CBS Poll Shows People Think Trump Is Much Better For Personal Finances Than Biden

The big question here is “will people vote for their best interests and go with Trump, even though he is a blowhard and antagonistic (to be mild), or go against their best interest again and vote Biden (who’s also a scumbag, feebleminded, and shady AF)?”

If Trump wins, more voters foresee better finances, staying out of war — CBS News poll

With views of things in America continuing to be bad and now hitting their most negative marks of the year, one might expect an incumbent president to trail in a pre-election poll — as Joe Biden does in this one. But that’s only half the story. The other half is that Donald Trump holds distinct advantages in his own right when voters look forward: More voters think they’d be better off financially if Trump wins in 2024, and more voters think it’s Trump who can keep the U.S. out of a war, if he wins.

Americans have long described financial setbacks because of inflation and interest rates. Those who feel they’re worse off financially are backing Trump. And this isn’t just punitive toward Mr. Biden — those voters overwhelmingly think they will be financially better off if Trump wins.

That is very ugly for Biden. Will voters vote in their best interest financially in the states Trump needs to win? How about perhaps in some like NY, which got close to electing a republican governor? Maine? Colorado? Oregon and Portland with all their issues? Obviously, many states like California will elect Biden, even as they move from California because Democrat policies are crushing their pocketbooks.

The poll also shows that voters think Biden’s polices, and, to an extension, Democrat policies, favor the rich in the same way as if Trump and Republicans were in charge.

It also goes overseas, where Americans think Trump would be much better at supporting Israel. 47% think Trump would be better at international peace, while only 31% think Biden’s better. 43% say Biden would decrease stability. Of course, when it comes to Ukraine, Biden wins in a landslide. And

So way more think Biden will get the US into a war. But, will this make a difference in November 2024? Will it drive votes?

How about that 73% are saying that things are not going well in America right now? The number was 65% in January. 33% say the economy is fairly bad, and another 33% say it is very bad. 28% say they expect the economy to be slowing, but not in recession next year, with another 31% say in recession. Will this make a difference? If Trump is smart he will be less bombastic and focus on the economy. That’s it. He won’t, so, there’s just no telling.

Read: CBS Poll Shows People Think Trump Is Much Better For Personal Finances Than Biden »

Scientists Suggest Bad Weather Causing Animals To Displaced Or Something

This is all your fault

Extreme Weather May Be Displacing Animals, Too, a New Study Suggests

A new analysis published this week suggests that extreme weather linked to climate change might be much harder on native species than on nonnative ones.

“Suggests.” Totally scientific. Is it or is not happening from Bad Weather?

As the planet warms, extreme weather events — heat waves, cold snaps, droughts and floods — are becoming more common and destructive. The new paper, published on Monday in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution by a team from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, suggests that these sudden, violent changes in conditions could be helping to fundamentally reshape ecosystems.

Got that? Cold weather is also your fault for driving a fossil fueled vehicle releasing heat trapping gases.

In a statement, the team said that research on the impacts of extreme weather on ecosystems, while still in its early stages, was “critically important” to our ability to understand the effects of global warming on biodiversity.

On average, nonnative species tended to show more positive responses to extreme weather, or, at least, less negative ones. Where nonnative land species might take a hit in population numbers from a disaster, for example, the effects on native land species could sometimes be more far-reaching, with native populations also losing geographic distribution and struggling to recover.

All right, enough snark. These people are cultish idiots. Non-native species have always moved around, even to other continents. Sometimes by nature, sometimes because they were released (such as dingos in Australia). This is what happens on Earth. Life is not stagnant. Extreme weather has always happened and will always happen. CO2 is not the control knob, and a slight increase in global temperatures since 1850 is not Doom.


Global Giving to Stop Climate Change Cools Even as Planet Faces Hottest-Ever Conditions

Philanthropic giving to address climate change was unchanged last year compared to 2021 at roughly US$7.8 billion to US$12.8 billion, a disappointing development in the face of rapidly intensifying climate impacts around the globe.

