Israel Vows To Keep Thumping Hamas After Hamas Breaks Ceasfire

Israel has had enough of caring what the Israel and Jew haters think

Israel vows to inflict ‘the mother of all thumpings’ on Hamas as ceasefire ends

Israel vowed that Hamas would “take the mother of all thumpings”, after a week-long ceasefire ended on Friday, engulfing the Gaza Strip in a new bout of fighting.

Hours into the renewed bombardment, Israel said it had struck more than 200 targets throughout the enclave, while Hamas health officials said more than 175 Palestinians had been killed.

Israel blamed the end of the truce on the Palestinian terror group, saying it had fired a rocket before the agreed pause in fighting was lifted and refused to release all women taken hostage on Oct 7.

Eylon Levy, a government spokesperson, said: “Having chosen to hold on to our women, Hamas will now take the mother of all thumpings.”

While Israeli bombing of Gaza resumed within seconds of truce expiry, sirens blared across Israel as Hamas fired rockets from the coastal enclave into a string of towns.

Hamas could end this easily by just surrendering and releasing all the hostages. They could end the war deaths of civilians if they would surrender and release all the hostages. Hamas feels emboldened by so many Useful Idiots taking Hamas’ side. I’m confident all those same Useful Idiots will be out in the streets Saturday.

Out there wearing Intifada keffiyahs and professionally created signs calling for the nation of Israel to be replaced.

Read: Israel Vows To Keep Thumping Hamas After Hamas Breaks Ceasfire »

Biden Regime Waived Development Fees For Wind Power

Now, why would they do this? I’ve been reliably informed that all sorts of companies are rushing to get involved with building tons of wind turbines, because they’re going to make a lot of money, er, save the planet

Internal docs show Biden admin waived taxpayer safeguards to boost offshore wind project

The Biden administration quietly granted a request from an energy firm developing an offshore wind project off the coast of Massachusetts to waive development fees designed to safeguard taxpayers, according to internal documents reviewed by Fox News Digital.

The Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) informed Vineyard Wind that it had waived a financial assurance for decommissioning costs fee in a June 15, 2021, letter obtained by watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust (PPT). Federal statute mandates that developers pay that fee prior to construction on their lease, a potentially hefty fee designed to guarantee federal property is returned to its original state after a lessee departs its lease.

“At the same time the Department of the Interior was looking at forcing greater and more expensive bonding requirements on holders of long-standing oil and gas leases, they were relaxing these requirements on the nation’s first utility-scale offshore wind energy producer, one that just coincidentally happened to be a client of their incoming #2,” PPT Director Michael Chamberlain told Fox News Digital.

“If you want to talk about bad optics, I don’t see how they could be any worse than right here,” he said. “For an administration touting itself as the most ethical in history, this represents yet another incident in which Secretary Haaland’s Interior appears to have a tough time living up to that standard.”

Chamberlain noted that former Deputy Interior Secretary Tommy Beadreau, the second-highest ranked official at the Department of the Interior (DOI) which houses BOEM, had, according to his 2021 financial disclosure form, previously represented Vineyard Wind on legal matters while serving as a partner at the firm Latham & Watkins.

Hmm, so, government officials looking to reap the rewards of their positions, eh? Isn’t that against the law?

“Vineyard Wind 1 represents a historic milestone for advancing our nation’s clean energy production. This project and others across the country will create robust and sustainable?economies that?lift up?communities and support good-paying jobs, while also ensuring future generations have a livable planet,” Haaland said during the ceremony on Nov. 18, 2021.

And put lots of money in his pocket.


Read: Biden Regime Waived Development Fees For Wind Power »

If All You See…

…is a bright blue sky from carbon pollution causing drought, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on a different sanctuary city.

