Who’s Surprised That Green Agenda Drives Inflation And Hurts Growth?

Is this a bug or a feature?

Green Agenda Driving Inflation and Hurting Economic Growth, Admits Central Banker

Leftist green agenda policies are driving up inflation, raising the cost of consumer goods and depressing economic production, a top policy advisor to the Bank of England has admitted.

Net Zero agenda items pushed by the so-called Conservative party in the UK such as taxes on carbon and emissions trading schemes are increasing inflation and worsening the wallet crunch for Britons as companies pass along the costs onto average consumers, Catherine Mann, a member of the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee has acknowledged.

In comments reported by The Telegraph from an address delivered at Oxford University, Mann said that economists have concluded that green “carbon taxes, public investments, and subsidies are all inflationary”

“Evidence has suggested upward pressure on inflation [and] downward effects on output,” she continued, explaining that the Net Zero levies on businesses are then “passed on fully or in part to consumers, which prompts the behavioural change needed to reduce emissions”.

However, the advisor to the Bank of England defended the financial institution’s role in pushing the green agenda forward, arguing that it is necessary to prevent the disputed potentially larger negative impacts on the economy by allegedly man-made climate change.

It is part unintentional, and a much greater part intentional. They’re saying things will be much worse if we do not do all this claptrap to solve the imaginary climate crisis, so, they’ll make things bad for the peasants in an attempt to control their lives and choices. Do you think the drastic rise in costs and the lower productivity really hurts or bothers the bigwigs? They’ve been saying it is all about power for decades, and few want to listen.

The admissions from the Bank of England advisor come after Prime Minister Rishi Sunak enraged the liberal establishment media in Britain by slightly scaling back some of the government’s net zero policies, such as delaying the ban on sales of new petrol and diesel cars from 2030 to 2035. Sunak has also delayed the ban on new oil-fired boilers from 2026 to 2035 as well as increasing government subsidies for the installation of home heating pumps.

However, the slight delays on such diktats will not deter the government from seeking to reach net zero carbon emissions by the year 2050, with Sunak saying in September that he is “confident” that the climate target will still be met.

Yet, do you see any of these people making their own lives Net Zero? Have they ditched their fossil fueled vehicles and purchased an EV? Or take public transit? Are they downsizing their homes? Giving up meat?

Read: Who’s Surprised That Green Agenda Drives Inflation And Hurts Growth? »

If All You See…

…is rising sea that will soon swamp all the land, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Da Techguy’s Blog, with a post on three interesting hospital videos from the war.

Read: If All You See… »

Credentialed Media Freaking Over Trump Signaling Vengeance If Elected

Democrats really do not like when people promise to do the exact same thing as Democrats

Trump signals he’s out for revenge in second term

Former President Trump told his supporters earlier this year he would be their “retribution” if reelected.

He told supporters last week he would direct the Justice Department (DOJ) to investigate “every Marxist prosecutor in America.”

And Trump over the weekend vowed to “root out … the radical-left thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country.”

Trump’s own words have made increasingly clear how fixated he is on revenge and targeting his perceived enemies if he wins a second term in the White House next November. The former president has openly mused in recent days that his own indictment has “released the genie out of the box” and would allow him to weaponize the government against his opponents.

How much of this is just Trump yapping, as he has been doing since 2016? Guy has no filter, and he also says a lot of things like this intentionally to wind Democrats up. But, why is it not OK for Trump to weaponize the government against Democrats? Sure, it’s damned sure not OK for the Democrats to weaponize the government against anyone who isn’t in lockstep with hardcore Democrat beliefs in the first place, but, they set the terms.

His comments have raised alarms among critics, some of whom fear a second Trump administration will lack some of the guardrails that existed during his first four years in office.

“His policies are not centered around improving the lives of his supporters or Americans in general, it’s centered around consolidating power for Trump, and that way he can wield it to enact that revenge on anyone he deems as an enemy,” said Sarah Matthews, a former Trump White House and campaign press aide who resigned over the Jan. 6 riots.

First, I will say that Trump has always done a good job in driving many of his “employees” away and turning them against him. Second, in most likelyhood Trump won’t do much of anything if re-elected. He might try to reduce government, but, he’ll be up against a seriously entrenched bureaucracy.

Trump’s own words paint a clear picture of an individual appearing increasingly fixated on targeting those he believes have wronged him if he is able to return to the White House, and he is using exceedingly incendiary rhetoric to make his point.

“I am your warrior, I am your justice. And for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,” Trump said in March at the Conservative Political Action Conference.

The former president earlier this year called for Republicans in Congress to defund the FBI and DOJ as he faced federal investigations that have since resulted in indictments in Florida and Washington, D.C.

