If All You See…

…are dangerous looking carbon doom infused clouds, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Average Bubba, with a post on liberal stupidity.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Notes Most Democrats Do Not Think Much Of The Bidenconomy

I’m sure they’ll find a way to cover for Biden, right?

Even Most Biden Voters Don’t See a Thriving Economy

Presidents seeking a second term have often found the public’s perception of the economy a pivotal issue. It was a boon to Ronald Reagan; it helped usher Jimmy Carter and George H.W. Bush out of the White House.

Now, as President Joe Biden looks toward a reelection campaign, there are warning signals on that front: With overall consumer sentiment at a low ebb despite solid economic data, even Democrats who supported Biden in 2020 say they’re not impressed with the economy.

In a recent New York Times/Siena College poll of voters in six battleground states, 62% of those voters think the economy is only “fair” or “poor” (compared with 97% for those who voted for Donald Trump).

The demographics of Biden’s 2020 supporters may explain part of his challenge now: They were on balance younger, had lower incomes and were more racially diverse than Trump’s. Those groups tend to be hit hardest by inflation, which has yet to return to 2020 levels, and high interest rates, which have frustrated first-time homebuyers and drained the finances of those dependent on credit.

So, the people doing OK in the Bideconomy are rich? Huh. The economy, as defined by the stock market, GDP, steadily falling inflation numbers, and unemployment is doing great. Those figures do not translate into what the avg citizen feels what they pay out for weekly necessities as wages, prices etc. always lag behind these statistical economic indicators. Combine that with all world turmoil with regional wars, the disinformation being shoveled out in an upcoming election year and that is the reality on the ground vs. upbeat statistics.

But if the election were held today, and the options were Biden and Trump, it’s not clear whether voter perceptions of the economy would tip the balance.

“The last midterm was an abortion election,” said Joshua Doss, an analyst at the public opinion research firm HIT Strategies, referring to the 2022 voting that followed the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the Roe v. Wade ruling. “Most of the time elections are about ‘it’s the economy, stupid.’ Republicans lost that because of Roe. So we’re definitely in uncharted territory.”

And therein lies the question: will the damaging economy matter in 2024? Trump is just too polarizing, and, if he does the same old schtick it could turn off enough people that he fails to win enough of the states he needs to win, even against a horrible president like Biden.

Nuñez isn’t alone in feeling dissatisfied with the economy but still bound to Biden by other priorities. Of those surveyed in the six battleground states who plan to vote for Biden in 2024, 47% say social issues are more important to them, while 42% say the economy is more important — but that’s a closer split than in the 2022 midterms, in which social issues decisively outweighed economic concerns among Democratic voters in several swing states. (Among likely Trump voters, 71% say they are most focused on the economy, while 15% favor social issues.)

How much of a difference will having all those illegals in NYC, Chicago, Boston, etc. make? Democrat voters see the problems created by Democrat policies. But, they keep coming out in droves to vote the same way. The NY Post blasted AOC for noting that New Yorkers are blowing out of the city because they cannot afford it, due to the very policies Democrats like her enact.

It’s difficult for presidents to directly control inflation in the short term. But the White House has addressed a few specific costs that matter for families, for example, by releasing oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve to contain surging oil prices in late 2022. The Inflation Reduction Act reduced prescription drug prices under Medicare and capped the cost of insulin for people with diabetes. The administration is also going after what it calls “junk fees,” which inflate the prices of things such as concert tickets, airline tickets and even birthday parties.

It’s only difficult when Democrats are in office. When Republicans have the White House they get blasted by the NY Times. The Strategic Petroleum Reserve was a gimmick that did not help in the long term, and has left it dangerously low. It only capped a dozen drugs, with the prices having nothing to do with inflation. Junk fees? That would do what, exactly? Things are not good. But, will Trump, if he’s the GOP candidate, do the things necessary to blow up the Biden/media narrative, or be the same old bull in a China shop, going after people personally and forgetting to talk policy?