The figures, which represent less than 2% of all global giving by individuals and foundations, were released last week from the fourth annual funding trends analysis from the San Francisco-based ClimateWorks Foundation..

“A major acceleration of efforts is required to address climate change,” the report said. “Philanthropy has a significant role to play in driving that acceleration and supporting the implementation of recent commitments.”

I’m guessing the rich folks are getting tired of playing to the cult scammers (just like Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos are moving to Miami, which I’m told will be under water soon from ‘climate change’), and, if a place like ClimateWorks is so concerned they can dump their own money into Doing Something, rather than demand that Other People do so. Seriously, why do they think they can tell people what to do with their money?

Read: Scientists Suggest Bad Weather Causing Animals To Displaced Or Something »

If All You See…

…are train tracks for a wonderful low carbon train, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Cold Fury, with a post on a dangerous manifesto on the loose.

Read: If All You See… »

Sanctuary City Denver Spending Millions To Send Illegals Somewhere Else

This is so weird. You’d think SCD would go all out to take care of the illegals

Denver spends millions of dollars on plane, bus and train tickets for migrants to other cities

As thousands of migrants pour into Denver, CBS News Colorado has learned the city is buying bus, train and even plane tickets to send many of them somewhere else.

Over the last year, Denver has spent nearly $4.5 million transporting more than 12,000 migrants out-of-state.

“We say, ‘where do you want to go?’ and then we buy them a ticket, usually by bus, and get them on their way,” says Jon Ewing, a spokesperson for Denver Human Services.

He provided a spreadsheet showing the city has transported migrants to virtually every major city in the country over the last year. It’s not only sent them to big cities but smaller ones like Wilson, North Carolina. Most of them have gone to Chicago, New York and Salt Lake City. It’s also sent several hundred migrants to Texas, which has bused 6,600 migrants to Colorado since May according to Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott.

“We feel that it’s the right thing to do to get them to where they actually want to be,” says Ewing. “If you looked at it in crude financial terms, meaning, if they stayed here for a few weeks and didn’t even want to be here, then we’d be paying to support and shelter them here and they didn’t even want to be here.”

Apparently the SCD doesn’t want them to be in Denver, either.

He says Denver sending migrants to other cities is entirely different than Texas sending them here: “The difference is we’re actually asking them where they want to go.”

But he admits they also don’t give other cities a heads up: “There’s just no way for us to coordinate on that scale. It’s just unfeasible. And it’s only for one or two tickets, often, per day.”

So, they just show up? Hasn’t Abbott been slammed for doing that? Oh, but it’s different if a Democrat does it.

He says the city has spent more than $31 million on migrants overall since last December and transportation represents about 14% of the total.

He says the city has spent just over $12 million on personnel, $7.5 million on shelter and $4.8 million on food: “We need support here. Denver cannot do this alone.”

Isn’t that what a sanctuary city wants? Isn’t that what people who believe in unfettered illegal immigration want? Or just want for Other Places?

And in Sanctuary City Chicago

On the eve of a major meeting in Brighton Park, and just hours until migrant families are set to move into a shelter in West Town, a group of Englewood residents is calling on the city to turn migrant buses around.

Held at the Center of Englewood, a group of residents attended what was dubbed a ‘Stop the Buses’ rally.

Hosted by the Black American Voters Project and NumbersUSA, panelists shared how they feel immigration negatively impacts Black Americans.


Read: Sanctuary City Denver Spending Millions To Send Illegals Somewhere Else »

World Faith Leaders Decide They Would Like To Be Part Of A Cult

Perhaps these “faith leaders” should read their holy books for lessons on what their faith means

Global faith leaders call for urgent action on climate change

Professor Mohamed Al-Duweini, the representative of the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar; and Cardinal Pietro Parolin, representing Pope Francis, headed a delegation of almost thirty faith leaders who signed an appeal to COP28 delegates to take decisive action to combat climate change.