Read: If All You See… »

Chicago Mayor Has Hissy Fit Over Protesters, Shuts Down Public Gallery

He’s not happy about those darned peasants coming around and protesting against the Chicago sanctuary city policies

Chicago Mayor Cancels Public Gallery in City Council Chambers After Public Protests of His Sanctuary City Policies

The self-professed “progressive” Mayor of Chicago Brandon Johnson is taking heat for the “antidemocratic” move of shutting down the public gallery in the city council chambers after weeks of citizens filling the gallery and vociferously protesting his sanctuary city policies.

The mayor has canceled the open-door policy for the second-floor gallery where citizens once could take a seat to watch the proceedings of the council as it debates issues, sets policies, and works to pass statutes.

In the past, the gallery was open to the public on a first-come, first-serve basis. But now, the mayor has changed the rules with a new policy where gallery seats are doled out only to those who have asked an alderman for permission to attend a session.

The change in the gallery seating policy comes after months of sometimes disruptive behavior from citizens who came to watch over the city council’s business, and in almost every case recently, the spark for that disruption was the mayor’s migrant spending plans.

Citizens will be allowed to sit in the third-floor gallery, but this small viewing platform is high above the chambers and is also behind glass where any catcalls or comments will go unheard by the council members and the mayor down below.

Well, yeah, how dare those citizens complain about all the illegal aliens messing up Chicago! And many of those complaining about all the illegals consistently vote Democrat, so, they got what they wanted. When are camps for illegals going to be put in the upper class areas of Chicago?

Brighton Park migrant tent camp construction begins, despite protests, concerns from residents

Construction to build a winterized base camp for migrants is underway in Chicago’s Brighton Park neighborhood, despite concerns and protests from concerned residents and Ald. Julia Ramirez, whose ward includes the site.

“Yesterday, GardaWorld staged materials and began placing bases for structures on the site,” a statement from Mayor Brandon Johnson’s office said Wednesday. “Today, framing will be erected for 1-2 structures and materials will continue to be laid out for additional structures.”

Photos and video taken Wednesday morning at the site show the scale of the project, with massive cranes working to put up the framing.

The Brighton Park area is mostly a low income area, with over 58% in that category. 83% identify as Latino, so, of course Johnson sends the illegals there, rather than toney areas like Hyde Park, Forest Glen, Lincoln Park, etc.

Texas Gov. Abbott vows more migrants to NYC and other cities until Biden ‘secures the border’

Texas has bused nearly 70,000 migrants to so-called sanctuary cities and will continue to do so until President Biden “secures the border,” Gov. Greg Abbott warned Wednesday.

More than one-third of migrants bused out of Texas – 25,000 – were routed to New York City under a state border security and burden-sharing effort launched by the Republican governor in 2021, dubbed Operation Lone Star.

“Texas will bus migrants to sanctuary cities until Biden secures the border,” Abbott wrote in an Instagram story post on Wednesday, sharing the latest breakdown of which cities have received the most migrants from the Texas busing program.

“Over 12,500 to DC. Over 25,000 to New York City. Over 20,000 to Chicago. Over 3,200 to Philadelphia. Over 7,400 to Denver. Over 1,100 to Los Angeles,” the governor noted, adding, “Our mission provides vital relief to border towns.”

Keep sending them, Greg, keep sending them!

Read: Chicago Mayor Has Hissy Fit Over Protesters, Shuts Down Public Gallery »

Warmists Really Want Government To Go Heavy With Carbon Credits

Carbon credits have been around for a long time. They make a whole bunch of people, like Al Gore, rich, and allow the rich folks to keep living their big carbon footprint lives by essentially paying a fine. Many big companies pay them to greenwash their operations, and, really, they’re a scam. How many trees really get planted?

Opinion: Leaders at COP28 already have this strong weapon to fight climate change. They should use it.

Politics has been called the art of the possible. Yet regarding climate change, this adage is flipped on its head — it’s the art of the impossible.

As the world prepares for COP 28, the 28th United Nations Climate Summit, we desperately need to shift our efforts to immediate, bold action that’s possible now. And far from diminishing our ambition, focusing on available actions can get the world back on track to make the impossible possible.(snip)

Among the many possible actions, we need “all of the above” to reduce emissions. Yet, few strategies offer as much opportunity for global, scalable, short-term benefit as carbon markets.

