Study: Rise Of EVs Will Lead To More Road Congestion

Hmm, could this be true?

Electric cars to prompt more traffic jams, government report warns

The rise of electric cars will cause an increase in traffic jams across the country, new analysis conducted by the Government shows.

The revelation has emerged as part of research into the benefits of EVs, which are set to account for four in every five vehicles sold in the UK by the end of the decade.

A surge in congestion across Britain’s roads will be fuelled by the reduced running cost of EVs, the Department for Transport found, which will lead to drivers covering more miles.

The report, published late last week, estimates that the cost of congestion will be £78bn over the next 50 years – which is higher than previous predictions of £52bn in March.

It also estimates that EVs will soon cost an average of four pence per kilometre to run, compared to almost 10p for cars with combustion engines.

This will create a “rebound effect” as motorists will be happy to drive more given the prospect of cheaper mileage.

On the face of it, that makes sense. It’s just like how people will travel more when gas prices are down. But, not that much more. It’s actually more like people drive less when energy prices go up, which is what will happen because there just isn’t enough energy production to charge these vehicles. Will people drive more in the UK rather than taking some sort of public transportation as usual?

However, there’s one big fallacy here: that people will be able to afford the vehicles. Eventually, EVs might be in a range where the middle and working classes can afford an EV, perhaps even a new one. They will still most likely not be able to go far, not unless there’s a big breakthrough that is cost-effective. But, how long will it take to get there? 10 years? 20? All while the Government is forcing citizens to get out of petrol vehicles, and expecting massive numbers to be sold by 2035, mostly ending the sale of petrol vehicles (except for the rich folks and government officials, of course, because that’s the way this works).

The government report said that because zero-emissions vehicles have lower running costs than petrol and diesel equivalents, “there may be a resultant increase in miles driven.”

However, it added that an increased number of traffic jams could ultimately deter drivers from making some journeys.

Nah. It’s the inability to be able to afford the vehicles. Get them charged. And let’s not forget that insurance and repair costs are way higher. Oh, and they get totaled out by insurance companies a lot quicker than petrol/diesel vehicles, which means a lot more ending up in salvage yards faster.

Oh, and lots of them will be sitting there charging and waiting to get to a charger, because it will look like a line waiting for gas in the 70’s, hence, they won’t be on the road.

Read: Study: Rise Of EVs Will Lead To More Road Congestion »

Brandon Admin Threatens To Stop Rifle Sales To Israel

He’s upset that “civilians” were being given rifles. You know, the exact people the terrorists from Gaza attack

US threatens to stop supplying rifles to Israel

Biden Brain SlugThe US has threatened to stop supplying rifles to Israel after their national security minister was seen handing them out to civilians.

The diplomatic spat was prompted by images on social media of Itamar Ben-Gvir giving rifles to community security squads across the country, according to Israel’s daily Haaretz.

The images appeared to show Mr Ben-Gvir distributing the arms at political events in Bnei Brak and El’ad, two towns near Tel Aviv.

After several days of diplomatic exchanges, Israel committed to distributing the weapons only through its police or army, although politicians can be present when they are handed out.

Since the start of the war with Hamas, Israel has set up hundreds of volunteer security squads and has been arming them in view of possible unrest in Palestinian communities.

Most likely, every single person being given a rifle has served in the Israeli military, since a term of service for almost every Israeli citizen (except Arabs). These people are working as squads to provide local security, since Muslim terrorists love to attack civilians. Kill them, rape them, torture them, behead them. These are not civilians per se, they are former soldiers with training. Biden doesn’t want civilians to have the ability to protect themselves in the US, and also in Israel.

These squads normally provide enhanced security in the country’s peripheral areas and in the West Bank settlements, where clashes between Jewish settlers and the Palestinians are frequent and have intensified since the war started.

Which allows the military to go capture and kill members of Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Hezbollah, Iranians, etc.


Watch: Pro-Palestine protesters call for ‘intifada from London to Gaza’

Pro-Palestine protesters have chanted “from London to Gaza, we’ll have an intifada”, footage of a rally in the capital on Saturday  shows.

Demonstrators following a flag that read “Fight for Revolution” were chanting the call for an intifada. The term has often been interpreted as referring to violent uprisings by Palestinians against the state of Israel.

In a clip posted on social media, a man with a loudhailer led the chant “From London to Gaza, we’ll have an intifada”.

