Why Are You Dancing

What is this?

The Giants were down 28-0 at this point. They are 2-8 on the season. They had been pathetic up to this point in the game. I didn’t see this live, because I had switched over to watch a horror movie (well, a horror movie other than this game). You don’t dance in the endzone, and damned sure teammates do not come over and dance with you.

Earlier, a DB got a good interception off Prescott, and the D decided it was a good time for a team mugging celebration in the endzone. 2 and 8. This team is trash in every facet except special teams. They’re good at punting because they do it a lot.


Read: Why Are You Dancing »

St. Greta Attempts To Assimilate Israel-Hamas War, Gets Interrupted

I’m not surprised in the least. The climate cult will always attempt to put any and every issue under their cult banner

Greta Thunberg interrupted at climate protest after changing the topic to the Israel-Hamas war

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was interrupted by a man who grabbed the microphone from her on stage after she allowed a Palestinian and Afghan woman to speak during a climate protest in Amsterdam.

Thunberg was speaking in the Dutch capital to tens of thousands of people when she shared her time on stage with Afghan woman Sahar Shirazd and another Palestinian woman.

“As a climate justice movement, we have to listen to the voices of those who are being oppressed and those who are fighting for freedom and for justice,” Thunberg said. “Otherwise, there can be no climate justice without international solidarity.”

Definitely not Marxists or something

The two women then spoke before handing the microphone back to Thunberg, who was wearing a Kaffiyeh – worn traditionally by Palestinians – when she resumed her speech.

Does St. Greta understand the meaning of the kaffiyeh, which is linked to the Palestinian Intifadas, when they tried to kill lots of Jews? Well, she said she didn’t know what the blue octopus meant. Which was a load of BS.

Then a man wearing a jacket with the name of a group called Water Natuurlijk walked onto the stage and grabbed the microphone from Thunberg’s hands.

“I have come here for a climate demonstration, not a political view,” the man said before being ushered off-stage.

I guess he doesn’t know that everything is subservient to the climate cult. And that ‘climate change’ is a political view.

Read: St. Greta Attempts To Assimilate Israel-Hamas War, Gets Interrupted »

Palestinians Believe Rashida Tlaib Spoke The Truth Or Something

This is what happens when you let in and bring in large numbers of people who have very, very different points of view, some Islamic extremist, and I’d bet most hate Jews and Israel. And these people not only refuse to assimilate, but, demand that America (and other Western nations) change to accommodate them

Opinion: Why Palestinian Americans believe Rep. Rashida Tlaib spoke the truth

“I can’t believe I have to say this,” Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) said during the debate over the motion to censure her in Congress this week, “but Palestinian people are not disposable. We are human beings just like anyone else.”

Yes, and they voted in a US, UN, and EU designated terrorist group to run Gaza, who then ended all elections, and Palestinians did nothing. They did nothing when Hamas was putting weapons in and under hospitals, schools, and mosques. Germans were people too, as were the Japanese. But, they chose to start a war, and Germans went along with the Nazis. Not all, but, enough. Germans and Japanese changed: Palestinians haven’t in 60+ years

The vote passed Tuesday in the House 234-188. Tlaib powerfully captured the extent to which Palestinians have been silenced and dehumanized in institutions across the United States, even as they are killed and injured thousands of miles away. Indeed, the dehumanization here mirrors the physical destruction in Gaza and the West Bank — and helps to sustain it.

And the House of Representatives saw this — of all times — as the ideal occasion on which to censure the only Palestinian American member of Congress for having expressed the rights and humanity of her battered but still steadfast people.

Yes, the one who has expressed Jew hatred, Israel hatred, and support for Islamic terrorist groups many times. Shove your race card where the sun don’t shine.

Among the reasons cited for censuring Tlaib was a video she shared on social media that included the slogan “from the river to the sea.” The resolution claims this was a “genocidal call.” In fact, variations of the phrase have been used by different parties, including, but not only, Hamas. In Israel’s Likud Party 1977 platform, for example, it was used to express uniquely Israeli sovereignty over all of historical Palestine, a theme also echoed in Israel’s 2018 Jewish Nation-State Law. In today’s context, for Palestinians and others opposing Israel’s system of apartheid, however, the phrase expresses a vision of freedom and equality for all.

