LA Times: Solving The Climate Crisis (scam) Will Hurt, So, Just Suck It Up, Warmist

LA Times writer and climate alarmist Sammy Roth has some words for his fellow unhinged cultists

Column: Solving climate change will have side effects. Get over it

When I wrote a column two weeks ago urging the Biden administration to approve a lot more solar and wind farms on Western public lands, I knew I would get flak from critics of large-scale renewable energy — and indeed I did.

On social media, conservationists blasted me for what they described as my failure to understand that sprawling solar projects and towering wind turbines tear up wildlife habitat and destroy treasured landscapes. They called me a shill for money-grubbing utility companies and suggested it’s obvious that we should rebuild our energy systems around solar panels on rooftops.

Funny how the same people who yammer about building all this green energy are the same ones who try and stop it.

In an ideal universe, I’d support building renewable energy exclusively within cities and on previously disturbed lands such as farm fields and irrigation canals. In an ideal universe, I’d support only climate solutions that don’t cause other problems.

But we don’t live in an ideal universe.

We live in a universe where every clean energy technology has drawbacks, whether economic or technical or political. A universe where there aren’t enough rooftops to replace all the fossil fuels we now burn. Where skeptical farmers are fighting to stop their neighbors from switching to solar energy production. Where building solar on canals is wildly expensive, at least so far.

Just as importantly, we live in a universe where human beings use mind-boggling amounts of energy.

If we keep replacing all those reliable coal, natural gas, and nuclear power plants with wind and solar (enviroweenies also want to eliminate existing dams that generate electricity)

Mistrustful of monopoly utility companies? Then you probably see rooftop solar panels as the ideal climate change solution. Live near the coast and love the ocean views? Then solar farms in the desert probably sound better than offshore wind turbines. Find it easier to cope with the idea of climate chaos if you can convince yourself a single technology or policy will fix everything? Then maybe you’re a devotee of nuclear reactors, or a carbon fee, or carbon capture and storage.

Yeah, it’s typically about it all being Somewhere Else.

Much as I hate the idea of paving over desert tortoise habitat with solar panels or refusing to remove dams that have decimated salmon populations, I hate the idea of 3 degrees Celsius of planetary warming a lot more. Much as I sympathize with rural towns that don’t want to live with industrial wind turbines as their neighbors, I sympathize more with my neighbors here in Los Angeles who can’t afford air conditioning and don’t want to die of heatstroke the next time the thermostat hits 121 degrees.

Warmists won’t like this. All that green energy is great in theory, but not in practice.

Now, for those of you reading this and nodding in agreement — thanks for your support. But I hope you’ll stop and ask yourself: What are you personally willing to sacrifice to bring about a safe climate future? What changes will you make in your life?

Will you eat less meat, replace your gas stove with an induction cooktop or lease an electric car? Will you make climate change a top priority at the ballot box, and post about it on Instagram, and bring it up at the dinner table on Thanksgiving?

If you hear about a climate solution that rubs you the wrong way, will you swallow hard and look the other way?

Most of them won’t make those changes, and refuse to have their own lives messed up.

To maintain a habitable planet for ourselves and our children and grandchildren, we’ll need to make some compromises. We’ll need to stand by and watch as some pristine ecosystems are razed in the name of renewable energy. We’ll need to learn to live with exorbitantly wealthy investors raking in additional profits at our expense. We’ll need to elect some politicians whose ideas don’t fully line up with our own, because they’re nonetheless our best hope of avoiding planetary collapse.

As someone who may not believe that the current climate is mostly/solely the fault of Mankind but is an environmentalist, no, I’m not good with razing ecosystems for a scam.

Read: LA Times: Solving The Climate Crisis (scam) Will Hurt, So, Just Suck It Up, Warmist »

If All You See…

…is an inland sea created by carbon pollution Bad Weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Sultan Knish, with a post on equity, equality, and Hamas.

Read: If All You See… »

Woke Pope Essentially Calls Israelis Terrorists

But, of course he does. What else would expect out of the Woke Pope?

Pope says conflict between Israel and Hamas has gone beyond war to ‘terrorism’

Pope Francis on Wednesday met separately with Israeli relatives of hostages held by Hamas and Palestinians with family in Gaza and said the conflict had gone beyond war to become “terrorism”.