England is done. They were warned about letting the extremists in. Funny how the Palestinians say exactly the same thing as Hamas.

Read: Brandon Admin Threatens To Stop Rifle Sales To Israel »

If All You See…

…is a big city full of like minded Warmists, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Watts Up With That?, with a post on the scientific method restored to science education in North Carolina.

A couple days of Halloween, then a few days of random.

Read: If All You See… »

Sorta Blogless Patriotic Pinup

Happy Sunday A fine day in the Once And Future Nation Of America. The Sun is shining, the birds are singing, and Halloween is almost here. This pinup is by Elias-Chatzoudis, with a wee bit of help.

What is happening in Ye Olde Blogosphere? The Fine 15

  1. Gates Of Vienna covers a bunch of teens in a Caliphate in Germany killing a homeless guy
  2. Geller Report highlights a massive anti-Jew march in London
  3. IOTW Report shows Biden gave a Hamas linked mosque a lot of money to push COVID vaccinces
  4. Legal Insurrection wonders why overt Jew hatred has increased since 10/7
  5. Moonbattery covers Pallywood in Gaza
  6. Outside The Beltway wonders who the hell is Dean Phillips
  7. Pacific Pundit shows Bud Light thinks they’re back with UFC deal
  8. Powerline covers green dreams going up in smoke
  9. Sultan Knish notes CAIR suing a prison over a Muslim being asked to remove hijab
  10. The First Street Journal discusses the Left’s call for gun control only when whites are killed
  11. The Gateway Pundit shows a hyper-left wing “Young Turk” decrying Progressive policies
  12. The Last Refuge discusses CDC data that only 3% are taking the new Wuhan Flu vaccines
  13. The Lid dives deep into the Biden Crime Family
  14. The O.K. Corral covers some laziness in China
  15. And last, but, not least, The Other McCain notes TikTok’s pro-Hamas propaganda

As always, the full set of pinups can be seen in the Patriotic Pinup category, or over at my Gallery page (nope, that’s gone, the newest Apache killed access, and the program hasn’t been upgraded since 2014). While we are on pinups, since it is that time of year, have you gotten your Pinups for Vets calendar yet? And don’t forget to check out what I declare to be our War on Women Rule 5 and linky luv posts and things that interest me. I’ve also mostly alphabetized them, makes it easier scrolling the feedreader

Don’t forget to check out all the other great material all the linked blogs have!

Anyone else have a link or hotty-fest going on? Let me know so I can add you to the list. And do you have a favorite blog you can recommend be added to the feedreader?

Two great sites for getting news links are Liberty Daily and Whatafinger.

Read: Sorta Blogless Patriotic Pinup »

NY Times Thrilled To Report Saudi Arabia Warns Of Wider War

Like most Progressives, they really want Israel to back off and just suck up that Hamas murdered, raped, tortured, and beheaded Jews. That Hamas took lots of hostage. They want Israel to give Hamas the win, back off, and let Hamas reconstitute

Saudi Arabia Warns U.S.: Israeli Invasion of Gaza Could Be Catastrophic

Saudi officials have firmly warned the United States in recent days that an Israeli ground incursion into the Gaza Strip could be catastrophic for the Middle East.

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., a member of the Armed Services Committee, was one of 10 senators who met last weekend with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, the kingdom’s de facto ruler, in Riyadh, the Saudi capital.

“The Saudi leadership was hopeful that a ground operation could be avoided for reasons of stability as well as the loss of life,” Blumenthal told The New York Times on Thursday. Saudi officials warned it would be “extremely harmful,” he added.

Senior Saudi officials have delivered even more forceful exhortations to their American counterparts in multiple conversations, raising their concerns that a ground invasion could turn into a disaster for the entire region, according to one Saudi official and a second person with knowledge of the discussions.

Perhaps Saudi officials could help end the murderous terrorist groups, could stop them from attacking Jews, from attempting to destroy Israel

The exchanges came as tensions rippled outward from Gaza. Essentials such as water and fuel are increasingly scarce as Israel bombards and besieges the enclave in response to the Oct. 7 attack on Israel by Hamas, the armed Palestinian group that rules Gaza.

Are they f’ing kidding with this stuff? “Armed Palestinian group’? The US State Department, EU, and UN have designated them a terrorist group.

Oh, and what’s up with the Times and Dem senators listing to MBS? Wasn’t he the bad guy for killing Washington Post reporter Jamal Khashoggi?

