Washington Post Surrenders To Pro-Hamas Forces, Removes Ramirez Cartoon

Apparently, the cartoon which showed exactly how Hamas operates was raaaaacist, per the always race-baiting The Root

Washington Post Apologizes for Racist Hamas Cartoon That Shouldn’t Have Been Published in the First Place

On Wednesday, The Washington Post finally removed a racist editorial cartoon that showed a Hamas leader using civilians as human shields. It shouldn’t have been published in the first place considering how distasteful and downright inhumane it is to Palestinians.

Michael Ramirez created the cartoon, entitled “Human Shields,” depicting Palestinians with heavily exaggerated features: A man with a sizable nose and growling mouth labeled “Hamas” is bound by rope to four scared children and a woman wearing a hijab.

Shipley’s statement also featured letters criticizing the decision to run the cartoon.

Yeah, a bunch of whiny assed people taking the side of Hamas because they were Offended. You won’t find it at the WP anymore, you can find it still at the Las Vegas Review Journal

None of the people objecting to the cartoon seem to object to Hamas using children as human shields. Ramirez has a bunch of good cartoons, such as

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Read: Washington Post Surrenders To Pro-Hamas Forces, Removes Ramirez Cartoon »

Brandon Admin Looking For More Ways To Get Americans Out Of Their Cars

And this might not just be about fossil fueled vehicles, but, EVs. They really do not like that you have the freedom to travel

Top Climate Aide Suggests Biden Admin ‘Absolutely’ Needs To Find More Ways To Reduce Americans’ Reliance On Cars

President Joe Biden’s top climate adviser suggested that he wants the administration to more expediently pursue ways to decrease reliance on driving in a conversation about Biden’s electric vehicle (EV) policies on Wednesday.

White House Climate Adviser Ali Zaidi suggested that finding ways to get Americans to live closer to where they work, and therefore rely on vehicle travel less altogether, is something that the Biden administration “absolutely” needs to address with greater haste. He made the comments in response to a question about whether the government needs to speed up its green energy projects and permitting at a Wednesday event, hosted by The Washington Post at its headquarters, focusing on choices consumers and businesses can make to reduce emissions.

“Are you worried about meeting the emissions targets and the amount of investment, or, let’s say dependence, on (electric vehicle sales) growth in the plan to reduce emissions?” Washington Post columnist Bina Venkataraman asked Zaidi.

“On the question of whether we need to go faster, I think the answer is absolutely yes,” Zaidi said in response. “Whether it’s on electric vehicles, whether it’s on electrification, cleaning up rail and marine, whether it’s the future of sustainable aviation— biofuels, hydrogen, electric— every single mode, every single segment of transportation. And by the way, that includes increasing choices for transit, micro-transit and being able to live closer to where you need to work and go.”

For all those yammering about Trump being a Fascist, this is Fascist. The US government has zero business in dictating where we live or travel. It’s not a power delegated to the federal government, and damned sure the Executive has zero authority to push this on people. It would be fun if Trump went out there and said the same thing, and see how the Credentialed Media and elected Democrats respond.

Anyhow, here’s Joe today

It’s so long I had to make two snips. That’s a serious amount of fossil fueled airplane trips, and then the giant motorcades. But, you should be forced out of your private vehicle.

BTW, I told you that the climate cult elites would be trying to force people out of all private vehicles even before EVs become the predominate ones.

Read: Brandon Admin Looking For More Ways To Get Americans Out Of Their Cars »

If All You See…

…is an area dealing with Extreme Rain from carbon pollution, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is No Tricks Zone, with a post on 1/3rd of Germany’s auto suppliers looking to move out over “green” policies.

Read: If All You See… »

GOP Debate: Nikki Haley Says GOP Needs To Find Consensus On Abortion

In reality, there is no finding consensus with Democrats on abortion. They are fanatics on abortion, as much as ISIS is fanatical on their version of Islam. It’s their 1st commandment, Thou shall fully believe in abortion and allow no restrictions. If the GOP said “we’ll give you an assault weapons ban and in exchange we get a 20 week abortion ban (remember, most EU nations have shorter abortion bans. France is at 14 weeks)” they’ll say “hell no.” It won’t even be something like “OK, we’ll do the assault weapon thing now and work on the 20 week ban later.” Just “NO”.

Haley: Republicans need to be ‘honest’ about abortion

In the wake of a brutal round of elections for anti-abortion advocates, former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley emphasized at Wednesday night’s presidential debate that Republicans need to be “honest” about the country’s appetite for abortion restrictions.

