Taking Selfies Is Considered A “Public Health Problem”

Even after the selfie generation has seen lots of people getting hurt and even dying while taking selfies and videos, they continue to do it with utter disregard of their safety

Taking selfies is now considered a ‘public health problem,’ requires ‘safety messaging,’ say researchers

unintended consequencesThe taking of selfies is now considered legitimately dangerous.

A review by the University of New South Wales concluded that taking selfies could actually pose a “public health problem.”

Referencing data from multiple peer-reviewed studies in both the U.S. and Australia since 2011, the review was published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research in September of this year.

Selfie-related deaths at aquatic locations stood out as the most concerning incidents — including photo-taking at scenic and photogenic areas.

The general use of smartphones and apps is dangerous, the research pointed out, but four of the five peer-reviewed studies identified falls from heights due to selfie-taking as the most common cause of injury and death.

Drowning was identified as the second most common cause of death.

The study, though, didn’t really look at injuries on man-made structures or trains or stuff. And that’s leaving a lot of injuries and deaths out of the mix. How about those stupid vids where they record themselves getting out of their car to dance next to it, which often turns out badly? Where they’re dancing on tables or something and crash down? Just generally doing dumb things which get them hurt for the camera? I do not know about you, but, we rarely did dumb things like that when I was growing up and through my 20’s.

The people getting hurt the most are women, and the mean age is 22. “All for the ‘gram” is a dangerous saying. They all have to take photos of themselves at places, rather than just of the places, and, because they’ll take lots to get the perfect one, they put themselves in a bad place. Recently, I’ve seen lots of articles about “mourists” (moron and tourist) getting messed up because they got too close to wildlife.

The study concluded that the public health problem should require a “public health risk communication response.”

“To date, little attention has been paid to averting selfie-related incidents through behavior change methodologies or direct messaging to users, including through social media apps,” the authors concluded.

It’ll work as well as “don’t do drugs” and “stop signs mean stop”. They’d have to catch kids at a young age and hope the advice works for 10-20 years down the road. They’d probably have to teach kids how stupid it all looks.

Risk reduction methods have included “no selfie zones,” physical barriers, signage and information about dangerous zones provided on social media.

The research revealed, however, that these risk mitigation efforts haven’t been enough to prevent accidents.

What do you call an accident where you’ve put yourself in a bad situation? If you’re blowing stop signs and get hurt, that’s on you.

Fox News medical contributor Dr. Marc Siegel, of NYU Langone, was not involved in the study review. But he agreed that selfie-related accidents constitute a public health crisis.

The issue doesn’t just lie in physical injury, he said via email to Fox News Digital; it also introduces the “unhealthy psychological aspects of taking a pause from actually living life to take a freeze-frame of it.”

Siegel added, “This involves an emotional cost as well, and is an unhealthy extension of our celebrity culture and social media pressures.”

I’ve seen some of these folks, from the young to the middle age, obsess about getting the right photo, the right video. It’s not healthy mentally.

Read: Taking Selfies Is Considered A “Public Health Problem” »

NYC Looks To Make Entire Fleet EV/Net Zero By 2038

If this is so important, why wait so long?

New York City Mayor signs bill to make a major change to fleet of city vehicles: ‘This is a huge, bold step that we are taking’

In a significant move to help improve air quality in New York City and drive down planet-warming pollution, Mayor Eric Adams has signed a bill that will require all vehicles in the city’s government fleet to be electric or zero-emissions by 2038.

“This is a huge, bold step that we are taking because we are making history and taking a big, bold step towards the city’s electric future,” Adams said, per CBS News.

New York City will be the first city in the nation to implement such a strategy. In addition to improving the lives of residents affected by vehicle pollution — and reducing its impact on increasing the Earth’s temperatures — Adams said the policy would help to save $90 million in taxpayer funds in the space of four years.

“When it comes to delivering greener city vehicles, New York City is leading the charge,” said Mayor Adams in a statement. “Electric vehicles reduce emissions and make our air cleaner, helping us meet our sustainability goals and improving quality of life for countless New Yorkers.”

On one hand, this is the type of thing that a city like NYC should do: regardless of your opinion on climate doom, fossil fueled vehicles do put out lots of smog and pollutants (CO2 is not a pollutant). Yes, they are a lot cleaner than they used to be, but, in a city like NY it is all condensed into a small area. I’ve always thought that NYC should ban most private vehicles cruising around the city. Sheesh, they could go back to using more streetcars like there used to be, to supplant the subway and buses. You could also reduce engine noise.