Jewish, Buddhist, Sikh, and Hindu leaders, along with representatives of other major religious traditions, joined in the appeal, which included calls for the acceleration of energy transitions, protection of the Earth, the transition to circular models of living in harmony with nature, and the rapid adoption of clean energy.

The appeal also included a commitment to supporting the first-of-its-kind ‘Faith Pavilion’ at COP28 and convening at future COP Conventions.

The signing ceremony took place in Abu Dhabi at the conclusion of the first day of the Global Faith Leaders Summit on Climate Change. Each of the leaders walked a path representing the equator and participated in the planting of a ghaf tree – the national tree of the UAE – before signing the document.

Hmm, so, they took long fossil fueled trips to complain about climate doom? Huh.

They emphasized that all religious traditions recognize the relationship between divinity and creation. Common themes emerged, including the moral duty of stewardship, or caring for God’s creation; the need to work together to combat climate change; and the recognition of the urgency of the climate change crisis and the need to take decisive action to meet climate goals.

Being good stewards of the planet makes sense. Joining a cult to get their followers to be a part of that cult and give their lives over to government does not. Matthew 22:21.

Read: World Faith Leaders Decide They Would Like To Be Part Of A Cult »

Unsurprising: Jew Working For UK Guardian Feels Unsafe

This isn’t the stupid Millennial/GenZ type, but, real danger. But, first this from an Islamic extremist who works at the UK Guardian

Pro-Palestine rallies aren’t ‘hate marches’ – they’re an expression of solidarity, helplessness and frustration

As the streets fill with ever-increasing numbers of pro-Palestine supporters – and with a large protest planned in central London next weekend – British politicians and commentators are coming up with new ways of describing what is happening: from “hate marches”, in the words of home secretary Suella Braverman, to empty displays of “virtue signalling”. The prime minister, Rishi Sunak, has already called next weekend’s march, which coincides with Armistice Day, “provocative and disrespectful”. But each attempt to cast this movement as menacing is really a refusal to try to understand what is going on. The truth is that a large number of people in Britain can feel strongly about the situation in Gaza while not being “obsessed” with Palestine or motivated by terrorist sympathies.

You can read the rest, but, the very fact is, when the protesters are explicitly calling to kill Jews and destroy Israel, it’s not peaceful. What are they frustrated with, that it’s taking so long to kill Jews and erase Israel?

I’m a Jew at ‘The Guardian.’ I Don’t Feel Safe at Work.

I wake up on October 7 to a text from my brother-in-law: “Thoughts are with your family in Israel. I hope everyone is safe.”

I check the news. Hamas has entered southern Israel. They’re in a kibbutz. My partner’s family is in that kibbutz. His cousin is nine months pregnant. He’s in contact with them; they’re in the safe room. Terrorists are outside.

I check social media. Reports of hostages, maybe three. I check again; perhaps ten.

There is a long bit about how concerned he/she is, and how helpless over all these people he/she knows.

I look at the papers the next day. The newspaper I work for has a tank on the front page: ‘Hundreds die and hostages held as Hamas assault shocks Israel’—victorious terrorists hold a Palestinian flag. The subheading reads ‘Netanyahu declares war as 150 Israelis die. 230 Palestinians killed in air strikes.’

I don’t understand. I know people, Israelis, who were murdered. They did not “die,” as if in some kind of accident. I saw footage of terrorism. It was not an “assault.” (snip)

On Monday I go to work. How are your family, a colleague asks. When I answer, she squirms. Can’t they just leave, my colleague says. No, they can’t actually.

I look at the morning newsletter for the newspaper I work for. It breaks down the number of dead Palestinian children. It does not mention dead Israeli children. (snip)

I see a colleague who had posted about “decolonization” all over social media over the weekend. They’re laughing with the rest of their team. They’re having a great day. I used to love their podcast, full of hot takes and celeb gossip. Now they’ve evolved into an expert on the Middle East. It doesn’t look like their family is in the middle of it, though.