Speaking in unscripted remarks at his Wednesday general audience in St. Peter’s Square shortly after the early morning meetings in his residence, Francis said he heard directly how “both sides are suffering” in the conflict.

“This is what wars do. But here we have gone beyond wars. This is not war. This is terrorism,” he said.

It was unnecessary for both sides to suffer. All Hamas had to do was not attack Israel and murder, rape, torture, and behead Jews, including women, babies, and grandmas. Hamas has attacked Jews numerous times, and typically goes for civilians. That’s terrorism. Hamas’ charter calls for killing Jews and erasing the nation of Israel. That is terrorism. Israel responding is not terrorism, but, this is the Woke Pope, and, rather than cooling things down, he’s taking the side of the Israel haters by equating Israel with Hamas. Those same Israel haters will use this pronouncement to further bash Israel and Jews.

The meetings and the pope’s comments came hours after Israel’s government and Hamas agreed to silence the guns in Gaza for at least four days, allow in aid and release at least 50 hostages captured by terrorists in exchange for at least 150 Palestinians jailed in Israel.

What will the Pope say when Hamas breaks the ceasefire?

(Fox News) Israel and Hamas have agreed to a temporary cease-fire for humanitarian purposes that includes a hostage release deal, Fox News has confirmed.

“The Israeli government is committed to the return of all hostages home. Tonight, the government approved the outline for the first stage of achieving this goal, according to which at least 50 hostages – women and children – will be released for 4 days, during which there will be a lull in the fighting,” the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement.

“The release of every ten additional hostages will result in an additional day of respite. The Israeli government, the IDF and the security forces will continue the war in order to return all the hostages, to complete the elimination of Hamas and to ensure that Gaza does not renew any threat to the State of Israel.”

There are around 240 hostages held by Hamas, which is designated a terrorist organization by the U.S., EU, and UN. At least one won’t be coming home

Read: Woke Pope Essentially Calls Israelis Terrorists »

Bummer: Climate Doom Will Make Thanksgiving Dinner More Difficult

It’s coming. In the future. They think. But, we can solve this with a tax

Climate change could soon make these staple Thanksgiving dishes more scarce

climate cowThanksgiving could soon become another victim of climate change as rising temperatures threaten the abundance and quality of the ingredients used to make traditional dishes seen year after year.

As a result, these essential food items could become increasingly scarce and more expensive, potentially forcing families to omit or make substitutions in key recipes on their Thanksgiving menus.

Produce is among the foods most affected by climate change, according to experts. As global temperatures rise and extreme weather events such as drought, heat waves and powerful storms occur more often, altering growing seasons and changing crop yield productions, according to experts.

These changes are causing harvest yields in Thanksgiving staple ingredients such as sweet potatoes and cranberries to decrease significantly, Himanshu Gupta, co-founder and CEO of ClimateAi, a climate adaptation platform for food and agricultural supply chains, told ABC News.

In some places sweet potato crops are down, in some they are up. Same with cranberries. Which is what happens Some years are great, some are so so, some are down. That’s the nature of farming. But, this is all still your fault. And, quite frankly, I don’t care, I cannot stand either of them.

There could be a time in the future where the constant demand for cranberries will not be able to be met during the Thanksgiving holiday, Gupta said.

Don’t care.

Data is showing that by 2060 Mississippi is going to see an 18% reduction in average yields of sweet potatoes and by 2070 North Carolina is going to see a 12% deduction in average yields of sweet potatoes, Gupta said.

An average Thanksgiving meal for a family of 10 rose 20% between 2021 and 2022 — from $53.31 to $64.05 — according to a report by the American Farm Bureau released last year. In 2020, the same meal cost an average of $46.90, according to the findings.

“Climate change is one of the most significant factors in driving that cost,” Gupta said.

Horseshit. The main factor is a weaponized coronavirus, a horrible response by government, and then the crummy policies of the Biden administration.

Read: Bummer: Climate Doom Will Make Thanksgiving Dinner More Difficult »

SCNY Mayor Looks To Cut $2.1 Billion To Help Out Illegals

Why not just raise taxes? Certainly the Comrades of Sanctuary City New York would back tax increases to pay for all the illegal aliens they support, right?