There’s some gaslighting. These people will never ask the questions “if Palestinians run the area from the river to the sea will the Jews be allowed to stay? Will they share power?” Hamas says it means kicking all Jews out, turning the area into an Islamic caliphate, and killing the Jews.

Hundreds of thousands of ordinary Americans protesting and demonstrating across the country have expressed their affirmation of our common humanity in ways that our institutions and government somehow seem to find impossible. Above all, young people and especially students on campuses — who have bravely shrugged off an orchestrated campaign of intimidation and doxxing intended to silence them — have rallied to the cause of Palestine, which they now recognize is also the cause of justice.

I, like many other Palestinians, have long been ready to embrace our Jewish cousins on these principles, in the name of dismantling apartheid and working toward a democratic and secular state of equal citizens — and in the name of our common humanity, which alone can save us in the end.

Saree Makdisi is a professor of English and comparative literature at UCLA.

Yes, and we’ve seen the calls for the destruction of Israel and Jew hatred, up to killing Jews. We’ve seen them abused and intimidated. Where was Makdisi when Palestinians and other students were attacking Jews at UCLA? Few Palestinians are actually ready to embrace Jews. He also failed to mention that Hamas started this. Why is it that no Arab nation will take in Palestinians? I wish I could find that opinion piece again, but, ask Jordan what happened when they allowed them in decades ago. Well, they started causing all sorts of issues, started having their own military, tried to kill off the Jordanian leaders, and started a civil war. Does the phrase “Black September” mean anything? They also caused a lot problems in Egypt, hence why they do not want them.

And why people like Tlaib should go, along with the others

Read: Palestinians Believe Rashida Tlaib Spoke The Truth Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Victory Girls Blog, with a post on Pro-Palestinian’s 1934 Nazi aspirations.

It’s fit women week!

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Happy Sunday! A great day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and the Giants are ready to beat the Cowboys (yeah, not likely). This pinup is by Arthur Sarnoff, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Geller Report covers the Jew hating march in England
  2. Irons In The Fire says happy birthday to the USMC
  3. Legal Insurrection notes college campuses are anti-Western civilization
  4. Moonbattery covers NY giving up on EV snowplows
  5. neo-neocon wonders why Eric Adams is being investigated
  6. Outside The Beltway covers food prices under Biden and Trump
  7. Pacific Pundit notes Megan Rapinoe ended her career with a non-contact injury
  8. Powerline discusses springtime for Hitler at MIT
  9. Sultan Knish tells how Biden got paid
  10. The American Conservative wonders why no one can say how much we’ve spent on Ukraine
  11. The First Street Journal notes yet another big money donor leaving an Ivy League school
  12. Gateway Pundit wonders about San Francisco cleaning up the homeless and streets for Xi’s visit
  13. The Lid discusses credit card debt exploding under Bidenomics
  14. The Other McCain covers the high price of forgetting
  15. And last, but, not least, The Red Squirrel Report notes a Woke makeover for the Macy’s Thanksgiving parade

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup »

Hundreds Of Pro-Hamas Nutters Mob Biden’s Delaware House

Perhaps this was the wrong weekend for Biden to have blown out of D.C. yet again. However, I wonder if he did make it. The schedule had him arriving at 1:25 PM Saturday, and much of the protest started well before that

Hundreds of pro-Palestine protestors descend on Biden’s Delaware mansion to demand ceasefire – as president declares war and death are ‘part of our American story’ at Veterans Day service

Hundreds of pro-Palestine protestors descended on President Biden’s Delaware mansion to demonstrate against US support for Israel in the conflict in the Middle East.

Footage from outside the sprawling Wilmington property saw dozens of Palestine flags flying alongside signs accusing the White House of facilitating genocide in Gaza.

‘Biden, Biden, you can’t hide! We charge you with genocide!’ the crowd chanted, as well as: ‘In November we will remember.’