Of course, what this The Hill article, and others discussing Trump’s comments on the subject, fail to mention is how Democrats have weaponized the system against Trump and his supporters. I really do not need to go into vast details, do I? You understand how.

And Trump has for months spoken about plans to direct investigations into President Biden, his family and others should he retake the White House.

Trump in June wrote on social media that he would appoint a special prosecutor to “go after” Biden, his family and “all others involved with the destruction of our elections, borders, & country itself.”

So, it’s OK for the Biden regime and their minions to go after Trump, his family, and his supporters, but, not OK to go after Biden and those others?

Read: Credentialed Media Freaking Over Trump Signaling Vengeance If Elected »

Doom: No Place In U.S. Is Safe From Climate Doom

We can fix this with a tax….no, wait, that’s so 2018, we can fix this with you giving all your liberty and freedom to government

No place in the US is safe from the climate crisis, but a new report shows where it’s most severe

The effects of a rapidly warming climate are being felt in every corner of the US and will worsen over the next 10 years with continued fossil fuel use, according to a stark new report from federal agencies.

Funny how the people who complain the most about the use of fossil fuels still use fossil fuels themselves

The Fifth National Climate Assessment, a congressionally mandated report due roughly every five years, warned that even though planet-warming pollution in the US is slowly decreasing, it is not happening nearly fast enough to meet the nation’s targets, nor is it in line with the UN-sanctioned goal to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius – a threshold beyond which scientists warn life on Earth will struggle to cope.

This year’s assessment reflects the reality that Americans can increasingly see and feel climate impacts in their own communities, said Katharine Hayhoe, a distinguished climate scientist at Texas Tech University and contributor to the report. (she’s the one who refuses to debate anyone on the subject)

“Climate change is affecting every aspect of our lives,” Hayhoe told CNN.

Some of the report’s sweeping conclusions remain painfully familiar: No part of the US is truly safe from climate disasters; slashing fossil fuel use is critical to limit the consequences, but we’re not doing it fast enough; and every fraction of a degree of warming leads to more intense impacts.

I’m sure they can tell us exactly how the doom will happen in the future, right? Predict exact temperatures, hurricanes, snow storms, drought, floods, etc., right?

The latest report contains an important advancement in what’s called “attribution science” – scientists can more definitively show how climate change is affecting extreme events, like heatwaves, droughts to hurricanes and severe rainstorms.

Oh, right, they just look at every weather event and Blame it on global boiling. They can never predict specifically.

Read: Doom: No Place In U.S. Is Safe From Climate Doom »

Good: Jewish Students At NYU Sue Over Anti-Semitism

The code of conduct at NYU, like most colleges, is published. It’s easy to find. It’s clear. And if Muslim students were being harassed you can bet the college would crack down

NYU is sued by Jewish students who allege antisemitism on campus

New York University (NYU) was sued on Tuesday by three Jewish students who accused the school of creating a hostile environment in which Jewish students are subjected to pervasive antisemitic hatred, discrimination, harassment and intimidation.

Bella Ingber, Sabrina Maslavi and Saul Tawil said in their complaint filed in Manhattan federal court that NYU has refused to enforce its own policies against bigotry, including by allowing chants such as “gas the Jews” and “Hitler was right.”

The plaintiffs said antisemitism had been a “growing institutional problem” at NYU even before the war between Israel and Hamas began last month, and has since gotten worse.

They also said Jewish students’ complaints are “ignored, slow-walked, or met with gaslighting” by NYU administrators, including new President Linda Mills, who they say falsely dismisses antisemitism on campus as overstated.

By allowing “the same anti-Jewish vitriol the Nazis propagated eighty years ago,” NYU has violated federal civil rights law and breached its duties to provide the education the plaintiffs expected when they enrolled, the complaint said. (snip)

The lawsuit seeks to require NYU to terminate employees, including administrators and professors, and suspend or expel students who engage in such abuse, and pay compensatory and punitive damages.

Jew hatred on college campuses is nothing new, and has only grown over the years. And who runs most colleges? Democratic Party voters. Will Jews, who overwhelmingly vote Democrat, realize they’re voting for people and supporting a party that hates them in general? Sure, there are many who do not, especially older ones like Chuck Schumer, but, there are so, so many who despise them.

Democrats are good with violent, unhinged people as long as they aren’t impacting their own lives.

Read: Good: Jewish Students At NYU Sue Over Anti-Semitism »

US And China To Accelerate ‘Climate Change’ Action Ahead Of San Francisco Meeting Or Something

Nothing like taking a long, fossil fueled flight across the Pacific on a jumbo jet to discuss Hotcoldwetdry, right? Or, taking a short helicopter flight to an airport, getting on a jumbo jet, flying across the US with a backup jumbo jet protected by fighter jets, right?

