If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Real Climate Science, with a post on 25 years of climate science.

Read: If All You See… »

Hamas Supporter Rashida Tlaib Has Her Arizona State Event Cancelled

There can’t be that many Israel and Jew haters who are also supporters of Islamic terrorist groups in Arizona, can there?

Arizona State Cancels Tlaib’s Pro-Palestine Campus Event

Arizona State University canceled a pro-Palestine, on-campus event scheduled for Friday that was to feature remarks from Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., whose antisemitic rhetoric earned her a bipartisan censure from the House of Representatives last week.

A university spokesperson told The Arizona Republic that the event, “Palestine is an American Issue,” was canceled due to procedural issues.

It comes a day after a bipartisan group of Arizona lawmakers said Tlaib’s extremist views were “not welcome” in the state.

It’s the second event in Arizona featuring Tlaib that has been canceled this month.

Friday’s event was going to be hosted by the Arizona Palestine Network, a pro-Palestinian advocacy group.

The Arizona Palestine Network is totally committed to non-violence, yet, it was their Palestinian buddies who violated the cease-fire on October 7th, attacking, raping, torturing, beheading, and killing lots of Jews. Their Facebook feed is full of people wearing Intifada Keffiyehs, a symbol of killing Jews. Lots of calls to “free Palestine”: they’re never asked what that means. And this (they block embedding the video)

If they’re using that tagline, they want Israel destroyed.

I’m rather torn on the event being cancelled. Tlaib is a Jew hater and supporter of Islamic extremists. She’s one herself. She should be on the terror watchlist. But, should we be stopping people we disagree with, that we despise, from speaking? No, we shouldn’t.

“Organizers of events using ASU facilities must be properly registered with ASU and must meet all university requirements for crowd management, parking, security, and insurance. In addition, the events must be produced in a way which minimizes disruption to academic and other activities on campus,” an ASU spokesperson told the Republic.

“The event featuring Congresswoman Tlaib was planned and produced by groups not affiliated with ASU and was organized outside of ASU policies and procedures.  Accordingly, that event will not take place today on the ASU Tempe campus.”

But, should we allow people and their supporters who are going to be calling for the destruction of a nation and the killing of Jews to speak? People who could get violent and damage property? Who won’t be protesting peaceably?

Police escort Jewish students from ASU meeting after rocks thrown

‘Long live the Intifada,’ protesters yelled. ‘When people are occupied, resistance is justified.’

Jewish students at Arizona State University left a student government event under university police supervision after pro-Palestinian protesters shouted and threw rocks at their meeting from outside.

The students had gathered to debate proposed Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions student government legislation against Israel, according to The State Press, ASU’s independent student-run publication.

These are not peaceful people, and calling for the end of Israel, which is what BDS is about, is violent.

Read: Hamas Supporter Rashida Tlaib Has Her Arizona State Event Cancelled »

LGB Invokes Wartime Powers To Fund Heat Pumps

Will any member of the media ask him if he has a heat pump at either of his Delaware homes? Or at the White House? Heck, even the right leaning media fails to ask Biden these types of questions

Biden invokes wartime powers to fund electric heaters as he cracks down on gas appliances

President Biden invoked a Cold War-era law in a surprising move Friday to pour taxpayer funds into domestic manufacturing of electric heat pumps, an alternative to gas-powered residential furnaces.

In a joint announcement with the White House, the Department of Energy (DOE) said the federal government would award a “historic” $169 million for nine projects across 15 sites nationwide in an effort to accelerate electric heat pump manufacturing. The significant level of funding was made possible after Biden utilized the 1950 Defense Production Act (DPA) to increase domestic production of green energy technologies.

“Getting more American-made electric heat pumps on the market will help families and businesses save money with efficient heating and cooling technology,” said Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm. “These investments will create thousands of high-quality, good-paying manufacturing jobs and strengthen America’s energy supply chain, while creating healthier indoor spaces through home-grown clean energy technologies.”

Does Jen have one at her homes?

“Today’s Defense Production Act funds for heat pump manufacturing show that President Biden is treating climate change as the crisis it is,” added John Podesta, the White House clean energy czar. “These awards will grow domestic manufacturing, create good-paying jobs, and boost American competitiveness in industries of the future.”

And John? Does he have one?

And Ali Zaidi, who serves as Biden’s national climate advisor, said the president was “using his wartime emergency powers under the Defense Production Act to turbocharge U.S. manufacturing of clean technologies and strengthen our energy security.”

Without government mandates and money most would not get them. They really aren’t that good. You really need two of them, one for heat and one for AC, if you are in a place where they run a lot. Seriously, these Warmists really reached back to a 1950 law.

Read: LGB Invokes Wartime Powers To Fund Heat Pumps »

IDF Draws Star Of David On Hamas Training Grounds

This is awesome

From the link

The IDF used tanks to mark the Star of David onto the floor of a training ground for the Hamas terror group’s fighters in Gaza City.

