25% Of New Yorkers Think Israel And Jews Had It Coming

If they took a poll during the Nazi Germany era I wonder what that poll would look like

Antisemitism and Islamophobia both surging in NY during Hamas-Israel war: poll

A large majority of New Yorkers feel that antisemitism has increased during the Hamas-Israel war while a significant portion of the state believes Islamophobia is also on the rise, a new survey released Monday reveals.

About three-quarters of New York voters — 73% — said Jews in the state are experiencing a great deal or some antisemitism, while only 16% said there is not much or any at all, the Siena College poll found.

And of those who cited antisemitism as a problem, 75% said the hatred increased after Hamas invaded Israel on Oct. 7.

At the same time, 62% of voters say Muslims in New York are experiencing Islamophobia, and a majority of those respondents say that hatred has increased since Oct. 7.

While there have certainly been a few attacks on Islamists, most of what is being called “Islamophobia” is simply people calling them out for supporting Hamas and hating on Jews.

Nearly six in 10 of voters — 59% — say the Hamas attacks on Israeli citizens are a crime that should be condemned without hesitation or explanation.

But another 25% of respondents say that while they condemn the murder of Israeli civilians, they believe the attacks were a result of decades of Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

So, good on 59% of New Yorkers. But, then, you have 25% of New Yorkers who support a State Dept designated terrorist organization, which the vast majority of Palestinians supported.

Self-identified liberals were more sympathetic to the Palestinian cause and less supportive of Israel than more moderate and conservative voters who side squarely with Israel.

They are Useful Idiots, who fail to see that Islamists are in direct competition for world control. That’s their history. Almost immediately after Islam started they went to war to conquer the known world as a means of spreading Islam at the point of a sword. You can find all sorts of liberals and Islamists attempting to say it is all about peace, and the Quran can be very contradictory, but, at the end, what it is about is submission. You do not necessarily have to convert per the Quran, but, you will still be forced to submit. And Muhammad personally led lots and lots of attacks, forcing submission. He killed people for criticizing him and Islam, and all Muslims are told to emulate him

33 Sura Al-Ahzeb 22 Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad) you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much.

Muhammad told them to go to war and spread Islam. The Useful Idiots just do not grasp that hardcore Islam, heck, even moderate Islam, wants to conquer them.

Read: 25% Of New Yorkers Think Israel And Jews Had It Coming »

New Gun: Ruger Max-9 Pro

No, I’m not much of a gun guy. I’ve shot revolvers, pistols, rifles (both hunting style and defense, what they call assault rifles, style), and shotguns. The only one I own, though, is a Walther P22, which is a .22 caliber pistol, and pretty small. I purchased it in 2008, and go out and shoot a few times a year. I typically keep one mag loaded, though, it doesn’t stay in the pistol. It’s right next to it, and can be loaded fast. There’s no need to pull the slide back, it will load with the first trigger pull, though, that first pull is much tougher. Double action.

I wanted to get a 9mm for more defense, and because I’m going to get a concealed carry permit. .380 weapons are less expensive, but, interestingly, the ammo is more than 9mm. I went to Cabela’s (if you have one, ZOMG, huge number of choices, and the ammo is a great price. I got a box of 100 Winchester .22 for half the price anywhere else has it, including WalMart). I probably checked out about 8 different ones in my price range. I was looking for under $400, but, was willing to go up to $500. I really wanted one with a manual safety, the only one that felt good had a safety that was almost impossible.

It came down to a Glock and the Ruger, I kinda liked the grip and weight of the Ruger

I’ve shot it twice so far using range ammo. It has great action. Very light trigger, very little recoil. I could hit what I was aiming at…well, I was going just to the left, but, had the same issue with my Walther. Not sure if it was the new grip, how I was holding it more with left hand, or, need to get shooting goggles with bifocals built in. One mag holds 10 and the other holds 12. Here’s the wild thing

The one on the right is the Ruger, the other is the Walther. The Ruger easily fits in to the Walther case. It is slightly thicker, and the grip is slightly thicker. With the mag in the grip is longer. It is easier to drop a mag. With no hammer there’s barely any difference for recoil. The one really nice thing for the Walther is the front of the trigger, easy to get a finger secure on it. Not many have that. It is a bit easier to hit the slide lock on the Walther, have to break in the Ruger.

Now time to get a CCW. What do y’all have?

Read: New Gun: Ruger Max-9 Pro »

Bummer: World Is Totally Failing To Comply With Climate Cult Efforts To Stop Climate Doom

How dare governments not crack down on the peasants?

