things from the left. They will force you to comply.” And here we have more proof

We need power to prescribe climate policy, IPCC scientists say

Senior climate experts are calling for an overhaul of the structure and powers of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in despair at the slow pace of climate action.

Five lead authors of IPCC reports told the Guardian that scientists should be given the right to make policy prescriptions and, potentially, to oversee their implementation by the 195 states signed up to the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC).

Their call came after it emerged that the United Arab Emirates had been planning to use its position as Cop28 host to strike oil and gas deals .

Sonia Seneviratne, an IPCC vice-chair and coordinating lead author since 2012, said: “At some point we need to say that if you want to achieve this aim set by policymakers then certain policies need to be implemented.

“As climate change becomes worse and worse, it is becoming more difficult to be policy relevant without being prescriptive.”

Let’s go to the dictionary

A prescriptive approach to something involves telling people what they should do, rather than simply giving suggestions or describing what is done.

Do you need more evidence as to what this is really about?

Gert-Jan Nabuurs, a coordinating lead author on three IPCC reports, said: “The IPCC’s critical, independent and guiding roles seem to be less and less evident. As they decline, countries seem to be exerting a larger and larger influence.”

The problem for authors was that “we can’t be policy prescriptive, so we can’t make hard statements on what should be done”, he said.

How dare countries have their own policies. Kinda gives the One World Government folks something to hang their hat on, eh? The Left is not really on the left of the political scale: the further left you go the less government. These folks are to the far, far right, wanting dictatorial government.

Read: Surprise: UN Climate Scientists Demand Power To Implement Whatever The Hell They Want »

If All You See…

…is hazy day due to carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Theo Spark, with a post on a cartoon roundup.

Read: If All You See… »

USA Today Worries Biden’s Support Of Israel Could Cost Him 2024

Why is Biden supporting Israel over the terrorist supporting Palestinians? Let’s give him the benefit of the doubt and say he knows who the good guys are and who the bad guys are

Biden’s seemingly one-sided support of Israel could cost him the election in 2024

President Joe Biden’s reelection prospects could be tied to how Democrats – in particular progressives – and Arab and Muslim Americans view his performance during and after the Israel-Hamas war that erupted on Oct. 7.

While Arabs and Muslims in this country have all along been supportive of Palestinians, mainstream Democrats have become more sympathetic to Palestinians than Israelis only over the past decade.

These voters have been angered by Biden’s seemingly one-sided support of Israel and his refusal to call for a permanent cease-fire in the fighting between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip.

The majority of those supported Biden’s presidential bid in 2020.

So the choice is between supporting Israel, an ally and a nation that is continually attacked by Islamic terrorists with the stated goal of kicking out all Jews and turning it into a caliphate, or the people that want to turn it into a caliphate?

Based on an analysis by The Washington Post, “Biden’s handling of the war threatens to diminish enthusiasm for him among young voters ahead of the 2024 election.”

These are Generation Z (born between 1997 and 2012) and millennial voters (born between 1981 and 1986). If we are to combine those voters with Arab and Muslim American voters as well as progressives, Biden could lose his reelection bid.

Another survey from Democratic pollster Lake Research Partners, found that only 16% of Arab and Muslim Democrats in the key swing state of Michigan would vote for Biden if the presidential election were held today, according to NBC News.

But, will they really stay home and not vote for Biden and, by extension, the other Democrats on the ballot? Or just vote for the other Democrats and not Biden? Will they push to replace Biden with someone friendlier to Islamic extremists? Will Biden do something like bring in a ton of Palestinians “refugees”, including those who support a State Department designated terrorist organization, to shore up his support? I have my doubts. Democrats will get out and vote for their candidates no matter what. Especially if Trump is his opponent.

Read: USA Today Worries Biden’s Support Of Israel Could Cost Him 2024 »

Episcopals Super Excited To Force Other People To Be Part Of Climate Cult

Is it allowable for Protestant denominations to worship God and also be part of a cult?

Episcopal delegates share, seek solutions at UN conference to solve climate change crisis

St. GretaThe United Nations is six days into its annual climate change conference, and Episcopal delegates have been busy advocating for stronger public and private actions to help solve the global climate crisis.

Since Nov. 30, a record 90,000 registered world leaders, policymakers, climate scientists, activists, corporate executives and interfaith representatives have been participating in the 28th U.N. Conference of Parties of the Framework Convention on Climate Change, or simply, COP28. Of the 21 Episcopal delegates participating on behalf of Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, nine of them are attending the conference in person. The remaining 12 delegates are participating virtually. COP28, underway in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, will conclude on Dec. 12.

