Climactivists Demand Fossil Fuels And After Taking Long Fossil Fueled Trips To Fossil Fueled Nation

Not a one seems capable of processing their own hypocrisy

Activists demand end to fossil fuels at COP28 climate summit

Activists protested over the presence of the oil, gas and coal industry at the COP28 U.N. summit in Dubai on Tuesday, while demanding an end to the use of fossil fuels, which are the major source cause of climate change.

Several dozen activists called for “climate justice”, and carried banners that read “Just + Equitable, Fossil Fuel Phase Out, Stop Fueling the Fire” at the demonstrations, where participants were typically outnumbered by onlookers.

OK, let’s end the use of fossil fuels for the protesters. How will they get home?

While past U.N. climate talks have sparked huge protest rallies, including 2021’s COP26 in Glasgow and 2015’s COP21 in Paris, this year’s demonstrations have been muted in host United Arab Emirates, where freedom of expression is limited.

The U.N. and UAE are allowing pre-approved protests to take place at the COP28 venue and there have been none so far outside the site. Activists taking part in COP28 demonstrations have said they feel stifled and have commented on a lack of presence from any grassroots, local civil society.

“We want to demand an end to all fossil fuels, including abated and unabated,” Zimbabwean activist Lorraine Chiponda, 37, told Reuters after speaking at one of the demonstrations.

Will she be walking or riding a bike back to Zimbabwe?

Colombian activist Andres Gomez, 47, travelled from South America to take part in COP28. He said the transition had to be “equitable” which meant big polluters acting first.

Indigenous activist Thomas Joseph from California said he was worried that the fossil fuel industry was “leading the negotiations” towards a “business as usual” result.

Meanwhile, Filipino activist Jainno Congon, 24, said carbon capture technologies advocated by some were a “dangerous distraction” and a “fake solution” to tackle climate change.

How are they getting home? How’d they get there?

Read: Climactivists Demand Fossil Fuels And After Taking Long Fossil Fueled Trips To Fossil Fueled Nation »

Israel Raises Threat Level For Jews Traveling To Other Countries

It’s amazing how many 1st World nations have been added to the list because anti-Semitism is running rampant

Israel raises threat level against travel to 80 countries due to Gaza war

The threat level has been raised in 80 countries for Israelis as a result of the Gaza war, according to a new list published by the National Security Council.

“Since the beginning of the war, we have identified increased efforts by Iran and its proxies, including Hamas and Global Jihad factions, to harm Israeli and Jewish targets around the world,” the NSC said in a statement.

“At the same time, there is a constant and significant rise in incitement, attempted attacks, and manifestations of antisemitism in many countries,” it explained.

“We can’t say don’t go, what we can say is that Israelis should weigh where they go,” an NSC official said.

There is an unprecedented level of potential violence either due to terror attempts or rising antisemitism and those who travel must take that into account, the official stated.

It’s not really surprising. Those who hate Israel and Jews have done a great job over the past 30 years to paint them in a negative light, especially Progressives and Islamists who are following the Muslim Brotherhood playbook. They really do not paint the Palestinians in the wrong, and always take the side of the terrorists and terror supporting nations like Iran

It’s rather disturbing that a goodly chunk of European nations are on the map, along with Australia and Tasmania. And so many in South America. It’s wild that Columbia is considered safer than England. Good on so many SE Asia nations, like Vietnam and Cambodia. Of course, why are so many European nations dangerous? Well, they’ve let in gobs of fighting age males from Islamist nations, along with some women who have lots of babies and are taught to hate Israel, Jews, and, heck, Western nations, including their host nations.


Report: Hamas Tranquilized Freed Hostages to Make Them Seem Happy

Relatives of freed Israeli hostages, and an official from Israel’s health ministry, told a parliamentary committee in the Knesset on Tuesday that Hamas drugged the hostages with tranquilizer pills before their release to make them seem happy and relaxed.

The Times of Israel reported Tuesday:

A Health Ministry representative tells the Knesset Health Committee that the hostages freed from Hamas captivity were given tranquilizer pills before being handed over to the Red Cross for transfer to Israel. The drugging would have aimed to make the hostages appear calm, happy and upbeat after suffering physical abuse, deprivation and psychological terror for more than 50 days in Gaza.