Read: NY Times Notes Most Democrats Do Not Think Much Of The Bidenconomy »

Climate Cult High Poobahs Back To Pushing Taxes On “Bad” Stuff

As tens of of thousands of people take fossil fueled trips to the fossil fuels supplying nation of Dubai, the Warmist elites, who’ll be taking lots of private fossil fueled jets which will have to be deadheaded to other airports, are back to pushing taxes

‘Tax the bad’ to boost climate finance, COP28 panel advises

Increasing taxes on polluting activities and cutting fossil fuel subsidies could generate trillions of dollars to tackle climate change, an advisory panel to the COP28 talks in Dubai said.

Summit host the United Arab Emirates, a major oil producer, has said the two-week meeting starting on Thursday must deliver “tangible action” on climate funding, which has been squeezed by rising debt burdens, faltering political will and patchy efforts by private finance.

Higher carbon taxes – including levies on emissions from the maritime and aviation sectors – should be among options COP28 studies, the panel recommended.

“We see a big potential, particularly from taxing the bad internationally and using that money to generate predictable resources,” panel member Amar Bhattacharya of the Brookings’ Center for Sustainable Development told a briefing.

In economics, taxing the bad refers to levies that target harm to the public good – for example, greenhouse gases – as a way to raise revenues and discourage the activity.

How can those things be “bad” when so few Warmists have given up using them in their own lives? Do the peasant level Warmists understand that cheering for carbon taxes will mean a higher cost of living in their own lives? If you increase the cost of, saying maritime shipping, the price of goods will go up. I’ll stop, because you’re smart enough to understand how this works.

There are growing calls for a carbon levy on shipping, which transports around 90% of world trade and accounts for nearly 3% of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions.

It would be ugly.

Investments in the fossil-fuel economy continued to outstrip those made in the clean economy, it said. Subsidies for fossil fuels totalled $1.3 trillion, and substantially more if counting the societal cost of dealing with emissions and pollution.

Yeah, those of who aren’t nuts and inventing bullshit manners of economics do not count the societal cost.

Aviation, which accounts for some 2-3% of emissions, is not directly covered by the Paris Agreement but the air transport sector has pledged to align itself with its goals.

I suggest a big tax on private jets that cost more than $10 million. And better, anyone worth at least $1 million will have to pay a huge tax for every flight they take. People like Al Gore are good with that, right?

Read More »

Read: Climate Cult High Poobahs Back To Pushing Taxes On “Bad” Stuff »

Unhinged Jew Haters And Hamas Lovers Have A List Of Who They Can Boycott

Each and every day they prove that they aren’t in opposition to Israel, that their opposition is not rooted in hatred of Jews

Boycott Baskin Robbins? Heck to the no. Great ice cream. Liberals have to be freaking about boycotting Starbucks and Disney, which support pretty much every hardcore leftist ideal. All those companies might operate in Gaza if it wasn’t for all the terrorists and terrorist supporters.

Haram means forbidden by Islamic law, hence, they are showing that this is about hardcore, extremist Islam, which hates Jews. Maybe we can have a list of Palestinian stuff to boycott, but, what are they actually inventing other than murdering, raping, beheading, and torturing women and children?

Humorously, every time these wackos use a barcode they’re using something invented by two Jews, Norman Woodland and Bernard Silver.

12-year-old Israeli hostage was held at gunpoint, forced to watch horrors

With the release of 12-year-old Eitan Yahalomi on Monday night from Hamas captivity, his aunt, Deborah Cohen, depicts the terrible treatment he experienced.

Eitan was kidnapped by Hamas during the October 7 massacre from Kibbutz Nahal Oz. (snip)

If previous hostage releases that took place this past week created the impression that Hamas is treating the Israeli hostages who are being held captive in the Gaza Strip well, Eitan’s testimony depicts an entirely different reality.

In an interview with the French news outlet BFM, Cohen said that after speaking with Eitan it was clear to her that he went through “terrible things” while in captivity.