For governments, markets bring flexibility that can reduce the cost of meeting their commitments under the Paris Agreement by $250 billion per year in 2030, growing to a total of $21 trillion of mitigation cost savings between 2020 and 2050. These savings can be reinvested into climate action, raising ambitions to close the 24-billion-ton gap, which is why 83% of countries include the use of carbon markets in their climate commitments.

In the private sector, companies that buy carbon credits decarbonize twice as fast as those which do not. The reason is simple: If you put a price on carbon, which happens when you buy credits, you have an incentive to reduce emissions. Carbon markets give companies the opportunity to take responsibility for their emissions today, and for their past emissions, even as they work to decarbonize. In the climate crisis, the world should no longer accept unabated emissions. Markets offer a path forward.

In the Real World, those companies simply pass on those costs to the consumers. That’s it. Nothing more.

As a veteran of many UN Climate Summits, I value the global process that resulted in the Paris Agreement. I also understand the frustration inherent in such processes, with each summit following a predictable cycle of unrealistic optimism leading to missed targets and brokered compromises.

So, wait, Mary Grady is taking long fossil fueled trips to climate summits? Huh. One of the companies she’s involved in is Architecture for REDD+ Transactions. They plant trees, for one thing. I wonder how much they make off people buying carbon credits? Because that’s a big part of their business.

Read: Warmists Really Want Government To Go Heavy With Carbon Credits »

Democrats Want To Ban All Guns That Take A Magazine That Holds More Than 10 Rounds

This will obviously go nowhere in the GOP controlled House, but, it is a yet another big reason the GOP better have their act together for 2024, and, my concern is that if Trump loses, he’ll take the House with him. Of course, federal courts all the way to the Supreme Court will kill it. But, what if Democrats pack the Court?

Democrats introducing bill regulating mechanisms of rapid-firing weapons

Sens. Angus King (I-Maine) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) introduced a bill Thursday to regulate firearms by outlawing weapons with a magazine capacity over 10 rounds, among other measures aimed at increasing gun control.

The Gas-Operated Semi-Automatic Firearms Exclusion Act (GOSAFE) comes a month after a gunman killed 18 people in a mass shooting in Lewiston, Maine, not far from where King lives.

The act “addresses the lethal capacity weapons like the one used in Lewiston and most of the deadliest mass shootings across the country,” King said in a statement. “Nothing can bring back the lives of our family and friends, but responsible actions moving forward can reduce the likelihood of such a nightmare happening again in Maine or anywhere else.”

Specifically, the GOSAFE Act targets firearms mechanisms, instead of implementing restrictions based on how firearms look. It places a ban on magazines larger than 10 rounds, bans modifications like bump stocks and bans the manufacture of ghost gun kits — build-at-home firearms without serial numbers.

Um, there are very few gas powered semi-automatic pistols. Most gas operated rifles are automatic, and it rather difficult to get the ATF stamp to own one. If you look at that statement link in the excerpt

This capacity must be “permanently fixed,” meaning the firearm cannot accept a detachable, high-capacity magazine that would increase the number of rounds that can be fired before reloading and make reloading easier.

The GOSAFE Act limits a firearm’s ability to inflict maximum harm in a short amount of time by directly regulating large capacity ammunition feeding devices.  The bill would limit the number of rounds that large capacity ammunition feeding devices are permitted to carry to 10 rounds of ammunition or fewer.  Additionally, the GOSAFE Act makes conversion devices, including bump stocks and Glock switches, unlawful.

It does supposedly give an exemption

Any handgun with a permanently fixed magazine of 15 rounds or less

The devil is in the details, as they say. My Ruger Max-9 Pro came with a 10 round mag and a 12 round mag: banned or not? Because the bill sure makes it appear as if non-compliant firearms already in the hands of law abiding citizens will be banned. Not just future sales

“I firmly believe we must uphold the laws that protect safe and responsible gun ownership,” Heinrich said in a statement. “This bill achieves that, while taking steps to get those firearms that are inherently dangerous and unusually lethal, designed for maximum harm, out of the hands of those who pose a threat to themselves or others.”