This is how far behind the world is on controlling planet-warming pollution

The hottest year on record is coming to a close, emissions of planet-warming gases are still rising globally, and the most ambitious climate goal set by world leaders is all but impossible to meet, according to a new analysis by the United Nations.

The annual report from the U.N. Environment Programme lays out how far behind the world is on controlling planet-warming pollution, most of which comes from burning oil, gas and coal.

The numbers are sobering and arrive less than two weeks before world leaders are set to gather in Dubai for the annual U.N. climate negotiations.

Between 2021 and 2022, global greenhouse gas emissions grew about 1%, the analysis finds. Emissions need to fall as quickly as possible to avoid catastrophic climate impacts such as runaway sea level rise, unsurvivable heat in some areas and mass extinction of plants and animals, scientists warn.

Always the doom with these people

Right now, the world is headed for at least 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit of warming this century compared to global temperatures in the late 1800s. That assumes that countries will do everything they have currently promised under the Paris climate agreement, including things that some governments have said they’ll only do if wealthy countries follow through on promises to help foot the bill. For example, helping to pay for renewable energy infrastructure in less wealthy nations.

If such conditions aren’t met, the planet is headed for more than 5 degrees Fahrenheit of warming, the analysis finds.

The world went up a mild 1.5F since 1850, and we’re supposed to believe it will just another 3 to 3.5F? Notice they failed to provide a date.

Anyhow, let’s do some math

Nine-in-ten Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say the U.S. should prioritize developing alternative energy sources to address America’s energy supply. Among Republicans and Republican leaners, 42% support developing alternative energy sources, while 58% say the country should prioritize expanding exploration and production of oil, coal and natural gas.

So, if 81 million people voted for Joe Biden, and 9 in 10 want to Do Something, that means 72.9 million of them should sell their fossil fueled vehicles and buy EVs. Or take the bus. Walk. Buy an electric scooter. They can all downgrade to tiny homes and apartments, handwash and line dry their clothes. No more carbon pollution infused beer and champagne. Only wear 2nd hand clothes. No ice makers. No meat. And, if hey all did that, and the Warmists in other nations all went Net Zero, then, according to their sermons the world would be saved, right?

And they could just leave the rest of us the F alone.

Read: Bummer: World Is Totally Failing To Comply With Climate Cult Efforts To Stop Climate Doom »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled boat, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is MOTUS AD, with a post saying it’s time to get mad at yourself.

Read: If All You See… »

Suddenly, The LA Times Editorial Board Is For Informed Debate On Campus

The LA Times editorial board, and the paper overall, haven’t had an issue with hardcore Democrat voters of all stripes running rampant on campus over the years. Not a peep when students and faculty do everything the can to stop people from speaking who have different views. With students taking over campus offices for whatever their Outrage Of The Day is. Nor did they say anything about students and faculty showing their Israel and Jew hatred before, nor their support for terrorist organizations. So, what’s changed?

Editorial: Too much heated rhetoric on campus. Bring informed debate back to universities

At moments like this, when violence in the Middle East has reached a fever pitch that has left the world horrified, universities have an important role to play in convening open debate. Or at least they used to.

The past weeks could have been the perfect time for relevant learning on the Israel-Hamas conflict, an antidote to the extraordinary campus strife we are seeing at the University of California and elsewhere across the nation. Instead of painting others as the enemy, people might have searched for common ground, or at least deeper understanding.

However, how can there be common ground with students and faculty screaming for the end of Israel, death to Jews, and supporting a State Dept designated terrorist organization? How do the Jewish students find common ground with those who are screaming in their faces and acting in a threatening way?

Institutions of higher education could have called on their experts, such as those in history, geography, international relations and religion to hold seminars and teach-ins for students and community members. They could have organized talks and speaker panels in which people listened to each other instead of belittling and insulting those with different backgrounds and views. How many people, after all, truly know the history and understand the current politics of the Middle East?

Except, a good chunk of those experts at the schools believe the same extremist things the students believe. Who do you think taught the students to hate Israel and Jews? And, anyone holding a teach-in in favor of Israel would have been shouted down.

This is a big part of what students should be getting out of college: deep learning, shaped by debate and discussion, leading to informed opinion. Unfortunately, as the roiling accusations and fears on U.S. colleges campuses show, that has become hard to achieve.

When did universities become places where people started conversing less and expressing open hostility more?