But, of course, once you start yammering about global boiling, well, did CBS News or any outlets covering the story ask Hizzoner when he will forgo traveling in fossil fueled vehicles? It’s not like the city is spending almost $400k so Adams can travel around in fossil fueled SUVs, right?

Meanwhile, she also observed that Black, Brown, and low-income communities are among those most at risk when it comes to extreme heat or flooding exacerbated by human-caused pollution.

Of course they had to drag raaaaacism into the story, which is always interesting, as it shows just how little respect climate cultists and leftists in general think of “black and brown” people.

Read: NYC Looks To Make Entire Fleet EV/Net Zero By 2038 »

UN Official Whines, Says Israel Attacks On Gaza Are Mean

You have to wonder where all these U.N. officials were when Hamas was slaughtering, raping, torturing, and beheading Jews in Israel. And randomly launching attacks on Israel, primarily civilians, over the years. Especially since the UN has designated Hamas as a terrorist organization, but, they rarely condemn them

UN official says attacks in Gaza show ‘disregard of international humanitarian law’

Philippe Lazzarini, the commissioner-general of the United Nations (U.N.) Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees, said Sunday that recent attacks in the Gaza Strip against U.N. relief locations have shown a “disregard of international humanitarian law.”

During an appearance on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” moderator Margaret Brennan asked Lazzarini about the recent killings of about 108 U.N. staff members in the territory, asking why the death toll is so high.

“Yes, Margaret, this is definitely devastating news, and the United Nation never ever lost as many staff in such a short period in the conflict. But now it is also true, Margaret, that about 70 of our locations, sheltering more than 1 million people, have been hit since the beginning of the conflict,” Lazzarini told Brennan.

“And we had about 200 people who have been killed and … injured,” Lazzarini added. “And this despite the fact that we’re constantly deconflicting, and notifying the Israeli authorities, but also … Hamas about our location.”

If you have your people working in areas where the terrorists operate and where Israel will go after them, bad things will happen. You have to know that the UN knew about all the weapons, command centers, communication centers, etc., in areas around hospitals, schools, civilian areas. That Hamas uses civilians as human shields.

“But clearly here, this has been a blatant disregard of international humanitarian law, a blatant disregard of U.N. premises, and a blatant disregard of a civilian population,” Lazzarini said.

This would be UN premises used to support Hamas, and Lazzarini isn’t saying boo about Hamas keeping civilians around their fighters, nor Hamas killing civilians to stop them from leaving. Or that the majority of Palestinians in Gaza support a terrorist group.

And a good demonstration in London

(UK Daily Mail) There were no war cries; no thinly veiled threats of the ‘river to the sea’ variety.

Few were in the mood for chanting but when they did, there was just one chorus: ‘Bring them home.’

And 2,500 miles to the East, a four-year-old girl was among the handful who were indeed heading home – albeit to a home without the two parents executed in front of her very eyes on October 7. (snip)

Yesterday, that collective anguish finally took to the streets as the capital staged the greatest show of support for British Jews since the Battle of Cable Street in London’s East End nearly 90 years ago.

Organisers put the total figure at 105,000, nor far short of half the UK’s entire Jewish population.

Except that these were not all Jews. Far from it. The whole point of this march was for Brits of all faiths and none to show solidarity with a community enduring a ten-fold increase in anti-Semitic incidents since October 7.

This is a far cry from the imported crowd bolstered by Israel and Jew hating Brits screaming for the end of Israel, taking the side of terrorists.

Read: UN Official Whines, Says Israel Attacks On Gaza Are Mean »

If All You See…

…are horrible carbon pollution driven wildfire clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Doug Ross @ Journal, with a post on today’s Larwyn’s Linx.

It’s sundresses week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! Another fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. Maybe getting a little needed rain, the squirrels are barking and chasing, and the Devils finally had a good game after a few poor ones. This pinup is by Greg Hildebrandt, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Old Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. The O.K. Corral covers Catholic hospitals removing crosses
  2. The Other McCain discusses Geert Wilders winning
  3. The Right Scoop notes Mitt Romney’s TDS
  4. This ain’t Hell… features stupid people of the week
  5. Victory Girls Blog covers the BBC telling employees not to attend the anti-Semitism march
  6. The First Street Journal notes that wanting to protect the borders makes you “far right”
  7. Sultan Knish says there are no innocent civilians in Gaza
  8. Shot In The Dark is not impressed by the finalists to replace the Minnesota state flag
  9. Power Line notes what happened at a Queens school when a teacher stood up for Israel
  10. Pacific Pundit covers Blacks leaving the Democratic party
  11. Outside The Beltway wonders what comes next in Gaza
  12. Moonbattery covers a Catholic school inviting men with mental illness
  13. Legal Insurrection notes that parents and kids are avoiding colleges that hate Jews
  14. Geller Report shows military age men heading to Europe chanting Allahu Akbar
  15. And last, but, not least GeeeZ wonders why SCNY mayor Adams is having so many issues lately