How about enforcing the 30K laws already on the books? How about going after the criminals that use them? It’s mostly not law abiding citizens. It’d be fun if gun manufacturers refused to sell magazines to federal law enforcement that hold more than 10 rounds, especially to the agencies that protect Congress, the White House, and Executive Branch agencies. Will Congress require their protection to carry weapons that do not hold more than 10?

Read: Democrats Want To Ban All Guns That Take A Magazine That Holds More Than 10 Rounds »

Consumer Reports Savages EV Reliability

Again, I’m not against them, I’m against forced purchasing. And, they just aren’t ready for primetime

Consumer Reports pummels electric vehicle reliability, praises hybrids

Electric vehicleElectric vehicles may be the future, but in some ways they look a lot like the past. Particularly reliability.

That’s the bottom line from Consumer Reports’ eagerly anticipated annual reliability survey, which sounds like an ‘80s tribute act: the top tier, brands credited with excellent or very good reliability, is dominated by Japanese automakers, with a smattering of Europeans and a South Korean.

Unlike those bad old days, though, the culprits are advanced electronics, not oil leaks and faulty transmissions.

Electric vehicles are among the worst offenders.

“The problems with internal combustion engines are mostly sorted,” Jake Fisher, Consumer Reports senior director of testing, told me. “The new problems are mostly associated with electronics: Electric vehicles that use brand new platforms and power trains.”

Volkswagen ranked 27 out of 30 for overall reliability. I’ll get to them in a moment

EVs in model years 2021-24 suffered about twice as many reliability problems as internal combustion engines, or ICE, according to CR’s survey of about 70,000 vehicles.

The five least reliable vehicle categories, from bad to worse, are:

Electric cars

Electric SUVs

Full-size pickups

Midsize pickups

Electric pickups

Oops? And repair costs are astronomical compared to hybrids and straight petrol engines

Volkswagen invested billions in EVs following Dieselgate scandal—now, its brand is ‘no longer competitive’: ‘Other manufacturers would close plants in such a situation’

Volkswagen was one of the earliest entrants into the electric vehicle industry, years before it became commonplace to own or drive them. Its efforts were on full steam in the wake of a diesel pollution scandal that engulfed the German brand.

But in recent times, Europe’s biggest automaker has been struggling to improve its returns amid falling demand and growing competition in the market.

Now, the automaker is on a mission to overhaul its costs to improve earnings by about $11 billion by 2026. Volkswagen’s brand chief, Thomas Schaefer, warned that productivity and efficiency had to be boosted as its brand wasn’t as competitive anymore.

“With many of our preexisting structures, processes, and high costs, we are no longer competitive as the Volkswagen brand,” Schaefer said, according to a post on the company’s intranet site seen by Reuters.

Their EV push killed them. As someone in the business, rarely are customers comparing us and others with VW. And they are not a luxury brand, hence most loyal VW customers aren’t that interested in an EV. I’m hoping that EVs will get to primetime, I’m not a big fan of the pollution, such as smog and oil/gas in the roads (CO2 is not a pollutant), so, they are the future. They have many environmental problems on their own, as well as others. But, people do not want to be forced into them.

Read: Consumer Reports Savages EV Reliability »

If All You See…

…are wonderful plants which Everyone Else should eat instead of meat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Forbes insulting women.

Read: If All You See… »

Pro-Hamas Protesters Get Violent, Try And Stop NYC Tree Lighting

A lot of the Credentialed News outlets ignored this. Many minimized it. The NY Times ignored it. Imagine if it was pro-Israel protesters: it’d be front page. Or Trump supporters

Pro-Palestinian protesters, one carrying swastika, swarm Midtown in bid to derail Rockefeller Center Christmas tree lighting

Hundreds of pro-Palestinian protesters swarmed the streets surrounding Rockefeller Center Wednesday, clashing with NYPD cops and chanting “river to the sea,” long seen as an antisemitic slogan, in an effort to derail the annual tree lighting in support of Gaza.