When they were taken over by hardcore Leftists, and, while there has been a leftist bent for decades, I’d say it was around the time of the election of George W. Bush, and those on campus went nuts. And now you cannot say or do anything that goes against them, as it will get ugly. Remember, universities are run by Democrat voters. The teachers are mostly Democrat voters. This is on Democrats for being beyond intolerant.

The American Assn. of University Professors believes that free discussion became more easily chilled about a decade ago, when some students began calling for trigger warnings before classroom discussions of topics they might find upsetting; that led to demands that faculty members provide trigger warnings on assigned literature.

The flood of social media, often created to fuel outrage, and political polarization during the Trump era certainly haven’t nurtured civility.

Where’s that incivility coming from? Who’s pushing this? Weirdly, the LA Times editorial board doesn’t say.

No wonder that when faced with gut-wrenching news like the Israel-Hamas war, many students react in hostile ways that chill the speech of others and make their fellow students feel threatened. Unfortunately, in some cases, their professors do the same or worse.

Who do they vote for? This is all rather sanitized

Vehement student protest has a time-honored place on campus. Students should be angry about injustice; how else will they fight it? But protest should be based on verified information, and should lead to discussion devoid of vituperative insults, harassment or threatening language. The opposing factions might not end up agreeing; in fact, they probably won’t. But they may end up with a deeper understanding of each other’s views and becoming better informed.

Which side is screaming, harassing, and threatening?

UC will spend $2 million on education programs to foster better understanding of antisemitism and Islamophobia and to teach students about the history of the Middle East. An equal amount will go to teach UC leaders and staff on how to be true educators and helpers.

And therein lies the problem: it mostly isn’t a problem with Muslims being harassed and threatened, with “Islmophobia.” It’s the students and teachers doing this against Jews and Israel supporters.

Read: Suddenly, The LA Times Editorial Board Is For Informed Debate On Campus »

Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Could Cause More Drug And Alcohol Use

It couldn’t possibly be due to states legalizing drugs and tons of drugs flowing in across the open border, could it?

5 reasons why climate change may see more of us turn to alcohol and other drugs

Climate change will affect every aspect of our health and wellbeing. But its potential harms go beyond the body’s ability to handle extreme heat, important as this is.

Extreme weather events, such as floods, droughts, storms and wildfires, are becoming more frequent and severe. These affect our mental health in a multitude of ways.

Coping with climate change can be overwhelming. Sometimes, the best someone can do is to seek refuge in alcohol, tobacco, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, or other psychoactive substances. This is understandable, but dangerous, and can have serious consequences.

We outline five ways climate change could increase the risk of harmful substance use.

Interesting: climahysterics at the top and in the media work to scare the congregation, the regular old Warmists, to the point that the top climatahysterics are concerned that the congregation will use too many drugs and drink too much because they’re scared, anxious, and depressed. The first way mentioned is that people with poor mental health could turn to drugs and/or alcohol. Well, most of the Warmists a brain addled. The 2nd worry increases. Well, yeah, because everything is doom and gloom.

Number three is because of physical injuries because of….a slight temperature increase of 1.5F since 1850? Really? Maybe it’s because young folks really just do not get that much exercise, and their constant climate doom anxiety messes with their physical health. The final two, “Our day-to-day lives change” and “It destabilises communities” are just as cultish. And it leads to “Politicians take note”.

Obviously, they are pushing for more government authoritarianism and taxation. Shock.

Read: Your Fault: ‘Climate Change’ Could Cause More Drug And Alcohol Use »

Here We Go: How To Talk Politics At Thanksgiving

I’m sure many more will follow, along with all the “how to talk climate doom with your Republican uncle” ones

How to avoid talking politics at Thanksgiving? Consider a ‘NO MAGA ALLOWED’ sign.

It’s almost Thanksgiving, that special day of the year when most Americans are forced to spend time with relatives they don’t like in return for large amounts of food they do like.

While the whole social/gastronomic experiment unfolds, one topic invariably pops up and transforms the day from “Well, this is annoying, but at least there’s pie” to “Oh God, I have to get out of here before I stab cousin Melvin with the wishbone.” That topic, of course, is politics.

It has never been a good subject to float during family gatherings. But in the age of former president and over-achieving criminal defendant Donald Trump, it has become more explosive than your drunk uncle adding “just a bit more oil” to the turkey fryer.

Tragically, politics are front-and-center in our national conversation, with a presidential election approaching and the U.S. Congress mirroring that Thanksgiving someone served Red Bull at the kids table.

So how do we avoid the topic that should be voted “Most Likely To Bring A Violent End To Your Holiday”?