In response to a question from NBC moderator Kristen Welker about how Republicans should address abortion, Haley said that it’s up to the states to decide how they handle abortion rights. But she noted that Republicans pushing for a federal abortion ban are not being forthright about the feasibility of passing such legislation, as it would need 60 Senate votes.

“As much as I’m pro-life, I don’t judge anyone for being pro-choice, and I don’t want them to judge me for being pro-life,” she said. “Let’s find consensus. … We don’t need to divide America over this issue anymore.”

Haley’s response — striking in its modesty compared to other harder-line stances from GOP rivals like Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott — came on the heels of Ohio’s overwhelming passage of a referendum Tuesday codifying abortion rights in the state constitution. Now, with anti-abortion forces reeling after a string of defeats at the state level, Haley is attempting to plot a more compromising path forward for her party.

The Ohio referendum wasn’t the only win for abortion rights on Tuesday. Virginia Democrats won full control of the state legislature based on campaigns that centered on abortion rights, blocking Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s hopes of passing legislation that would restrict access to abortion.

Well, when it comes to any sort of federal legislation, I’m as against a ban as I am against Democrats push to legalize it federally. It doesn’t belong there. That’s what the Supreme Court decision was saying. It is a 10th Amendment issue. It is for the States and The People, and the People cannot give their power to the federal government voluntarily.

You know (or not) my stance on abortion: I tend to only get involved policy-wise. Having moral debates on the subject go downhill way, way worse than trying to have a conversation about Trump. It’s not a subject I’m really invested in, it’s not a subject that is high on my priorities. For many of you, it may be. Some are very opposed to capital punishment, both on the right and left.

From a political point of view, arguing for bans and such on abortion are losers in American politics. We saw that in 2022 and Tuesday night. Sure, the losses weren’t all about abortion, but, as the GOP talks about even minor restrictions Democrats will flock to the polls, it drives away some Independents, and even some Republicans are not happy. And since Republicans on the big stage do not know how to actually talk about even minor restrictions, it will cause election losses. Pushing bans just doesn’t fly. They could have pushed for a 16, 18, or 20 week ban except to save the life of the mother, treating abortion facilities as medical facilities, using contraception as contraception rather than abortion as contraception, and slow rolled it. Instead they went hard, and lost. Bans in one state will drive abortion supporter turnout in others.

Some may say “it’s worth it to lose if we can get rid of abortion.” No, sorry, it won’t work like that. Democrats will first sue, and often find judges that will rule that way. Further, they will take state general assemblies and governor’s mansion, and, even with a tiny majority they will pass laws supporting abortion. Then, if the GOP wins and try to get rid of those laws friendly judges will reject those laws.

Much like federal agencies, it’s not going away. Even limits after so many weeks won’t happen. It would have to be a long term promise, and Republicans are terrible at explaining their policies this century. If we want to win in 2024 we need to be focused on the economy and reducing government dictates, with a side on how so many Democrats hate Israel and Jews and on crafting wise legislation on security the border. That’s it. (of course, Republicans are great at not discussing what they really should) People can disagree with me all they want (I had that contentious discussion with a few Republican voting coworkers, and it went worse than yammering with Trump haters), but, it’s a losing issue at the ballot box.

“Let’s bring people together and decide what we can agree on,” Haley said. “But don’t make the American people think that you’re going to push something on them when we don’t even have the votes in the Senate.”

Republicans have struggled with their messaging on abortion, especially since Roe v. Wade was overturnedBefore the debate on Wednesday, RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel, who has been getting heat for the GOP losses on Tuesday, called again for Republicans to engage on the issue.

“We cannot ignore abortion,” McDaniel said on the “Ruthless” podcast. “We cannot cross-advertise and run only crime ads and then the Democrats run abortion ads and then we sit and pretend like that’s not being discussed.”

There is no consensus, just drop it. And we should ignore it at least till the elections are over, then work on discussing why there should be limits and other things.

Read: GOP Debate: Nikki Haley Says GOP Needs To Find Consensus On Abortion »

Bummer: Use Of Fossil Fuels Increases As Date Of Climate Doom Approaches

It’s almost like people want to use abundant, reliable forms of energy, rather than ones which are not ready for primetime and are unreliable

Nations That Vowed to Halt Warming Are Expanding Fossil Fuels, Report Finds

In 2030, if current projections hold, the United States will drill for more oil and gas than at any point in its history. Russia and Saudi Arabia plan to do the same.

They’re among the world’s fossil fuel giants that, together, are on course this decade to produce twice the amount of fossil fuels than a critical global warming threshold allows, according to a United Nations-backed report issued on Wednesday.

The report, which looked at 20 major fossil fuel producing countries, underscores the wide gap between world leaders’ lofty promises to take stronger action on climate change and their nations’ actual production plans.