It’s a rather long piece, worth the read, and the gist is that the UK Guardian and so many of the leftists (and the paper has never been scared to show that they are leftists) do hate Israel and Jews. It’s a big problem for the Socialists/Marxists/Progressives/whatever you want to call them.

Read: Unsurprising: Jew Working For UK Guardian Feels Unsafe »

Just Stop Oil Damages Another Painting

These people are nuts

So, what, exactly, does damaging a painting like this have to do with anything? It’s also fantastic that pretty much everything they’re wearing is made with petroleum. And the effeminate guy’s NWA hat? Good grief.

(BBC) The Met Police said two activists had been arrested on suspicion of causing criminal damage.

Following the latest incident, Just Stop Oil (JSO) said: “Women did not get the vote by voting, it is time for deeds not words. It is time to Just Stop Oil.

“Politics is failing us. It failed women in 1914 and it is failing us now. New oil and gas will kill millions. If we love art, if we love life, if we love our families we must Just Stop Oil.”

OK, make your own clothes. Stop using smartphones. That hammer? Made with plastics, meaning petroleum.

Just Stop Oil have already cost the taxpayer £40million through their selfish stunts with millions more to come, new analysis shows

Selfish stunts by Just Stop Oil activists have already cost the taxpayer an estimated £40million, new analysis today reveals.

Hundreds of the eco-zealots were arrested in London this week as JSO ramped-up their autumn action and dozens have since been charged.

Analysis now shows how much the group has estimated to have cost the hard-up taxpayer since they formed in February last year.

And it will keep happening as long as the nuts are allowed to operate. Throw a few in jail. Give them a huge number of hours for community service, and make them dirty jobs.

Read: Just Stop Oil Damages Another Painting »

If All You See…

…is an Evil fossil fueled vehicle causing the land to turn to desert, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Average Bubba, with a post on some truth.

Read: If All You See… »

Israel Says There Will Be No Ceasefire Till All Hostages Are Returned

It really is a simple concept. Most people and countries calling for a “humanitarian pause”, which would allow Hamas to get a breather and then launch more attacks on civilian Jews, but, rarely call for all the hostages to be returned

Israel Rejects Ceasefire Calls as Forces Set to Deepen Offensive

Israel on Sunday rejected growing calls for a ceasefire in Gaza, with military specialists saying that forces are set to intensify their operations against Palestinian Islamist group Hamas, with no time frame set for their activities.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu demanded that all of the more than 240 hostages captured by Hamas during its Oct. 7 attacks are returned.

“There will be no ceasefire without the return of the hostages. This should be completely removed from the lexicon,” Netanyahu told crews at the Ramon air force base in southern Israel, reiterating the government’s long-standing position.

“We say this to our friends and to our enemies. We will simply continue until we defeat them. We have no alternative.”

Are the hostages alive? No one knows. Hamas hasn’t said. They aren’t putting out propaganda or anything else. If the Palestinian people are not part of Hamas, if they just want to live in peace with Israel, perhaps they should overthrow Hamas, instead of having supported them since they were elected back in 2006.

Israel’s military says it has surrounded Gaza City; Gaza loses communications again

Gaza lost communications Sunday in its third total outage of the Israel-Hamas war, while Israel’s military said it encircled Gaza City and divided the besieged coastal strip into two.

“Today there is north Gaza and south Gaza,” Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari told reporters, calling it a “significant stage” in Israel’s war against the Hamas militant group ruling the enclave. Israeli media reported troops were expected to enter Gaza City within 48 hours. Strong explosions were seen in northern Gaza after nightfall.

The “collapse in connectivity” across Gaza, reported by internet access advocacy group and confirmed by Palestinian telecom company Paltel, made it even more complicated to convey details of the new stage of the military offensive.

Yeah, well, is it a wise idea to allow your enemy to communicate easily in the midst of a war? It’s expected that the Israeli military will enter Gaza City this week after surrounding it and splitting Gaza in two. Let the hostages go and all Hamas fighters, especially those in charge, should turn themselves in, and this can end.