Well, probably not hanging with unhinged leftists who love to kill the unborn, hate Jews, want Other People to pay high taxes, and love Big Government, among others, is a good idea. Or, just not bringing up politics. And, while some Republicans can get out of control, Modern Socialists will utterly lose their shit any time someone challenges them.

Anyhow, since this is the leftist USA Today, what are their ideas? Well, you saw the headline, right?

NO MAGA ALLOWED, or something along those lines
If you don’t like Donald Trump and hope he is sentenced to live under a bridge with a particularly ill-tempered troll named Gnarlfart the Gaseous, simply post a “prohibited” sign on your front door that shows the word “MAGA” with a large red slash through it.

Funny how liberals, who claim they are so tolerant, are simply unable to deal with anything beyond their little bubble.

Keep your ears peeled for red-flag words and be prepared to create a diversion. For example, if you hear a grandparent say the words “rigged election” or “COVID hoax” or “Biden crime family,” you should immediately set the tablecloth on fire. By the time it’s put out and everyone has settled down, the toxic subject will hopefully be forgotten and everyone can eat their sweet potatoes in peace.

The article even suggests that the little moonbats plan an escape route, or just call in sick.

Seriously, who’s most likely to bring up how evil Thanksgiving is? But, hey, you know what, let’s not discuss Trump or that other stuff. We can discuss Bidenomics and why your liberal friends showed up in a fossil fueled vehicle instead of an EV.

Read: Here We Go: How To Talk Politics At Thanksgiving »

If All You See…

…is carbon polluting beer, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is IOTW Report, with a post on trends in congressional retirement

It’s friendship week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday! A wonderful day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Thanksgiving is almost here. This pinup is by Gil Elvgren, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Victory Girls Blog notes Nikki Haley is having a moment
  2. The Right Scoop covers a hate hoax against Palestinians
  3. The Lid discusses WalMart’s earnings showing serious issues with Bidenconomy
  4. The Gateway Pundit shows who made the Ms. Universe finals
  5. The First Street Journal features people who are dumb as rocks
  6. Sultan Knish notes the IRS refuses to act against a Hamas nonprofit
  7. neo-neocon covers Hamas taking the kids on a field trip
  8. Moonbattery discusses CAIR amplifying a hate hoax
  9. Legal Insurrection highlights Israel pumping exploding gel into Hamas tunnels
  10. Irons In The Fire notes something the Stupid Party actually came through on
  11. IOTW Report shows Biden’s senior moment of the week
  12. Geller Report digs deep on the J6 video that was released
  13. Don Surber features a Jewish group spending $100 million on beat Squad members
  14. Common Cents Blog has video from a Hamas bodycam showing how it began
  15. And last, but, not least, Cold Fury notes the FBI halted investigations into pedophiles to go after J6ers

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Canadian Sexual Assault Center Denies Jews Were Sexually Assaulted By Hamas

Can we officially call this Jew Derangement Syndrome at this point? Or, is that minimizing the hatred these people have for Israel and Jews?

Sexual assault center at Canadian university signs onto open letter that DISPUTES women were raped and sexually assaulted during Hamas terrorist attacks in Israel

The director of a sexual assault center at a Canadian university is coming under criticism for signing an open letter denying women were raped during Hamas’ October 7 attack on Israel.

Samantha Pearson, director of the University of Alberta’s Sexual Assault Center, was among those to sign in support of the letter written by two local politicians.

Sarah Jama, a member of Ontario’s provincial parliament, and Susan Kim, a city councillor in Victoria, British Columbia, authored the letter to all members of Canada‘s parliament.

‘We, the undersigned, residing in so-called Canada, urge Canadian political leaders to end their complicity in the ongoing massacres and genocide in Gaza, Occupied Palestine,’ they wrote.

The letter – entitled ‘Stand with Palestine: Call on Political Leaders to End Their Complicity in Genocide!’ – called on the MPs to resign after the prime minister, Justin Trudeau, refused to demand a ceasefire.

And the signatories criticized opposition leader Jagmeet Singh for having ‘repeated the unverified accusation that Palestinians were guilty of sexual violence.’

Whatever happened to believe all women? If women in Gaza started accusing Israeli soldiers of rape and sexual assault you can bet these unhinged tools would howl and immediately believe them, because they hate Israel which has led to loathing Jews.

Leftists want the killing in Gaza to stop? Tell Hamas to release all the hostages and surrender, including the chickenshit ones hiding in other countries.

Read: Canadian Sexual Assault Center Denies Jews Were Sexually Assaulted By Hamas »

Pirate's Cove