Scholars who study Hamas have warned that any attempt to eliminate the group, as Israel has vowed to do, could plant the seeds for more violence and extremism, deepening Palestinian feelings of subjugation under Israeli occupation and control.

The solution is for them to stop attacking Israel and Jews. To release the hostages now and every single one involved in the attack turn themselves in. Or kill themselves. Was the US supposed to restrain itself when attacked by the Japanese? How about the Brits by Germany? No one complained about the Russians going full bore after Germany. All the people complaining about Israel going full bore after Hamas should have thought about this beforehand as they supported Palestinians who are Islamic extremists. If MBS and the Saudis want people, defang Hamas, Hezbollah, and the other Islamist groups.

It’s very easy to say this for the Times and MBS and others, right up till it’s their people being slaughtered.

Read: NY Times Thrilled To Report Saudi Arabia Warns Of Wider War »

Could You Survive A Zombie Apocalypse?

It’s an interesting concept. I read a lot of zombie books. A lot. There a bunch of authors I read now, and have read, that have done some great zombie stuff, be it the walking dead type or something similar. Jake Bible had a great series starting in the NC mountains, and has started doing a new series. TW Brown has one of the best, his Dead series and spinoffs, because he made sure you knew it was horror, killing people, even main characters, off. He’s disappeared, though. I wonder if COVID got him? So many more. J.S. Patrick has a great series. As does Timothy Long. I just read book 7 by KJ Jones, reading another by Mark Tufo, who is a master at this. Have another by Scott M. Baker in the hopper, and Baleigh Higgins just released book 6 in her series, I’ll read those last 2 after reading some scifi.

What makes a good zombie book? It’s the people surviving. Not the zombies. It can’t be a constant fight against zombies. It’s like other survival ones, be it nuclear war, an EMP, etc. This is what drove people nuts with The Walking Dead: what happens with people? Can’t have constant zombies. Drives me crazy that some do not pick up on using bikes to travel. And to use a slingshot to hit something noisy to divert the zombies away. Bob Howard has done some interesting things, like, what happens when rats have no one trying to eradicate them and a huge amount of food? Creepy. Oh, and spiders. Yeah, he made it skin tingling horror. But, could you  survive?

Would YOU survive a zombie apocalypse? Scientists reveal how long it would take a plague to spread through a city – with terrifying results

From The Walking Dead to The Last Of Us, zombie apocalypses have been staple features of science fiction blockbusters for years.

But what would happen if a zombie takeover happened in the real world?

In a new study, researchers at Aalto University set out to answer this question – with terrifying results.

Their simulations suggest that if a single zombie appeared in Helsinki, there would be just seven hours to completely quarantine the capital – or kill the zombies.

Otherwise, zombies would ‘inevitably overrun the country’, the team says.

Seven hours. Population of 631,695. That is frightening. In some books it takes a while, in some it is fast. A lot would depend on the types of zombies. Fast? Slow? How long does it take to turn? Is it just bites, or do scratches cause it? Any transfer of fluid? I’ve read ones where the military fights back and loses. One great one, Zombie War by Nicholas Ryan, reads as a war journalist getting the stories on how the U.S. military fought back and won. Most zombie authors try and make it real, because that is scarier. People hiding their infected relatives, which invariably causes problems. Going out and not being careful. Wearing proper clothing. Makes me crazy when people were shorts and short sleeves when they get infected by being bit.

‘I shouldn’t have found it surprising, but I was surprised at how quickly we have to react to keep our population alive,’ said Professor Pauliina Ilmonen, who led the study.

‘It made me think about moral issues like the rights of individuals versus the rights of a population.’

Should anyone infected be immediately killed? Yes. But, there’s always people who do not think it through. BD Lutz, most definitely a conservative writer, uses the backdrop of an America that split off into Right America and Blue States United, and early on talked about how liberals did not want to kill them because they were living(ish) beings. Most of the politics are just background, wisely, but, can you see liberals doing that? In others they do not want to kill them until they turn, which causes problems.

Would you survive? I know how to. What to wear. What to do. Where to go. How to travel. To shelter and be quiet. But, even the smartest and most knowledgeable can die.

Oh, and technically zombies are alive. Be better to call them the walking dead, infected dead. But, who cares. Zombies. Seven hours is a terrifying timeframe, if they’re correct.