The protestors stormed the area outside Biden’s property from Saturday morning to demand a ceasefire in Gaza, which has seen over 11,000 deaths in retaliatory strikes from Israel.

Among the speakers at Biden’s home was left-wing activist Linda Sarsour, who sparked backlash in 2017 after urging Muslims to wage ‘holy war’ against the Trump administration and used the term ‘jihad’.

All the nutters were there, and this was my favorite

Party for Socialism And Liberation. They’re a super radical group founded and based out of, shockingly, San Francisco. They’re very much into communist dictators, and are “advocates for the complete abolition of capitalism and its replacement with socialism.” Do they actually think that the Islamists will actually embrace their beliefs and treat them as equals? Or, just as Useful Idiots who will be beheaded in a Caliphate? Especially all those LGBTQwhatever folks that are part of the PSL?

Seriously, when you feed the gators they might eat you last, but, they will eat you. And gators do not actually care if you’re hooking them up with food. You’re also food. In fairness to Biden, he has been on Israel’s side, though, he has tried to patronize his wackjob base by yammering about Islamophobia. But, the U.S. government has let in way, way too many Islamists from around the world over the years, who refuse to assimilate and have kept their radical views.

And we get this

Read: Hundreds Of Pro-Hamas Nutters Mob Biden’s Delaware House »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Gates Of Vienna, with a post on what Islam means.

Read: If All You See… »

Doom Today: Climate Crisis (scam) Even Worse For People With Disabilities

The climate cult keeps trying to white knight for different communities. Blacks, Latinos, women, you name it, it’s an attempt to make people feel bad so they give their money and freedom to government

How climate change risks impact people with disabilities

As the planet warms scientists say natural disasters are becoming more destructive and more frequent, and the data shows certain communities are hit harder than others. Judy Woodruff reports from Florida on the disproportionate impact on people with disabilities as part of our series, “Disability Reframed.”

Judy Woodruff:

By the time Hurricane Ian left a trail of destruction in Fort Myers, Florida, last September, 61-year-old Lynne Bitzinger had already been without permanent housing for five years.

Lynne Bitzinger, Hurricane Survivor:

2017, Hurricane Irma, it wiped us out. A tree was put through my roof on my mobile home. I ended up with mold, water running down my walls.

Up to that point, the storms were just an event. At that point, the storms became cruel. Everything in my home was gone.

Judy Woodruff:

Bitzinger, who’s been in several car accidents and suffers from spinal damage, uses a scooter and a Walker to get around. She also cares for her friend Dennis Vaughn, a 73-year-old Vietnam veteran with critical illnesses and post-traumatic stress disorder.

As Ian approached, the two huddled in a Fort Myers motel.

Now they’re using disabled people to push their cult. It’s shameful.

Judy Woodruff:

Justice Shorter is a Washington, D.C.-based blind disability activist who also advocates for racial and environmental justice. An expert on emergency management, she’s heard countless stories about what people face before, during, and after natural disasters.

Sounds like yet another grifter working off the government, ie, taxpayers money. It’s just a scam



As beaver populations expand their range in the Arctic, they may also be causing more greenhouse gas emissions, contributing to climate change.

Beavers are increasing in the region, probably due largely to two different reasons. As their population rebounds from centuries of heavy trapping, the Arctic landscape is becoming more amenable to them, with shorter winters resulting in more shrubby vegetation.

But their growing numbers means more beaver dams, which are reshaping the Arctic environment. Researchers wondered how growing beaver populations in northwestern Alaska were affecting the carbon cycle.

It’s almost like nature does stuff.

Read: Doom Today: Climate Crisis (scam) Even Worse For People With Disabilities »

Police Who’ll Arrest You For Mean Tweet Prep To Keep Pro-Hamas March Mostly Peaceful

The UK Police will arrest you for a mean tweet

UK Man Arrested For ‘Malicious Communications’ After Posting Meme Mocking the Transgender Flag

And silent praying

WATCH: NEW footage of police arresting woman for silently praying

They’ll arrest you for a whole bunch of things they don’t like. They were positevely medieval during COVID. Want to stand in your front yard? They’ll threaten you. Make fun of Muslims

British man arrested for posting anti-Hamas video on Facebook

That was just the beginning of November. And now?