China and the US pledge to step up climate efforts ahead of Biden-Xi summit and UN meeting

China Votes BidenChina and the U.S. have pledged to accelerate their efforts to address climate change ahead of a major U.N. meeting on the issue, making a commitment to take steps to reduce emissions of methane and other greenhouse gases besides carbon dioxide.

The joint announcement came on the eve of a summit between Presidents Joe Biden and Xi Jinping that is aimed at stabilizing the rocky U.S.-China relationship.

Cooperation between the world’s two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases is considered vital to the success of the U.N. climate talks opening in two weeks in Dubai. It wasn’t clear earlier this year whether the two governments would cooperate, given a sharp deterioration in ties over other issues including technology, Taiwan and Russia’s war in Ukraine.

Both countries “are aware of the important role they play” and “will work together … to rise up to one of the greatest challenges of our time,” they said in a statement released Wednesday in Beijing and Tuesday evening in Washington.

But, remember, all this is meant for you peasants, not the elites

I do believe that is Xi’s motorcade, but, you know Biden’s is as big if not bigger. And none are EVs.

Read: US And China To Accelerate ‘Climate Change’ Action Ahead Of San Francisco Meeting Or Something »

If All You See…

…is an area flooding from too much carbon pollution bad weather, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Chicks On The Right, with a post on Nikki Haley killing her campaign by saying people should not be anonymous online.

Read: If All You See… »

FBI Director To Tell Congress There Are Lots Of Investigations Into Hamas Affiliated Individuals

I wonder if the FBI is investigating AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and most members of The Squad?

“Multiple investigations into individuals affiliated” with Hamas, Wray to testify

The head of the FBI will tell Congress Wednesday that federal law enforcement officials have launched “multiple investigations into individuals affiliated” with Hamas since the terrorist group attacked Israel last month, according to excerpts of prepared remarks obtained by CBS News.

FBI Director Christopher Wray is set to testify before the House Homeland Security Committee on Wednesday, alongside Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Christine Abizaid, director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

“In a year when the terrorism threat was already elevated, the ongoing war in the Middle East has raised the threat of an attack against Americans in the United States to a whole other level. Since Oct. 7th, we’ve seen a rogue’s gallery of foreign terrorist organizations call for attacks against Americans and our allies,” Wray is expected to tell the committee, “Given those calls for action, our most immediate concern is that individuals or small groups will draw twisted inspiration from the events in the Middle East to carry out attacks here at home.”

Since the Hamas attacks on Israel — and Israel’s subsequent strikes against the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip — the FBI director has said the U.S. intelligence community has been most concerned about lone-wolf style assailants, inspired by the terrorist group, targeting Western nations — and this after Hamas, al-Qaeda, and ISIS have issued calls to action.

Perhaps it’s a damned good idea to stop letting in lots of people from Muslim nations, especially 3rd world ones like Somalia, who simply want to continue living their extremist lives and never assimilate. Perhaps it’s a damned good idea to shut down the border as much as possible so they cannot enter illegally. To stop allowing people to show up at the border and demand asylum then hang out in the nation for year after year, attending mosques and groups which teach even more Islamic extremism.

Federal officials like Wray have stressed in recent weeks that there is no specific credible threat against the U.S., and no indication that Hamas yet has the capacity to launch an attack on U.S. soil.

Still, over the last month, the FBI and Justice Department — alongside other federal, state, and local law enforcement partners — have operated with heightened vigilance for any potential threats from inspired lone wolf actors and individuals motivated by antisemitism, Islamophobia or anti-Arab hate.

Earlier this month, a 20-year-old Jordanian national living in Texas was indicted on allegations he illegally obtained firearms and trained with others of a “radical mindset” to “possibly commit an attack.” The man was arrested in Houston on Oct. 19 after investigators said he had been “conducting physical training,” and “trained with weapons to possibly commit an attack,” according to earlier court documents.

He came on a non-immigrant visa back in 2019 and never left, and no one bothered to pick him up and stick him on an outbound plane. The percent of illegal aliens who overstayed their visas used to be 45%. It’s probably less now with all the illegals Biden left in, but, there are millions. How many are from Islamist nations?

Read: FBI Director To Tell Congress There Are Lots Of Investigations Into Hamas Affiliated Individuals »

Small Nuclear Power Plants Can Help Solve The Climate Crisis (scam)

Hey, if calling small Gen5 and Gen6 nuclear power plants a solution for global boiling, I’ll go with it, as long as they get built

U.S. Bets on Small Nuclear Reactors to Help Fix a Huge Climate Problem

Towering over the Savannah River in Georgia, the first nuclear reactors built from scratch in the United States in more than 30 years illustrate the enormous promise of nuclear power — and its most glaring weakness.