Read: Could You Survive A Zombie Apocalypse? »

If All You See…

…are melting glaciers from Other People not taking the bus, you might just be a Warmist

The blog of the day is Don Surber, with a post on Harvard supporting terrorism.

A cheeky doubleshot below the fold, check out Flag And Cross, with a post on Chicago residents mad about an illegal alien shelter.

Read More »

Read: If All You See… »

Guy Surrounded By Lots Of People With High Capacity Assault Rifles Wonders Why You Peasants Need One

How many of the people directly protecting Joe Biden carry scary looking rifles? How many of those weapons have high capacity magazines? How many of them are automatic, something illegal for most law abiding American citizens? These are questions none in the Credentialed Media are asking when Joe makes observations, nor of any other high ranking politician

Biden questions ‘who the hell needs’ high capacity assault weapons in wake of Maine shootings

President Joe Biden on Friday night harshly criticized the use of high capacity assault weapons in his first public remarks on gun violence following this week’s shooting in Maine that left at least 18 people dead.

Speaking at a campaign fundraiser in Washington, D.C., Biden asked: “Who the hell needs an assault weapon that can hold, in some cases, up to 100 rounds?”

Without referring to the Lewiston shootings directly, Biden said it was “outrageous what’s happening.”

Why? Why not? It’s built into the Constitution. And if it’s good enough for protecting the POTUS it’s good enough for We The People. Elected and government officials are not meant to live under different rules than the people they serve. And it doesn’t matter if they need or want them. As long as the government is allowed them so are we

In a statement Thursday, Biden urged congressional Republicans to work with Democrats to ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, to enact universal background checks, to require safe storage of guns, and to suspend gun manufacturers’ “immunity from liability.”

“This is the very least we owe every American who will now bear the scars — physical and mental — of this latest attack,” Biden said in the statement.

Well, ban all government from carry them and we have a deal. Military members cannot carry them off base on US soil. And no one may carry them while protecting the White House, POTUS, the VP, or any federal agencies. That seems fair.

Safe storage is simply a method to make the guns of private citizens worthless for protection. Universal background checks is to make sure the government knows every single gun citizens own and where they keep them. Removing immunity is a stealth measure to sue gun owners out of business here in the U.S., except for possibly making weapons for government.

Oh, and then, with nothing happening in the US or world, Biden blew out to Delaware for the weekend. Who will be protecting Biden now and for the rest of his life with scary looking rifles with extended magazines and are automatic.

Read: Guy Surrounded By Lots Of People With High Capacity Assault Rifles Wonders Why You Peasants Need One »

There’s A Global Yout Revolution With Global Boiling Or Something

Strangely, not that many are reducing their own carbon footprints. They’re taking lots of unnecessary fossil fueled trips, using massive amounts of energy for their smartphones and streaming shows, vids, and movies, buying lots of fast fashion, having lots of food delivered via fossil fueled vehicles, and more. Is it really a revolution if they yammer and protest but don’t actually do a thing in their own lives?

Climate change is driving a global youth revolution

The Climate Generation looks like Atlas Sarrafo?lu, a boyish 16-year-old with a shy smile, Nike high tops, and a cardboard sign of accusation: “Your mistakes, our future.” He has it resting next to him by a park bench in Istanbul along the banks of the Bosporus, where growing up he played soccer and listened to rap music.

The sign, in some ways, is the easiest of his protests in his authoritarian-leaning country. Earlier this year, the teen filed a lawsuit against the Turkish government demanding it fulfill the commitment it made, along with most of the world, to lower the amount of heat-trapping gases it sends into the atmosphere.

Maybe a court action, he hoped, would make the grown-ups pay attention. He knew other young people had tried that in their countries.

Do they understand that they are suing to get the government to crack down on their own life choices? To control them and take away their freedom and money?

Jakapita Kandanga, a 26-year-old Namibian climate activist, is also working to respond to the world’s increasingly disrupted weather patterns, from floods and droughts to heat waves and fires. She has felt the impact of these changes. During her childhood, when the rains stopped in rural Namibia, Ms. Kandanga’s father couldn’t sell his cattle – and she couldn’t attend school.

They actually believe this claptrap. That’s what cult indoctrination does.

“I just want that everybody has equal resources to survive the climate crisis,” she says. Everyone should have access to education, she adds: “Everyone should have the tools to survive.”

Yeah, well, life ain’t fair, sweetie. How, exactly do they want to redistribute all the resources? Sounds a lot like Marxism.