Dr. Hagar Mizrahi, head of the Health Ministry’s medical division, specifically names the drug Clonazepam. Known as Clonex in Israel and sold under the brand names Klonopin and Rivotril elsewhere, the drug is used to prevent and treat anxiety disorders, seizures, bipolar mania, agitation associated with psychosis, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I’m sure the same people who are saying that the women weren’t raped, or just don’t care, won’t care about this, after saying it looked like Hamas took good care of the hostages.

Read: Israel Raises Threat Level For Jews Traveling To Other Countries »

GenZ Climate Cultists Say They’d Give Up Vaping To Stop Climate Doom

No, really

From the link

Generation Z might finally be ready to put down their vapes, but not for the reason you’d expect.

The war on vapes has been going on for some time, with young people constantly being warned about the health risks, and yet they’ve been rising in popularity, not sinking.

There’s a movement taking over on TikTok encouraging young people to stop vaping to show solidarity with the people of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Creator Kristina, 25, amassed millions of views when she said she was quitting vaping after learning about the child labour and slave like conditions taking place in the Congo mines.

Modern electronics like computers, smartphones, and disposal vapes are often powered by cobalt; a large amount of the world’s supply is mined in the Congo, and it has been reported that conditions are so bad they conflict with basic human rights for workers.

Yeah, all those EVs the Elites are pushing. The Democrats that GenZ votes for

When Kristina discovered this she announced that she was “f**king quitting” before explaining that consumerism was to blame for the issues happening in the Congo.

OK, so, quit. That’s it. No need to make a big deal and demand everyone else quit. And, notice, she and all the others agreeing with her are making it about themselves, not the children forced to mine.

Kristina said she felt “disgusted” to discover that and wanted to make an effort to consume less, so, she’d come to the conclusion she needed to quit vaping,

“Look up what is going on in the Congo right now, and you look at your vape, I swear you’ll never see it the same,” she reasoned.

But, she does have a point about all the child labor being used to get all the precious metals for all the batteries, and more will be needed for the EV push. You can bet she and the rest will still vote for those pushing the green scam.

Read: GenZ Climate Cultists Say They’d Give Up Vaping To Stop Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is an area flooded by carbon pollution driven Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Independent Sentinel, with a post on an appeals court suspending a meme maker’s sentence.

Read: If All You See… »

Shady Gold Bars Found In Menendez’s Home: When Does GOP Boot Him From Congress?

It’s long been known that Robert Menendez was shady, beyond the norm for a member of Congress. He’s already in serious criminal trouble, and now

From the link

Four of the gold bars Sen. Bob Menendez stashed at his home were previously stolen from the businessman accused of bribing the New Jersey Democrat, according to a report.

The serial numbers on some of the gold found by the FBI during a June 2022 raid of Menendez’s Englewood Cliffs, NJ, home match identifiers that Fred Daibes reported to police after a 2013 armed robbery, according to NBC News. (snip)

Menendez, 69, was hit with federal corruption charges in September related to an alleged years-long bribery scheme.

The US Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York charged Menendez and his wife, Nadine, 56, with three conspiracy counts in connection with what prosecutors call a “corrupt bribery agreement” that benefited the couple, three New Jersey businessmen – Daibes, Wael Hana and Jose Uribe – and the government of Egypt. (snip)

Menendez has vehemently denied any wrongdoing and has refused to resign from the Senate, despite numerous calls for him to do so, even from fellow Democrats.

OK, he won’t resign: when is the vote held to expel Menendez? The GOP was hot to trot to expel George Santos, who got caught doing shady things (most members of Congress are shady, they just weren’t caught), even though Santos hasn’t been convicted. Where are the calls for Menendez to be booted?

(Miami Herald) During an interview on ”The View” shortly after the House of Representatives’ vote, Sen. John Fetterman, a Pennsylvania Democrat, said he was “not surprised” by Santos’ removal.

“But to me, I think the more important picture is that we have a colleague in the Senate that actually (did) much more sinister and serious kinds of things,” Fetterman said, naming Sen. Bob Menendez, a New Jersey Democrat.

“He needs to go,” Fetterman said. “If you are going to expel Santos, how can you allow somebody like Menendez to remain in the Senate?”

When? It takes two-thirds to boot him under Article 1 Section 5. When does the voted take place?

Read: Shady Gold Bars Found In Menendez’s Home: When Does GOP Boot Him From Congress? »

Unshockingly, Climate (scam) Reporter Is Fine With All The Fossil Fueled Travel To COP28

There’s always an Excuse for high end climate cult members. Changed lives, mostly by government fiat, is only for Other People

Climate change reporter defends world leaders flying to Dubai: ‘Can’t do a Zoom call with 190 countries’

The senior climate reporter for Axios insisted on Sunday that world leaders must fly in rather than meet virtually in order to “move the needle” at the latest climate change summit.