According to Cohen, Hamas forced him to watch the uncensored October 7 documentary released by the IDF.

The 12-year-old watched about 45 minutes of footage that portrays the evidence of the gruesome attack carried out by Hamas terrorists. Many of the scenes take place in Nahal Oz where Eitan is from.

“They forced him and other children to watch it. The entire movie. Whenever another child would cry during the screening, they would threaten them with a rifle to silence them,” Cohen explained.

They’re sub-human animals who live in the 6th Century, and even the estranged son of Hamas’ founder is calling for Israel to kill him if all the hostages are not released.

Read: Unhinged Jew Haters And Hamas Lovers Have A List Of Who They Can Boycott »

Bummer: Iran’s Failing To Fight Climate Doom Or Something

This is what the media worries about? Iran and global boiling? Not their support of terrorism and trying to gain nuclear weapons?

Iran Fails To Fight Climate Change As COP28 Takes Place Next Door

World leaders will begin to gather Thursday for two weeks of climate talks in the United Arab Emirates. Discussions will center around what governments need to do going forward to stop temperatures from rising beyond 1.5 degrees Celsius, a point that would have catastrophic impacts for the planet if passed.

This year, the United Nations climate change conference (COP28) is happening in Dubai, where just across the Persian Gulf this summer, heat indexes regularly exceeded 60 degrees Celsius (140 degrees Fahrenheit), a threshold that tests the limits for human survival, studies find. Oil workers in Iran’s southwestern province of Khuzestan illustrated the point by posting a video on social media showing themselves frying an omelette on the ground.

Wait, it gets really hot in that desert area? Huh

Iran’s environment is rapidly degrading. The Iranian population has endured droughts, floods, heatwaves, air pollution, dust storms and wildfires because of decades of mismanagement by the government. Climate change is causing these events to happen faster and harsher.

It’s always something with these cultists. You have a hardcore Islamist government which is great at whipping women but bad at governance, and they want to link in their cult.

The 1.5 degree goal was set during 2015’s COP21 in France and established by the Paris Agreement, a legally binding international treaty signed by almost every nation. Iran, Yemen and Libya are the only three countries that haven’t ratified the landmark Paris Agreement despite the fact that the Middle East is heating up much faster than other parts of the world, a trend that experts say threatens the livelihood and stability of respective communities.

Have you ever noticed that everywhere is always heating up faster than everywhere else? It just depends where they’re talking about, and Warmists are too brainwashed to question this.

Adding insult to injury, many cities across Iran ran out of water, making it that much harder to manage daily lives during the scorching heatwaves.

Several reasons are behind Iran’s water depletion over the years. First is the fact that “authorities have emptied the water resources in multiple areas for high number of dam building and unsustainable agricultural practices,” says Vahid Pourmardan, a former official at Iran’s Department of Environment.

Government incompetence, not climate doom. Of course, they do go on to blame/link Hotcoldwetdry.


Biden expected to miss global climate summit opening as young voters question his progress on climate change

President Joe Biden is not expected to attend the opening of the global climate summit in Dubai this week, according to a White House schedule of the president’s events.

Instead, top US officials, including special envoy John Kerry and White House National Climate Advisor Ali Zaidi, will go to the gathering, which will be attended by nearly 200 countries.

Please. It starts on a Thursday. Joe will be heading to Delaware for the weekend. He can’t function without taking the weekend off.

Read: Bummer: Iran’s Failing To Fight Climate Doom Or Something »

If All You See…

…are horrible boards made from killed carbon pollution sucking trees, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is A View From The Beach, with a post on Tuesday tanlines.

Read: If All You See… »

NY Times Is Super Concerned Over Border Wall Falls In California

There’s an easy answer to people falling from the border wall: don’t climb it. If you try and climb the White House fence and fall and hurt yourself, who’s to blame? Would the NY Times blast Joe Biden for having that evil fence? Or would they call you a bad person for attempting to unlawfully enter the White House grounds?