Wait, 90K? I remember the days just 15 years ago when it was only about 10K. And, how did these 9 delegates travel to Dubai?

Susie Faria, policy analyst for the church’s Washington, D.C.-based Office of Government Relations, is traveling to Dubai to attend the second half of COP28 in person. She said she’ll be paying particular attention to what U.S. State Department officials and members of Congress attending the conference will say.

“I’m going to be keeping an eye on what the United States is doing … and then seeing how we can then find out the middle ground between what they speak on, and then what the church believes in, and working towards helping shape policy to reflect those goals ultimately,” she told Episcopal News Service.

Shouldn’t the church be focusing on Bible stuff, not a cult?

COP28 is the first conference to include a faith pavilion, where participants can engage in faith-based sessions with stakeholders, political delegations and other leaders to promote climate action. The Episcopal Diocese of California is one of more than 50 faith organizations that collaborated to establish the faith pavilion.

Oh, good, more religions forgetting what they’re about, buying into what the cult is selling.

Episcopal delegate Logan Crews, a seminarian at Yale Divinity School who served this summer as an Episcopal Church Ecojustice Fellow, will virtually participate in the second half of COP28. Crews told ENS he’s particularly interested in joining any event that involves young people’s voices.

“I think that the other delegates and I have a sense of urgency that is severely lacking in a lot of places within environmental justice work and climate work,” Crews said. “Everyone who is paying any attention to COP28 hopefully has an understanding that the climate is unraveling at a speed that we’re struggling to catch up with — and hopefully they know that that’s a big concern for humanity — but I don’t think anyone knows it like the young people who are preparing for a long future ahead that is going to be marked by climate change like no other generation. I think that gives us a sense of urgency, a sense of responsibility that is slightly different.”

Essentially, they’re driving parishioners away by forgetting to worship God. It’s not even a case of “Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and to God what belongs to God.” They are giving what belongs to God to Caesar, ie, the climate cult and it’s links to Government.

Read: Episcopals Super Excited To Force Other People To Be Part Of Climate Cult »

Israel Haters In UN Try And Force Ceasefire As Israel Finds Massive Hamas Weapons Stockpile

And you’ll never guess where they found it….well, you probably can guess, since you know what the terrorists do

IDF finds one of the largest Gaza weapons stockpiles ever near school, hospital

The IDF engaged hundreds of Hamas terrorists and terror targets and discovered one of the largest weapons stockpiles ever found in the Gaza Strip over the past twenty-four hours the military said on Wednesday.

The IDF said that it had found one of the largest weapons stockpiles in the history of its operations in Gaza, an arsenal containing hundreds of missiles, launchers, long-range rockets, anti-tank missiles, UAVs, and explosives.

The massive weapons cache was located near a hospital and a school, the IDF reported. (snip)

The IDF stated that all of the ordnance was found in the vicinity of densely populated civilian areas, citing the discovery as “further evidence of the cynical use that the Hamas terrorist organization makes of the residents of the Gaza Strip as human shields.”

So, of course the UN chief does this

The head of the United Nations has invoked a “rarely used” rule in an attempt to avert a “humanitarian catastrophe” in Gaza.

In a Dec. 6 letter, Secretary-General António Guterres invoked Article 99 of the U.N. Charter, which allows him to refer urgent matters to the Security Council, made up of member states.

It is the first time Guterres, a Portuguese diplomat, has used the article since he took office in 2017.

“Since the start of Israel’s military operation, more than 15,000 people have reportedly been killed, over 40 percent of whom were children,” Guterres wrote in the letter addressed to the Security Council.

“Facing a severe risk of collapse of the humanitarian system in Gaza, I urge the Council to help avert a humanitarian catastrophe (and) appeal for a humanitarian ceasefire to be declared,” Guterres added.

So, who would vote for this? Would the US, Canada, UK, or France? China and Russia would most likely vote against Israel. Japan may well vote in Israel’s favor. Same with Switzerland. But, what about the rest, being Albania, Brazil, Ecuador, Gabon, Ghana, Malta, Mozambique, and the United Arab Emirates? And, if there are enough votes to demand a ceasefire, and none of the permanent members squash it, will Israel say “piss off”?

Read: Israel Haters In UN Try And Force Ceasefire As Israel Finds Massive Hamas Weapons Stockpile »

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