The tanks can be seen in footage shared today roaming across the soil with Israel flags on a battle-worn strip of land.

They are then shown in a line pumping out blue and white smoke as the symbol is displayed.

The formation, performed by fighters from the Golani Brigade in the Kativa outpost, was part of a ceremony in memory of comrades who have fallen since the start of the war, according to IDF spokesman Daniel Hagari, who posted the video on X.

Hagari wrote: ‘In the parade ground of the ‘Kativa’ outpost in the heart of Gaza City, where terrorists of the terrorist organization Hamas were trained, fighters of the 13th and 51st Battalions of the Golani Brigade performed a combat ceremony in memory of their comrades who fell in the battles since the beginning of the fighting.’

Simply awesome. Too bad Jews do not do pork, either, they could have left some pig heads.


U.S. Investigates Colleges for Antisemitism and Islamophobia Complaints

The federal government opened discrimination investigations this week into half a dozen universities, including Columbia, Cooper Union and Cornell in New York, following complaints about antisemitic and anti-Muslim harassment after the Israel-Hamas war broke out.

Since the start of the war on Oct. 7, the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights has also opened inquiries into Wellesley College in Massachusetts, the University of Pennsylvania and Lafayette College in Pennsylvania, along with a K-12 school district, Maize Unified in Kansas.

The Biden administration opened the investigations as part of “efforts to take aggressive action to address the alarming nationwide rise in reports of antisemitism, anti-Muslim, anti-Arab and other forms of discrimination,” according to a news release published by the Office for Civil Rights.

Here’s the question: is the DOE serious? Usually I would say “this is window washing”, but, give Biden his due, he has mostly taken the side of Israel and Jews, so, they might be going hard at the schools.

Read: IDF Draws Star Of David On Hamas Training Grounds »

Quick Thank You To Doc Ford

Back on October 29th I had a post asking if you could survive a zombie apocalypse, and Doc Ford mentioned the book Cascade: The Fallen Republic. I just want to say thanks, because it is damned good. I’m about 54% through it, a very long book. Definitely one of the better zombie books I’ve read. A great slow burn, takes a long time. You learn quite a bit about the characters, how they are going about their lives as a zombie like virus (think 28 Days Later) rolls through the US, with mentions of the EU and other nations melting down. You never feel that the author, James Tarr, is padding the book out. It’s listed at 742 pages. You probably won’t like it all that much if you are a liberal. But, the shots at liberals are well done, not overboard, they are subtle, rather than preachy. I usually do not like when fiction gets overly political.

Will definitely read the other two books in the series.

Read: Quick Thank You To Doc Ford »

Weird: 40% Of EV Charging Stations In Los Angeles Did Not Work

One would think that a place like LA would have operational charging stations, considering that California was the first state to mandate all of the peasants having to forgo petrol cars, well before Let’s Go Biden pushed his mandate

No Juice: WSJ Columnist Finds 40% of EV Chargers She Tried in LA County Were Out of Service

Wall Street Journal journalist who owns an electric vehicle (EV) was dismayed to find that about 40 percent of the chargers she tried throughout LA county were out of service. A troubling data point for car companies and government officials claiming that the entire country will soon go electric.

A test of 30 non-Tesla fast-charging stations in LA County, the EV capital of America, revealed that at least 40 percent of them had some type of issue, according to a report by the Wall Street Journal.

“From the beach in Santa Monica to parking garages under Rodeo Drive, my video producer Adam Falk and I visited 30 different non-Tesla DC fast-charger stations in a Rivian R1T pickup. I ran into problems at 13 of them — that’s over 40%. Oof is right,” WSJ columnist and EV owner Joanna Stern wrote.

The WSJ columnist added that she had deliberately limited the experiment to Level 3 chargers, noting, “I ignored the more common chargers known as Level 2 because they’re just too slow for quick fill-ups.”

Stern explained that she came across “three problem categories” during her testing expedition: first, the charging station was broken, second, there was a problem with payment, such as it being rejected, and third, there was a software error between the charger and the vehicle.

In fairness, while this was a random check, it could have been just bad luck. That happens. Most likely not, though. If the chargers are not working properly in the middle and upper class areas in the LA region, what makes you think the ones in the working class areas (not that they will put many in) will work?

“After  I repeatedly tried the credit-card reader with several different cards, the system demanded: ‘CASH ONLY,’” she wrote. “As if this was some hot-dog stand in the park — except there’s no money slot!”

Cash only. I cannot remember the last time I paid cash for gas. Or, heck, for most things these days.

Canada’s support for EV battery plants to cost C$5.8 bln more than announced -watchdog

Canada’s support for the construction of three of the country’s largest electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing factories is estimated to cost C$5.8 billion ($4.2 billion) more than initially announced, the country’s independent budgetary watchdog said on Friday.