The two new reactors at the Vogtle nuclear power plant will join two older units to create enough electricity to power 2 million homes, 24 hours a day, without emitting any of the carbon dioxide that is dangerously heating the planet.

But those colossal reactors cost $35 billion, more than double the original estimates, and arrived seven years behind schedule. That’s why no one else is planning to build large reactors in the United States.

There were lots of reasons they took so long. The Wuhan Flu pandemic, lots and lots of lawsuits from nutters, too much rework, not enough workers with the necessary skill, since new reactors hadn’t been built in a long time.

We shouldn’t be building large ones: we should be building the latest generation ones, which are much smaller, and have been built in places like France

Instead, the great hope for the future of nuclear power is to go small.

Nearly a dozen companies are developing reactors that are a fraction of the size of those at Vogtle, betting that they will be quicker and cheaper to build. As the United States looks to transition away from fossil fuels that have underpinned its economy for 150 years, nuclear power is getting renewed interest, billions of dollars from the Biden administration and support from Republicans.

One reason is that nuclear plants can run at all hours, in any season. To those looking to replace coal and gas with wind and solar energy, nuclear power can provide a vital backstop when the air is calm or the sky is cloudy.

They would be much more efficient, less nuclear waste, and, from an air quality view, not a “carbon pollution” view, they would be much better than coal fired plants, especially as backups to wind and solar. Or, we could stop desecrating vast tracks of land with solar panels and wind turbines.

“The United States is now committed to trying to accelerate the deployment of nuclear energy,” John Kerry, President Joe Biden’s climate envoy, said in September. “It’s what we believe we absolutely need in order to win this battle.”

But the push to expand nuclear power, which today supplies 18% of electricity, faces enormous hurdles.

One of those hurdles is a very slow, slow, slow bureaucracy. Biden may want them, Kerry might want them, even some leading Warmists like Michael “Robust Debate” Mann might want them, but, there are tons of unhinged bureaucrats who despise them, and will slow walk them. Not mentioned in the very long, and well worth the read, NY Times article is that they will face lawsuit after lawsuit from the extreme-enviros, along with pressure from states and lawmakers.

Read: Small Nuclear Power Plants Can Help Solve The Climate Crisis (scam) »

Tens Of Thousands Of Israel Supporters Rally In D.C. Tuesday

This must have made all the Progressive, Hamas supporting Democrat lawmakers and federal employees very upset

Tens of thousands of supporters of Israel rally in Washington, crying ‘never again’

Supporters of Israel rallied by the tens of thousands on the National Mall under heavy security Tuesday, voicing solidarity in the fight against Hamas and crying “never again.”

The “March for Israel” offered a resounding and bipartisan endorsement of one of America’s closest allies as criticism has intensified over Israel’s offensive in Gaza, set off by the bloody Hamas incursion on Oct. 7.

Overlooking a sea of Israeli and U.S. flags, the top Democrats in Congress — Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and House Democratic leader Hakeem Jefferies — came together on the stage with Republicans Mike Johnson, the House speaker, and Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa. They joined hands as Schumer chanted, “We stand with Israel.”

I heard Schumer was fantastic, and read a bit about his speech. It’s definitely not fair to condemn all elected Democrats, heck, most. It’s a small minority who are unhinged Jew haters

A succession of speakers took the stage to denounce the Hamas attack and what they said was a virulent spread of antisemitism internationally, “an embarrassment to all civilized people and nations,” in the words of Israeli President Isaac Herzog, who addressed the crowd by video from the Western Wall in Jerusalem.

After “the largest massacre since the Holocaust,” he said, “let us call out together, never again.”

“No one will break us,” he vowed. “We will rise again. … There is no greater and just cause than this.”

Ernst said Hamas’ brutality cannot be overstated. “They murder babies,” she said. “They rape women. They abuse the elderly. How anyone in America could sympathize with these terrorists is unfathomable.”

Yet, a goodly chunk of the hard left, especially the younger ones, along with a huge chunk of imports from Muslim nations, not only sympathize, they advocate for the Jews haters, because they hate Israel and Jews.

Did AOC happen to view the intelligence released that shows Hamas tunnels and weapons linked to hospitals in Gaza? Meh, she’ll probably say it’s fake, if she bothered. Of course, Ilhan Omar is doing her thing, calling for a ceasefire, but, only from Israel’s side. No mention of the Hamas terrorists.

And here are at least 500 US officials who need to be terminated for going against official Executive Branch policy and siding with a State Department designated terrorist organization. Especially the State Dept employees. Should be sacked ASAP.

Read: Tens Of Thousands Of Israel Supporters Rally In D.C. Tuesday »

Pirate's Cove