Climate change is shaping a mindset revolution.

If the Industrial Revolution rippled across the globe and human consciousness with new definitions of progress, time, responsibility, and work, the climate crisis is redefining those conceptions. In our travels, we met innovators and regenerators, activists and adapters, conservationists and challengers. All of them, in their own ways, are pushing back against the silos in which we’ve understood our world in industry, environment, or geography. They are seizing on a crisis moment to tackle the inequalities and injustices that have long saddled their nations – crafting a new ethos about consumption, “progress,” and what it means to have a good life.

Let’s see them practice what they preach, and I might consider what they’re selling.

Read: There’s A Global Yout Revolution With Global Boiling Or Something »

NY Times Seems Surprised Lots Of Jew Hating Young Democrat Voters Are Upset With Biden

Again, this is nothing new: young liberals in college have long taken the side of the Palestinians and showed Israel/Jew hatred. That attitude has grown exponentionally over the years, especially with the growth of the Internet and on smartphones

Democrats Splinter Over Israel as the Young, Diverse Left Rages at Biden

The Democratic Party’s yearslong unity behind President Joe Biden is beginning to erode over his steadfast support of Israel in its escalating war with the Palestinians, with a left-leaning coalition of young voters and people of color showing more discontent toward him than at any point since he was elected.

From Capitol Hill to Hollywood, in labor unions and liberal activist groups, and on college campuses and in high school cafeterias, a raw emotional divide over the conflict is convulsing liberal America.

While moderate Democrats and critics on the right have applauded Biden’s backing of Israel, he faces new resistance from an energized faction of his party that views the Palestinian cause as an extension of the racial and social justice movements that dominated American politics in the summer of 2020.

In protests, open letters, staff revolts and walkouts, liberal Democrats are demanding that Biden break with decades long U.S. policy and call for a cease-fire.

The Democrat base has become more and more radicalized this Century and has been willing to listen and follow all the Muslim extremist propaganda. Much like every Good Democrats must be an abortion fanatic, hate guns (even if they own them), and Believe in ‘climate change’, among others, they must also take the side of the Palestinian terrorists and bash Israel and Jews.

The political power of the Israel skeptics within the party is untested, with more than a year remaining until the 2024 presidential election. Their efforts have been fractious and disorganized, and they have little agreement on how much blame to lay at Biden’s feet or whether to punish him in November 2024 if he ignores their pleas.

And yet Biden is already struggling with low Democratic enthusiasm, and it would not take much of a slip in support from voters who backed him in 2020 to throw his reelection bid into question. His margin of victory in key battleground states was just a few thousand votes — hardly enough to spare a significant drop-off from young voters alienated by his loyalty to a right-wing Israeli government they see as hostile to their values.

And that’s the rub: will they refuse to vote for Biden in 2024? Will they get out and vote for other Dems and leave the presidential spot empty or vote someone else? Or stay home? Democrat voters are fanatical, and you can usually anticipate them getting out no matter what. If Hitler ran as a Democrats they’d get out the vote, and that’s not getting too crazy.

Perhaps most concerning for Biden is that in the halls of Congress, the most critical Democratic voices are Black and Hispanic Democrats who helped fuel his 2020 victory. As of Thursday, all 18 House members who had signed onto a resolution calling for an “immediate de-escalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine” were people of color.

They are all the most insane, wackadoodle, loony tunes ones, most are members of the Democratic Socialist wing, and many are themselves Muslim extremists, influencing the others.

“We process pain, deprivation and cruelty personally, having either encountered it in our current lives or having had historical connections to it with our ancestors,” said Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman of New Jersey, one of the cease-fire resolution’s co-sponsors. “So we understand that cruelty and war and violence do not have positive outcomes.”

This is the nutbaggery of the social justice movement, where they look at things that mostly happened 50+ years ago, put themselves in the Narrative, and then commiserate with groups who are designated terrorist organizations by the U.S., EU, and UN.

For Democrats in Congress and in liberal groups in Washington, pressure to oppose Biden’s Israel policy is bubbling up from younger, more progressive staff members who have grown up in an environment more doubtful about Israel.

If they do not like it they can resign and go work elsewhere. Anyway, it is a long piece which basically says that these young Democrats, and some older ones, are Jew and Israel haters and support Islamic terrorist groups.

Read: NY Times Seems Surprised Lots Of Jew Hating Young Democrat Voters Are Upset With Biden »

Pirate's Cove