A problem here is that the NY Times is conflating politicians and such with dictators, believing that leaders are there to force the peasants to do as they say, rather than those politicians being responsive to the voters. Public servants.

This month, leaders are set to gather at a global climate summit in Dubai to discuss how to reduce their planet-warming emissions. But in the face of strong opposition from major fossil fuel producers, climate conferences have so far shied away from discussing a phaseout of fossil fuels.

I don’t have to go through that whole thing about tens of thousands taking fossil fueled trips again, do I?

“We cannot address climate catastrophe without tackling its root cause: fossil fuel dependence,” António Guterres, the United Nations secretary general, said.

“Fossil fuel emissions are already causing climate chaos which is devastating lives and livelihoods,” he said. Yet, “governments are literally doubling down on fossil fuel production.”

Except, in a lot of cases, it is not governments producing, but, private companies.

And over the past decade, governments and businesses have made progress in weaning themselves from fossil fuels by ramping up wind and solar power, for example, and investing in electric vehicle infrastructure.

And most people do not want to be forced to buy an EV.

Yet the report issued on Wednesday, led by researchers at the Stockholm Environment Institute, found that nations of the world plan to keep increasing coal production until 2030, and oil and gas production decades beyond that.

Tell you what: let’s see all these “leaders” only use wind and solar at their own homes. See them only use wind and solar for their government buildings. See them only drive EVs when they travel.

Read: Bummer: Use Of Fossil Fuels Increases As Date Of Climate Doom Approaches »

Remember, All Palestinian Supporters Want Is Liberation

What does that mean? What is being “liberated”? Will any national media figure ask Ilhan what it means? It’s rather like if someone says a nation is being a colonizer, how do you get them to stop being a colonizer? Well, for instance, you have European nations getting out of Africa, the Caribbean, South America, etc. So, how does Israel stop being a “colonizer”? You got it. When the UK left nations like India and Egypt those nations were liberated from British control

New York pro-Palestinian protesters climb on US mail truck, chant for Israel’s destruction in Brooklyn march

Hundreds of New York City protestors gathered in Manhattan and Brooklyn on Tuesday night to show support for Palestine, one month after Hamas terrorists began attacking Israel on October 7. (snip)

Other provocative signs read “Honor the martyrs of Palestine” and “By any means necessary.” Protestors also blamed the U.S. and Israel for killing children in Gaza, and many chanted the phrase “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

One chant rejected the two-state solution that has been discussed for decades: “We don’t want no two-state,” the crowd chanted, “We want it all.”

But, remember, they just want peace, right?

SHOCK — One In Five Democrats Side With Hamas: I&I/TIPP Poll

When it comes to the Israel-Hamas war, Americans have made a clear choice: a significant majority support Israel, not Hamas, while an even larger majority now call antisemitism a “serious” problem, the latest I&I/TIPP Poll reveals.

But a shockingly high 20% of Democrats say they support Hamas in the current conflict, despite reports of blood-curdling barbarism committed against innocent Israeli men, women, and children. Just over half of Democrats say they support Israel.

The only thing that shocks me is that the percent was that low. I excepted more.

Read: Remember, All Palestinian Supporters Want Is Liberation »

Scientists Predict 2023 To Be Warmest EVEH! As Year Ends

Funny how they never want to predict anything before a year starts

This year ‘virtually certain’ to be warmest in 125,000 years, EU scientists say

This year is “virtually certain” to be the warmest in 125,000 years, European Union scientists said on Wednesday, after data showed last month was the world’s hottest October in that period.

Last month smashed through the previous October temperature record, from 2019, by a massive margin, the EU’s Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) said.

“The record was broken by 0.4 degrees Celsius, which is a huge margin,” said C3S Deputy Director Samantha Burgess, who described the October temperature anomaly as “very extreme”.

The heat is a result of continued greenhouse gas emissions from human activity, combined with the emergence this year of the El Nino weather pattern, which warms the surface waters in the eastern Pacific Ocean.

Globally, the average surface air temperature in October was 1.7 degrees Celsius warmer than the same month in 1850-1900, which Copernicus defines as the pre-industrial period.

The record-breaking October means 2023 is now “virtually certain” to be the warmest year recorded, C3S said in a statement. The previous record was 2016 – another El Nino year.

So, pretty much natural variability during a Holocene warm period combined with a short term El Nino, but, it’s still all your fault.

This post-prediction is being repeated across the Credentialed Media, with many pushing for more government control of your life, obviously.