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

AP Super Excited That Palestinian “Prisoners” Are Being Released

The AP makes it seem as if these Palestinians are political prisoners or held illegally

Palestinian prisoners start to be released and Israeli hostages return to Israel, military says

Hamas militants on Saturday released 17 hostages, including 13 Israelis, from captivity in the Gaza Strip, while Israel freed 39 Palestinian prisoners in the latest stage of a four-day cease-fire.

The cease-fire, brokered by Qatar and the United States, is the first extended break in fighting since the war began. Overall, Hamas is to release at least 50 Israeli hostages, and Israel 150 Palestinian prisoners. All are women and minors.

The late-night exchange was held up for several hours after Hamas accused Israel of violating the agreement. The delay underscored the fragility of the cease-fire, which has halted a war that has shocked and shaken Israel, caused widespread destruction across the Gaza Strip, and threatened to unleash wider fighting across the region. (snip)

In the West Bank, hundreds of people burst into wild celebrations for a second night as a busload of Palestinian prisoners arrived early Sunday. Teenage boys released in the deal were carried on the shoulders of well-wishers in the main square of the town of Al Bireh. But the mood of celebration was dampened by scenes of destruction and suffering in Gaza.

Some of the Palestinian prisoners were released in east Jerusalem, while the bulk returned home to a hero’s welcome in the occupied West Bank.

The article only mentions two of these “prisoners” way down in the article

Among those released was Nurhan Awad, who was 17 in 2016 when she was sentenced to 13 1/2 years in jail for attempting to stab an Israeli soldier with a pair of scissors.

In Jerusalem, Israeli troops evicted journalists who gathered outside the home of Israa Jaabis, who had been imprisoned since 2015 after being convicted of carrying out a bombing attack that wounded an Israeli police officer, and left Jaabis with severe burns on her face and hands.

So, criminals and terrorists. All the people Israel has detained are criminals and terrorists, including the children. When you’re attacking soldiers and civilians, there are legal consequences if caught. These are not innocent women and children.

It’s not surprising that the article takes this tone, when it was written by “JALAL BWAITEL, NAJIB JOBAIN, JOSEF FEDERMAN, SAMY MAGDY and BASSEM MROUE.” This is an AP Middle East team mostly involved with Gaza and the West Bank.

Read: AP Super Excited That Palestinian “Prisoners” Are Being Released »

Climahypocrisy: Kamala Has A Gas Stove

Aren’t Democrats around the country trying to do away with gas powered stoves? Isn’t the Brandon admin?

Kamala Harris roasted for Thanksgiving pic: ‘Is that a gas stove?’

Vice President Kamala Harris faced criticism on social media after sharing a post of her and second gentleman Doug Emhoff posing next to a gas stove on Thanksgiving despite the Biden administration’s proposal earlier this year advocating for the ban of gas stoves. (snip)

The Biden administration previously claimed it planned to ban gas stoves after U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s top leader, Richard Trumka Jr., told Bloomberg “a ban on gas stoves is on the table” over health concerns.

“This is a hidden hazard,” Trumka told Bloomberg. “Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.”

Trumka later said it would not apply to existing stoves, but only to new products.

That idea was scrapped, but it was followed by a proposed Department of Energy (DOE) regulation that would impose tough new energy efficiency standards for gas stoves.

This is typical with Warmists: it’s OK if they have/use a product deemed Bad for climate doom, but, not OK for everyone else

I’d like to see the fridge: does it have an Evil ice maker? Did they eat all the food, or was there lots of food waste? Tin foil has been declared Bad for ‘climate change’.

Read: Climahypocrisy: Kamala Has A Gas Stove »

If All You See…

…is a hazy day due to too much carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is The Lid, with a post on Democratic voters overwhelmingly approving of government censorship.

Read: If All You See… »

Democrat Run Sanctuary Cities Not Ready For Winter

It’s super easy to declare yourself a sanctuary city, refusing to cooperate with federal authorities, primarily ICE, and supporting unfettered illegal immigration. It’s something else entirely to have to put your beliefs into practice

Democratic cities brace for a nightmare winter housing migrants

Migrants in Chicago huddle on the floors of police stations and sleep in city buses kept running overnight to block out the cold. In Massachusetts, where the emergency shelter system hit capacity earlier this month, the state is converting office space into shelters and at least one local group is stockpiling sleeping bags.