Mayor Adams orders $2.1B migrant crisis spending cut, spares NYPD, FDNY and DSNY from next budget trim

Mayor Adams will spare the NYPD, the FDNY and the Sanitation Department from another planned round of budget cuts — but is ordering his administration to figure out a way to slash $2.1 billion in projected spending on housing and services for newly-arrived migrants, according to a new memo from City Hall.

The memo, penned by Jacques Jiha, Adams’ budget director, was sent to all agency heads Monday morning. It comes days after the Adams administration rolled out the mayor’s November financial plan modification, which would enact deep budget cuts across all agencies as part of a 5% city government-wide spending reduction first ordered in September due to migrant crisis-related fiscal concerns.

While all agencies managed to come up with plans to meet the 5% spending reduction target from September, the administration “must do more” to rein in cost as the city’s still staring down a $7.1 billion deficit for the 2025 fiscal year, which starts July 1, Jiha wrote in the memo, a copy of which was obtained by the Daily News.

To that end, Jiha wrote the administration will proceed with implementing another 5% city government-wide spending trim in January via a so-called Program to Eliminate the Gap, or PEG. Agencies must submit their plans for how to meet the January PEG target by Dec. 8, Jiha added.

Oh, come on, tax increases instead of cuts. Democrats love tax increases. Heck, why not trot out a big tax increase for big companies and earners? All those Democrat voters in SCNY would totally be down with those, right? At least Adams has his priorities straight in not slashing policing, fire, and sanitation.

But, Adams is still whining about Biden

Adams says ‘DC has abandoned us’ as NYC slashes budgets over migrant crisis

New York City Mayor Eric Adams said on Monday that Washington D.C. “has abandoned us” in regards to the ongoing migrant crisis the city and other parts of the country are facing — days after he announced stinging budget cuts to education and policing due to the crisis.

“D.C. has abandoned us, and they need to be paying their cost to this national problem,” Adams said during a town hall in Brooklyn, according to Politico.

On one hand, Adams should be happy that his sanctuary city is getting the chance to help all those illegals. On the other, Biden is doing exactly what he said he’d do and what Democrat voters want: open borders. And none of them have figured out the proper solution: shut down the border and send all the illegals packing. Including NPR

As strange as it sounds, this is what they want. They have been told that if they cross over and turn themselves over to Border Patrol, they are taking the first step toward getting a visa or a better chance at asylum in the United States.

This is how every day for the past few months, coyotes drop off over 300 migrants at a miles-long gap in the border wall in the Southern California desert. When the migrants cross it, they find themselves on the outskirts of the tiny community of Jacumba, population about 600. They end up at camps like this one, an open field near the highway, where Border Patrol has told them to wait. Activists and locals say it’s a humanitarian disaster. And they say no one is helping.

The camps where the people are being taken by Border Patrol are a dystopian sight. At one of them, about 150 adults and children huddle together for warmth.

The camps are in the California desert. These illegals simply showed up. If they do not like it, the door is right there. Head on home. Or somewhere else.

Read: SCNY Mayor Looks To Cut $2.1 Billion To Help Out Illegals »

Good Grief: Climate Cult Links Fan Death At Taylor Swift Concert

How much of a ghoul do you have to be to do this?

A fan died of heat at a Taylor Swift concert. It’s a rising risk with climate change

Springtime is underway in the southern Hemisphere, but across much of South America it has felt like the depths of summer for months already. A string of heat waves have settled in over the region, pushing temperatures into record-breaking territory month after month.

Last week, temperatures soared in southern Brazil. In Rio de Janeiro, a city of nearly 12 million people, intense heat and humidity pushed a 23-year-old Brazilian university student into cardiac arrest at a Taylor Swift concert. Fans had stood in line for the Eras Tour at the Nilton Santos Olympic stadium in brutally hot, humid, windless conditions for hours before the Friday night show. It was just as hot and steamy inside the venue, concertgoers reported.

The woman who died, Ana Clara Benevides Machado, got medical attention from paramedics at the concert venue, but died later at a nearby hospital.