Shocking! Of course, when government is involved they’re always going to get hit up for more money.

Would this one-seater electric car be enough for you?

Japan is king of the kei cars, or small-format vehicles designed mostly for urban use. But local startup KG Motors is taking that miniaturization to a whole new level with its one-seater electric car.

Inspired by North American startups, KG Motors CEO Kusunoki Kazunari explained that he wanted to bring the same kind of automotive entrepreneurial spirit to Japan, a company dominated by a few large automakers.

Designed for city use, it reaches a top speed of 60 km/h (37 mph) and features just a single seat in a center drive format.

If I lived at the beach it might be good, except for that whole 37 MPH thing. Rather buy a scooter or tiny motorcycle. Japan has crazy tiny cars. Most Hondas are no more than 58 inches wide. My Civic is a bit over 70 inches, and those are considered compact cars.

Read: Weird: 40% Of EV Charging Stations In Los Angeles Did Not Work »

If All You See…

…are horrible Bad Weather clouds from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Jo Nova, with a post on what looks, smells, and acts like one-health world government.

Read: If All You See… »

Cost Of Illegal Immigration: SCNY Mayor Announces Budget Cuts For Cops And Schools

Supporters of unfettered illegal immigration always say that illegal immigration doesn’t cost anything. In fact, they say that all those illegal immigrants put more money into the system then they take out.

And then the cold truth of economic reality slaps them in the face

Eric Adams Announces Funding Cuts For Cops, Schools To Pay For City’s Illegal Migrant Crisis

Democratic Mayor Eric Adams of New York City announced Thursday cops and schools would be subjected to budget cuts to pay for the city’s migrant crisis.

Adams announced that libraries would be closed on Sundays and the New York Police Department would freeze police hiring as part of the efforts to address the costs of housing migrants arriving in the city, according to The New York Times. The city is offering migrants free travel to any location as the number exceeded 130,000, but many say they will not leave the city.

“No city should be left to handle a national humanitarian crisis largely on its own, and without the significant and timely support we need from Washington, D.C., today’s budget will be only the beginning,” Adams said Thursday. The police force is expected to drop below 30,000 as a result of the cuts, The New York Times reported.

But, this is what the Sanctuary City New York wanted when they declared themselves a sanctuary city, right? Illegals overrunning the city, taking up who tracts of space, prostitution and drug use in the streets, people playing loud music at all times, crime increasing, right? Oh, yeah, I forgot that they love illegal immigration, as long as it is Somewhere Else.

Why are the citizens of SCNY not offering up their money voluntarily? Why is SCNY not raising taxes? The people voted for this. Now they will deal with even fewer police in a city dealing with a higher level of violent crime and a much higher level of property crime, in a period where the Democrats hatred of cops keeps the police from often being proactive, as they do not want to be falsely accused of anything. And schools will see a $1 billion reduction over two years. Have fun!

(Judicial Watch) Mass illegal immigration resulting from the Biden administration’s open border policies is costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars to provide an unprecedented number of migrants with medical treatment, housing, education, and other welfare services, not to mention law enforcement. A new congressional report that includes federal and state figures reveals the shocking price of supporting an estimated 16.8 to 29 million illegal aliens currently living in the United States. The “net cost of illegal immigration is greater than the annual gross domestic product (GDP) of 15 different states,” according to the lengthy report, published this week by the House Committee on Homeland Security. “Illegal immigration costs every American taxpayer a net average of $956—or $1,156 before the taxes paid by illegal aliens are factored in.”

Illegals are jamming up hospitals. They are also giving birth to lots of anchor children, which they do on purpose, so that they do not get deported since they kid is now a citizen.

Even France has had enough

The government’s immigration bill was voted through the French Senate with a large majority on Tuesday after most of the key provisions were hardened, access to work visas for long-term immigrants curbed, and medical help for irregular migrants slashed entirely.

The bill also sought to facilitate the deportation of migrants in an irregular situation “who pose a serious threat to public order” while increasing resources to combat smuggling networks, particularly in the Mediterranean.

Finally, a new provision created an automatic granting of a one-year work visa for irregular migrants working off-the-books in economic sectors that face severe labour shortages.

Initially, the bill raised the bar for irregular migrants to gain permission to stay in France – imposing new, stricter language requirements. All migrants applying for a permit would also have to swear to uphold the principles of the French Republic, else their asylum claims could be rejected.

In other words, they are going specifically after those illegals and refugees who are Muslims with extremist views, as they’ve seen lots of issues as of late with all the Jew hatred and having Palestinian flags flown in their streets. Really, this is something that’s been going on for decades, and most of those Islamists are refusing to assimilate. Time for them to go.