And in New York, where shelters are also full, the city has taken the extraordinary steps of providing migrants one-way plane tickets to as far away as Morocco and have contemplated handing out tents to newly-arriving migrants so they can sleep in parks.

Northern cities and states that have been overwhelmed by a surge in migrants are now out of room to house them just as the weather turns cold — a potentially life-threatening situation that’s inflaming local political tensions as the Biden administration largely leaves these Democratic strongholds to fend for themselves.

“The state that took my ancestors in fleeing from pogroms in Ukraine will not allow asylum seekers to freeze to death on our doorsteps,” Gov. JB Pritzker said last week, referring to his family’s immigration to Illinois.

In Sanctuary City Chicago, today will have a high of 39. Sunday is 36 with potential for snow. Monday is 30. Have fun! You wanted all those illegals to enter the nation, now you deal with it. And for all the illegals, well, you wanted to come to the U.S. Enjoy!

A DHS official not authorized to speak publicly said about $800 million has been allocated for temporary shelter and other services through various emergency food and shelter programs.

How could $800 million help legal U.S. citizens? Quite a bit, eh?

Pritzker said at least $65 million of the new $160 million the state is investing to address its migrant surge will go toward a “winterized soft shelter site” to house up to 2,000 migrants

$160 million sure could help the citizens of Illinois, eh?

Pritzker repeated his concern that the migrant crisis is an issue requiring broader federal coordination and said Chicago officials haven’t “moved fast enough” to deal with it: “We’re stepping in here to try to help and accelerate this process.”

Hey, he’s the governor: why can he not get things done? Isn’t that his job?

“As the temperature starts to drop, it is crucial — now more than ever — that the federal government finish the job they started,” Adams’ spokesperson Kayla Mamelak Altus said in a statement. “We need meaningful financial help and a national decompression strategy. New York City cannot continue to manage a national crisis almost entirely on its own.”

Hey, he and his Democrat ilk wanted illegal immigration: now they get to deal with it. What is a “national decompression strategy”? In my mind it’s shutting the border as much as possible, turning away all illegals and people demanding asylum (no applying outside), deporting most here in the U.S., and taking a several decade pause to allow those who are here that are being allowed to stay to assimilate, just has been done many times. To Adams, it probably means lots of cash and shipping illegals elsewhere.

Meanwhile, good news: lots of Chinese are being caught crossing the border. 24,000. That we know about.

Read: Democrat Run Sanctuary Cities Not Ready For Winter »

UN Head Guterres Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Antarctica

That’s quite a bit of travel just on it’s own. He had just taken a huge fossil fueled trip to Nepal, ending up near Mt Everest, and now

‘We absolutely need to act immediately,’ says UN chief during visit to Antarctica ahead COP28

climate cowAhead of international climate talks, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres visited globally-important Antarctica, where ice that’s been frozen for millions of years is melting due to human-caused global warming, to send the message that “we absolutely need to act immediately.”

“What happens in Antarctica doesn’t stay in Antarctica,” Guterres said. In addition to reflecting lots of sunlight away from the Earth, Antarctica regulates the planet’s climate because its ice and cold waters drive major ocean currents. When massive amounts of ice melt, it raises sea levels and changes things like salinity and the habitats of ocean animals.

At the annual Conference of the Parties, known as COP, nations are supposed to strengthen commitments to addressing climate change. But so far these have not been nearly enough to slow global warming, caused by greenhouse gas emissions that result from the burning of fossil fuels.

Guterres is on a three-day official visit to the southern continent. Chilean President Gabriel Boric joined him for an official visit to Chile’s Eduardo Frei Air Force Base on King George Island. Scientists and members of the Chilean military gathered with Guterres aboard a ship where they viewed glaciers and sea birds, including penguins.

So, he’s flying all over parts of South America, certainly using fossil fueled SUVs, and fossil fueled ships. Notice that neither of the reporters (one of them was reporting from Philly, for some reason, without even being present) mention how he’s traveling, except for that one ship. And then he’ll be flying to the oil rich nation of Dubai for COP28. Will he take a sailing ship?

Seriously, what’s this “we need to act immediately” when he has a massive carbon footprint from fossil fuels?

Read: UN Head Guterres Takes Long Fossil Fueled Flight To Antarctica »

Pirate's Cove