Meanwhile, Nazis in Illinois

(Breitbart) Hecklers shouted “kill the babies” to taunt a protest Sunday organized by Jews in Skokie, Illinois, to highlight the fact that 30 children, including babies, are being held hostage by the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.

The Times of Israel reported:

Jewish community members in Skokie outside of Chicago have organized an exhibit of 30 empty strollers to raise awareness about the 30 children currently being held hostage in Gaza along with roughly 210 others.

Several people driving by shout obscenities at the Jewish participants, including, “kill the babies!”

A source told Breitbart News that more drivers and passersby were supportive of the protest than opposed.

There are always horrible people in the world, and the Jew haters are showing their stripes.

Read: Israel Says There Will Be No Ceasefire Till All Hostages Are Returned »

Climate Cult Pushes Psychedelic Drugs To Deal With Climate Doom Anxiety

Really? No, really? They’re really pushing people to take psychedelic drugs to cope with a cult scam? This really is looking more and more like a scam, where they want you on drugs

How psychedelic therapy may help with climate change anxiety

As our weekly therapy session drew to a close, my patient, a young woman in her early 20s approaching college graduation, said that she had been feeling a lack of motivation, but that it felt different from her usual depressive symptoms.

A worrisome climate change report had recently been published, and she felt paralyzed by uncertainty of what the world is going to look like. She asked, “How can I decide where I want to go? Will it even be safe to live in California when I’m older?”

Many of us are feeling a sense of powerlessness and despair over climate change and its harmful effects. As a psychiatrist, I have noticed a growing trend among patients in my private practice suffering from what mental health professionals are calling eco-anxiety and climate grief.

Psychedelic therapies may have a growing role in supporting this unique trauma and grief. By exploring and utilizing these tools in our sessions, some of my patients have experienced a reduction of their anxiety symptoms, more acceptance and awareness of their emotions and increased energy and motivation toward environmental activism.

I guess it’s better than many of the drugs prescribed be mental health professionals, but, come on, if they were doing their jobs they’d be explaining that the patients are getting all worked up over nothing. But, there are better ways, such as exercise, socializing (with people who aren’t climate nutballs), take up a hobby.

Over the last decade, there has been a surge in research into psychedelic therapies to treat psychiatric illnesses such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Psychedelic medicine-assisted therapy also can support a patient in exploring the enormous and complex feelings associated with eco-anxiety and climate grief. In a study published in 2019, people who had a single experience with psychedelics (mostly psilocybin) were more likely to report feeling a relatedness or connection with nature. Beyond the obvious counterpoint to our often busy and occupied lives, encountering a sense of a larger living process can help us remember the preciousness and impermanence of this life and our planet.

The author mentions they prescribe ketamine, which can act as a psychedelic. Is this really a good idea, giving people psychedelics? Should people just drop acid or take mushrooms (a bad idea unless you know exactly where they came from. They lose their power quickly, and may be dusted with Angel Dust)? Where does it go from here? People staying in a constant stoned state using marijuana and THC derivatives?

Afternoon update: I ran across this via Yahoo News from the AP

As U.S. doctors scale back their use of opioid painkillers, a new option for hard-to-treat pain is taking root: ketamine, the decades-old surgical drug that is now a trendy psychedelic therapy.

Prescriptions for ketamine have soared in recent years, driven by for-profit clinics and telehealth services offering the medication as a treatment for pain, depression, anxiety and other conditions. The generic drug can be purchased cheaply and prescribed by most physicians and some nurses, regardless of their training.

With limited research on its effectiveness against pain, some experts worry the U.S. may be repeating mistakes that gave rise to the opioid crisisoverprescribing a questionable drug that carries significant safety and abuse risks.

Huh. Drugs shouldn’t be played with.

Read: Climate Cult Pushes Psychedelic Drugs To Deal With Climate Doom Anxiety »

Pirate's Cove