Border Wall-Related Falls Are Increasing in California

In an effort to deter migrants from illegally crossing into the United States, the federal government has in recent years been erecting walls that are taller and harder to scale along the border with Mexico.

That fortification has had big consequences, especially in California: More migrants are having devastating and costly falls.

My colleague Miriam Jordan was reporting at the border this year when she noticed an unusual number of migrants in wheelchairs, bandages and casts at shelters. Jordan learned that while there was no comprehensive accounting of wall-related injuries and deaths, doctors at U.S. hospitals along the border have noticed a definite increase.

“Desperate people try to jump over, and they suffer much more severe traumatic injuries to the head,” Jordan said. “The falls also shatter their extremities, because of greater impact from falling farther.”

That’s on them. If I go and climb the fence into the residence of Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi, a nuclear power plant, a military base, and fall and hurt myself I’d be prosecuted. The NY Times would say I was a fool for doing what I did. If I cut myself on the barbed or razor wire, that’s on me. Those big walls at the border should be saying “stay out.”

Problems continue even after they receive treatment. “Many migrants do not receive the follow-up care that they need after being released from the hospital,” she said, “and they may never regain the ability to work at physically arduous jobs, which they came to America to do, or lead a normal life.”

If you blow a stop sign and a car hits you, well, you brought the injuries on yourself.

“The problem is getting worse and worse,” said Dr. Jay Doucet, chief of the trauma unit at UC San Diego Health, which is about 15 miles from the Tijuana-San Ysidro border crossing. “The hospital system is taking a big hit,” he told Jordan.

Is anyone blaming Apple, Samsung, Google, or other smartphone makers for all the people getting hurt taking selfies and videos? Why would we blame a wall, even one that was increased in height from 8-11 feet to 30 feet? It’s a clear sign that says “no. Stay out”.

“This is at our center alone, and we only see severe trauma,” said Alexander Tenorio, a neurosurgeon at UC San Diego Health who has operated on migrants with brain injuries.

“It’s an untold, heartbreaking story of unnecessary human suffering,” he said.

How about we electrify it, so that if they touch it they get a shock? We can use green energy, put a bunch of solar panels up to power it.

Read: NY Times Is Super Concerned Over Border Wall Falls In California »

Biden Regime Trots Out New Greenhouse Reductions For Highways

Typical dictatorial over-reach from people who do nothing to practice what they force everyone else to practice

Biden Admin Rolled Out A Massive Highway Emissions Rule On Thanksgiving Eve

The Biden administration unveiled a massive set of highway emissions regulations on Wednesday as Americans were settling in for the holiday weekend.

The finalized ruleannounced by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), effectively requires state and local transportation agencies to establish greenhouse gas reduction targets for federally-funded roadway projects. Critics of the rule assert that it is an attempt to use federal highway funding as a cudgel to impose climate policies on state and municipal governments.

“Federal overreach to advance a misguided climate agenda has become a staple of the Biden administration,” Republican West Virginia Sen. Shelley Moore Capito told the Daily Caller News Foundation. “The final rule, which imposes the performance measure and the requirement to set greenhouse gas targets on state departments of transportation and metropolitan planning organizations (MPO), is just one more example of these harmful regulations.”

And, of course, Los Federales essentially take tons of money from taxpayers and feed it back into the states for a goodly chunk of road projects, from highways and on down.

Similar emissions reduction requirements for federally-funded highway projects were deliberately excluded from the bipartisan infrastructure law as Congress was negotiating on the package, which President Joe Biden signed into law in November 2021, Capito told the DCNF.

“Without the authority to impose this mandate, the FHWA is ignoring the letter of the law to finalize a rule that hampers the ability of state DOTs and MPOs to address the transportation needs of their constituents,” Capito told the DCNF.

They do not care. They’ll probably find some small tiny bit of writing in some law to justify this, which is why Congress should be writing specific, targeted legislation with no leeway, rather than giant laws that are vague.