The United Nations’ COP28 kicked off on Thursday with several prominent figures such as John Kerry, the president’s special climate envoy, flying to attend in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

While world leaders and climate advocates have frequently been called out for their hypocrisy in using carbon-emitting planes, often private, to attend these gatherings, climate reporter Andrew Freedman defended it as necessary.

“To all those complaining about world leaders flying to attend a mtg on climate change, you’re not saying anything original. Fact is, ya can’t do a zoom call with 190 countries, and face to face talks move the needle the most,” Freedman wrote on X.

Sure they could. But, then they couldn’t rub elbows with fellow leaders and all the unelected bureaucrats wouldn’t have a taxpayer funded working vacation as they attempt to control Other People’s lives.

I’ve pretty much been saying that since 2004. I love that more and more are recognizing that this is not about science. Heck, even if Mankind was mostly/solely at fault for a minor increase in global temperatures, why are almost all the solutions about government control and reducing liberty, freedom, and life choices while taking more and more money from citizens?

Read: Unshockingly, Climate (scam) Reporter Is Fine With All The Fossil Fueled Travel To COP28 »

Top Hamas Official Threatens Israel With Even Worse Than October 7 Soon

And people wonder why Israel has had enough and is going berserker on Hamas

Top Hamas Official Warns ‘War of Liberation’ Surpassing October 7 Massacre Is Imminent

A “war of liberation” surpassing the unprecedented October 7 terror attacks is coming soon, vowed a senior Hamas official who expressed no regrets over the U.S.-designated terrorist group’s brutal massacre in Israel — the deadliest against Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust — which saw the torture, rape, execution, immolation, and abduction of hundreds of Israelis of all ages, mostly civilians, and dozens of Americans.

Hamas political bureau member Osama Hamdan made the remarks during a broadcast Wednesday on the Lebanese media outlet Bel Moubashar Online.

During the interview, which was translated and published by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), Hamdan was asked if he would repeat the October 7 massacre if given the opportunity to go back, to which he responded: “Why would some people assume that we would go back on our acts of resistance?”

He also expressed no regret for “shattering an entire division of the occupation army.”

Hamdan then said he could “promise that a war of liberation is coming, not just another October 7,” adding that he thinks such an event is not far off.

Easy for him to say, seeing as he’s hiding in Beirut. This same Islamist said “no to the existence of Israel” back in mid-October, because, really, that is the default and stated position of Hamas.

Perhaps the media should be asking all the Hamas/Palestinian supporters in the US and other 1st World countries what they mean by “liberation”, when they say things like “Palestine will be liberated.” Because Hamdan is saying exactly what the Palestinians mean.

Not shocking at all. They’ve been taught to hate Israel and to support hardcore Islam.

Read: Top Hamas Official Threatens Israel With Even Worse Than October 7 Soon »

Tackling The Climate Crisis (scam) Unless You Have Your Consumption Limited

It’s funny how it always comes down to forcing you peasants to comply, while 70,000 Warmists, including lots and lots of Elites flying via private jet, take long fossil fueled trips to a climate conference in a country who’s GDP is mostly petroleum

Why Tackling Climate Change Through Consumption May Be Harder Than It Seems

There are many ways to frame the root causes of the climate crisis. Fossil fuels, big emitters like the U.S. and China, and high-carbon industries like air travel and shipping often tend to get blamed.

But there remains a significant elephant in the room in the climate blame game: runaway consumption. Household consumption is responsible for more than 60% of global emissions. And, yet, framing the climate challenge around consumption can upset a range of stakeholders. Businesses worry that talking about a crisis of consumption could harm the prospects of growth. Activists and civil society worry that talking about consumption in the wrong ways risks putting the onus of addressing climate change on consumers.

To help break through this communication log jam and address the elephant in the room, I moderated a Dec. 3 TIME100 Talks discussion on the sidelines of the U.N. climate talks taking place in Dubai. “Humans need food, shelter, clothing, but we have to consume to survive, but it is about consuming differently,” said Ellen Jackowski, chief sustainability officer at Mastercard. Consuming differently requires a mindset shift—for both consumers and businesses.

Yeah, so, they all took fossil fueled trips to Dubai, and one of the people they talked with is rich and certainly gets paid a boatload by Mastercard for this silliness. To tell you that your life must be limited to stop global boiling.