UK police step up efforts to ensure a massive pro-Palestinian march in London remains peaceful

London police have stepped up efforts to ensure a pro-Palestinian march on Saturday remains peaceful following a week of political sparring over whether the demonstration should go ahead on the weekend Britain honors its war dead.

More than 2,000 officers, some called in from surrounding forces, will be on the streets of the capital this weekend to make to ensure marchers obey the law and to prevent potential confrontations with counter protesters, the Metropolitan Police Service said.

Police are also taking steps to reassure the Jewish community, which has been targeted by a surge in antisemitic incidents since Hamas militants attacked Israel on Oct. 7 and Israeli forces responded with strikes and sending troops into the Gaza Strip.

“We know the cumulative impact continued protest, increasing tensions, and rising hate crimes are having across London and the fear and anxiety our Jewish communities in particular are feeling,” the police said in a statement. “They have a right to feel safe in their city, knowing they can travel across London without feeling afraid of intimidation or harassment.”

In fairness, the police have arrested a few pro-Hamas Jew haters in the previous weeks, but, not many.

But police have gone further, declaring an exclusion zone around the Cenotaph and stationing a 24-hour guard around the memorial, amid concerns that some protesters may seek to deface it. Protesters have also been barred from the streets around the Israeli Embassy, near the start of the march, and some areas next to the U.S. Embassy.

Police also said they would take steps to prevent convoys of vehicles traveling to the march from driving through Jewish communities. In past years, convoys carrying people who waved flags and shouted antisemitic abuse caused “significant concern, fear and upset,” the force said.

If the protesters were carrying anti-trans material, lighting the rainbow flag on fire, and chanting “fake men should not be in real women’s sports” they’d be arrested and the protest would be shut down. In fairness, the ultra-crazy right wingers led by Tommy Robinson are creating a bunch of problems right now, and started much earlier, so, we’ll see if they clash with the pro-Hamas folks. Two wackjob groups mixing should be fun. But, at least the Tommy Robinson folks mostly want to protect England from the extremist Muslim invasion.

Read: Police Who’ll Arrest You For Mean Tweet Prep To Keep Pro-Hamas March Mostly Peaceful »

Climate Cult Bringing Their Lawsuits To Fossil Fuels States

I wonder how many of the backers actually live in those states

Climate lawsuits are spreading to fossil fuel states

Climate change activists are setting the stage for lawsuits against oil and gas companies in a pair of states with deep ties to the fossil fuel industry.

The Center for Climate Integrity, which seeks to make oil majors pay for the effects of global warming, is eyeing Pennsylvania and Ohio as potential new fronts.

Landing litigation in either state would be a major coup. Though an increasing number of local and state governments are seeking to hold the industry accountable, most lawsuits have been filed in states without a significant fossil fuel footprint.

A Rust Belt state lawsuit would carry bragging rights, “like a cherry on top,” said Richard Wiles, president of the Center for Climate Integrity.

The existing array of lawsuits are also mostly in blue states, such as Massachusetts and California. Pennsylvania and Ohio would mark the first swing-state litigation.

The climate lawsuits have major hurdles to clear, but if successful, they could force the oil industry — like tobacco and opioid manufacturers before it — to pay hundreds of billions of dollars for putting the public at risk.

And what would be the result? Skyrocketing costs for gasoline and natural gas, which would increase the price of food, clothes, energy at home, services, you name it. And many goods will see double or more increases, because it’s not just shipping and energy, but, well over 700 products are made with petroleum. Half of every barrel goes to other than fuel. So, take sneakers. The manufacturer will pay more for the energy to make the shoes, more for the petroleum to make the shoes, more to ship them. The seller will have to pay more to buy the goods from the shoe company, will have to charge more for that, have to charge more because their store energy costs are higher. So those same shoes the climate cultists are walking in will skyrocket in price

Virtually everything they’re wearing is made with petroleum.

Read: Climate Cult Bringing Their Lawsuits To Fossil Fuels States »

Pirate's Cove