But none are asking the scientists to actually show hard measurements over the last 125K years, nor are any of the 15 or so articles I perused mentioning that most of that time period the Earth was in a glacial period, so, yeah, we would be warmer than that. Funny how inconvenient facts are avoided in favor of scaremongering.

Read: Scientists Predict 2023 To Be Warmest EVEH! As Year Ends »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Diogenes’ Middle Finger, with a post on King Charles trying to ban cigarettes for anyone born after 2009.

Read: If All You See… »

Weird: Very Few Issues With Showing ID In Tuesday’s North Carolina Elections

It’s strange, because I’ve been reliably told that every black person in North Carolina would be unable to vote, because, according to Democrats, black people do not have ID, which is totally not racist because Democrats have said it

Few problems reported as 2023 elections offer first test of new voter ID rules in North Carolina

surprise surprise surpriseAs voters head to the polls Tuesday to vote for mayors and town council members in dozens of cities all across North Carolina, many will be faced with an unfamiliar new requirement: Voter ID.

The requirement for voters to show photo identification comes after a decade of political and legal battles between supporters, who say it’s needed to stop possible fraud, and opponents, who say it will prevent legitimate voters from casting a ballot.

So far in the ongoing 2023 municipal elections, public records from the state show the new rules haven’t been too cumbersome on voters: Out of more than 150,000 ballots cast during early voting, only 64 were flagged for the voter lacking ID.

Those 64 voters were still allowed to cast ballots. Under the current version of the voter ID laws, people who lack ID can use what’s known as a provisional ballot. To have that ballot be counted, they’ll have to either show back up to their local county elections board office with a valid ID, or fill out a form explaining why they don’t have identification. There are around a dozen acceptable reasons for lacking an ID, ranging from not having transportation to religious objections to photography.

It’s rather hard to believe that people do not have some sort of identification these days. It’s what, .0005% of the voters who did not have ID?

  • North Carolina driver’s license
  • State ID from the NCDMV (also called “non-operator ID”)
  • Driver’s license or non-driver ID from another state, District of Columbia, or U.S. territory (only if voter registered in North Carolina within 90 days of the election)
  • U.S. Passport or U.S. Passport card
  • North Carolina voter photo ID card issued by a county board of elections (These are available for free in advance. You can’t get one on election day.)
  • College or university student ID approved by the State Board of Elections (The state has a long list of acceptable student IDs)
  • State or local government or charter school employee ID approved by the State Board of Elections (The state has a long list of acceptable government and employee IDs)

Democrats think minorities, especially Blacks, have trouble getting one of those. Back to original link

While the number of voters who came to the polls without ID was low, there’s also no way of knowing how many didn’t try voting at all because they knew they didn’t have an acceptable ID — and mistakenly thought they wouldn’t be able to vote.

Elections officials tried to get the word out, but they had little to no money to spend on an ad campaign, mailers or other such educational efforts. The new state budget does have some money for voter ID in it, but the legislature was months late in passing the budget, which only became law last month.

Well, of course WRAL goes this way, because, like any good Democrat orgnaization, they do not think minorities, especially blacks, are capable of getting proper ID. They also do not like that people have to prove who they are and that they are eligible to vote.

Read: Weird: Very Few Issues With Showing ID In Tuesday’s North Carolina Elections »

Your Fault: Climate Doom Is Sexist

You just need to mind your p’s and q’s, mister!

Six ways climate change is sexist (and what you can do to fight it)

When climate-fueled hurricanes hit coastlines, when unseasonable droughts kill crops, and when hundred-year floods surge through river valleys, it all makes the existing inequalities between men and women, boys and girls, that much worse.

In other words, climate change is sexist.

Over the next three weeks, leaders from around the world will be gathering in the United Arab Emirates in the lead-up to the COP28 climate conference, where they plan to “provide a comprehensive assessment of progress since adopting the Paris Agreement.”

While the laws are pretty good in the UAE for women, especially compared to other Muslim nations, in practice there is a lot of work to be done. Also, that their economy is primarily dependent on fossil fuels.

So, what are the 6?

  1. Gender-Based Violence and Climate Change (violence against women didn’t start till the use of fossil fuels)
  2. Climate change has a gendered impact on livelihoods (women never had issues with work before the Industrial Revolution)
  3. Climate-Induced Displacement (the weather never caused people to move before 1850)
  4. Unequal Representation in Climate Negotiations (wait, does this mean the climate cult is sexist?)
  5. Gender-Blind Climate Finance (isn’t it rather sexist to think that women can only survive with the helpful hand of government?)
  6. Lack of Gender-Responsive Climate Solutions (same as #5)

It’s crazy.

Read: Your Fault: Climate Doom Is Sexist »

Pirate's Cove