On the consumer side, research has shown that a significant share of consumers—the exact percentage depends on who you ask—are interested in buying sustainable products. But, today, there is limited information publicly available to help inform them. That’s changing rapidly as companies explore ways to make sustainability data easily accessible—think of QR codes next to the product in a store, or next to various options on online shopping sites. Research has shown that incorporating this information into the market place and creating a so-called “green nudge” shapes consumer behavior. Still, most people won’t make the sustainability of a purchase their top priority. To make sustainable products better, a growing group of businesses say they emphasize that sustainable products can have better value for the purchaser—think of a longer lifespan for a piece of clothing.

The Elites certainly do not take it into account, as they buy McMansions, travel in private planes and mega-yachts, and stay in cushy hotels, while buying lots of clothes and shoes and such

But mass consumption is not an issue that can be solved solely—or even primarily by consumers. Most consumer facing companies have built their entire business model on selling more things, and to truly address mass consumption would require them to search for profits elsewhere. Eva Kruse, chief global engagement officer at sustainable fashion company Pangaia, described it to me as a “difficult” but critical question: “How do you make new services or models where you can grow in value, not volume?”

How do you do it? Government force, of course. Which will only hurt you peasants. Interestingly, as the Warmists and eco-loons have pushed their agenda things do not last like they used to. You could buy a washer and dryer 20 years ago and it would be fine. Nowadays they do not last long. And the people make the rules usually fail to follow them.

Read: Tackling The Climate Crisis (scam) Unless You Have Your Consumption Limited »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on car dealers saying “no” on Biden’s forced EV push.

Read: If All You See… »

Illegal Aliens Dying At Record Rates Thanks To Biden/Democrat Policies

Democrats keep supporting illegal immigration, so, illegals keep attempting to come to the United States. Biden makes it as easy as possible for illegals to cross the border. And the results?

Migrant Deaths at Texas Border Crossing Jump 2,383% Over Last Six Years

More migrants are dying at the United States-Mexico border in El Paso, Texas, than at any other time in the past 25 years, with more women losing their lives and agencies lacking capacity to identify all those lost, according to a report out Friday.

One hundred and forty nine migrants died in the El Paso sector in the year to the end of September, according to the El Paso Times, marking a 2,383% increase over the six deaths recorded six years ago. Some Border Patrol officers are finding two or three bodies per day, according to the report.

The headline is a little misleading, as it attempts quietly to say things were bad under Trump. But, this is all on Biden

The United States Customs and Border Protection sector includes all of New Mexico, but the number of fatalities recorded does not include those who died across the border in neighboring Juárez before they could make it into the U.S.

Residents of New Mexico have stumbled on bodies in the desert, the outlet reported, while workers have had to get used to the smell of decaying bodies found in the Rio Grande.

Children have discovered bodies in backyards, while horse riders have also spotted bodies propped up on the side of the road.

The report said the number of women dying more than doubled from 2022 and tripled on 2021’s numbers.

Biden has a weekend off for that. He’s happy that tens of thousands more are making it the US just fine. Of course, the blame for the illegals dying is the United States

“I don’t remember a time when things were like this and not feeling any hope as I look toward the future,” Ruben Garcia, the executive director of El Paso’s Annunciation House, which provides assistance to migrants, told the Times.

“Where is the humanity? Where are the ethics? The morality? The justice in all of these human beings who are dying in the desert?,” he continued. “In order to respond, your soul has to be moved. Then you discover there aren’t a lot of people in government who operate in response to that.” (snip)

“The number of deaths is horrific,” U.S. Rep. Veronica Escobar, D-Texas, told the Times. “And the way that people are dying is equally horrific. From my perspective, it is proof that deterrence at the border does not work. It does not stop migration. It only makes migration deadlier.(snip)

“Make no mistake, the rise in migrant deaths is neither circumstantial nor purely accidental, but due to the ill-conceived border enforcement strategies and operations happening at our southern border,” Fernando Garcia, executive director of the Border Network for Human Rights, told The Messenger.

In other words, they blame the US for actually having policies, like pretty much every other nation, which limits immigration and attempts to stop people at the border. Yet, these same Democrats freak out when people like Texas Governor Greg Abbott ships busload after busload to Democrat run areas.

Read: Illegal Aliens Dying At Record Rates Thanks To Biden/Democrat Policies »

Pirate's Cove