Brazil’s Ministry of Culture noted the extreme, dangerous heat in a statement expressing condolences for Machado’s death. This is a clear signal that climate change, the ministry said, has to be considered a major risk for events like big concerts or other cultural events now. Swift postponed a concert planned for Saturday night, another day that was supposed to be dangerously hot.

Using a woman’s death to push a scam. I’ve been to plenty of summer concerts that were steamy. We were at the Grateful Dead concert in DC probably around 1990, middle of summer, at the old JK Stadium, in the depths of the swampy area known as D.C. No breeze, stagnant air, hot, humid. We were fine. Back then we called it weather. Unfortunately, sometimes people get in serious medical issues, and even die, at concerts. The coroner’s report has not been released yet, so, all we know is it was cardiac arrest. Could drugs have been involved? We do not know yet. All we know is that a doomsday cult will horn in on this tragedy to push their cultish beliefs.

A big gulf in ocean science threatens to sink the climate change fight
To tackle global warming, we must properly grasp what is happening in the oceans. That is why, at COP28, we will be calling on world leaders to urgently ramp up marine observations, says oceanographer Margaret Leinen

So, wait, are they saying they do not really know squat? I could swear I’ve seen them make all sorts of doomy prognostication after saying they knew the Facts.

I guess Warmists are racists.

Read: Good Grief: Climate Cult Links Fan Death At Taylor Swift Concert »

If All You See…

…is a perfect place for wind turbines, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Shot In The Dark, with a post on the gulag on the Hudson.

Looks like the cat has had enough of the selfies.

Read: If All You See… »

Pressure On Congress To Find Ways To Reduce Debt And Deficit

It’s funny, we only see these types of articles when the GOP controls one or both houses of Congress

Rising US debt stokes calls in Congress for special fiscal commission

The U.S. Congress is facing growing calls to find a way to stem rising budget deficits and debt following this month’s warning by Moody’s that political dysfunction could lead it to lower the federal government’s credit rating.

There is no rocket science to the three basic choices for grappling with a national debt that has doubled in just the last decade and stands at $33.7 trillion, around 124% of GDP: raise taxes, cut spending or do a combination of the two.

That has led some lawmakers to call for a commission to do the heavy lifting of coming up with realistic approaches to addressing the ballooning debt, a growing concern now that interest rates have risen, producing a jaw-dropping $659 billion in payments just on the national debt in fiscal year 2023, according to the Treasury Department.

“A fiscal commission is direly needed,” Republican Senator Mike Braun, a Budget Committee member, said in an interview.

It really is simple: cut the fat. Trim it away, just like you would do if you were spending way more than you were making. Do you really need to buy this, that, and the other? Switch your mobile plan from that expensive one to something a lot less expensive. Don’t hit the expensive coffee shop on the way to work, make your own. Bring your lunch instead of going out. I bet the Congress could easily find ways to cut $659 billion, cutting out unnecessary spending, making agencies be responsible for what they spend. I heard one time a long time ago that every federal agency could have their budgets cut easily by a third to a half and be able to operate just fine.

Obviously, Democrats are going to want to raise taxes.

Meanwhile, in your own life

Shoppers still punished by soaring prices as Joe Biden cheers latest inflation numbers

No, you’re not imagining it — the price of just about everything in your life is getting more expensive.

President Joe Biden this week spun the latest inflation numbers as good news for Bidenomics — cheering that October’s Consumer Price Index climbed a slightly less-than-expected 3.2% from last year.

But it’s cold comfort to consumers who are still getting socked by stratospheric prices for everything — from their groceries to the rent to the car they drive and the gas in its tank.

Indeed, compared to October 2020, when the US was under a COVID-induced lockdown, prices are up a blistering 18.2%. (snip)

“I wouldn’t count on prices broadly declining,” Moody’s chief economist Mark Zandi told The Post when asked about the future of grocery prices.

No, they won’t. You can see it with your own eyes. Progresso Soup is up from about $1.59 to $2.29 at my store. The ice cream I like is up at least $1. Tomatoes at least 50 cents. Fresh donuts fifty cents. Ground beef, chicken, and fish all up quite a bit.

Rent is up 20%, and mortgages have skyrocketed. Gas is up 36% from October 2020. Vehicles are way up.