Read: Cost Of Illegal Immigration: SCNY Mayor Announces Budget Cuts For Cops And Schools »

Surprise: Green Energy To Skyrocket Cost Of NY Energy

Obviously, no one saw this coming, right?

NYers face skyrocketing costs to switch to electric heat under new ‘green’ policies: study

surprise surprise surpriseNew York residents could face skyrocketing heating bills under the state’s new “green” policies — which may not even have a significant impact on greenhouse-gas emissions, a new study warns.

A review by the Empire Center for Public Policy says the state’s new rules will push homeowners to buy expensive electrified heat pumps while being forced to phase out their natural gas, oil and propane systems.

But even then, the new electrification policy could only have a negligible impact on greenhouse emissions while burning up homeowners’ wallets, according to the analysis, “In Cold Reality: The Cost and Challenge of Compulsory Home Electrification in New York.”

“New York’s plan to steer homeowners and landlords toward electric heat could backfire due to high costs and practical concerns,” the authors say.

“The costs of heat pump installation and building shell weatherization are high and will place a substantial economic burden on many homeowners, even with state and federal subsidies.

None of this can happen with out government force and subsidies. Where are those subsidies coming from? The taxpayers, so, higher taxation or other services suffer. And, don’t forget that the building requirements will increase the cost of new construction, making homes and apartments more expensive, and commercial will simply pass the cost on to the customer.

Via Green Jihad, which notes

Consequently, there will be lots of displacements resulting from the cost of implementing New York’s electrification plan and, most likely, more people (especially low-income people and retirees) will leave New York altogether. This on top of the massive strain it will put on New York’s power grid resulting in rolling blackouts that politicians (like Governor Kathy Hochul) hope to make up with renewable energy sources. But, renewables will only make things worse.

Then again, kicking people out of the Empire State may be the whole point of New York State elite’s plan similar to what California has slowly been doing over many years. This isn’t about combating climate change, it is about ruining people’s lives.

Well, hey, the majority of New Yorkers voted for this. Any who vote Democrat shouldn’t be allowed to leave the state and escape what they voted for.

Read: Surprise: Green Energy To Skyrocket Cost Of NY Energy »

Insane GenZers Pushing Osama Bin Laden Manifesto

Well, of course they are. They’ve been taught to hate the United States and believe in the “aggrieved”, and, being 20+ years past 9/11, most of them have no concept of what happened

Young Americans Go Viral on China’s TikTok Spreading Ideas of Osama bin Laden

Young Americans have been going viral on the Chinese app TikTok sympathizing with Osama bin Laden and recirculating his 2002 letter in which the terrorist leader tries to justify the mass murder of Americans on September 11, 2001.

Osama bin Laden’s “Letter to America” went viral on China’s TikTok this week among a new generation whose members were either born after September 11, 2001, or were not old enough to remember the terrorist attacks on U.S. soil.

Amid the public debate on the Israel-Hamas war, young people are defending bin Laden for his opposition to America’s support for Israel. Videos on the topic have already garnered at least 14 million views.

“I’m not about to sit here act like [bin Laden]’s just the worst person in the world when America has literally been terrorizing people since the beginning of history,” one TikTok user said in a video.

“America is literally built on terrorizing people,” the TikTok user continued. “When what’s his name, fucking, whatever the guy’s name is that discovered America and found the land, he lied.”

“Put yourself in their shoes, 3,000 people died on 9/11, compared to the millions that Americans have killed in Palestine,” the young TikTok user added.

Other videos supported bin Laden’s declaration and urged others to read the letter.

I’ve seen many of the videos, and they are simply unhinged and clueless, which is what they were taught in public schools and colleges. And you can bet almost every damned one of them making the videos and believing in the videos votes Democrat. And it’s easy for them, because they have Free Speech, and do not have to travel and deal with Islamic terrorists. And there are a lot by women: let’s see them travel to those Islamist nations, see how it goes.

Yeah, well, we’ll see. Of course, the Chinese communist government is absolutely no friend of Islamists, or even just basic Muslims, and doesn’t seem to want to play games using them against America and the West, except for a bit with Iran.

These kids are basically Useful Idiots.

More: just to be clear, in case you haven’t read the ravings of a hardcore terrorist leader

(NY Post) Instead, several TikTokkers in these viral videos promoting the letter openly state they now realize bin Laden “was right.”

It’s bizarre, if unsurprising, to see this stance from supposedly “woke” progressives because they must have breezed past the part of the letter where bin Laden names our country’s tolerance of homosexuality, separation of church and state and sexual liberation for women as motivating reasons for terrorists’ desire to destroy America.

Those fawning over OBL, Hamas, and other America and Western hating Islamic extremists have no idea what they actually stand for.

Read: Insane GenZers Pushing Osama Bin Laden Manifesto »

Pirate's Cove