Waving Palestinian flags and signs calling for the “end to genocide,” the ralliers gathered along Sixth Avenue alongside hordes of tourists waiting in line to see the iconic ceremony.

Unable to get to the NYC Christmas tree, the enormous crowd instead swarmed around the tree outside the News Corp building, which houses The Post and Fox News, and has already been targeted by pro-Palestinian protesters on at least two occasions.

“Free free Palestine!” the protesters chanted.

What, exactly, do they mean? How do they free Palestine? Even right leaning news outlets fail to ask the “protesters” what they mean. The pro-Hamas group announced they would do this, so, there were quite a bit extra cops on hand, and they erected barriers. For a Christmas tree lighting

Additional NYPD units were called, law enforcement sources told The Post, adding that officers were being attacked.

“They should have shut it down. They lost control of the street. I was shoved, punched, kicked. It’s bullsh–t,” one cop caught in the fray said.

Another called it “complete chaos.”

Imagine Jews or Christians doing something like this at a Muslim religious ceremony: Muslims would completely riot, and the media would be running tons of opinion pieces decrying the Jews/Christians.

Jamie Fry, 42, who flew in from the United Kingdom to watch the tree-lighting spectacle said the protest was “very annoying.”

“I had planned my holiday around this event, being a big fan of Christmas. Now I’m walled in by a bunch of terrorist-loving a–holes calling for intifada,” Fry told The Post.

Yes, they are terrorist lovers.

They also disrupted a tree lighting in Seattle.

Read: Pro-Hamas Protesters Get Violent, Try And Stop NYC Tree Lighting »

Your Fault: Global Boiling Is Biggest Human Health Risk

But, African nations can solve this with lots and lots of sweet, sweet no-strings-attached redistributed cash

Climate change is the biggest human health risk, says Africa’s disease boss

Climate change is the biggest threat to human health in Africa and the rest of the world, the head of the continent’s public health agency said.

Mitigating that risk was top of his agenda, Jean Kaseya, the director general of the Africa Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), told Reuters as he headed to the COP28 climate summit in Dubai, which begins on Thursday.

The measures needed, Kaseya said, would include funding to help countries in Africa trying to contain outbreaks of disease.

Diseases never happened in Africa prior to CO2 going above 350ppm, you know

In an online interview, he said the threat of “a climate change-related disease becoming a pandemic and coming from Africa” was what kept him awake at night.

Since the start of this year, Kaseya said Africa has tackled 158 disease outbreaks.

“Each outbreak, if not well managed, can become a pandemic,” he said.

Maybe stay away from eating bats and stuff that causes Ebola. Use DDT to kill of malaria carrying mosquitos

Scientists have linked a surge in diseases, including dengue and cholera, to rising global temperatures, which have broken records this year.

Cholera is a relatively recent disease, starting in the early 1800s. Before the Industrial Revolution. During the Little Ice Age. Same with dengue, though, that started in the late 1700’s.

Extreme weather events such as floods can also help diseases spread and challenge response efforts. Deforestation, a contributor to climate change, also pushes humans into closer contact with disease-carrying animals, like bats.

Stop cutting down the trees and moving where these animals live. That has zero to do with climate change, natural or anthropogenic.

Seriously, the Black Death killed an estimated 200 million during the beginning of the Little Ice Age in just a few years. The Plague Of Justinian killed 30-50 million during the Dark Ages. Smallpox in 1520 killed an estimated 56 million in just a year. COVID killed around 6.9 million, but, the population is way, way, way more than back then. In fact, many of the worst outbreaks over the past two millennia have occured during cooling periods.

Read: Your Fault: Global Boiling Is Biggest Human Health Risk »

Pirate's Cove