Though a slowdown in the pace of inflation hasn’t translated directly to lower costs in groceries, for example, Zandi predicted that “we’ll see significant moderations in [price] increases over the next six to 12 months.”

Welcome to Bidenomics.

Read: Pressure On Congress To Find Ways To Reduce Debt And Deficit »

Twenty EU Countries Want Government To Implement Stronger Action For On ‘Climate Change’ For “Health”

I’ve mentioned before that the Cult of Climastrology is really ramping up their scaremongering on health concerns from global boiling

Twenty countries ask EU to prepare for climate change health hazards

A large majority of European Union countries want stronger EU action to prepare for the health consequences of climate change and global warming’s potential to spread vector-borne diseases, a document seen by Reuters showed.

Europe is experiencing severe health impacts as a result of the changing climate. Around 61,000 people are estimated to have died in sweltering European heatwaves last summer, suggesting countries’ heat preparedness efforts are falling well short.

In a joint paper, 20 of the EU’s 27 member countries including Croatia, Germany, Greece, Malta and the Netherlands, have urged the EU to increase its surveillance of the threats to health and healthcare systems posed by extreme weather, to help countries prepare.

The EU should also draft plans for infections of zoonotic and climate-sensitive vector-borne diseases, and strengthen its early warning and response system for if disease-spreading vectors are detected, the countries said.

“Unless proactive measures are taken, it is a matter of time before certain preventable infectious diseases, which are currently more prevalent in other regions, become increasingly common occurrences within the EU,” the paper said.

It was also backed by Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia.

They really want to use health concerns to implement controls on people’s lives. And since so many EU nations have government health care systems, why not use them? It’s easy. And easy for the climate cult to infiltrate and control. Use them to scare people. We saw this with COVID. Do not want to comply? Well, here’s some aspirin instead of a knee replacement.

Read: Twenty EU Countries Want Government To Implement Stronger Action For On ‘Climate Change’ For “Health” »

25% Of New Yorkers Think Israel And Jews Had It Coming

If they took a poll during the Nazi Germany era I wonder what that poll would look like

Antisemitism and Islamophobia both surging in NY during Hamas-Israel war: poll

A large majority of New Yorkers feel that antisemitism has increased during the Hamas-Israel war while a significant portion of the state believes Islamophobia is also on the rise, a new survey released Monday reveals.

About three-quarters of New York voters — 73% — said Jews in the state are experiencing a great deal or some antisemitism, while only 16% said there is not much or any at all, the Siena College poll found.

And of those who cited antisemitism as a problem, 75% said the hatred increased after Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7.

At the same time, 62% of voters say Muslims in New York are experiencing Islamophobia, and a majority of those respondents say that hatred has increased since Oct. 7.

While there have certainly been a few attacks on Islamists, most of what is being called “Islamophobia” is simply people calling them out for supporting Hamas and hating on Jews.

Nearly six in 10 of voters — 59% — say the Hamas attacks on Israeli citizens are a crime that should be condemned without hesitation or explanation.

But another 25% of respondents say that while they condemn the murder of Israeli civilians, they believe the attacks were a result of decades of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

So, good on 59% of New Yorkers. But, then, you have 25% of New Yorkers who support a State Dept designated terrorist organization, which the vast majority of Palestinians supported.

Self-identified liberals were more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and less supportive of Israel than more moderate and conservative voters who side squarely with Israel.

They are Useful Idiots, who fail to see that Islamists are in direct competition for world control. That’s their history. Almost immediately after Islam started they went to war to conquer the known world as a means of spreading Islam at the point of a sword. You can find all sorts of liberals and Islamists attempting to say it is all about peace, and the Quran can be very contradictory, but, at the end, what it is about is submission. You do not necessarily have to convert per the Quran, but, you will still be forced to submit. And Muhammad personally led lots and lots of attacks, forcing submission. He killed people for criticizing him and Islam, and all Muslims are told to emulate him

33 Sura Al-Ahzeb 22 Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.

Muhammad told them to go to war and spread Islam. The Useful Idiots just do not grasp that hardcore Islam, heck, even moderate Islam, wants to conquer them.

Read: 25% Of New Yorkers Think Israel And Jews Had It Coming »

Pirate's Cove