“It’s not surprising the Biden administration had Mayor Pete drop this regulation just as many Americans were fighting traffic to be with family on Thanksgiving on roads he won’t fix because he’s squandering gas tax money on bike lanes and climate nonsense,” Dan Kish, senior research fellow for the Institute for Energy Research, told the DCNF. “They don’t let the law get in the way of them imposing new edicts on Americans.”

They do not care.

Read: Biden Regime Trots Out New Greenhouse Reductions For Highways »

WWIII Watch: NATO Says Ukraine Will Join Once War Ends

We haven’t talked about Ukraine much, because nothing actually really happens, except dumping money and weapons. This kind of pronouncement means Russia will continue fighting, not wanting Ukraine to be part of NATO

‘All Allies Agree’ Ukraine Will Join NATO, Says Alliance Boss

NATO reaffirms its long-term support for Ukraine and says its members all agree the nation will join the alliance, but not while the war is ongoing, and not before it has reformed.

The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Jens Stoltenberg again spoke of NATO membership for Ukraine as a definite matter — despite previous dissent from within the alliance — as he spoke of a forthcoming meeting of the NATO-Ukraine Council this week.

“Allies agree that Ukraine will become a member of NATO”, Stoltenberg said as he said discussions this week would focus on “priority reforms” for the country to make it fit to join the organisation. Recent direct support for Ukraine cited by the Norwegian politician turned alliance leader included the air defence coalition, billions in new funding, and the opening of the F-16 training centre in Romania for Ukrainian pilots.

There would still be lots and lots of details to work on, but, how does Russia feel? This will incentivize them to go harder. Oh, and Ukraine really is still a not particularly good country.

Oh, and how about that whole anti-freedom and anti-Christianity stuff?

Read: WWIII Watch: NATO Says Ukraine Will Join Once War Ends »

Reuters Is Concerned That Republican Attacks On EVs Could Backfire

Why? Because a lot of manufacturers are building in Red states

In 2024, Republican EV attacks may fall short as swing states reap investment

electric vehicleElectric vehicles are a “hoax,” they do not work, and they are strengthening China’s economy at the expense of American jobs.

Those are among the criticisms that contenders for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, including former President Donald Trump and Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, have leveled on the campaign trail in recent weeks.

But while EVs have emerged as a common foe for Republicans seeking the country’s top job, they are increasingly a source of tax revenue and employment in the states that will determine the winner of the 2024 presidential election.

That has created a potential opportunity that President Joe Biden and some Democratic congressional candidates are seeking to exploit to win support before next November’s vote, according to 25 Democratic and Republican strategists, local officials, labor leaders and a review of campaign literature.

There have been roughly $128 billion in investments in domestic EV and battery manufacturing announced since the 2022 passage of the Inflation Reduction Act, or IRA. That law, supported by Biden and congressional Democrats, created tax credits to boost domestic EV manufacturing.

Of that investment, $48 billion – or one third – has taken place in Georgia, Arizona, Nevada and Michigan, according to an analysis done by advocacy group Climate Power at Reuters’ request. Those four states, along with Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and North Carolina, are the arguably the most competitive in the country.

Why is this happening in mostly red states? Because they have the lowest taxation, are the most business friendly, and are right to work states. Why would companies want to deal with all the insanity in Blue states? Further, EVs are inconvenient for most citizens, they are expensive, they do help China’s economy (just like solar panels), and, here’s the biggest point of contention, they are being forced on Americans, mostly by executive fiat or unelected bureaucrats. If you want one, get one. Good on you. But, for people who do not want them, why is Government creating the condition where that’s the only thing you will be able to get? Especially when the people foisting this on Americans mostly do not drive one.

This won’t move the needle at all when it comes time to vote, but, climate cultists are always dreaming.

Read: Reuters Is Concerned That Republican Attacks On EVs Could Backfire »

Pirate's Cove